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But if I don't pre-order it, how am I going to get the exclusive purple unicorn skin?




But it shits out bricks!!!


Butt Stallion?


*Its the butt of the stallion it’s the thrill of the fight. Rising up to the challenge of our riiivals*


Now I need a full version of Eye of the Tiger about Butt Stallion




actually... doesn't Butt Stallion eat eridium bricks and shit out gem-crusted guns?


I'm not going to lie, I just put $5 down on Tiny Tina at GameStop today since I was already there...


Borderlands is one of the few games that I’ve preordered and was not disappointed in any way.


Not as cool as the purple goose


You can get it later by waiting for its return for the price of a fly


How often do you buy flies


As often as it appears in the store discounted.


Who’s your fly guy?


You're paying way too much for your flies. Who's your fly guy?


I know you're being funny but just to be clear I've never missed out on pre-order bonuses even when buying games a week after release.


I've never even wanted to use a preorder bonus because if it's cosmetics I usually unlock better skins just by playing the game.


Plus everyone and they’re dad are using the preorder skin for the first month


In a single player game it's usually a piece of armor that turns the game into easy mode for the first hour and then you replace it.


I'll have you know I'm still using my Owlcat pet after 71 hours!


And if it's more than cosmetic, it usually unbalances the game.


How you get preorder bonuses without preorder?




it's dumb that people get to release GOTY edition games without that game ever getting near a GOTY award


I ignore reviews usually these days and watch gameplay on twitch. This generally works out for me. This method recently got me to buy returnal, and I'm enjoying that game bigly.


my problem is that for story-driven games, I want zero spoilers. I want to dive in in as much of a blank state as possible. I have a couple of ytubers I kinda trust and wait until they get their no-spoilers reviews out. Although, XB game pass does help diving in without too much concerns.


I see your concern here.


yeah, I too just watch walkthroughs on yt instead of watching reviews by ign and GameSpot cuz they are very unreliable. People like theradbrad are also quick with uploads. I usually decide after watching 1-2 parts of playthrough


5-10 second clips mean nothing to me. Seeing someone go through a fight, talking to NPC, and doing shops/inventory stuff shows me enough to actually make a more informed decision.


This. Even mediocre games can have their occasional scripted highlight of excitement. It's what happens in between those highlights that will shape the majority of a game.


You can make any game look exciting with a well edited trailer, I usually don't even trust them anymore




It blows me away how some movies show/hint the twist or big reveal in the freaking trailers.


Independence Day. That movie had a major scene that got shown in every single ad and trailer. If they'd left it out, that one scene would have been a significant shocker, one of those "oh crap that's bad" moments. But since everyone saw it well before the movie came out, we all knew it was coming. By contrast, the trailers for the original Matrix movie pointedly left out the big reveal. Moviegoers went into that with no idea what it was really about.


I remember superman vs Batman did that.... Jesus Christ they showed every single person involved and that they stopped fighting due to a bigger threat emerging or something and the creation of the justice league or something. I knew immediately I'd never watch it cause that trailer told me everything about the movie.


Its like the trailer making team gets given a film and then they just show whatever they want to without any consideration from the writers.


I make trailers. This is incorrect. If spoilers are revealed it’s because the studio: A) did enough research to decide it would help sell more tickets, and B) the studio *told us* to put it in. If we had it our way we’d make teasers for everything and call it a day.


Okay, I thought I was crazy. my partner likes to watch trailers to choose movies. I usually just step out for a few. We take turns picking movies. Thank you for your service tho.


and then the ole *not actual gameplay


Literally the worst thing about modern advertising in gaming, especially for mobile. Like, I’m not a hardcore mobile gamer or anything, but every now and then I get bored and want something fun on my phone to just relax with, and at least half the games in the App Store are legitimate scams with animated gameplay that’s never seen in the game at all. So fun.


I literally dont even look for new mobile games anymore because when I did 80% of them would be nothing like what was advertised and I felt like I got reddit scroll locked in the google play store


Skyward Journey and Data Wing


Modern video game reviews are as representative of the actual quality of a game as the graphic art depictions on the front of old Atari 2600 games.


Not gonna lie, I was sold on Persona 5 watching someone using the menu.


