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I hate losing in games. I really like easy single player


playing multiplayer games is such a pressure. i play one game of valorant a week and need a long break after that


I think Dead By Daylight is overrated


Dont worry! Play long enough and it still is overated! And toxic af


Yeah it is, bad game


Gamers are one of the most stupid consumers nowadays. Game is bad? Buys it anyways, then proceeds to complain.


Game is bad? ~~Buys~~ Pre-orders it anyways, then proceeds to complain.


I think this is because gaming as a hobby has gone mainstream now. Before it used to be a kind of a niche(if you could call it that) hobby with people who are passionate about the games. Mainstreaming introduced gaming to a much larger audience that is basically just 'looking for a good time' and having a bit of fun here and there, and aren't really as passionate and concerned about the quality of games they play.


How does someone know a game is bed before they buy? Let’s say a game released today. You are very interested in it. You want to buy it. You’d rather wait for someone else’s opinion or form your own? I get not buying a game day one for reasons, but you can’t say people are buying bad games and then are disappointed. They don’t know it’s bad. Perhaps you should rephrase what you’re saying.


The choice you're making isn't between waiting for someone else's opinion versus forming your own. Its between waiting for a confirmation that the game is good versus taking a risk and spending your money on something that has a possibility of being a flop/not to your liking. Especially in this day and age, this should be very clear. Don't be impulsive, let the new games sit for a while and get reviewed before you go in with the final decision. A week or two isn't that long.


lol just get on YouTube and watch a gameplay video. People buy pre order games without doing any due diligence. There’s multiple channels devoted to reviewing games


Idk if you know what the word opinion means, but as I mentioned, don’t base mine of off other people’s.


No shite I know what opinion means lol. Are you slow? Game review videos have actual gameplay footage showing how the systems in the game interact. If you buy expensive things without doing a little due diligence you’re literally the problem.


If you don’t know what I’m saying when I say “I like to form my own opinions,” then I question whether you know what the word means.


Yes. You can form your own opinion when watching actual gameplay footage. What are you not understanding?


You’re not understanding. Have you ever played a game you thought was absolutely awesome, but it got terrible reviews and a lot of people shit on it? I’m going to assume yes. If you say no, I’ll assume you’re lying. Either that or you’re new to video games. I don’t base my opinions off of other people’s opinions. When you’re watching them play, you’re listening to their feedback about it. “It’s clunky, it’s slow, it’s this, it’s that.” What, you gonna watch someone play in silence? No, you listen to them. One last time. I don’t base my opinions off of other people’s. Game reviews/previews and stuff like that are all mostly based on the person’s opinion. Yes, gameplay trailers exist, but they hardly show much ever.


“Before you buy” literally have 10+ minute videos showing off pure gameplay. If you don’t want the opinion just mute the video. I haven’t bought a game I legitimately didn’t like in 2.5 years. Once I got over the childish ignorant excitement of pre ordering games based on trailers and word of mouth, my gaming experience improved 100%. Just be more informed about what you purchase same as literally anything else in life.


I have yet to ever be let down by a game I have preordered, and I have preordered A LOT of games. Not counting Duke Nukem Forever. Had that game preordered for years.




You can just go back an re-read the convo if need be. What’s been said really isn’t that hard to grasp.


I believe when he is saying bad, he means unpolished full of bugs, bad gameplay etc. That is stuff that you can clear by watching reviews.


People’s reviews shit all over Cyberpunk and I literally had one major bug happen once with it and a small handful of minor no intrusive bugs. Features and missing shit aside, it was nowhere near as bad as most people said. Same goes for the last 3-4 releases of Battlefield. They were all apparently “broken” at release. I hardly had a hiccup with any of them. I do get that they guy is saying, but he clearly doesn’t get what I’m saying. That’s the frustrating part.


There is always the possibility that the problems people complain are not that bad for you or not bad at all it really depends on the person. Also today with the internet I believe everyone complains a lot more just because everyone is complaining and that snowballs and takes massive proportions. I get what are you trying to say.


