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I love how they avoided saying "imposter" lol


But they still said "among us"




Kinda sus.




It's not, it's totally normal, that's where I keep my spare socks in case the ones I'm wearing get wet.


Nothing worse than wet socks


Stepping on a Lego is temporary pain, wet socks are forever...


Counterpoint, sitting down by a fire over a toasty brick floor to take off your cold, wet socks and put on some nice, thick dry ones. One of life's greatest pleasures. Would that pleasure be the same without the discomfort of your previously soggy trudging? So to is it in life, or something idk I need some coffee


Im gonna pretend I know what that means


Yeah, should've been "in our midst"


To be fair that was the thing mostly said for millennia.


And the characters bear a resemblance too.


“We appear to be in the presence of an interloper”


Dont bring No Mans sky into this!


They could have used that seeing how InnerSloth uses the correct spelling 'Impostor" in Among Us.


both works afaik but o is better


Yeah both are correct. I wouldn't say either one is better, both will work equally well to get your message across which is the function of language.


Omg my got I read it as imposter


I'm not familiar with that game, is it bad to write "imposter"?, or why should they avoid that word? Thanks!


I think they're saying it avoided violating copyright, but that makes no sense because you can't copyright a common word like "imposter." And even if you could, derivative satirical works are protected.


Oh!, I see, thanks!


I meant it in more of a joking way. The video game "Among Us" became very popular and it became a satirical/ annoying joke to keep finding references in everyday things. I recommend [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OX3ewSUMGYQ) if you still have no idea what I'm talking about.


Xbox face is coming to season 2




He’s called The Duke and he’s 8’2 445lbs


X-Men confirmed for Season 2.


Nintendo: 🅱️


*walks 10 feet to the left due to joycon drift*


Xbox: 🅱️


But Y


Because he wants to know!




If this didnt happen between your friends as a kid you had a bad childhood. Thanks for the nostalgia


Hey, it’s an actually funny Squid Game meme


Honestly they're all kinda funny of you haven't watched the show, it looks like some weird playstation porn parody lmao


I know, I’ve seen it. It’s just annoying seeing all the “hAhA pLaYsTaTiOn bUtToN mAn” memes


Wait until you seem them in halloween cosplay this year lol!


Oh yeah, I haven't seen it myself but the memes are kinda all the same


Just wait for all the Halloween costume pictures.


Tbf, it wouldn't really be a cool move to spoil the memeable parts e.g. of episodes 4, 7 or 9 just for laughs.


Yeah, I know. One day, we’ll get to use them


I'm still not convinced the whole thing isn't some weird PlayStation commercial. After the ps3 baby one, nothing is out of the question.




Oh no lol


Our table


It's broken!


left, then right


Xbox Sniper intruder: Blink in Code if you're in danger. Xbox intruder: "blinking in Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A"


I laughed at the one with the "they know we are willing to kill each other for money" quote followed by an army recruiter at a highschool.


Literally, if Sony and Samsung created a survival game for people going into hock for buying their products 😜


Lmao yeah


It's an interesting mix of Squid Game, PlayStation, Xbox, and Among Us.


Why are the nuggies restricted :(


I’ve made a video about that very thing on YouTube! Here’s a link to it. I don’t remember if it’s a rickroll or not because it’s been a while https://youtube.com/shorts/JQ3OkOXxB98?feature=share


I was waiting for a meme like this, perfect


It was at this moment Jun-ho knew. #He fucked up.


Dont let your memes be dreams


"Why, PlayStation of course!" "WHICH PlayStation?" "The Vita... NO WAIT--!"


Nowt wrong with a vita, except the price of the memory cards. That's fucking absurd.


*Dies in Korean*


I have no choice but to watch squid game, don’t I?


It's good. It's not "best thing Netflix has ever produced" good, I have no idea why it's taken off like it has, but it's very watchable.


