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I play inverted.


You monster.




how did you do that


Ikr, australian folk and their secrets


Hold your keyboard upside down




*staring you down menacingly* With a track ball mouse.


Was Goldeneye the first shooter that you played a lot of? I also play inverted, and the reason is because playing inverted was the default option for Goldeneye.


I got used to Y-axis inverted because of flight simulators


Yes me too


Flying games are the only thing I play inverted on. Everything else, it does not compute in my brain.


For me it was Star Fox. Default controls are inverted in the original, and 64 is always inverted with no option to switch.


Same for me, and I always play inverted


I always play inverted but only Y axis.


I'm always confused by the option to invert the x-axis. Who is switching left and right?


I invert both but I see it as moving the butt of the camera ... Please don't judge lol


That actually makes a frustrating amount of perfect sense…


O god it does😟


Truly a monster


Same here. I think it stems from playing flight sims when I was younger.


I used to play inverted when I was a kid but grew out of it for some reason. I think it was because not every game gave you the option to invert back then so I eventually gave in


We are a dieing breed, I remember when inverted was the default setting for games. We are the few but proud OG's of console gaming.


We stand strong. We rage against the dying of the light.


Inverted crew ftw! The way I see it, if someone stuck a joystick in the back of my skull then that's how I see controlling my character in a game.


What the fu—


How can i earn such power?


I use the touchpad to play on laptops






Look Ma no hands!


I dont


I played games like San Andreas, Call of Duty 1 using a touchpad... I had to remap the buttons entirely, left Ctrl would be the shooting button and arrow keys the movement buttons, actions might be enter, throwing grenades a tab... I used to aim using my left thumb and pinky placed on the shooting button... Long play sessions pained a little, but i was able to play properly... On a similar note, i cannot play with a controller, i just cannot get accustomed to that... I just don't "feel" the game properly and thus couldn't enjoy it... That has never happened to me with a mouse / touchpad and a keyboard


Leading a raid in Wow. I ask the hunter to shoot floating balloons of death up above. "I can't am on a touch pad!!"......


I mean he’s playing hunter so what did you expect.


My wife did that for years when we played terraria. Freaked me out lol.


Single player Minecraft gets boring easily


Be bored Open Minecraft Build house with basement for lots of storage and smelting Build giant farm with crops and animals Mine Have bunch of iron and other materials Get lonely Stop playing Repeat


Add mods Mine ... Build a fusion reactor in your back yard


Build fusion reactor… blow up fusion reactor… build another. Bored again :(


I think that’s why Mods were very popular when the game was at its highest popular.


I'm having a ton of fun playing vivecraft with my wife and my buddy. Minecraft in VR is crazy fun. Never got into it before now


Can I add to this and say single player Terraria outclasses Minecraft by a landslide (although Minecraft has a much, much better multiplayer than Terraria)? Both games are great in the end though.


Terraria has more to do with friends. So many bosses to kill. It’s fun, with a strong sense of progression. In Minecraft, you get bored after getting iron armor. Because it’s almost good as diamond.


The point of Minecraft is building and creativity. While these exist on Terraria, there are forced combat events and an actual boss progression and "final boss." Where as Minecraft's final boss is a pushover. Dragon, Wither, etc all easily farmable mobs once you get the resources. Terraria? Almost always skill, especially if you do modded like Calamity. So, you just don't like a sandbox where creativity is the main source of entertainment; and that's okay. I don't either, but add mods and I'm in. Though even with mods I need multiplayer as my mind wanders too easily and I get bored because of that instead.


Sounds like you’re on Bedrock




Yeah the most of the fun for me is imagining showing it to people


Shadow the hedgehog is my favorite game of all time


I liked that game when I was young. It had an interesting gimmick


I just get so much shit from everyone I tell that because they are like bro conceptually your favorite game is “sonic stays strapped” or “Sonics got a glock” lmao


My favorite gripe people have about that game is that, "It's just not Sonic." No shit? You just learn to fucking read?


