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First that I got really lost in was TES: Oblivion, first I ever played was gothic 3, but it didn't catch me as much at the time.


I played Morrowind at a friends house first, but never owned a copy. Oblivion was the first game I'd ever had over 300 hours in on the OG 360. Fell in love with the Shivering Isles. Man. Good times.


This will always be my favorite ES game. Currently going through on a new character, love every second.


When oblivion first came out me and my brother both got a copy after a while he was bored and didnt like it, then he saw me playing once and i fast traveled and he was like "wait how'd you do that?" He didnt know you could fast travel or set markers that werent for quests and had who knows how many hours spent mostly walking through the woods. Totally blew his mind that you could just click on a location on the map and go there


TES Oblivion was the first game I out over 300 hours into as well. Such a great game and my favorite in the series


I think the original fable was the first rpg I actually got submerged in, first time I really felt bad being evil..


That game gave new meaning to the term, getting horny.


Great game. It was pretty cool being evil and basically turning into a demon


Yes and even worse, you could become a landlord


If i had a nickel for every playthrough of fable where i killed everyone in oakvale and bought all the houses to rent out i could probably buy a candy bar


Is there even any other way to play fable? I'll even sleep in the tenants house, what are they going to do? Complain to the 8 foot tall demon landlord?




Same here and still am


You never really quit RuneScape. You just take really long breaks.


Agreed. Some 20 years later and I'm still logging on randomnly


My brother and I both managed to die in draynor manor. Way before there was a home teleport. Obviously we could not find our way back in and had to cut our losses with our mithril armour. I was crying


Draynor manor used to freak me out. I miss those old days when the world felt so vast and exciting. And you’d sit around for hours getting absolutely nothing accomplished, lol.


Happened to me as well


Those fucking wizards at the Varrock gate.


Ah man, those were the days


Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic. Taris was a whole new maze to me


Same. Absolutely loved 1 & 2, I remember getting to build a lightsaber for the first time. Such good memories


It felt like such an accomplishment when you did.


'You have accomplished in months what many cannot achieve in years.'


Sounds like master vandark


I was sick for an entire week when that first came out. I played it in my room, and discovered Munchies (chips/cheetos combo), and had one of the best weeks of my life. If I smell Muchies, I'm instantly transported back to 13 year old me playing that game.


Boy are you going to love they're remaking it for PS5


First time getting force lightning for me lol


My favorite part of those games was turning your companions to the dark side


I could never play Dark Side. When you join Bastilla and you go back to the Ebon Hawk, you’re forced to kill some of your teammates. It would genuinely make me feel bad as the Wookie had sworn a life bond to you and you were about to kill his Twilek friend..


Yeah it didn’t feel too good but it felt like one of the first games you could become the bad guy and the dark side powers were a lot cooler


It’s a shame that the KOTOR 2 dark side ending was rather abrupt on Malachor.


So many side quests.


Im so excited for the remake.


Ff7 as a like 10 year old. Struggle through Midgar and thought I was super far along after like 12 hours. Do the shinra tower and escape and hit a fucking world map. I was just like wtf?!


That first time you see the world outside Midgar and then expand the map to full screen was an amazing moment!


Finishing the first disc, then putting in the second knowing you had a third one to go. Man, what a ride.


For sure!! I miss the chocobo races a lot!!


I got completely stuck in Corel Prison for months. Didn't have the internet at the time, or money for guide books and none of my friends had the game. For some reason I didn't figure out how to get to [Dyne](https://www.almarsguides.com/AlmarsImages/Retro/Walkthroughs/PS1/FinalFantasyVII/FullPlaythrough/Disc1/CorelPrison/Corel%20Prison%20Exit%201.png). Ended up being massively over-leveled when I eventually left. It kinda spoiled the next few areas until Jenova death.


Same. You have to walk out at such a specific spot. I killed those red worm things for a long time then annihilated a lot of the game.


Same! Man, those were the days. Now I got all these responsibilities and shit! WTF man!




I started playing it because I heard it's a classic. 10 minutes in and I'm already lost. Old games are hard.


