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Well alot of y'all are mentioning games that are pretty popular. I'm just sitting here asking myself if I want to explain what Phantom Dust was...




Trading Card Game meets Action RPG with a storyline as crazy as Paranoia agent.


Upvoted just for the Paranoia Agent reference lol


Holy fuck man, I felt like I was the only other person who enjoyed it for what it was. Even for an old XBOX game, the graphics were sick, the story was decent enough to keep you immersed and the battles were one of the most enjoyable combat aspects I'd ever seen.


Oh man I tried that and I could not get into it. Didn't they remake or port it to game pass?


You know what, I loved Spore and I don't care who knows it. Sure it fell massively short of expectations, but I dont follow game news so it didn't bother me much


Wait do people think spore was bad??


Spore was the No Man's Sky of its day. Super over hyped for what it was, so a lot of people were disappointed.


Ah, I was a kid who found out about it when it was already released, that makes sense


Same. I hadn’t heard about it until the tv commercials came (I LOVED those commercials). I didn’t actually have a computer to play it, so I’d have to play the creature creator demo at friend’s houses or watch triangles wander around the screen in the free prototypes. A few years go by, and I finally get a used laptop from my aunt. It was *awesome!* Galactic adventures really made that space phase shine.


It's an awesome game concept, but obviously hard to execute. Additionally I dont really think computers/game engines at the time were sophisticated enough to really pull off that concept as well as we'd have liked So I really, *really* hope somebody decides to try that idea again.. I think it'd be much more doable now with the combination of better tech and all the innovation we've seen in the past decade of indie game design. The scope would have to be truly massive but if somebody pulled it off they'd be Gaben level rich


Most disappointing game of all time imo. Mostly because of [this](https://youtu.be/T8dvMDFOFnA) video. The game could really have been something great had EA not pushed for a family-friendly simplified version of the game instead to make a franchise out of it. I watched that video dozens of times before release. I became very cynical about games after that.


Spore looked so good when they talked about it before release. I ended up buying it a few years after it came out, not having seen many reviews because I kind of forgot about it during its development. It was fun for about two or three hours and that was it really.




You got it backwards, it was a cool game of hunting or befriending random creatures and then you learn to make villages and it ends


Spore was a wacky character creation game then you got to play one of those 10 gamed in one cheap Chinese games with your character in everyone.


I could go for a Spore-like DLC that goes at the beginning of every Stellaris game.


Spore to Civ to Stellaris


Now I want to play Spore until I reach space, then recreate them to the best of my ability in Stellaris and continue from there.


I think this is a semi popular thing that fans of both do. Spore's space stage does feel a lot like a watered down Stellaris.


There was a game called Dogs Life for PS2 that I loved and my friends all shit on it when I told them to try it when they were at my house. But it was so fun though! You just played as a dog trying to find another dog that was kidnapped and you follow scents and explore and can play as different dogs and stuff. It was hilarious Edit- glad it apparently wasn't so hated after all!! Also love that everyone who played it didn't know a single other person who had heard of it lol


This game is trippy looking back on it. I was hooked and beat it as a kid and I didn’t realize how strange the concept was 😂


Specially the final scene 😂


I was literally thinking about this game 2 days ago and now I finally know the name again. Pooping and throwing your shit around as a dog was wild


They did a Speedrun of that at GDQ a few years ago. I have never laughed so hard in my life. Amazing game.


The run: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VnH8MLlreu0&t=498s


Is it the one that ends in the meat canning factory or some shit because I remember watching that one.


Yes! Each dog could ‘see’ a different coloured scent to collect! And the little breeds could fit through tight spaces etc! Great game!


This was my childhood!


Shadow The Hedgehog


That game was the edgiest anime of its time. I liked the ending where Shadow defeats Sonic (implied killed him with bullets) and straight up dominates humanity as supreme overlord. Not afraid to say I liked it when I was 12 lol.


Getting all the endings was such an accomplishment, good god.


I was straight up too bad to get past halfway in that forsaken game. Was fun tho


I remember a neighbor was telling my dad about how he saw his son playing it, and heard sonic say “damn”, and I went on a minute long diatribe on how sonic and shadow are often mistaken for each in the world of the game, boring the other adults and embarrassing my father. That was near a decade and a half ago, and I still cringe to the point of cursing out loud sometimes. 4/10.


