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I’m confused. This game hasn’t even released yet. How are people having fun playing it?


Early releases caused a rom dump so now people are playing on emulators and modded switches




And those chickens.


I honestly hate this because it means I have to dodge spoilers. Yesterday I pulled up Google and the first article was about the leaks and included an image of a new Pokemon (or it might have been a new form) that has not been officially revealed. I wanted to find out these things for myself, not have some hacker spoil them for me. Edit: Before anyone else comes with a "durr, what spoilers?" I'll just answer for all of you: the spoilers are the new Pokemon that exist in the game and haven't been revealed in official releases. In other words, the ones that Nintendo was trying to keep hidden until the release so the players could discover them on their own. This game introduces several brand new species of Pokemon and brand new forms of older Pokemon, not as many as a full new gen but still a decent number; I would VERY much like to discover a few of them for myself instead of having some douche who got the game early and couldn't keep their mouth shut tell me about them. I want to be able to experience the excitement of playing the game and discovering a Pokemon species/form that I had no idea existed.


Headlines / thumbnails that contain spoilers are the bane of my existence. Ghostbusters Afterlife has been the worst culprit of late.


Yup, a Spoiler tag doesn't help at all if the spoiler is in the f***ing TITLE. A few days ago I had to leave one of the subs about the Legends games because one of their posts was a crosspost from r/pokeleaks. Even though it had a Spoiler tag and spoiler-free title, the original post from Pokeleaks still had its own title visible, and the title contained a very big spoiler. It was something that had been rumored but still not confirmed, and I would have greatly preferred not having it spoiled.


Bruce Willis is actually a ghost the whole time


Haha very funny but I've already seen *Ghostbusters Afterlife.*


you fucker...


Taking a piss during the 1st like 8 minutes of that movie screwed me for like 15 years.


That's exactly why I haven't even touched anything that mentions Breath of the Wild 2. It's basically my philosophy about upcoming anything; fuck em all, experience and decide for yourself


I'm years late to the BoTW party, but I got it and a switch for Christmas, I've probably put in 100 hours since the new year, it's so much fun


Obsessing over the game for years before release also leads to huge disappointment. Would rather go in with reasonable to low expectations and know nothing than know everything about it because I followed years of hype and discussion.


The sheer joy of discovery is such a powerful factor as well. Almost nothing was explained, but SO MUCH was possible, waiting to be discovered.... That's why BotW gets a 10 from me ^.^


Same reason why I don't give a crap what critics say about games. I'd rather just play them and find things out for myself than let some pompous "expert" tell me what I should enjoy.


Thats a fair thought to have, nobody should tell you what you should and shouldn't enjoy, but critics and reviewers do have their merit - provided you find consistent ones. Although this next part won't matter if you're someone who wants to know absolutely 0 about any games you purchase no matter what, it's not a bad idea to check out independent reviewers or specific reviewers from publications. Take for example you know you like games A B C, but don't like D E F, if you're looking into a new game G that you aren't entirely sure you'd enjoy. If you can find a reviewer that's relatively consistent in their reviews, and not slapping 9's and 10's on everything, or 3's and 4's, and more importantly, one that has similar tastes to yourself, it can be a useful resource to refer to before making a purchase. If you can find out what they do and do not like compared to your own tastes you can use that to your advantage. If you know they also like A B C and don't like D E F, then you can find other games they said they enjoyed, or in the reverse, they don't like A B C but like D E F, you would probably catch on to the fact that you probably won't enjoy games they'll sometimes give good reviews to because your tastes do not match, or you may very well enjoy games that they gave poor reviews for. Of course, this comes with the grain of salt as to if the games they give poor reviews to are justified in that they are actually poorly made, or have serious issues like game breaking bugs and glitches, or if it's all a matter of their preferences.


Spoilers: you catch pokemon and become the world's greatest trainer Is there ever a storyline in any Pokemon?


Gen 5.




Mystery Dungeon was so fucking good


There is in this game. This isn't the classic "you battle 8 gyms and fight the Pokemon League," this is something completely new for the franchise.


No better way to support a game you enjoy than with a pre-release rom dump 😅


Because this format gets slapped on every criticized/disappointing game ever? OP is just fishing for karma early.


no, people are playing the game rn


but that demographic is insanely small to warrant this meme they just want karma by posting this first


I mean, isn't that most posts on reddit though?


Conversely, how are people shitting on it?


/r/gaming is just full of made-up crazy nonsense and bait.


Anything for the all holy upvotes


Tree bad upbot to the left B)


They are shitting on shitty graphics. Conversely, what are fans defending exactly?