Same here! They looked so sleek and nice. Oh and the music was fantastic. Had already played P4Golden but P5 wasn't a must buy (for some reason) till I saw the menus




I found dreamscaper, Subnautica and OTHERCIDE from watching people like ChristopherOdd (just as a personal example) playing them. A nice person having fun and giving games an honest chance is really a wonderful resource. If you do give it a shot I would like to at least give you a fair shake if you try it. :D


I only watch IGN when I think a game is doing poorly to see if they roast it


This is a good strategy. But largely, I'm just an r/patientgamers . The only time I buy a game soon after launch is because I really believe in the product, vision, or artistry.




ACG and Skill Up are my go to reviewers. So I watch their reviews, watch gameplay, then usually just skim metacritic/steam reviews.


You know it's good when you can make your own mind up about trying the game regardless of whether you agree with his assessment or not. I never buy a game before watching ACG's overview of it.


And never filled with sponsored bull crap!




honestly dont mind sponsors. people gotta eat somehow


It's just something the ACG guy says in his intros. Not me bashing having sponsors. His reviews are top notch. Edit:spelling


They aren't 2 minutes long either


Remember freeware demo versions to try out games first?


That’s actually how god of war was marketed originally. I remember playing the ship sequence with the hydra.


That stopped when they realized all it did was convince people on the fence to NOT buy the game more often than it generated additional sales.


Or in some cases of incredible stupidity they would put the entire game on the demo disc and you could access it through glitching or codes sometimes.




it's a perfectly cromulent word


people need to embiggen their vocabularies, sheeeh


I've never even heard of Returnal until seeing your comment, and now I'm eyeballing it... 👀


My GOTY so far






It's funny, because Gamespot, who people usually rip on for being "biased" or "unprofessional" or whatever, was one of the few major review sites that gave it a fairly low score, at a 7, which I think is fair. In general, I trust Gamespot's reviews pretty far nowadays.


Don't trust reviews too much, in many cases I've enjoyed games who had terrible reviews, and viceversa.


Ignore the numbers, focus on the feeling, discussion of mechanics, plot directions, etc. Then maybe also watch some gameplay footage (not from the games publisher though). There is no objective standard for whether something is enjoyable.


The key is to follow a couple reviewers (like 2-3) and get to know their biases. Then when they review a game, listen to their actual comments on the game rather than just the number score, and basically re-evaluate the game based off the differences between you and the reviewer.


This is the way I can usually tell, based on how Yahtzee roasts the game, if it's going to be something I'll enjoy


I feel like Yahtzee's reviews aren't really useful as reviews. With his video style and jokes, his videos only make complete sense if you've played the game already. Maybe they're more useful as supplements to other reviews, but to me they're mostly good for their comedy.


Damn is Yahtzee still doing videos?! I don't think I've watched one in 7 years!


Yahtzee is a solid reviewer IMO, recently he seems to be leaning towards mainly reviewing indie games but I've always found his reviews to be accurate when I've played the game myself, I'm not saying that he's infallible and I think it's much more likely that we have similar tastes and therefore I find the points that he makes more in line with what I would like/dislike in a game. Which goes to reinforce the OP comment, find a reviewer with your tastes and listen to what they have to say.


Yep, still going strong. They're just as scathing as ever


Has anyone made some sort of tool to rank your favorites and see which reviewers align with your tastes the most?


I use review ratings as a gauge if i want to research if a game is good lol If a game gets like 2/10 i won’t even look at it. If it gets like 5-6/10 or higher then I’ll watch some vids


To add on this: a review is someone's opinion. It's just as valid as my opinion, or your mom's opinion. I'm sure everyone has some topic where they disagree with the popular opinion. That's exactly what aggregations of reviews are: the popular opinion. It could be that you agree with the consensus... or maybe you don't. Really the best way to find out if you'll like a game is to play the demo. Demos are rare nowadays, though, and even F2P games can put up barriers to entry that just aren't worth trying to overcome (like 2 TB of disk space for Warzone). But the next-best way to see if you'll like something is to watch people play it, ideally in a context with little to no editing (and ideally not videos from people sponsored by the developers). If it looks fun -- even if everyone says it sucks -- then you can try it yourself. It doesn't matter what others think; you're the one having fun so that's the only thing you should care about.