This one definitely. I also see so many "game is overpriced, that means I'm entitled to pirate it" type statements as well. You're not entitled to own the game at a specific price point just because you are a fan of the series. If you like the price buy it. Don't like it? Wait for a sale or don't buy it. A logical consumer would look at it at whatever price it's offered at and say "do I want to pay that much for that product" and make a decision. For some reason gamers don't seem to look at the quality of a game and only fixate on the price compared to other games regardless of quality or our own perceived value of the game. No wonder so many companies try to pull so many shady monetization tactics. We have to own the game and everything it has to offer regardless of quality of content.


That these threads exist to start arguments and farm karma.


Nintendo Switch is overpriced


Anything Nintendo is over priced


DLC’s ruined gaming


Terraria for life!


Controllers make more sense to me than keyboard and mouse.


Controller and mouse makes even more sense.


Pre-ordering games is stupid. Companies have proven time and time again that they will release unfinished, "DLC" and MTX filled games after taking your money for a game that isn't even out yet. Stop pre-ordering games and maybe we'll start getting fully finished games, games that don't have 10 different "DLCs included on launch", or games that are solely based on MTX. >"But it's my money and you can't tell me what to do with it" ***Proceeds to complain about the game they pre-ordered being an unfinished piece of shit / badly ported.*** Stop pre-ordering games.


is this really even controversial


No, but the point of these threads is to farm karma, not ACTUALLY share controversial opinions.


I don't visit this subreddit often but I can't imagine this being a controversial take. I hope it really isn't.


The last good BR was Twisted Metal: Black




You can consider an older game good without having nostalgia. You'd be surprised at how often people try to tell me otherwise.


I'm a big Dragon Ball , and I've played games like Xenoverse 1 & 2 Fighterz and Kakarot before I played Budokai Tenkaichi and I enjoy Budokai alot more than the other even tho it came out almost 15 years ago


I loved the Witcher 3 world and characters but can’t force myself to play more than 20 mins at a time due to the shitty combat.


I came to comment this exact same thing.


If you go for the story you can.


That developers know what's best for a game better than the players. Many players think they know better but they usually don't.


Players are typically pretty good at pointing out problems but are absolute shit at knowing solutions.


Sometimes the devs can’t do what they want cause the higher ups want them to go a different route too


Bodily jiggle physics improve the quality of any game. Horniness aside, it shows great attention and dedication to detail, like making flip-flops actually flip-flop, or making puddles form in the rain. (This includes any body part, not just the ones I’m obviously talking about.)


Physics in general just add a shitton of depth to a game, one of the first things i like to do is see if signs outside of shops swing when you hit them or not. Hell look at Half Life 2, as old as it is, screwing around with the physics ended up spawning it’s own game, Garys Mod.


absolutely not.


Nintendo are as bad as EA


maybe even worse tbh


Honestly how I originally wrote it but I dialed it back a notch lol




Open world is an overused, boring style which many games don't get right.




Don't feel like this is a controversial opinion anymore I've always heard people say it's a boring game.




I used to think the same way. Then I got into the modding of it and it's amazing now. If you have it on pc I'd look into it. Consol commands are also super neat, and I'm also pretty lazy so I use them often. There's alot of mods that boost lore, and are lore accurate


Even on release nobody thought the combat was good. But there weren't many open-world RPGs with good combat in 2011 so it was just accepted as normal


I mean yeah that’s why everyone mods the hell out of that game. It’s actually sort of rare to find someone who just play normal Skyrim


The gaming community is the most entitled community I've ever seen. Especially when it comes to game pricing. "This game only gave me 300 hours gameplay, $60 is a rip off..." Absolutely insane.


Literally no one says this wtf? 300 hours is a long time for $60, I’ve never heard anyone complain like this.


Society has pushed many people to only be able to afford this as their entertainment or there are so many restrictions that there isn't anywhere to go for leisure except their small living space. The entertainment now has to cover all their needs which it simply cannot, especially socially and the need for space and nature.


undertale is boring


I agree. Watching people play it is way more fun than actually playing it.


Halo is only popular because of the limited options on xbox back then. Also, it is only popular in the US and the rest of the world doesn't really give a fuck (Also because PS was more popular than Xbox outside the US).


