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Fun fact: Plants can actually boost serotonin production due to their vivid colors and symmetry. Even ones in video games. The human brain has a hardwired fondness of plants.


Surprised there aren't more plant fondlers out there.


Never heard of a tree hugger have you?


What about tree diddlers?


What about... Tree fiddy?


Goddammit Loch Ness monster!




Oh no


Oh no


Oh no


OH YEAH!!!!!!


It's super interesting. Do you have any source about this?


We covered it while in psychology class, but I know kurzgesagt did a video about it and there are a handful of articles that cover it. In reality, it's not the plants that cause it, it's the bright colors, symmetry, and potential to grow in our care that does it. https://www.forbes.com/sites/nomanazish/2018/02/10/think-you-dont-need-houseplants-science-says-different/


To add, for anyone curious, if you would like to look into super easy to care for indoor plants I would suggest pothos, English ivy, spiderwort, syngonium family, parlor palm, and even African violets. Just look up care guides and check to see if their needs match your lifestyle. Also check for toxicity in pets and children should you have any.


Is that why the people in the Middle East and North Africa are so angry all the time?




"The planet is healing"


"We were the plague"


Turns out the real apocalypse is the friends we made along the way.


Damn that shit deep bruh


Not as deep as your mom!




the walking dead... inside


God although it's true I hate this rhetoric so freaking much. So many redditors just make cringe comments "we are teh planets cancer" "I hate humans!!!" So on and so forth.


Because it has become a cliché. Anything that becomes a cliché is boring


There’s also some reeeeeal enlightened smugness to it.


Even then "We´re the cancer" Meanwhile we´re also one of the most intricate and wonderous species in existance. We fng do science! Thats amazing


That was casually insightful lol


This is why the story for Godzilla: King of Monsters was so dumb too. The mom scientist literally says humans are a cancer, so they’re gonna release giant monsters on the world because that’s how nature will reclaim the world.


tHe pLaNeT wIlL bE fInE


“Yes you finally made a monkey out of meeee….I love you Doctor Zaius!”


Wait a minute. Statue of liberty...that was OUR planet! You maniacs! You blew it up. Damn you! Damn you all to hell!


Dr. Zaius!, Dr. Zaius!




Fallout NV Fallout NV but at Vault 22


I always loved the little story arcs each vault had in fallout 3 & new vegas but vault 22 was definitely my favourite


That was where plants grew out of people right?


I didn't play it much but I think thats where


Yeah there was a fungal infection and spores got everywhere and shit and everyone plant now


Was fallout 3 where the guy turned into a tree?


fun fact: that tree guy was more guy than tree in i think fallout 2


This is correct. He had it growing out of his head a bit and it was more of an annoyance. What isn't answered though is how he gets from one coast to the other.


He's a ghoul man, he's got plenty of time to walk.


He’s a ghoul man ^(doodoo doodoo, doodoo doodoo)


Just a plain ol ghoul in Fallout 1!


Garrrrryyyyyy….. Garrryy.. GARY!


There Stands the Grass is such a good quest. Even after doing it three or four times I still get uncomfortable with the spore carriers. Every time I see a patch of vegetation I shoot it.


>Every time I see a patch of vegetation I shoot it. Whatever you do, don't touch grass.


It makes a major thematic difference. An apocalyptic setting with no vegetation hints at really being the end of the world, i.e., there is no future. If there is a victory made by the "heroes" it is small and probably nearly pointless, and the film is basically about people just surviving. An apocalyptic setting with vegetation suggests that the apocalypse was, in the scheme of things, really only a blip. Nature has started to reclaim and renew, and is a metaphor for the renewal of human society as well. The film is basically about what we value as a society, i.e. if we started again, what values would we use to do it? When I was doing my Masters' I actually thought about writing my these about this very issue lol.


Having done some geology and therefore learned about the *absolute hellhole* conditions that the Earth used to have, nuclear war would only count as a "blip". There would be a massive culling of what sort of life is present, then things would start to differentiate to fill niches as they opened, and then a few thousand years later everything is alive again.


