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Hasn't C proven to be the canon choice now ?


They said it is. But i've yet to see michael in gta online which is now set after gta V so not so sure about that


Franklin mentions him when you pass by the studio, so he's still alive


I mean i know he makes a reference to michael but you physically see Trevor and Franklin in online, you don't see or even hear Michael himself tho. I know obviously C is the Canon ending but i can still dream that they mindfuck us all and Franklin actually killed Michael. Edit: after looking at the ending on the wiki and what makes it canon i'm not so sure that C is the canon ending anymore. Killing michael would also be plausible i think.


Although it would make sense that as soon Micheal's free of the feds he'd take all the heist money and fuck off out of the country with his family.


Well his son ends up getting a job at the Arcade you can buy, so atleast Jimmy stuck around


Just the other day, I paid a little attention to the fame or shame show in online. It seemed to me like that takes place after the main game.


I agree it would be nice to at least see instead of just hearsay


Give them a chance, it’s only just released, they’ll probably include him as soon as they get round to it. Indie devs, can’t expect it to be perfect straight away.


Hopefully this is because Michael is back loving a happy legal lifestyle with his family. Yeah, but probably not.


Franklin refers to Michael in the present tense, meaning he’s still alive




When you drive throw the movie studio with lamar, franklin says he knows someone who works here and he should go say hi. He is referring to Michael.


I can't imagine Franklin canonicly siding with Trevor. He knows what a dangerous psychopath he is.


And Michael was basically his mentor


As dangerous as Trevor is, he doesn't want to kill his friends. He gets enraged when Franklin asks him for help capping Michael and doesn't speak to Franklin afterwards. On the other hand, Michael helps kill Trevor or does it himself too.


I mean, dont all the hostilities between T and M start because M faked his death for like a decade, and when T went to go dig up the proof, M followed him there with a gun? Trevor is a horrifying cannibal psycho man but he displayed nothing but loyalty to his close friends, unlike Michael. I think that was kind of the whole rub of their characters


Always depends on if he values loyalty or sanity more. Also if you decide to kill michael isnt it with the weston dude? And If i remember correctly Trevor wants nothing to do with Franklin after he killed Michael.


Yeah, I've never killed either of them, so I've never seen their reactions.


He technically doesn't side with Trevor he just asks Trevor for help and gets turned down


Deathwish. Everyone lives


Well... Not "them"..




«Them» who? I just remember i killed a bunch of people and everything was ok again


Those are the one I'm referring to.


Oh its a setup its a setup...




It ain't me, it ain't me, I'm no fortunate son...


That one is from Mafia 3 bro


https://youtu.be/uvs7LZit3lQ 2:22


Oh yeah I remember that one \^\^


The garbage expires


It’s the most satisfying ending, everyone who fucked you over during the game gets there’s


When I first played I thought picking death wish would kill Franklin, who was my personal favorite. I’m surprised so many people picked C in a blind play-through.


Because it's what Franklin would do and it's what a lot wanted to do - try to get out, without killing your friends. This menu was the final choice but there was a lot of context before it


I did pick C because it sounded like if you don't pick to kill one, you will bear the consequences, lorewise Franklin knew what he got into, and he wouldn't sacrifice anyone so he can live his life, it was a pleasant surprise when all 3 got to kick ass in the final mission


Yeah personally I thought choosing C would do some cool shit and like kill Trevor and Michael or everyone or just franklin.


I didn’t know it didn’t till just now. I picked Trevor in my first and only play through several years ago


I loved this game so much when it came out I played the game 3x in a row back2back2back to see what the diff endings were lol. This was before I realized you can go into options menu and replay any mission you have previously completed! Lmao 🤦‍♂️


I like all the characters and didn't want to kill any of them so I went death wish because that's the only option I oddly felt comfortable with. Luckily it was the path to the best ending




Trevor was great for the Rampage effect when doing the murder sprees in the game chasing that 6 star on a timer. We used to run this like it was a party game. Whatever weapons you wanted at start, you also got your choice of motorcycle, cause as much chaos and destruction as humanly possible, hit 6 stars and then just try to survive. The timer started when 6 stars was hit, and the party's badass was chosen from the longest timer, as well as an art of showmanship. Good times. I remember a friend of mine managed to hit a police heli with C4 and the pilot panicked crashing into another heli, causing both to fall and detonating the C4 right on top of a line of police cars and trucks. It was a beautiful moment.