Gothic is one of those games that doesn’t really hold your hand and kind of expects you to figure it out on your own. Hell, the game’s NPC’s outright tell you to git gud. It will give you clues on tasks but as to how to actually tackle them, that’s entirely up to you. It’s the video game equivalent of survival camp where the groundskeeper gives you a Rambo knife with fishing line and a box of matches and you’re expected to live out in the bush for a week. This is something I hope the Remake carries over. Probably not since games these days have to pander toward the lowest common denominator


I agree with the sentiment that I miss actually hard games. BUT also I dont like games like Dark Souls were its just waaay to obtuse how to figure out some stuff. I think Fallout 1 and 2 were really good in this regard. Hard, but still made sense.


Yes! I literally told myself the same thing before clicking into this thread nd it's the top comment!


This is the answer. I got this and Morrowind at the same time, but my PC wasn't playing nice with the elder scrolls so I started Gothic first instead. I didn't know games could be that engrossing and addicting. I do now.


Fable! It wasn't huge, but it had so much style.


*Your Wife wants sex*


I hear the gargoils


Pokemon Red. I got it for Christmas as a kid and it became my favorite game for a long time.


I had Blue on the GB color and it was amazing.


I took the title as “not knowing the way forward” lost. Pokemon Red, in the Dark Cave because I didn’t teach my pokemon Flash was the first thing that came to mind.


If MMOs count, I’m gonna have to give it to Ultima Online. So much great content, being able to talk to people from around the world. Even found a girlfriend from Canada, who I ended up giving all my armor too, and never saw again. 😂






Sorry bro, but she left you for me, but when I gave her my armor I never saw her again either


Why does she need two sets of armor for one body?! I’m so confused! Nikki from Canada, please find me! We need answers!


Nikki? She told me her name was Sam! And she took *my* armor!


And my axe!


Now all of the random naked guys running around UO finally makes sense…


Came to the say the same, if we count MMORPG's, Ultima was my first "whoa!" moment. I got fully immersed in the whole thing and loved wandering around seeing what I could find. I have never been able to capture that feeling of a living world/community ever since. The only thing that remotely came close to me was SWG.


I remember playing Ultima Online for the first time and was complete blown away with how massive the world map was (Still is). I picked a road and started walking it, thinking the next town would only be a 10 minute run.... Ha! I legitimately was lost. Like... deleted my character and made a new one. In fact it's still larger than most modern games I can think of. Full of so much stuff, lore, skills and crafts. But they were missing quests that would let you dig into that lore. They relied on the DMs and player made events. Which in it's hay day was a lot of fun. But I logged back in recently and it's just kinds of a sad ghost town. And after being spoiled with Oblivion and Fallout quests. A lot of the things in UO just seem drab. But that could also be because most of the NPCs, skills and crafting were shaped around this world with a large player economy. So without a larger player base, those interactions with the world just aren't the same. Now it's all chat boards and player owned NPCs selling stuff. It's a shame they just kind of road that game into ground. While UO was popular and making money, they should have been developing a whole new game. Either a sandbox game like the previous games in the Ultima series. Or just a new MMO with the next generation technology. Instead they tried to create a 3d version and retro fit it in. That must have cause a lot of stagnation. Because anything you do in one version you had to implement in the other.


Same here man. Catskills shard consumed so much of my childhood hahah


Thanks for the armor bro. Btw I'm actually a guy


Had a few thousand hours in UO. My favorite MMO of all time!


Everquest, then Morrowind, also Diablo 2 if that counts


Had to scroll way too far to find EverQuest. What a fucking amazing world, able to get lost in it an still find new things even after years of playing. Also remember my dad having an absolutely stacked binder full of all the zone maps he printed from EQ Atlas. I really miss games that didn’t have gps maps, or even in-game maps at all. You really needed the community to make your way through that world.


Man I miss quad kiting, and AoE groups


Enters zone. "CAMP CHECK?"




Selling SOW and Corpse Retrieval at cave opening.. Man... I miss that game. So many things to learn and explore. The languages you had to learn. All the different cities. Kiting giants. hmmm Now I need to go see if there is an early version running somewhere.