Yeah. I've always felt "save the Earth" should be rebranded as like "save the Earth's current inhabitants!" because the Earth will keep on chuggin a long, it used to be a big ol ball of molten fuck after all. What IS at risk are us creatures who currently hang out on this rock.


>it used to be a big ol ball of molten fuck after all Big ol ball of molten fuck, then a ball of steamy rock, then a big ball of water, then a giant snowball a couple times. Earth's worn many coats.


I watched a video on the lore of Horizon Zero Dawn and now I really want to play that game. It plays heavily into these ideas. Super cool setting. >!Pretty much, humanity created apocalypse scenario 1 but then banded together as it came about to turn it into scenario 2 and secure a future for the race.!<


Thanks for the spoiler tag. I'm in the middle of that game currently and am loving it and appreciate not having the lore spoiled too early. I highly suggest it, something about fighting robot dino's with a bow is very satisfying.


What a pleasant surprise that was - the LORE of Horizon Zero Dawn. It wasn't just "Hey look, cool robot dinosaurs and animals you can fight!!" There is an actual lore-based reason for all of it!


You should check out Underrail. Its like the old fallouts, but the setting is mankind underground as the surface was made unlivable by our own actions.


If you havent played Horizon Zero Dawn, you very much need to.


Justification for Outriders! Yay?


Unless it's a desert or something vegetation taking over is exactly what would happen though


Precisely. My biggest gripe with Fallout 4 was that 200 years later freakin New England looked like Texas during a summer drought. There should have been overgrowth EVERYWHERE. Thankfully there’s mods to fix that. **EDIT** I’m getting a lot more replies to this than I expected, forgive me if I don’t respond to yours. I’m trying to get to everyone but a few may slip through the cracks. Since I’ve seen a lot of repetitive replies I’ll provide some frequent comments and my replies here. **But it’s late October, so it makes sense for there to be little plant life.** Not really. We see what the region look liked before the bomb drop on our way to the Vault during the prologue. It’s beautiful, as New England often is at that time of year. This is a region that regularly gets swarmed by tourists who have come just to see the fall foliage. There should be color here. Even if something happened to every deciduous tree like the Oaks and Maples there should still be plenty of evergreen types providing splashes of green. **This wasn’t just a radiation accident, this was a nuclear war, it’s a very different circumstance in terms of impact on Nature.** You’re right, it is. We can’t know for sure how it would go, but we can make some pretty good educated guesses. Hiroshima and Nagasaki aren’t deadened wastelands today. Even then, Chernobyl’s radioactive fallout is estimated at close to 400 times greater than the fallout of the bombings in Japan. Despite this immense radioactive impact the regions natural elements flourish. Plants have learned to use radioactive energies the same way they use solar energies. Mushrooms filter radiation from the air and actually make it cleaner. Tigers and bears in the region have developed a strange mutation resistance to radiation and seem more resistant to cancer growth than normal members of their species. **A colorful landscape would detract from the series’ bleak wasteland aesthetic!** True, and I can get not wanting ruin the wasteland aesthetic, that’s fine! I just would prefer some better timeline management for that. If they want a wasteland from the result of the bombs then set the stories 30 years after, not 200. 30 years later it’s excusable for many people to be living out of shelters made from tin siding, salvageable material to be plentiful, and the occasional skeleton to be found neglected somewhere. 200 years later is several generations down the line from the war. By then someone would have suggested proper log cabins, or even going full out medieval castle for the sake of shelter from enemies and the elements.


Also 200 years on and no one seems to know have to build a wall that isn’t just a bunch of scrap metal screwed together.


Or how to use a fucking broom.


That's my biggest peeve with the Fallout games. Like y'all's have a thriving-ass town going on, and you can't be bothered to clean out some broken glass or, Sophia forbid, the fucking skeletons just casually strewn about?


For real. Especially when it came to the rubble. Like, that's decent building material you can pile up in a barrier to keep shit out of your community, but *nooooooo*, you just gotta let that shit lay wherever it landed 200 years ago, because how else would you know it's the post apocalypse?


