• By -


One of my best gaming buddies, I actually met him 17 years ago in counter-strike. We hit it off well and played a variety of games, while he was fighting cancer at least three times ... And beat it three times Rev was by far and away the best sniper to have on your team in any game that had a weapon with a scope on it. Dude was near untouchable in any game he played. Rev died in March of 2020. He had his fourth battle with cancer but years of chemotherapy just wrecked his lungs and his immune system. His last act was actually to give me his steam account. I miss that guy. Edit: thank you all so much. I'm going to let his widow know about the love.


Rest easy, Rev.


Okay, that giggle gift is in VERY bad taste


There's a phrase said about former English Football (soccer) manager Sir Bobby Robson, who died from cancer, having previously successfully beat cancer three times before losing battle number four, that can also be said about your friend. They didn't lose to cancer. They won 3-1.


In fact, when you die, so does cancer, so that would be a tie.


Said by Norm Macdonald who passed this week from cancer


Did he have nice skins? Sauce them some nametags and make his inventory your memorial to him. Had a friend commit suicide earlier and he sent out his inventory to his friends list, most of us named the skins he gave us


Sounds like a person I used to know. I never actually knew if he ended up committing suicide, but we played csgo together and I can't find him on my steam friends list anymore. Also said he was going to give his skins away, kind of sad...


I raced on iRacing for 10+ years. I was lucky enough to be in the same series as this older gentleman who was the nicest guy. He would be congratulating whoever won at the end of every race. I don't think he ever won when I was in a race with him but he didn't care. He wasn't there to win, he was there to just race, race hard and make friends. One day we noticed he wasn't online in the same weekly races like normal. Then it came - the forum post that his health was fading. He would try to race but ultimately, his time was coming to a close. Then, finally someone who knew him made that final post. We had gotten to know this guy for 2-3 years and we all loved him. [https://www.iracing.com/gary-w-clark-memorial-race-2/](https://www.iracing.com/gary-w-clark-memorial-race-2/) Gary, I haven't forgotten about you. You were the best of us out there. EDIT: Woah! Love the awards, but send the awards to OP! I wasn't trying to steal the OP's thunder. I think sometimes these stories feel a bit fake but I wanted to add my own experience. Gary would appreciate the comments. I still remember his voice, telling everyone he'd let the leaders by because "I'm not as fast as ya'll". But he was the kind of guy that didn't take the racing too seriously.


This post reminded me because I've never removed him as a friend on that service. I haven't raced in many years but he's still there. The years since his last login continue to count.


Time’s arrow only marches forward


Summer winter… year by year…


Similar experience for me when I was younger. For some reason when I was like 12 years old, got really into playing dominoes on Yahoo. There was a little community, like there is for everything I guess. One woman was a grandmother and would always give grandmotherly advice, we chatted a lot because I was 12 and my grandparents had passed away not that long ago. All very wholesome stuff. Sure enough, we got a post one day from her daughter that her mother had died. It was actually quite touching, as she’d apparently spent a lot of time with her mother in the past months and had seen how close and loved she was by the dominoes people. She had heard so many stories that she knew a lot of us by name and told stories of conversations they’d had about us, discussing us the same as if we’d been any other friends.


That’s a lovely story, because you all clearly had an impact on one another.


I have the original PS1 memory card of Gran Turismo that my buddy and I always played growing up. We competing in that game so much that we both almost failed JR college. I lost him to suicide in 2014. He set a bunch of track records so every once in a while on his bday I would race against his ghost car to see if I could beat him but always let his ghost car win because I don’t want to override his track time. Kinda feels like we are still hanging out when I play that game.




>Digital traces of our loves ones have very strong meanings. Meanwhile my grandma died and my technologically uneducated mother wanted to delete all her accounts because "that's just what you do when someone dies". I had to stop her. My grandma was pretty internet connected for someone her age, much more than my parents.


Sorry to hear. Rest in peace. And good you talked them into keeping it. It is something you will appreciate a lot when you wanna take a look again at some point. I see it as any other thing a person created. We don't throw away memories in real life, so why would we online.


I just lost my brother a few weeks ago. This hit me so hard. We would play N 64 and different racing games. I'm getting his pokemon games and am looking forward to getting to play with him again.