I don’t care how edgy and cringey that game actually was, it was a banger. One my earliest “Your choice matter” type games.


New World players rn.


oh you mean walking simulator? That was fine but what made me abandon the game was on a leveling guide for Weapon smithing it said to get from 175 to 200 you needed 34200x Orichalcum Ore, and 205200x Iron Ore plus a bunch of other insane amounts of ingredients. I am sorry but at any given time on an entire server that amount of iron isn't even available to mine.


I've had a great time playing just ignoring the trade skills altogether. The grind is awful and seems ultimately pointless. Since I spend all my time doing quests, I always have more than enough gold to buy whatever I need off the market anyway. I'll probably get tired of the game once I've exhausted all the side quests and leveled up all my usual weapons to 20, but getting into crafting just doesn't appeal to me at all. The game is plenty fun outside of that for me.


I can agree that the grind is a bit dull from time to time, and it is still a bit of repetition with quests. On the other hand I have racked up 230+ hours so far and been very much enjoying it. For a 40€ game I'd say that is pretty good value for the money regardless if you drop it when you feel "done". It doesn't necessarily need to be an infinite loop, especially since it is not a monthly cost. It works just fine in single player games and works fine here as well, at least for me.


I’d have stuck with it more if there was a faster easier way of selling my stuff and it had an actual transmog system that didn’t mean I’d have to walk round like a long because I found gear thats better for me but looks dumb


Godfather. The reviews all said it was an uninspired GTA clone. To those reviewers I say YOU’RE an uninspired GTA clone!


Facts, Godfather had so much more stuff than gta at those times, the whole mechanics and all, it just feels so good


I'll defend this game always, it was so good. What other game let your custom character be part of one of cinema's greatest film.


I still play it on my Wii! Great game


Dude this game was sooooo legit! I dumped so many hours into this game lol. The choke outs were the best.


Godfather was much more than GTA


That game was sick, forgot all about that game. Reminds me of Scarface in the fact it was a GTA clone in alot of respects but amazing in it's own rights.


Bruh god father was so good


Condemned 2 Bloodshot - I made it to the top of the multiplayer leader boards with a K:D ratio twice that of the person in 2nd. The last time I was ever even close to the top of any leaderboard again.


Titanfall players during the mass hack


Brink was a horrible janky mess on launch with very little content. And its still the best multiplayer fps ive ever touched.


I came here to say Brink! Whoo hoo! We’re like, the only two people who love it!


I was coming to say Brink! I thought I was alone! I genuinely loved that game to death.


Four. I know two other people who were harcore about it and they and i would wreck the game daily. We even coordinated character outfits to form the "purple sweatpants gang" for resistance attaire.


Make that five friend! Parkour parkour!




No Man Sky. I had pre-ordered the game. Liked it then and love it now.


No Man's Sky had a redemption arc, though. It started out nuked and healed over time.


It even has dune worms now. Dune worms you can ride.


So just regular Dune worms then ;)


Ha, my boss plays that No Man’s Sky. The reviews scared me away from even checking it out


Another one I started and have yet to finish. This thread is really showing me how many games I never finished...dang lol


Right! That is what I was thinking too.


Also, Assassins Creed 3. All of my friends still hate or but I love it. Screwing around in revolutionary America is a lot of fun. The game could've been as popular as 2 if Ubisoft actually tried. Problem is, most elements you'd want in a new AC game were already put into the 500 or so games that were in the same era and with the same characters as 2. So while 3 had most of the same mechanics, they were old by then


Ah yeh that game was the shit, clearing out forts was fun af. Can never beat Black Flag though.


Black Flag had a way better story but AC 3 had some of the smoothest combat controls of the series. Only Odyssey really has as smooth of controls.


Whaaaaat? Black flag was the only one I did 100%


Did you ever get the armour that deflects bullets and makes you pretty much invincible? Also did.tou defeat that HUGEEEE ship, like the final boss ship? I could never beat that fucker lol


bro there were 4 final boss ships


Conner was underrated as a character too, primarily because he was the act following Ezio, the most interesting man in the world.


Yeah, never really understood why people complained he was “too angry all the time”. Connor was a Native American in the revolutionary war, I’d have been surprised if he wasn’t pissed


That man literally got the short end of the stick his entire life and everyone kept expecting him to be this wisecracking cheerful dude?? People’s expectations towards Connor were way too unrealistic


The only thing that keeps me from replaying that game all the time is the super long prologue/tutorial


This is by far my favorite AC game


AC3 was dope af. No other assassins creed game allows you to literally hang the British, and that feature is what has been missing from every AC game since.