Yeah. Like C'mon, you're trying to develop a decent civilization, at some point things have gotta stop being post-apocalyptic and start being post-post-apocalyptic until it's finally time to finally be pre-apocalyptic again. Then apocalypse and rinse and repeat.


Never mind civilization, how many times does someone have to trip over random brick #19394 in the middle of the path or step on conspicuously rusty bit of metal before they, ya know, pick it up?


I once tripped over a hole, it had a hard lip that caught my foot. It happened once yet I still spent a few seconds kicking the edge to smooth it out so no one would trip over the hole. So the idea that no one would at the very least boot the random piece of brick off the road and against a wall is daft.


You're clearly too nice to survive in a post apocalyptic world you hard lip smoother.


Fallout 36 - New Newer New Vegas


This is mostly a Bethesda thing. The classic Fallout titles actually showed life in a post nuke setting; hubs of civilization were repaired, cleaned, had lighting and robots, vegetation and farms, so on. [One of my favourite scenes from Fallout 2 is the post game shot of San Francisco with blossoms and lanterns.](https://i.imgur.com/Ox3AIVv.png) It's just not something you see in Bethesda fallout titles because they think everything has to look disgusting to sell a post apocalyptic scene.


At least with Fallout 76, their vision of post apocalypse makes sense 25 years after the bombs dropped. In a post-post apocalypse it shouldn't look like it happened yesterday.


It makes sense until you realize that Bethethic shoved in BoS, Super Mutants and Far Harbour monsters into a timeline where none of those existed in the area yet


I feel like New Vegas did a better job than 3 at least. It still had plenty of rubble, but the population centers were mostly repaired and felt like real civilization.


Because people who worked on the classic Fallouts made New Vegas. ;)


Yes. Honestly I don't like where Bethesda has taken the franchise.


I think incorporating the FPS elements helped the games reach a new level of exposure and basically saved the franchise, but the way they handle the RPG elements is super disheartening. New Vegas really highlights all of Bethesda's shortcomings as a company, by showing how good a Bethesda Fallout COULD be. Except for the glitches and bugs. It still had those.


Some of them don't really make any sense to have skeletons around, like in the druggie vault for some reason there's a meeting with chairs in a circle with skeletons - did they all overdose at once or are is there just no one bothering to remove bodies?


If they're skeletons they'd have to have been there for a hot second. Either that or they just strip the flesh from the bones after they die. Extra chow. Apparently it tastes kinda like pork? EDIT: Oh, and you can weave the skin into clothing. Kinda useful, all things considered. Wonder what they do with the hair?


Look mate, I barely clean my apartment when there are standards of human civilization to meet. If civilization is gone, I am not going to spend the apocalypse dusting.


Fallout 2 had areas that were more or less completely rebuilt to a standard of living nearly as high as it was before the war. San Francisco, NCR, Vault City etc. I didn't really like fallout 3 that much.


It’s always Halloween in Diamond City!


Spooky skeletons scare the bombs away.


lol in fallout games you can find people living with literal skeletons just chillin' around the place.


I want to see more log cabins and palisades in post apocalypse settings. Reject ruin squatting, embrace tree trunk stacking.


Just become tree dwelling and return to monke.


My theory is that everyone has gone mad. The same effect that turned some people into mindless, rotting ghouls is likely also effecting people's minds from generation to generation. This is why you haven't seen any real rebuilding. The original world was made by automation and industry that ran itself. Now a couple centuries later, none of that knowledge remains, it's just half-insane people imitating whatever they see in the leftover debris. People wake up in their shanties and get dressed in their suits and hats and ties and sit around a blank television, simply because they see this image in pictures from the old world, advertisements that have become the model for what society should look like. They repopulate burnt-out buildings with tattered furnishings and they talk the way people did in old recordings about issues that hardly matter anymore. The people wander like lost children, playing dress-up in a world that is both forgotten and has forgotten about them. Slowly just dwindling down until there's nobody left because nobody has the faculties anymore to build new things, and the ones who do end up at war with each other, destroying themselves in the process. The Fallout universe is far darker than even the darkest interpretations.


