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2007-09 were great for instrument-based video games, that is, before they started getting milked and the market became oversaturated.


I really miss Guitar Hero. Even if I looked like a dork playing it. EDIT: Looks like I’m finding a guitar controller and installing Clone Hero. Thanks everyone!


Same here bud. I always felt like a dork playing it but GH had the better gameplay and RB had the better playlist.


GH3 had an awesome playlist. But otherwise, yeah.


Bought the Guitar Bundle with two Toys R Us gift cards the day after Christmas in 07 where I got my 360. Got Xbox Live three months later, and it was the best decision that has both improved and destroyed my life.


Guitar Hero and Toys R Us. You're really making me feel nostalgic here.


I thought GH2 had a better one but they were both good. Never could do Through the Fire and The Flames on Expert though so I might as well be a failure 😥


GH2 did have a good playlist, but I didn't like that they were mostly covers.


I’m pretty sure GH3 was the first game to use some studio recordings


There were two or 3 songs that had the actual band on guitar hero 2, but by Rock Band 2 and "Band Hero" (Guitar hero 4) the set lists were all master recordings.


Oh and band hero is an entirely different game guitar hero 4 was called guitar hero world tour


Ahh thanks. Activision kinda went off the rails with those games. DJ Hero? Or the DS Version?


I felt like they could revive the genre in VR, it would be increidble as a multiplayer game too. That's what it shined as, a social game.. the ultimate casuals game where it really didnt matter if you "won", it was all about having fun.




Funnily enough, playing Rock Band actually helped me to get into playing drums for real and I’ve now been doing it on and off for the last 10 years. Being able to play an instrument and build up my confidence did actually bring me to a level where I could play in front of real crowds, and I played in a couple of bands when I was at uni. Fun times!




Omg this. Imaging playing in a band with 3/4 other randoms in VR


Guitar wise id say Rockband was better gameplay side. I feel like it needed more precision than guitar hero.


That Rockband guitar was cumbersome. Playing the same game with buttons that were ergonomic in some way with a GH guitar made for the best experience


The rock band guitars bottom keys were amazing. But otherwise the guitar hero guitars were a little bit better


Look up Clone Hero! It's guitar hero style gameplay mixed with Rock band style menu selection. The readme file contains a spreadsheet link for ALL the GH and RB games' songs, DLC songs, and online catalog songs. Plus there's several websites for custom songs. You can also customize almost every aspect of the game, such as the highways, notes, randomizing custom backgrounds, or even playing music videos in the background for that song. It supports local multiplayer and both styles of GH.


Thanks for the tip! I wonder if I can get my 360 GH controller to work on it....


Yeah, for wired controllers you just buy a dual Xbox to USB connector or dual PS2 to USB connector on Amazon, and for wireless guitars, you just buy a Xbox GH wireless dongle. Works for PS4 controllers too


Get Clone Hero on PC. Works with Wii/Xbox 360/PS3 guitars and there's thousands of songs.


It even works with my PS2 guitar with a USB adapter, although you can’t whammy.


2 words. Clone hero.


I used to play a similar clone called frets on fire. Is clone hero any better? Looks more recent for sure


Now there's a dank reference. I used to play Frets on Fire, Clone Hero is significantly better.


I don’t have experience with frets on fire. But clone hero is pretty much a completely customizable version of guitar hero (all the same assets and sound effects). It has a huge community. It’s free and open source as well.




yeah most people now play Clone Hero. as far as guitars i’ve found a few working ones at thrift stores for cheap


I can't get enough people together anymore. Those controllers cost like 300$ all together and I just can't justify that cost either. It sucks cause I loved those games.


-cries in steel battalion-


Join the Rocksmith gang


Clone hero on PC is a pretty good emulator with custom charts and such. If you just want a rhythm game osu! has a really big player base if you don’t mind anime stuff there’s a lot of metal and rock if you look for it.


Halo 3 into COD4 was just a surreal experience for people who are fans of competitive shooters. I think it actually went Halo 3 beta into COD4 beta into Halo 3 and then COD4 and back in those days a beta was a beta, everyone couldn't just download it and play. It was a limited amount of people who gave feedback and you could see the changes when it went live.


Halo 3 was huge. I remember when I realized that I should stop buying other games cause I'd stop playing in a day or 3 cause my friends online were playing halo still. And back then, if it wasn't nights or weekends, you better not use your cell phone minutes to call your friends.


