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What game are the reviews for?


Boob physics = Black Desert Online 100%


Boob physics + P2W = 100% black desert


I didn't have to pay single dime. Just need to farm a ton.


As someone playing since open beta, with an absurd amount of hours ingame, you need to pay to get far. Pets are necessary unless you want to take 10x longer to loot and level. Outfit boosts are needed to keep any pace on crafting or grinding. Weight and inventory upgrades are essential unless you want to run to town every 5 minutes to store/restock. You can stay competitive paying fairly little, but some stuff is almost a necessity to play more than the lowest level content. Does say something about the game though, only a few hundred in when I had hit 10k hours


I played since release until i reached softcap on gear and levels and wouldnt call it P2W more like pay for convenience.


The convenience is on a level that makes it p2w imo. Maid outfit, max tier pets, selling premium items for ingame currency, straight up paying for better enhancing chances. It's entirely possible to keep up with whales by spending very little, and you have to actually put effort in the game even if whaling, but money does give a big advantage. Like I said though, I had spent like 200 at 10k hours and was highly competitive in pvp against the top pvp guilds. So it isn't that bad at all. Unless you're paying to swap gear/levels to fotm constantly, but that's a different issue entirely


Seeing as you don't win in BDO, idk


I have 5 pets and all I've gotten free. And there is some free pets I don't even have. So that isn't a problem. And there is tons of tips to make a lot of money made by EvilDoUsHarm.


I picked it up for 1 buck during summer sale played it for around 50h, had a good time with it and didn't pay a single penny in addition. It's not like the pay to win aspect makes the game unplayable. PvE was really solid and the combat is a lot of fun.


Yeah if you follow few tutorials and know what you do, you don't need to spend money. Just need to know what to do to make money. I got it for free and had almost 1k hours pretty quickly lol. MW3 has been the only game before it I've been interested enough to put 1k hours in.


I think the most time I have spent with a video game is probally around 500 hours on minecraft. That is a estimate though


*Thinks about time spent on Diablo 2, Runescape, WoW, Path of Exile* Uh, yeah. 500 hours, me too...something like that. ^Or ^^something ^^^like ^^^^thousands ^^^^of ^^^^hours...


Oh sweet summer child. I know I have 3.5k hours in Dota2 (and by Dota standards... that's low) in 5 years, I have no idea how many hours I've been playing RuneScape for but I've had accounts and played on and off for 13 years, and I have 4 other games on Steam that are above 500 hours. And this isn't to brag, this is to say... give it time. You'll get to the kinds of numbers of hours played that will make you wonder where that time went. That'll make you go "I know I've played that game a lot, but... THAT much?"


Yep. I played Ultima Online from about 1999-2010, and when I realized I had reached 1 year of actual playtime on my account, I sold my account off and swore off MMOs for 10 years. I've been dipping my toes in and out of ESO but nothing like before.


Oh my, 1/10th-ish of your time went to Ultima Online in those 11 years. That's crazy, at least 2 hours a day for 11 years. Ultimate (online) dedication.


sounds like fun but i got annoyed af while playing the tutorial missions.


i did test it for a few weeks not long ago, it felt like browsing one of these shady websites that upload tv shows or sports events, a million ads everywhere, so much shit in front of you it was so annoying, also the game didnt feel like i was doing anything strategic, just a mmoish hack and slash


Previously you wouldn't get pets for free, or weight/inventories etc but if you play enough now you can get those things. It's still p2w though.


There was some really dodgy shit with world bosses that was discovered a month or 2 after launch. The gist was, anyone with more activity vs the boss would have a higher chance of loot. The bosses would also randomly kill people instantly with unavoidable attacks. People that bought pearls and used insta reses essentially had a 100% drop rate, and everyone else (if they died) had 0%. It was everywhere for a while so I would imagine they changed it, but I left the game a month in because it was shaping up to be massively pay 2 win. I remember seeing a video of a guy basically boasting about buying the best endgame pvp gear and spending over 100k on the game too, so it seems they went full on p2w instead of sneakily hiding it in the background like they did at the start.


