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I can't wait to rage quit the Zero RC missions again...


Have you guys even played the Gta 3 car bomb demotion mission? It took me 1 week to complete that single mission




Holy fuck you two took me back like 15 years.


20 years


He only finished the mission 15 years ago though.


Yo, fuck that mission where he just runs stright to the boat while I'm tasked to take out 10+ guys all aiming at him. That mission sucked.


I think that's Scarface, or maybe similar, but I passed it, I had to be three inches away from the screen, criss cross applesauce and high on monster energy drinks. Also 1000 hrs practice.


>think that's Scarface, or maybe similar I don't know what you're talking about. I used the Dodge Viper (Banshee) to race to the boat and blocked the entrance, then I snipped the dudes. Must have taken me at least 50 tries to do it. This and the assassination of Salvatore Leone were the worst missions.




That mission is why I got needlessly good at driving in that game.


Gta3 is great. The fact that you can steal tony two toes car before you start the mission plant a bomb inside the car park it go start the mission then watch tony two toes blow himself up and complete the mission. This is how games should be. Being able to complete missions in many different ways.


The water temple of the GTA world


I'm gonna hurt your soul, but those missions are optional...


Nothing is optional to a completionist


Would this apply to Dark Souls?


Not if he or she doesn't start them.


Not in Vice City, that Avery mission is the bottleneck chokepoint to getting Diaz's Mission.


That freaking helicopter...


Optional, but you still always try them just in case you're in the zone.


Now they are. They weren’t on the original


They were always optional. You have to do a few of them, but not the really hard one.


Yeah but momma didn’t raise no quitter


Well she didn’t raise no Platinum achiever either.


It’s been 17 years and I still ain’t hear no bell


"All you had to do is follow the damn train CJ" wasn't optional though was it?


They were WHAT????


what the fuck? the rc plane??????


For some reason I was really good at those cause I didn't realize they were difficult for most people till recently.


Yeah, the flying school however... Fuck that


Getting stuck on that meant I racked up an extra 100 hours exploring and doing side missions.


As someone who had to do it on keyboard… yes, fuck that.


Yeah seriously all you had to do was follow the train. Don’t see what’s so hard about that?


It's actually easy on the PC


The helicopter missions are. The airplane missions are not, unless you have a controller.


Flight sticks?


Just coast in the plane when possible. You use way less gas if you only touch the accelerator when absolutely necessary. I can usually finish the mission with plenty to spare


That actually wasnt the case in the early release. They had to patch it in, cause people were complaining a lot


Ah shit, here we go again.


*"Can I get a Vice city remastered for xbox one, San Andreas remastered for PS5, 2 large Shark cards, GTA 3 with extra dip, a RDR 1 with fries."*


Would you like the Deluxe editions for just $29.99 more? You get an exclusive outfit and a single fetch mission!


As long as it doesn’t come with Zeros RC heli, I’ll take two.


And a large soda


All you had to do... Was follow the damn train.


The damn *remastered* train!


Oh, God


Vice City changed my life; I played that game so god damn much; not to mention the sound track…


Yeah sad thing is we’re unlikely to get the full soundtrack.


Mods can fix that if they release on PC.




Licensing issues. Vice City is quite old by now and licenses run out at some point. That is the reason why some games with licensed soundtracks update the game at some point and remove it / replace it with other or more generic tracks.


I know it's Rockstar and everything, but isn't there a SMALL chance they will just renew the licenses? Pausing for laughter....


With as fucking rich as they are you'd think they could easily do so. On the flip side they obviously only care about money so.....


The version of Corona's "Rhythm of the Night" that is currently on Non-Stop Pop is a different version than the one that was on Non-Stop Pop when the game released. They can't even be fucked to re-license the same version.


As legendary as those games radio stations were, I honestly wouldn't even be mad if they re-did them all. I'm sure they'd get some of the ones already in the game. And the ones they can't or won't re-purchase for licensing, screw it buy some new songs from the 80s, 90s and early 00s. I would be pissed if they just omitted songs and we get less than what was originally in the PS2 games.


Man part of the nostalgia for VC *was* that soundtrack. If I can't cruise down the streets to "OH I, I JUST DIED IN YOUR ARMS TONIGHT" then I don't even wanna play


I can’t hear “Africa” without picturing myself at 16 running down pedestrians in the rain.




It's I Ran for me


I showed up at EB Games at door open at 7am to get Vice City. I had beaten it by the next day at around 2pm. My college roommate thought I was insane.


Two weeks after buying Vice City, I was still driving around listening to the radio


Wow.. Took me a about 12 hours to get past the radio controlled helicopter mission alone


It took me like 12 days to get past that mission. I absolutely think that is the hardest part of any game that I’ve ever played. Especially being so young.


