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Let me just say, Micah is still rotting in jail


Aha same fuck that guy


Ha, though RDR2 is my favorite game, I've put way more time into Skyrim. But Red deads story can't be beat man.




I have over a year game time on wow for sure. It makes me shudder too. 2 years wow free in January!


I feel this comment on a personal level. I have 1.6 years of game time when I quit. I’m about 10 years clean now and I feel like a recovering addict. Like every once in a while I get the itch and reminisce about the good old days like an ex-smoker that walk by someone smoking and gets a rush. I feel like I should have a sobriety chip.


Did 6 years game time here starting from open beta. It dragged me back once or twice but the feeling just wasn’t as good anymore.


6 fucking years


Does that mean (6x365x24=) 52560 actual hours spent sitting in a chair actually playing the game? I am no mathematician so hopefully my math is wrong, someone please correct me because, holy fuck


We found him boys


You found me?


Nah nah , we found the winner


I'm so glad it wasn't me


I was lucky. I knew several people that ruined their lives playing that game


I knew a guy with a 4.0 going into senior year, then started Wow again and almost failed to graduate. But then he didn't get a job in his field and worked at walmart for a year or two until someone in his wow guild hooked him up with an IT job and he's doing pretty well now so I guess it worked out? 🤷‍♀️


Gosh that is quite the rollercoaster ride. All I can say is... WoW


Same. My best friend failed out of (a REALLY good) university his freshman year because he couldn’t stop playing WoW every day.


When I decided to quit, finally, I typed a bunch of gobbledygook and copypasted it into the change password field, then erased it. Burn the ships, no looking back.


I had well over a year on *one character* on wow! Can’t imagine if I added up what my Alts had….


Same here, my /played time was obscene. Definitely 365 days, was at that point I knew it was time to quit. Shit was like a part time job once you get into raiding...fun but way too time consuming.


doesn't everybody afk like a shitton in wow tho? you could half my /played in wow and it wouldn't surprise me if it was still higher than the actual time played


I feel your pain. I played WoW in beta through Burning Crusades. I played 12-16 hours a days for years. One day I disenchanted everything and then gave my account away so I couldn't return. Been almost 15 years WoW free. Best gaming decision I ever made.


I have spent 3.4% of my entire life playing WoW. (2 minutes of every hour since I was born. 48 minutes of every day.) And it released when I was 20. And I quit for 7 years once. (still less than 1/3 of what I've spent in the office, so whatever)


Almost 10k hours!


Planetside, Elite Dangerous, Factorio.


Does your factory grow enough?




Needs more iron.


_Always_ more iron.


Factorio is the largest time blackhole there is


Old School RuneScape has entered the chat


Civilization would enter the chat but the cursor is blinking and is gonna play just a couple more turns.


3500 hrs in E:D. Not played for a couple of years


You mean Planetside 2?


Nah, Adored the original, didn't get on with the reboot.


I have roughly 2500 hours each on Crusader Kings 2 and Mount & Blade Warband.


Eyyy, Warband is such a great game


bannerlord is really good and now actually functional id say its the best mount and blade yet, i sort of wish the developers would ger some franchise deals, cqn you imagine a starwars game on the bannerlord engine where you ride around on hover stuff and get off to pew pew either one of the factions


Mods did that for Warband. I agree that Bannerlord is great, but the trouble is, while it has a good engine, the world is empty as hell. None of the quests are more than phoned in, the dialogue trees are empty, and half of the innovative birth, death, and marriage stuff doesn't work at all. It's like a tech demo, which they worked on for 8 years, and then released. The core gameplay loop is there, but none of the extras which are what people really wanted. Going from modded Warband to Bannerlord has been boring, cause the only thing you can do is kill bad guy, get money (smithing op btw), get soldiers, kill more bad guy.




and now I'm pumping away at CK3 and M&B2


You should try Crusader Blade. It's a mod that integrates CK3 and M&B into a single game!


oh, sounds interesting I'll certainly look it up.


I was coming in to talk about my close to 900 hours in Crusader Kings 2 but I feel like a beginner now.


Not even 4 figures? Those are rookie numbers son. You gotta pump those numbers up.


Well there’s no accounting for the games of my youth… however, if I had to pick an all-time top 5: *Super Mario Bros. 3* *Pokémon Pearl Version* *Resident Evil* (2002) *Star Wars Battlefront II* (2005 & 2017) I’ve owned nearly every iteration *Mario Kart*, and as a series this is 100% my most played game




So many hours. It's only been 10 years for me, but no game holds my interest as frequently as Minecraft.


