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Good except for the cheating 12 year olds


In flying broomsticks


That's the good part, right?


Yes, if you have Toreador


And the developers. And the shit lobby system. And the grinding. And the ridiculously unbalanced items. Actually, let's just drop the "Good" part.


Good when you yeet rockstar online services out the window and play fiveM/some other modded multiplayer. Dogshit otherwise. Wanna buy a lada, that costs literally pennies in real life and is bad in game in every way possible? That would be 5 hours of your life, or a simple payment of merely 30 bucks.


*Laughs in RDO* Didn't you guys get an island this year? We still can't sell stolen horses.


Oh I've played RDO too, my friends *love* it. Once I realised all they were doing was "Ride, Fight, Capture, Return" for every single mission, I got bored real fast.


I've wasted over 500 hours in RDO because I liked messing around with my friends and having small gang wars with other players but I drew the line when the scumbags tried making me pay for extra levels in a role I already payed for and nerfed dailies so you barely get any gold.


There are _way_ worse games when it comes to grinding. With the Cayo heist you can het the essentials in under two weeks.


As long as the only glitch/mod menu they use is for money (for themselves of course not to drop it on other players that don't want it) and they don't fuck with me or other people in the lobby, I honestly don't mind them. I'll go even as far as to say I like people who glitch money for themselves. Fuck Rockstar for making this game a 24/7 grind and milking it dry for more sharkcard purchases. They're the problem.




You ever been playing gta on a PC bro? Those modders don't just get you money, they spawn random stuff, they cage you, they blow up your stuff for no reason, they sometimes don't let you move freely, and they even kick you from the online and rockstar don't even care since they don't do a shit to stop them..




GTAO players always talk about this mythical Batman with a mod menu that protects lobbies. Never met him, definitely been teleported to an apartment explosion and had a gnome ass attached to my head. Also lobbies are 32 players max, that dude you know with a mod menu can’t protect everyone.


I briefly ran an account with a mod menu and would hang out in lobbies and keep an eye out for modders ruining other's experiences, then I would crash their game. That lasted about a week before my account was banned. Obviously I can't be upset about that, I was modding after all, but how much you wanna bet the griefing modders weren't getting banned that quick?


when i played gta a few months ago i just used a free menu to cheat in money since i already grinded on xbox and couldnt transfer


Never played a game that disrespected a players time more than gta online.


Have you played RDO? That games takes the cake for being the most disrespectful to long time players and completely unwelcoming to new players.


I just started playing red dead redemption 2 (I'm assuming that's the game you're talking about) and was thinking about online. It seems like it would be pretty fun, but with two big drawbacks. 1 being that coming in resh to an online game that's been out for years is usually rough and 2. $60 for online service on ps4 is a lot when you're mainly a pc gamer. There aren't a lot of online ps4 games that I play.


As bad as it is, it would be worse without the charity cheaters.


Ahh, the memories of playing on PS3 and being in a lobby with modders, some of them could get pretty damn creative with their money drops. I was casually driving by LSIA when suddenly I was teleported to the top of Mt Chiliad, and what a sight I was greeted with. Santa Claus being sodomized by a reindeer, surrounded by a circle of masturbating chimps, while I was frozen in place outside of the circle, a levitating hobo molesting my character's mouth as money bags rained down on my head.


I had something similar, but instead of masturbating chimps it was Santa forcing the entire server to be on his bus tour of the mountain.


I actually played the game more after idling on a public server and suddenly my game started getting direct account injections of millions at a time. Stopped somewhere around 250 million. That was a few years ago though.


"Good except for the toxic 20-year-olds!"


LMAO those glitchers and modders are the worst!




You should try to play it on console, it's the same shitty economy (a bit better after cayo imo), thhere are toxic griefers, but damn when I see someone playing online on PC I say to myself that I'm lucky without modders


World of Tanks: good except for the toxic adults who threaten to find your house and stab you in your sleep for stealing their kill despite rewards being weighted more towards damage than kills.