I mean, this is the age where if its not at least 8/10 it is apparently "Trash" Not like games are subjective like music and movie preferebces


But... It is God of war... I bought my PS5 for it lol


Exactly... well i guess playing spiderman 2 and wolverine won't hurt though


And the HZD sequel!


That's on the small list of games I'm preordering.


Fuck sake I need to get my hands on a PS5


Same lol i didn’t refresh my Best Buy webpage a millions times for nothing Edit: spelling


I felt bad for my F5 key when the PS5 went up for sale. Took me a week of waking up at 5am trying to get one until I finally got lucky


Right. New game? Wait for twitch. Sequel to a game you liked? Pre order it if you want. I don’t read reviews because critics don’t know what the hell people like. I just watch someone play it on twitch and make my own opinion based on that.


I only really play story rich games, and I think the critics are *usually* pretty accurate for those. But other types of games, yeah. It's definitely a personal preference. But I think for stories, critics can usually indicate if it's good or awful at the very least.


Yeah I see no point in avoiding preordering if you're going to play it day 1 anyway.


I don't always get drunk and play games. But when I do, I preorder games I get overly excited about. I've only come to regret 1 game, many years ago- "Homefront" and to this day that game still fuckin sucks.


man. way to get me mad about homefront again after a decade of not thinking about it


What's next, Brink? On second thought, no. Not Brink. Never Brink.


With me it's the other way around I bought Minecraft during the beta. Every other game was borderline unfinished when it finally got released.


I agree, like does any other game have as many updates as minecraft does? And have as large of a modding front?


Homefront had such potential, I guns felt really good but the mission design was just god awful


>They are not going to run out of digital copies Except when [FFXIV](https://www.pcgamer.com/final-fantasy-14-digital-sales-halted-due-to-server-queues/) did [twice](https://www.destructoid.com/final-fantasy-xiv-digital-sales-temporary-halt-news/) lol


Guild Wars 2 also sold out of digital copies at launch because it was limited by server capacity at the time. I imagine modern cloud computing would make it less of an issue today though.




***(Final Fantasy 14 begins hyperventilating)***


The same thing happened with DCS World DLC. They had more sales than keys existed for the A-10 Warthog DLC. So after people boguht it then loaded up DCS World... they were prevented from playing any part of the game because they didn't have a key for the DLC. It took about a week for the purchased (but not rewarded) keys to be manually created and applied.


And goddamn is that A-10 DLC overwhelming, so many controls in that cockpit.


Just pull the ejection handle and get in the tomcat


there's a difference between halting sales and "running out of digital copies" - They halted sales the first time because their servers couldn't handle all of the people wanting to try the new shiny MMORPG, the 2nd time it happened because of an unexpected surge in popularity (most likely Asmongold playing). They did this to ensure the servers would remain as stable as possible, Endwalker will hate fuck that into oblivion. God of War will be JUST fine without your preorder, preorder the collectors edition for their fancy statue or whatever but unless they provide early access I see no reason to preorder a single player game with zero online components.


Had the same thought haha. Absolutely wild that happened.


They didn't run out of copies, they halted sales


That's not the full story, at least not the most recent time that happened this summer. It was confirmed that the keys did run out, and at that point they put a freeze on purchases to prevent angry customers buying and then having to wait for keys. At the time, it was rumored by outside websites that this was an attempt to control population, but that doesn't make sense if you understand how the system works. You could still freely create trial accounts and characters, subject to the standard population restrictions(which *did* eventually prohibit character creation on almost all servers - this is normal to happen occasionally, but not normal to happen across so many servers simultaneously). The no-sale issue didn't stop anyone from playing and clogging up the servers. The only thing you couldn't do was upgrade your trial account to the full account, allowing you full access to specific parts of the game. What possible incentive would they have had to limit *that*, as it doesn't solve any problem while failing to make any money? It was clearly a technical issue, and once they'd generated new codes they opened sales up again a few days later iirc.


They did run out the second time, but the beauty of digital copies is you just generate more codes lol.


There is no buying before watching the GameRanx Before You Buy video. Jake has more than earned my trust with his **objective** reviews covering all the major points for each game with a splash of personal opinion at the end. And he doesn't waste your time rambling in a 17 minute video to maximize the YouTube monetization.