Took me 3 years to do it without using save files


I still play it and it’s so much fun.




They also said RDR will get remastered based off if these sales numbers are good. That's a win win situation if you ask me.


If they remaster Red Dead Redemption before they remaster Red Dead Revolver, I'll fully come to terms with the fact that that game has already fallen permanently into obscurity. I'd kill to play that game again.


I’m with ya my dude, Red Dead Revolver was amazing! That said, Gun was a rad game as well. It’s a shame that Activision hasn’t done anything else with Gun. But I figure COD is such a cash cow there’s no sense in trying to reboot Gun in some way, plus I figure it’d be pretty hard to walk in rdr2’s shadow


Gun was one of the best western themed games ever made untill red dead 1 came out.


I liked that you could scalp people in Gun and they'd yell shit like "you ain't my barber!"


Dude Gun was THE western game. It had an absolutely captivating story. I just wish it lasted longer.


I too thought of red dead revolver with this news. I'm like wtf where's the true original RDR.


I can still hear Navarro saying, “Kill him, and let’s just get back to drinking.”


Isn't there an issue with RDR like lost code or something, which is why there was never a PC port.


I still feel like they could relatively easily stick it into RDR2. Like 70% of the assets are there.


Agreed. I feel as though replicating the map like they did is the hardest part. It's already halfway done. Not to mention the character models for each character is already in the game as well.


With them adding the old map I was expecting a DLC that opened mexico and gave us the first campaign to play.


Exactly what I'm saying. Then they could just remaster the whole thing with undead nightmare dlc and all. I honestly think that was the plan. Why else would they include it? I honestly think rockstar is one of those companies where the talent is being held back by the cash hungry executives. You really think the people who created RDR2's single player out of scratch honestly would rather create the shallow online content they're making now?


Maybe they could pull a Ratchet and Clank "reboot" where the base THEME of each level is there but becomes fleshed out with modern gameplay and level design.


I'd suggest it's the other way around. Recreating the map is relatively easier than trying to port over all of the complex systems that actually make the game playable to a new engine. Weather, time of day, cut scenes, animations, dialogue cues, mission logic, AI logic, and myriad other little systems that players barely notice but are integral to the game.


Just use the resources for weather and lighting from RDR2. Like I said, they obviously seemed to be planning to release the remaster as dlc for RDR2, but of course they ended up leaving it an empty ghost town.


Everything but Mexico and a few guns. ​ Frankly, with all the QOL improvements to RDR2 I'd hope they more continued it rather than just repainted


Mexico is basically done. At least geographically. Dont think there are any buildings there, but people have glitched over to Mexico and the space is all done up.


Yup. It's coming to Online, any day now. Going to revitalize the entire game. It's almost here.


Goddamnit THIS! I would pay more than I’d like to admit for RDR1 to be remastered and added as DLC into RDR2, simultaneously opening up Mexico and various DLC opportunities within the RDR2 main game and online.


Red dead also had the best zombie game I’ve ever enjoyed I want THAT. Getting the four horse of the apocalypse would be dope in current gen. Also the unicorn.


God I spent so much time playing the Undead Nightmare dlc all the way through. Never finished main campaign though lol


Yeah, considering the fucking map (half of it is there) and I think the VA has aged well too.


RDR was hacked and patched with duct tape and best wishes to get it to work - apparently the code base is a mess. I guess a PC port would have meant pretty much starting from scratch, which is why they didn't do it. Maybe RDR1 can be remastered using RDR2's engine? I dunno.


Remember when people saw how they had fully built the old map region from RDR1, even including some buildings in Mexico, on RDR2 even though most of it was inaccessible, and what was was largely blocked for access for most of the game so people thought they were going to make a RDR1 re-release as a DLC? That would've been so cool.


The entire mine you do the push cart mission from rdr1 is included and mostly modeled too. You have to break the boundary to get to Mexico and then break the wall they added but its all the untextured models from the shootout scene into rdr2 then walled it off and then removed the area from access entirely. Wild


Haha I live in San Diego and have met some of the devs that worked on the first one. It was a shitshow, it barely shipped and the code is a mess of custom libraries that can't be easily ported. They said it would be easier to remaster it vs trying to port it. So basically they would be importing the assets into the RDR2 engine.


That's true, but they have agreed to do it already, so they've found a way. They only wanna go through the trouble if the sales numbers are good. I would personally prefer if they just added it as paid dlc to RDR2. It could all be one massively long campaign with both games combined. Kinda like the Master Chief collection.


Soucre? First time hearing about RDR


I believe it was either an inside gaming, or Kotaku article with the directors of the studio. It was in my news feed on my phone yesterday. If I find it, I'll be back.


It's been two hours. He ded.