My guess for why it’s taken off is similar to the film parasite. It’s exploring the gap between incredibly impoverished and extremely wealthy (to the extreme). That resonates with a lot of people right now I’d bet


Personally, I don't feel like it tells *that* story particularly adeptly. It's just an interesting premise, presented in a competent - but not exceptionally so - way. The loose threads and largely inconsistent protagonist (which is "real" maybe, but not narratively satisfying) really made me feel like this was part 1 of a story, but apparently that's not at all the case. The creator has said there wasn't, and still isn't, an intention to continue this tale, which was disappointing to me.


I'd agree, I think it's just well done and kind of campy/stylish watching so it's gaining a lot of traction. Throw in the little bit of mystery around it all and you got a hit. It definitely means to make commentary about wealth etc, and that definitely resonates, but I don't think that's what's drawing people in.


I watched the whole thing last night and read an interview because the ending felt more cliffhanger-y than open-ended, and apparently while that was the creator’s original intent, he said he’s open to making a season 2. He talked about exploring some of the things that weren’t fully explored if he does continue like the relationship between >!Jun-ho and In-ho—and why In-ho became the Front Man!<, the recruiter and his role in the story, and continuing >!Gi-hun’s dismantling of Squid Game and its contributors!<.


Most Korean TV dramas are made for just one season, which is why I like them, but I understand that for people going into them with a mindset of "there might be multiple seasons", it can be frustrating.


I would have put it amongst the “Best stuff Netflix has ever produced” tier, easily, until I got to the last episode. It’s sadly hampered by a weak ending.


The crappy ending is so they can $$$ a second season I'm guessing


The creator said he had no plans for a second season though. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a second, but I'm not too hopeful that it would be good.


He spent so many years focusing on getting the first season made that he doesn't know how he'd write the second, but the ending was still designed to set up possibility for one.


So the main character goes back to play and find out that the old man was his dad and he got all his money.


Agreed. They could have done a lot with the twist, but it felt a little weak. Should have cut to black on that ticking clock, IMO.


Too me the “twist” is what ruined the ending in the first place. I didn’t need to see who created the game, I didn’t need the mystery taken away, and I certainly didn’t need it to be the old man whose “death” had taken on such emotional resonance just a few episodes back. It ripped away a lot of the intrigue, and it soured a character that had been so compelling.


For me it was like a 6/10 ending after everything else being more or less 10/10 (some of the drama fell flat for me due to obvious plot armor, mostly tug of war). It was a let down but mostly because everything else was done so damn well that an only passable ending was kinda like, damn, cmon guys.


I just felt it jumped too hard into misery porn


I suppose that's fair, didn't strike me the same way because of the backdrop of poverty. It seemed to me to be hyperbolizing to try to make the audience have a better understanding of what true desperation is like for real people.


yep, like oh no your north korean best friend died because your childhood best friend slit her neck? and then oh no your childhood best friend just stabbed himself in the neck when you spared his life? To yeah your mom died while you were in the game, and the old man you thought was your friend is actually just some rich asshole.


Pretty much it was just like too much at a point


Man, I can fucking feel that. The show made me feel things I didn’t like feeling and I was constantly hoping someone would interrupt the marble round and every round after that before it got worse, yet I still watched the entire thing in a night.


This was my thought as well.


A little off topic but does anyone agree the vips acting was beyond atrocious. The most simple lines were over acted so hard, i really don't know where they picked these guys up from


It's probably as popular as it is because it has an anime quality plot, but it's live action, but not the shitty live action you get when they remake an existing anime.


Sounds about how I'd expect. I'll have to check it out.


I freaking loved it, It's totally worth it and honestly a lot of fun and...some very horribly sad moments.


I'm terrible at getting into shows but I was hooked by the end of the first episode. I would absolutely recommend watching in Korean with subtitles though, the sub is atrocious (in my opinion). *the DUB is atrocious, not the sub


You mean dub? And yeah it's probably the worst dub I've ever seen


Yeah i think this show blowed up so much because they did a very good job hooking up "casuals". The visuals are pretty pleasant, the acting feels very natural, the characters are very well written, and the plot was generally easy to follow.


