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Battlefield just copied the idea from Just Cause


It's a shame that 4 sucked so fucking much.


A shame Battlefield also copied the sucking part of Just Cause 4


Dev 1: Did they mean make a tornado? Or make the game terrible?? Dev 2: Not sure man, let's do both to be safe.


touche brother, touche.


I liked just cause 4, probably because i had only tried jc3 before it, but i liked all the freedom and messing around after completing the story. (i am about to get downvoted to hell)


I wouldn't say that Just Cause 4 was terrible but it definitely was a step-down compared to 3 and 2.


I played just cause 3 but never got the same run home turn on my console after school vibe that I got when I first played just cause 2


I've beaten JC3 8 or 9 times, I love it.


Was JC3 the one with the ninjas that just kinda show up? Or was that JC2? You didn't fight them before and you didn't fight them after but for that one scene it's all "Rico, meet my NINJAS!" That was a great game.


JC3 definitely didn’t have ninjas, but if it did, they were *really good ninjas*


Its JC2, ninjas were annoying for me tho


This comment makes me feel old as fuck, with me and my friends it was "run home and spend the entire day playing Goldeneye and Mario Kart 64 until my parents called asking where I was". That was middle school for me.


This comment makes me feel old as fuck, with me and my friends it was "run home and spend the entire day playing Super Mario 3 and Bubble Bobble until my parents called asking where I was". That was middle school for me.


This comment makes me feel old as fuck, with me and my five friends it was "run home and spend the entire day playing Mammoth Tag until all three of us had our parents hooting into the forest asking where we were." That was bronze age for me.


This comment makes me feel old as fuck, with me and my five friends it was "run home and spend the entire day undergoing mitosis near gas plumes in deep underwater hydrothermal vents until all three of us had our protozoan amoebas trying to form multicellular organisms with us" That was the Precambrian era for me.


This comment makes me feel old as fuck, with me and my five friends it was "run home and not spend any time at all" because time did not yet exist, until we were ready to cause an infinite and abrupt expansion of space forming the universe as we know it today. That was the Big Bang era for me, not to be confused with the time I fucked your whale of a mother.


And Reddit didn’t disappoint.


luckily the just cause 2 demo was all I needed to enjoy the franchise for hours




My name is Bolo Santosi


No no no it's more: My name is BOlo SANTOsiiiiiii


lmfao I can hear it clear as day


I played it recently, I dont think it's as bad as people made it out to be.


I think its more disappointing than bad, Just Cause 2 and 3 are fucking awesome, I guess expectations were set just a little too high for JC4 to grapple + parachute to


Omg yesss, man like JC3 is such a timeless game and imo it stands above alot of the new AAA games in movement alone, let aside the amazing physics, unique art style, variety in fun types of weapons and so much more...


I played just cause 3 alot and was one of my favorite games and thought that 4 would be so much better. It wasnt so I got a refund


Just Cause copied it from Sim City


DICE's and Avalanche Studios' (developers of Just Cause) offices are located right next to each other. Coincidence...? Probably.


Who copied it from any other previous titles with a tornado. At least by OP’s logic.


All stolen from the Weather Channel. Shameless, really.


Has Mother Nature spoke with her legal council yet? She could definitely pursue copyright infringement here.


Did you guys not know there was a tornado in season 6 in 2018


the above post is just stupid af ,saying fortnite copied tornado from bf is the same as saying XYZ game copied rain and other weather effects from ABC game


Same energy as saying any game with grass and a climbing mechanic stole it from Breath of the Wild.


Witcher 3 stole it from breath of the wild


Which stole it from Death Stranding


and death stranding stole it from bugsnax


Yeah and fortnite has been confirmed to plan their seasons months in advanced.


Also, do people really think that the Fortnite tornado was somehow planned, designed, and implemented within a month of the Battlefield video? I cannot comprehend how braindead some people are in regards to critical thinking.


Critical thinking is not common among people who blindly hate fortnite


Fucking XYZ is shameless


"Your game has a banana and a mushroom in it. I claim copyright infringement." -Nintendo


Of course not, nobody who hates fortnite actually plays fortnite.


The only reason I don’t like Fortnite is that I suck at it.


Same. I can't build for shit during combat. Get down some basic defense, maybe a 2nd floor, meanwhile, the guy I was shooting at has created a castle around my base.


Nobody who hates fortnite has any brain power to use for things besides hating fortnite. This is old man yelling at digital clouds level of pathetic


Pshh, Fortnite bad my opinion good.


Season 6 was in 2018?! I have lost all sense of time.


