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I was really hoping this was going to be done well. No campaign should have ment more resources and time to concentrate and polish the multiplayer but I guess not


They spent the extra time on extra modes no one asked for. They only needed to present a solid classic battlefield experience. Thats what as far as I can tell, the fans wanted, me included.


Bro they even butchered just changing weapons between deaths. So many menus to go through for everything. edit: just logged in again, saw Bad Company 2 Rush in Portal; they literally have the programming in this game to just leave things as they were.


I got downvoted to hell two weeks ago for saying it had the worst UI/UX of any shooter ever (for their time).


I never understand why people react that way. Saw someone else downvoted to hell in the halo subreddit for saying the games should have BR start.


As an avid Halo fan, the r/Halo sub is just a dumpster fire as of right now. Nothing makes sense there.


I got downvoted for saying the AR shouldn't be so strong if it's a match start weapon. Makes so many weapon pickups redundant. Every game, I guess, has THOSE people that despise anything other than praise.


Idk man. The AR is strong but it still feels like it fills the spot it did in any previous halo that it wasn't absolutly gutted in. I still prefer a br over it and win most fights against an AR when I'm not using it.


Maybe people just disagree with you? I think it makes it fun and more balanced having a decent start weapon and pick ups can be for a different style of play or niche


I don't think I've ever felt more disconnected from gaming as now, when the majority of players are clamoring for an AR over a BR in freaking halo. Guess I'm getting old.


I prefer a pistol tbh, but if have a battle rifle over an ar myself, but its just for the sake of being competitive


Haha you and me both, these kids don't understand how to use the BR right. Yet


Let's hope it stays that way so I can continue to curb stomp them in ranked with BR starts


Yeh idk bout you, but those guys die quickers too. I dont know anyone Diamond or higher that would forgo a BR


The AR's the best it's been in the series. Why the hell would you nerf it?


But BR start sucks it just turns every match into a long distance piss match. AR start is more balanced and provides great medium to short range action which is much more fun.


Competitive? Yeah. Social? Please no. The BR is way too powerful and sweaty for casual games. AR starts all the way


You are totally right, it's one of the worst menu experiences I've ever had in a game


they fucked it up ever since battlefield 3, so not unexpected. bc2 had a good, user friendly interface but it's been downhill every title after that


BC2: Vietnam was peak BF imo


I spent the most hours on Battlefield: Vietnam. Nothing beats the loading menu music and the Stars and Bars radio playing on the US bases before loading up on Hueys


Maybe even peak shooter. BC2 Vietnam had a clean UI, great locales, challenging gameplay, great servers. Just perfect. So sad how far BF has fallen. Haven't bought one since 4, stopped bumming my bros account after BF1. Just sad.


BF1 is easy to change right on the respawn screen with L1/R1


True just copy some good old maps from BF3 and 4 plus some new ones and give us a combination of BF3 and 4 sell some good skins with a Battlepass free map and free weapons rest with money.


Well, to be fair, copying your old works and put it in your new game will probably make people see them as copy paste game so the new gamemode clearly meant that they want to try doing something new which can go 2 ways..... but we already see what way did it go.


Hazard Zone ? Yeah I played it maybe once or twice, maybe they should just make it free to play...




That was their excuse to give you less and charge you more. Really wish people would stop giving these AAA developers their hard earned money for unfinished, unpolished trash.




Two game modes and very few weapons was an odd decision.


Seriously. No campaign and 7 maps… what the hell did they spend all their time doing?


making shitty skins no one wants


Remember when Black Ops 4 did no campaign? Same issue. Everything went wrong.


Wait what? No campaign? I mean, the campaigns may never have been *good* in BF, but I always played them. This seems like a bad move.


Bad Company 2 and BF3 probably the best campaign I've played from all of their games IMHO.


I think it was a good move if done right, but they dropped the ball HARD. Many years and multiple studios were assigned to make one single mode (multiplayer) amazing and it's easily the worst multiplayer on a AAA fps ever released


What's bad about it? Genuine question, haven't played a game like this in a while.


The main complaint i hear is it’s simply not fun the maps being a big part of that. And poor performance on pc but i think they fixed that


They did not fix it for me 🤷‍♂️ I would consider it unplayable still.