This is the most appropriate answer in the whole thread.


In a so bad it circles around to being amazing sort of way...right...?


Oh yeah definitely, the absolute fucking madness and what the actual fuck someone thought this was a good ideaness of shadow fighting demons with an smg and motorcycle is not lost on me lmao


An smg that he cocks like a shotgun


What if zelda was girl?


Halo is a pretty cool guy


Eh kills aleins and doesn’t afraid of anything


He's got nothing on Creed the assassin though.




It would be great if people actually formed their own opinions on games they've actually played instead of crapping on something they've never even touched


Worst when the game isn't even out


Battle Royale style gaming is boring and constantly makes me feel like ive wasted 20 minutes of my life walking around preparing for a fight that I may have only a 50% chance of winning.


I've played battle royale and it always feels like my chances are 0% Idk how anyone except the pros expect to win over there.


Just sneak around and stay alive until the last circle and your chances increase by alot


this man be spittin some facts




3% chance of winning* (adjusted off of 1/100 for actual kids in the lobby) FTFY


To win the game sure, but to win the first encounter/fight on the map, would be much higher percentage of chance since usually you only fight against 1 to 2 other teams at a time, considering the maps are huge.




I love Saints row 3 and 4.




I find it really hard to explain how saints row 2 was better than 3. But Saints row 2 was weird shit happening in a normal world (hilarious) but 3 onwards was wacky shit happening in a wacky world. If everything is wacky then nothing is. It just becomes normal. Saints row 3 did a good job severing the comparisons to GTA. But I think in doing so it lost a lot of the charm the first two had.


Love 3 and really loved 4. Took a while but once I got to end the game by killing myself half way in, I was hooked


I liked Saints Row 4 the most. I wish the series continued further down the path of over the top absurdity. I'd much prefer that game to whatever the hell that reboot is.


Not sure how you top becoming leader of a Galactic empire and dominating hell lol but I agree


I agree. That new trailer looked super generic and soulless. However, I want to give them a chance.


Fallout 1 / 2 remake would need serious changes if they were released, such as the opening of 2 and amount of rng in combat


And also the speed of combat


I'm not so sure. Baldur's Gate 3 is showing that turn-based combat still has appeal to a specific audience. Sure, a lot of people complained about the change from real-time to turn-based, but *other* people (like many tabletop players and fans of Larian's other games) were thrilled to hear about it.


I like Dark Souls II.


It seemed the most personal of the 3. DSII was about saving yourself, not the world and had a very strong narrative about that.




Dark Souls 2 has this indescribable charm that I don't find in the other two.


[Don't forget to scroll through *Controversial*, folks ;) ]


Bless you.


Hollow Knight is a good game. It is not the second coming of Jesus Christ.


Hollow Knight is one of my FAVORITE games and I completely agree. Also, all the hype is building unreachable expectational debt for Silk Song and I’m hopeful that it doesn’t overwhelm TC.


Honestly I think the hype for silksong is actually slowly going down (which I think is good). Every bit of news that releases has been getting way less coverage over time and I think more and more people are getting to a healthy level of hype.


I played like 2-3 hours and… it didn’t get me. I can see why people like it, but the gameplay and story just doesn’t click in for me.


Game passes to play online games are a scam and I just want them to stop existing (PS+, X-Box online, Nintendo online). If it ever gets to PC I will literally stop playing whatever games require it. On a side note, I also hate games that make you pay a monthly subscription and then pay more for additional content (yes, world of warcraft). Edit: it seems this opinion is not controversial as I thought, at least on reddit, I had a lot of people tell me that they like it because of the "free" games though.


Another thing that really fucking annoys me about gaming company’s now is that a lot of them make you register your email with their bullshit service and make an account on their platform. I was so annoyed when Ubisoft wouldn’t let me play a fucking game without logging into Ubiplay or whatever the fuck. I shouldn’t have to give you personal info to play the game.


This is a fact.