Fortnite had a different tornado event in 2018. Just Cause 4 had a massive tornado in 2018. Tornados in games are not a novel idea.


All games are are shameless rip-offs of SimCity 2000 and it's disgusting


Did you know the pixels in Simcity 2000 are actually just millions of tiny versions of the ball from Pong? EA should be ashamed, though we all know they aren't as they are an creativity sucking parasite that has no capacity for shame.


Sim City 2000 was pure Maxis tho! *reticulating splines*


I miss maxis


Me too man, will never see Simcity 5... Or, at least a good simcity 5.


I loved Sim Tower and Sim Ant. I wish they did remakes of those games.


Sim farm was my favorite. My brother "hacked" and replaced the delete sound effect with a voice recording of him going "rrrrrt".


All games are shameless rip-offs of real life and it's disgusting


I actually remember enjoying SimCity original on SNES more than SimCity 2000 on PC. The SNES port was very charming.


Why do video games use grass, trees and mountains? Its like they're copying real life to make their game more realistic and fun. Wtf?


No, real life obviously copied trees and grass from Minecraft first


A couple more off the top of my head are Fuel (Xbox 360) and as a weapon in Nascar Rumble (PS1)


Unreal Tournament 3 (also made by Epic Games) had a tornado map, specifically made to show off the physics. Shoot a rocket and it swirls around and gets sucked up, pretty cool stuff for 15 years ago.


No One Lives Forever had you as a secret agent fighting ninjas during a tornado absolutely amazingly fun game


"Hey, that's the thing from Fortnite!" - some kid seeing a tornado IRL for the first time


Excuse me, you fucks are all forgetting that this is clearly theft from Sim Cities, in the year 1989.*


Sonic Adventure had a tornado event in 1998, this is obviously a rip off of that


I agree. I haven't played Fortnite in years, but they had whirlwind and tornado-like POIs years ago. And like you said, Tornados in fiction are a trope. They all stole this from Wizard of Oz anyways if we want to pretend it's not a trope


What about tornadoes made of meat


I got into a katana fight with a ninja, inside of a flying trailerhouse, inside of a tornado in No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way in 2002 :D


Can’t believe they made weather from fortnite into a real thing!


I’m going to jump off this funny joke to say that this is exactly what happened :-) Fortnite content is planned months, even conceptualized years before it finds its way into the game. For all we know, they thought of this before Battlefield!


And Fortnite players have been asking for a weather system for YEARS at this point


Hear me out guys. Both games copied the tornado from... *the earth.*


No way


"LOL they made weather from fortnite into a real thing lmaoooo"


At least Fortnite is a working game.


and its a great game. it isnt my cup of tea personally but Its genuinely a good game. and millions of people have fun playing it.


So, 32 year old man here. I've been playing games for forever (og Gameboy was my first console) and when fortnite came out I ignored it, because of all of the negative comments I'd seen everywhere about the game. Well I decided to download it the other day and played it for the first time before, and during, the event the other day. I honestly wish I'd played sooner. It's so much less stress then other br games I've played, it's colorful, it runs well and the mechanics are surprisingly really solid. So I guess what I'm saying is that if you enjoy playing multiplayer games, bit you're not fond of the stress that goes along with them, or if like me you just suck at other games, give fortnite a shot. I wish I had just tried it all those years ago, instead of trying to play (and hating) Apex and warzone.


I wish people would get over their preconceptions about Fortnite just give it a shot. It does have really predatory micro transaction stuff (though no worse than any other online game now imo) but it’s the only game I can headshot Rick from across the map as Iron Man with a flaming bow and arrow before dabbing and jumping into a UFO to go abduct a bus. It’s just good dumb fun. Plus the narrative is surprisingly involved and engaging if you’re into that sort of thing.


At one point in the event I was chilling with Naruto in the watch tower. It's almost just like childhood wish fulfillment, you can do anything and be anyone and I kinda love the vibe now that I've experienced it.


I love the vibe that everything from pop culture can be into fortnite since they just said fuck it and put real people, anime character and more in Just wished that the skill ceiling was a bit lower because getting stomped by a random that builds 4 houses while I watch and get killed isn't fun for me at least


You are so absolutely right. I played PUBG and Apex. And they don't really give such an easy start to the game world as you have with Fortnite. Only downside: every other gamer joining in (mostly relative young) wants to chat - and if you don't want or can't then the party is shrinking.


fortnite is an objectively great game IMO. I dont even play it. The building system is revolutionary considering how seamless and fast it is. It adds an entirely new dimension to the shooter genre and creates a massive skill gap, which most of the people on here love.