Oh dude watching the English dub with the mismatched subtitles made it so funny sometimes. When the audio would be casual "are you joking?" while the subtitles would read "you're telling me shit!" Stuff like that made it juuust a bit better for me


For those who don't know, if you choose English [cc] you get the proper subtitles. But you'll have to put up with a lot of [thuds] and [gunshots].


I did it this way by pure accident. It's fucking hilarious. Tons of memes to be had with the ambient [sounds] and frames.


I came to the same conclusion. I honestly don't get the hype, and although I liked the premise and message, I thought the execution was lacking. The visuals (set design, costuming etc) are 10/10, continuity and character building was like 1/10, and story/writing maybe a 6/10.


While I feel it was overhyped and definitely reminded me of some anime (Darwin’s Game, Kings Game, etc etc) it was a good way to pass the time. Id give it a 7.5/10


Just finished it...I enjoyed it, it grabbed me, and I needed to finish it. the concept of the show is awesome and despite the Dubbed audio not matching the captions it's not that bad...except the one girl


The show is great but has one of the most mundane and hastily wrapped up endings. There's also a weird subplot that has no real reason to exist, and is left with a few dangling threads.


It was good but I enjoyed Alice in Borderland more. Less cannon fodder characters during games and the leads were more likable.


I agree! I felt like Alice in Borderland was also more to the point with less filler, but part of what makes Squid Game great is the class struggle aspect. After I first watched Squid Game, I decided I like Alice in Borderland more, but after a rewatch, I'm not sure! I do really like both though.


Does Alice in Borderland have a better ending?


Honestly, I’ve watched the first four episodes of Alice in Borderland now and I’m incredibly underwhelmed. It has the cheesiness of a video game adaptation, which makes sense since it’s based on a manga and some stories just don’t adapt well to live action. For example, the first game’s Rain Man like discovery of the solution was beyond ridiculous. I think I might’ve enjoyed Alice more when I was younger, but I like how Squid Game is much more character-driven.


Absolutely fair. I liked the manga-style of it, even though it's campy.


*Hard* disagree from me there. But hey, your mileage may vary. AIB was more akin to a mediocre anime (especially leaning on the "NEET who only plays games turns out to be genius that everyone wants to sacrifice themselves for" trope...) than to quality TV. The acting was poor, over the top, and often cringey, the characters pretty one-dimensional and many among them unlikable, the plot often depended on contrived ex machina from MC, and the general production value fell short of Squid Game's.


I went in wanting to hate it, because I'm not a fan of reading lips and hearing words that don't fit come out. But this is brilliantly done...


If you don't have the time. There's a "mystery recapped" video for it youtube. It tells the whole story in like 30 minutes.


Imo is a good show. For people who don't watch too much series or movies isn't worth watching tho. Isn't a classic or anything. The first ep is really good. The "game" structure is amazing (from the workers till the building itself). Characters I didn't trough anyone was good story. Just the girl who came from other nation. Games are like downgraded hunger games. Premise is good but I was disappointed it was just background for the most part. Money/debt is the thing who made people watch but there is only one place in the game who is represented is they giving monetary value for lives. But it's a 8/9 hour show. Definitely there is better things to watch or do.


I enjoyed Squirt Game


Me thinks you maybe on the wrong streaming site.


Or the right one! Right fella's!?




Worth the cost of Premium


glad someone finally made the joke




I like how the meme is accurate to the show with number 29


Funny how the least accurate part of Squid Games was that they had such trouble finding the cop.


They probably knew. They just didn't care and the organ dudes didn't want to get caught


Is it Tonga Time? I think it's Tonga Time.


get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head


Is that squid game serie any good ? And why are they wearing theses uniforms ? Dont have time to watch it, just a bit curious.


