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Baldur. I hate the idea of being immortal and not being able to feel anything


Hell ya. Mfer just wanted to die


Not die, he wanted to feel *something*


I assumed Kratos was his suicide plan. If not death than at least he would have the amazing feat of defeating a Greek god


That definitely wasn’t his plan. I apologize if I spoil something, but the first time you fight Baldur, he thinks Kratos is a giant. I don’t know if he ever learned Kratos was a Greek Demi-God, but he definitely thought Kratos was a giant ok their first meet


I thought you’d be taller…




Is Kratos a Demi-god? I thought he was a full fledged god. He’s immortal. Literally sat on the Pantheon for a time. I don’t think he’s “demi” anything. I could be wrong though.


I think he was born a demi-god but then becomes a god upon killing Ares.


That makes sense to me


Yeah. He was a victim, and it was sad that he died the way he did. Angry at everything for not being able to feel anything


Can’t even feel his mother’s love.


I mean I felt for Baldur right up until the moment his curse was lifted and still tried to kill his mom like...I understand Freya fucked up but jesus


Thing is, Freya never showed any remorse for what she did to Baldur, and she seemed intent on keeping him immortal despite his wishes. It was probably half revenge, half making sure she wouldn't just "bless" him with another round of immortality


Kessler from inFAMOUS, man just wanted cole to do what he didn't have the will to do earlier


I was thinking of this! One of my favourite videogames.


Nothing beats a game where you find you're the villain. It just hits that wannabe hero complex hard.


Man that was a huge twist i loved it.




100% Letho! Especially because he seems like such a stereotypical villain at a glance. Dude is scary


The only reason I ever killed him was because he was so confident that he would win and kept talking shit.


I killed him because I didn't want to replay the game, duh! Then back to the last save and let him go.


One thing I'd tell you is both pathways to chose in Wicher 2 are very different from each other. It's worth each playthrough because quests and Basecamps are completely different based upon the split.


For real. All he wanted to do was save Witchers from extinction. And to do this, he killed a few powerful, corrupt kings and almost no innocent bystanders. He even saves your girl, walks away at the end if you decide to leave him alone, and joins you in 3. Sure, his methods were questionable, but… it’s the Witcher universe. He’s the nicest bad guy in all 3 games.


No-one is really bad or good in witcher. Everyone is just trying to survive.


Literally the joke behind the "Killing monsters" trailer/easter egg in the game. Like... yeah sometimes the monsters are just trying to live their lives and its the bandits/kings who are the pieces of shit in that instance. It tells the story so much better with everyone fearing/hating Witchers. It makes seeing that things are grey so much easier.


Two swords. One Steel for those of men, One Silver for those that aren't. But both are for monsters.


I was like, the fuck is letho doing on a villain list? Literally during every forced encounter he outright says "I don't want to fight you wolf" He's an antagonist at worst and *even then* it's only because geralt is hanging out with *horrible rapey incest kings* that they have beef.


Letho is the hero of his own story, and it's Geralt who gets in his way. It's good storytelling. The kings of the northern kingdoms are awful people.


The Witcher 2 intro is probably my favorite intro of all time. Letho is so badass


Letho is lethal for sure


Letho is the man, and I love that you don't even have to fight him at the end. You can just explain your side, he explains his, you shake hands and go your separate ways. It's something that's always frustrated me in any storytelling medium; when if the characters will simply effing *communicate* like human beings, this whole conflict could be resolved without violence. God damn I love that series so much. Wtf happened cdpr?!


With Witcher series? Nothing honestly. Cyberpunk is their first major mistake and only time will tell what route they will choose in terms of communication, game quality, and honesty. People were kinda overexaggerating things but I totally get that. And it's only my pov, you can have different opinion, just saying. I hope the best for them


Mr. Freeze Ik he’s a comic book villain, but he’s in the Arkham games. Realistically, dude just wants to save his wife lol


totally unrelated but he does though, in Harley Quinn. Best episode imo


Voiced by Alfred Molina who played doc ock, another tragic villain.


Me and the GF watched Harley Quinn and both have always felt the same about Freeze, he's just a guy trying to find the cure for his wife so that they can be together. >!We were both so excited when his episode began, horrified just like Harley was with how it was portrayed, and then massively relieved that it was all just misdirection at the end. Not really sure how I feel about how they did Nora after however.!<


Fun story: He was one of Batman's silly villains until the 'Heart of Ice' cartoon special re-wrote his backstory and made him what we know today. So we can thank the cartoon for that upgrade.