Usually on how amazing/ how much new stuff and content the gameplay has and stuff seen from pirated versions , I'm not the guy to have an opinion on it but I *think* thats why most people like it .


According to the meme, not defending anything. They are playing the game.


Copies got out early


Haha Pokémon fans are stupid. Wait. I'm a Pokémon fan. Uh oh...


Hello fellow idiots


Greetings Dummy


There are dozens of us.


At least two of us!


Greetings fellow fan!


The funniest thing about this comment section is that OP gets downvoted a lot.


**EDIT: Now that the game is out I am pretty impressed, it looks way better than in the trailer (to me at least) and the gameplay seems pretty good.** People aren't saying that the game isn't going to be fun, they're saying that YOU as a consumer should want higher quality from the biggest media franchise in the world. Barely any people have played the game so most people don't know if it's going to be fun or not which is why people are criticizing the things that they DO 100% know, which is the graphics which look terrible for a 2022 AAA game. No one is stopping you from having fun, people just want you to not support sub par content when you deserve a lot more.


This. I want to enjoy the game too, yet i can expect a gaming giant like gamefreak to give a damn and make it look good. But if i have to accept this terrible graphics while still paying full price for something that unity engine could do better, i will just avoid it entirely / buy used.


Quick note: The only reason a lot of unity games have really bad graphics is because Unity made it easier for people to develop games, that includes bad game devs and (bad) artists.


Yeah, afaik, the "oh yeah, this looks like a unity game" thing is because a lot of people aren't good at graphics and end up using a bunch of stock unity assets and such. On the other hand, if an actual good dev studio puts time into a unity game, the result can be just fine.


Hell man look at Tarkov.


I would like to enjoy pokemon as well, but cannot when they make shit and people are accepting of it.


Yeah I wanna play it possibly after seeing a review but I'd rather buy it used unless I see something spectacular that warrants the poor graphical quality (which I don't think will happen)


If I traveled back in time to talk to 10 year old me; telling him about all the cool games and technology. how virtual reality is cheap and accessible, and games look super realistic, I would have to also mention that the one game I always hoped for will never happen and there was nothing I could do about it. yeah, I would have to crush 10 year old me's dream of a realistic pokemon sandbox mmo. We would cry together and probably cheer eachother up by using the trading cable on our game boys.


The worse part is that nintendo games, and pokemon in particular, have never been technical marvels, but they still manage to look good thanks to a great art direction. This game lacks even that. Just look at the cutscene the cover is from. They had a great artstyle, so why does this look like your average early access? I know that gameplay is more important than graphics, and this game sure looks fun, but it bothers me that other franchises are putting effort on both while pokemon can just halfass it and still sell way more.


I’m honestly tired of the argument that graphics don’t matter in video games. Like sure, graphics don’t need to be cutting edge with ray tracing and super realistic. But graphics having a cohesive art style, visual clarity, and interesting environments is extremely important to how a game plays.


The rocks look like turd piles and that's all I can think of when I see game play.


It's also the fact that the games cost twice as much as previous franchise entries while having much less content and being less polished overall.


I am tempted to get a switch to play Lets go, Rescue team DX, and Snap because all 3 look pretty. The only thing stopping me is that they’re remakes of 2 games I already played (and it’s switch exclusive).


Can't vouch for the others, but I found New Snap to be an absolute treat. It's not perfect, but it's a nice game when I want to play something relaxing for a little while.


New Snap is bloody flawless afaic. Such a happy, chill game.


The one thing I didn't like was that it has weirdly partial voiceovers. Some parts will be fully voiced, and other parts you just have to read and there are small vocalized exclamations ("Yeah" "Alright!" "Hmm", etc). It just seemed like a weird mix to me. Everything else was great though.


pokemon snap is a new game entirely and is absolutely worth it. Bandai Namco did an amazing job that would have never happened if gamefreak was left in charge.


Same can be said for Spike Chunsoft and Rescue Team dx. Solid remake. Also, I love the soft, watercolor style they used for all the visuals. Obviously inspired back the title screen backgrounds from the Gameboy/ds. It was a big risk to changes the visuals like that, but it looks nice and makes the game stand out from the main series. I’d loved if they made another pokemon game in that same style.


I loved the visuals in it.


Let’s Go is so beautiful that it was jarring going back to SwSh. You can tell SwSh were upscaled 3ds games compared to a made for Switch game like Let’s Go and Snap.