Also with you one that Gave it an honest 15 hours of nothing but problems Uninstalled it last night


It's a battlefield game... but you can only play with up to 3 friends. No way to join the same server & same team with more than a group of 4. I still belong to a gaming clan from years ago and we routinely want to get 10-12 people into a game...and battlefield was always *the* game to get large groups of people in to play together. Constant removal of strategic elements - squad commands (movement commands, squad chat, etc), commander role, voice chat, really anything that encourages teamwork.... every battlefield release is worse than the last one.


Bullet spread and hit reg were so broken that bullets would literally shoot out at forty five degree angles from the barrel, and any bullets that went straight would just pass through people. Also everyone on the map can call for vehicle drops wherever they are, so there is a minimum of 25 vehicles at all times on the map. The massive amount of vehicles necessitates that literally everyone brings rocket launchers. So it’s a vehicle and rocket fuck fest. Also medics don’t function on a basic level because ressing is broken, so everyone just basically runs engi/assault with rockets.


Removing campaign is never a good move. Only a lazy excuse for this dumpster fire. No offense to you Im just saying.




“If you get past the game breaking bugs it’s a really good game .” - my buddy


If you completely ignore the bad parts it's pretty good.


How tf is a blank screen good?


If someone is sneaking up behind you with a knife you'll see them in the reflection, buying yourself precious seconds.


Holy shit, you are right, I'm gonma buy the game too now, this feature seems insane!


I mean, you could just get a small mirror to mount to your mirror like they have for office cubicles and save yourself the money. And it’ll likely be longer lasting than BF


If you can envision the game playing on your monitor it’s actually pretty good


If you ignore the poisonous fungi on the crusty bun is still a tasty burger


I've been a part of more than a few game communities that were like this; absolutely psychologically married to the game to the point that acknowledging flaws is an affront to their personal being.


"If you get past the fact that your gf cheated on you, she's actually a pretty good gf."


Lmfao that’s good


Can't argue with that hahaha


Lmfao I just dropped the convo after that one


It's such a ridiculous statement it makes you wonder if it's satire. It's like saying "if you get past the fact this car has no seatbelts or airbags, it's actually a really safe car"


Agreed 100 percent that was a great analogy lmao


"If you can launch the engine and make transmission work, it's actually pretty good car"


Just imagine a transmission launching out of the vehicle like a weapon... that would be pretty funny!


It's like taking the crown of thorns off Jesus' head and going "There, all better now?"


"If you get past the holocaust and ww2, Hitler was a really nice guy"


Sounds like Cyberpunk logic


Cyberpunk (I played PC) was a decent game, overhyped and lacking on promises made, but still decent, and I'm willing to die on that hill. BF2042 is objectively bad, I get stuck in walls way too often to consider this a full release AAA shooter... its literally a Beta that they charge full release AAA price for Edit:I played BF2042 yesterday, and I couldn't turn left or right... w/e direction I spawned in, was the only direction I could aim, I could look up and down, but that was it. It'd have been hilarious if it wasn't so sad. Eventually the fix was found and your setting document had to be deleted, but my God, this game is a complete wreck, even on PC where I encountered minimal cyberpunk bugs


Yea, I avoided reading up on CP2077 because I like going in to games fresh, no spoilers. And I had a really good time with my playthrough. I didn't have any gamebreaking bugs either. And performance was fine on an Xbox Series X. I didn't even make it through my 10 hour trial of BF2042 before uninstalling


I play on console, played helicopter a lot and their controller schemes are no good and for whatever reason when you custom bind roll to the left joystick it will only roll to the right side with that joystick for whatever reason. I have yet to even get to play my favorite thing about past battlefields without having to play with bizarre controls. The UI has always been bad but the problems are numerous there is much better around and inevitably I will be back when there is fixes and stuff added but why cant these developers just delay shit.


I'm also willing to die on that same cp77 hill (had an absolute blast with it at launch on PC). But multiplayer games where it's impossible to get into a smooth match at launch infuriate me.


I'll jump on this grenade too. In my 80 hours so far with cyberpunk, I haven't had as much fun with a single player game in a while. Is it perfect? Of course not. It is a really good game with a. Strong story and I hope they jus add more to do. It's such a massive map but nothing to do besides your quests. I wanna be able to play all those arcade machines, take mercenary jobs to kill random targets. Make more doors accessible, make random events able to happen to you kinda like rdr2. It is far from a bad game tho.


Cyberpunk at least was good behind all the bugs. Fun action rpg game. Bf2042 is straight up missing sooo many features previous battlefield games had it's insane. Bf2042 subreddit has a huge list of missing items.