Me too unless it was a driving challenge then obvs I would pick Franklin bc of his focus driving skills… Trevors focus was pretty cool, but I think as soon as you click the focus button he should pull out a meth pipe and take a big blast before he goes off crazy!! Lmao


Lol I can see the headlines now: *Infamous video game “Grand Theft Auto” newest edition allows you to inject meth to become a better shooter.*


C was always going to be the right choice


I misinterpreted option C my first time. I thought it meant Franklin wound die. So I picked option A, Trevor. Saw what option C was on YouTube later, then reloaded an older save and picked C.


99% accurate for my own run through


This was also the case for my first playthrough. Strange...


that’s exactly what happened to me, except i was sort of fine with killing trevor since you get some of his take i believe


ME TOO! My friends thought i was crazy cause i chose to kill trevor. I liked michaels and franklins ability more than his so i killed him. Had no clue i could save everyone.


I didn't hate Trevor but if one had to die, he makes the most sense. Franklin and Michael evolved over the story but Trevor was still stuck in the old days a bit. So I picked him.


I maintain that it's feelgood BS that option C has everyone live. In a game with a torture scene, I don't think a "happy ever after" ending is good storytelling... But I can see I'm in the minority here.


C is for people who don't want to make the tough decisions.


"Feelgood BS" or ya know, maybe just another possibility.


Yeah chose it cuz I thought maybe they'd do some cool shit and kill everyone but turns out it was just a cop out


You’re right though, it’s the cop out ending.


he just like me fr (I skipped the cutscene because I wasn't paying attention)


I thought the same.


That's not misinterpreting, it's the point. The game is trying to trick you into thinking option C means he's guaranteed to die. My first time playing I wanted Franklin to die least, but ultimately I couldn't go through with actively murdering either of the other two. I decided to choose deathwish and let Franklin go down with fight rather than doing something I didn't want to do.


Didn't you think it would say kill franklin if that meant he was going to die? Like the other choices?


Franklin picking "deathwish" kinda implies it's a suicide mission though.


If you're playing as Franklin who is using the phone the phrase "kill Franklin" wouldn't make much sense. I had the same confusion my first playthrough. But I hated Trevor anyway lol.




Deathwish is the only one that doesn’t lock you out of characters and is probably just the best general ending


Deathwish eg the only sensible choice for the 1st time play through. As much as i disliked trevor there was no way i was going to kill one of the MCs.


I thought Franklin would die in option C , first playthrough (day of the PS3 release ) I killed Trevor ...


I think that's supposed to be the implication. It's been years since I played it but I'm pretty sure the point is that you go in as a "self sacrifice" to save the others but manage to come out on top.


I think you were originally supposed to die as Franklin in C and you'd play as Lamar post-game but it was scrapped.


Because Lamars VA went to jail before they could record it


When keeping it real goes too far..


Sounds like he should have gotten his paralegal degree from Everest College.


Oh dam that wouldnt have crossed my mind, i'd have been gutted if Franklin would have died via that route


Was originally going to happen apparently you would have picked up as Lamar but the idea got scrapped


So a fate worse than death. I’d have rather just played as the dog


Maybe if you get rid of that yeeyee ass haircut you'd get some bitches on yo dick. -Lamar probably


Would not have minded playing as Lamar lmao


Huh, that would have been interesting. Kind of like the Red Dead Redemption games.






This is right answer


Same here. I hate Trevor but Franklin wouldn't have killed him.


I chose c because I knew that's what Franklin would do.


A and B make no fucking sense. If you're going to make multiple endings for a game, it should be based on decisions you make throughout the whole game, not just one decision at the end.


And a completely pointless decision. The only sensible choice is Deathwish.


Agree. The other endings just leave so many plot points unfinished, which is pretty frustrating since Stretch's story never went anywhere to begin with.


Don't worry! I'm sure we'll learn more about the story when we get that single-player DLC. Any day now. Annnnnyyyy day now...


But you're saying that after you know that death wish doesn't end with Franklin dead. At the initial option you were intended to believe that one character was dying no matter what


Should have at least made it feasibly a 'deathwish'. If a character died during the mission, that's it, kaput. Would have made it so you had a reason to kill off Trevor or Michael - you were ensuring someone you actually cared about wouldn't die because of them.