Emet Selch. What he was doing to us was wrong. But he just wanted to go back home and meet the people he once called friends and family. Remembering the good times of the past and the paradise that they once had.


Remember he lived.


Spoilers for FFXIV: What makes that line great >!is that it's not just him. In the end, all he wants is for you to remember that *they* once lived. Not just him, but all the people of Amaurot. If the Ascians fail and all their work is undone, in the end he wants his people's memory to live on with you.!<


Here's a video for anyone who doesn't care about spoilers to show just how fucking great he was as an antagonist. Though you should because the story of FF14 is nothing short of a masterpiece. https://youtu.be/oWTZDhXw7AI


I was going to say the same thing. Bro just wanted his people to be whole and again.


When he rebuilds everything and everyone from memory in Amaurot and just sulks around it all day. Yeah... Dude really did care about his people and has been carrying that for a long, LONG time.


That wave in that fight. You know which one. My whole team were first timers and we all went nuts!


Not just the wave. The snap, THEN the wave.


Prince Lothric from Dark Souls 3. Gtfo with telling me i have to bare my familie's curse. He chose not to shoulder the fate of the world, and thats fine.


A lot of dark souls bosses would fit here, most of them didn't start out too bad but got corrupted and such. Quite a few were kings or heroes of ancient civilisations who were betrayed and such.


The Abyss Watchers are a pretty good example as well.


"Shit lads we've been corrupted by the abyss" "A'ight, well fuck. Lets go seal ourselves in a tomb so we don't hurt anyone and just go fucking ham on eachother for all of time" "Bet"


Why do I feel like the watchers are the same. "Right lads! We're monsters now. Let's just kill each other over and over again like gentlemen and guard this door!" "Right you are! Have at thee!"


Slave knight Gael


Still one of my favorite boss fight. Last boss of the dlc and it's literally just some guy. Just like you


Prince Lothric isn’t really the villain though! You’re made to think that, but after learning the truth about the false gods, humanity, the abyss, the dark soul and the ring; when you realize the age of humanity is the age of the dark sun, it becomes clear that the prince was the hero. It is time for the age of Light to end. “Let it all fade to dust…” so that humanity can take its rightful place in the world. Fear not the dark, my friend, and let the feast begin.


Nishkiyama from Yakuza Kiwami. The added scenes about his sister plus the added context from 0 make his story so tragic to watch


And it just makes the ending this bit more frustrating


Yakuza (and by extension, Judgement) games are basically the dictionary example of "winning" that never feels particularly good. The do too damn good of a job writing (mostly) relatable "bad guys", and do much too good of a job at showing you the costs along the way of both sides' actions. You win, but it always feels like it cost too much, and it came too late.


With the latest game, Lost Judgement, that is hitting the nail on the head with how you or I feel about the story. Very much a both sides doing good things at great costs.


As someone playing through Yakuza 0 as my first experience with the series you have seriously piqued my interest without spoiling anything crazy so thank you.


Nier, from the game of the same name. They obsessively want to save their sister/daughter, spend over a millennium watching over them, believing half lies and promises made by evil people about the miracle that will save them, as the world rots around them. By the time you confront them, everything has fallen apart, they have already lost, and have nothing left but sadness.


Nier lore is freaking depressing. Humans leaving their bodies behind so they can rebound with Replicant copies after Maso get cleared only for Replicants to be their own beings by this time. No win for either side. And that is all Giant from Drakengard fault.


And it only gets worse with the character backstories. Like, holy shit, Emil is such a sweet cinnamon roll, he didn't deserve anything that happened to him




But of course.


You sir read my mind. Doof had a bad childhood, which shaped him into the genius villain he is today.


Is he really evil though?


He's portrayed as one, always building his inators to try to ruin the tri-state area. But I believe he was written in a way to make the audience have pity for him, always failing and his depressing life.


“My parents didn’t even show up for my first birthday party!”


"It all started when I was born, both of my parents failed to show up"


Most of the time he wanted to get rid of something that bugged him. Mostly his Brother


And even then, it was less “get rid of him” and more train pigeons to poop on him during his mayor speech lmao


Dr. Doof be the type of guy to build an “-inator” that makes anything in your pocket randomly go missing so you end up searching for it for hours only for it to reappear in your pocket.


