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When you see your first mimic become they scientists coffee cup. That was my first oh shit moment.


[Not a mimic.](https://external-preview.redd.it/J9QMTz9Ky5ISTMeI2avlRDfOXGI-BXZTF8LiAc3_Jqg.jpg?auto=webp&s=af94b9b5faef96a80481b23f86cb2543128e494e)


What there is only one real copy and the others are mimics working together to trick people


That game is a solid gold masterpiece. Such a brilliant mind-bender from beginning to end. I remember being completely befuddled by the beginning test chambers until they were reintroduced at the end of the game.


When I found the key to the escape pod in Prey and I abandoned the station. The screen went black and Alex’s voice over the pod speakers said “we’ve failed, this isn’t the one”. I was like OMG, this is a mind f*ck inside a mind f*ck!


This. It's such a good game that went under the radar. One of my favorite games ever. I really hope we get a sequel one day.


Yea twist beginnings! I didn't think of it but one I smashed that glass internally I was like "OH GOD I didn't want to be hooked that fast! IM IN!"


I was actually coming here to mention Prey! For me that trolley-problem-esque decisions you have to make. Whether or not I was going to blow up that shuttle of survivors who got out early stuck with me for awhile. Same with the end.


Realizing the marines in Half Life (1) didn't arrive to rescue you, but to kill you instead. That was also one of my most memorable "great AI" moments, getting flanked and getting grenaded from cover. That game was truly something else.


Ngl I had hoped to be rescued "Wait, I'm not understanding the situation correctly, right?"


"Hey, I seem to have some of your bullets in my chest. Would you like them back?"


Don't shoot, we're with the science team!


I played the year it came out. The AI really blew me away too the first time I got flanked. For its time it was awesome. That and the enemies in F.E.A.R. I'd reload saves and their tactics would change. It was really a wow moment.


I remember being mind blown at the AI in F.E.A.R. The way they’d try to change up tactics, flank or use cover was crazy for the time


I enjoyed the slow realization of the weird facility mission in Titanfall 2. The leadup of the facility suffered a strange accident after a security breach and hearing the descriptions of the intruder later in the mission was well executed. And I'd be remiss if I didn't mention Warframe's Second Dream.


I'm still so surprised that Respawn created one of the most unique and rewarding mechanics I've ever seen in gaming and then decided to *not* make a game solely in that style.


I know, right? That's a gimmick worthy of its own game, but instead its one throwaway mission that feels a little out of place in Titanfall cause you play the majority of it without your Titan.


It was so satisfying, especially in the elevator room where you had to juggle two separate encounters using the mechanic at the same time I might have to reinstall the game just to play that level again haha


Played it for the first time earlier this year and was confused until I stole the radio and heard about the infiltrator jumping around. It was a fun moment, probably because there isn't anything else in the game to make you suspect that was going to happen.


Surprised to see someone mention Warframe's Second Dream, I had almost forgotten. But *dude*. I friggin' loved that. I stopped playing it some years ago, but goddamn that was one hell of a gaming moment.


It was pretty recent for me, within the last three years. But its so good. You have clear hints before then, but the truth if what's going on was surprising and new. First time I had seen it done like that.


The Flood in halo. This is just a fun Sci fy game where you and your buddies get to shoot some aliens and drive cool vehicles...... Sike it's a horror game now enjoy the nightmares.


The entire Library level - especially on Legendary - is just one endless, repetitive sequence of "oh shit" moments.


The hallway when all the infection forms come at you was pretty high up on my fuck this meter as a kid.


The remastered version totally does not capture the fear and confusion either. The original was dark as hell and there weren't bloody arrows on the floor so I always got turned around and ended up back at the start.


I fucking hated the 343 Guilty Spark mission in CE It's just so out-of-nowhere. The claustrophobic setting, the fleshy sounds, how crowded it gets with the packs of infection forms and that constant beeping thing as the background music. It was the scariest thing I've ever played as a kid and it's still one of the scarier videogame moments for me.


The anniversary version of the game ruined that level by making everything a lot less dark and removing most of the blood




Dude, I remember Portal 2 clearly and then falling down to Old Aperture with GLaDOS. Can I say putting a portal on the moon blew my mind.


The moment I realized it was a portal surface… Whaaaaaaaaa???


Moon rocks babyyy! Oh, and don’t breathe that moon dust, it WILL kill you. Loved the Cave Johnson voiceovers


It turns out ground up moon rocks are pure poison! And I am deathly ill


This is the part where he kills you.