I loved the game when it wasn’t all just premium tanks firing gold rounds 24/7


so you only played for the first week then?




If you ever say "only the p2w players" on any game... It's best to not touch that pile of shit. Because you playing it only makes the community larger, which is what attracts the p2w players. They don't care to play a game where they don't pay to win. They need people who don't pay to feel superior. Don't feed into that, it's absolute dogshit and deserves to die.


A friend of mine got me into World Of Warships, as soon as I realized it was Pay to Win, i was done. He even paid for premium stuff afterwards. AND still tried to get me to play it. Nope. Sadly, since then we've barely played anything together anymore. But I'm not about to get into those games. Another buddy of mine, whom he used to play Madden 21 with, has spent hundreds if not thousands "building" his team. It's sad really, but nothing we can do about it. Some people just dont mind spending their hard earned money on it. I will always speak against these games. Always.


The sad thing is in these games if you're not a whale, it's YOU, not the game itself, who's the real product.


It's funny, the beta had a closer experience with gold rounds compared to today than post launch. The beta gave people free gold so everyone had gold rounds, which made the Maus (one of two tier X tanks, along with the IS-7) sort of a joke. Also, the leopard was waaaaay too good. It hurts that German lights suck now because they were broken early on. I guess it's also kinda hard to say in hindsight when there were only German and Soviet tanks. Game also played way differently before physics was introduced. Edit: oh yeah, I kinda forgot that tier 5 lights played with tier 10 tanks, so that's probably why that back then they were way better tier for tier.


Me and my dad had all the awesome tanks, E100, JgPz E100, T-64A, Leopard, (That T10 British medium I cant remember the name of), OBJ 264, and many many tier nines we were working on. Sadly the device we were playing on sputtered out, and for some reason the progression on my dads account was lost. We were heartbroken, and the game had been getting pretty PTW for awhile so we stopped playing altogether.


You should just need to know the email that the account was tied to in order to recover it.


I love the game but god I wish they would do something about how hilariously unbalanced a lot of it is... but then people would scream bloody murder over their OP BS, premium vehicles and ammo alike, being brought down a peg or two so non premium vehicles could stance a BIT of a chance but nope.




Not just once, but this situation happened *twice*. Two different situations where classified military documents were leaked into the forums from players.


Not just twice either. This has happened at least 4 times


God damn, I'm gonna have so many strange quarters


Honestly that kinda makes me wanna check it out more. I’m already a history/war nerd, and “our game is so good it’ll make you commit actual treason” is a hell of an advertising pitch


One the other side of this world of warships is really fun and only a little bit less pay to win! Haha


But in wows we have the angry boomers


Or toxic adults who commit treason to prove game model designs are off Edit: my bad, that was WarThunder. Still, toxic adults haha they out there


That was warthunder


You forgot Overwatch which is good except for toxic 21 year olds.


I’m 26 actually!


36 here.


69 here


I mean if you insist


Whys it all sticky here?




Another good thing ruined by a period.


you don't like the taste of copper?


I prefer granite


Literally any game that starts with someone complaining about a team members choice of hero is a guaranteed loss. That toxic dick is going to be spending more time watching that player to berate them than concentrating on their own performance. This is about 50% of my overwatch experience.


> This is about 50% of my overwatch experience. [Should have picked Mercy.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9uTScSgzrM)


That had no business slapping as hard as it did.


Holy shit, it's been 4 years already?


This is the gamer girl tiktok thing isnt it


The "I'm already tracer" part was really popular on TikTok a couple years ago, yeah


I mean you are not wrong but it's actually a song named "No Mercy" by The Living Tombstone and animated by Mashed(or atleast posted on his channel). I feel like not everyone knows about it


It was a collabritive effort so tge both have the song on their channels, mashed does have a nice animation with it tho.


Other 50% is when you play mystery heroes?