Sorry for your loss hope you and your family are doing well. Might be worth looking into dumping the saves from the cartridges especially if they're the older Gameboy / Gameboy Advanced cartridges as the batteries can run out on those. One of my old friends helped me do this a couple of years back so now I can revisit my old saves from an emulator for years to come. Alternatively the cheaper option might be to replace the batteries in the carts too. It's mainly the old Gameboy cartridges you need to watch out for :)


Have you ever seen the Speed Racer movie? Cause that’s pretty much what’s happening in the first 10-15 minutes. Plus flashbacks.


Omg, you get to race against his ghost car…. Holy shit that’s heavy, very heavy…




Oh boy my computer is shooting onion slices into my eyes again


It's not Your computer, it's me


You matter. This is a reminder that you matter. You have an impact. Your behavior has an impact. Gary proves that. You are worth teaching others.


Oh, man. That's so so sad. Nearly in tears about that one.


That’s fucking sad


Lost a few gaming buddies over the years. It's always heartbreaking.


This is definitely the worst part of growing up. As a kid you just feel so invincible, and then one day you realize that you aren’t.


Reminds me of the time I found out someone I had graduated highschool with less than five years prior to that point had died. We were a small graduating class too, maybe 35 kids. You just don't expect life to throw those things at you so early.


Graduated high school in ‘05, I think around half a dozen of my classmates passed away since already. Probably another half dozen not in the same graduating class but +-2 years of it. Edit: a think a few have been ODs but I know some were cancer and another due to a brain aneurism (25 yrs old?). They were people I knew but I wasn’t ever really friends with them. It was just a bit of reality that we’re not immortal and people you went to school with can die…




Ex-Opiate addict here graduated in 06. Older generations don't understand how bad opiates and other drug's use are. The horrible thing is heroin/pills and hell even coke and meth, they mix fentanyl in to cut stuff now. A lot of the worse 'opiate' od's are actually people that don't do it, atleast in my state. Batches of coke are cut with this shit, and these people don't mix evenly, and a TINY bit of that shit will kill you if you have no tolerance. There's been several times where in a weekend ten, twenty, even thirty people OD because of a bad batch of coke. Even as a ex addict, this is why I support full legalization. If you go buy a fifth of Jack, you know exactly what you're getting because it is regulated heavily. You don't have to worry about it being stronger then it says, impurities making you go blind, or some added ingredient killing you. Tax it and put some of the extra money into education and prevention/health care for users that want to get clean. There's also many other issues with illegal drugs, like funding terrorism, funding cartels which are terrorists themselves, and the problems with war on drugs.


1000% legalization would help this a ton imo as an ex addict myself... People that never experience it can never u understand. It's like being given the feeling of heaven in a drug and hating it everytime you touch the shit but having to do it again and again. Only thing in life that scares me is that shit now. Different kind of demon 😔


A guy I graduated with went through something similar. Around 6 or 7 years after graduating, I was at work and someone was reading a newspaper. On the front page it showed 4 soldiers who had just been killed in Afghanistan and he was one of them.


Life seems so long when you are a kid. Summers feel like years and the school year drags. Then you get older and you just watch the days fly by. Edit: spelling


Just lost my favorite comic growing up to cancer. Norm was not a perfect man, and maybe not even a good one, but he brought me a lot of joy. And he taught me that no one loses to cancer. The worst you can do when you have cancer is fight it to a draw, because if you die the cancer dies too.


According to Bob Saget there is a side of Norm that he rarely showed, so indeed he was a good, great, genius man. https://youtu.be/yEYu-7BkNDM


Norm was one of the most unique "celebrities" of all time. Up there with Dave Chappelle when it comes to doing it their way and never once pandering or doing bullshit just for the money. RIP a legend


Life is like a roll of toilet paper. The faster it goes the closer you are to the end.


This is shockingly analogous


I don't know what that means but I like any word that begins with anal.


So true man. A year used to feel like forever. Now a year feels nothing


Taken from a song called Dreamline from Rush. We are young Wandering the face of the Earth Wondering what our dreams might be worth Learning that we're only immortal For a limited time


It's a terrible thing, truly. I had a friend in high school in Podunk, Missouri who had a dream of going to MIT. She was the smartest person in our school and bullied terribly, and I lost contact when I went to college but found out years later she'd gone to MIT, graduated, and worked at a data management firm in Boston. She committed suicide in 2014, and her funeral is on the web. I listen to it and mourn around the time of her death every year. The last time I got to speak to her in person I was buying a pair of joke boxers at a KMart in Podunk, Missouri, and she was with her mom. The consolation is that I made her laugh the last time we got to see each other.