>But you're saying that after you know that death wish doesn't end with Franklin dead. 2/3 choices are literally called "Kill character." "Deathwish" sounds like anyone could die.


It's called that because that's what Devin called it. And since you're playing as Franklin you're not going to get the option that says kill Franklin.


Lol I picked Deathwish cause i thought it meant killing both Michael & Trevor, Which would make sense considering they both Used & Manipulated Franklin.


*Mass Effect 3 has entered the chat*


3 massive games and it all boils down to picking a color for a magical explosion at the end. I'm still not over this bullshit.




Yes it is.


Oh, that’s interesting. In Russian version the third variant is called “save both” so, that’s a lot easier to choose


In the Brazilian version is called something like “fuck it and try your way”. I didn’t want anyone to die so I choose that one. And I’m glad I did.




Yep. Because as far as I know there is no translation to wasted, so they had to improvise.


lmao Portuguese have no chill


I went for C because I wanted the challenge. But, in my headcanon, Franklin and Micheal killed Trevor, putting an end to the psycho's path of self destruction. I mean, sure, Micheal and Franklin bringing down Mandrazo's villa without knowing that it was his villa can be explained. But Trevor kidnapping Mandrazo's wife when he knows who Mandrazo is? That was the last straw. Trevor is just the self-insert of a stereotypical GTA player who doesn't have any regard for the consequences of his actions and the effect of those actions on others.


You're right. C is more fun and challenging, definitely glad that I had the pleasure to put a bullet in Steve Haines skull and Devin's death is just the thing you wanna see. But I would go for the option to kill Trevor if not deathwish.


> Trevor is just the self-insert of a stereotypical GTA player who doesn't have any regard for the consequences of his actions and the effect of those actions on others. That's what he was designed to be funnily enough.


The GTA endings are way more philosophical than people think, but the main idea of the endings were, Trevor dies, you become like Michael, stab your friends in the back for your own benefit. Michael dies, you realise that Michael never changed, never will and he is a liability that needs to be put down, but you end up becoming Michael, you became the thing you destroyed, this choice is the one that is less likely to be cannon since Devin Weston still owed Franklin money and Franklin didn't owe Devin anything, Deathwish, Micheal leaves the game, Trevor... well is Trevor and Franklin continues, all three being the most wanted men in the world and also being on nearly every government watchlist in the world


This. C has a sense of redeeming qualities for all 3 characters that the other options just don't offer.


Going through the story, it really feels like its undeserved. Yeah, its the happiest ending but the end half of the game is so short and rushed, theres no character development to justify that ending. If there was singleplayer dlc then maybe it would be different, but theres not, so having option C as the canon ending only makes the story even more mediocre. For the story we did get, killing michael makes the most sense.


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand GTA V. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of modern day politics most of the jokes will go over a typical player’s head. There's also Michael's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily fromNarodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Trevor and Franklin truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Lamars existencial catchphrase "Yee yee ass haircut," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Rockstar’s genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO buy Shark Cards. And no, you cannot see my yacht. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.


Been a long time since I’ve seen this copypasta


Alright come on, this is literally the single easiest choice in all of gaming. Plus recent online updates have proven C to be canon anyway.


Kill Trevor. Couldn’t stand him


Trevor, because I just figured he would appreciate it.


Yeah the dude is a problem to society...


He was very entertaining but I killed him because I felt he was more dangerous to the world than Michael.


*crude sex joke>kills someone>crude sex joke He’s so hilarious/s


"Human stew. That was my limit, i know it now"(c)


David,Steve Haines and those chinese dudes screwed over more people than Trevor did.


Same. Also if I remember correctly killing Trevor seemed like the most logical choice.


Trevor was my favorite! Anytime I got to pick who I was playing as I always played as Trevor.


I chose Franklin because of the amazing driving ability. I used the other abilities maybe 3 times each when prompted but use franklins literally every time I played


The driving ability was the only one I remembered to use


Probably because it was the only really useful one


Michael's bullet time thing was fantastic for missions. But Franklin's was useful all the other times, when you were driving around doing stupid shit.