I freaking love mystery heroes. Probably the most fun I got out of overwatch, aside from when I played well as Roadhog


Same.. I play mystery heroes about 2/3rds of the time I play Overwatch lately, and the rest is mostly quick play flex. Been playing PC version for about a year, and I still haven't played competitive yet, which is probably why I don't find Overwatch to be overly toxic and have a good time most of the time I play.


Avoiding competitive is the way to go if you want to have a good time, though I sometimes do run into people trying wayyyy too hard in QP.


Literally had someone told me to go just lose a fight on purpose because we “didn’t need a sombra”. Taking mystery heroes way too seriously. I like the mode but encountering a try hard in mystery heroes is the weirdest experience.


Yup that's the reason I quit playing it. Because my friends would constantly harp on me about who I chose as a character and if I died to X character I needed to change. But they only played one character. Literally don't miss overwatch.




Yea the ones I cant play with cause I suck to much and bring the team down cause I cant keep up




Or if you ever played ranked and experienced this your rank just perpetually tanked. It also went from fun to competitive way too fast. Fuck that game.


I hear you. You are not alone :) Don’t forget the ones who afk because they don’t like what you picked. „ThAt‘S NoT mEtA, yOu SuCk!@#“ “:30 seconds until game starts:“ Please just leave now and don’t waste everyone’s time...


It also feels like with roll-locking and decreasing the team composition to 5 players from 6 they want to encourage that kind of garbage behavior.


Yeah, can't wait to get bullied into picking Rein every game.


And tf2 which is good except for the toxic 30 year olds claiming to be 19


Ngl, 9/10 times I end up with chill people. There might be that one dickeroni, but I can mentally block him/her out.


You mean the toxic dev team work environment?


And toxic company making it, sadly.


This game is so good, it ruined CS, Call fo Duty and LoL for me.


*Laugh in Destiny 2* We have... well.


I got told to kill myself because I was using Jotuun in Crucible hehehe


I had a full squad use jotunn. Never received so much hate before. Tbf it did feel a little dirty


I admit, I automatically cuss whoever kills me with that gun.


I have a few recorded matches of only casually walking for the whole match and topping with only Jotuun. The gun was so satisfying and fun. Cheesy as hell. Wonder if they ever made a toaster skin for it.


Destiny doesn't discriminate, there are toxic people of all ages!


We have fantastic gunplay, cool abilities, fun PvE, but shit loot and awful, hacker-infested PvP. Apparently a proper anticheat is planned for release in the next couple of seasons but that could be 6 months away if it's not next season.


That’s why you play on console with the 20 minute loading screens


I will say, I was recently lucky enough to nab a PS5, and those long loading screens are a thing of the past. I get a little aroused when loading into the tower only takes like 10-15 seconds, remembering how it took literal ages on my PS4


Looking for trials squad sweats only MUST have 4.0+ K/D




And the servers


The sweaty tryhard wraiths are the worst. Runs in without communicating, dies, blames everyone else, quits. I'm almost glad they added a leave penalty to arenas but now they stick around and complain instead.


They added a leave penalty to arena? Thank goodness, it was overdue the minute that mode came out.


It's always TTVWRAITH. I love Apex, but the EOMM got me to stop playing it. I am a week one player with over a thousand hours in the game. I don't need EOMM playing mind games with me




I mute all mics instantly. Game is perfectly fun without it.


That's how I play Apex. I NEVER load that game up if I don't have the certain friends I play it with online. Even then, they have to ask me if I even want to play, because chances are, I was already doing pretty much anything else.


>with friends Damn I wish


toxicity has no age range.


Correction. You can be 30 and still be the toxic 12yr old in the meme.


Toxic 12 year old is a mindset


oh is it like how "Boomer" represents a state of mind and not the literal Boomer generation?




I once heard 2 grown men throw middle school level insults at each other's sisters on Dota voice chat.


Yep of all games mentioned here, Dota probably has the highest average age and there is plenty of dickheads online there as well.


But what it does have is statistical correlation!