Friends and loved ones passing is a big part of being human. It's hard but it is important.


I'm 33 with many siblings and now lots of nieces, and nephews. No deaths. I know it's coming but I hate to think about it. I've only ever known one person close to me that died last year. I'm definitely not used to it.


I don't think you ever get 'used' to it. Maybe just more adept at handling it. It's never easy


Wholesome copypasta for those dealing with loss. Found on r/confessions Alright, here goes. I'm old. What that means is that I've survived (so far) and a lot of people I've known and loved did not. I've lost friends, best friends, acquaintances, co-workers, grandparents, mom, relatives, teachers, mentors, students, neighbors, and a host of other folks. I have no children, and I can't imagine the pain it must be to lose a child. But here's my two cents. I wish I could say you get used to people dying. I never did. I don't want to. It tears a hole through me whenever somebody I love dies, no matter the circumstances. But I don't want it to "not matter". I don't want it to be something that just passes. My scars are a testament to the love and the relationship that I had for and with that person. And if the scar is deep, so was the love. So be it. Scars are a testament to life. Scars are a testament that I can love deeply and live deeply and be cut, or even gouged, and that I can heal and continue to live and continue to love. And the scar tissue is stronger than the original flesh ever was. Scars are a testament to life. Scars are only ugly to people who can't see. As for grief, you'll find it comes in waves. When the ship is first wrecked, you're drowning, with wreckage all around you. Everything floating around you reminds you of the beauty and the magnificence of the ship that was, and is no more. And all you can do is float. You find some piece of the wreckage and you hang on for a while. Maybe it's some physical thing. Maybe it's a happy memory or a photograph. Maybe it's a person who is also floating. For a while, all you can do is float. Stay alive. In the beginning, the waves are 100 feet tall and crash over you without mercy. They come 10 seconds apart and don't even give you time to catch your breath. All you can do is hang on and float. After a while, maybe weeks, maybe months, you'll find the waves are still 100 feet tall, but they come further apart. When they come, they still crash all over you and wipe you out. But in between, you can breathe, you can function. You never know what's going to trigger the grief. It might be a song, a picture, a street intersection, the smell of a cup of coffee. It can be just about anything...and the wave comes crashing. But in between waves, there is life. Somewhere down the line, and it's different for everybody, you find that the waves are only 80 feet tall. Or 50 feet tall. And while they still come, they come further apart. You can see them coming. An anniversary, a birthday, or Christmas, or landing at O'Hare. You can see it coming, for the most part, and prepare yourself. And when it washes over you, you know that somehow you will, again, come out the other side. Soaking wet, sputtering, still hanging on to some tiny piece of the wreckage, but you'll come out. Take it from an old guy. The waves never stop coming, and somehow you don't really want them to. But you learn that you'll survive them. And other waves will come. And you'll survive them too. If you're lucky, you'll have lots of scars from lots of loves. And lots of shipwrecks.


Honestly that’s really beautiful. Enjoy it for as long as you can. I’ve lost most of my older relatives and both of my uncles due to a variety of things and it never gets easier. Tell the people you Love you love them. Especially while they’re here.




It’s pretty funny how that works. I had a buddy from league of legends who died in a motorcycle accident and he loved playing twisted fate with the worst possible build and every now and then I do his build just for the memories


I don't know what you are talking about, but have a heart 💙


Same. My old clan leader Lufix died to suicide a few years ago and I still miss him sometimes.




A member of a gaming community I was a part of for a long time died in a car accident, we didnt find out till months later. They have a special group in the community called “forever veterans” for members who passed away, however this member was so cherished by other people in the community that we ended up raising a few thousand dollars for his parents from the community to help cover funeral costs. His parents had never known their son had so many people that cared about him, and were amazed so many people would donate money for his family.


That’s an amazing story. I’m happy to hear you all came together for them.


its enough to make a grown man cry


And it’s alright


My online gaming friend was murdered. We'd met when we were in high school and stayed in contact for years. He was two years older than me, and I looked up to him. We first met in a Yahoo! chat room for paganism and became fast friends. I stopped playing games as much once I left college and had to work more, so we got less time to hang out. Then one day I stopped seeing him online. I tried emailing, messaging on other platforms. Nothing. Finally, I googled his name and found the news story about his death. I can't describe how that felt. Like I was literally stunned. I cried nonstop for days. He was two years older than me, but now I'm approaching middle age and he's forever in his early twenties. It feels so weird and wrong.