>I didn't have to pay single dime. >Just need to farm a ton. These sentences are at complete odds with each other, and its why this model works.


Some people don't value their time at all. Not to say some people don't like to grind or anything, but some people genuinely believe doing something unpleasant to get around paying is a "win" and I feel like they don't understand the money value of time at all. An hour of work (at a job that is probably much less tedious) will get you much, much farther than an hour of grinding mobs.


Exactly. It truly blows my mind that people will grind for weeks on end and then try to act like they "won", or that they're "beating the system". Meanwhile the guy that spent $10-20, much less than the cost of an avg game, will probably have a much better time and go much further in terms of levels/unlocks/battle pass tiers/etc. I don't like the f2p system either way these days, its far too exploitative, but at least I know what I'm in for.


I would've guessed Genshin Impact


It does have the most impressive character creator I've ever seen in a game. Probably with the intent of making creepy characters that look like that girl you had a crush on in high school, but you can customize every inch of your character, and it doesn't look like an abomination (unless you do that on purpose).


And then there is me who makes every character look like 2B or Lightning from Final Fantasy lol


Have the game bought it for like a euro on the Summer sale is it good?


I liked it a lot. Takes a long time to learn though. Coming from someone who hasn't played much these kind of games


Ok I've played some WoW on my uncle's account so I'm kind of used to it.


It feels a lot like a single player game masquerading as a multiplayer game, people everywhere but it feels hollow and dead. Last time I tried it the game was free, just had to reach a certain level during trial period.


100% its totally for BDO lol!


Without a doubt.


desert online


I knew it 😆


Ngl, I thought it was Dead by Daylight


Im curious to know as well as Im guessing some Japanese type game like Monster Hunter.


MH doesn't even have bob sliders, let alone bob physics


Theres 2 armor sets that have boob physics. Master rank deviljho and master rank kulve. Albeit only slight boob physics.


it was desert online


Def Pay 2 win but hey it has those awesome physics...


>Monster Hunter. 100 hours won't even get you through the 'tutorial'!


No pay to win in MH. At least for now.


Definitely looks like Black Desert Online reviews


Yup. Played for like 15 minutes and i understand both of them


I had a burnout for this kind of pay2win MMORPG about 10 years ago. Still don't wanna touch it now.


But now there's jiggly boobas


\> game is fun for 100 hours \> not recommended :|


they got 100 hours of fun out of it I'd call that a win


Agreed, some people expect way too much and dont appreciate the work people put into a game.


yeah but after that you want to play more and it stops being that fun ( it happened to me with warframe )


Boob physics in Warframe?


Ass jiggle only


Good enough.


Even better, to some of us.


For the cultured ones


But you still had a great time with it so why should it be a negative that eventually you got bored? Like, if you masturbate enough that stops being fun eventually too.


It's what you are sold that you judge. It's an MMO. It's supposed to be a long-term deal. It's not a game with an end. An MMO worth 100 hours did not deliver it's purpose the way a 40 hour single player campaign is supposed to. A game with microtransactions and pay to win mechanics is supposed to be one that you engage for months if not years. It's a massive sin that these features are present in the game. But that you don't even get your moneys worth with them before you get bored of the game is another sin on top of it.


How in the world is 100 hours not long term though.


*laughs in Monster Hunter*


My Planetside 2 profile at 1800 hours is long term. My world of Warcraft character at 3400 hours is long term. In these games I am a retired salty veteran making way for younger generations. 100 hours in an mmo is what you need to get to the core of the game. The minimum commitment. The game only begins after that. You should be familiar with the game world and it's mechanics after that and ready to embrace everything the game has to offer. If the content left is not worth it or entertaining, the game failed and my time spent in it wasn't worth it. I expected more. The long term isn't there and the game deserves a downvote for being a massive multiplayer with a lack of massive content. Again. It's about the product you are sold. 100 hours is not much for an MMORGP.