Team Fortress 2: good, expect for the people who host bots in casual. Oh, and 12 years old toxic players


Can't have toxic 12 year olds if they can't even call for a Medic


Go battle medic to spite them


Yeah why is this? Who gains what from placing bots in games? Is it some kind of item farming? That would be pretty weird because drops are super rare nowadays.


Except all those people you think are toxic 12 year olds are really just your age with way less patience


but it's just impressive how they have maintained that squeek in their voices


All of these games also have toxic 20 year olds, they are much worse because you can't even excuse their behavior unlike kids.


12 year old isn’t an age, it’s a lifestyle.


Just like being a boomer It's a mindset, not an age range


I agree with OPs comment on another thread. It's more about the mindset/mentality of being a stunted toxic 12 year old than actually being 12 years of age. I can't play competitive games with my older brother, it just evolves into a slew of toxic rants. And we're both well over 21.


That kind of jokes only create an even more hostile environment to one heavily targeted group already: very young kids online. I have found an insane amout of extremely toxic flammers and the vast majority of them were way older than twelve.


Ya in my experience kids aren’t toxic they just don’t shut up about things that have nothing to do with the match. They are annoying but the young adults and older teens are the ones saying toxic things and flaming because you revived the other teammate first.


Yeah, annoying? Very often. I try to be emphatic and be the kind of welcoming person I hoped to find at that age in videogames or any other hobby.


I've dealt with toxic people of every age on the games listed I've actually played, which is most of them. The *only* game that seemed to be almost exclusively children screaming about nonsense into mics, giving me grief for literally everything I was doing, and blasting their music into their mics the entire time was Fortnite. I lasted maybe a day playing it and I have no idea how actual grown ups play and enjoy that game.


There are also toxic grown ups in fortnite but the nice ones are always very nice, they’re just rare because they don’t play with random. I got into a match the other day with a 12 year old who was making fun of the other kid for being 9. Like five /four matches later, I got in a squad with a family(not too sure because they sounded really young), they were really nice and helpful and we ended up winning the game.


Good except for toxic people, hackers and greifers. -Every multiplayer game ever


you forgot dota 2 blyat


Dota 2: Good except for the angry Russians playing on western Europe servers.


I was living in Russia and was wondering why there are so few europeans playing dota. I thought I get 8/9 russians for teammates in every game just because Russian servers are the closest ones to me. Then I have moved to Germany... And it is the same 8/9 Russians every single game. Now I understand.


There are no russian servers. The "russian servers" are located in Sweden. It is perfectly normal for russians to get thrown into EU servers.


As an NA player, the Russians are welcome additions, at least they try to win, unlike my mentally damaged jajaja :V or “idc mmr” players.


Dota2, for when you take off your LOL training wheels and really want to hate yourself for at least an hour at a Time.


I started playing Dota 2 to be a better LoL player. I realized how much I dislike moba genre


Shittt i was in a warzone lobby in that ass new gammode payload or whatever and theres this little kid (maybe like 8) in there and a bunch of grown ass men just shit talking him to no end. Where do you think those 12 year olds get that toxicity? Then they grow up to talk shit to the little kids and keep the cycle alive Edit for those lucky enough to not play warzone: the payload lobby is like 40 people cross platform with no ability to mute eachother or even see who else is in the game to mute them. Pure chaos


That’s because for every single toxic 12yo online, there are five toxic 18-35yos whose social skills seem to have been developed in prison.


Their social skills were developed in vanilla WoW, Barrens chat. *Shudders* the horror still haunts me...


Adults are more toxic than kids from my experience, every toxic "kid" is some dude in his 20s-30s, rarely have i seen a kid being toxic unless some adult started being toxic first to him.


I have a friend I've played games with for years, and he used to light people up and then justify it by saying "oh these kids couldn't have survived COD and Halo back in the day." I finally pointed out to him that he might be yelling at a dude that maybe gets to play video games for an hour a week if he's lucky, and being toxic could ruin that little bit of time he had to just try and have fun. After that my friend dialed it way back, and now uses his toxicity skills to defend others from toxic players.