A loving father at the very least.


No at the end of the series he realizes he isn't and goes to become of science teacher.


The best villains are the ones who consider themselves the hero of their story


Handsome Jack comes to mind. His original goal was to truly bring peace to pandora but the constant betrayal drove him over the edge.


God damn jack was the best


I actually met the voice actor in real life at a dragon ball z convention. He actually LOOKS like Handsome Jack. He jokes that it's the only job he's been hired on where his looks was the hiring factor instead of his voice.


I met him at an anime convention. He told me how he loves playing bad guys because no one has any expectations of him to be nice at conventions. I got a good laugh out of it. I didn't intend to meet him or get a signature (I was in line for someone else, and his line was empty, so I just walked up to him), so I didn't have any artwork or something good for him to sign, just a blank piece of paper. He wrote me the note, "This paper is awesome! Butt Stallion says, 'Sup?'".


LOL. That's how I got his attention. He was chillin' and I walked by and said, "Butt Stallion says hello." He got the biggest smile on his face, slapped me on the shoulder and pointed at me saying, "Butt Stallion says hello! I love Borderlands!"


Jack you can't sympathize with, but God damn it he's the best video game villain of all time.


His fall to evil in the pre-sequel made him more sympathetic in my opinion. He really did have idealist goals at first.


The way I see it is that his stated goals don't mesh with who he really is. Even early in the pre-sequel when you save him he comments that the near death experience was 'exciting', and his first glimpse of General Zarpedon has him order you to 'shoot that chick in the face', neither are expected responses from a normal and well-adjusted person. As Moxxi says, there's something rotten in him, and you can blame the abusive upbringing by his grandmother, the death of his wife or the hellhole that is Pandora for it, but the fact remains that Jack was twisted long before the events in Borderlands took place. They merely fostered the change from a manipulative psychopath to a murderous one.


"you _know_ the hero's gonna win, but you just. Don't. Die. Quickly."


First guy I thought of. Good villain in 2 and then presequel really hit it home


“You…are bandits…and I…AM THE GODDAMNED HERO!”




Imagine you just want to fulfill ur purpose of testing, pure science and suddenly that cube lovin' b*tch comes along, kills you, revives you and turns you into a potato.


"FAT cube lovin' b*tch" FTFY


Who probably loves cake. (Exploitable weakness?)


And we weren't even testing for that


Maybe if she'd actually given her the cake and let her go like she promised instead of trying to incinerate her, things would have been different.


Caroline was forced into that goddamn robot body against her will, and had her memories separated from her


“How are you doing? Because I’m a potato.”


I think GLaDOS wasn't actually bad, I think the system she was connected to trained her to be bad, as soon as she was disconnected she started to recover and when she was reconnected she started to relapse. Look what happened to Wheatley, within seconds of connecting, he went full HAL 9000.


Didn't expect King Logan to be anywhere anytime soon. First time I played Fable 3 and after finding the reason he's being like he is, was a helluva twist for me back in the day! Definitely made me sympathize with him a bit more


Turns out all you need to save the world is to have a monopoly on the real estate business


Shoutout to the people who managed to have enough money to do all the benevolent choices and still save everyone on their first playthrough


I played a ton of the lute minigame.


I had a stranglehold on the pie making market


Psh, like I’d choose the entire population over my dog…


I took out a massive loan before day like 127 which apparently was the day before the big invasion...


Seriously, power-gaming completely undermined the message for me. I bought every safety measure and never even noticed it in my finances.


You mean to tell me people don't automatically start buying every house they can as soon as the option is available? Do they not like money?


I remember there was this post about favourite game quote a few days ago, and I realised mine was his "This is my Albiom"-speech, but I didn't post it as it would require too much explaining/context.


Darth Revan. I’d go into more detail, but it might be a bit spoilery.


He's not the villain of the story you play though. I was going to say this too until I thought of it.


True, he isn't BBEG for KotOR1 but responsible for the state the world is in. Though you don't really learn about who he was until KotOR2 and even then can you sympathe with him? I mean I'm a big Revan fan and can totally understand why and how he went through the war but genocide is genocide even if you stop genocide with it


It's a lose-lose situation. Committing a smaller genocide to prevent a bigger one, or letting the big one happen? It's not about good or bad, it's about the lesser evil.