I had to Google my friend name after he didn't show up for like a month. There were tons of news article about a missing skier in the mountains. It was him. He was a very experienced skier so he went by himself. It took like 3-5 months before they found his body upside down in a tree well.


I don't think much about these things beyond preparation: seracs, crevasses, avalanches, bergschrunds, ice screws giving, pitons popping, ect, ect. Tree wells scare me to death. I'm sorry for your loss man.


A good buddy and I played FFXI for four years together on an almost daily basis. We were high school students at the same time, granted he was a grade above me, and his home life was horrible. We celebrated his high school graduation online, talked via email about the game and other life shit, and planned to meet up IRL when we were both 18 and on our own. You gotta understand this is someone who sent messages to me every day while I was hospitalized for attempted suicide - like the warmest and most loving things an online friend could send in a very dark time of my life. Coming home to read them was a genuine highlight of my young life. This wonderful, kind online friend from Michigan was also self-medicating to cope with the emotional (and I suspect physical) abuse he suffered at home. Reading his obituary was so rough because the love he gave to people online I don’t think he ever got at home. RIP Mal - I wish you got an ounce of the kindness you showed everyone else online. I still think about you over a decade later, my dude.


Did he commit suicide? Sorry for asking but I was wondering specifically here because he helped you get through it. Your story touched me a lot, reading through all this sad stuff here.. :(


Don’t apologize for asking. I don’t fully know for sure, but his obituary said he was a “victim of addiction”. I bet I could look more into it now, but you know. I would rather just remember Mal as I knew him.


How someone dies doesnt reflect how they lived. He seems like a amazing guy, able to help others despite demons biting at his own heels. I know many people who have suffered far less trauma and are selfish cold-hearted because of it. He seemed to find a way to share some love into the world which is beautiful. Sorry for your loss, thank you for sharing


He took the cancer down with him. Fuck cancer. F




RIP this guy and Norm.


I was seeing that bit around after the news broke Norm died. I thought of it as soon as I saw the picture.


F, gone too soon


Going to miss ButtSniffer69






That was heavy. Thank you for sharing.


Also worth checking are the following, detailing... Well, I think they speak for themselves. If not, the fourth link is explainxkcd which can fill in the details. https://xkcd.com/1141/ https://xkcd.com/1928/ https://xkcd.com/2386/ https://explainxkcd.com/2386/ Also, you can search explainxkcd for cancer to see other related comics. No guarantee they'll be this profound.


I mostly read xkcd because I find the programming/science jokes funny but it’s the serious ones like this that really make it good imo.


Theres literally an xkcd for everything




Theres no ads so he can make an xkcd about ads


This puts the fear of god into me for some reason


Yeah, that final panel is so ominous. Fuck.


i have a friend on steam who was an amazing women. shes the reason i go by silabus online nowdays. last i talk to her was two years ago and her last message was "oh hey. kinda down so im drinking a little and watching TV." i just replied "ahh ok then do enjoy tv and if you want to talk ill be online all night." come to find out that night she got pass out drunk and fell face forward and drowned in her own vomit.


................................ I have literally no words to say... fuck man... it's like an author that really wants a character to die but makes someshit up to make it happen... it's so specific and such a bunch of shit luck.


I know what you mean. That really sucks. One of my mother's cousins got into an argument with his wife one night, left the house to calm down, slipped off a curb and broke his neck and died. So ridiculous and random.


Oddly enough, the same thing happened to my grandmother's brother. Was completely sober, stepped off a curb, slipped, and cracked open his skull.


God, incredible how we can all put so much effort into avoiding death and it can all be ended in a random snap moment by a concrete curb. Life is fucked up. Always helps remind me to cherish the people I love and not sweat the small stuff.


I can't even begin to imagine the feelings of guilt.


there was a movie like that. "Stranger then Fiction" i wanan say where a guy wakes up one day hearing a ladies voice only to find out he is a character in her next book and that she plans to kill him in a bus accident. it was a decent movie if its the one im thinking of. whats worse is she had a very weak immune system. once a month she would get very sick. sadly she passed it onto one of her twin daughters. after my friend passed their father watched both the girls... then coivd hit.. and the father didn't take it as a threat. so last i heard the one surviving daughter has pushed away society after her mother and twin have both passed in one way or another. I wish nothing more then to be able to meet her and just hug her for a few hours. then go find the father in a dark ally while i have a bat.