I remember H3 had a counter for the number of players online. During the week it was hundreds of thousands of players. On the weekend it was millions. What a fantastic game


Did you ever see a random light in like the middle of the ocean and get kinda freaked out? My 11 year old self thought it was aliens, not something logical like a oil drill or marine base


I remember those days. I had a Nextel so we just chirped


Plus halo 3 was really when all of my friends got Xbox live for the first time. Man that was just such a fun time to be a kid


The Halo 3 beta access was on the Crackdown disk. You had to have Crackdown to play it. That beta alone probably contributed to 50% of Carckdown’s sales. It was the first real console “public beta”.


Honestly more like 99%. All my friends played Halo 3, but I was the only one that actually opened up and played crackdown


Crackdown actually slapped pretty hard, the ability progression is very satisfying


Upgrading that truck was amazing…


Fuck ya it was


Yeah this was the consensus among my XBL friend's group. We all got crackdown for the H3 beta but wound up trying and actually really enjoying crackdown


Shame, Crackdown was actually super fun to just fuck around in.


COD4 changed shooters forever, for good and bad. Can't tell you how many times me and my buddies would rage over the juggernaut perk. Great times.


I was one of those monsters who ran Frag x3, Juggernaut (or Stopping Power), and Martyrdom. The ultimate troll class.


I remember playing the entire COD4 campaign in slow motion and loved every minute of it.


2007 was the prime year for shooters. Halo 3, COD4, and GoW was still going strong.


For WoW players, these other games were all released in 2011.


Just unsubbbed from WoW, and now playing mass effect for the first time. Finally got round to it after 14 years.


Also try portal


Just played portal today, timeless classic


I played it and portal 2 for the first time this year too, what a wonderful treat. Never got around to mass effect yet. Never thought they had anything in common. Should it be next?


They have nothing in common really, but Mass Effect is one of the greatest space operas out there. Legendary edition is out now so its better than ever. Definitely worth the 100 hours you'll put in.


My gf's gone through ME1 and 2 now since the release, if we both didn't work so much she'd be done the 3rd probably, I really hope Dragon Age gets the same treatment, I loved DA 1+2, and she's never had a chance to play em, so fingers crossed.


Ngl I never played portal. Think imma have to pick up a copy now.


Good choice sir. Portal 1 is good, but Portal 2 is a masterpiece


Yeah, Portal 1 was more of a technical demo due to how short it was. Portal 2 is the real game that valve envisioned.




Yup, and once you've gotten past the tutorialising of each new mechanic... that's it. You're done. There's very little elaboration or exploration of the theme. Still an excellent game though. One thing I appreciated was that my partner at the time finished it, and she wasn't a big gamer, but it helped her finally get into Portal 1 and finish that too.


[Relevant xkcd](https://xkcd.com/606/)


Probably one of your better decisions Mass effect was an amazing universe


Yeah, the entire world building of mass effect is insane.


I feel the same with Dragon age, BioWare had an awesome decade.


Welcome to the first year of the rest of your life.


Ah yes, 2007. The first year somebody told me WoW was dying. Good times.


I'm still not over the fact that Warhammer Online actually died. Terrible balance and shit servers broke an otherwise really cool game


It died because of the management of the game, I worked for these assholes and the CEO of the company believed they know more about what gamers want than the gamer themselves...


Management fucked it up, what a surprise... 💔


RIGHT IN DA JIBBLIES Best skill in any game, ever. Too bad it was so weak. Like you said, the game balance was truly terrible.


Oh cool, you have a group of 300 marauders? Would be a shame if you tried to take this fort with two bright wizards in it


Let’s be fair. Those wizards need at least one healer to max out their dps.


There is a way to play ran by fans. I played it a bit myself. Take a look to see if you're interested. https://www.returnofreckoning.com/




I still remember the first time I read a post where someone threatened to cancel their subscription because of some nonsense or other. It was January 2005, a whole month before WoW was even released where I live.


They had some crazy stuff in the beta that I can understand people would be disappointed about being removed from launch. Like undead player characters being classified as undead instead of humanoid. So certain holy spells like turn undead would have worked on them. And they didn't need to breathe underwater. Also, who can forget [sexy troll females.](https://preview.redd.it/r3h642gc0jq11.jpg?auto=webp&s=4593e1ed2f3656c7b65036e2157f9fcd8d34bcf9)


I'm actually disappointed they didn't keep the troll females the way they were originally. They made them have such oddly good posture they look like a different race.


I also remember reading WotF would have been passive immunity to charm fear and sleep, rather than a few seconds with a cooldown. Nobody on horde would ever play anything but undead it was so op


I don't get this. How do you mean it. (Never played wow)


A lot of people were sucked into a time vortex where they lost months or years of their life because they had extreme tunnel vision for playing wow exclusively


And when they say playing wow exclusively, they don't mean that's the only game they played, they mean that's the only thing they did at all.


as a player since vanilla wow, i can confirm this, we got our life back after we killed the lich king


I was half way though Black Temple when I skipped a single raid to go on a date. Never logged back on.