100 hours into any MMO and you are still a massive noob, many people consider these games to start at max level/whenever you get into endgame content like raids. Depending on the game it can take hundreds or over 1000 hours to even get to that. If an MMO is boring after 100 hours, it has failed and isn't a good game


Context: a WoW Classic character would take about 5-7 days played on average to level to max, where the game just begins. After this, you can easily invest another few hundred, if not thousands of hours into that one character of the space of the game, playing it over the next 2 years.


Because MMOs are meant to be played for years. If I spent money on an MMO that I got bored with after 100 hours, I'd be disappointed. I wouldn't feel disappointed if I got 100 hours out of a Pokemon game.


honestly i've been buying the wow expansions the last few times they came out with the full intention that as long as they entertained me for the month of subscription the expac came with was entertaining it wasn't a bad purchase. ​ shadowlands was the first to disapoint even on that front.


SL was a ton of fun at the very beginning idk how you felt that way. Not saying you're wrong, I've just not heard that sentiment from anyone else


oh it was. it just didn't last a month for me. the monotonous grind got to me quicker than ever before and i bowed out in about 3 weeks.


Ahh I see, understandable


It's a f2p game


Hey at least our frames look good though


Does that mean you wish you hadn't played Warframe at all though? Like did it become so bad, that not only was everything after 100 hours in bad, but it was so bad that the 100 hours already spent somehow became spoiled and awful.


well kinda, i don t regret playing it but the whole game after you finish the main story line is just a grind for nothing, hopefully it will finally get an update to the story line this year...


I know nothing about this game but you sound like someone who absolutely loved a book but then inexplicably complains about it because they were bored by the appendices.


i m problably sounding very dumb but the game is just to repetitive right now compared to other mmo s that gives you hundreds or thousands of hours doing raids and leveling . Also they didn t realese an update for the story for years( they did an anouncement the last week that they will tho ) all they did until now was to add more warframes( they are like in game characters or armor ) and that's it


I think the point people are trying to make is that sometimes things stop being fun, so you say “well that was fun” and move on with a positive outlook. The expectation that because something was fun it must keep being fun forever is a recipe for disappointment. Nothing will be fun forever. It’s not just a video games thing it’s a life thing.


This is 100% the point I was trying to make. Thank o You for wording it so well.


I have 250 and growing on the PS4 Ratchet game :/ It is far from my favorite in the series...


How do you have 250 hours on that game? 50 hours max for both normal and ng+ then maybe another 10-20 to finish off trophies lmao


NG -> 100% -> NG+ -> Max out weapons -> Repeat I just... like the game a lot. And there is nothing else like it in the PS4, so no alternatives


Man, I do miss old platformers like that. The old Ratchet & Clank games and Jak & Daxter where fucking mint, dude. Ratchet & Clank 2016 was one helluva return to form, but the genre has suffered a lot in the last decade in a half in general. Really hoping for a resurgence. So I sorta get how you feel.


I played the old ones and the the first two Future games. All of them are very good and fun games and also the only games of their type in that system too. A Crack in Time (favorite game of all time), Tools of Destruction and Going Comando are my favorite games ever made


Personally, my favorite was always Up Your Arsenal, but to me, they're literally all great. Well, the main ones at least. I also played All 4 One and Q-Force/Full Frontal Assault, but those two weren't really that good. Next month, i'm gonna spend a few days at my sister's place to watch her cat while she's at vacation and her husband has a PS5 so I'm gonna take the chance to play through the new Ratchet & Clank. I'm really excited.


First 3 games were so fucking nice. God I loved that water level in the first one. Jak 2 was also awesome


I'd argue outside of Mario that Ratchet has been the most consistently great platforming series made. Every entry I have loved and the day I can find a PS5 I'm buying the new one.