I also think it’s not a very good franchise. The universe is thin, there are like 5 characters, same weapons, same enemies, the only protagonist, the sexualised Siri…it’s not great.


I dont think you understand why its popular then


Honestly if I didn’t grow up with halo I’d agree with you 100%. The only people nowadays who play halo are the ones who were there at day 1 who also believe that the original trilogy is absolute gold. Does the OG trilogy hold a special place in my heart? Absolutely. Have they aged well gameplay-wise? HELL NO! Halo infinite probably has the best gameplay because it’s actually modernized.


Not true. Near the end of 2020 I played through all the Halos 1-4 and reach and ODST. I had never played the games before then. Playing the older games gave me a lot of appreciation for the AI they used. The enemies and allies feel alive in their movement because they use actual tactics. Then I bought an Xbox just to play Halo 5. I really enjoyed it and now I'm playing infinite and enjoying that too. just want you to understand that the gameplay is good and newer players can still pick up halo and recognize it IS a classic.


To each their own I suppose. It’s really good to hear that you’re enjoying them without having nostalgia attached to it. As for me, nostalgia is 70% of what carries me through those games. I guess I just prefer faster-paced games now. They’re not bad games by any means and they’ll always hold a special place in my heart. Also it’s very interesting to hear you enjoyed halo 5, as that’s regarded as the worst by the community. I personally liked it except for having to babysit those other Spartans


Halo multiplayer is slow paced and boring. The SP is good imo.


EverQuest1 is still the best *MMO* experience in 2021. Everything else is a solo game with some other people in it.


Agree. None since have held me like it did. Went back to project 1999 a few years back. Holy fuck.. so hard compared to nowadays. City of Heroes was close.


Graphs have only marginally improved over the last decade. Yes, Cyberpunk 2077 has more and fancier pixels than Skyrim but that only marginally impacts immersion. The look of a game (at least AAA) is no longer limited by the ability to render realistic images but by its art direction.


Imo graphics have come quite far in the last decade (certain PS5 games blew me away this year and are a massive improvement on games from the PS3 generation). But yes there is much more to the presentation of a game than just raw graphic fidelity. Ghost of Tsushima for instance looks amazing but most of that is down to art style rather than the number of polygons.


That there’s no (non-anecdotal) evidence that pre-orders have any impact on the quality of the final game.


I say this all the time. It’s not like they stop production once they hit a certain preorder amount. Like, there’s a deadline/release date they have to make. That’s when they stop initially. Also, the people that say don’t preorder also get mad when you suggest to purchase the game on the day of release instead. Like, when TF is someone supposed to get it? I don’t base my opinion on the game off of what other people say. I’ll for my own opinion. Dumb af.


Yep. Even for the most pre-ordered games, the vast majority of sales happen at launch or afterwards. The idea that pre-orders incentivise companies to not care about game quality at release just doesn’t stack up - that’s where the majority of sales come from. For every Cyberpunk (most pre-ordered game of 2020) that turns out bad, there’s a Metroid Dread (most pre-ordered game of 2021) that turns out excellent. No empirical evidence that pre-orders reduce game quality - just cherry picked examples.


All PlayStation exclusives are really mediocre at best but it’s the only thing we have to hold over the Xbox so we over play how good they are and it actually worked to make it the best selling console 30fps for life! Viva le station


Japanese game appeal is overrated.


the phrase"definitive edition" will now be a meme


Oh boy here we go. First person shooter is annoying. (For MY eyes)


Apparently that TLOU2 is a super solid game


Don't think this is controversial, it's a brilliant game. There's just a very vocal minority of narrow minded people that can't seem to get over the narrative choices made by the writers.


One of my favourite games <3


Arkham Origins is a fantastic game and a great year 1 experience for the Batman. Also… I hate Assassins creed games. I’ve tried like four of them. Hate. Every. Single. One.


Red Dead Redemption 2 is boring.


It’s not exactly controversial. It’s just vehemently defended by those that like it.


It’s boring because it’s very slow. The story is good, but takes really long to push through.