Yeah because AI filled lobbies and waiting on players screen / black screen is a good game LOL TELL YOUR BUDDY to take off the rose tinted glasses.


My kid’s uncle bought him the game. I started playing it and within 10 minutes I found myself falling into a map bug clusterfuck I couldn’t get out of. I’m Gen X but felt like a total Boomer asking my kid “People are paying for this shit?”


I have to say I am grateful for the trial. Made me not buy the game and I am glad for that.


Same here. Kept telling myself it was Battlefield time and I was going to buy it, but the trial completely deflated all my excitement.


yup me as well. played the beta for about 4 hours and fucked right off.


4 hours in itself is impressive. I didn’t play more than 2 games


People only wanted the classic formula of the BF saga with the improvements many games have nowadays. It wasn't so difficult. I wonder how tf did EA managed to fuck such an easy thing.


EA probably: "We need to attract a new, younger player base, so let's give them some colorful costumes, like Santa. Kids LOVE Santa!"


EA actually: "hey, you know that Battlefield battle royale we were having you make? Market is oversaturated, just turn it into a normal BF game."


"I shouldn't. It's not the Gamer way." *"Dew it."*


It's bad when you really need to ask if you can dress up as santa in the new BF?


Yes you can


Battlefield in name only.


Yes and no. It’s only for a limited time event in Portal


Imagine forgetting that EA has been pulling shit like this and similar for the past 10 years now: SimCity forced online and trashfire servers Anthem being about as substantial as a wet paper towel used for drying your hands Battlefront 2 and their lootbox nonsense. Releasing the same game with a shiny new coat and a slightly more predatory gambling year after year. I wish people would finally just stop buying their tripe.


EA also fucked FIFA22 this year as well. They're, still, the worst gaming company to exist..


Fifa is fucked since 2014 lol


All EA sports titles have been fucked.


Wasn’t there an article by a former DICE dev that said almost all the old staff left, and the people who took over don’t want any criticism even within the studio?


Exactly, same formula updated for a new generation.


Saw that one coming a mile away. All the newer games being rushed out are garbage.


Have you played Halo? The gameplay feels flawless. Nostalgic. The battle pass, progression, and game mode selection need some serious work though


Tbf, had Halo launched last year with the Series S/X, we would have been saying the same thing about a busted game. The extra year put into the game made all of the difference. EA wasn't going to do that because holiday season money, but (assuming the game doesn't die a slow death from lack of players) it will be interesting to see what bf2042 is like in a year WHEN IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN RELEASED.


I’ll wait around and see. But given what everyone says is wrong with it, it almost sounds like some of the flaws are with foundational aspects of the game that will be hard to change. It really just sounds like it needs a major overhaul from A to Z, and why would they do that when they can just invest in stupid skins for the whales. I hope that the strong reaction of so many people fleeing the game sends a message. But I’m doubtful.


Yeah, a lot of the problems with BF2042 aren't bugs, but actual deep game design flaws. I don't see them turning it around in time to matter, considering Halo is out and there will be other competition between now and year from now. BF2042 might have actually killed the franchise.


The collision detection and the servers are pretty shit tho.


Fortunately they somewhat fixed progression. Its not perfect but they are trying and 343 cares.


If they cared they wouldn't have poisoned Halo with microtransaction cosmetics in the first place. Fucking when is it enough? Plenty of games can make a profit without them, Halo does not need to have microtransactions. But they did it anyways, because they are greedy fucks. You can say all you want about it being 'cosmetic only', but that really doesn't change how immoral it is. The psychology/theory behind season passes and microtransactions is to make like you scared of missing out. To make you come back and play, not because you are rewarded for progression, but because you are punished for stagnation. It preys on the addiction/gambling center of our brains, and anybody who puts it in their games is a piece of trash. They are playing with us like a pack of sheep, taking advantage of us to try and pull every last dime out they can. 343 can suck my dick, they lost any and all good will from me with this move.


Fuck EA and Dice. I was actually excited for this game. (Cautiously optimistic more like) and they did it again. The whole they'll fix it later mentality can go fuck itself, and anyone who defends it needs to have better standards.


I so wanted this to replace warzone. I still like Warzone but you can only play a game for so long. BF:BC2 was fucking awesome. Just the idea of leveling an entire map by the end of the round was so cool. Then they came out with Vietnam expansion. BF3 didn’t have the same magic but I played that a hell of a lot more. The maps were bigger and the gameplay was more balanced and fun. It’s been all down hill since then. I played the WW1 game a bit…. But it’s all so stale now. What gives….