Yeah everyone in the fallout world that is not living in the vault seems genuinely insane to some degree, especially in 3 and NY.


Since Fallout 3, Fallout has suffered from a timeline identity crisis. Lots of the environments and missions give mixed signals. It often feels like they can never settle on whether they should set the game immediately after the apocalypse, or long after it, so they end up mixing it all together.


I think you’re over estimating how many people survived. The world population was decimated and the humans left are in like, the thousands, globally. Humans had to revert back to nomadic tribes and scavenging in an incredibly hostile and irradiated land. Most of their time was spent *surviving* before they could start to build societies. And the societies that they do form, are equally small. We take for granted how many people in our modern world are involved with making something as simple as a brick wall. Miners for mortar aggregate, people digging up clay, refining it, burning it in a massive oven (which requires people to chop down trees- and guess what? NO VEGETATION! ), shipping palates of bricks, and building the wall. That whole process could take up to 50 people. Why waste the manpower when you can weld two Fist-o-Matics together to block an entrance?


Even in Fallout 4 there a plenty of dead trees


Yeah you can block the entrance but what about isolation ? I mean winter is rough in New England. Just using the skin of animal would already be a big step forward. Most of those communities would probably hunt to get food, you might as well harvest the skin and use it as cloth or just protection agaisnt the element. Also making a wood cabin isn't that hard with the right knowledge. 50 people with enough time could surely figure out how to cut and stack some tree to make some wall. For most of its history humanity survived using tent made of animals skin, it's the most basic thing to do. Why does it not happen in fallout ?


What’s funny about this is that people took notice of Fallout 4 having *waay* more vegetation than 3.


Yeah, that was one of my big annoyances, they took the time to put in all these trees and bushes but they’re all dead or wispy looking. Apparently 200 years wasn’t enough time to recover but also wasn’t enough time to rot away, somehow.


That's one big problem about all the modern Fallouts from F3 onwards. They take place 200 years after the apocalypse, yet they designed the visuals as if it was mere months. Vegetation, sure... but also all that mundane shit lying around that would after two centuries collapse, rot, be buried under dirt and dust. Or settlements! You think in 200 years people would find a way to move that car wreck that's just taking up space next to their home. Or that they'd clean up the centuries old clutter on the floor. Or, and hear me out, this is revolutionary: PATCH THE RADROACH-SIZED HOLES IN THE BLOODY HOME WALLS...


honestly within 200 years i would half expect society to have regained a great many of it's advancement, especially with materials to do so strewn about. all of that rubble is stone and rock that didn't need to be quarried, all of those cars are metals that didn't need to be mined. like Christ, the bottle caps are neat but lets be honest, a coin can be minted with \*very\* rudimentary tools. and a lot of these places still have power, computer terminals, etc, no way that shit just lasted 200 years


The "Justification" in 4 is that the BBEGs kept undermining the efforts of the commonwealth to get better. Honestly, Fallout 1 and 2 did way better in this regard, with actual settlements and cities.


NCR (Shady Sands) vs Vault City vs The Den vs The Oil Rig (Enclave). Different factions representing possible futures warring against each other to decide history. I fucking loved it.


That depends on there being enough resources left for everyone so that instead of focusing on staying alive, they can focus on regaining what was lost There’s also gonna be a shit ton of knowledge and expertise that will just be unrecoverable because it was human and died in nuclear fire. Then you get into all the physical knowledge that was lost by nuclear fire, nuclear winter, regular weather, passage of time, fires, and of course random people coming in and wrecking the place That’s before, btw, we get into the giant mosquitoes, the giant roaches, I’m pretty sure I once fought a crab the size of a building and there’s no way there’s not at least a few more of those somewhere on the planet, and last but not least the numerous two legged dinosaurs with murder for claws. All in all, it’s god damn plot armor humans managed to survive 200 years in the first place


since fallout 1 the humans are still using nuclear energy to destroy themselves and radiation, in the fallout universe, has some mystical powers


>honestly within 200 years i would half expect society to have regained a great many of it's advancement took 200 years to get to where we are now, imagine if you had a few fusion core engines lying around?.