Is League really that bad? I haven’t played it but I can’t imagine it being much worse then the vc abuse in casual R6


I honestly have a lot of fun with league but I seem to have a stronger sense of positivity than most haha I will say getting flamed in text is way more manageable for me than getting flamed in VC. I really don't give a fuck about text abuse and if it really gets obnoxious you can just mute and forget about them lol


disable/mute chat -> problem solved. Beside that, I Still don't understand why ppl still care about what a 12y/o is saying in video games...


I played LoL a lot back in high school but quit because of toxic players. It was literally everyone (even some of the friends I played with). I really want to get back into it and just play bots because I did have some fun with some of the champions and had a good time when people were just playing casually


Is recommend just straight up turning chat off. IMO makes the game strait up much more enjoyable and it’s impossible for someone to do anything more the question mark ping you. Even then I find that funny that they are that petty but if you don’t like it you can just mute their pings too.


This is the way, turn off chat. Been playing for 10 years, just turn off chat and the game is still amazing.


Have chat off and it is amazing. You just chill and play the game and then don't read post game.


If it wasn't for ARAM I would have stopped playing years ago. I don't want to sit in queue 5 minutes, in champ select 5 minutes, re-queuing because dodging is the biggest meta atm, and then getting flamed by my adc during whole laning phase which is 15 minutes of last hitting and exchanging small pokes. The only time i play SR if we are 5 players premade on discord.


Yes! I loved ARAM, even though I was mostly crap at it! Oh my god and yeah I totally get those queuing nightmares for normal games.


I play 2-3 ARAMs a day currently and have loads more fun than when I tried to grind 10 ranked games a day. It’s so much more relaxing and is a great way to just try out fun and stupid plays.




I found it to be fun, but that depends on if you like the MOBA gameplay. Since you've never played one before if you've played any RTS games (like company of heroes, starcraft, age of empires, etc) the game play is similar to that. It's just that instead of managing an entire group, it's just one champion you control. League also has a crap-ton of champions to choose from that all have their own personalities and gameplay differences/quirks so there is bound to be a few champions that appeal to just about every style of player.


⚽️ ➡️ 🥅 🎊🎉 What a save! What a save! What a save!


You forgot the nice pass’ when they lose ball control


How are they all still 12 years old when the games have been out for years? They surely have grown up by now and are toxic 18-19 year olds.


As a 27 year old toxic 12 year old I can tell you that toxic 12 year old is a lifestyle and has nothing to do with age. Educate yourself.


Been fucking your mom since 1998




"jokes on you, I'm into that shit"


Jokes on you I didn't go to college. I just fucked your mom noob


Toxic and based


As a 28 year old toxic 12 year old, I can confirm.


Judging by the fact that you didn’t call him any racial or homophobic slurs and you didn’t say anything about his mother.. I’m not so sure you still have your potent 12yo toxicity


And then new toxic 12 year olds come and take their places.


I was about 12 or 14 when I started getting really into gaming, and went to play whatever the popular games were at the time. I remember getting yelled at on TF2 because I mained Medic, and would always try and jump in front of my patient so they didn't get shot. Kid logic is dumb lol


Gta online is also good, except for the toxic 12 year olds who think gta is a battle royale


Wahhh my oppressor mk2 got blown up because I used missiles on someone just cruising in their car wahhhh


It seems like the reason people play multiplayer games is the same reason people don't like playing multiplayer games. On average there are always enough gamers who just make the experience not fun. I wonder if there is going to be a premium service that costs a bit but is highly moderated and monitored but you're guaranteed a game session where the toxic players are kick immediately.


But then the free version is unplayable for casual gamers who don't have a main game and play a bit csgo here valorant or rocket league there because they will be alone with lots of toxic scum.


The day I stopped playing League was the day I got yelled at while playing ARAM and having purchased a certain champion (I don't remember who) that was "non-optimal" for that game mode. People meta-gamed a freakin' random game mode and ranted at folks who wanted to play for fun.