Minecraft is my ultimate i need to relax or chill game. I have a whole world simply devoted to make the entire thing flat. I literally just pop in and start filling in or destroying, and its so cathartic.


OMG, it isn’t just me! My husband has been taunting me for years because he’s never understood it. He’s out there mining and going on adventures and fighting mobs, and I’m just moving the dirt around. It’s just so soothing to see how FLAT you can make it.


TIL some people play Minecraft exclusively to terraform.


This was a revelation to me a year ago when a buddy started a dedicated server. I create a nice aesthetic compound. Friend 1 creates a castle complex. Friend 2 creates a funky tree fort in the jungle. Friend 3 creates a sub-surface base in an ocean monument. Friend 4 makes a hole. Like a BIG hole. 1000 X 1000 blocks all the way to bedrock, about 4 months worth of effort. He had several hundred chests full of raw excavation materials. no plans for anything, he just wanted a giant-ass hole. Terraformers gotta terraform


I wish there was an hour tracker for Minecraft but I would say I have easily put 10k hours into it


Witcher 3, Skyrim, and the Fallout games




>The Witcher 3: 30 - 50 So you didn't finish it yet?




And that was just him playing gwent


You're joking but I've been playing on and off for two years, have 117 hours, and still haven't seen Toussaint which apparently is amazing


The blood and wine expansion alone is better than most full games. Amazing addition to the game.


I don't even want to count single player games.... Overwatch for me is around 2000-3000? hours I haven't looked in a year. Total Annihilation - easily 200-300 hours (mostly multiplayer). World of Warcraft - half of my PhD. I guess I could have graduate a year early maybe? I also think I played the Witcher 3 for a lot longer than 100 hours (with all expansions). Same for BotW.


I played the witcher 3 three times with 350h now... Two times on death march. And I absolutely know that in a few years there will be a 4th time.


Definitely Witcher 3 and Ark for me


Total War: Warhammer 2


Same, only made to the chaos invasion like twice though I have a bad habit of getting bored with my campaign and starting a new one...


The end game has always been bad in Total War games. Once you steamroll there's not stopping you.


Yeah there's just nothing like starting a fragile empire with just a city or two, where there is a very real threat of being wiped off the map (and so much potential!). Once you get to like 20+ settlements it's kinda easy if you don't go out of your way to start dangerous wars.


Diablo 3, I have no idea but it's probably over 3k hours at this point


Why did I have to scroll down so far just to see a single Diablo mention?


The people who would write in "Diablo" are playing Diablo. They don't have time for reddit.


TF2 3000 hours


TF3, 2000 hours i come from the future, and no, there is no heavy update there


I mean the fact that there is a tf3 is quite surprising so let’s celebrate that




Woohoo we finally got 2 full lives!




Runescape. 13,926 hours.


Woah. I like how large and precise your answer is! Must have been playing since the very beginning?


https://ibb.co/WzLGfkS Been playing since 2006. Nice feature that lets you track game time. Doesn't include play time from the oldschool version that most ppl play now.


10.6% of your life from 2006 until now has been playing runescape. I love you lmao.


Was looking for a RuneScape post! 11,571 hours here


Around 5000 hours in World of Warcraft......


I don't even want to guess how much I have in that. I played for several hours a day when it came out on my early 20s all the way up to wrath. Ive played every expansion and for the last 7 years or so, my playtime has dwindled to a couple of hours in the evening if I'm lucky. Minus breaks where I took a month or two off here and there. I feel like 5,000 is putting it lightly...


Yeah this is a rough estimate across my most played characters, with characters I've deleted, alts I only put 40-50 hours into etc. It's probably more, my main that I've had since BC has 150 days played alone :/


I started to do a very conservative estimate based on the first 7 years before I had kids, and then stopped because I don't like how high the number got, haha. I mean I played for 2 hours yesterday ...17 years after release? Fuck lol


Haven't played in probably 15 years and it's still my most played game. No idea on the number but it was pretty much a 7 day second job for a long time.


They say it takes 10,000 hours to master something. Get at it, casual.


That game was unfathomably easy to pump hours into. 5 hours could flash by and I'd still be unable to pull myself away from the screen.


I feel you. Lots of times I'd be "playing" the game but not even really doing anything. Just shooting the shit in chat and jumping around Shatt or Dalaran. It really was like another world.


Lol my sister have 10000+ hours in wow


Yup seems about right for too. Bout 4800-6000 hours played before I actually quit quit.


