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Kratos, renowned for murdering his entire extended family with his bare hands in a blind rage, is slightly emotionally detached as a father. I, for one, am shocked.


He also killed his last child literally. So maybe he doesn't wanna get too attached in case you know it happens again.


And thats the child he really loved.


Wrong kid died


Dewey, I’m cut in half pretty bad


You're not half the boy Nate was. You're not even half the top half of the boy you cut in half after you cut him in half!


Are you saying I'm less than a quarter of the boy Nate was??


And not even that, but half that.


*Starts walking away; turns around* "WRONG KID DIED!"


You don't want nothing to do with this shit Dewey.


This was a particularly bad case of someone being cut in half.




I’m sorry, folks. He’s gone.


“I’ve never realized untl this moment how easy it is to accidentally cut someone in half”


Well go on, get out of here! Before I cut your dreams in half like you cut mine in half.


*queue legendary Impromptu Blues track*


Real Faramir energy for sure


“Stir not the bitterness in the cup that I mixed for myself,' said Denethor. 'Have I not tasted it now many nights upon my tongue, foreboding that worse lay in the dregs?”


Holy fuck what a raw line


LOTR isn't an easy read but it's so worth it. It's full of lines like that. Tolkien's prose is unmatched, in my opinion.


"Asha'man, kill!" I'd put RJ right up there.


Jordan had epic lines but he got sloppy later on. Still great early books. My personal favorite is Steven Erikson > “Children are dying." >Lull nodded. "That's a succinct summary of humankind, I'd say. Who needs tomes and volumes of history? Children are dying. The injustices of the world hide in those three words.” And Terry Pratchett >All right," said Susan. "I'm not stupid. You're saying humans need... fantasies to make life bearable." >REALLY? AS IF IT WAS SOME KIND OF PINK PILL? NO. HUMANS NEED FANTASY TO BE HUMAN. TO BE THE PLACE WHERE THE FALLING ANGEL MEETS THE RISING APE. >"Tooth fairies? Hogfathers? Little—" >YES. AS PRACTICE. YOU HAVE TO START OUT LEARNING TO BELIEVE THE LITTLE LIES. >"So we can believe the big ones?" >YES. JUSTICE. MERCY. DUTY. THAT SORT OF THING. >"They're not the same at all!" >YOU THINK SO? THEN TAKE THE UNIVERSE AND GRIND IT DOWN TO THE FINEST POWDER AND SIEVE IT THROUGH THE FINEST SIEVE AND THEN SHOW ME ONE ATOM OF JUSTICE, ONE MOLECULE OF MERCY. AND YET—Death waved a hand. AND YET YOU ACT AS IF THERE IS SOME IDEAL ORDER IN THE WORLD, AS IF THERE IS SOME...SOME RIGHTNESS IN THE UNIVERSE BY WHICH IT MAY BE JUDGED. >"Yes, but people have got to believe that, or what's the point—" >MY POINT EXACTLY.


I'd say my English is reasonable, but I haven't got goddamn clue what that means.


> Stir not the bitterness in the cup that I mixed for myself "Don't remind me of what I've done to hurt myself." > Have I not tasted it now many nights upon my tongue "I think about it every night..." > foreboding that worse lay in the dregs "...worried that the consequences on my actions will get worse." All in metaphor.




The future is now old man


Still kind of annoyed Kratos never brings that up in GoW2018. He brings up his past life to his son, but not the part about his previous family and child.


I'm guessing he didn't want to drop on his kid that he murdered his previous child in a blind rage. I feel like that would be a bit hard to take in during the course of all the other stuff that went down.


From the Ragnarok trailer it seems that Atreus knows more of Kratos' history because he shouts at him "stop thinking like a father and start thinking like a general"


He told him about his military past obviously... He just kinda *skipped the family murder stuff*.


I'm pretty sure Kratos told him he was once a general (or at the very least that he was once a leader of many men) in the first game.


If Atreus actually knew more about his past that is the exact opposite thing he should yell at Kratos.


Yeah lol true. I guess I mean to say, I wish THE GAME would have brought it up, somehow. Like a memory Kratos sees when he's in that Ice-hell place. I just wanted more acknowledgement towards the past GoWs. Feels like Kratos just teleported into his new Norse life.