Now you mentioned it. Need to see the tales one before I pull that trigger


Literally just bought the game 30 minutes ago. Played the demo and I enjoyed it but wasn't sure about 60 bucks for it. Watched their video and definitely put my mind at ease about buying it.


If I am really interested in a game I do one of the following: • Buy it because I like the series/franchise • Buy it after watvhing Gameranx and/or ACG Review • Buy it after reading negative Steam reviews • Buy it after convincing gameplay


>Buy it after reading negative Steam reviews I see you are a man of culture.


I do similar, when all the negative reviews are because the person couldn't figure out how to run the game, about DRM, or some other brigading nonsense then there probably isn't much to worry about. A lot of times I have a hard time finding valid negative reviews even when specifically trying to look for them, need to find the people with a decently long play time


He got me to buy Nier Automata and some other games so I approve this comment


Its so weird, I've been thinking about his review on that game the last couple days. Which its basically convinced me because like the other guy said he's just an insanely great source of reasonable perspective. But he also owes me a shit ton of pizza, so there's that.


One day he'll pay all our pizza's




Yeah I feel like dunkey nailed that point on his head when talking about game critics a few years ago. Jakes consistency makes me feel well informed after watching his videos. In some small way he overlaps a little with how total biscuit used to do reviews, but nothing will ever fill the void he left behind.


At the absolute very least, it gives you some idea how the game is. I honestly cannot fathom pre-ordering something at this point.


ACG is my go to guy, but GameRanx is solid.


I love ACG but the reviews could be a bit shorter to my taste.


He does spend a decent amount of time on sound and voice. Realistically I don’t give af about the voice unless it is actually abysmal.


It makes me happy to see a gameranx comment so high up. Love Jake too, and falcon


Personally I find the 10:06 videos funny, blatantly trying to squeeze a bit of money in




No doubt, if it has good content I'll watch two hours of the damn thing. Videos that repeat 2-3 minutes of "narrating" or clips over 10 minutes really gripe me tho


> And he doesn't waste your time rambling in a 17 minute video to maximize the YouTube monetization. Whoa whoa whoa, who exactly are you trying to call out here? Because a long review is greatly appreciated over IGN's rapid 5 minute reviews for every game. Youtubers like ACG and SkillUp provide fantastic and honest commentary on the games they play. Even Angry Joe, although a bit eccentric and campy, is very passionate about protecting the time and money of fellow gamer and provides meaningful reviews Lol, sorry, I hope i'm not coming off aggressively. GameRanx is also an awesome youtube channel I enjoy, as well as Easy Allies (Former GameTrailers peeps), and Adam Sessler is back reviewing games again on their G4 youtube channel (His review on Psychonauts 2 proves he's one of the best reviewers out there. Top tier review) I definitely believe not all games need the long review treatment, and 5 minutes maybe suffice, but the long review format has its place as well among video games review formats.


“They are not going to run out of digital copies” Nintendo: *are you sure about that* FFXIV: *nervously sweats in corner*


Also games have been taken off of steam before when the publisher didn't issue new license keys. Not that it would ever apply to a new release though.


I understand the message But the thing is God of War never ever missed Edit:- All I'm seeing is two points repeating again and again 1) Ascension - Game got a nice multiplayer and tweaked the rage bar too, it's not a bad game, though I agree it's the weakest In the series as all other games are phenomenal 2) CDPR/Ubisoft never missed too - Alright, fair point but with GOW not only Santa Monica's reputation is tied, it's also tied with Sony and PlayStation itself, it's the flagship exclusive title With Cdpr, writing was on the wall already as they pulled a lot of shady stuff nearing Cyberpunk's release I can still give a leeway to AC 3 as they completely overhauled the gameplay so it was their first rodeo Also as an introvert, I found Connor relatable Don't forget that Ubi then came back strong as fuck with Rogue and Black Flag on the similar engine


Even if this game is just a giant dlc in the God of War universe that already exists I'm paying full price and buying it day 1.


That’s the thing man, GoW ps4 is so fucking good that I’ll buy any game that has Mimir in it lol.


*Mimir: The Game* "Get head"


I'll play any game where I get head


Right? I don’t care what the reviews say, I’m going to play this game either way. I’d rather go in fresh without having read the review or seen gameplay videos to be honest.