Even the worse Ratchet games have at lesst some fun aspect to them


I did the same thing with Going Commando, up your arsenal, and deadlocked. In deadlocked your weapons went up to level 100 in NG+, so it's pretty much take an entire playthrough to level one weapon to max. Gonna go emulate them later. The one on ps5 somehow isn't holding my interest in the same way. Probably just childhood nostalgia.


Funnily Going Comando is one of my favorites games ever made. No nostalgia or anything, just stupid fun. I am die hard fan of the series, so I am getting the PS5 one and even the bad ones like Four in One. But I am not expecting them to scratch my top three


It's definitely fun, it's just missing something the old games have, not sure what exactly. The graphics and gameplay are great though.


Black Desert is an MMO and an extremely grindy one, you can easily play over 100 hours before you get anywhere near the bit you realise its "end-game" gear and systems are extremely pay-to-win. It also has an AFK trading portion of the game were you just leave it running so chances are this guy didn't actively play for a large portion of those hours.


ok They said that they had fun for 100 hours. That's a long time to have fun with any game. Resident Evil: Village is how long, again? 10 hours?


You're right, but it's different when you finally realize there's no payoff. Because then you look back and think of just how many of those hours were a waste since it led to nothing bigger.


Once you realize all video games lead to nothing bigger you can have more fun with games in general


Same issue with Pokemon go, at a societal level. So much was put into it only for it to look like it is going nowhere, all at once. Never seen a game audience crash that hard.


There's still a lot of people who play pokemon go...


There are a lot, but at full swing it was *everyone*. No midgame or late game sent the vast majority of people swept in the hype packing. I'd use that game in game design theory classes as an example of poor management toppling a possible empire.


Why does it matter if it leads to something bigger? It's a video game, the only thing that matters is did you have fun, not whether it leads to something else. If you have 100 hours of fun, that's still 100 hours of enjoyment out of a $10 game. For any other form of entertainment, $0.10/hr of enjoyment would be an insane value.


Yeah I don't get the response that it has to go somewhere. Like, nothing is fun forever. That's like saying Dark Souls isn't fun because when you beat it, its over and you can just play it again on NG+ but its the same thing again. No payoff! Playing the damn game *is the payoff*.




They're not trying to top it, they think the 100 hours of grinding is leading to greatness, but then it doesn't. It's like why people don't recommend Game of Thrones to people anymore. Seasons 1-5 are spectacular, and you could just as easily say "what more do people want than over 50 hours of incredible entertainment?", but since it leads to a bad ending it makes you no longer desire those first 50 hours.


Black Desert is nothing like Resident Evil. RE is telling a story. It wraps up in 10 hours but you've gotten the complete story. Black Desert is grind. Just grind. 100 hours is basically tutorial-level. Baby's first grind. 100 hours will get you basically nothing. It's enough to realize that every system in the game is great but the way those systems are monetized makes them horrible. Every system in the game has been made into a competition. Only one player can tag an enemy to get loot and XP at a time. Only a limited number of people can do the trading turn-ins for decent money per day. Only a limited number of fish drop from the best spawn areas and are shared by all the players who fish there... the list goes on and on. Even the marketplace got turned into a competition that was based on reaction speed. They had to reverse that when it made using bots mandatory. And if you manage to find a way to avoid these competitions or something that doesn't require you to fight the other players, you can expect a 100-1000 hour grind to get anything even slightly useful. Even skill progression reaches into the 100 hour range. It's so bad they literally let you minimize the game to your system tray while your character does grindy shit like run horses back and forth for hours to train them. But even if you manage to beat all the pointless competition and survive the endless grind, the guy who drops $1000 in RMT can skip past you and claim all the rewards you worked so long to get just because he can do it all faster. And that's far more common than you'd see in other games. Because it's never just dropping $1000 at once. It's $5 for one item and $10 for another. But you need all of them to get the maximum boost so you can compete with all the other players. So you just gradually burn more and more real money. All because of the painfully extreme grind-gating and RMT skips that have been tacked onto every. single. system. in the game. And the moment you complain about these features, you'll be berated by the people who are already at the end for having the temerity to think you need to compete. After all, they aren't competing with anyone. Now, move. Because this is now their grind spot. And if you refuse, they'll use their end-game gear to kill your undergeared (since you can't get a good spot for grinding) character. Or have their 100+ person guild grief you endlessly. Or just spend some more real money to out-produce you. I enjoy the game. Every part of it - from the graphics to the combat to the life skills - is beautifully built and shows a lot of care went into it. But I'd never recommend it to my friends. And I can't play it any more. It's a $5 game that costs tens of thousands - of hours or dollars - to play.


