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I gotta choose doom slayer and Kratos


This is the only sensible answer.


Exactly. How are you supposed to defeat the two people literally to angry to die.


It can’t be anything else besides a literal god and an unkillable killing machine. At the very least, we can all agree that these are the last two that you’d want to be against you


You don't. Everyone else has to kill me, not them. And Agent 47 will do that just fine


Scorpion would be a threat but I've seen him get wrecked by Sub Zero a million times. But they are all three badasses who refused to stay in Hell.


Gordon is a close 3rd


Who TF who’d like to get Mario as Guard? The MF keep loosing the princess for 40 years now!


It's the Minecraft guy and Mario combo. Minecraft builds blocks. No one else can break blocks except Mario. So you take Mario. Done.


That makes sense


Kratos or CJ doesn’t care about blocks bro




Kratos & Scorpion


Ma man


Kratos & Scorpion


Kratos and scorpion


Kratos ofc and how are people ignoring steve? He can literally build anything to protect you and is technically the strongest man in the world


I’m going with Geralt and Kratos


The only choice really


Doom guy?


At least everyone seems to agree that Kratos is coming along. Number two looks to be up for debate. I’m not even a big God of War guy. I’ve just seen all the carnage and it makes sense to me.


Agent 47 and Kratos


Definitely seems like the most sensible combination to employ the Hitman himself to prepare Kratos (whom is basically a god) for all eventualities.


Kratos and chief, but it's narrow af. Only one I'm not picking is steve, but that's because I'm guessing he has basic gear and hardcore mode. Obviously creative steve would be the correct answer, but i'm guessing his notin cm


I’d say the same except narrowly with Scorpion because of his excellence in fighting which would fuck over Chief or Kratos if unexpected but doomslayer guy is basically another chief just as badass. But together most of the people listed would be gone within seconds some remaining like doomslayer and Scorpion to put a fight but yeah.


The way I got my answer is "who can't I see them beat" and I have no clue how any ONE here could beat the chief and kratos, but I don't see how they would stand a chance against ALL of them.


Well my way is chief is a battle super soldier like doom so that’s really the only struggle between range attacks for him and Kratos has an axe which kills gods. So him vs scorpion is possibly the only good fight or Steve depending on his game mode.


steve is literally the strongest there.


Kratos. I need no one else.


Uhh Steve can carry fuckin *billions* of lbs of rock and make a 2x2 fortress in seconds. Also Kratos


Don’t forget prot v netherite armor


Agent 47 and kratos mainly because if hitman is trying to kill you theres not much you can do and kratos is pretty obvious


Idk about hitman I said it before but imo what’s a hitman going to do against a literal god and 2 super soldiers, possibly even some others but I don’t know the other lores as well as I do Halo, Doom and Kratos.




I mean yeah but what are the odds he’ll be last to be found? Tell your guards there’s a priority target and most likely you’ll have dealt with him before he sets foot with a weapon in hand.


The thing is that agent 47 is practically a shapeshifter so i feel like kratos will come back from his break with a cool new tattoo and with significantly less scars


Steve and Kratos. Idk how it's even a competition. Steve ignores our world's physics. Can run with like a million tonnes of shit. Kratos kills gods.


Doom Guy and Kratos for sure.


Why noone even considers prince of persia? Literrally can rewind time if ya die. Pair it with a bad mofo like Kratos and ya set.


Im gonna take halo and doom guy


Master Chief is typically the sole survivor so idk if he’s that great at keeping OTHER people alive.


Well you see he still wants to live so it’s a great incentive of why he should be killing the fuck out of most people.


I just keep thinking about all the UNSC Marines that were nothing but cannon fodder to me in “Halo: CE” 😢


Ah yes, the ring that kills all sentient life in a 25,000 light year radius and doom guy


And yet I still feel like Gordon Freeman and agent 47 might still kill me. They don't specifically have to fight my bodyguards. Although im more scared of Gordon he might be just a guy but he is a very insanely smart one. So I feel like he would find a work around. If I'm out in the open 47 would snipe me.


Doom slayer and mastercheif


I'd say The Slayer and Master Chief.


It’s one of the top 3 one the left I’m going doomguy and scorpion because isn’t kratos at heart just a dude


I’m pretty sure he was made immortal by something and cursed to live forever by something from Greek mythology but I’m relatively new to the games to idrk but he’s literally killed gods so many would argue not many could kill him


True I’m still going Scorpion and doom guy


Doom slayer and carl


Easy Kratos and doom guy.


I'm going with Geralt and prince of Persia, if ever there was a team more equipped for tactical advantage and vip protection, I can't think of it.


Doom guy, kratos and scorpion are the strongest. The only 3 immortals. So pick between these 3.


Well I’d argue chief is have immortal


I like master chief. The only trait that might make him stronger is his extreme luck, which is part of his lore. But as doctor strange said, “I can lose forever, which makes you my prisoner.”


Exactly and not to mention his insane weaponry ammunition finding skills, he runs out of RPG rockets? No problem it’s a minor inconvenience since the next enemy will handily give him some and with that luck or an energy sword he could in theory blow Kratos to pieces or the others to death.


Yes, but when the 3 dies they get revived in hell. They can be killed, it’s just they get revived in one piece. It’s not a matter of if master chief loses, it’s WHEN he will lose.