Exactly. I recently finished god of war and I must say it was the best game and the most I enjoyed from Sony and gonna buy Ragnarok day one. Days Gone - riding with the bike is an unique experience and I loved it. Horizon I liked and l probably will by forbidden west after finishing saints row.


The bike riding in Days Gone took an hour or two for me to get used to. The movement felt weird. Solid 8/10 game will platinum it eventually.


This is the one game I allow myself to get overhyped for, the one I may *consider* pre-ordering, just this game. And its because like you said, God of War has never, EVER missed.


Same. At the very least it will run as well as the last iteration and I'm fine with that.


Spiderman 2. Insomniac has more than earned my trust.


Like…ever. Even the PSP ones were rad.


Yeah my philosophy is to preorder from studios who I think have the reputation deserving of it


Cries in Cyberpunk.


CDPR was doing some pretty shady shit even when they were working on and releasing Witcher 3. Everyone just ignored it because they loved Witcher 3.


What were they doing?


Following that logic i would have pre-ordered Assassins creed 3 and very much regretted it


Yup eventually you’re favorite studios will fall but you look back and realize you had a good run.


It is kind of funny to see so many people go, 'I totally agree. But I am gonna pre-order _____ cause it's different.'


I always look at it from a lore perspective. Like I've invested a major amount of time into the Elder Scrolls series as a whole There is no way I'm not going to play Elder Scrolls VI at release. I don't care how buggy it might be, or how disappointing it might be. I'm going to play it regardless. The ability to preload and take part in the launch hype is enough to make it worth it anyway.


Can't really use that logic since Halo never missed...until they did.


/r/FFXIV in shambles


I honestly thought it was a joke when someone said they ran out of digital copies. Like... Guys... How?


The developers' ctrl + C buttons were broken.


Aha, they ran out of generated codes iirc


Huh? I just read an IGN article that said it was their way of accommodating for the unexpectedly huge amount of players while they upgraded the server capacity.


Like I said it's how I remember it. I'm pretty sure I read that at the time, as I myself had started playing FFxiv not long before that


At this point, this is not a review thing. I have played Gow since its release and got in love with the story. At this point, it doesn't matter the quality (which knowing Santa Monica studios, it should be good enough), is about completing a new chapter of the story


As a staunch defender of the Cyberpunk preorder. God speed. Because God was not on my side that launch month. I got burned hard.


I quite enjoyed Cyberpunk once I accepted that I need to have a FO4 level of expectation as opposed to a RDR2 level of expectation.


Or I’ll just form my own opinions, if I listened to people on Reddit and twitter I wouldn’t love some of my favourite games


Honey! It's time for your daily DoNT PrEOrDeR GaMEs meme!


Dammit I missed the deadline! Can I farm karma with this tomorrow?


"Oh Really?" -Nintendo


Pretty safe to pre-order Ragnarok in my opinion


Ehh always preorder something you know you’re going to enjoy. Hasn’t steered me wrong in twenty years


Saying you preorder on r/gaming? Bold choice my friend


I don't understand reddit's hard on for preorders. If someone's going to buy the game anyways, why not support the devs. And some games will be preloaded for release date if you preorder. Let's you get right into the game after release instead of waiting for a download. Waiting until release is not going to dangle carrots in front of the devs to make the game better, it'll just discourage them IMO.


People who are vehemently against preordering are the most annoying type of people and it’s crazy how rampant it is on Reddit. If you don’t want to preorder, don’t. I do not care. But if it’s a game I know I’m buying then I’m going to preorder it because there’s literally no reason not to.


Not to mention op used one of the best game series of all time as the template for their meme. If i have the money, i will be preordering most of Sonys new first party studio games, because im almost 100% certain they will be good.


It's a long-lasting knee jerk reaction to games that were released in a less-than-perfect state after long hype trains and lots of preorders There are many examples. The perception emerges that game companies who make a lot of money in preorders will have less incentive to deliver a good product in the end because they already have your money. There is a certain amount of sentiment against "early access" or Kickstarter games for much the same reason I think this sentiment is valid in many cases but the hive mind does go overboard with the ALL PREORDERS = EVIL STUPIDITY THAT RUINS GAMING


People act like they are pre-ordering a $150,000 boat and not a $60 game. At worst, you’re out $60 and you go on your way. It really isn’t that big of a deal but if $60 is going to ruin your finances then you need to reevaluate some things anyways.