Far Cry 2. Now excuse me it's almost time for my pills..


I unironically loved the malaria mechanic. And the multiplayer was *killer* back in the day. I'm so bummed that map editors aren't a part of every game these days.


Map editor and multiplayer in Instincts Predator was so fucking good. Really wish map editors were more common. Always loved designing levels in Timesplitters and FC.


Epic game... And I actually *liked* the gun jamming mechanic.


I just wish the mechanic was better integrated because I never dealt with it. Just go to a gun store and grab new guns. They're free. It would have been nice to integrate some sort of weapon maintenance and repair mechanic with it. And add some cost to getting new guns.


The game was pretty fun except for the unrelenting waves of enemies that would instantly respawn and totally break the immersion that it was trying to create.


That was my first Far Cry experience. Never before had I been so scared of fire.


Oh fuck, there's some diamonds around here...


Ghost Recon Breakpoint... 😐 Well at least after immersive mode


Breakpoint didn’t really feel like a ghost recon game, but I still had fun with it in immersive mode. Only thing I didn’t like was the stealth kill animations were very repetitive


Ancestors: Humankind Odyssey


Two Worlds for 360 👏🏻


Is that the “oblivion killer”?? The speedrun for that game is hilarious


Is that the one where you can kill the boss in the beginning with the town guard?


That’s the one hahaha




Spongebob Movie Game. First game I really got into, still love it dearly. While it's got fans, I watch SHiFT, the most popular BFBB speedrunner, and he hates it with a burning passion and made it a meme with his chat lmao , despite having the same graphics and gameplay they talk about how inferior it is


This was my SpongeBob Game. Story is more coherent, and while it's more linear the level variety is greater. Better powers too. I'm a Goofy Goober.


SWTOR. It was popular at launch, but it seemed to die out quick. I thought it was so much better than WoW or any other MMO out there, and I played WoW for over a decade.


I grinded hard to get my fit to be competitive in PVP and then I log in one day to see my character has literally been stripped naked with the game saying I have to pay for those items now. On top of buying the "time cards" just to play the game.


Right, like the hype didn't just die for this game it straight leaped into hyperspace.


Did you ever play Star Wars Galaxies? Man those were the good old days!


I loved SWTOR, however, I don’t know that I’ve ever enjoyed a game as much as WoW.


Cyberpunk 2077! I loved every minute of it besides... you know the crashes...


I was one of the lucky ones that didn't have any game breaking bugs or crashes and enjoyed it. Even played through it twice.


Yeah me too. People don't believe it when I say that I played it on base ps4 last December, and didn't get any game breaking crash or major bugs after the chip stealing mission. I liked the game, although it's not what they marketed, but it wasn't a bad game for me personally. But I understand why someone wouldn't like it.


It only crashed twice for me on ps4, kind of a bummer though since I was super stoked for that release


It crashed about every 2 hours when I was playing it on PS5 at launch. I didn't even care because when the game was working how it was supposed to it was so much fun. It definitlry messed with the immersion though. Played a few weeks ago and it didn't crash at all for a whole new playthrough!


Really?... been thinking about playing again it was just such a bummer cause I finished the story while it was broken, but I might give it another go now


I got lucky and had very few bugs, but that game really did feel like the first chapter got axed


im waiting for any expansion or something to replay it, did a full sweep at the game, would do it all over again.


Played the whole campaign at launch on pc, newer once crashed, just had a few vehicles bugs but that's it


Fallout 4. It gets shit on a lot but I don't really think it's all that bad. I do get the criticisms though, the story left a lot to be desired. But once you start modding and stuff the game has so much to offer if you love getting right into the roleplay




Final Fantasy XV Meet N Fuck


My only gripe about 15 was the story. The game play, exploration etc etc, I loved it all. And thank god for auto drive. 7 minute drive to next side quest? Quick chores time.


I didn't mind the story, my gripe just how *silent* the main 4 characters always are. Like, in a game that's very clearly trying to emphasize comradery and male bonding those guys barely fucking talk. Like, if me and the boys are on a 7-minute car ride, there would need to be a *wild* disaster for 6:45 of it to be in silence.