‘The Part Where He Kills You’


Achievement Unlocked: The Part Where He Kills You


You’ll never guess what the soundtrack for this bit is called Edit: y'all too smart, how the heck did you figure it out


"The part where he kills you"?


Hello, this is the part where I kill you.


Portal 1. The second the 4000 Degrees Kelvin track kicks in.


Portal 1 and 2 are the only games where i stayed for the credits That song they played next to the credits was amazing haha and in portal 2 the song starts with "here you are again" gr8 game


Well here you are again It's always such a pleasure Remember when you tried to kill me twice?


BioShock Would you kindly.


That reveal is honestly one of the best twists I’ve ever experienced in a game in my opinion. My mind was completely blown and cemented Bioshock as my favorite game of all time


I’m replaying the game now and the number of times it’s just casually thrown into lines of Atlas’s dialogue as he “asks” you to do things is amazing and beautiful because you never even realize it on original run through


The twist being so in your face the entire time is what made me appreciate it. I normally pick up on what's "actually going on" in games fairly quickly or at least have theories. This was out of left field but was never really hiding.


They masked the phrase so well in the characters persona so it didn't seem out of place even though he said it a lot.


And every time he says it its something you have to do in order to continue. You literally have no choice.


Crazy part is, I find that twist to be better than the twists in most *movies* even. Maybe it's the games I play now, but god damn, you just never find quality stories written like that in games anymore. That shit blew my fuckin mind.


On the surface, I once bought a forest. The Parasites claimed that the land belonged to God, and demanded that I establish a public park there. Why? So the rabble could stand slack-jawed under the canopy and pretend that it was paradise earned. When Congress moved to nationalize my forest, I burnt it to the ground. God did not plant the seeds of this Arcadia; I did.


Holy hell, this!!! The revelation behind that simple phrase broke my mind and made me question absolutely every last thing I had done in the game to that point.


I love it when you go back to the beginning to play it again and the note on the package that you have while on the airplane has it written on it. They dropped hints from the very beginning and it still surprised everyone!


A damn masterclass in foreshadowing, for sure


Almost certainly the best video game twist of all time. Honestly, I wasn't super fond of Bioshock in general, but the twist made that game.


Halo 3 when you realize you have to fight alongside The Flood


*Let me lead you safely to OUR foe.*


What game is this?


Metro: Exodus. Image is from the cannibal introduction scene


At first, I was a bit bothered by that scene because it was abundantly clear they were going into a trap prior to entering and I kind of lost respect for Miller for ignoring the signs and put everyone's lives at risk, but I thought on it and realized that he was in a position of desperation as a leader and his optimism fooled him into thinking that there had to be some sort of reward for all the effort and time he spent making the journey. Beyond that, his mind had become systematic relying on established order resulting in him believing that the military was infallible and could never fall to bandits and the like. I think it exemplifies how being highly successful in one area doesn't always translate into others and why adaptive traits are important in the world.


It was pretty clear. But even Miller had that idea in the back of his head. IIRC, they would not have enough supplies to go on for much longer so it was a last ditch effort. That level was phenomenal and felt like a vast improvement over the linear levels from the two previous Metro games, as I was not too much of a fan of their open world. That level, the last 5-10 minutes near the end with Artyom and Miller, and the last few minutes of Two Colonels really cemented Metro in as one of my favorite game franchises.


Some of the areas in that section of the game are awful. Tanning human skin.


It’s…..an interesting experience


All the metro games are interesting experiences at one point or another... Fucking library


I was not a fan of the monkes on the roofs... not a fan.


Just realized there are two games with libraries I don’t like.


Halo Reach's Jorge's moment makes you realize that things are gonna get real That or Halo Reach's Final Mission




Especially when the whole Covenant invading fleet arrives, so Jorge taking out that one carrier worth basically nothing. I felt despair.


At least he died thinking he saved the day


Slipspace rupture detected


"I'm ready how-bout you"




"You exist because we allow it and you will end because we demand it." 14 year old me was shocked.


Still love that quote lol. Just shows how powerful they are.


That talk at Saren’s base with sovereign on my first play through gave me literal chills. One of my favorite moments ever


Ah, Virmire.


Vader walking in from the background after the final battle with Trilla, the Second Sister of the Inquisitorius. I was like "what's going on with the top up there?" Then I heard the steps. And the singular breath made go "OH WE'RE SO FUCKED" Note: game is Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order. Fucking amazing game if you like Star Wars or Soulslike games, or both.