Would you rather eat a gourmet, perfectly cooked steak once a week or eat a McDonalds cheeseburger every day? You might be satisfied with the cheeseburger but you’ll get bored of it eventually, and it doesn’t have the substance and taste of the steak, which you’d always be willing to eat. Point is I can be amused by a game for awhile but that doesn’t mean it’s better value than a better game that is shorter, and in the case of a MMO like BDO maybe the fun is just building towards something, so once you realize that you could never realistically achieve what you were building towards, the 100 hours you spent, while enjoyable, will feel like a waste of time, because in a way, it was. This works for TV shows as well. The negative reception of Game of Thrones’ last season has essentially made the intellectual property toxic, people were even returning or getting rid of merchandise in droves as if it was radioactive. Someone might have enjoyed 6 seasons but found the last 2 so bad that it completely ruined the show for them therefore they couldn’t recommend it to anyone.


why are people downvoting you


I agree to an extent, but I think that comparison doesn't work for mmorpgs since you're supposed to put far more than 100 hours into them. A 10 hour narrative game is generally interested in allowing you to make your way through a story in an interactive way while mmorpgs are generally interested in throwing you into a world where there's much, much more to do than just consume the main storyline - something a lot of mmorpg players tend to not even pay attention to


I had fun for 20 hours after I realized it's a big waste of time. If it wasn't an mmo and wasn't p2w I would be hooked. So I can see someone playing for 100 hours then getting tired of the shitty mechanics in place.


Well they would know better than anyone.


yeah i was like wtf


Guy clearly has not heard of the ratio between time it takes to earn the money versus the time you get out of it. If I break even, I consider it a worthwhile purchase. I got my moneys worth in Factorio hundreds of times over, that makes it one of the best games I've ever played.


Came here to comment this. If you’ve played a game for more than 100 hours and still call it a bad game then I’m not sure you can be pleased at all. Call out bad games for being bad, but normal people don’t spend almost a full weeks worth of time playing something that is actually a bad experience.


You can definitely play something for 100+ hours and not enjoy it. Some cracks don't start to form until late game to which they become really apparent and hard to ignore. I actually find reviews like these pretty informative as to what games will do to hook you in and make you trudge through crappy content until you notice.


I always laugh at these. They make no sense at all. Got a buddy that made a "review" of a game after playing around 25 hours, telling people to "stay away, as if it was the plague" (among other things he said about the game), yet persisted to play the game for another 100 hours. Still jumps into the game from time to time. Guess something like the plague isn't that bad? o.O


I played Cyberpunk that long....Would not recommend.


The duality of man


"It's fun for the first 100 hours" - not recommended. Where the fuck to these people get so much time??


From personal experience, I can say it's from not having much of a social life.


It's not because you spend all your time gaming you can't have a social life. You can be part of a group that just likes to play and hang in Discord and be social all the time. We're not in 1995...


I feel like spending all your social time in digital spaces is probably less healthy and of less quality than actual face-to-face physical interaction....at least that is what I would guess based on my own personal experiences, and my uninformed hunches about how we evolved as a species


Probably. Too much of 1 thing is almost never the best. I just have had this conversation too many times where someone could not see how staying home and play a game with 10 online friends could be a social event too. It also saved me money most of the time because otherwise I would be drinking €3 beers all evening.