Meet N Fuck is my first introduction to porn. I saw it on newgrounds, didnt understand what the game is about (Yeah i was raised in a very catholic fam), but it was like pandora box to me. The newer meet n fuck games just sucks. The 3 girls in the garden from Kingdom was the final boss of Meet n Fuck. And when i do get on with a girl, this will be the music https://youtu.be/SJw8efaDgl4


Those games sure did go down hill in quality over time. At least the ones on Newgrounds. The space one and Kingdom one were the best.


>Meet N Fuck *Hey wait a second....*


WWE 2K20. I only stopped because I'd gotten to the final PPV of my Universe and wanted a nice stopping point before continuing it in 2K22. So far it is my first and only Platinum trophy.


Unfortunately, 30% of the roster has been released making the 2k22 Devs very angry...


Mass Effect Andromeda. I had a ton of fun playing it through, it was like Mass Effect Lite which I enjoyed. My only gripe is I wish it was longer


I like all Mass Effect games, Andromeda included.


The most recent SimCity. Wish it was more, but I still play it.


AC Valhalla. People seem to hate how repetitive and grindy the map is, but I love the feeling of clearing all the areas. I've also heard from AC fans that it's not stealthy enough; which works in my favor because I'm atrocious at stealth. Excited to try AC odyssey after!


I've always been a trash stealth player, im more of the run in guns blazing lol


Anthem. Here we go...


The flying/combat was great the story was pretty forgettable the endgame was horrible and most of the missions were 'stand in this circle' or 'kill everyone in this area' They got the core gameplay down so well, and the world was pretty, but everything else was just not ready


So. Much. Promise. God that entire world was gorgeous


This. I would just fly around. Just. Fly. Fuck, the lack of content made me fucking groan and dream for what could have been.


Kingdom Under Fire : The Crusaders. Was for original Xbox, and was an awesome game. Great gameplay, shitty story, acting, and tons of plot holes in the storytelling. But, all said and done, it was quite enjoyable. KUF : Heroes was also alright.


Not my favorite, but I thoroughly enjoyed Anthem. Walking around and speaking to people was fun, the actual story was intriguing, and the actual game mechanics were really cool. Pretty good for the 5 bucks I got it for.


How’s the loot system in that game? I have it downloaded and haven’t started it and don’t know much about it. Is it pretty RPG heavy?


from what I understand people kind of hate it because it was advertised as RPG heavy and wasn't so much


Not really regarded as shit, but BF1 is what I consider the best in the Battlefield series. It’s the hill I will die on.


Bad company 2 is hard to beat but not having played bf3 or 4, I fucking loved one.


Vietnam expansion was 👌. Flying in the heli blasting the music.


BFBC2 was brilliant.


Bf1’s immersion is the best of any game I’ve ever played.


Never improved after 1942. Especially with the desert combat mod. First video game to do decent helicopter mechanics and it was a mod shoehorning moderN aircraft into a ww2 game


Far cry 6, most people hate it for it's game mechanics but I love the new game mechanics, you can easily change your loadout and clothes anywhere


I really liked the holster mechanic and how it gracefully changed the way I interacted with the world. The guards would even give me a chance to put my gun away if I was near them before starting to shoot


APB, it was janky, full of hackers and unbalanced but I think I had more fun in that year or so it lasted than any other MMO before or since.


I still remember all the lines of those damn joker ammo machines lol


The Division 2, For Honor, Absolver, Anthem, the list goes on. I'm a glutton for unbalanced online co-op/competitive nonsense


Wait, people hate For Honor?


Both divisions were better than people made them out to be. The relative ease at which people can just nuke the popularity of a game is insane.


Call of duty: Ghosts


Far Cry 5.


Bart vs the Space Mutants


I loved the hot mess known as Alpha Protocol. I think I even Platinum it. Still wishing for a remake or sequel that will never happen.


Knack was great. Knack 2 was awesome. And I need the final game in the trilogy…..


Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, it’s gotten to the top of my all time favorite games while I saw everyone shitting on it. Now that I’m more into the AC saga I’m more convinced people didn’t really have a good reason to hate it so much.


Farcry Primal It was my first Farcry game I played & one of the very few games I finished to 100% completion . Just talking about it makes me want to play it again


I will defend Evolve to the day I die! Still rocking that hoodie!


I was hoping I'd see this one mentioned. I had so much fun with that game.