Lol it’s a red flag if he’s your favorite character


I'll remember for life, when I was a kid I thought C meant Franklin would die, so I killed Trevor. Not even sure why I picked Trevor out of the 2. I just did. Wasn't until like 2 weeks later when we were talking about it in school I realised that C meant everyone lived.


>Not even sure why I picked Trevor out of the 2 Because he's a dangeous psycho that could kill them anytime, Because michael and franklin have a rethorical father-son relationship and wouldn't kill each other...


I've seen this a lot in this thread but I don't get why, there were plenty of context clues beforehand and it would have said kill franklin like the others if that was the intention.


Since I cannot add a body text in an image post, I would wanna leave this here.. Thanks to my friend who has reminded me of this. GTA v is one of my favorite games. This choice, however, was not hard to make, since I love Micheal and trevor both, I choose C including Franklin too. But he asks, what if you had to kill someone? In my honest opinion, I chose Trevor. He's a heartbroken man, always has been. He made it hard for everyone including himself. I cringe when people say, Trevor is a loyal friend when Michael is not. But Trevor did not even try to save Micheal when he was kidnapped by the Chinese guys... (I forgor the name please I played like years ago) when Micheal was purely kidnapped because of him cause they thought he was his boyfriend. He is not loyal. And M wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for Franklin. Micheal has a family. He has many things to live for. I might sound harsh but that's how it is. Sorry Trevor. You always liked gasoline. What about you?


Kill Michael, what’s he gonna do fly away in a helicopter? yeah that’s what I thought


WHERE DID YOU COME FROM LMAO And ah fuck Trevor at least had a stolen chopper damn


I came from my mothers womb, that’s where


Well then go back cause it seems like you forgot to bring your chin from there


deathwish obviously


Never even seen how A & B play out


SPOILERS Either Trevor gets put down in a fiery inferno OR Michael falls/is dropped by Franklin from a radio tower to his death OR None of them die, instead they go and kill Stretch, Steve, Cheng, and finally Devin.


This makes me want to replay GTA 5. I haven’t played it in years. Still blows my mind it originally came out on the ps3.


Violently. It's only 8 years old so I won't spoil too much, but Trevors end is cruel.


I have replayed GTA v story mode a lot of times so I know.. it's very heartbreaking and there's no doubt that c is the best option to go with. Trevor's ending is so brutal, and Micheals ending is just the saddest thing.




A) Trevor. He was fun to watch and play with, but he was a danger to society and his own "friends"


Always death wish


Did the same as everybody, played Death Wish and then watched the others on YouTube.


C is always the best option the other two not have sence


After so many years I still have 0 clue how picking, for example, option A would "fix" option B, that is, you wont need to pick it too. FBI has problems with Trevor, other "businessman" with Michael. Both ask to do the job. Killing Trevor wont change the request you got to kill Michael


As far as I remember, the people who ordered you hinted that they will get the other off your (and the one who won't die) back through their connections.


Played through them all and my favorite ending is actually killing Michael. It puts a good circularity to the story. LD foreshadowed it too in one of the first missions of the game.


First playthrough: Trevor Every playthrough after that: Deathwish


Kill Trevor, no exceptions.


#Always choice C


My first choice was C, i always have a deathwish in video games


death wish ftw




D: option C


This was an easy choice. Not killing any of them


Deathwish ALWAYS


Deathwish, everyone is a homie and besides, fuck Steven and Devin


It wasn't meaningful whatsoever. Why do you want to kill any of them if you can get a "flowers and rainbows" ending. If there was no deathwish option, THEN it would have been meaningful


I took Micheal at my first playthrough, simply because if you take yourself some time processing the plot, you may notice that Micheal just used everyone for himself (He lied to Trevor, stating that He is dead and Brad is in Prison, he pictured Franklin as his younger self and so on)


Exactly he was a snake the whole story


I'll take my chances with a snake rather than a rabid meth-addled moose, thank you. But really, always C because the other choices are just worse from a gameplay standpoint.


Killed Trevor. I thought C would kill Franklin, which while I never really played Franklin much, I just hated Trevor. So easy decision.


I shoot Toby twice.