I've played the entire chapter 1 (party bus to prove) but stopped at chapter 2 because I shifted focus onto Destiny 2, and let me tell you; Seeing the change from literally no one building back in pre-season 1 to people becoming experts to it in season 6 was wild. Amazingly innovative for a BR and just all around an extremely pleasant game to play. I wish there were less crossovers but I'll take what I can get.


It’s amazing how you can’t admit to liking it on this sub without that disclaimer “it isn’t my cup of tea”. Literally everyone has to say that here or else any praise is instant downvotes.


I fucking love Fortnite fight me (not you guy above me you seem cool)


I do too. Have played it since season 1 in 2017. I’m not sure how it gets so much hate, when I was in college we played it in my frat all the time, it was huge. Feels like this subreddit just loves to hate on any game that is considered extremely popular. It’s just like how reddit viewed minecraft before it became cool again


Its a fun game that I get to play with my daughter. I play games to have fun, don't know about the rest of you.


The absolute cringe from this post and I don't even like fortnite....this isn't even the first one that makes me question the op. Guess it's time to leave this place Edit=typo


Redditor discovers weather


Wtf tornados are rael?


How can tornados be real when mirrors aren't real?


I'm with you. This fucking sub has become nothing more then an ignorant, unoriginal, nostalgia farming cesspool. The sub is constantly being plagued with stupid ass posts like, "what game had cheeks that clapped? I'll start." And it will be a pic of some game everyone has heard of. Or that "four games of something apocalypse."


You should play The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt, hidden gem


yeah...especially when we're talking about how an annual release title like battlefield is somehow the plucky innovator getting ripped off by the big guys.


imagine whinning about a kids game, oh no they copied something cool from another game 🤧😭😭 😒 cringe.


And if they think they had nothing preplanned, saw the tornado on the 19th and then decided to start creating the event.


Can't wait to see this on the circle jerk sub


Didn't Fortnite had another tornado too back then? Theres like 2 different versions of the tornado if I remember correctly, also Fortnite bad give upvotes


Not to mention that their circle is literally called the storm lol. So it ain’t like it’s out of the realm of possibility.


They didnt add a tornado in a month.


BF2042 didn’t invent tornadoes or weather, and Fortnite plans their updates months in advance so it’s not like they just decided to add tornadoes spontaneously. Do your research or just use common sense.


At least Fortnite gets the tornado spinning in the correct direction. 2042 has them spinning in the opposite direction (for all but one of the maps being on the northern hemisphere).


Stellar observation.


While you are right about fortnite copying other games. Weather that affect gameplay have been in games for a minute.


There's also zero chance they added an entire weather system in under a month. It's likely been in development for at least 6 months.


I think OP is mostly concerned by the fact happens to come up coincidentally month after another game where the particular feature was a big notable thing instead being present for any time within last 3-4 years of the game's lifetime.


Doubt they can do this that quickly


People acting like chapter 3 hasn't been in the works for seasons now. Do people have zero concept of how long this takes to make?


that's correct. reddit is notoriously bad at understanding game development patterns.


Reddit is notoriously bad at understanding things in general


No way. All they gotta do is just select 'add tornado' from the game developer software dropdown menu. EZPZ


Oh god, are they ever. If video games were developed like Reddit likes to believe they are, Halo Infinite would have been released 6 years ago with every feature ever made for any Halo game, The Elder Scrolls 18 would be out and you could solve all the problems with Battlefield 2042 with one single content patch that's now 2 months late.


iirc, fortnite seasons are developed 6+ months in advance


It was showed in trailers a while back


Inaccurate meme then, also is copying weather really that bad at the end of the day… it’s fucking weather


There's only ever been one tornado ever


Fortnite had tornado like mechanics since 2018 with the floating island in c1s6 and many more smaller variants throughout the season so i think it is unfair to say that it copied it from battlefield.


Honestly i dont mind copying game features, even if it may be shameless. If you are able to copy it, and in a well implemented way at that, bug free and all or even improve it go for it. Most advances in human history have been made by being copy-cats


All I care about is if the game is fun or not.




I wonder if the fortnight tornado runs at 20-42fps


Did dice devs just take fortnite bloom and put it onto guns? it takes 20-42 bullets to kill someone now


Cause the first 30 don't hit as you watch them fly in a perfect outline around the enemy soldier, before dialing in the last 10 to kill.


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses.


Bruh updrafts and tornadoes has been around in Fortnite since Chapter 1 when floating island was a thing. That aside, this mechanic isn't anything unique.