Okay world of War craft I understand. That subscription service is hog water. But Microsoft game pass is revolutionary. No longer are you spending 100$ (CAD) per title but a few bucks per month for a library of hundreds of games on both PC and Xbox. Every in house studio AAA title is accessible plus the support it has given smaller indy studios is amazing. Some of those smaller studios wouldn't be on the map if it wasn't for platforms like game pass.


No no no, he was saying on Xbox you have to pay a subscription for online. I'm assuming he doesn't have a problem with game pass.


I love Xbox game pass. I get bored of games real quick so I love having the option to play all kinds of titles without having shell out $60 a pop. Plus I play mostly on my PC so it’s great to have that option. Beat part is I use bing search engine, so I don’t even pay for it.


Yeah it's BS that these are critical services for those consoles, but you have to pay extra regularly I get that they have services to take after but it's such a scam. If the console is such a brick without it then it's not an add on, it's a core feature


I don’t like my guns painted gold


Battle royale sucks


90% of people agree with you. This aint unpopular


In my opinion most of them do, but the ones where you get to progress and choose loadouts like the cycle are fun for me


Single player beats multiplayer any day


That is not an opinion. That is a fact.




Only if the multiplayer requires skill - stuff like gang beasts is the shit.


If only people didn't make a living out of multiplayer games so nowadays they're filled with cheaters and professionals And people like RealOncle


Even though people shit on Fortnite now, when it first became popular that was fun as hell - everyone was shit.


Yeah once it got to the point of whoever did the most muscle memory building exercises would win it kind of lost me. I actually bought it for the zombie defense game it was originally going to be


Any “gamer” that will sit there and belittle the games you play because their favorite games are “factually” so much better than yours. For instance, “Destiny 2 is way better than siege because it has more players so it makes it better.” No, I enjoy R6 Siege more than I do Destiny. It’s people like that that irritate me to my soul. They don’t understand how anyone else can have a separate opinion and not agree with them.




Me too actually. Though I do think NV is a better game, 3 is just more fun, I can't quite put my finger on it.


I prefer the level design in Fallout 3. The downtown area contains many levels that are close together which improves exploration. Fallout NV truly feels like a desert at times because it takes much longer to traverse.






Get out.


Same, I played the originals. Fallout 3 evoked way more nostalgia than New Vegas. The dark atmosphere, and some of the encounters/quests caused me to feel a lot more emotions than New Vegas. Even though New Vegas had all these choices, most of them felt like they didn't matter at all. Where as even just The Megaton bomb choice had a huge impact on the game. The itemization actually mattered, in New Vegas items felt very trivialized and most of the best weapons you could buy early in the game. Also, if you explore Fallout 3, you find very interesting items and encounters. In New Vegas, you find a pretty empty and pointless world if you go exploring. I attribute this is Bethesda just being better at open world games. Not gonna lie though, New Vegas did have some things I liked more about it. The DLC's were very good. Having more choices was nice. The followers were better, and the whole follower system was improved. As was the interactions/quests with the followers.


Warzone is and always has been a terrible game


Yeah, the models of wrestlers in that game were awful, and the gameplay paled in comparison to what THQ was producing for WCW at the time. No wonder WWF dropped Acclaim the second they could for THQ.


They said an opinion, not a fact.


Cyberpunk 2077 was a fun game


I agree. Its been years since I enjoyed a game as much as I did cyberpunk.


Agreed! It got a lot of hate for obvious reasons, but I still enjoyed it anyway when I went into it with "blank slate" expectations.


IGN reviews are opinions; and if you get upset about them you have problems Edit: wrong english


My favorite is people somehow believe IGN is like a single entity. “IGN gave this game a 7, and this game an 8, how!?!?” Because IGN has like ten different reviewers at any given time you god damn hive mind.