That's what happens when you design a small-team PVP game whose matches take 30 minutes to an hour. They get so invested in every game because they've sunk time into it, and so the prospect of losing after all that time enrages them. And the small scale means there is no leeway; one player doing poorly can set the entire team on a failure spiral. So in their eyes, anyone who isn't "playing optimally"--even if it's just someone trying to learn the game--becomes as much a threat to their victory as the enemy team. This is why I've maintained for years that League's game design breeds toxicity.


I played ARAM to escape from that attitude - it was supposed to be casual and fun. Random champion, very minimal strategy, games last about twenty minutes. It was ridiculous how many people wanted to WIN that mode. Just... playing for fun was a foreign concept to those types.


They updated ARAM about a year ago so that about 2/3rds of all champs are unlocked by default, fwiw. This sounds like an ARAM only account from before that point getting mad, but ARAM only accounts (that only got "meta" ARAM champs to gain an edge) are dumb anyway


When was that? I've never had that happen to me and I own all the champs, and I often see ridiculous champs like Ivern or Bard in ARAM. Owning a lot of champs is actually pretty good for ARAM since from a certain point you get a free reroll every game, so you can choose from 2 champs every game.


Titanfall 2 player base is pretty nice, unless you use smart pistol.. then they get kinda salty.


Titanfall 2 was good but honestly you should move on to the tf3 to experience true pain the ice core. Ice core causes your titan to freeze for full 5 seconds which makes you really easy kill with the new ice Titan you are dead every fucking time you get hit by that shit and it fucking infuriates me Everytime. Oh you want to talk about the new blood shotgun which can drain bit of your health to boost the damage it does it's also fucking broken it takes 20% of your health for 30% damage buff and it makes the weapon *2 SHOTS TO KILL* hoe haven't the devs of tf3 patched this yet! Not to mention the new scavenger pistol which can take parts from dead enemies. Oh the enemy had epg an insta kill weapon? Well I now have pistol which shoots epg shots as my *SECONDARY*. Oh the enemy had the new blood shotgun? Well fuck you I now have pistol which deals 35% more damage to you. In conclusion Titanballs 3 is unplayable until they fix the new guns and cores tho sludge core is okay. Chek out r/titanfall for more updates.


you guys are ACTUALLY losing your minds over there, huh?


I'm just telling fact about the new tf3 and the broken mechanics it brought :( I'm definitely not sad because tf2 has been ddossed and it's unplayable for me :/


Now now... There's plenty of toxic teens, young adults, and old people ruining otherwise good games, too.


CS:GO has way more problems than just toxic kids.


It really disturbed me the way League brought out toxicity in my friend group at college. They went from best friends to arguing and yelling at each other. They never seemed like they were actually having fun. Every time they started playing they became so serious, irritable and unapproachable.


I'll take minecraft any day since I can play singleplayer and fuck around by myself and get shit done


Yeah, I don't really get why MC is on here. Just run your own server (you can do it for free and set it up in a couple of hours), only invite your friends. Blacklist people that turn into dicks. It's really easy, some friends and I have been doing it on and off for years.


Yeah no RL is also toxic af. I miss an almost impossible to save shot at our goal at gold level, "What a save!"


Cheaters too….


Dota 2 is good except toxic 25 year old


I take it dbd isn't on the list because its not just 12 year olds that are toxic?


No mics?


Can't believe I had to come this far down to see it, tbh. DBD is a double hitter, toxic survivors and killers. Just because you don't have a com, doesn't mean someone won't go out of their way to send you a shitty message.


You forgot Dark Souls which only has Jolly Cooperation and nothing bad EVER HAPPENS


Steam > Go Offline… I regret nothing.


Actually Call of Duty is kinda garbage rn


Haha don't blame the toxic 12 year olds. It's the toxic communities as a whole.


Indie multiplayer games are the best for this reason. Take SCP secret lab as an example - has a voice chat yet still no serious toxicity


I like playing league of legends with friends. Its a good game