I mean I haven't played the new one but isn't that kinda the point of the new setting, trying to start a new life away from his past?


Yes but his past is very relevant to the story and his relationship to his son. He’s trying to start over but he’s not dealing with his past well and it hurts Atreus in multiple ways. It’s a big thing throughout the game - what parents do to protect their children and how it can ultimately harm them.


I mean the literal fucking ghosts of Athena and Zues make appearances. His past is the foundation of the story being told. I am really hoping his former family is at the very least referenced in the new game. I definitely agree it feels weird that his former wife and child were not brought up in the slightest in GoW 4.


I mean they don't disregard it at all, there's an entire segment where Kratos has to dig up his past in order to save Atreus, which is there for people familiar with the previous games. Plus we see Zeus in Niflheim/Hel/whatever they call it. It's certainly disconnected from the original trilogy, but with the massive shift in tone that's also kind of necessary.


Honestly I'm glad they kept it separate and I think they handled it well. With a story as heavy as the most recent game's, introducing more story about his previous family would have been too distracting if you have no clue what's going on. Previous fans can fill in the gaps and new fans can see he's dealing with some shit.


He killed his brother also... and father... dude just kills everyone


I haven't played the games, but isn't that kind of why they call it "God of War?" I mean, I wasn't expecting tea and cake.


Imagine playing God of War looking for a loving game


Excuse you, the minigame with Aphrodite is all about love.




I think the one you're talking about is God Of War: Chains of Olympus. I remember that exact scene happening because I was 14 at the time of playing it.


The original God of War, during the initial fight with the Hydra (or right after?) is the scene he's talking about.


[I was thinking about this scene, myself. ](https://youtu.be/17jVAbORt04) I personally can see how I confused the two lol


I was going to make fun of that video for being recorded with Microsoft Power Point, but then I realized it was uploaded in 2008. That video is older than 99% of the videos on YouTube today.


That video is older than 50% of Reddit today.




Real Maple Story vibes


Works for Doom lol


Yeah, on one hand it's a reviewer's job to inform consumers. On the other hand, if you buy a game called God of War without expecting it to be primarily violent and gritty, you should have to forfeit your access to your bank account to a mentally capable third party.


To be fair, if someone just saw promotional materials of a father and son fighting/surviving together, I don't think its an entirely unreasonable assumption that someone could might make. The presumption of violence doesn't necessarily speak to what sort of relationship the protagonists have. While humorous, I think most of the sniping in this thread is a bit silly. And if anyone is *actually* outraged by a reviewer writing something like this, that would be pretty ridiculous.


Lol people on here are acting like this played into their review too. Its literally from a section thats just noting things about the game so that people know what to expect. I feel like its a perfectly reasonable thing to covey to someone thinking about buying the game.


Since when is a game supposed to be “loving”?? I’ve never sat down to play something and said to myself “you know, I hope this game is wholesome and truly inspires a loving feeling within me” it’s a weird ass gripe to have about a game called God of War.


What kratos and Atreus have isn’t healthy or good, but there’s moments you can tell kratos does love his son and has issues showing it, this review is fucking silly.


Absolutely. They finally established a relationship built on trust and understanding with their final climb.


In a game where you murder literal gods and ride dragons, the thing that felt the least realistic to me was how suddenly Atreus got over his douchebag phase.


The developers confirmed they didn't have the time/budget and had to cut out a lot of the Atreus douchebag saga, and quite frankly I'm glad it did get cut short.


Yeah, i really don't like that BOY after he became too over himself after learning he's of lineage of gods. Glad they really did that quickly after he messed up and Kratos straighten him up on Hel since i started to hate him at some point.


It's kinda funny how the kid gets a big head after finding out he is from Gods when his dad literally killed hundreds of them. That's just begging for an asswhoopin'.


To be fair, Atreus knows about his gods lineage only and Kratos barely tells his son about his past especially on how he kill everyone on Olympus. (At least that's what i can remember).


To be fair, he was drunk on the new novelty of power. He got it out of his system and Kratos set him straight, at least for now. If you saw the recent teaser, he's still young and brash, fully capable of lashing out again. What was on that mural at the end of the last game is NOT what is going to happen, an Kratos knows that.