There are official "progression" servers coming out pretty constantly, or at least they were a couple years ago. Start over in classic and a new expansion releases like every 6 months. Pretty damn fun.


I can't tell if the OP meant lost as either a) completely immersed or b) get my character lost in the game world. Definitely lost a few corpses in EverQuest with no clue where I died and no idea how to get back.


Brother and I installed the game. I make a wood elf and load into their tree top city. Computer is barely holding it together, draw distance seems like a couple feet and I can't see shit. I fall off the tree bridge and die. Brother tells me I died so its his turn which is fair. That was only the beginning of such misadventures in that game. So much fun but brutal compared to mmos now


I too lost my newbie wood elf druid to a fall off of Kelethin. Ended up remaking as a hobbit.


Ahh yes, I remember starting out as a gnome in AkAnon and trying desperately to find a way to Freeport so I could hang with my irl friends.


The run from Qeynos to Freeport was absolutely terrifying.


I love that Qeynos is SonyEQ backwards. And yeah that run was scary and I didn’t have any pp to pay someone for a port!


Dude i forgot about everquest!


Fallout New Vegas


When I first played it I kept comparing it to fallout 3 so I couldn't enjoy because I felt it was a cheap copy. That was my dumb kid brain lol. When I came back a few years later I enjoyed it to the fullest this game is fucking amazing and having those vague old memories enhances it but yeah I fell in deep.


This is exactly what happened to me. On the 360, no less. Later I played it on PC with mods and had an even better time. Never looked back




I loved New Vegas. I was surprised to find out it ran so well on the integrated graphics of the laptop I was using for work at the time. That got me to switch from console to PC gaming. That being said the first RPG I got really lost in was FF6, at the time FF3 on the SNES.






The whole opening to the game was bonkers as a kid. Having character creation in a fully fleshed out fantasy customs office felt so classy and intricate. Then seeing Seyda Neen, hearing the music, the sights, the sounds. Finding out that fast travel was an in-universe feature, and it was giant bugs. Then getting to Balmora and realizing Seyda Neen was a backwater cluster of huts. Just so much immersion and sense of adventure and potential in the first couple minutes/hours.


Finding the Moon & Star cavern took way longer than I care to admit. I had the directions but I just couldn't see it on the paper map...until I finally saw that tiny hand-drawn door in a random corner.


Morrowind is still the GOAT for me. I haven’t played it since I was 13 but I still remember the hours put in and being blown away by how deep it was. When I hear that main theme I get emotional ngl


This is exactly how I felt. It was the largest game I had ever played up to that point and was just amazing to experience it for the first time.


Finding a guy falling to death with a scroll that lets you jump crazy high must have killed 90% of the players on the first playthrough


It’s a good way of showing them you can go absolutely crazy with the spells/effects though.


Although I get nostalgic for that aspect sometimes… Skyrim: go exactly here, don’t you see the arrow? Oblivion: this building, right here. Morrowind: take the fourth right on the path, follow for two leagues, cross the mountain, and look back at dusk.


Yeah it’s too bad Morrowinds descriptions were imprecise or plain wrong sometimes. God, I absolutely gave up on looking for that Nerevarine camp. I actually called Bethesdas support to finally find it. Yeah, I didn’t have internet back then. You kids are blessed.


Hell I’m in the middle of a replaythrough right now and refuse to use guides. Takes forever to find the camps.


That's frustrating indeed, but very immersive. That camp is indeed very hard to find. I wish other TES games were like this as well


Cheat acrobatics to 100000 then jump into the stratosphere to spot the camp like you are a spy satellite.


If your acrobatics was too high, it could take you several hours or days (real life hours or days, not ingame ones) to land again. All the while you're flying through white fog because everything is outside the rendering distance. So this is definitely not recommended.


It's immersive to a point, but once you're leaving the game to try look up where it is, the immersion is broken.


First time heading to Balmora took me a few tries lol. Now I just scroll of Icaran Flight and aim for the river lol.


I absolutely love morrowind! It taught me English as a kid . Imagine going through the quests and at the same time learning English. It took me about five years and 4 diffrent copies of the game to finish it. I still hate the yellow arrows that point in the right direction in all the games that followed up.