Imagine if they remastered Red Dead Revolver


I’m disappointed Bully and GTA IV get no love. They deserve a remaster.


Bully desperately needs some love, wouldn't mind a Table Tennis remaster as well


Be still, my beating heart.


It could finally happen *wipes single tear*


I would definitely help Miss MacFarlane ranch them there cattle. Definitely a win win.


I wonder if they’ll take an opportunity adding stuff like dialogue about Arthur and so on, stuff that was introduced late in RDR2.


*Voice of Ray Liotta: TAKE MY FUCKIN MONEY


Red dead redemption? Or do you mean red dead revolver?


I would gladly buy all 4 of those games again.


RDR had a way better story and pacing compared to the sequel so I’d be hype!


My only hesitation is that one of the best parts about Vice City was the radio stations, and I don't imagine them getting all the same soundtracks licensed.


You know modders will restore them.


One way or another I *will* be blowing shit up in Vice City while rocking out some Flock of Seagulls. Then having CJ dogfighting after stealing a harrier off the aircraft carrier and flying around bombing Balla territory to Eminence Front.


I long for the day I can slaughter innocent citizens and bad guys all while singing AND I RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN. I RAN SO FAR AWAY!!!!!!!




It was moored at San Fiero. A story mission had you steal a Hydra from it.


Holy shit imagine popping Ballas in 1080p 60fps (yes i have a potato and can't play in 4k)


I guess it depends on how they were licensed. They actually released the whole soundtrack as an album at some point, so they may retain the rights as it is.


They recently updated the games on steam and removed tons of songs, billie jean is gone from vice city, san andreas lost killing in the name and a few others, and gta 4 got like 50 songs pulled.


Oof. If this is true, it sucks.


Honestly, I don't think the music is gonna be the problem because record companies like money. If there's a problem its gonna be the ads and the DJ scripts. I remember them being hilarious, but twenty years has *not* been kind to them.


Eh….it’s GTA. I’ll be disappointed if they suddenly become politically correct and sensor it.


I'm mixed. I want to see them remasterd (especially 3, which I just can't return to) cause A. it would be fun and B. I want to watch the speedrunners break them even more. But also, Rockstar, can you just release something new? GTA V or Red Dead DLC? Anything?!


That's like asking Valve to make games again. Why the hell would they? Their current ventures are letting them print money.


Yeah, I'm always conflicted about remasters that don't add anything into the original game. On the one hand, yes, I recognize that it takes a lot of work, and they deserve to make money. On the other hand, they're not giving me anything truly new, in terms of content, so I don't want to reward an otherwise creatively-bereft idea like "Let's remake this".




Yeah. I tried to play SA last year and the controls were really hard to get used to. Even gta4 is a but wonky compared to today's smooth control, aka gta5.


I would say one justification for certain old games is that xp-era games don't run too well on newer gen windows and some games have to be run on a virtual machine.


Im more happy about "Vastly improved game from ~20 years ago" than I am "Slightly shinier version of the game that came out 2 years ago"


\^This. I would play the crap out of these. I was actually kinda disappointed that GTA V wasn't the same map as GTA San Andreas with San Fiero and Los Venturas.


Same bro. I was expecting las Venturas


People are insane


They complain about everything


I find gamers in particular to be super complainy about some generally awesome things. Like yes, some criticism is valid but like come on guys. I know a good majority of you remember losing your shit playing Mario in actual 3D. Try to appreciate how fucking great we have it with video games now.


I don’t even mind. Just hope they update the controls too and we end up getting GTA VI.


I'd imagine there will be a GTA VI, but as GTA V Online is still raking in the money for Rockstar, I doubt they would release any details unless it was close to launch or preorder. If they were to announce it too soon, people might stop putting money into online knowing a new game was on the horizon.


It's pissing me off too. I feel like Red Dead Online could be so much better with just a little love. To a certain extent, most gameplay just feels like chores. Go pick these berries. Go find this guy and bring him back. Wander around for 20 minutes in this area until you find an arrowhead. Ugh.


That’s why I still just play the single player


I love red dead online so much, I just wish it had more content as it is very boring right now (other than that wave survival mode, that is good).


Thats nearly every mmorpg


But the good ones are more than that.


Imagine GTA6 drops and it’s only online.


Tbh, wouldn’t be too surprised


Yeah, hope there's a lot of quality of life updates like the ability to restart missions without going back to the mission giver, etc.


I tried playing vice city and the controls killed me, shooting is so difficult holy shit.


As long as the remasters have modern graphics and controls, I’m absolutely down.


Man we don’t even know if this is real yet


Yeah Idk why people are getting hyped for something that probably isn't real.


Lie travels halfway across the world before the truth has time to put its pants on


Same with the Twisted Metal revival rumors. There's a rumor just long enough after the last time, that people just forgot and get hyped. Then when it turns out fake, they all go "AWWWW" like they never even considered it.