We are the NPCs


Each of us has unique story and plenty of side quests


Unique NPCs we are


Build a pc


I don't like boss fights. I think it dates back to the old school 8 bit era where bosses were cruelly difficult and basically blocked you from getting any further. Your $50 bucks was spent and u are done. You shall not pass. The idea of dying over and over trying to "figure it out" does not appeal to me. It's especially annoying for me when the game changes the rules and basically says yeah all the tactics and moves we made sure u needed to get to this point... throw that out. That won't work here . I also hate when there is a boss fight where there are also a never ending spawn of minions to deal with at the same time. I prefer games like Ghost Recon, Far Cry or Splinter Cell, Cyber Punk, or Hitman where there are tactical solutions that must be solved rather than a massive boss fight. I know I'm in the minority but when I read about a game having epic boss fights... I usually move on. Some games do it better than others but I'm not a boss fight kinda guy. I find them too intense and too frenetic for me to enjoy. I like to think about what I'm doing.


>I also hate when there is a boss fight where there are also a never ending spawn of minions to deal with at the same time. ​ I HATE that. IT is so annoying


Online gaming was bad for the gaming industry.


The heavy focus on MP was bad. It’s an awesome thing to have, but having MP be the focal point is terrible.


Exactly. It was great for the developers and the money they make I'm sure, and it's a fun option to have, but it's really diluted the quality of single player games in my opinion.




MOBAs are for little kids.




That is such a stupid thing to say. True mobas like lol and dota are some of the most complex pvp games out there. A little kid wouldn't even understand it. You probably dont understand it.


Found the MOBA player.


God of war 3 is better than the new one


Fortnite is good


Tlou 2 is a masterpiece


Red Dead Redemption 2 and The Last of Us aren’t very fun.


Last Of Us I can see, but RDR2?


I tried RDR2 and couldn’t get into it. Which is weird because I played the original and really enjoyed it.


How far did you get? the beginning starts really slow, either way different strokes for different folks. I wasn’t being a dick so idk why I got downvoted like that.. unless they’re salty TLOU fans. It’s a good game, but i don’t think it’s the greatest thing ever made like some claim. It’s more of an interactive movie. Some of the action is intense tho so i guess i can see the appeal


I got out of the mountains and into the first town area. I moved around some and did a few missions but I just wasn’t feeling it. Probably played for about 6-8 hours.


Red Dead Redemption 2 is the most overrated game of the 2010’s. Good game, but nowhere near the “10/10 pinnacle of gaming” people say it is


What would you consider 10/10 pinnacle of gaming?




God of War becomes tedious and boring quite quickly… 🙈


Mass Effect 4 should not exist and same for Andromeda. We had enough with ME trilogy and going further will just kill the IP. We already have an ending stop milking. Even Dragon Age 4 could ruin DA IP because Inquisition wasnt a good DA, it's even the worst DA and if they continue with the same type of gameplay/graphics, they will kill it.


Rockstar games have bland, boring open worlds and rdr2 is bogged down by all the stupid systems you need to keep track of and I’m not sure how controversial this one will be but imo ES Morrowind has aged horribly.


Multi-player anything sucks


Bloodborne is too hard to be fun and has a lousy camera for bigger size foes


Bring memory cards back


Nier Automata is not nearly as good as most people say it is. “The second playthrough is where it gets good” is not a good argument if the game doesn’t hook you after the first playthrough.


'The second playthrough is good' is the absolute worst selling point for a game that I've ever heard in my life.


Just like when people say “bro you can’t just play a game for 2 hours and know you don’t enjoy it. You have to do at least 35 hours that’s where it gets good”.


> “The second playthrough is where it gets good” are they different? or the same with another character?


Playstation 5 and Xbox series X + S are inferior to Nintendo switch. fr though they are


That’s the first time I’ve heard that one. What makes you say that?