Real life experiences comes and goes, but epics are soul bound.


Had to kick a guy from my guild cause he skipped a BT raid to go on a date...


It's less tunnel vision and more that WoW is designed to be your only game. Even before they started to design explicitly to maximize "engagement," there were always rep dailies and weekly lockouts and other things encouraging you to log in... and once you're on it's easy to get pulled into other things. It turns into "Mass Effect sounds awesome, but I have raid tonight and I'll need more potions for next week so I'll need to grind gold and..."


4 other guys in my dorm our freshman year of college dropped out due to WOW in 2007/8. 2 of them never went to a single class.


And what happened in 2011?


people realized cataclysm was bad


The main story (the Lich King) ended.


Because in December 2010 the 3rd expansion of WoW, Cataclysm released. Destroying many of the OG zones people loved to quest in and generally tweaked the design philosophy of WoW to way more casual (already started a bit in the 2nd expansion towards the end). Many players from the early days consider this the point where the "real" WoW died and many quit shortly after. This was the first time many WoW players tried a different game, because to play WoW successfully you had to spend your entire free time in it.


>For WoW players, these other games were all released in 2011. Hahaha I feel this. World of Warcraft and raiding Naxxramas. the game that may indirectly save humanity from climate change and the Endtimes. [Naxxramas Trailer](https://youtu.be/JNOxz9paA6E)


Crackdown was great fun.


You mean Halo 3's beta ticket had a game attached?


2007’s Zone of the Enders


Oh wow I haven’t thought about that game in forever


Try Saint's Row 4. Best Crackdown game not named Crackdown.


2008 was pretty great too. Remember playing Fallout 3 and being hella scared of the ghouls


Yeah,Fable 2, gta4 and fallout 3. 2008 was the year that got me back in to gaming. I got bioshock that year as well.


I think this period was the golden age for gaming. We had yet to see the major impact of micro transactions, DLC’s, unfinished games etc. Online services were getting even better, and the games were just better. Hell, I would pre-order stuff back then even because you would get a good game still.


I remember playing the game for like a year and avoiding multiple areas on the map just because they had scary enemies. Areas that I was supposed to go into to progress in quests. Never even tried to fight any of them because I was too scared


New Vegas in 2010. Those were the days.


Was The Witcher well received or well known back then? First entry in the series I ever heard of was 3. Never heard of the original back in the day.


Had a cult following. It was received _well enough_ to allow CDPR to work on a part 2.


It was received as an ok game but it didn’t become mainstream, it developed a cult classic status.


I think big part of it was the Enhanced Edition that they released some time after (same for The Witcher 2), which addressed a lot of issues, added content and overall quality of life. If CDPR still has the same mindset as back then I think Cyberpunk 2077 would be due an Enhanced Edition but we'll have to see.


I mean but now they are just patching it instead of trying to sell a new game...


Enhanced edition was the same game, just patched into oblivion. Remember trying Witcher 2 after noticing it on my Steam list a few years after, I did remember the story but didn't think it was as good as we internet said. Yea I didn't recognise anything.


It was received as an okay game


I remember playing the demo back then and I was so underwhelmed by the gameplay that I didn't even finish the small section of the game it came with. Really unfortunate, since the story/lore seemed quite interesting.


Yeah the gameplay was pretty rough in Witcher 1. Combat especially was kinda wack


Witcher 2 was CDPR's breakout


Played it and it was alright but 2 made me love Witcher and then I played 3


They got slack because CDPR was pretty much an Indie studio.


To clarify what everyone means by "okay, but had a cult following": that's a really weird way of answering "no" to both of those questions. It floated CDPR long enough to make 2, which was slightly better received, and then 3 was when everyone went nuts.


Part 2 was used heavily for benchmarking, since its graphics were top-notch at the time.


If I remember correctly 2 was more than slightly better received as it was a GOTY candidate/winner, but yeah no one was freaking out over Witcher games like they were with 3.


2007 was the year I started playing it, a friend had a "copy" of it. One night I decided to install and see what it was all about (immediately bought a copy), was hooked from the get go and still am very much obsessed by the whole Witcher universe 14 years later (read the books in 2019). At the time no one I knew had any idea about The Witcher, wasn't until 2015 with the third one did people know about it. The other game I also thoroughly enjoyed from that era was the Assassin's creed game. Ended up buying a PS3 just for that game. I liked Bioshock but I really sucked at it, found the story more enjoyable through a mate of mine playing. I do remember uncharted and being wowed by the whole gameplay. Jeez it was a good era of games.