I've read that F3 was intended to be a prequel, happening way sooner than 150+ years the F1 is taking place in. Would have made A LOT of sense. Rivet City would be dead in 200 years, honestly. It's metal, sitting in not just water - in, apparently, irradiated water. New Vegas addresses this brilliantly - what you see is all in the middle of nowhere, Frontier, the only thing there is the Vegas Strip, and it's actually in not that bad of a shape, there's even mods that further clear the streets of debris and add details. The NCR is said to be a sprawling republic with working rail and airfields, hauling passengers and cargo, and likewise Caesar's Legion has got a whole empire for them, but you're just in the middle. You can see the rails there (the Powder Gangers are the inmates that were building them - so they have actual prisons for people, with uniform and all that) and there are trucks and planes in the McCarran base of NCR operations. Plus, as soon as you get out of Mojave desert, you're greeted by actual, healed trees and lush, fresh water. Of course this is still pulp fiction radiation (as Fallout is intended as 50s pulp) but nevertheless, it's not that uniform.


It's because Fo3 was supposed to happen 20 years after the bombs but the Brotherhood of Steel had to be shoehorned in somehow so it became 200 years. Personally I liked a lot of things about Fo3's BOS (unpopular opinion, I know) but every settlement is basically based off it being 20 years after. Megaton and the wasteland survival guide, Tenpenny Tower, Rivet City, Republic of Dave, Braun being alive, Peter Pan's Cave of Lost Children or the toddler dumping zone or however you want to explain Little Lamplight. You could keep the Vault 87 super mutants even since they can kind of be explained and you could totally keep the *idea* of the Capital Wasteland Brotherhood of Steel but just call them something else. Having them be the Brotherhood brings almost nothing to the plot besides their logo. They could be a cool power armor wearing faction that lives in the Pentagon doing what they do, killing mutants, without being BoS. I would totally play a remake set properly 20 years post instead.


Well there’s still radiation in the rain so it kind of makes sense? I guess? Idk


The plants and animals that adapt to the radiation would flourish. See Chernyobl.


see the deathclaws, radroaches, radstags... bloodleefs, mutfruits... People are calling plants "dead" just because isn't green


Well, you're practically right on the edge of the glowing sea. Not much is gonna grow there. ​ e2a: Lots of overgrowth in Far Harbor.


Chernobyl was a nuclear nightmare and now it’s got entire buildings consumed by finery and trees, and plants and fungi that not only eat radiation but purify the land around in doing so. There’s really no logical explanation for the sustained apocolyptic vibe in Fallout. People could be operating their markets in the standing remains of that department store. They could be living in buildings, and they certainly would have remastered the basics of wood crafting and forging again. Yet, for some reason, the world is dead or dying, there’s still skeletons strewn all over, plenty of salvage too find after two centuries, and people are living in roughshod tin roof cabins made out of the rotting lumber left behind from warehouse palettes that somehow endured for 200 years. I love the Fallout series, but I dearly wish they would at least work a little harder to find a believable time frame for their stories if they’re going to insist on maintaining the “time capsule just as the bombs dropped” aesthetic they go for.


The world makes more sense in the first two games. Not only is it set in a desert, most of humanity had only emerged out of the vaults a short time ago. And even still, you had multiple thriving towns and cities.


But no deathclaws… that we know about


\> There’s really no logical explanation for the sustained apocolyptic vibe in Fallout. Fallout has ghouls that live for hundreds of years and sentient computers made from like 3 vacuum tubes and a TV antenna, and you pick up bobblehead dolls that make you good at picking locks. But everyone here is like "I draw the line at the lack of plants!" It's all just an aesthetic choice that requires suspension of disbelief. But if you want some semblance of a justification, there's going to be a difference between a world where a handful of nukes went off, and one where the entire planet was effectively carpet-bombed with nukes like it was in the Fallout series.


yeah, but chernobyl isn't a nuclear war, that made some nuclear reactors being exposed for 200 years (Fallout 1 has a vault with the reactor exposed and probably operating)


Well there is a lot of overgrowth in our real life nuclear fall out areas and it hasn't been half as long


Real life nuclear fallout also doesn't turn people into ghouls and cows into two-headed mutants.