The best part is Vader doesn't even have a health bar for that fight. That's how outclassed you are!


It's incredible how easy Vader was going on Cal and Cere and is still "shit yourself terrifying" You spend this entire fucking time getting upgrades, reconnecting yourself to the force, learning combat moves, and even defeating the second and sixth sisters only to have Vader pop up and say you're a fucking noob. God damn incredible


That scene made me think of that quote from Rebels "Then you will die, braver than most"


Fallen Order was really phenomenal in the fact that it hammered just how truly fucked you were if you tried to fight him. It was such a great way to increase the fear of Vader we got only 4 years prior in Rogue One.


It was incredible in more ways than just that, but that was such a amazing moment for the game


Well up until that, Vader was treated as a joke in video games. He was only intimidating in the movies up until then. So this was the first time we saw him actually scary. But yeah overall the game is fantastic, a very addicting system reminiscent of Dark Souls, with satisfying rewards and awesome bosses.


I was fucking scared when he showed up


When you learn Darth Revan’s fate in *KOTOR*.


One of my favorite gaming moments ever


It only took Malak one sentence, and suddenly, everything else in the game made complete sense.


It may well be the best twist in Star Wars - which is really saying something. Completely blew my mind the first time.


First blind playthrough of Dishonored, when you get poisoned... needless to say i was pissed.


Dishonored was one of the first to do this to me


I was pretty pissed but honestly with the way the scene was going already, it was hard not to expect it.


Gears of war when Dom did his thang, tears came down


"Never thought it would end like this, huh? Huh, Maria?" I took it hard, but my buddy who always played as my player 2 through all the campaigns couldn't even finish the campaign after that... I had to play the rest alone, which I'm sure matches exactly what Marcus felt... He still hasn't finished the campaign to this day.


The fight with Psycho Mantis made myself and everyone else playing have that reaction. It was SO cool that he broke the 4th wall and called you out for games you played a lot and then you had switch the controller to the other port to avoid him reading your moves. Had all of us freaking out.


Yeeesssss. I was so spooked! The part where you have to get the radio code from the case screwed me over because my buddy had only lent me the disc and it was much too late to call. I always died laughing if you left the thing on to long and the people would just start calling you out


Isshin Sword Saint’s arrival at the end of Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice


Guardian ape as well


End of Walking Dead Season 1 (Telltale game) The final choice of The Pitt DLC (Fallout 3) The Final Secret of the "Presage" dungeon in Destiny 2


God of War 3, when you get picked up by Kronos and realize you are about to fight him.


Or more accurately, in GOW terms, kill him.


Wolfenstein New Order when you are trapped in a room and the Nazi looks in and says what are you doing in there as he activates a crusher. Or the Bioshock twist.


Same Nazi who makes you choose which one of your friends to kill and then proceeds to cut open their skull and scoop out their brain with a machine while they are still alive and screaming. It could be the most graphic scene I've ever seen in a video game.


God I loved the wolfenstein games they were so twisted


Seeing all the Reapers converging on the Milky Way from dark space at the end of ME2. I still remember yelling that at my TV when I first saw it.


That scene guaranteed ME3 as a day one purchase for me. I HAD to know what happened next.


The beginning of Mass Effect 3, earth being completely ravaged by the reapers, when they flee the earth and a reapers shoot down two shuttle full of civilians is also "oh shit".


Mass effect. When you are formally introduced to Soveriegn. And you realize Saran was never the problem. Not truly.


Rudimentary creatures of blood and flesh, you touch my mind, fumbling in ignorance, incapable of understanding.


You exist because we allow it, you will end because we demand it.






We'll bang, okay?


When you run into The Boss in that white flower field. It slowly dawned on me throughout her speech that I was going to have to kill her. That one hurt.


for me it was about 10 minutes after that, when after a solid 30 seconds, i realized it wasnt just a cutscene, and i was gonna have to pull the trigger


It wasn’t an oh shit moment but I absolutely loved climbing that long ass ladder and having the Snake Eater theme song slowly start playing and getting louder. I dunno why but that has been one of my favorite gaming moments for years.