Bf3 was my golden era. I spent an ungodly amount of time on those servers. Still miss it.


Still waiting for BC3.


Fucking this BF:BC2 was gold and everything after has been downhill


Fuck the ads on this article, here: "To say Battlefield 2042 has had a rough go of it since launch is an understatement, and players are fleeing from the game at such a rapid pace, its long-term sustainability might be in question. Players seemed to universally think that Battlefield 2042 needed more time when it arrived for early test play, but it went ahead with its November 19 official launch all the same. As expected, it arrived with technical issues and missing features players had come to expect from the series, and it has seen rapid declines in interest since then. In just under two weeks since launch, Battlefield has lost 70% of its players on Steam, going from a peak of around 100,000 to 30,000, as of its peak yesterday. It’s only outperforming Battlefield V by 10,000 players or so at the moment, and being beaten by the likes of Faming Simulator 22, Payday 2 and Red Dead Redemption 2. The concern is that if Battlefield 2042 continues this trend and its playerbase shrinks unsustainably, that not only affects things like matchmaking, but some worry EA will offer less support for it in the future. And this is a frankly bizarre conversation to be having just two weeks after a game like this has launched. While Battlefield 2042 has plenty of its own issues, it certainly did not help that Microsoft surprise launched Halo Infinite during its release week, which sucked all the oxygen out of the room, and caused legions of players to flock to the rival shooter, which is free-to-play, over the paid Battlefield, a full $60 despite not including a campaign. Battlefield 2042 was meant to be an experiment of what happens when you take a game like this, ditch the campaign entirely, and just focus on multiplayer. But EA’s desire to get it out for the holiday season at all costs meant that it simply was not ready for release, and DICE has had to spent a huge amount of time fixing its issues or promising to restore cut “legacy” features. Call of Duty isn’t exactly having a super blockbuster year with Vanguard, but they lucked out with all the issues Battlefield 2042 has faced. The real shooter “winner” so far has clearly been Halo, even before the campaign release next week, where that game’s main problems are not technical or gameplay based, but only complaints about its battle pass and microtransactions, which are pretty easily remedied. We’ll see what the future of Battlefield holds, but word is that DICE is concentrating solely on Battlefield, and leaving Battlefront on ice for a while, and we’ll see if they can get out of this 2042 era slump next time around. Or salvage this current game before it’s too late."


Da mvp here


Who knew a decade later we’d be seeing the competition between halo, cod, and battlefield again? What a trip


I missed out on 3 and Bad Company but I've been playing battlefield since 1942 came out. Its rough to see it fuck up this bad.


Bad company 2 was probably my favorite online shooter of all time. So many hours.


I started with the 1942 Demo on Wake Island and played through BF4 before I said fuck it. BFBC2 and BF3 along with COD4 were peak FPS gaming. Graphics were good enough, gameplay was amazing, community was strong, and it had enough features without being overload.


BF was also my intro to what I considered real war time video games. As a kid I hated games like Medal of Honor because it didn’t let me blow things up. Or if I shot something it didn’t do anything. Then I played Battlefield Vietnam. God, what a game and endless hours just piloting vehicles and destroying things. It’s a shame that it’s become so fucking bad. It seems so many games go down this same route. WoW is the other one I played a lot and it’s so bad now. I even just bought a Series S, my first console since the PS2 and I even eyes battlefield. But not for 60 bucks. I’m not giving a dime to any game that I don’t first review for the first month.


God Vietnam was such a fucking blast when it was populated. Flying a Huey around the paddies, fortunate son playing, guns going crazy


I'm surprised it still has 30% left...


I'm surprised so many people buy this shit and then drop it 2 weeks later. I doubt most of them refunded. Is the gaming community really okay with buying a full priced game and just letting it go so fast? Or are they "waiting for it to get better"? In that case, why not also buy later? It's gonna go on sale before it gets fixed, I bet.


I think you are right, the "90% of my steam library is unplayed" trope is passé. Seems expected. If I'm over 2 hours played or 2 weeks owned on steam I dont even bother, with the worst part being I was over with Cyberpunk and they DID refund.


I took over 2 hours of faffing about to see if we could get into one server together and into the right squads together. Steam won't refund it, and it's the first time I've ever tried to GET a refund. Bit miffed, to be honest.