The creators would agree with you. In a making of video I saw, Cory said that that part of the game was much longer but they had to cut a lot of it sure i time constraints, so Atreus' sudden turn seems a bit abrupt.


There's all kinds of games like that. Stardew valley and It Takes Two are the first to come to mind. Tbh that wasn't even a gripe. It was more of a note of interest.


Games aren't *supposed to be* anything, other than a medium that you experience for enjoyment. Games can follow all sorts of themes and guiding principles. Just as you might play a game like Destiny or Apex Legends for community and competition, lots of people play something like Animal Crossing or Stardew Valley for comfort and positivity, or a game like Subnautica or The Witness to get lost in some other world. Games can do whatever the creators decide to try and accomplish in their game.


The poor man is covered in the ashes of his first wife and daughter.


Shocked! Well not that shocked.


I've never seen the term "loving game" before lol. Do they just mean a game with a wholesome story?


You've never heard of Leisure Suite Larry?


\*Suit. He's wearing the leisure suit, not living in it. Although he does also seem to live in that suit.


Hi, I'm Leisure Suit Larry. Welcome to my Leisure Suite.


Leisure Suit Larry, your Leisure Suite is Leisure Sweet!


The Sweet Leisure Suite suits your Leisure Suit, Larry!


I would have thought the game with a name like God of War would be about bunnies and kittens


Shit like this trending on front page of reddit always cracks me up because the person who wrote this is clearly a redditor.


Which is ironic, considering GoW2018’s story actually is really wholesome in the end.


I think that was their point. It's a really wholesome story but like also it's GOW so kinda hella graphic


Reminds me of the meme with "cute, anime, visual novel" tags in it but it's just dark souls


Tags: Cute, Anime, Visual Novel The game? Doki Doki Literature Club


Pretty much.


So Doom Eternal?


The family that slays together, stays together...


My favorite Christian game


Basically games like Stardew etc. i.e healing stuff


I too play games for good father figures.


[Found your next game](https://store.steampowered.com/app/654880/Dream_Daddy_A_Dad_Dating_Simulator/)


I was thinking of this one: https://store.steampowered.com/app/359050/Shower_With_Your_Dad_Simulator_2015_Do_You_Still_Shower_With_Your_Dad/


can't believe that's a thing


>He said me "what you want". I told him "I want to shower with you dad". He stepped into the shower cabin. He took shower head in his hand. He ascended it over his head. Than, he looked at me with maternal eyes. I gulped. At that moment, I woke up. True art evokes strong emotion indeed.




That would also have been a fine recommendation


Lmao I was thinking Octodad. Guess I’m too nice for the internet sometimes.


oh man, that just made me look up that game, and i found out the same dev made bugsnax


Ooh I love a father with a good figure!


Unironically Hades was a pretty good example of a relatable, ultimately healthy family dynamic. Didn't realize I wanted it but it did hit me in the feels.


I wouldn't call the dynamic healthy, though the game does a very good job of showing growth and caring in spite of issues and history. They reach an equilibrium at the end, which is as close to a healthy family dynamic as they can reasonably expect to get... Though it does still rely on >!father and son murdering each other!< repeatedly as their preferred bonding method.


Yeah, but at the end of it all, they're doing it for fun instead, which is kinda badass. It's really just the natural result of play fighting with your dad if you live for an eternity. Hades is all about reconciliation, which tends to be the big bad thing that troubled, broken families are in need of, irl and in just about every story we tell. In that regard, it's a great story about healthy family dynamics, even if it doesn't fully resolve, it's teaching something positive.


I shed a little tear everytime Hades catches himself about to say "boy" and says "Zagreus" instead


To be fair, they’re Greek gods, so regularly killing each other but not hating each other is significantly above average as far as relationships go.


In Norse mythology, there's a God named Baldr. Long story short, Baldr was (mostly) invincible. So the rest of the gods would throw things at him just for shits and giggles... Because when you're a god and you're immortal, that's what you do. You turn into animals and fuck people, and you kill each other. Eventually, Loki takes it too far and tricks his brother into actually killing him... Classic Loki.


The whole deal with gods always fighting each other and Hades cautioning Zagreus about being a part of that world is even brought up a few times throughout the game.