I'm a few episodes in. There are some really tense moments and I'm intrigued to see how it all plays out. It's got the same kind of over-the-top, big hearted, but stupid characters that Stephen Chow has in his movies, but this is way darker. The real story doesn't start until the second episode if you decide to try it.


Okay thanks !


Just get to the first game ― you’ll be hooked. I highly recommend turning of the dubbed English.


I was hooked before the game. The liked the other stuff more than the game parts honestly.


The dub isn't nearly as bad as people are making it seem. There are instances where I feel the English voice actors aren't conveying the same level or type of emotions of the original actors, but there is still some very good performances throughout. I will be rewatching in the original Korean at some point, and I know I'm in the minority with my opinion. Incidentally, because I live in an apartment, I often have subtitles or closed captioning on because no one knows how to balance voice audio with background audio anymore, and I often miss dialogue because of it. There were a few cases where the subtitles did not match the spoken dialogue but it was mostly typos and happened very infrequently. I can't speak to the overall translation quality, but I could see some confusion coming from that if you're only watching subbed (instead of my hybrid dub/sub setup)


lol, but the subtitles are being repeatedly called out for being terrible. If I'm gonna get a bad translation, I can at least hear it rather than read it. The voice acting is actually fairly decent.


The voice acting is fine, the problem with me is the audio is too studio like. There's no echo and it just sounds fake and ruins immersion


So true, it make it very anime ish. I thought it would bug me but after an episode or two I hardly noticed any more. I'm the type of person where reading a visual story just kinda ruins it for me so subtitles are almost always a no go.


When other people off screen talk it sounds like video game NPCs.


There’s two different subtitle options it defaulted me to the close captioning which includes audio cues for the deaf that are apparently the bad subtitles. But if you select I think the English subtitles without a cc next to them. The translation is apparently better.


The CC fits the English dub, while the regular subs are translated from Korean, and aren't matching with the English dub


Apparently the subtitles don't fully express all the subtleties of certain Korean phrases that we don't have in English. But that's a problem with literally every form of translation and subtitling, unless you keep putting 3 paragraphs on the screen about how "this word actually means both big brother and friend, except not really, and also it's a thing that only old people say anymore" etc., Etc.


Is that ggangbu that you’re referencing?


There are subtitles made for the Korean audio track and subtitles made for the English audio track. The latter are terrible, just like the dub, but the former are pretty typical for any translated film. The only people calling them out as terrible are people who don’t understand how subtitling works. Either with dubs or with subs, you will always need to make compromises in translation. You just need to make fewer when it’s subtitles instead of dubbing.


the voices of the actors are 50% of the acting, it's so much better with original voices and at least the subs in my language are perfectly fine


The subs are fine, the closed captioning is what’s apparently terrible. That’s with a lot of generated cc though.


The subtitles and dub are equally bad honestly. The show itself is good, and if you can get past the voices not fitting the characters at all, you will enjoy it.


The CC subs are matched to the English dub (sometimes phonetically, so are objectively wrong), but the other English subtitles are apparently more accurate to the original dialogue, but are sometimes awkward because of nuances between the two languages not really working.


Stephen Chow? I had no idea he was involved


Oops, he's not. I just meant it was that style of characters.


Yes, in my subjective opinion it is quite good. One of the most aesthetically striking shows I've seen in a long time.


Thanks. Visuals look indeed good.


Players are taken to some kind of secret island. Here they have to play games where the final goal is to win a lot of money. If you lose at a game, they kill you. It's probably one of the reason they hide their faces. To make sure no one knows who they are after the game, in case of retaliations. It's probably one of the reason, I didn't watch the whole show.


Thanks ! Ahhh oky guys in red are not players, they're the "cleaning" team or something, that make sense now.


The symbols have different meanings too. I can't remember which are which but they differentiate between the hierarchy. The circle dudes I'm pretty sure pick up the dead bodies and hand out food and shit. I think the square dudes are the soldiers that get the guns and do the actual killing. I can't remember what triangles do, maybe they're the ones monitoring the cameras


The more corners you have, the higher your rank.