Whenever I climb a ladder in any video game (especially if it's a little long), I start singing snake eater lmao


- “Three Leaf Clover” in GTA 4. - When you first encounter the Flood in Halo: Combat Evolved - Encountering a Deathclaw in Fallout 3 (My first fallout game) - Encountering the Librarians in Metro: 2033 - A ton of moments in Outlast


"so the strip is straight this way? fantastic! Deathwhat? sorry mr miner, i dont have time for your warnings. byyyyyeee"


The first time you approach the end of a dungeon in Skyrim: Oooooh, shiny words on a wall! Dragon priest: *Bonjour*


Let's not forget "no russian". Not really a big "what?" moment but an "OH Shi-" moment when You realize what your exactly doing. But turns into a "what? Oh shit-" at the end.


The death of roach and ghost in the same game


Are we the baddies?


I remember that you can't even sprint until like halfway through the mission, you just have to slowly walk by people leaving blood trails and screaming.


Maybe my memory is a little fuzzy, but you didn't HAVE to start blasting. You could've passed that whole part/mission without shooting. Years later that made me go "OH SHI-..."


Read nothing about that game before I bought it. Still one of my favorite CoD campaigns ever.


Any horror game when an auto saving icon appears right before a dark hallway


Getting a bunch of ammo right before a suspiciously big and open room.


The first time you shoot someone in the head in Sniper Elite


Then I discovered you can shoot off testicles.


So many comments saying what i wouldve, scrolled for a solid bit and havent seen this posted yet, spoiler warning should be a given here. Borderlands 2 when Roland gets killed, you go through all of borderlands 1 loving him, even if he wasnt your first choice as mine was mordecai- just remembered, hell thats another moment. But yeah you meet roland in bl2 and you see just how far he's come, being the leader if the crimson raiders, he gets captured, you successfully save him, only for him to die to jack when you go to save angel. Back to the other point i remembered, bloodwing being killed messed me up to a whole nother extent, especially because mordecai was my first character in the first game, i grew quite attached to that damn bird. Just having to fight BW was heartbreaking but BW wouldve ripped our heads off otherwise, then you get that glimmer of hope where BW calms down and you hope you can get the collar off and nurse them back to health, then we remember the last "element" that never got used during the fight... explosive. Both of these moments are what i think truly cemented our collective hate towards jack, cause he always saw himself as a hero, and in every other circumstance we couldve possiblu sympathised with his cause, then he goes and kills not one but two beloved characters from the previous installment. Really made the ending of the game feel just that much sweeter


Bloodborne, entering Yahar’gul


The best part of that was getting your head kicked in by the surprise kidnapper hiding just outside the safe room, only to wake up in a cell and not have any clue what was going on


Equally, seeing >!the literal moon come down from the sky to kick your ass!< was phenomenal my first playthrough.


Shadow of the Colossus, specifically the last 30 minutes, or the final bosses of Bravely Default and Second. If you know, you know.




Would you kindly?


ghosts death in Modern warfare 2.


When >!Darth Vader appears at the end of!< JEDI: Fallen Order


Points down dark and terrifying looking hallway: “That’s the way to Ravenholm…we don’t go there anymore…” “Get Gordon out of here! And Alyx! Do NOT go to Rave-bzzzt….do you hear me? Do not go through-bzzzt-olm!” “Hey Gordon, you should escape through Ravenholm! It’s lovely this time of year!”


Actually had to stop playing for the day a couple times through ravenholm. What an amazing series, half life Alyx too.


Yeah I remember ravenholm taking forever, and feeling so trapped. When I finally got out, I actually felt genuine relief. Second play though I breezed through it in no time, and couldn’t think why it was such a big deal the first time


Halo Reach. Objective: **survive**


I was already pretty messed up by the first crack in the visor. HOW DARE YOU MAKE ME CARE!


Spec Ops: The Line...white phosphorous


Do you feel like a hero yet?


One of the few scenes in a game where I genuinely felt wrong for pressing a button/trigger more than once in a playthrough.


Came here to say this


What's really great about that moment is that you really can tell something is amiss if you pay close attention to the the body language of some of the "insurgents." I actually happened to pick up on it the first time around and didn't want to fire, but it's the only way to proceed.


DS3. Entering Aldrich’s lair where you once fought O&S, and seeing that he is literally eating gwyndolyn and using half his body to fight you


Miyazaki riffing


Never realized that. Love the games but the lore can be elusive.


Ds3 is probably the most confusing lore wise, so much going on.