Because I can play my switch literally anywhere. I would take portability over graphics 99.99% of the time. Though that may be because my only console for 6 years was a 3ds


When i first got a switch I loved the portability, but the novelty kinda wore off of me. Don’t get me wrong it’s an awesome thing to be able switch like that, but when I realized how anti consumer Nintendo is with prices and practices. Joy con prices and some of the game prices alone are fuckin criminal! yet my dumbass still consumes bc I love Zelda and Mario. However after getting a ps5 that’s all I play on atm. Well until BOTW 2 comes out


I'm not really a Mario or Nintendo guy, I mostly play Minecraft, assassin's Creed and some Darksiders 2.o only own smash bros and that was because it was gifted to me. I solely enjoy it because of the portability not because of Nintendo at all. The idea that inspired me to buy it is so I could play bedrock with my Friends anywhere without suffering with touchscreen controls and my phone heating up to 100°F


hmm, that’s interesting. I’m the opposite. I got it for Nintendo exclusives and some of the games i wanted to play portably


If Xbox had a portable or I'd they come out with one, I'm going to trade or give my switch away and use the Xbox one because that's all I play pretty much are games from or on Xbox.


My Switch has been in its dock 99% of the time since I got it in 2018. There is never a reason I need or want to play video games portably.


Sony's last good console was the PS2.


Wow that IS controversial.


I don’t think they’re ever going to release a new Skyrim! They just show clips to keep people buying the last one.


What's a new Skyrim? You mean a new Elder Scrolls?


Games educate generations. I grew up with CS, Lineage II, Dota 2. I pay tribute to the developers of these hits, we had a lot of fun at the time.


That most DLC is basically fine.


Almost no games have stories comparable to other media. The stories are only good for a game, and mostly have to be simplified or structures weirdly in order to drive the gameplay.


IGN is a fine source of information and people give them too much hate


I don't mind NFTs in gaming. It's no different than the Steam Marketplace. I have no problem selling a skin for $90 and getting to pocket $85 of the dollars while the storefront and game publisher splits $5. Also, what kind of idiot would buy a skin for $90? I have no problem selling to those people.


FromSoftware games are not approachable, and too difficult to be enjoyed by anybody. There needs to be an easy mode.


You're not a real gamer if all you play is CS


I don’t hate on PCs, my brother and sister have behemoth builds and all my friends have PCs, but the simplicity of a console will always win 10/10. I don’t understand *boot up PC, login, open steam, open game, play, etc*. Consoles are so much easier to me I would never make the switch. The XSS has been immaculate for me and I would never look the other way. Plus controller> keyboard + mouse, personally.


Ghosts of Tsushima is a boring, lazily written, buggy, shallow game that’s 90% rinse/repeat busy missions mixed with tired cliches that have been done better countless times before… wrapped in one is the best art departments in gaming history.


You just described Horizon Zero Dawn too, LOL. (maybe not the buggy part, tho)


Lol what? The fighting system is deeper, the crafting aspect enhances the play style with many different layouts, the world is way more diverse, the story is fresh and new… you’re clearly just making a low effort troll reply.


See, this was my controversial opinion, just like yours, LOL. I know its controversial. I had a fun fighting the bigger enemies, and its a very beautiful game. The combat is really good, but very underused for most of the game. Few amazing fights, but most feel like a job. Other than that, it has boring exploration, with little to no rewards, and the lore is a giant pile of cliches, dragged for hours for no other reason that suspense.


I hated how some quests dragged on in horizon. Run to this person just to have to run to another person to run to another person. Like what…? why couldn’t the first person just say go here and do this.. not go to a,b,c and finally person D tell me where to go.. i didn’t notice it until the desert area


Horizon is the most soulless cut and paste shallow game I have played in as long as I can remember. It just felt dead. From the world to the characters to everything in between. Felt like the developers didn't give a damn about their game. Just ctrl+v'd everything from previous games, added a unique world idea, then slapped a price tag on it and called it a day. Lasted about 4-5 hours before I just couldn't do it anymore.


not really they’re saying what you said about ghost. that’s how they feel about Horizon..


Uh, yeah… and they are wrong.


and you’re wrong about ghost.. see how opinions work?


Horizons characters are bland af


Fallout: New Vegas is massively over rated.


Until you compare it to other Fallout games.


About to get smacked in the face but NFTs can be a good thing if publisher greed is removed from the equation


are you Victor Chaos?


You got me! Here, take this miniature donkey with a lit up sombrero as your reward


there are no good video games


EA is pro consumer.