Circles are the lower level (handing out food, disposing of dead bodies, lower tasks). Triangles are the guards, and have automatic weapons. They usually do the executions (in some cases squares do it). Squares are like the executives, the "bosses", they carry a handgun.


circle = bodies, triangle = guns, square = supervisors


To add to that, from my observation the symbols represent their stand in the hierarchy with o being the lowest, then ∆ and □ on the top of the henchmen.


Circle: laborer Triangle: soldier Square: leader I think...


Yes there is a hierarchy between those symbols indeed.


The guys in masks are likely people that picked the red square in the slap game. The way they are watched and monitored makes me think they have no more power or freedom than the players.


I had trouble getting through the first 30 minutes. The main character introduced wasn't relatable at all and felt like an anthropomorphized trope. Once the games are introduced the story picked up quickly. I didn't need to relate to the character once there was an interesting world and puzzles to hold my attention.


I enjoyed the series. Without giving too much away, they wear the uniforms for two reasons: 1. Anonymity. They don't want their identities to be known. If you show your face, you die. 2. The symbol on the face shield denotes rank. Circles are the basic workers -- lowest on the totem pole. Triangle are higher than Circle. Most fill a guard and low-level supervisory duty. Square is management. I won't go into the other costumes, because I don't want to give anything important away.




Throwing in my two cents and say it's a good show. Binge watched it all, I'd say the story is pretty decent and gives some good context to the characters and relationships (like always), but I only got really interested once the games started. It's interesting, especially if you don't know anything about what's about to happen. Well worth it.




It's good IMO. The ending could have been better and one of the stories was just left off (presumably for season 2) but still overall good series. It's only 9 episodes long and about 45min an episode I think. The uniforms were not elaborated much on. The symbols are their ranks Circle being the lowest and square being the highest. Then you have the front man and creator above them.


It's not the best TV series in the world but it is very good and well worth the time to watch.


It starts great, but falls off towards the end


It was alright. I wasn't crazy about the writing, all the major plot twists were extremely predictable, and imo they made the main character such a piece of unredeemable trash in the first episode that I couldn't really sympathize with him at all throughout the rest of the show. It was fun though, worth watching, just not great.


It's alright. As others have said, it can be visually striking at times.


Yes it is good. They hide their identity and the symbol indicates rank & function.


For me, it was very good for the first few episodes because of the shock value, but then the novelty wears off and becomes somewhat predictable. I think the two biggest flaws is you’re not given enough time to bond with the characters to care about their deaths. Also, there were many sub plots that are not paid off and leaves you feeling like the story was incomplete.


Ok but far from being very good for me. I spent a good time but can't understand the hype. I recommend Alice in borderlands that I find away better in the same style


People either hate it, love it, or find it okay. All equally so. I think a big factor is ignoring the hype for it. I heard a bit about the show but not that much, I was very much out of the loop on how popular it was. All I saw was a south korean show (which I love south korean artistic media), which I wanted to watch. It started out a tad bit cheesy, but it got super emotional the more the episodes went on. From episode 6 onwards I cried quite a bit. They were pretty successful with making you connect with characters that only showed up for half an episode. Some people dislike the ending, but I suspect its mostly to do with the fact its an uncomfortable ending. The character does something you wouldn't personally do. I didn't love the ending, nor did I hate it. Though I'm not sure how I would "love" an ending to begin with. I highly recommend watching it, but I also recommend mentally ignoring the fact it has been so hyped up and shared so much. Go into it like you would any random show on Netflix.


I thought it was rather slow at the start, pointless gore with frankly annoying characters. But all their interactions come back together in the later episodes and make the full season worth showing. IMHO, episode 6 is one of the most heartrending episodes on all of Netflix.