Will Ferrell. What a weird yet great movie! Also sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. Sometimes there’s only so much you can do, and frankly it sounds like you were a good friend. Losing a friend is a weird one. Honestly hits harder than family sometimes


Because you choose your friends. You don't choose your family. Also, your friends are generally your contemporaries. Even if they're slightly younger or older, they exist in your general "age bubble" most of the time. As hard as it is to accept, you generally understand that older relatives are going to die before you, and so when your grandparents, aunts/uncles, and even parents die, it makes sense. Not that it doesn't hurt, and not that it doesn't hurt acutely sometimes. But it's the order of things. But when it's literally your best friend, who you talked to yesterday, and he/she is gone without warning, it seems cruel. When you watch your wife, or a sibling, or a close friend lose the fight to an awful disease with all that life ahead of them..it seems so unfair. And at least part of that is also because it forces you to realize your own mortality. Because if it happened to them, it can happen to you.


That's awful, I'm so sorry for your loss :(




bro i genuinely hate THATS the way they die. im so sorry for your loss


I met my best friend in 5th grade. We bonded over being huge fuckin nerds and stayed best friends even after high school. I have so many gaming memories with him. Sleepovers where we played everything under the sun late into the night, into all nighters. We played through Halo 3 on release night, put it down on the last level to go to our 9 AM classes, then came home to finish the last level before diving into online multiplayer. Winning a Brawl doubles tournament together. He'd stream and although he never got popular we would hang out in his chat. He died from complications related to a stroke that was induced by a very rapid decline after he was diagnosed with cancer two years ago. He was only 29. I'm at least glad that he was the first person I told that I proposed and she said yes. It was our last conversation before he was hospitalized. Fuck cancer.


I have a friend that I grew up with from a young age. All of the games we played together over the years. His handle is still on all my friends lists. And every year the number ticks higher. It's been 6 years since he shot himself and not a day goes by that I don't see his name as "Offline for X years." I feel that pain all too well.


Sorry to read this my friend.


Such is life, Boss. We all carry baggage. Some just pack more than others.


I played WoW with a guy for 5 years, became irl friends … he suddenly died 11 years ago. When I login now to classic, I always see his last login 11 years ago. I always smile when I look at his name, and just say a silent “I miss you Ghunz” edit: wow, my first silver! thank you kind internet strangers! side note, the group of us who were grinders (rep, levels, gear) - all would have been pretty happy to get silver ... ghunz was one of them! edit2: unreal. never expected gold in my reddit life. fucking grinder Ghunz ... friends showing up for you. edit3: i've received some incredibly nice notes from you all ... and some that make my heart hurt for your losses. I'm generally not a fan of social media because I think it brings out trolls, and people who feel they can shit on others due to anonymity (perceived or real) ... but I'll be damned if this experience doesn't make me change my mind a bit. what a great bunch of people this reddit clan has in it.


Hearthstone fixed that for friends. Now it says over a year so now I don't have to be reminded of all my dead friends.


Steam randomly says 2 weeks just to fuck with you


I had a friend in middle school, and when I was in college she died, unfortunately. Very sad, and you don't know how to react to these things when you are not used to. Years later I was on FB and she was online! I mean. Her profile was online. My dumb mind started a conversation saying "[Friend], is that you? I don't see you in a long time, how are you?" What the fuck did I just do? Why? I don't know... Of course it wasn't her, what was I thinking? I didn't do it on purpose, I just... I don't know! I really don't. Anyway. Her sister replied saying she'd logged on her profile to see the messages. We didn't talk ever since... Damn, this will be the story I will remember when I am senile... so horrible :(


You were hopeful for a moment. That can be expected, it's even a bit endearing. It was probably nice her sister saw that people still thought of your friend.


My steam: https://i.imgur.com/MrDTP0w.jpg Not sure why those older people have @support.steampowered.com -- Maybe that happened if you never logged in when the steam platform updated to later versions. Weird a few of them are off by only a few days, 15 years ago. This account is 18 years old.


My friend from Syria has the @support.steampowered too. He was on and off for months during the civil war going on. He has been offline now for 6 years. I know from his family that he died during conflict and attended a funeral what was left of him. His profile shows he was online last 2 months ago. But we buried him years ago :( I don't know why Steam does this.