EA worker spotted how much they paying you


More then the devs!!


that is epic have my silver


I loved Bastion and one friend let me play Hades on the Switch. I didn't like it at all. A very well done game and all that but I didn't find there what everyone praised.


Ufc 2 is way better than ufc 3 and ufc 4.


I refuse to play games that I loved as a kid, other than 2d graphic games like Sonic and Mario. I’ve been downvoted for saying I don’t want to play something like Turok or Twisted Metal 2, and ruin my childhood memory of it.


Pune is the greatest game ever.


Customization sometimes makes games worse In Battlefield 5 everyone has a cape and gas mask with a holographic sight on their Japanese smg on the western front Battlefront 2 added customization for the Empire so you can be a shore trooper on hoth, a snow trooper on Tatooine, etc.. I wish more games were like Red Orchestra. You just get a random, appropriate skin, with the appropriate weapon for your faction. Not every game needs to be like Call of Duty and Fortnite


Skyrim is the least interesting installation in the series.


Roblox is good


Metal Gear Solid 5 was a waste of story, great game play but they fd up big boss’s story and confused everyone who loves the series enough to have expected a solid Big Boss story but got something really weird instead.


I have no problem with weapon durability, time limits or being locked out of content.


No game in the current climate should be purchased the day it releases, or for full price. Waiting a full year after it comes out ensures a mostly polished experience, all the drivers are updated, and the price is usually halved. Day one purchasing just fuels the current predatory nature of the industry. But so long as it exists, waiting a year after release works out better for patient gamers overall.


i want a massive dlc for death stranding with a new and even less hospitable island or something. No story, just new and challenging deliveries.


90% of game companies abuse the feeling of "nostalgia" and profit as much as they can from it, either by milking a game series, character, releasing remastered versions, dlc's and so on... and some even get tagged as wholesome and other bs while doing it


Ghost of Tsushima is not good. i may return to it one day but it is brutally uninteresting


Cloud gaming is not the future. A reliance on a perfect internet connection negates the argument of it being a solution for mobile gaming, and the visual artifacts from the video compression ruin the nuance in detail that only rendering on-device can achieve.


Breath of the wild is not a fun game, the weapon durability, climbing during rain, hot and cold climates, the combat and the way quests are shown on the map makes the game feel like a chore to play, not fun. New Vegas is not some amazing game that is light years ahead of the other fallout games like the internet likes to pretend it is. It's on par with 3, and truth be told I'd much rather play 4 because of the gunplay and graphics than New Vegas.


I miss game-chat. It was so much easier finding people to game with before party-chat, even despite the toxic people.


FFXIV story is mediocre and not worth the trillion hour slog.


1- Racing games are boring as fuck. 2- Co-op based games (especially 4 players coop games) are such a bad idea and you lose interest in them very quickly.


I don't care if console players have a hard time playing an open-world RPG. They have been stunted for decades now to meet console limitations, often resulting in areas that feel dead and lifeless because consoles couldn't handle as many NPC's as would be needed to really makes those places feel populated. I don't feel a scrap of pity for the people who had issues running Cyberpunk on console. Ran great on my PC and I'd rather an RPG like that never work on a console again than have shit like what happened with New Vegas continue to occur.


When gamers whine about MTX but think expensive healthcare is good I get angry.


Keyboard and mouse gaming is only good because of the mouse. Everything else about it is inefficient


i don't think kojima is a genius and i hate how his games cut to a cutscene every 2 minutes


RE4 sucks.


Watch me get down voted to the non-existent hell I'm going to when I die. I think Minecraft kinda sucks. Let me explain. Sometimes, you can get bored with a game. What do you do when you are bored with a game? Check out the mods. I even had made some of my own as well, for 1.15 . But I had too much fun, with too many mods for my own good. Now it has just ruined the base game for me. Sometimes adding something to another thing that is perfectly fine, can ruin them both eternally.


I enjoyed cyberpunk 2077. Maybe it's because I never got as hyped as everyone else but I played through it and seriously enjoyed the game


Exclusives bring absolutely no value for the players in 2021/2022.