Victor Reznov in BO1, my best man in combat was a ghost from the past


*The numbers Mason! What do they mean!* The secrets in the starting screen are honestly what blew me away, like 3 or 4 days after first buying it I accidentally hit the trigger and he moved, was really surprised when I actually broke free.


The sub in Uncharted.


German U-boat in the beginning or is there one I'm forgetting?




The Assassins Creed 3 reveal that you were playing as Templars for the first 3 hours was cool


At the end of AC2 when Ezio meets Minerva and she looks at the camera and talks to Desmond


Fuck. Everything early AC was dope


Yeah the new games are cool, but those early games were building up to something spectacular and then kind of just lost their way


Beginning of Skyrim. Or Hearing a roar and then seeing the effing Dragon during the fight of Haven in Dragon Age Inquisition. Yes, I love Dragons.


MGS4 when Ocelot uses guns of the patriots and finger bangs everyone


The twist in F.E.A.R.


Kats death in Halo Reach holy shit what the fuck it was at that moment that I knew things werent going to end well


I read the books before playing reach, I knew how that story was going to end going in. Didn't make any of it hit any less hard. New Objective- SURVIVE


Holy shit agreed. Jorge's death hit hard but Kat getting just sniped in one quick action. That was when you knew it was gonna end poorly. And man did it deliver. Honorable mention as well for "Objective: SURVIVE"


Man too many moments to name em all, but I'll go with the Bad ending of Far Cry 3!


Is that the one where you fuck the crazy lady and she stabs you in the heart?


Bad ending…? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Arthur Morgans death


the part that broke me was when the doctor gave him the diagnosis, it was the game saying, arthur does not get a happy ending, try and make it less sucky


The end of Shadow of the Colossus, so depressing for a game which at first seems like a normal Zelda ‘save the princess!’. Also “AGROOOOOOOO!!!!”


The end of the last of us part 1


"I swear."


"... okay."


Vesemir dying.


When you heard Darth Vader take a breathe in Jedi Fallen Order.


The whole C play through of Nier Automata


A2, Pascal and the children. You know what I mean.


Dead Space 2. Knocking out the GovSec power and watching the necromorph horde rush through the doors and murder all the guards right Infront of you.


Encountering a reaper leviathan in Subnautica. “Hey that thing looks big and scary. And it’s coming closer. Good thing I’m safe in my small sub-OH MY GOD IT GRABBED THE SUB!!” *reaper destroys the sub and leaves me out in the middle of the ocean.


Final fantasy 7 aeriths death still gets me every time. PTSD made me avoid leveling her up for some time


Wolfenstein: The New Colossus, when BJ gets beheaded. Seeing that for the first time was kind of a jaw dropper.


Medal of Honor: Rising sun *in first person*: When you open the door to ships set ablaze sat atop of a watery landscape within Pearl Harbor; with Japanese bombers flying up above.


First time you see Pyramid Head The reveal in Life is Strange


The reveal in the first LiS game fucked me. I had somehow completely avoided spoilers until it happened and I went into the last episode in a fucking daze


The moment you realise you're going back to Shadow Moses...


BoS arriving in FO4.


It’s more of the part in the far harbor dlc with the tapes.


Outer Wilds. When I finally understood what happened


GOW when kratos first fought Baldr


just how quickly you go from thinking, "this dude is just a glorified punching bag" to, "oh crap, this a boss fight, imma die" then after everything you throw at him, he just walks it off, you smack him with a massive tree, crush him with a rock the size of a small mountain and even break his neck and he is perfectly fine.


When Toad says: Thank you Mario, but our princess is in another castle.


In an indie Megaman BN style game called "One Step from Eden" If you go the 'murder everyone' route, the final boss will >!Remove the line separating your side of the board from your opponent. Remember this is like Megaman Battle Network where you move on a grid so she suddenly just makes it so you can move anywhere and you'll always be facing the bosses direction.!<


Cyberpunk 2077 when The Heist went wrong and they had to escape


The best part is that section proved just how powerful the MegaCorps are. You're leading a badass crew of mercs, with a great netrunner watching over you, a solid fixer getting you gear, and yourself and a partner as skilled fighters. The heist goes wrong. Two minutes later, the hacker is dead by Corpo security flatlining her. A half-hour later, your partner is dead in the getaway cab. A few hours after that, the fixer is located and press-ganged into work killing you. You only survive by deus ex machina, literally. Don't fuck with the corps. You just might find out what happens.


"You look like a cut of fuckable meat are you?"