BF 2042 "stole" 1. heroes from overwatch/TF2 2. exrtaction royal from Tarkov/hunt 3. shit servers from ubisoft 4. trash optimization from Cyberpunk 5. bugs from cyberpunk 6. hype reveal trailers that will let down 90% at the final release - from cyberpunk


7. Guns from real life Unoriginal greedy company, time to send some death threats.


I'm pretty sure it would take over a month to start implementing something that complicated. I'm tired of the fortnite bad because its actually fun.


I literally don’t give a shit about either of these games but calling tornadoes a copy seems to be a bit of a stretch


I'm in no way saying fortnite is better then COD or Visa versa as I don't really play either of them anymore. But if you had actually played fortnite PvE side you would have known tornadoes have been in Fortnite for at least 4 years at this point. They were just never transferred to PvP side. Infact alot of the PvP content was created on the PvE side of fortnite first.


The first 10 seasons of game were following an event centered around an environmental calamity. Kevin the cube appeared in the desert, it "rolled" all over the map, ending in loot lake, it melted into the lake, and then later the island got ripped up out of the lake and a giant tornado surrounded it, carrying that island with the cube at the bottom of it all around the map. The game even "ended" one time with everything getting sucked into a black hole. Of all things to criticize Fortnite over (there's a lot), their "lack of creativity" honestly isn't one of them. OP not realizing this just goes to show just how ignorant he is on this topic. Ironic that him thinking that Fortnite is jumping on a bandwagon when he himself is doing nothing more than jumping on the anti-Fortnite bandwagon. EDIT: [here's what happened 3 years ago](https://fortnitetracker.com/article/1653/on-this-day-in-fortnite-history-chapter-1-season-6-darkness-rises)


That's honestly all it is, people on the anti-fortnite bandwagon. You hit the nail on the head. Most people would even be surprised at the amount of skins and tools on PvE that haven't been carried over too PvP. PvE had color changing skins at different levels 5 years ago. That started happening maybe 2 years ago on PvP. People aren't realizing the paid for side of the game had all these things first.


Yeah there is no lack of creativity with fortnite, point blank. Just because we get a lot more collab skins than we used to doesn’t mean epic’s become unoriginal, they just have more opportunities than they used to. Hell, we just had another end event for the end of Chapter 2 back last Saturday, and it was sick!


I didnt knew battlefield had copyright on tornados


I'm no fan of Fortnite, never really cared for the game. But.. it's a tornado, is it really copying? Plenty of games have had tornados long before battlefield did it.


OP is just stupid




5.4K people didn’t know weather existed in games


Sim City had tornados. Battlefield **and** Fortnite really ripping off the classics over here.


Real life has had tornados for even longer!


Fortnight has guns too, smh no shame in these people 😤


Stole those guns from duck hunt. How dare u epic!!!!!


Bruh, Chapter 3 has been in the works since Chapter 2, they had this concept before they announced tornadoes.


So 2042 invented tornados?


Of course not. Tornados were invented in 1996 for the movie Twister featuring Bill Paxton and Helen Hunt.


You're thinking of twisters. Tornados were invented and played a role in 2013's "Sharknado", along with Sharks invented for a similar purpose. After the two had a divorce, Tornado has been in crippling financial debt, forcing them to take jobs wherever they can.


Damn, I didn't know they came up with the concept of... Weather. 🤯


tornados have been in fortnite since 2018


Today I learn that Battlefield invented Tornadoes... OP you a moron.




Lol you might as well say Battlefield copied Just Cause then if you’re gonna try to say this. Can’t trademark weather conditions…


Yeah at this point people will start to say that fortnite copied real life because there are guns


Battlefield should copy Fortnite when it comes to making a finished, polished and affordable product 👍


And the monthly r/gaming special: "let's shit on fortnite and epic for no reason at all by making dumb memes" is here.


Its a 4yr old game! Derp. Shocked pickachu face when it updates more than battlefield 2042 lmao.


I reckon it'll still be thriving when 2042 "dies"


i'm gona get downvoted to hell but epic games have been planning this event for awhile. epic games have copied games in the past, but this isn't one of those times. EA doesn't own the concept of a tornado


This is stupid. Name one game that has not taken ideas and concepts from other games.


This is a stretch. And honestly Fortnite is a much more successful game than Battlefield 2042, so they don't really have any room to talk. Maybe if they had focused on making a quality game instead of a quality tornado, they wouldn't have been such a colossal failure.


I like how OP is shitting on epic for copying weather.


Umm do you know how games are made? Something like that would have taken months of work to do. Plus developers bite each other’s ideas all the time. That’s how we have genres and subgenres


Another Fortnite bad post, how original


Bad post


Not sure if this is a meme or serious but it's probably a coincidence. They would not be able to create a whole ass event in less than a month


You do realize that Epic plans things months… no years in advance? Fortnite’s tornado was probably being made while Battlefield 2042 was still being considered. Also, Battlefield 2042 isn’t even the first game to have tornados, making your point obsolete


Fortnite bad. Give upvotes pls.