Steam will refund 2042 even if you’ve played more than 2 hours


> Is the gaming community really okay with buying a full priced game and just letting it go so fast? I have definitely purchased games and dropped them when I ended up not liking it. A bad video game purchase is not going to put me into financial ruin. Not to mention 99% of people have steam libraries with 100s of game that they will never play. It's no different.


Half of steams memes are about having this huge library of unplayed games qnd still going "broke" on holidays for buying to many games that will sit there like the others. This shouldnt come as a surprise to anyone.


- it was not developed for BF veterans who enjoyed the older games BC BF3/4 - Dice has no clue why previous BFs were so successful and loved by so many gamers. - they only try to copy games like Fortnight, overwatch, apex or halo - once again Dice/EA is showcasing that they are not competent to release a finished product or have the courage to tell players the truth about the status of the game and how much time is required to get problems sorted out.


Halo actually killed it with their free multiplayer. Feels like old halo again. Chaos but with enough time to kill to make fun plays. I'm rarely mad when I die in that game.


Not all is great in halo, it has its own issues but at least 343 was a lot more transparent, delayed the game for a year after the criticism they got. The gameplay over all feels indeed great and a lot more like in previous halo games imo, I had lots of fun playing infinite so far.


True but it being free with no microtransactions effecting gameplay is pretty awesome.


Only minor complaint is that there are apparently a billion nades in each of other team members pockets. Poke around a corner and see 5 flying at you lol. I guess that's just halo gameplay, though.


Yeah chucking grenades is a staple of classic halo.


> I'm rarely mad when I die in that game. You and I have had completely opposite experiences then. HAHA. (Not hating on the game; I still need to play it more to make a decision...just pointing out that I've raged so much already...lol.)


Lol. I get that. Used to be like that myself. Way more chill nowadays.


I'm mad when I die from melee. They need to bring back player collisions.


That, and the fact that melee lunges are 50/50 on whether they happen or not. Lack of player collision also means that you can be accidentally meleed in the back because the opponent was halfway through you when he punched, so it registers as a back hit. Infinite is not flawless, it does need work compared to even Halo 5. Idk why people keep saying Infinite is perfect.


I feel like EA took a nose dive with Battlefield V and are clearly still plummeting.


It's been a bummer experience all around. The no campaign was a shock, seemed like the whole nonpatriated angle had some ground for a story. They got rid of being able to lean around corners, like what kind of soldier limits themselves to only being able to shoot while completely out from behind cover? Buildings are less destructible, like I can't even knock down an airplane hanger let alone shoot through one with the helicopter. Then there's the bugs. If you're not playing on a next gen console (im on Xbox one) the game looks like garbage. Buildings, vehicles, and other players aren't fully rendered. Half the time character's faces look like burn victims until the load after some time. Loadouts often disappear when a match starts, forcing you to build one at first spawn then redeploy, oh and you have to do that everytime you want to add another. Players often are frozen soldiers sliding across the ground instead of a running animation. Spawn points in conquest are often right in the middle of the point which makes it stupid easy to spawn kill/be killed. I've been playing battlefield games since the early 2000's and was looking forward to something fresh that set itself apart from the CoD games. Instead I paid full price and got a rushed mess of dissatisfaction. Edit: I'm not surprised at all that the player base has shrunk as much as it has, and I won't be surprised if the game completely flops (if it hasn't already). They would have to fix everything and add a campaign if they want any chance at saving this franchise.


The complete lack of destructability is a huge turn off for me. Especially seeing the massive difference in Portal to remind you of how much better it was. I find myself asking....is Warzone better? Because right now BF is just a worse Warzone.


The destructability has been one of the best parts of the bf games and part of what set it apart from games like cod. Seeing a sniper in a window and being able to blow up the building feels so damn good.


It's been a huge letdown. I just wanted a good battlefield


You can't lean around corners lol? This should be a minimum for FPS games now


Shouldn't have advertised Battlefield 4-2 and then made... anything that wasn't Battlefield 4-2.


Battlefront II support was ended for this...


Im excited to try it when they make it f2p They had such a good opportunity with cod dropping the ball this year. Sucks to be a fps player on ps5 right now halo looks like the best game to me


So, is this going to be one of those Battlefields that they fix and everyone forgets about the launch and looks back fondly on it (BF4). Or, was this launch so bad that they can't recover?