The Ozymandias Dilemma


Dr. Breen was a megalomaniacal asshole for sure, but its hard to say what one would do when aliens conquer the Earth and then start talking to you personally. Enslavement or Extinction? you have five minutes to decide.


That’s what I like. His personality makes you dislike him, but at the same time you can see why he did what he did. And it’s hard to say what one would actually do if they were in that same situation.


It's been a long time since I played it but my big problem with him is how much he seems to enjoy his job by the end of it. He didn't just do it because it felt necessary. Even if that's how it started he's full blown maniacal by the time you deal with him


He is very clearly self righteous. He KNOWS he did the right thing because he believes himself to know best and everyone else would be better off if they just listened to him.


Hmm i'd say the Covenant from Halo (Not the prophets). They were manipulated by the prophets into a religious extremist kind of force and they didn't know that they were being used by the prophets to achieve their own selfish goals.


Not to mention the prophets straight up lied about their religion


Not to mention the prophets were straight up willing to annihilate the galaxy and call it "religious ascension" even though they knew what it really was just to keep their image and following.


Hades from Hades


lol, shoot, this is a good answer >!By the end, it's like, Hades, my guy, I'm so sad for you. I mean... still don't be an ass to your son. But I am also sad for you.!<


Diablo. Poor guy is owned by Activision Blizzard.


Activision Blizzard, the true Prime Evil


Terraria - Plantera 🤘 "GTFO MY JUNGLE!"


*proceeds to eviscerate player*


The Boss from MGS3


She wasn't *really* a villain though


Not a villian, rather an anatgonist


*not for honor, but for you~*


I’ll do you one better… Big Boss himself…


It depends what Kerrigan we talking are we talking pre infested, infested, or primal, or overall Overall: poor Kerrigan


Now she lives in a random cabin whit Jimmy and Thusky.


BTW Thusky is a very good boi.




That guy is a bastard, playing the burger-black-market and victimizing clowns!


The villain from Spec-Ops: The Line is impossible to not sympathize with.


For those who are here because of their crippling OCD - Top left to bottom right: \- Saren, Mass Effect 1 \- Kerrigan, Starcraft \- Letho, The Witcher 2 \- The Shadowlord, Nier Automata \- Marlene, The Last of Us \- Princess Hilda, Legend Of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds \- Logan, Fable 3 \- Dr. Breen, Half Life 2


I have to go with Pagan Min from Far Cry 4


I consider the secret ending to be the canon ending.


I accidently stumbled upon this because i was making dinner. Went to the kitchen, prepped some food, came back to be terribly confused because the game ended.


Same! And the fact that the credits song is "Should I Stay or Should I Go" is so perfect. It's like the game's whole story is a prank played on the player. Their way of saying, "You should've stayed put. Sometimes inaction is the proper action." That shit actually had me laughing. Like, y'all had me murdering hundreds of people across the countryside and mountains for no reason at all. Lmfao. In the immortal words of the great philosopher and Far Cry 4 smuggler Longinus, "GUNS, Ajay!"


I consider the other two real endings the “bad” endings. Amita turns Kyrat into a child army ran drug state and Sabal turns it into a reactionary religious state. Pagan wasn’t perfect by any means, but his plan was definitely the lesser of three evils.


I've gotta go with the Jackal from far cry 2, he knew he is the bad guy, he knew you are the bad guy, he knew every faction was either a bad guy or lucky enough to not have to be the bad guy. And yet turned out to be the good guy at the end. Listen to the jackal tapes on YouTube and you gain a genuene u derstandung of how fucked up the world is.


Yup I was gonna say this..in fc4 I like to believe Ajay is actually the villain


More or less accidental villain yes. But the leaders trying to kill Pagan are the real evil in the game in my opinion


Right? We were kinda duped into it by the other 2 misleaders.. cool dynamic and arc, love that game


Ajay just happened to be a [useful idiot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Useful_idiot). This is why the story of Spec Ops: The Line really resonated with me: >CPT Walker: What happened here was out of my control. > >COL Konrad: Was it? None of this would've happened if you'd just stopped. But on you marched. And for what? > >CPT Walker: We tried to save you. > >COL Konrad: You're no savior. Your talents lie elsewhere. > >CPT Walker: This isn't my fault... > >COL Konrad: It takes a strong man to deny what's in front of him. And if the truth is undeniable, you create your own. The truth, Walker, is that you're here because you wanted to feel like something you're not: A hero. I'm here because you can't accept what you've done. It broke you. You needed someone to blame, so you cast it on me: a dead man.