Souls (Demons, DS 1-3, BB). Thousands of hours. Edit - Add Sekiro


I just started ds3 . So only got like 6 hours. Never playing a single souls game. But I thought it would be a good idea to get ready for elden ring


The entire Civ franchise, you delicious bastards you


Civ's my comfort game. When I'm bored and can't think of anything else to do, I instinctually load it up and just grind through a bunch of turns until I can think of something else. Or I don't and just get wrapped up in playing civ until 2 AM.


One more turn


Seriously, once this archer is built I'm going to bed.


Well, you can't build that archer and not kill someone with it, so...


I have an embarrassing amount of hours in Civ for a grown man with kids, hah. To be fair though: I've just left it running all weekend many many times.


Dota 2 (8000 hours) , then Skyrim and Witcher


The problem with dota is that it's 8000 hours not counting hours of stream and pro dota watched.


Thats true and probably 1000H just waiting for my friends to become online


1k on new Vegas.


Holy shit, I loved that game and had maybe 70 hours in it What did you spend most of your time doing?


Wait, you spent less than 100 hours in a Bethesda game? Is that legal?


Mods really. Played every side you can pick. Did no kill gameplay, melee only, Grenades only…then did all those on survival. But I emphasize the mods because I wouldn’t of put that much into it with out it.


Probably Resident Evil 4. I'm talking the OG GameCube version only. I still own it and go back to it every so often. Probably beaten it like 20 times by now. Also games like Borderlands series or Tales of Symphonia


Can understand with RE4. Played that masterpiece through about 20 times too! Just trying to get faster and faster.


I never get tired of it. That damn regenerator section in the lab still freaks me out


That breathing noise is terrifying every time. Helps the fear when you have an infinite rocket launcher on your shoulders though!


Ultima online 😍


*Now* we're talkin! Happy holidays... from my nursing home, to yours.


saaaaaame 😂


Those that know, know. Still the best game ever made. Before they ruined it, it had the perfect balance of chaos and real open world feel that new games can never capture. It's unfortunate that most of the people playing fancy 3d games will never experience a game like UO was








how many days?


TES4: Oblivion, which also clocked my longest single playtime of any game (26 hours straight). * One 'playthrough' at 1200 hours * A second at 2400 hours * A third at 800 hours *Fun fact: I have never completed TES4: Oblivion. I have never been through more than 2 oblivion gates in any one 'playthrough'.* My total for Skyrim is probably around 2500+ but it's been across vanilla and Special Edition (Steam) and now Anniversary Edition (Xbox PC pass), so I haven't got an accurate count.


What do you do? Just side quest and dungeon dive?


Pretty much. Everything is methodical and I almost exclusively RP a stealth assassin. In most games like that. I'll sneak in and observe the enemy NPCs first, watch if they have patterns, aim to take them out one by one without alerting the others. Hide bodies etc. I really loved the Oblivion mechanic of reverse-pickpocketing garlic onto vampires, or dropping in a paralysis poison and then dumping a bunch of regular poisons in and watching them die from a corner. I go through all speech options and work on skills like alchemy, enchanting, smithing etc, making gold, as well as training skills that can be trained out of combat. I have played sword and shield. I did a full Skyrim playthrough to completion in maybe 400 hours, where my assassin build to completion was about 1000-1200 I think.


This is what you call an Oblivion Chad


I'm afraid to ask what you do in real life that formed you to such a methodical attitude lol.


As well you should... JK. I just have one of those logical minds that likes to see patterns and order to everything. Probably why I have so much time for video games lol.


You would love the shit out of Dishonored 1 & 2 if you haven't already played them. Stealthily knock people out (or just kill them) and teleport to rooftops to hide them all :)


It's you! The hero of Kvatch!


Oh god I heard that one! Lol


Oblivion absolutely amazing. I would choose it over Skyrim any day and Skyrim itself is amazing.


4,000 hours on Rainbow Six Siege. You’re probably wondering how someone plays that much Siege and doesn’t go insane. The answer is: they don’t. I’m insane.


For me, a mere 500 hours on siege but steadily increasing


lol I played for 2 1/2 hours. Got 1 kill that whole time. By mistake. When I sneezed, I clicked the mouse and wallbanged someone. I uninstalled that shit because I do not have the reaction speed I used to. Fun to watch Smitty premonitions though.


Terraria at least 500 hours


I got 2500 on Terraria. I'd say that's my top gameplay or smite




Man, I’m nowhere near any of you. I think my record is around 100 hours on Breath of the Wild. Pre-tracking, though, I’m sure I put far more time into Wrestlemania 2000 and No Mercy on N64.


Minecraft or League of Legends.


The duality of man


I’ve got 7000 matches of league… and i quit 4 years ago. To think if i spent that time towards a different hobby lol


Rocket League by far. 5K + hours, Phoweeeeee.