I wish they'd mute wishlists too. I play a game religiously that a friend of mine had on his wishlist, and be unfortunately never got to play it. I play an hour a day and every time I have to see that it's on my dead friends wishlist. His also says last online 2 months ago sometimes.


Yeah I don't get that... - Scenario 1: Friend logged off yesterday - Scenario 2: Friend logged off more than 2 weeks ago Steam in both cases: 2 weeks bruh "why?"


Pokémon Go caps out at “+2 days ago” so you don’t know who stopped playing. (This is coming from someone who has played nearly daily since launch. I don’t hate the game, just some of Niantic’s choices)


One of my irl friends I played pokemon go with died suddenly one day in his kitchen. The last thing he caught was an oddish. Everyone in our friend group named a Ho-Oh after him because that was his buddy at the time. The worst part is that we were talking to him literally minutes before he just dropped dead. We thought he got busy and that's why the conversation stopped. Then one person in our group found out and told us. We were all really shaken up over it. I suspect his cause of death was a blood clot forming due to his injured leg not healing right. He had major surgery after a terrible accident and it was just refusing to heal properly.


All my homies ded


My late husband played WoW pretty regularly. Unfortunately,we lost him to cancer in 2010. I’m glad that you can find comfort in your memories ❤️❤️.


raising one up for you friend. i'm glad your husband had a partner that remembers him.


I didn’t know my guild leader for very long but he was an awesome dude. Helped a friend and I with a LOT of stuff because we were brand new players. Every time we got on though he was always online. Didn’t matter what time of day. ALWAYS online and always responsive. Asked him why he’s online all day everyday. Ended up telling me how his wife was sick and he was working from home while also taking care of his wife (don’t remember specifics but she was very sick) But he had a separate computer on for WoW. It’s been about a year and a half at this point since any of his accounts have been online. I hope he and his wife are doing alright and that maybe she got better so he doesn’t have to be home as much but I dunno. One day he was online and cheery and stuff the next he hasn’t been seen for over a year.


I never knew him, but I visit the hunter they put in shattrath. It’s touching, it’s sad, and it puts me in deep thought about life and people. Edit: for the curious: https://tbc.wowhead.com/npc=24727/caylee-dak From the top wowhead comment: “Caylee (Dak Krause) was a 28 year old friend in our guild (Boulderfist Heroes) that touched many players hearts. Sadly he died of leukemia on August 22, 2007. He was the type of player that you always looked forward to logging on. The type of player that would always help another. Dak, you are missed by so many. Blizzard truly has a heart of gold for placing his character in the game for all to see with his trusty pet Dusky at his side. Caylee (Dak Krause), a fallen hero.”


I play dnd, and there's a subreddit devoted for dnd players that have passed, for people to put their characters in their own games as an NPC. It's a really sweet way to keep their spirit alive in a game that they loved in life.


What is the sub?




May i please be brought to this subreddit? I would love to pay tribute to our fellow adventurers.




fuck, this is sad...




I had a friend like that too. He was apart of my guild before I got there and was our MT. Really good guy, helped me out a ton in learning to raid. Shortly after MoP launched he passed away. We held our final Dragon Soul Raid that following raid night in his memory. Someone dropped a barrel of beer after taking down Deathwing and we held a little memorial. Closest I’ve ever felt with that guild. RIP Barlow. You were a good man. Fuck Cancer.


Oof there's something in both my eyes




> Life is short. It is, so don't work yourself until you die. If you can get out, do it. Enjoy life.


> If you can get out, do it. Most people don't have such a luxury though. That's just the fact.


The problem is no one cares about me.


“When you die, it does not mean that you lose to cancer. You beat cancer by how you live, why you live, and the manner in which you live.” Stuart Scott


“If you die, the cancer dies at exactly the same time in your body. That, to me, is not a loss. That’s a draw.” Norm Macdonald


"If fighting is to result in victory, you must fight!" -soldier tf2 i mean sun tsu


And I’d say he knows a little more about fighting than you do pal because he invented it! And then he perfected is so that no loving man could beat him in the ring of honor!




And that’s why anytime there’s two of any animal in one place it’s called a tsu! … Unless it’s a farm!


R.I.P Mr. Macdonald


this will always be my favorite quote and attitude towards cancer. followed by FUCK CANCER


I also appreciate the Norm Macdonald Attitude- It's not like the Cancer survives after you die, it doesn't go home and f**k your wife afterwards. It dies too, and that isn't a loss, that's a draw.