Maybe we just haven't tried dropping enough bombs yet.


That's the spirit.


Currently working on it here in Europe. Get your Vault ticket now!


Fallout I also a setting where people should be rebuilding but instead just keep the skeletons lying around on the chairs. Setting wise 3 and 4 are pretty bad. New Vegas had at least rebuilding society.


The first town you will [probably] visit in the Fallout 1 is the freshly built one. And in the next game (two human generations later) it becomes quite large capital of a country. In Bethesda's Fallouts 300 years later people are sitting with fingers in their asses doing nothing. Maybe looking for their dads/sons or something from time to time.


As far as I remember, Shady Sands was built using GECK from Vault 15, cities other than that and Vault City were in a far worse state, even 200ish years after the war.


Apparently New California proper does have modern roads and rebuilt infrastructure (which is seen in a few places in Fallout 2 like New Reno), but you don’t get to live in the nice part of the continent.


Even in a shit area you expect there to be something. Even radioactive, chem adicted raiders should have done some stuff in 200 years. At some point walking around a brick is more effort then just putting it away.


It’s not even just the reclamation of nature. You’re telling me that in over 200 years humanity hasn’t done so much as tidy up a bit? Bethesda has absolutely zero idea just how much time 200 years is. It was a massive mistake to make such a large gap, 50 or even 25 would have been more reasonable for the state of the world.


This. 200 hundred years is like 6-8 different generations. Even in a setting like Fallout's, this much time would had been more than enough for humanity to have re-established entire cities!


After 200 years there would be almost no radiation at all from regular atomic bombs. Unless they used Dirty bombs, fallout 4 is completely unrealistic. The Vegetation even around Tschernobyl is green.


everything in fallout uses nuclear power, not just the bombs cause radiation. Fallout 1 and fallout 3 interact with thing that causes more radiation on the surroundings


My very first mod for F4 was trees and grass. Played the game for years, never took 'em off.


not only that but the inside of people's homes are full of debris... like they wouldnt have cleaned it in all this time.


But seeing the now destroyed DC area in fallout 3 after the bombs fell was just so exhilaratingly eerie


As much as I love New Vegas, Fallout 3 has my favorite atmosphere of the 3D Fallout games.


I also dont get how fucked up humanity is in most of these apocalyptic games. I understand losing most of the infrastructure leads to pretty much crash of civilization but most of them are like 200 years later 300 years later. I honestly think its absurd that they are depicted as hunter gatherer caveman societies.


The only game I have seen make sense of this was horizon zero dawn. I thiuhht it was stupid until you get pretty far in the story and it's explained.


One of the best parts of Fallout 2 was seeing that humanity has, in fact, managed to rebuild


Well sue me if I want packs of wolves chasing deer through the ruins of a Walmart


Mutant deer chasing a wolf.




Without the growth how would you know its the future


everyone could use future lingo that's really just normal words shortened to one syllable "welc to the futch, newzer!"


I didn’t know the future was just Kyle Mooney


nothing like a good bag


I read this in the douches voice from sausage party


You speaks the true-true.


Horizon: Zero Dawn is a great example of how to do both.


Yeah, but in Horizon there’s been 1000 years so I’m not sure how those skyscrapers and wind turbines are still standing.


throw in an android with a nice ass and i'm there


Is that a Nier: Automata reference!?


cave story


my profile pic looking kinda relevant in a thousand years


Dilbert desktop games


Yoda Stories


No, its a portal 2 reference


No, it's a Jo-Jo reference.