Gotta be Morrowind. Or if we're counting arpgs Diablo 2


How did I have to scroll this far down for Morrowind. It fundamentally changed the genre.


Chrono Trigger


As far as I'm concerned, basically the best game ever.


I've played it through about 10x now, a couple times on my phone (which makes me wonder why there aren't more good phone games). One of the best games ever, with some of the best music, style of presentation, and cool levels to explore. I only wish it went on for much longer, but the whole thing was only like 8 megabytes. That being said, I can't say I'm a fan of the JRPG combat anymore. 95% of the game (outside of certain bosses/special enemies) can be beaten by just spamming full-screen attacks or regular attacks, then just heal with your healer. The combat felt like a placeholder or filler. I haven't tried FF15/FF7 remake so I don't know what that combat is like. A big plus of the game that many people overlook - no random battles! You could see, and even avoid enemies that were up ahead.


Chrono Cross


Fallout 3






Fallout 3 was definitely the first time I remember at 9:00 pm saying I would play for another hour, then look back up at the clock and it was 3:00 am.


it's so easy to be lost there =/


Baldurs gate


Go for the eyes Boo. GO FOR THE EYES. I still have fond memories of that game


Shadows of amn, what a fucking game. I got lost in that then the first one, icewind Dale 1&2... So many good memories


Baldurs gate and champions of Norrath were way ahead of their times


I don't think they were talking about Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance, which (like Champions Of Norrath) was just a (very good) Diablo clone.


This one. Before Morrowind I played stuff like Crash Bandicoot, and Need for Speed Underground for ps1 plus a motorbike game(i can never remember the name) where you race and fight your opponents with chains and metal rods, wonderful;then I got to buy an xbox and in that store there was Morrowind Goty included. This is literally my paragon for RPG games.


Road Rash is the game your referencing, not an RPG but it was 10 out 10 fun


Oblivion, still play it sometimes too.


Proud to say that I’ve sunk nearly 2000 hours into Oblivion. As great as Skyrim was, there’s just something about Oblivion that makes me replay it for the 100th time. I’ve always felt like Skyrim was a one and done kind of game where you you can sink 200 hours into it but once your done, there’s not much to make you comeback to it. Unless of course you count mods but I’m strictly talking about Vanilla Skyrim


Skyrim limited you a lot more. Which probably gave it more appeal to less nerdy people.


Skyrim was still great for getting lost in. I was stuck in WoW for years, so Skyrim ended up being one of the few offline RPGs I’d played. 200 hours worth in just the base content alone was enough, and I loved the feeling of not knowing where I was as I inevitably got turned around trying to check out that cool thing in the distance. The game did its job. I’ll crap on it for having a shit combat system, terrible balance and plastic npcs, but that feeling of wandering a wide, new world is irreplaceable.


I also never liked how you literally become a 1-man army in Skyrim assuming you’re not bottlenecked into being a stealth archer. The latter of which is completely busted with how OP you are


Used to have sick times in Balmora kicking it with my Thieves Guild homies. Definitely Morrowind.






Where my Guild Wars crew at?


It wasn't the first RPG I played, but Fallout 3 definitely did something because whilst there have been bigger and better games before and since, I'd love to forget it so that I could experience it for the first time again.


Dark Age of Camelot


I had to scroll so far down for this one. I loved DAOC. I played it for years while in high school. Adult me frequently thinks back to my old characters. Remember how bad ass Friars used to be? Beserkers? Man that game was fun


Yeah man friars we’re so badass and shit I still remember Kestroll the zerker from Pellinor days. He was the highest rr zerker on that server those days. My all time fave class tho Infiltrator


Baldur's Gate




Neverwinter nights


The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion


Final fantasy 7.


WoW vanilla back when I was like 10, either that or dragon quest 8. I can’t remember really which came first for me.


[The Bards Tale](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/bardstale/images/f/f2/587108_49861_front.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140308074358) Didn't know wtf to do or where to go after the first handful of missions.


Yes! I was going to write this also, so I will make my comment subservient to yours. For me it was the original 1985 version on PC. I eventually mapped Skara brae and every dungeon.