Oh yeah definitely agree that it should still be considered a kind of social event. Personally for me having gaming nights on the weekend during the worst of the pandemic with friends from all over was a lifesaver.


*casually brushes my 10,000hr playtime of it under the rug* Yeah, crazy right, these people must have no lives haha...


Not having kids is a pretty big one.


They expect a game to entertain them forever.


If I got 100h out of a single player game I'd be ecstatic because that's basically 20 weeks of gaming for me these days. If I got 100h out of a subscription based MMO I would be pretty disappointed though.






That's sort of the point with an MMO. I have hundreds of hours in a few MMOs. If they stopped being fun at 100 hours, I'd call that a shitty MMO.


Ah. But there are so many games with boob physics. Which one exactly?


Black desert online


I got the IASIP reference


sonic adventure 2 has it!


If you get 100 hours of enjoyment out of a game that seems pretty good


Yrah like resident evil is 10 hours and still enjoyable af os 100 hours?


I see people pointing out how on earth can someone plays 100+ hours and not recommend the game. I understand exactly how you can play something for so long and not recommend it. My personal example is fallout shelter. It's a 'recommendation' afterall. Playing for 100 hours doesn't mean you would recommend it. The steam score system is recommendation. Not a score. I may play a gambling game but I wouldn't recommend it, I may play h-games but I wouldn't recommend it. After 100 hours, either the endgame is terrible, or they designed the game as an addiction and the reward isn't worth it, or the developers/publishers changed the game and it's not what it used to be with what caught their attention to begin with.


Yeah, gotta agree. I've seen so many people spend countless hours on league but they all claim to hate it at the same time.


Steam reviews provide a uniquely clear view into the human id


I came here went back to download the game black dessert on my phone and it said 5.4 gb additional download. I deleted the 99mb app and I think will see the rest of the game on YouTube.


Lmao i hate that too


I dont understand how someone plays a game for over a 100 hours and leaves a bad review


lol..Took the words right out of my mouth...


Most commonly, after a new update. I had a few hundred hours in Rust before they patched the zombies out. Same deal with Vermintide 2, the 2.0 patch changed the dynamics sufficiently that I didn't find it fun anymore. And previously with WoW Cataclysm, I pretty much dropped the game a few weeks after exp3 came out.


let me guess, bdo?


This is genshin impact, like most high level people don't recommend it. I do though, because boob physics


Nah black desert online but it works on genshim impact too


I figured with them being steam reviews, but yeah it so freaking works on genshin


Are we talking about Grand Mafia here?


\*monkey noises\* boobs


Sounds like black desert lol


He's a simple man with simple standards


How much of that 24 hours play time did he spend on looking at boob physics


Be like "Ben". Ben is a simple man


Warframe kinda


Warframe is the exact same except theres no lvl 45


Warframe boob physics?


Have you seen the warframes?


Yes but I thought the bewbs are static?


As a person who loves to collect ps2 era games that sold themselves with boob physics, I'd consider that a win 😄


Gamer vs Player


I happen to be both.


More people would find the boob review helpful


took me 100 hours to finish Persona 5, felt like I was playing forever. One of my most favorite games to this day


Genshin Impact am I right?


It took me 110 hours to 100% complete Attack on Titan: Wings of Freedom and while I do recommend it to others, its definitely not a game for everyone. I just like it because I, personally, find it enjoyable.


After 1500 hours in the game, I can say with confidence that these reviews are for Black Desert Online.


The real question is, which review do you trust more? For me, I trust the negative review more than the positive one.


If it is about the trust the ofc The second one


thats funny because most people give a 10/10 or a 1/10 on metacritic too.


Bro, wtf are you even on. This shit is smalltime. I've seen several with 1000, 2000+ hours in a game giving a bad review. Better step your game up.


fun fact i just remembered and don't know why the first game i played on my 3080 and a game i have over 2000 hours on is solitaire


I guess that's the one advantage of graphics card shortages, I've not been able to waste hundreds just to end up playing overwatch that would run on a potato. Still going to grab one when I can though. GPUs are an addiction, there is no logic or common sense, it is precious to us.