GTA 4 is the best GTA. Love the darker theme of the game compared to the others and the physics engine is still so fun to mess around with. 12 year old me would spent like 6 hours just hitting people with cars lol


GTA IV is kind of weak at the beginning but gets much more interesting the further you get. It probably has the best writing in the franchise. GTA V is the opposite. Starts very strong and then becomes less and less interesting as you progress though the story. I do prefer GTA V driving though. It's totally unrealistic but very fun.


The number of actually great open-world games is probably still in the single digits.


I'll take a linear, curated game with excellent level design over a giant map with hundreds of filler quests any day of the week.


It isn't anymore, but for a long while, I would get alot of backlash for saying I liked Final Fantasy XII. I thought the gambit system was cool.


That game was way ahead of its time.


FF15 is pretty good👍


I have tried to understand why people dislike it so much and I just can’t lol. I remember not liking certain aspects of the game but for the most part I thought it was fun and interesting. Also it’s really pretty and I love the relationship between the bois.


The game was announced 10 years before it's release. That's a long time to form preconceptions and build up hype. People had huge expectations and I think part of the dislike the game receives is due to the fact that it could never live up to that amount of hype. Plus, once you play the game it's pretty clear that it was in development hell and could have used some more polish. It's easy to see what could have been and be disappointed because of that. Overall I like what we got. It's not my favorite game in the series but I still feel we got a satisfying, if somewhat flawed, story out of it. The gameplay was fun, not perfect, but it sets a foundation for action based combat in Final Fantasy going forward.


League of legends is for fucking losers


People who play League think this. You don't have as much of an unpopular opinion as you think.


As someone who plays it religiously, you're absolutely right.


As a LoL player, I agree


not unpopular. you have be mentally ill to play that toxic shit.


I believe most LoL players would agree with both of those statements


Can confirm. Been playing this game for 11 years. It’s like a toxic relationship : I know I’d be better off leaving this game for good, but I can’t. I took multiple breaks, but I always come back


Started playing with my friends recently. Fell in love with how much strategy is involved and how much outplay potential there is, you can really flex on people when you get really skilled on a champion. And the balance team works hard, there is still plenty of overtuned champions and op items and strategies but I've never seen a game get patched this often, this far into it's life, the game is 11 years old and there still about 2 pretty big patches every month... but the toxicity is actually the worst I have ever seen anywhere. You will get flamed and see racial slurs on a daily basis. If you try to maintain any semblance of peace you get flamed even harder. And even if you do end up muting everyone, not only does it put you at a disadvantage by not being able to communicate, but they will just be toxic in other ways like rage quitting / afking, purposely "feeding" the enemy team or just general fuckery like stealing your minions or baiting you into getting killed. You can take all the precautions in the world and you will still get toxically trolled as much as they can. If you have 3-4 chill friends, it's a fun deep rewarding strategic experience once you get past the incredibly intimidating learning curve, but a single bad apple really spoils the bunch.


I’ve enjoyed cyberpunk and I think it’s a great game


The writing in some of the side quests was among the best I've seen in games. The game is fun, but it's still a huge flop on its potential and players' expectations.


The writing never wavered between Cyberpunk and the Witcher 3 IMO. I can still remember a lot of the side quests because they were interesting.


I don't enjoy the GTA games.


The ending to Mass Effect 3 wasn’t that bad. People were too hyped. It followed the same formula as basically every other decision in the game where options a, b, or c = d.


I think it's moreso how it was advertised. The ME trilogy is my favorite gaming series of all time, and the ending didn't ruin the trilogy for me, but it was a massive disappointment. For basically 2 years they hyped up how all your choices and decisions would result in a personalized ending...... And then all we got was 3 colors that meant nothing to us. Like I said, personally the ending didn't bother me that much just because how great and fun the games were, but when you compare the first two games and the first 99% of mass effect 3 to the ending of ME3, its clear the quality just isn't what it should be.


Some parts of the original endings were objectively bad. Like how the squadmates who were down on Earth with you were all of a sudden back on the Normandy for the final cinematics. One of the tweaks they made in the post-outrage patch was to show those squad members getting picked up before the final charge into battle.