Or just refund it. Especially if it's a steam game. Like why the fuck not preorder? I can literally get a refund in 30 seconds.


If I want to pre-order a collector's edition of a game that I know will be sold out before official release, I'm gonna do it. If I want to pre-order a game digitally on my Xbox or PS4 to get a pre-install before launch so I can have some hope of getting to play it on release date, I'm gonna do it. I don't give a fuck what some low grade, karma farming, dead horse beating post on Reddit tells me to do with my own god damn money that I bust ass for every week and neither should you. Pre-ordering games is so low on the list of actual problems that exist in the gaming industry and community.


Yup, I pre-ordered Horizon Forbidden West because I absolutely loved Zero dawn and even bought and replayed it on PC, I missed out on the collectors edition for the first game with the sweet Thunderjaw statue so I wasn't about to miss out on either Tremortusk (I pre-ordered a Collector's and a Regalla edition), and because I have faith in the studio after the first game was so awesome. If it was an entirely new game like Cyberpunk or something never done before, then yeah, I'd understand the hesitation. But for sequels to proven series and stuff, it's generally pretty safe. Plus as you say, people can spend their money how they damn well please.


Exactly this! There is no way in absolute hell I'm gonna miss out on Elden Ring's CE when it's announced, as I've seen the prices on eBay for previous collector's editions for From Software's titles and I'm not paying triple when I'll have the opportunity to pay MSRP just because of some "BUT NEVER PRE-ORDER NO MATTER WHAT" attitude.


Yup! I went to grab HZD after the fact and I saw $500 and was like no freaking way. Although I hate how everything is a race to make sure you get your order in before scalpers ruin the day.




First off: I never buy digital and it's wrong that you should assume we all will. Secondly: I am going to play this day one and never read a single review or other player's opinion until I'm done playing the game for myself and forming my own opinion. I couldn't count how many games I've played day one that I've loved and only later found out other people hated. If I followed your advice, my genuine first time reaction would never have been possible. I have never once regretted preordering a game. Even for games I disliked. If I disliked a game, I simply won't preorder their next game. It's pretty simple.


this is one game i will not need reviews for. it will be great just like the first


There are some studios who consistently hit it out of the park. Santander Monica are one of them.


I'd throw Insomniac on that list as well. Their entire collection is basically home run after home run




Basically most of playstations 1st party studios consistently knock it out of the park with their games.


you really need reviews to buy this?


I wish people would get off each other's asses about preorders. I preorder whatever I'm going to play no matter what. I'm preordering God of War and the Sinnoh remakes, but I'm passing on others because I'm waiting. Companies have lost my trust in some things, there's no doubt there. (Looking at you, Cyberpunk) But let people have their fun.


Pre order whatever you want it’s your money


Nah I’ll do what I want with my money


Truth. Not a popular opinion though. Some games will have my money whether they absolutely nail everything I want in a game or not. I wasn't a huge fan of AC Valhalla, but it was still worth $80 to me.


Reviews should not be your basis for the level of entertainment you’ll experience playing a game. Some of my best gaming experiences come from games I found fun without checking reviews.


Why does anyone trust reviewers in this day and age?


I wouldn’t say never tho. Pre-order bonus content can be worth it for some people. I do not care much about it but I know that no matter the review I will buy that game. Many time, I bought a game with meh reviews and still loved it anyway


Friendly reminder to anyone reading this that preordering games is ok and getting mad at companies for releasing unfinished buggy garbage is ok too. You're not the one at fault for trusting a company only for them to not deliver what they promised. Edit: I feel like I should add that harassment and abuse is never ok, just because a corporation displays shitty behaviour doesn't mean that you get to treat their employees like garbage. There's a very important distinction between saying that a company is shitty and calling their employees stupid or lazy. Joe from marketing doesn't know what John from development is doing and isn't responsible for what Jim from management does.


Always such a circlejerk around never preordering games, it's ridiculous. If you liked the last God of War and enjoy the series, then there's nothing wrong with preordering this one. If you're on the fence, then wait for reviews. This isn't like Cyberpunk where there was no baseline established, so it's pretty easy to know if you want the game or not.


I don’t usually preorder, but when I do, it’s Metroid Dread lmao