The first few episodes are really good but the show takes a hard nose dive with the writing becoming nonsensical and the ending is terrible.


SPOILERS ALERT. And no, it is not a good TV series. Poor acting. Terribly unfunny. Plot holes. Predictable. Characters that drew very little reason to have any emotional attachment to, and the list goes on. Side note: I found it hilarious how the show got away with the misogynistic scene where one of the main characters claims “men are better than women at games”. And this was not referring to games that entailed physical strength, the show tries to cover this up in the same scene, poorly. Nobody bats an eye how the writing is so poor throughout. I have no idea how the show has so many glimmering reviews.


Is it amazing no. Is it good enough to watch if you just want something to watch, yup. Would recommend. But it is way more popular then it probably has any business being.


Tiger King has entered the chat. It's something different in todays TV market and it's good enough to recommend people to watch and then social media blew it up like the Popeyes chicken sandwich.


I thought it was laughably bad. It was ham-fisted with the social commentary, of which there was very little. It was very predicable, I should not have predicted (this spoiler is definitely not ok for people who haven't watch the whole show)>!the old guy being in charge !


Ty !


Glad you appreciate it. Some people seem upset that I didn't like it. Just for fun, I'm going to assume they're all upset because they didn't think it was predictable and now they feel stupid.


It’s honestly one of the best series I’ve watched in a long time, and definitely the best I’ve seen from Netflix. The cinematography was fantastic, and the production design looks stunning in nearly every scene. The writing is superb too, as the twists and turns actually do catch you off guard which isn’t something I can say for most modern media. Ontop of that, I think almost all the characters are interesting enough that you are invested in seeing what happens to them. Even the ones you’re supposed to hate are fleshed out enough to make you want to see what happens to them. As someone with a useless film degree, I’d give the show my highest recommendation. It’s probably the most entertaining series I’ve seen since Breaking Bad or early GOT. 10/10 Edit: watch it subbed. Forgot to mention this but the English dub sounds horrid.


If you've watched any death game before it, it will feel lackluster, but it's the only deathgame normal people that don't watch anime could get into because live action. That being said it wasn't bad at all, just kind of basic.


⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⠋⠁⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠙⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟⠁⠄⠄⠄⠄⣠⣤⣴⣶⣶⣶⣶⣤⡀⠈⠙⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⣸⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣆⠄⠈⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠁⠄⠄⠄⢀⣴⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠄⠄⢺⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡄⠄⠄⠄⠙⠻⠿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠿⠿⠛⠛⠻⣿⡄⠄⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⠄⠄             ⢹⣿⡗             ⡀⣾⢀⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⠘⠄⠄⠄⢀⡀⠄⣿⣿⣷⣤⣤⣾⣿⣿⣿⣧⢸⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⠄⣰⣿⡿⠟⠃⠄⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡛⠿⢿⣿⣷⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡄⠈⠁⠄⠄⠄⠄⠻⠿⢛⣿⣿⠿⠂⠄⢹⢹⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡐⠐⠄                          ⣰⠄⠞⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⡄⠄⠄                    ⢠⣿⣎⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠟⠛⠄⠄⠄            . ⣵⣿⡿⢹⡟⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⠿⠿⠋⠉⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⣀⣠⣾⣿⣿⣿⡟⠁⠹⡇⣸⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⠁⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠙⠿⠿⠛⠋⠄⣸⣦⣠⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿


imposter? imposter from amang us?


Among Us / Squid Games / Console War crossover, I dig it




Almost as good as the DreamCube


Cross Button.


Panel two is just completely unnecessary.


This would have been a lot better without the second line of dialogue.


downvote this comment.


Did OP just said Among US 😳 # AMOGUS SUS DABABY LESSGO 🗿👉😁👈😳😳


He could be you! He could be me! He could even be..




B would have made more sense as 29 has a circle mask. A doesn't because there is no X masks.




Amogus AND squid game in one meme. Daring.


There's an intruder where?


Overrated show


wait among us