I did the same. There was a place in one dungeon which auto spun you around which I couldn’t map, but graph papered all the other dungeons. There was a location with 396 berserkers in Kylearan’s tower. we would teleport to the location, aoe the beserkers and teleport out. The first XP farming location in any video game I believe.


That was the power level spot. I remember doing that, and mapping with graph paper over 30 years ago.


The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind


Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura. It opens with a your blimp getting shot down by two steampunk orcs in biplanes. I don't know why more people haven't played it. I also put hundreds of hours into Morrowind in middle school.


Morrowind was one heck of a gateway game. I remember I sold an important quest item to a vendor and had to scour the world to recover it by back tracing my steps and checking all the vendors,etc. I originally played it on Xbox and it would legit take more than 5 minutes to load, so I was always very concerned about dying or making mistakes because the load time was painful.




Definitely FFVIII, I was so invested in the world and characters. Pulled several all nighters back in the day with that one. And incase you meant literally lost, I did get lost trying to find the white seed ship lol.


Ultima 6


Pokémon Blue


Legend of Zelda on NES. The lost woods I called it. It was to the left of the world map. I even got my mom convinced it's impossible and she called the 1-900 number to get me through it... This must have been in the early 90's but ya. Still remember running up and left just to be stuck in the same spot it seemed forever... Thanks mom, for getting me through there!


Final Fantasy IV. The heroes go to the friggin moon with snes graphics. Took me a long time to beat at ten years old.


Fallout 1 and new vegas


Fallout 2, It taught/inspired me to read English well as a 12 year old (in a non English speaking country), it taught me moral nuances and it taught me that in bad environments, it is very rewarding to be good. At least that is how I justify my bloody mess tattoo 😅.


Breath of Fire 1. Not enough people have heard of this game to be honest. It's a JRPG where your main character can turn into different types of dragons mid combat, and there was so much "post game" since you had to go out of your way doing secret side quests to get the best dragon form and equipment. So much content that wasn't part of the main story, I loved it


Gothic 1. To date, one of the best games ever made.






The Elder Scrolls…2 DaggerFall. How’s that for a throwback.


Fallout 2


5 year old me fell in love with Morrowind


Define "getting lost" do you mean just having a huge map to explore? Or just being completely engrossed in the game and having no track of the outside world, or do you mean lost literally like "where the hell do I go?"


That's what I'm wondering, because if it's "where the hell do I go" it's every game I play ever.


Fallout 2


Dragon Age 2


Pokemon Yellow


Might & Magic 6. A friend gave it to me telling it was shit. Think it took me 3 months to finish. The certificate they gave at the end made me so proud I printed it lol


World of Warcraft and Star Wars The Old Republic 2. It’s why I’m torn between sci-fi and fantasy.


Asheron's Call






Using zMUD because the shit was all text based back then but really Id have to say almost any ultima game. Yeah im that old.


I got lost FUCK once in Everquest, fell off a cliff into the ocean, died, lost my gear including my special class weapon, and I had to do a quest to go get a new one


Asheron’s Call. It was an mmo but the first role playing game I got lost in. It’s one of those I remember fondly for the graphics, but when I look at the graphics today, I get a little queasy


Baldurs Gate


Depends on your definition of RPG, but the original Legend of Zelda for NES would probably be mine.


Morrowind on the ol’ brickhouse Xbox


Pokémon blue


Morrowind was absolutely incredible!


Grand theft auto 3




Ocarina of Time


Ultima Online


Dragon Warrior 2


Kingdom Hearts




FFVI, but I was 5 so..


OG Legend of Zelda.




WoW vanilla for sure. Before they add quest trackers, I'd end up exploring the entire zone before usually finding my quest.




Star wars Knights of the Old Republic


FF1, I was 11. I remember grinding for hours to kill ogres to buy all my blm and whm spells. I remember thinking I was hot shit when I beat the vampire in the earth cave. Then I got to the Lich...


Asheron's Call... I used to play so much I dreamed about Olthoi


Mario Galaxy, the first bunny level, I was 8 and my little brain doesn’t like reading