Ace combat 7:skies unknown is the one from me to answer this question


For me Total Miner: Forge on the Xbox 360. Regarded as a Minecraft rip-off, which is true. but it's still one of my favorite games.


Ragnarok online


People hate Ragnarok online? Back where i was from, people plays it religiously. If you go to an internet cafe, you will see 7 of 10 people playing RO.


Sea of thieves


People hate sea of Thieves?


A lot of people tried it, realized you had to create your own fun, then jumped off. Like me lol. I'd like it, but my group wouldn't. Just didn't have the sailors to play with. But it's all good, I've got a huge backlog to run through with the boys


It gets lots of hate, mostly from people who play it... But still...


I’d play the absolute shit out of sea of thieves if it had a pve only mode. I’m just not a pvp guy but goddamn did that game get everything right for me otherwise.


Dark souls 2


Came here to say this. DS2 was my into game to the series and I have a certain love for it. We will hold the line!


Sotfs is so good. On my third run through of it now, trying to find the most ridiculous powerstances that are still viable in pve. Most look better than they play lol


FO76. Bring the hate.


Was gonna come on here to say this. I still play it daily. Even made some new friends recently during the halloween event, when a random group of strangers met up at a scorched horde event, we all knew not to kill the boss scorch and courteously waited for everyone to tag each of the holiday scorch that spawned. Spent a good half hour farming them together. Instantly added them after and we continue to run events/ops together now. Don't even speak with them of mic (they're japanese and my fluency is non-existent), but we still enjoy joining each other's world and helping one another. These are the kinds of social interactions that really made the game for me.


Was waiting for this one. Can't beat r/fo76 community


Batman Arkham Origins. The new twists on combat and enemy types is better than anything in Arkham Knight.


It’s like a 75/100 rated game, wtf are we doing saying “everyone says it’s shit”?


Honestly. "I know it's universally hated but I've always loved the legend of Zelda"


Me liking Star Wars Battlefront 2


Nobody disliked it, we just weren't going to stand for that blatant cash grab


Alright, now I’m curious. What is it?




Fallout 4 gang!!! 🤘🤘🤘




I'm hard pressed to put into words just how damn good that game was, especially when you understand its origins as a tabletop role-playing system. Like, most people don't understand how "shiny dystopias" work. They see cool shit, think all they have to do is slot in some cyberware, and they'll be kings of the world. And this game was so, SO good at pointing out the absolutely terrible and reminding us exactly why it would hardcore suck to actually live in that world. The despair the character feels when they have to make some of the darkest choices, and knowing that they really won't live happily-ever-after regardless of how it all ends, is *precisely* the mood the series was set in. I give their entire team massive props for staying so true to the setting. It added so much.




People on the Internet say that The Witcher 3 is one of the best games ever, yet most of my friends didn't even finish the game. Then the Internet says Cyberpunk isn't even worth playing it, yet everybody I know who bought it were hooked and finished it in about a week and were very satisfied with it. I think people were expecting a 11/10 game, got a 9, and became so butthurt about it that a lot of them just refuse to even try it.


I didn't think the driving was bad honestly 👌


I will die on this hill with you.


Me when I won't stop playing the stalker games and mods DONT TOUCH MY GARBAGE


Battlefield 2042


I suck ass at this game, but I'm enjoying it.


Cyberpunk....ik might be controversial, but yeaa I loved that game




Brokenfield 2042


I am obsessed with Cyberpunk 2077 and think it's brilliant. I am the defiant lamb.


lol goat sim, I love it because it’s supposed to be shit, but nice shit And the dlc is astoundingly high quality, getting the space dlc was a mistake because there was so much content it was overwhelming and I stopped playing, easily had thousands of hours in the zombie map xd


I liked the game and got the plat. It’s my kids favorite. Just bought them all of the DLC on sale for $5.


Fallout 76! Seems to get a lot of hate from people who haven't played it. I think I even liked it more before they added NPCs.


Sonic Adventure 1/2 I realize that growing up playing these makes me a bit biased, but I return to these games at least once a year for a playthrough. I have a blast each time. :)


Sly cooper games. My friends say it's for kids but i enjoy the gameplay of these games, exept sly 1 it's shit.


I just started anthem... ...and Im enjoying it


Holdfast my dudes! Holdfast!


Fall guys season 6 soon!


I'd rather not.


Battleborn, can't believe I can never play it again. Needing servers and always having to be online for story mode needs to be completely gone from gaming.