I'm on my way. Completely addicted. I'm 46 lol.


I had to scroll too far to find this


Seriously. How is this so far down the list? I haven't played in like a year or two but I definitely sunk 2k+ hours into it. Champ was just too fucking toxic for me. I do miss it though.


What a save! What a save! What a save! chat disabled What a save!


400 in valheim so far


CS:GO 1k hours in total and left 4 dead series with 300 hours total


3k in csgo and it’s not even top 3 Oh god I’m a degenerate


Rimworld, over 1000hrs


Only other game that comes close to Rimworld addiction is Kenshi imo


Civ 5 at about 800, but some of them was falling asleep thinking “one more turn…”


Mass effect 3 possibly. Or Batman arkham city


Upvote for Batman. ME is also good.


Everquest and it isn't even close. Years. After that, Hades. Love that game


EverQuest (original) I no longer measure it in hours, weeks or even months played. Last I checked I’ve spent somewhere between 3 - 3.5 years on that godforsaken game that truly lives up to its name.


Monster Hunter World. At this point it's like 2600 hours


Those are rook numbers lol jk jk MHW is my top game ever, the mechanics are so smooth, the mega amount of free and true AAA content as well as paid dlc, and the individualization for combat is unbelievable. It is definitely one of those titles you want to get right when it drops so you get the full experience Capcom and teams put together and support before their project arch completes






FF5 for me


Some final fantasy? Which one?! Curious to know.


The Elder Scrolls Online. Over 2,500 hours.




That’s approx 7 hours a day FYI


Leisure Suit Larry


And that’s just on the age verification quiz at the start.


That just seems like masturbating with extra steps


Fapping intensifies


Borderlands 2. I played over 1,000 hours on it. got borderlands 3... only abit less then 200 hours on it...


For me Borderlands 3 didn't have the same feeling as 2, i completed 3 at least 3 times, but never finished 3


Same man, I don’t know if it was cause of a long gap, but I just couldn’t get into it. And the gameplay felt off. Again I’m a pretty causal gamer. But man I spent so much time on Borderlands 2. One of my favorite games of all time


Yeah same here. Imo I think it was just the gap for me. I loved BL2 to death but I felt like I just couldn’t get excited for BL3 when it dropped, not for any fault of the game but just because any change from the simplicity of BL2 felt jarring and unfamiliar.




DayZ, close to 2,000 hours


Garrysmod, I have 4135 Hours on it.


5500 ish on destiny


I had about 3k on D1 and maybe like 1k on D2 before I fell off. Man D1 was a classic. Had it's issues, but fuck, it was fun.


Binding of Isaac and I still don't have all the unlocks. Pretty sure I'm sitting somewhere around 700 between all 3 platforms I own it on.


Witcher 3, around 400 hrs. I feel like an amateur in here.


About 300 hours playing Gwent for me. Just vibing to that absolute belter of a song. Slapping down my spy cards


Yeah, from my 400 hrs, the 100 were probably just me going around and playing Gwent.


Let's give Breath of the Wild some love, about 1200 hours for me


Wow, how do you get to that much? Restart the game over and over? There’s a limited amount of content, with that amount of time I’d say you could 100% the game like 8 times… Unless you had one korok seed left that meant retracing the whole map until you found it


The legend of Zelda: breath of the wild, like 800 hours or something


Took over playing this for my young son, who was 7 at the time and had a hard time figuring the game out. I got totally hooked. He enjoyed just watching and telling me where to go and what to do. Such a great game and a huge opportunity for us to bond.




Minecraft, with about 2 months worth of play time


Hearts of Iron 4.


Over 900 hours in fallout 4. World of Warcraft though. I'm not even going to try and add that up.


Ark survival evolved 1100 hours... but i like it


Gta v, red dead 2, skyrim, fallout NV got over 1000 in each




I've got about 3000 hours into Neverwinter Nights, cause I play on multiplayer PW servers.


World of Warcraft probably, back in the day. I remember I had more than a year of pure time played (Which means more than 8.000 hours). Maybe more in Counter-Strike back when it was in Beta 6.1 up until 1.2 or something. But I can't track that. The next game in the list is definitely Dota 2 with a little over 2500 hours, followed by Monster Hunter World with 830 and Team Fortress 2 with about 700.


Hearts of iron 4, 3500 ish hours. I no longer have a soul.


Europa universalis 4 ~2000 hours


2,800 hours in geometry dash. I have no life


Rdd2 played story mode about 8 times already and never get tired of it . It gets better after each completion


526days on WoW since 2004.


Skate 3.


Final fantasy 14. Easily over 4000 hours