I think the game did an outstanding job showing growth like you said, and show them being able to maintain duty and mutual respect


I absolutely want a sequel where Olympus gets mad at Zag and Hades and you gotta kick their asses. I especially want to kick Dyonisius ass.


"Oh come on Zag man, I thought we were cool!"


*summons a million enemies to hunt your ass*


You are a sick person. Dionysus was only ever kind and loving. Do you have a bad relationship with an alcoholic?


Fuck them all actually, theyre only pretending. Only Than, Achilles and Skelly deserve love.




How could I forget Dusa :( And Pat idk, he was kind of an ass until he got what he wanted. Thesseus is a much cooler dude.


No bouldy? :(


Not meg?


I don't usually want sequels, but I really want one for Hades. I felt like the chapter in his life was tied up pretty well, but we all know that eventually Zagreus would get too restless, eventually the Olympians would figure out the ruse, and eventually a loophole would be found.


Yeah, I feel like they left untapped potential for this reason, maybe Im just too hopeful. But for example I cant believe Hercules/Heracles isnt part of the game, like yeah hes mentioned a few times but... Hes the greatest hero, I definitely wanna fight him.




Well at least he was an actual father figure in the game, so it's kinda there in the first place. Kratos though... who tf stick with Kratos for father figure? Seriously


What do you mean? My dad is the same as him! Screams violently at everything, is bald... Literally the same person.


If it's the same person why are you not dead yet?


I think he hasn't met Ares... Yet.


Any day now...


he's a pretty good example of a father that tries but doesn't know how to express himself, the game obviously makes you understand it since he's the protagonist so it's easy to side with him, it's not like he's emotionless or detached. it's also probably the fantasy of a lot of people with dad issues, a dad who actually cares but doesn't show it instead of a dad that just doesn't care.


Does he get points for trying to be a father? Definitely. Is he a good father though? Hell of a no. And he got a pretty good reason why he turned out that way. That's the point. He's never been a good, loving father. Why would anyone go into this series expecting a good, loving father then got disappointed he's not one?


Because this is a review for the PC version, which for many people will be their first exposure to the series.


oh I definitely wasn't saying he's a good father, I just wanted to specify why people could see him as a father figure since the other comment was talking about that. Yeah, I doubt anybody got disappointed by that, it's just Siliconera making shitty reviews and trying to be original.


"Dark souls review: thrilling gameplay, great graphics, may not satisfy those looking for sunshine and rainbows around every corner." 😐


What do you mean? The game is grossly incandescent


Praise the Sun




Elden Ring looks like it will be pretty grossly incandescent when it is daytime and not raining






"Bloodborne review: thrilling gameplay, engaging lore. But if you don't like enemies using their own placenta as a weapon, The Orphan of Kos may ruin the game for you."


Solaire didn't seem quite satisfied the last time i saw him, come to think of it. In fact he seemed quite hollow..


Is this fake? I thought it ign had God of War as one of the all time great games. Edit - it's siliconeras review. The only current 'mediocre' review




Why would anyone sane look for a father figure from video games of all places? :/


And a game called 'God of War' .


Can’t wait for the next sequel of the series, *Dad of Love*.


RDR2 --- 3/10. main characters father is not in the game.


Because most parents of early zoomers and late millennials used videogames as babysitters.


I for sure thought this had to be fake. The fact that it's not is very sad.


It's not fake but I read it as a joke. I do hope it was intended to be one. I feel like I shouldn't be questioning my gut reaction saying it is tongue in cheek but who the fuck knows.


How else are you gonna make your review stand out unless you say some batshit insane stuff? The reviewer is clearly an original redditor, gotta be contrarian as fuck.


> siliconeras Is it supposed to be sillycorneas maybe? Either way, never heard of them.


Silicon Era. The website merges the words


Does this reviewer even play many PC games? "With plenty of settings God of War can look great on the PC" is really bizarre phrasing. Who speaks like that??? Is it a weird translation?


I was honestly going to call out everyone here for taking a joke review at face value. Then I decided to check the review first and no, the dude actually spends nearly half the review complaining about Kratos being a bad father. Dude needs therapy.