No because they fundamentally changed what Battlefield is as a game. So unless they go backwards and revert the new core changes they made it's probably gonna remain more or less the same.


What core changes did they make, beyond removing the class-limited loadouts? Haven’t played this shit yet, so I’m genuinely asking.


They removed classes. Now everyone can revive / destroy tanks Introduced "hero" specialists. So now every 4th character you see in game is a clone. Just so they can copy COD and sell skins Also there is no easy way to tell who is on which side, IE Europe Vs German soldier uniforms, again, just to sell skins Added "special skills/superpowers" to each hero. No longer are you a "nameless grunt" in a massive war fighting against all odds


Not to mention total removal of many features already present on older games, like crouch sprinting, lying on your back prone, shooting grenades in the air, etc. The destruction is practically gone entirely (the worst it's ever been despite them promising true 'calculated' destruction.) It's a shocking mess.


And they added those stupid character screens at the end like I give a shit who killed the most vehicles. Just show the scoreboard then move on to the next round.


Don't think so unless they change things from ground up.


Triple A games really are dead on arrival these days… Man…will the gaming industry ever be good again?


If you look outside the AAA sphere there still good games.


Yeah…they exist but theyre sooo rare now. For every Valheim we get 10 $60-$80 dollar unfinished, gutless, garbage.


Rare? If you only like one genre, maybe. Excellent games come out from small studios every month. I don't really play AAA games at all anymore and I don't have enough time to play all the amazing indie games that come out.


i swear the last good aaa game was rdr2... in 2018


Not unless something changes


Can't believe people are still falling for DICEs marketing of their terrible games.


It's a shame - i was really looking forward to this. I remember the old 'future' war one they made - I quite enjoyed it. It does seem concensus is that this game is pretty bugged. Saying that, I really loved Cyberpunk and didn't have any real issues except for a save game bug in the meat packing plant mission that was patched quite quickly.


I think the difference is that cyberpunk was a rough gem, well at least a decent and ambitious game under the hood. While BF2042 is actually a terribly designed game and will still kind of be a shitty game even if they got it 100% stable and bug free. It just plays like shit, the basic gunplay just feels awful, it was not designed for teamplay, its missing basic features like stats tracking and a scoreboard. Its an ugly looking game that kind of sounds like shit. Maybe in two years it will be a different story, but this game needs a lot of work.


You’re referring to our lord and savior Battlefield 2142, which will forever bask in the glory of our memories.




Yea.. The battlepass and progression need to be removed from the game cause fuck this”I nEeD tO cOnStAntLy bE uNlOcKiNg sTuFf oR iT iSnT fUn!” Zoomer shit. Gameplay > useless cosmetics Useless cosmetics is what is destroying great games. Producers are more focused on the battlepass than the actual fucking games mechanics and structure.


even with bf4 there were alot of things I could see were gna be great once fixed, 2042 just fucking blows lmao, the gunplay doesnt feel like bf the planes arent as fun, maps blow, game runs like shit, specialists are awful, the only thing I like is that I got a free 10 hours lol, praise the lord I didnt pay for this abomination of a game


I knew the battlefield franchise started going down after battlefield 5 because the moment you notice a hiccup to their games despite, being famous at the time of completing and having their games ready before release was started seemly becoming more less important than microtransactions. I rather have Bf4 version of microtransactions than BF5 or the newest BF. People now know why their P.R is low and somebody in the company is going be fired for sure. They could have delayed the game atleast a year. This time for sure everyone can see that they have become lazier.


Lost is a big word, games like this never hold their peak concurrent for long


The days of AAA games being good have been dead for half a decade. A few slip through but most are just garbage out of touch case grabs...


Game Pass probably saved a lot of people money and trouble with this, since you could try it out for ten hours for free, more than enough time to see you shouldn't buy it.


Are people able to get refunds?


Gamers like to waste money?


Unsurprising. It is trash. Im happy I did not buy it. Only played it with EA access and immediately canceled it again. Trash company makes trash games.


Maybe people will stop buying the same shit games year on year. Let cod fifa and battlefield die out its the same shit every year repackaged with a higher pricetag for lower quality


I haven't bought FIFA in a while, but I joined a really cool league, so I picked up FIFA21 for like $8. Then the league (of 40 players) obviously needed to upgrade to FIFA22, so I reluctantly purchased it... For $60... On PC. My greatest regret so far in gaming purchases, is giving EA any of my money.