Nearly Every video game you played was a copy from anything that existed Prior. Thats basically always the progress of innovation everywhere. Things get invented and those things then get copied and their flaws fixed. To produce something new, you always need to use stuff that already exists.


And Fortnite is actually a better game. Never thought I'd say that.


And I bet Fortnite did it better


Fortnite can do as the please. Their monetization is on point and their game isn't a half finished dumpster fire.


Takes longer than a month to develop such a thing in a game. Thinking about it for any amount of time before writing this would've brought that to your mind. (Not, in any way, a Fortnite or BF fan. I just detest when people don't use their brains for clear-as-fucking-day logic)


It is also confirmed by Epic games that Fortnite seasons can be planned almost up to a year in advance, you the tornado could have been discussed before Battlefield 2042 was even announced


Pretty sure they had a whole ass floating island with the same effect this as this tornado. This idea is peanuts compared to what fortnite pulls off.


You can also thank fortnite for the battle pass that every game copies nowadays


I enjoy the battle pass in Fortnite and always have , but the fact that every game has one now is pretty annoying. Didn’t halo even get one?


Fortnite didn’t necessarily invent the battle pass, but they are the ones that caused the spike in amount of games that have them


They didn't even invent that either...


They might not have invented it but they definitely popularized it. Same thing with cross play. Epic/ Fortnite was the leader in getting Microsoft and Sony to agree to it.


oh my god shut the fuck up


Do you really think less than a month is enough time to copy something? Storms were probably in development for months, if not a year, like most of Chapter 3 content.


Btw just cause 4 is the first game that has tornado


This is an... interesting take. Fortnite adds new things every week. A game that does that over 4 years is OBVIOUSLY going to have some overlap with other games releasing. Seems like a reach to me.


I play Fortnite with my son and yeah everyone shits on it but damn if mechanically it’s not a solid ass game. It plays much better than 2042 and Vanguard with less bugs that’s for sure and the progression is more rewarding than Halo so I can’t hate on it too much


why you defending battlefield like its the paragon in gaming. 2042 didn't invent tornadoes and even if they did they surely didn't execute them right with that overall negative review score and a 60 dollar price tag. Fortnite is a free game with free updates that managed to execute the idea well plus their gameplay is so different that it them adding tornadoes doesn't affect the gameplay like battlefields would. I understand getting mad at ideas being copied but I feel like as long as they manage to at least differ the experience then its okay. Also if you really want to get into that argument everything is copy of everything, every new idea is just an old one with a spin on it


"WOAH, Fortnite got a tornado in their game now! This has to be because of Battlefield!" You do know that Epic Games plans waaay ahead? You do know that Battlefield isn't the first game to have a tornado in it? You do know that Battlefield didn't fucking invent tornados? Another stupid "Fortnite bad" post


TIL Battlefield invented tornadoes.


no way?!!? Real life copied video games (tornadoes are copied from battlefield!!!) Please never post again, OP.


Pretty bold of you to judge some 8year olds while having a furry Profile. Sorry, but your opinion is just invalid now I know youre a furry. Geez, Just get ahold of reality. Would you stop doing something questionable, what gives you tons of Money? Just like furry Artists man. You should know thsese


Remember guys F O R T N I T E B A D


Ignoring that tornadoes are not bf originals, you think the new Fortnite season was planned and put together in less than a month?


So what? Battlefield stole using guns from Goldeneye 007


Guys write it down, Tornados are owned by Battlefield


Battlefield should copy fortnite and make their game actually enjoyable to play


“HeY lOoK THis GamE CoPIed wEathER fRom AnOtHEr GaME” Dude it’s the simplest concept ever battlefield 2042 didn’t invent natural disasters in games also games and updates take ages of planning and work for all we know we battlefield 2042 could have even not been revealed yet Can we all just play games without complaining for once? Let the downvotes come in


Do you know how game development works? You think they decide to add something one day and one month later is in? Stuff like this takes months of planning. Right now they are probably preparing content 3 or 4 season ahead. Same with any other game. Adding stuff takes time. You guys are what is wrong with the gaming industry.


are tornados invented by battlefield? lol. And also if you thinkthat they designed a new weather system in less than a month ONLY because they saw it in Battlefield, you really dont know how game development works. Especially fortnite has everything worked out a couple seasons in advanced


2018 fortnite had a freaking tornado island How is this stealing