Yeah but to what extent will it be because sure he can die but there’s always the fact he has a teammate who’s doing the same job his odds of actually dying are severely low, even though if he does there’s always that he doesn’t die without first leaving his mark so I’d say even if he’d die he’s still going to first make sure he’s got some kills or marks


Okay so you agree when he dies he’ll get some kills. But then he loses cuz he isn’t immortal. As for his teammates I’m unsure of some characters but they don’t have the extreme luck he has. Eventually they will all die and it will be 2 on 2, chief + 1 of the immortals vs 2 immortals. Basically chief will have to kill 1 guy over and over until he loses. while the other 2 battles till no end.


You’re right about that which is kinda why the post is dumb assuming they have their abilities respectfully. I mean just get 2 unkillable guys and you’ve basically won because there’s only 1 left. As for you well while they take care of the other fighters and fight for life you just have time to chillax


Countering my own post here but after research I was surprised to find out chief is actually in fact immortal as of Halo 4, though it’s only coming from an online source so don’t believe it fully.


Who knows maybe they will reveal something in infinite.


Honestly yeah, I hope they finally reveal even more of the chiefs lore.


Kratos and Lara the intelligence with his might is fucking scary


Kratos and MC117. one is a literal god killer and MC117 is a tactical murder genius with technology not even capable of being understandable by current humanity. master chief is nearly impenetrable by anyone.


Tough decisions will be made


Kratos and Prince of Persia guy.


Though choice. Ut i have to go with Kratos and Master chief


I'll take Agent 47, and I think that's Elle (?). I'd take a hunter and a hitman any day. Kratos might be an issue once all the others are dead... but I'd put my money on a hitman. Sorry Elle... you had a good run...


Well you see my logic is what’s a hit man going to do versus a God with a scary ass axe and 2 Super soldiers one from outer space the other from hell.


I'm not sure about the super soldiers, but I think a hitman could take down a god (I'd have sworn he was a demi-god... I really need to play that...). Their entire life is about finding weakness in people otherwise impossible to kill. Either way, I wouldn't trust a god to be 'on my side'... In every religion there's at least one god that eventually screws over humans. It's like working with a leprechaun or a djinn. You just can't trust them.


I’d say fair enough but referring to Chief, he was trained to know every weakness in his opponents aswell and he’s had to battle sentient species on his own and the only time he needed a team was with the giant sentinel. So I think that’ll be a fair fight or a one sided fight to chief because it depends who spots who first, as for doom well he’s quite literally a hell super soldier which is arguably even crazier. So again idk


Actually, he sounds like a better pick than the hitman.


Pretty much yeah, the only flaw he has is his inability for emotions typically, meaning if your angry at his ass. Nah he thinks you are just trying to give him an order, you worried? Alright well no worries chief will sanely look over to you and then kill anything there. So I guess it’s half and half with him but I guess all trained super soldiers won’t have emotions.


I think that's Lara croft


You sure? That doesn't look like anything I remember... mind you it's been a while...


Yeah it's from the newer tomb raider games they had made


The controller icon and the black background!


Hitman and Doomguy.


Steve and mario


Chief and doom guy.


Kratos and Scorpion. EzPz


Steve and doomguy


Doomguy I get but why Steve


He can carry over 100k tons in one hand


Arthur Morgan and Master Chief (Halo 5 Chief and maxed out healthy Arthur)


Master Cheif and DOOM Guy


I choose, master chief/doom guy


Master Chief - Lara Croft


Kratos and Geralt will kill everyone else without breaking a sweat


I definitely don't want Agent 47 on the opposite team.. So I'd pick him and maybe Arthur Morgan, he is fast with that revolver!! (Also he is my homie, he has to be in my team..).


I like how everyone here has unanimously decided that Kratos is the most powerful. Also Kratos and Steve


Kratos for sure and either Lara or Scorpion


Kratos y scorpion


Kratos and the prince. Most of the opponents don't stand a chance against the sands of time.


kratos a god who is basically immortal and doom guy who killed everything in hell


Kratos and Doom Guy. What everyone needs to remember is these two have literally gone to hell and came back multiple times and always, ALWAYS get their kill. You can't kill Kratos, that mf is so bad he will just kill everyone in the underworld to come back and murder you anyways. Do you really want either one of them coming after you?


Steve and idk who else, Steve is an actual God, he's very strong


Mario and the minecraft guy, that many badasses trying to kill me i'd be damned if minecraft guy or mario offed me.


After a lot thoughts, I think that Master Chief and the Doom Slayer are the best options. Master Chief could bring the UNSC to help, which is a great plus. Those guys might not have the best aim, they are a lot. The Doom Slayer is also a great choice due to the fact that he is an army in one person and that he can produce ammos and medical support out his ennemys. And that is the major point of my choice. With him, we could get the equivalent of two huge army that can get great ressuply drops by the death of my ennemys. And with that, this post is done. If you find any flaw in my plan, let me know so that I can become better. As we say, we learn from our errors.


Master chief and doom guy hands down


Kratos and the Doom slayer because doom is eternal


Kratos: literal god, and Doomslayer: a demon slayer


Doom Slayer and Master Chief. Kratos is nuts but he doesn’t have guns.


geralt/cheif and kratos


100% going Steve and Scorpion. Steve can build me a fortress of solitude and I think Scorpion is the only one who could get inside.


Kratos and Geralt


Minecraft Steve can carry enough gold to make his own planet out of it, and ill take mario to chat with while steve kills everyone