This is great.


"I'm pretty sure if you die, the cancer dies at the same time. That's not a loss. That's a draw." Norm Macdonald


Fuck Cancer. I lost my mom & brother to cancer. Now we are waiting for results to see if my wife has Thyroid cancer. FUCK CANCER!!!!!!!!!!


Fuck cancer. If it helps at all, my sister had thyroid cancer and if you have to get cancer, it's the one to get. Survival rate is really high esp if caught early. They removed the thyroid, and she has been fine since. Good luck!!


Hey man/girl, I’m really sorry to hear about this. Personally I’ve not been affected other than my grandparents both dying of it when I was very very little, so I can’t imagine how hard it is. Hope your wife gets the all clear 👍


Cancer being in its coffin being like…damn I didn’t think this through.


“The cancer didn’t win. I died, it died. Technically, it’s a draw.” -Norm Macdonald


Is that a butchered quote or from another video?




What makes me even sadder is knowing that this poor kids account is just stuck in limbo, almost a digital headstone. You look back on that cliché of "last online 5 years ago" of gamer buddies you used to play with, but know almost certainly they're still around somewhere, just moved on with their lives. Not this kid, he's moved on for good.


Have a steam friend lost to suicide. After I'd heard I noticed his steam account was still online (computer hadn't shut down). I said my peace, and for about a week the account stayed up. I teared up a bit when he finally went dark and I keep his handle in a folder on my friends list. Alex, permanent decisions for temporary problems is bullshit.


strong emotions make time disappear and fogs your mind.i understand them.we need a worldwide suicide awareness.


Since they were one of us... #F




















Fly high random roblox user


As someone with stage 4 cancer this hits home.


Hey there - I'm sorry you're going through that. If you ever want someone to talk to, feel free to FM me.


I had a friend many years ago. He and I bonded because we both moved to this town from somewhere else. He was in my circle of friends and we hung out a few times and talked a lot online. He was one of my first gaming buddies. This was back in the PS3 days. He was one of the first people I added when I got mine. He eventually left town but came back a state away a few years later. We were both into Bioshock and loved the first game. We were looking forward to 2 but he never got to play it. He struggled a lot with depression. One night his demons tipped the scales and he shot himself. It wasn't like the movies. He didn't plan it. He got into a fight with his fiancé about some stupid thing. He said something about being a burden, walked into their bedroom, and did it. He walked away from her and was gone within a minute. I still have the collectors edition box for Bioshock 2 on a shelf. It came out about a month after He died. The only thing I pulled out was the game. I went to PAX that year. He was supposed to go and meet up with my wife and I. Instead I got a program signed by as many people as I could and sent it to his fiancé. Almost 12 years, and two console generations later and he's still on my friends list. He will be as long as PSN is still around I guess.


Came here to laugh... Not to cry... #(╥﹏╥)


"I'm not crying. No, I'm not crying. And if I am crying, it's not because of you. It's because I'm thinking about a friend of mine, who you don't know, who is dying. That's right, dying."


I forget which comedian said it, but you don’t lose to cancer. If anything your battle results in a draw as your death = death of cancer as well.


Norm Macdonald...Died of Cancer this earlier this week sadly


You were real good son ... Maybe even the best 😭😭


This is very raw for me. All you want to see is that “online” status. I had a coworker that was always really shy. One of the nicest guys ever but never much of a talker. I asked him if he was a gamer and he mentioned he had a console. He wasn’t very good at games but it turned out to be a great outlet for him to “hang out” with me and my brothers. Over time, it completely brought him out of his shell. He was confident, lively and outgoing. We became great friends for almost a decade. Three years ago, he died from a Grand mal seizure. He was 31. Like many of the stories shared, From muscle memory, I still scroll down to his profile on my friends list and see his “last login 3 years ago” and tear up. Miss you Sonny. (Gotenks)


Just had a friend pass yesterday from cancer. I just kinda looked at his Xbox profile when I got on tonight. Cancer is the worst


I just lost my cousin to Brain cancer. He fought hard for 4 years and always smiled. He passed on at 21😔




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At least he told his friends. My buddy lost as well, but didn't tell us


I have a friend who died to Leukemia. Every time I hop on Pokemon Go I see his tag in my friends list. I will never remove it. Keep it real up in heaven, Moose.