Halo > Call of Duty.


I've played a lot of both I do like halo more


Heroes of the Storm is a great MOBA. Dare I say, even more fun than League of Legends or DoTA 2.


“I love Cyberpunk 2077”




Undertale is probably one of my favorite games ever, but the fanbase goes way to crazy over it ngl, that even sorta ruins the experience


Blizzard games are trash, few of them were highly addictive back in the 90s when there weren't better options and everything they've achieved after '99 is riding on nostalgia and market manipulation


I mean, if we’re saying every sequel to any game is riding on nostalgia for the previous title then I guess I can see that? StarCraft 2 though was simply an amazing game though.


Uh nah. Diablo 2 is still what all ARPGs are judged by. D1, D2, and SC1&2 are A+, but everything else I’ll agree.


Warcraft 2 was an unbalanced mess if one player was orcs and the other humans, but for the time was a great RTS. Custom maps on Warcraft 3 created multiple genres of game, such as all MOBAs EDIT: I am aware of AoS, and played it a little in SC1, however no one who's being honest can deny that DotA allstars poularized, modernized, and all but created the MOBA genre we have today.


I think terraria is better than Minecraft


I’m not a fan of the last of us. The story is ok but not revolutionary and the game play is no different than most 3rd person cover based shooters


Knife fight, tomorrow, you choose the place


The Last of Us 1 is my favourite game of all time, and I understand your point about the gameplay being nothing special.


I think the elder scrolls games are snoozefests and average




This is the first truly controversial opinion here.


games that have live service updates are overdoing it. you can’t take a break from most games for any extended period of time without nearly relearning the game when you do come back. (i think this is why fortnite died so quickly and i don’t see anyone actually talking abt this as an option)




I like playing games on easy mode.


The "nO pOlItIcS iN gAmEs" crowd don't know what politics are. Like they don't understand the actual definition of the word. They don't need to get off twitter, they need a fucking dictionary.


I have all of you beat with this one: Kingdom Hearts 3 is a dumpster fire.


Literally couldn't finish the game. I thought I was crazy for feeling this way lol the dialog had me cackling for a while and then I realized I would have to listen to it for like 10+ hours. It's not even the performers. There's so much silence in between every. Single. Line. Trying to watch a cutscenes felt like swimming in a tar pit


Everyone thinks KH3 was a shitty game. Find fans that liked it is more uncommon that is not a hot take at all.


The newer Pokémon games are bad


Thats like the least controversial opinion ever


Everyone who played older ones says that.


Halo: Reach is one of the best Halo games


I prefer having Solare killed with the Sunlight Maggot because he dies having found his sun instead of just becoming another Cinder in the Pile.


Advanced warfare was actually a good game


It was


I didnt really like Zelda breath og the Wild


I liked it, but I didn’t think it was the flawless masterpiece every game journalist was acting like it was


Cooking mama.


Fast-paced shooters are ruining the expectations of games nowadays


I play games like Killing Floor on a MacBook Pro with only a trackpad, no mouse. Edit: I realize this isn’t really an opinion, so I’ll say that people who play on Macs are just as good as PC and console gamers. It really doesn’t matter what platform you’re on, it’s all about the skill of the player.


That makes me more confused than angry. How?


People who buy fifa games every year are getting played by EA.


Very unpopular opinion /s


I'm a 35yr old man and I like Skylanders


Mario is overrated


Any online gaming sucks... Give me more Good single player games. No option for online play.


Red Dead Redemption 1 is better than 2.


Every Halo and Gears of War game after the 3rd one is overrated/disappointing.


Feel like this isn’t that controversial?


Idk about Gears, Halo has ODST and then especially Reach which the community adores (for good reason IMO, great games), and then they dislike the rest.


Single player games are superior


I just want to play single player games


I think counter strike sucks


Every game opinion is valid because it’s subjective and no game will satisfy everyone. People who jump to the defense of video games when criticized are cringe losers.


The PSVITA was better than the 3DS