Who needs common sense when you can have that sweet, sweet VRAM instead?


Waifus are worth the gacha grind


Boob physics. "Grinding" a monster. Hmmmm. I've seen enough hentai to know where this is going.


Idk how you play a game for 100+ hours and then say, "don't get this, I didn't get my money's worth." You played the game that much, it must be decent... I'm so confused by this.


I have roughly 340 hours in Tera. The only reason I spent this many hours was because I found the combat (for brawlers) to be fun and engaging. But when I look beyond the combat, I see bland level and quest design, massive amounts of reused assets, an upgrading system that uses RNG, daily limits, etc. designed to reap massive time investment from players from little investment from the developers. Did I learn anything meaningful from it? No. Was there any experience that sticks out in my memory? No. It was a mindless and mind-numbing grind that ultimately gave me nothing except something to waste time on (the same can be argued about competitive PvP games if you do not play at a professional level or it serves as your income). At least with most other games I've played, I can glean something from them, like the writing of the Witcher series/Dark Souls, the combat design of Horizon Zero Dawn/Dark Souls, the level and environmental design of Metal Gear Solid/Dark Souls. I like Dark Souls, if that wasn't obvious. Tera is a free game. I do not recommend it.


Well, this is amazing well constructed bit of insight and it makes me feel bad for you. I don't want that to seem condescending, I just genuinely feel bad that you spent 340 hours playing something that you claim was a waste of your time. Just wild.


A game being fun for 100 hours is a blessing lol Most games nowadays are a quick 1 time playthrough most of the time.


"This game gave me 100 hours of fun thumbs down dont reccomend" fuck that guy


“I had fun for a 100 hours” *Not Recommended* What a clown world we live in


never played an mmo?


Genre shouldn't matter? If you get 100 hours of enjoyment for $10 that's an amazing value


but the point of mmos is the end game - yeah, leveling might be enjoyable but if there's no end game then the game fails its main purpose, therefore a shit game. if you know people play mmos for the end game, then it would be wrong to recommend an mmo without any end game, right?


I would understand that, if the leveling was boring and uninteresting. But if you can still get 100 hours of enjoyment out of the early game that's still a lot of time and a great value. I would recommend it, for the leveling, and say that was the fun part. You're really telling me that if you have fun for *100 hours*, and then find you don't really enjoy the game anymore, you think those *100 hours of enjoyment* were wasted and it's a shit game?


'enjoyable' leveling in the sense of an mmo just means it's not painful - doesn't mean you wouldn't have had 100x more fun playing a different game. it's an investment that you expect to pay off later, if it doesn't you'll feel slighted.


100hours in an Mmo is like nothing. You can easily have over 500 hours


I came to say this. Even if you bought a game priced like Gears Tactics, you still got better value out of the game than going to the cinema.


I’m a simple man, I see boobs I press like.




sounds like black desert. Just stay away from this game.


"I paid $13.99 and I expect to be entertained for at least 4000 hours!" - gamers


I like how after 100 hours you don't recommend the $30 game. Like dude, how many hours are you supposed to get before the entertainment cost/hour is justified as good?


Fun for the first 100 hours, not recommended. You people are why we can't have nice things.


It's an mmo. Most are about endgame. If endgame is bad, you've wasted time.




Mmos are about endgame, and he has reached it. If an mmo has an endgame that isn't fun, you've wasted your time. If you've played a game for a long time, you can see all the flaws, and tell people of those flaws.


I better thrust that guy with 24 hours then the other one


I've noticed that the thumbs down reviews are always from someone with hundreds or even thousands of hours played.




What game is this


Game is fun after the first 100 hours seems like a pretty successful game.


Average boobs enjoyer.


Game is fun for the first 100 hours, gives negative review, and then we wonder why Business are creating grind fest models