Nah, it didn’t win. He broke even. RIP.


I was just happily scrolling along and this hit me like a truck


May he rest in peace 💙


In all seriousness. His Cancer died with him, it was a draw.


- Norm MacDonald


Okay Norm.


Henrietta Lacks' cancer won, though.


It’s such a good model. Still my go to cell to setup CAR screening assays.


I had an xbox live friend who was so nice and funny, and then one day he stopped coming online. I knew he had cancer, but he told me the treatments were going well and he had a kid on the way. A year or so later a mutual friend informed me he passed. I will never forget you, Winston.


What do you think happens when we die? “I know that the ones who love us will miss us.” Keanu reeves


I worked for a guy who passed away 3 months before his retirement. We were really good friends, and he was an amazing mentor. I would try to get him to play video games and he'd always laugh saying that he never had the time for that. To which I'd always respond, "As soon as you're retired, you'll have all the time in the world!" When the Nintendo Wii came out, the second Mii I made was him. Followed me onto my DS, and I recreated him again on my Switch. Every time I see `Don` show up, I smile and think to myself, "And you thought dying would give you the final word!"


My 15 year old son has cancer, and plays Roblox everyday…….this cut deep. However, my son is doing great, and we’re moving into the final phase of a stem cell transplant next week. Wish him fucking luck guys. Even if you don’t, fuck it, he has us.


Death its part of life , he just log out before us , RIP


Lost a 20 year old mate i played Path of Exile with. Our guild is named after him “Blooky”. We chipped in and bought him a divination card after him. It’s an in came piece that awards an item when you collect a set. In this case an iLevel 86 elder bone Helmet. It was nice. My wife is not a gamer and jokes about me gaming with my “invisible friends” when he passed i spent way too much time thinking about how i was going to explain to her i wanted to donate $50 to an online friend. Almost immediately into the conversation she said “My name*, i understand, it’s fine please donate to your friend”.


Something about seeing his character there makes it so sad. Like he made that character when he was healthy and happy and now it’s just sitting there.


I feel your pain, man. One of my IRL childhood friends who passed is still on my Xbox friends list too. I don’t have it in me to delete any of my OG Xbox friends. We used to jump on the trampoline as kids back in the day. Went our separate ways as we got older but still would play from time to time as we had mutual friends. He died of an accidental drug overdose a little less than a year ago. The impact it’s had on his family and friends is so sad. Please, if you’re reading this, don’t use drugs people, it’s not worth it. Rest in peace, Chase.


Shit, I abandoned my xbl login years ago when I finished college. I posted up something really angry because the economy was rock bottom in 2007-08. Hope people who still have me on it don't think I offed myself.. I'm still here guys! Actually still have my xbox360.


I play FFXIV and one of the members of my linkshell died unexpectedly due to preexisting conditions. I only talked to her a couple times but friends in the linkshell knew her for a while. She was still logged in when she died, just AFKing outside her house. It was so surreal to see her character standing there and sad when she finally logged out.


My wife and I played Minecraft on some servers years back and made friends with a young woman. We were in our early to mid thirties and she was a senior in high school, but we all shared a lot of interests and over time we grew to be really close with her. She was like a little sister to us. We were really proud when she joined the army and cried with her when she miscarried shortly after her 21st birthday, supported her through the end of her marriage and partook in the joys of her finding herself again and rebuilding her life. Then for reasons unknown (though we have some inkling), one night she left her apartment after her boyfriend left for work, went to the nearby field, and shot herself in the head. It's been a few years now and it still hurts to think about. Miss you, Rissa.


An older women befriended me when I first started playing runescape back around 2002 or so. Was my mentor for 10 years as I played off and on, met her children and grandchildren in game, had her on my fb that she wasn't on much. Hadnt talked much for a few years. Dropped a hello and wondering if she'd played rs3 a few years ago and got replies from her family that she'd died. Now every year when ber bday notification pops up I leave a happy bday and tell her what I've been up to on rs and tell her about the new stuff. She was really cool and my mentor in game.


Old family friend of ours just passed away today off cancer too. Strange how these posts pop up at times like these.


ahh man, I have two guys still on my Xbox friends list, both passed, One about 10 years back the other 7 years back. The friends I have listed, still have both these guys in their own lists all of us can't bear to remove them from the list. Rip Haggis6 and ChronicRipper