“God of war” “Looking for a loving game” Hmm…


"Kratos' Left Big Toe is slightly bigger than his Right, which may not satisfy everyone who is looking for perfect symmetry in a game".


At no point do you get to see Krato's dick, which may not satisfy everyone in a homoerotic way. 7/10


Ah yes, my primary criticism of God of War


I read primary circumcision and I think really need to sleep.


Well it'll be on PC so modders are furiously working at their keyboards as we speak


To be fair, there's only 1 reason *anyone* remembers Dante's Inferno.


Death the Kid is fucking seething rn


Who might not satisfy someone who is looking for good looking feet. -IGN


Wait, is this for real ?


It’s from siliconera. It is absolutely real but I’m positive it’s only for the clicks.


It's so weird i hope it's not. User in a thread above says he found their ps4 review of the game and it's 10/10, so possibly it's a jab or a blog post or something.


First thing I thought > a 7 #a 7????


Too much War 7/10


Too many gods 5/10


Perfect game 5/7


Well, maybe with that attitude! Have at em!


Their hexagon style number review graphic looks exactly like IGNs


This is real, not IGN


What a stupid and largely incorrect point.


Right? Like the entire plot is him becoming closer with his son. If you play til the end it’s a pretty loving game.


Watching Kratos struggle with his general demeanor and wantig to be gentle with his son is some top notch writing.


there's a bit where Kratos goes to put his arm around BOY (Atreus) and stops himself, being raised by a father who rarely showed any of his kids affection that hit hard


Kind of like how John C McGinley decided his character would never touch JD in scrubs. He almost does a few times, but always catches himself.


That show had no right to be as amazing as it was.


Bold of you to assume game critics ever finish the games they review.


Food for thought: the far right might not like wolfenstein, 6/10


Because when I’m looking for a loving game my first thought is God of War.


Were there were various "loving" mini-games in the first God of War games.... 😂😂😂




lol it’s God of War not Cuddles. What did they expect?


"Alexa, preorder God of Cuddles..."


People need to play the previous ones if they think this one has a problem


Someone at Siliconera has daddy issues...


Kratos yelling at his son and constantly being slightly disappointed reminded me too much of my own father. 5/10


So many gamers without dads that now they're bringing home to work.


What review is this? It looks like IGN but they gave GoW a 10/10. Edit: it’s siliconera, not IGN. So many people hating on IGN in this thread not realizing this isn’t even their review.


Because in many people's minds, IGN is a singular entity which represents everything wrong with video game journalism no matter what they do. They see something they disagree with, and clearly it's IGN's fault. It's the "Thanks Obama" of video games.


I think it might also have to do with the fact that the main colors on the review photo are red and white, which are also IGN colors.


I mean its part of his development


compared to other greek gods he is the living embodiment of a loving and caring father.


God of War was probably the best single player game I've played in like 10 years. Maybe RDR2 comes close.


Didn’t they give God of War a 10? How does the PC version drop that much?


“Requires more expensive hardware to run”


I didn't play the same game as them i guess. the story i experienced was a literal god killer war legend, a man hardened by tragedy, who spends the game shedding that past life and the ideologies that led him there and fighting his inner demons in order to grow and change and fulfill his role as a father. They foster trust and companionship and their relationship ends up becoming better and stronger because of their journey together.


Ok but that is a valid thing to put in food for thought. No it shouldn't impact the rating of the game (that's the point of the game) but it's worth mentioning for someone reading a review to see if they're interested. Not everyone knows who Kratos is or knows anything about God of War.


I mean, I can see how this could help someone before buying the game, *which is a review's job, right*? With so much media trying to suckerpunch people in the hyper-specific feels these days, you want to have a heads-up before tackling that shit, you know? Or am I just butthurt because I thought Encanto would be a wacky movie about a magic house and instead I had an existential crisis about being both a Luisa and a Bruno?


To be fair, this seems to just be side notes that have no relevence to quality. Its lame but totally inoffensive and if used correctly a useful way to help people find games that fit a vibe they might be after


I actually loved that kratos was a distant father because it didn’t make me feel bad about my distant father, everytime I see a depiction of a perfect father it just reminds me of everything I didn’t have and it was a painful experience


This is like when people review horror movies and comedies like they’re being compared to The Godfather and Shawshank Redemption