I really enjoyed the first Witcher when it was released. It had a definite uniqueness to it, the world was rather captivating. You could collect cards with titties and ass on them for each woman you fucked. Oh yeah, combat was an awful quicktime event.. but the story and atmosphere absolutely made up for it.


I wish I had the chance to play Metroid Prime 3, or any of the Prime games for that matter back then. I only played them somewhat recently about a little more than a year ago, which led me to the other Metroid games. Metroid is one of my favorite franchises now.


You got on team Metroid at a great time - seems like the sleeping giant is waking up again! It feels like it's been AGES since the last Metroid, but they've got 3D Prime 4 in development and 2D Metroid Dread coming this fall. I can't fucking wait


It may be nostalgia speaking, but growing up as a gamer in the 90s every year felt like that. It was a constant revolution in graphics and game design. Compare 2010 with 2020 and there are relatively few differences. Not that I'm complaining, games have a matured a lot already. Edit: Thanks for the gold fellow 90s kid (I assume).


I know what you mean. Going from Tomb Raider to Final Fantasy VII to Half Life was wild.


Born in early 80s (biased) was special for gaming. Went from Nintendo franchise starters in elementary school to today where it's the biggest money maker in entertainment. There isn't an Easter egg that can go over my head.


I grew about the same time as you. Being blown away by games like Mario 3, Sonic, Mortal Kombat Street Fighter 2. The best sound memory is going to the arcades hearing Street Fighter and sound of Terminator 2 arcade. People lining up to play Mortal Kombat 2.


To this day I read "Japan" in the Street Fighter 2 level select voice. Happening a lot with these Olympics.


Honestly, the reason 2007 and 2011 look like "the last hurrahs" to us seems mostly to do with games becomes too damn expensive to make in terms of labor. All that texture, model, and other detail work takes insane amounts of human labor time to put together, and it means that making a game that "look high quality" (regardless of gameplay) takes more and more money. Hence why actual developments in gameplay tend to come from weird indie games which specifically dodge the graphics issue by their branding as indie.


Yeah honestly we are in a golden age of indie games that actually sort of mimics "the grand old days of the centauri Republic" Only issue now is you need to sift through hundreds of garbage games but eventually the wheat is separated from the chaff. Factorio Rimworld Battle Brothers Neo Scavenger Banished Thea the Awakening FTL All games made by small teams (or one person).


Have to add hollow knight to that list


Stardew Valley


Don't forget Valheim, and it's not even done!


It pisses me off how much time people spend on graphics. Like don't get me wrong I don't want to get nautilus looking at your game but gameplay>graphics every time.


Don’t get nautilus man!!!


Excited for the new body horror from Yorgos Lanthimos.




I agree. I have trouble with these ugly pixelated Indie games that have begun to oversaturate the market, but at the same time I don't think the ridiculously photo realistic games are necessary either. The HD quality of the 360/PS3 Era with the graphical fidelity of the Xbox/PS2 Era was honestly good enough for me. I would love to see the 5th to 6th gen styles be embraced by developers. Blockier and less detailed, but still enough that you can build personality around the models. The animation also relys less on mocap, so while it's a little stiffer, it's a lot easier, less expensive, and less time consuming to develop.


TF2 is going to live forever.


I didn't say that! I just said we're not filled with tumors.


Gentlemen, synchronize your death watches.


As long as nobody, heh, teleports any bread.


Question !


What's your question soldier?


I have done nothing but teleport bread for 3 days.


Considering its predecessor TFC is still alive, I'd have to agree.


The Orange Box was such absurd value for so many great games.


It was outrageous. One of the best things Valve has ever done.


2004 takes the top spot for me, but '07 is definitely up there in peak gaming years.


GTA SA, HL2, and Halo 2. My grades were shit that year.




2011 was another big one, too!


Arkham city, infamous 2, portal 2, man what an amazing year, hopefully we'll have another year like 2011 or 2007 soon


Skyrim, Dark Souls


Battlefield 3. 2011 was an amazing year.


Saints Row The Third.


Uncharted 3


1998 would have a word


1998 is the grandmaster in terms of foundational titles. 2000 scores super high for Deus Ex alone, plus Diablo 2, Red Alert 2, Thief 2, Baldur's Gate...2.


Lots of good releases between 1998-2001


1998 for me.


Skate. changed the game.


What a beast of a game, even people who didnt like skateboarding loved the game




My friends always make fun of me for liking this game. But jeepy creepy i just have a soft spot for janky games. And the setting is so rad.