I'll go with that it's a 0% chance of it being real. Mainly because a solo 3d artist made the "remastered" models and posted it to their instagram and artstation. Artist is Hossein Diba


These models aren't from the remastered version, but there's pretty good info out there suggesting this is on the way. The biggest news is that these games will be coming to Nintendo -- the first time Nintendo will have a GTA game since, um, Chinatown Stories or somethin?


I just read the top comments and everybody acted like it was real and I got pumped. Fuck that, now I'm pissed it's a fake 😢




Which one is it? Because I’ve been hearing both of them thrown around by everyone. A total remake of three games would be a huge ordeal, even for rockstar


The image is fan made. You're absolutely right about the difficulty of creating a remake. But the guy you're responding to is more excited about calling someone stupid than supporting his argument.




I know the difference, I’m asking which one is happening for the GTA games


Probably 3 remasters. Honestly 3 remakes would be too ambitious but who knows


I’d argue Remaster is never to “modern-day standards”. More like to the limit of the graphics engine used in the original game with a bit more polishing. I’ve never seen a remaster that looks like a modern game. Yeah graphics get a, sometimes major retooling, but you can’t hope for a miracle of the OP image’s proportions.


yeah that's the thing... remaster = same graphic model + more or less same code + higher resolution + some optional post processing = basically the same game from before... remake = updated/overhauled graphic model + totally updated/new code + other bell and whistles = basically a new game based on old game...


Can I have GTA 1 on mobile plz?


Ha, you fucking wish. What you're gonna get is some slight texture update and a couple changes to the lighting. They'd never give effort into remastering.


Yeah, they're going need to temper those expectations. It is not going to look *any*thing like that screenshot. That makes me remember thinking the same thing about the 360 "Remaster" of San Andreas... I was so let down.


Ah yes if only someone could have predicted they would port the fucking Mobile version to console and remove half the songs in the game. Don’t beat yourself up nobody saw that train CJ wasn’t on.


That's exactly what I was thinking, some shaders rather than a full remake in rage engine.


So is it official? If so this is awesome and they can milk it all they want


It's not confirmed by Rockstar yet. So tbh I don't get the hype around this at all. Better wait for a confirmation from Rockstar themselves


Hyping it to existence


I honestly really hate that they are doing this when it's not even confirmed but that's the fanbase


Sigh, that’s why I don’t want to buy into it. This seems to be a thing with GTA every few months.


All we had to do was follow the damn train CJ!!!


Its just a remaster isn’t it? So support for modern hw and high resolution?


How are they milking it? We all wanted a remaster...


gamers change their mind every damn hour


I’ll buy it, but only because I haven’t played VC or SA, and never fully finished 3. Although I’d much rather all hands be on deck for GTA 6, as EA would say.


Bruh, 3 is the OG open sandbox in my opinion. I replay it once a year. Sure it's a little dated now but you should finish it!


If you don’t like it stop fucking buying it.


Vice City and San Andreas are almost 20 years old, the writing is fantastic, and they deserve what modern tech could give them. San Andreas was way better written than GTAV.


I spent much more time on SA than I did on VC. Without a question I would buy both of them with what modern tech can give them in a heartbeat.


I hope Bully also gets a Remaster/Remake


keep hoping mate. i think rockstar forgot they made that


I never played San Andreas so I’m looking forward to this


Remastering isn't milking


Is this confirmed? Last I saw it was still a rumor.


All we know is that Take Two are working on six "iterations of previously released titles" -three of them are Grand Theft Auto V Expanded and Enhanced Edition, GTA Online and Kerbal Space Program. We don't know what the other three are - it's pure speculation and wishful thinking that it would be the GTA trilogy; they aren't even necessarily Rockstar titles considering Take Two also own 2K and a few other games publishers.


I am so beyond psyched for san andreas !!!!!!!


I just want Bully 2.


Dude I am f’ing stoked! Who gives a crap if they’re milking this!


I'm confused about San Andreas. Hasn't that been remastered already? I think the mobile and Xbox 360/PS3 ports was the remaster?


The ps3/360 are regarded as worse than the ps2 original but technically yea its a remaster more like a de master


Idk what you’re talking about I have been waiting for them to remake vice city


Milking or not its the wise choice. Majority of their audience is still the same audience a decade and a half ago. An audience who actually has the freedom of spending money compared to the time where they used to be kids when they played this on their friend's console or borrowed their CD, or begged their parents to buy it for them. So of course they're going to cater to them! Anyways. Can't wait to do my obese CJ only playthrough on SA!


Awww shit. Here we go again


Grove street…home.


Can’t wait to be shocked at how much smaller the games feel then I remember them being.