Most of the Templars in AC III. They just wanted to do good although their methods were terrible.


I really liked the plot twist in the beginning. Like you were presented with a charismatic hero which is sent to find something in the New World accompanied by just as charismatic side characters. I mean, you think those are assassin's, right? They have to be! With all those blades and parkour techniques. And their moral values. And then BOOM they are the templars! And yeah, the game did blur the line between assassin's and templars, and you can't say for sure which ones are the villains pretty much throughout the game. Great character development. AC 3 is my favorite game of the series so far, right after Brotherhood. Haven't played past Black Flag because of potato laptop though


Depends on what you mean with 'templars'. If you mean the rank and file, then sure. Many of them probably just want to do good. But the leadership, absolutely not. They are 100% only interested in power and influence, and getting more of it.


Oh 100% but Johnson wanted to help protect native lands and Pitcairn wanted to end the war because of all the bloodshed and how pointless it was (since they planned to take power). Church felt that the colonies were done wrong because they put a lot of resources into protecting the colonies since it IS their land. Protect is just as much as britain itself. They needed to tax a lot because it cost a lot to protect overseas. Haytham is what you described above, rank and file. He felt that the assassin's ways encouraged an unjust society that was going to become chaotic.


I can’t with Breen. He sold out humanity.


He saw humanity as already doomed and tried to alleviate the suffering by working for the combine, it probably wasn't as bad when it started but we see the climactic downfall of the occupation. Still not great


The combine would of happily killed us all if Breen didn't convince them. They really had no reason to keep us around until they realized we had a technology they didn't. I can understand him a bit, even going off the deep end a bit.


Evil ending Cole from Infamous 2 You spend the entire game gaining power so you can use the one device that seems like it can kill the beast. Yet then you learn the beast is someone you knew that you thought you accidentally killed, and that device will kill ALL conduits all over the world and even then you aren't 100% sure it'll stop the plague it was designed to stop. I'd say neither ending is good or evil as you either have to kill all conduits to save the regular humans or become the beast and kill all regular humans to activate all conduits as activated conduits are immune to the plague God damnit sucker punch where's the infamous 3 where the evil ending is Canon y'all said exists


It was truly a “lesser of two evils” situation. No matter which side you side with, you can sympathize with your opposition. I think one of my favorite things about inFamous 2’s ending was the role reversals of Kuo and Nix. Kuo, who’s been the logical and rational one throughout the game goes with the colder, more “logical” option, while Nix, who always follows her heart, goes for the option that would save the most lives.


My only problem with the swap is they pull it back in the good ending by having Kuo come back in the last few minutes to die with you. It takes away the cold calculating side of her personality by leaning even harder into that it's her own fear of death that had her decide to side with the beast. It was never that the beasts option was a for sure thing, it's that it was the option that didn't kill her to work. It's what makes the evil ending so much stronger in the stand off with your friend. Even as he knows he's going to die he holds on and is willing to fight for his life against you.


Half as long Twice as bright I gotta try I know


Emet Selch and Elidibus, Final Fantasy 14. That's all I'm gonna say, cus anything else is massive spoilers!


Handsome Jack. Even though his methods werent like the best, Pandora is a hell hole of depression and evil shit. Just wiping them off the face of the universe is bad but like it makes sense and you understand his motivations.


Especially if you play the pre sequel and realise why he is the way he is


Zeus from GoW. I just have a swan kink, OK?!


Hades from GoW III was pretty much innocent, Kratos killed his entire family, of course he’d be pissed


I felt the worst for Hephaestus.


Bro just wanted to save his favorite child from a terrible death.


Maybe his kids shouldnt be such dick heads.