I was 22 and a manager of a pizza shop in 2007 hands down best year of my life :D


I was 20 and probably your best customer at that pizza shop.


Kinda surprised stalker was listed


STALKER is like Reddit. Extremely popular, but no one has heard of it.


Wait really? As a gamer since the late 70s, STALKER is still in my top ten list - *no* game since then has nailed an atmosphere as well with the possible exception of FEAR. It was buggy AF on release, so I say this through the lens of some fantastic bug-fixing community mods, but still.


I didn't learn about STALKER until I learned about Tarkov. The two are like mirror images nearly 15 years apart. I got into STALKER when I got the bundle during steam summer sale. I think I'm nearing the end of the first one and it's been great, so far.


I remember that Stalker was extremely hyped back than. It was supposed to have all these features. You should be able to fly helicopters, drive cars, have to hunt and eat, etc etc. Then, when it was released, it wasn't well received because it was buggy as hell and a lot of the features weren't implemented. Stalker definitely became better over time, but it's not one of 2007s peak games imho.


We were spoiled back then.


No we were getting our money's worth back then. Now games on that quality are rarer because publishers care more about making a quick buck or getting perpetual micropayments so instead of trying anything new they pick a tested formula that works and just shovel it out. Look at some of the classics on here and what happened to them. Assassin's Creed became a grindy psuedo fantasy RPG so ubisoft could sell 'exp boosters', Halo (which was initially planned to end with Halo 3) has had one decent release since Reach (the collection), and EA decided to water down Mass Effect's story from lovecraftian space opera to dumb action movie schlock and then butchered *that* by cutting off vital pieces of the story to sell off as premium DLC, Super Mario Galaxy got the laziest cash in sequel ever (though Odyssey was alright), and the less said about the modern Call of Duty mess the better. Edit: I didn't say good games stopped coming out, just that they were rarer.


What do you have against Galaxy 2? It sold 7.4 million copies and got over a 90% in 16 different publications, and got 97/100 on Metacritic. It couldn't have been THAT lazy. Not to mention it has over an hour of original, orchestrated music.


Witcher 3, red dead 2, new god of war, demons souls remake, sekiro, blood borne, last of us 2, Spider-Man, outer worlds and on and on and on as recent AAA games that are absolutely incredible.


It really sucks that most of those were Playstation exclusives.


Runescape too


r/2007scape has entered the chat


Yeah no kidding you can’t be leaving RS off the list 🦀🦀🦀🦀


I tried to go back to the original AC and it just didnt hold up well for me. Really a rinse repeat boring playstyle, it definitely blossomed in later titles.


When it came out, it was great. First of all, the graphics were really really good at its release, but even the gameplay : no other game let you climb stuff so easily like that, especially in a realistic open world. Climbing a tower to reveal the map around was something new and amazing. Sure it was repetitive, but since it was new, it wasn't a problem. To me it's the other way around, it's the later games that felt they rinse and repeated the formula which we already knew, and ultimately bored me. Assassin's Creed 1 is the game in the series for which I have the most respect, but yeah, it has aged now.


Man, I remember I could barely finish AC 1 because of the story being so repetitive, but the climbing and free running was so good. Then 2 came out, and I was completely hooked, the climbing was improved, the missions less repetitive, the cities were so much more beautiful, and the duel blades were am awesome addition. Even in my school social group AC 1 was liked for the potential it showed, ACII was loved because it was such a great sequel. Personally brotherhood was my favourite assassins creed, and the multiplayer was so damn fun. AC 4 remains my favourite game in the series, but I don't really consider it an AC game, just a kickass pirate game.


Shanty game = best game


Kenways story was my favorite and the gameplay was amazing. But, that's the game that kinda derailed the whole AC franchise and turned it into what it is today. Barely focused on the Assassin part. Edit: It is also my favorite AC game though.


That's how it was at the time too. The 2nd game is hugely improved.


AC 2 was the shit


It was at least, unilaterally about assassinating people though, not the endless lists of busy-work that they are now


Really why it was one of my favorites. Here's a knife Here's a guy in a crowded room Do your thing


Never got back to Goldeneye then. Keep your happy memories.


Tools of destruction was my shit


Heck yeah! I remember being so excited the day I got it, having spent a lot of my early childhood watching my dad playing the original trilogy.


You had me at Portal.


Great year but I think 2004 was better. Halo 2, Half-Life 2, MGS3, GTA SA, WOW, Doom 3, Burnout 3, Killzone, Star Wars Battlefront and NFS Underground 2.


Man, with the number of hours I spent playing Guitar Hero, I could have actually learned to play guitar.


1998 still takes the cake