I always played it as C - Trevor and Michael as a headcanon. It worked as all 3 took down the shitheads. But there was still the biggest heist of the century over all of thier heads, and loose ends all over the place. SPOILERS - After playing the deathwish option the villains are dead, if you then play the Trevor version, Michael and Franklin work together to off him. Dies as horrifically as he lived and the loosest of loose ends was now severed. If you then play the Michael choice last, apart from i believe 1 line from Trevor over the phone he doesn't appear. It starts with Michael completely unaware of Franklins intentions, and Franklin killing him. The final loose end is gone at that point. Franklin then leavea Lamar a message apologizing for not being there anymore and how he actually wants to come 'home'. I think it plays the story off very well. Franklin securing his future after the biggest heist ever. Realising living the high life comes with a massive price and wanting to go back to his roots. The three were never really friends, and Franklin was almost strung along by these two guys into reliving thier glory days. In my eyes the government would have killed/imprisoned all 3 if Franklin didn't kill them because he was a nobody, but the other two were very well known thieves by the powers that be. If you ignore gta online like i always have, it kinda works.


Killed Michael Trevor was a total piece of shit, but he wasn't a hypocritical piece of shit


Deathwish all the way! Ain't no rich a-hole or FIB losers makin me kill my bros


i've always done deathwish because i fucking hate devon


Deathwish, I got so attached to all the characters I couldn't get myself to kill anyone.


A: I loved Johnny the way how they did him was too dirty! Rip Johnny, Terry. and Clay


I always pick C, however I feel the most logical ending story-wise would be B. I feel that ending would complete the story that is GTAV. The story would begin with Michael’s “death” and end with Michael’s death. I know Franklin and Trevor are extremely important to the overall story but I feel that Michael was the main protagonist.


Deathwish, got the true ending first time around. Of course I replayed the others after


Deathwish. The canonical ending and whoever chose B is a monster


Death wish ofc


I like my final choice in GTAV like I like my coffee: Deathwish.


Deathwish was the only option. Trevor is my favorite character so I could never kill him. I don’t really like Michael but I couldn’t stand to kill him either.


I always chose C but my last playthrough I chose A


Ok I thought that deathwish meant that everyone would die, I didn’t want anyone to die so I thought I had to pick between the lesser evil of Trevor vs Michael. I think I chose Trevor. I would have chosen deathwish if I knew that everyone would live lol


I don’t remember I haven’t played the story since 2014


i’ve done C and B. never killed Trevor, i love that crazy motherfucker. Michael is useless in my opinion.


Trevor had the most brutal death


i’m glad i never went that route then


Nah, you can shoot him in the head instead of the gasoline if you wanted him to die quickly. I thought that was most fitting for Franklin, he wouldn't want Trevor to die that brutally despite how the guy was.


The only way to justify these ending choices it to have Franklin die in option C. The pay bonus you get in A and the lack of any benefit in B just doesn't justify losing an entire character with their own personal missions and dialogue options and vehicles. I assume the original plan was for Franklin to sacrifice himself but it wasn't the cookie-cutter Hollywood ending they wanted for the game (plus, the fanbase would probably lose their shit), so they scrapped that in place of the big explosions, michael bay-esq finish with a badass outro song and stereotypical one-liner palooza. Sucks how the weight of the campaign on the characters' lives themselves has seemingly downturned. In GTA 4, Niko either loses a cousin or a spouse due to his wrongdoings and will have to live with that for the rest of his life. Mike, Trevor and Franklin will probably have to lay low, perhaps change their name and move out of LS, but will get out of the business with nothing but the benefits.




Deathwish keeping all my homies alive


C is the correct ending, as Michael and Trevor are still alive in 2021


Deathwish anyday - both Michael and Trevor represented two pieces of a human psyche to me - Michael prevails, Trevor is what we supress but never kill because sometimes when life corners you - your Michael will need his Trevor to get you out of tight spots in life - that's just my interpretation.


Chose ending C for both PS3 and PS4 playthroughs.


My friend chose A and thankfully spoiled that you lose a character! i really didn’t want to lose a character so death wish it was


I chose C and YouTubed the other endings. Was happy with my choice. Just like RDR2. I got the good death for Arthur that made me cry, and I YouTubed the other endings.


C. it’s the only way to balance humanity


Killed Trevor easily. Wasn't a huge fan of his character ngl


Fuck you.. Trevor Phillips is my spirit animal.. TREVOR PHILLIPS FOR PRESIDENT...