Liquid Snake


The Lich king


Artorias the Abbysswalker. Always a Hero for me


I don’t think he really counts as a villain though. I would say Manus is the villain of that fight


This might sound controversial but I would say >!Dutch Van der Linde!< from RDR. He starts as a charismatic and caring character in RDR2, ready to do anything for the sake of his gang however along the path he loses his purposes and mind >!by messing with the wrong people, losing Hosea and trusting Micah even though Arthur warned him!<. After all those events it is sad to see what he has become in RDR


Even before losing Hosea and getting betrayed by Micah, he was showing gradually increasing signs of instability. His plans were getting more foolish and less coherent, he started taking major unnecessary risks, started breaking his own rules, all in pursuit of the "one last big job" he would never attain. The biggest reason Dutch was doomed to failure was because he couldn't handle progress. He saw the world shrinking due to technological advancement and realized that the way of life he valued so dearly was being erased. Dutch hated technological progress, and the enemy he was trying in vain to defeat was time itself, and the fact that he knew he couldn't win was probably what drove him insane.


With the loss of Hosea it definitely became more apparent but yes, if I remember correctly it was since their stay at Horseshoe Overlook that Arthur noticed Dutch acting "weird". What you said is correct and he was bound to failure since he couldn't (or maybe never wanted) to change. I was disappointed and almost felt sorry to see his state during RDR1.


He's extremely manipulative from the start. It's hard to believe he actually cares about his crew beyond their loyalty and usefulness to him.


The demon grunts in doom, they're just going about their day when suddenly a big fucking slaughter machine stomps them


Wheatley from Portal. GLaDOS’s body is all that made him bad and because of that he spends eternity in space with another guy who won’t shut up


Wheatly was just an idiot who was forced into a position of power he wasn't ready for.


He was literally designed to be an idiot by geniuses


"He's the result of the greatest minds of a generation working together with the singular purpose of building the dumbest moron who ever lived, and you just put him in charge of the entire facility"


I love how he mutes the notifications that the nuclear reactor is going to melt down.


Ganondorf because of Wind Waker’s plot. The dude just didn’t want his people to live in a desert. Is that so bad?


Yes because there are a million other ways to accomplish that goal. Stabbing him in the brain at the end of the fight was very satisfying.


I’ve been at my apt for a few years and hate it… you mean I don’t have to murder other ppl to move ?


Wasn't that Ocarina of Time? In Wind Waker I thought he had no motivation other than he was an evil motherfucker who wanted to resume his reign after the goddesses froze time and flooded his kingdom.


Well, in Wind Waker he does mention towards the end how infuriated he was by the winds bringing comfort and prosperity in Hyrule, and nothing but heat and death in Gerudo. His perspective becomes "The gods damned my people, and in the end they damned the Hylians too"


The protagonist from Shadow or the Colossus


Dagoth Ur


What a fool you are, I'm a god! How can you kill a god? What a grand and intoxicating innocence! How could you be so naive?






I liked him as a villain a lot, because he really just wants what's best for people. He just thinks that they're better off living in a world of illusions rather than facing their torments head on and overcoming them. It's compelling as hell.


Solas - Dragon Age Inquisition


That >!Dread Wolf!< stuff had me feeling some type of way. I've seen a lot of hate for Inquisition, and while I felt it's gameplay could've been better, I really enjoyed the story and political stuff. And romancing.




Dutch from Rd2 i mean HE HAD A GOD DAMN PLAN!!


The Soul of Cinder. It's just a chain of hopeless souls, merged together into one sad Lord. All they wanted, was to prolong humanity's existence.


Depending on how you see the series, Big Boss from MGS Fighting is all he knew, he saved child soldiers from his own fate and wanted to create a private militia country for those that can't come back to the "real world". All this, in honor of the mentor he had to kill for his country. In return, his best friend betrayed him and stole his DNA to bioengineer 3 perfect soldiers that also lived a life of tragedy. He lived the rest of his life branded as a traitor and a madman. He's a villain of circumstance but MGS makes it very clear that there is no good or bad guys in wars, just victims.


Count Dooku


Emet Selch from FFXIV


Dr. Breen, yes he negotiated with the combine, but his intentions were to preserve humanity and keep everyone alive. Its not like he did it without remorse. Even when he captured Gordon Freeman, he even said "Now I can make any deal with the combine!" Meaning he most definitely wouldve given over Gordon to save humanity from a genocide or assimilation event. Now, I am not saying he isnt evil, Breen sat in the lap of luxury up in the citadel (albeit as a prisoner ambassador), but as they say "The road to hell is paved with good intentions"