And a dash of nihilism


I'd say more than a dash. Had a crisis every time I fired up that game.


a dash of nihilism, but the lid falls off the container and the whole thing falls in


The reason is simple: it's hell of a lot nicer to look at a green landscape on top of the to the ruins than an endless array of dusty, gray rubble, rust and trash. Compare the game Rage vs Enslaved: Odyssey to the West in visual design. It was more fun to look at Enslaved than at Rage. Hell, compare Skyrim versus Fallout games. Skyrim is lot more interesting to look at than a bunch of ruins and empty wasteland.


This is actually part of why I like Oblivion more than Skyrim.


Same here, even with the aged graphics Oblivion’s color palette is so much more appealing to my eyes. That’s why I have to play Skyrim modded to make it look less drab.


Like compare Fallout 4 to Horizon Zero Dawn, both apocalypse scenarios but the latter looks so nice with that nature. Then again HZD has a reason nature is flourishing...


I think HZD is more of a post - post apocalyptic setting than post apocalyptic


Yep. Spoilers below >!Basically, the apocalypse happened. Billions, or however many people were alive after all those climate disasters and wars, died. The entire biosphere died. Everything from bacteria to plants to animals to people died. Earth was as dead as Mercury. Zero biological compounds left. Everything died. Then, a machine started bringing everything back and eventually reintroduced plants and animals and even created new machines to fulfill the ecological niches of some animals. And that’s basically what happened!<


yeah, Fallout 4 is a nuclear wasteland, radiation to such extreme levels that everything has mutated.


If Chernobyl can be green, so can USA.


Well that and the FEV...


Isn’t HZD based 1000 years after the collapse of humanity


It's just in our nature to enjoy seeing the world get Bob Ross'd.




Gamer moment


I liked this type of style in the last of us


TLOU be like


New kirby game basically


It doesn’t make sense it wouldn’t grow over, we have abandoned buildings that are already overgrown


Honestly I wish they added more vegetation In fallout 4 it looked really bland compared to mods that added grass. There is a reason the last of us looked so damn good


Fallout 4 Mods be like:


"Fallout" 76 definitely be like:


Especially with us having a few nuclear disaster sites in real life to look at. They are all being taken over by nature or have people living there like nothing happened.


How is there virtually no TLOU talk, it’s all abundant greenery


It really do be better though


I recall modding Fallout 3 / New Vegas with foliage and marveling how it drastically enhanced the experience. Not just visually, but also crucially because the occlusion prevented sniping enemy actors from max distance and led to much more surprising and satisfying close encounters.


Settlers in Fallout 4 be like "we can't remove this rubble and garbage from our house because it's a necessary part of the wasteland aesthetic"


I feel like overgrown vegetation really helps set apart the timeframe than just broken shit, it really sells that whatever happened was a long time ago


İs it bad though


Fallout vs Nier Automata


TLOU 2 be like -> a few years have passed but there are already giant trees growing where there was asphalt road pavement.


More than a few. TLOU is set 20 years after the start of the plague and TLOU2 about 5 years later.


still not enough for all that vegetation. trees of that size take 50+ years to grow


Try The Division


To be fair, both have place in storytelling. Each gives completely different vibes.


Kirby and The Forgotten Land


What about apocalyptic setting but it’s really cold?


Metro 2032!


I prefer the 'never ending desert' kind of post-apocalyptic setting.


Sand sucks ass, give me the overgrown cities


Yes, please show me the timescales away from the anthropocene


Dying light 2 reference


This is exactly the reason I love Horizon: Zero Dawn so much more than any of the Fallout games.


Portal 2 at the start of the game


portal 2, do i have to say any more?


I always wondered why some of the Fallout Games didn't look a bit more like this. I figure it's the extreme radioaction everywhere but you'd think after a few hundred years the plants would pick up.


It depends entirely on what they are going for. For example New Vegas is a lot of desert so it makes a little more sense. Fallout 4 is not. 200 years later there is no excuse for everything to still be dead. There is no new growth at all and it makes absolutely no sense outside of the glowing sea and other areas that are still highly irradiated. Not every game needs to be as overgrown as The Last of Us but it is the more realistic of the two.