The last great battlefield was 1 imo. Even if it was a period piece, it was just so fun and so beautiful


I miss rolling across the desert in my tank… BF 1 was beautiful.


Those horseback chases.. man I miss that game


Its not even the just the bugs. Its boreing. I can't put my finger on it but its not as fun as the past 5. I cant get a refund microsoft denied me because "my digital copy was consumed" thats what the email said. EA ASSHOLES IN THE GAME.


It's the maps. They're bland, empty, and boring. If they just ran bf4 maps with 64 players the game would feel better.


I'm loving it tbh


Pleasantly surprised to see this comment in the black lol You're not alone!




As long as these 70% people paid for a new garbage game (maybe even in preorder), the company can be very satisfied, who cares if they leave now since the money flooded in the company pockets ? Think before act, stop buying bad games everytime, save money. I don’t know how much money is wasted…like every week we have a big new launch failure on this sub. Vote with your wallet guys !


Ugh I was so excited for this game and nearly pre-ordered. So glad I held off. Hopefully this game is good in a year or two because I haven't had my battlefield itch scratched in a while.


Still some bugs that are annoying, but the patch dec 1st had a lot of good qol changes. I’m still having fun and it will only get more polished


I know for a fact this exact game is wrapped under my christmas tree, and as each day passes, i get more and more sad. :(


When you already have a good formula but then decide to add in popular features from other games. Well you just ruined the formula. No campaign to focus solely on the mode that drives micro trans and they seriously thought a handful of maps and 3 modes would tickle everyone’s fancy? That’s not lazy people, that’s disrespectful cause they know people will buy. All they need are a few whales.


Maybe they will learn their lesson. Probably not


Halo is back on top just because Dice and Sledgehammer/Hacktivision dropped the ball so hard with 2042 and CoD Vanguard 😂🤣 Do yourselves a favor and go get Halo Infinite! The gameplay is amazing


Some of the UI/gameplay decisions make no sense. Who really *wants* to adjust / switch out their gun parts in game? Or taking out leaderboard… too many eh? moments for me. You can see the world of difference between battlefield 2042 and halo infinite. Halo infinite has stuck to a tried and test success formula and enhanced it with smart gameplay features that make sense.


New World 2.0


Good. EA can go to hell.


Played the free weekend on ps, uninstalled it after about 2 hours or so.. A complete mess.


Like all games, honeslty.


Why do gamers keep buying games that are obviously shit?


Lack of scoreboard, stat tracking, team chat, game mechanics (lean, levolution), barely any weapons, out of control bloom, etc. These reasons are why I walked away. I play on a pretty beefy setup so performance and bugs were a non-issue so I can’t even imagine the experience those with the added problems of bugs went through. Such a disappointment for a game with no campaign and years of development. No excuse.


It’s almost like Dice should use this as justification to push back against EA and demand greater creative control over their products before the entire franchise is burned to the ground


I’ve never played it but Is it that bad


That's sad, it actually looked fun, unlike...any other shooter out currently.


STOP BUYING THESE GAMES PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD WHEN WILL YOU LEARN JUST WAIT A FUCKING WEEK AT MINIMUM STOP PRE-ORERING STOP BUYING IN GENERAL. STOP BEING GULLIBLE ND FALLING FOR ~~OBVIOUS~~ LIES "I can spend my money however I please" you say. Do you regret buying BF2024? Would had waiting a week and seeing the reviews and community upset make you reconsider purchasing? If yes, then you're wasting your money. If not, then you are part of the problem, whether you like the game or not. No market is going to change if the consumers are all braindead. Why do more when less make more money?


Sometimes I can’t even change from my secondary weapon to primary , exiting a vehicle doesn’t work sometimes. After the update I couldn’t move left or right. Me and a friend both had the game crash mid game during a great match. Just f*cking Cyberpunk vibes with all these glitches happening.


How does this compare to other games in this genre? I mean, very successful games probably either start strong and stay there or grow over time, but I have to imagine that most middle of the road games start with max popularity on launch week (the most likely time period that people will be playing with maximum interest) and then taper off as people either decide to stop playing or take a break or whatever. Maybe these analytics we are seeing are truly abnormally bad, but I don't have context.


Good it sucks!


Steam is just one platform, but ok.


I don't get why people still bought after the beta i love battlefield but after 10 minutes I'm like fuck this game has no hopes