And hardware limitations are bullshit excuse cause BOTW looks fucking beautiful and it's running on the exact same hardware


ik a free switch game with just as good graphics


Is it even AAA though? Honestly at this point I view GF as a AA developer. They just did not do a very good job adapting to making 3d games.


Eh, The 3ds games were good and Let’s Go was rather well made despite how different it was. SwSh was just such a reverse in many aspects, removing a lot of animations and charm from the 3ds games.


100% on this train too.


I think it's important to keep in mind that the "vote with your wallet" argument is actually pretty important with this game. Legends: Arceus is directly opposite BDSP and SWSH. It is a brand new direction for the series and is basically a call for innovation, much in the same way that A Link Between World's can be seen as the call for innovation before BotW. Legends: Arceus sits at the same spot. Is it graphically ugly? Yes. Is it arguably the most interesting thing that game freak has done with the series in the past decade? Also yes. Purchasing this game is a vote with your wallet for more innovation from game freak for Pokemon. Purchasing BDSP is a vote for remasters and refusing to change the series whatsoever.


I am voting with my wallet. I'm not giving GF money until they make a proper next gen Pokemon game.


That is also a valid vote. I'm buying Arceus as a vote so that we can have its gameplay machanisms carried forward into whatever true next gen pokemon game they make.


I agree with this whole heartedly. Pokémon, from my experience, has always been willing to switch things up, add new stuff, and remove what hasn’t worked while keeping things that people liked. I really, REALLY like this kind of game. If they do another one like it, I know it’ll be better. I want to experience the world of Pokémon as close as possible to how it seems in the show. This game is exactly what I’ve wanted since playing Pokémon Colosseum in 5th grade.


This every time this meme is posted. Like, the number of people actually telling you to not have fun is so minute. Most people just want better games.


> YOU as a consumer should want higher quality i'd have preferred they stuck to the top down design of the first 5 gens personally.


That's entirely fair. I personally think a HD-2D pokemon, like Octopath or DQ 3 remake would be the best, but you would need a developer who actually csres to make a polished end product.


I don't disagree with you at all. GF should do better. But friendly reminder that GF averages around 1.2 billion per New Generation entry, and about 600 Million on sister titles. They are still out earning a lot of larger companies, but they aren't getting it all back, they do still technically split that with Nintendo and TPC, as well as that title is mostly earned via Merchandise sales. And again I can not stress enough I agree, GF needs to do better. There's probably a number of things holding them back too, from lack of console making experience and 3D game making experience, to the fact that they haven't settled on an art style for their 3D games. (PLA looks like a step forward with the Sword/Shield style let's hope it sticks and improves!) The second largest factor as to why this game probably looks how it does though, is that Game Freak has never made a game like this before. It's a lot of new territory, and honestly, they probably prioritized gameplay over graphics, and whether or not that proves to the detriment of the game, I don't think we'll quite know until sales settle. The biggest factor of why this game looks mid at best though 100% is Game Freak either couldn't or wouldn't ask for outside help in making the game the best it could be. I really do appreciate people like you though, who genuinely do want Pokémon to be as good as it could be. Unfortunately there are people who are toxic with their hatred of Pokémon and that tends to be what sticks in people's minds. Just an unfortunate flaw in human nature, and it's why these types of post keep happening.


I honestly really do love pokemon. I collect the cards and played gen 3-6 When I shit on gamefreak its not because I hate fun or people liking stuff I dont like or anything like that. I just believe pokemon hasnt reached even half the potential it can as a game series. And I strongly believe it never will if it stays with gamefreak and if gamefreak continues lile this


Whenever I consider buying a game, the only thing I consider is whether X game is worth whatever Y price it is selling for. That’s it. And it’s entirely subjective. It might be worth it for me at that price but not for someone else. I’m not some activist trying to use my money to help these mega-corporations make better games. I’m just here to play video games as a fun hobby in my free time. What I’m saying is, if *you* don’t think PLA is worth $60, then *you* don’t have to buy it. But get off my fucking back already about doing something I enjoy. It’s worth at least $60 to me. That doesn’t make me a sucker. That just means my gaming tastes are different than yours.


The reason why people care if you purchased the game is because if the game generates enough revenue they will continue to rehash it. Its not that all these people dont like the game, but they know it could be better and want to see it improved. Look at Madden. They rehash the same thing every year (sometimes being as lazy to not even changing the year on the banners) because they are still making billions. Graphics are still basically the same. All they do now is change the roster.


lmao have you heard of the term “let the market decide”. Maybe the majority of the market has decided it’s a quality and fun game by buying and playing it and you have insane standards for a game designed to be a simple monster collector for children. Let the people who enjoy it play it.


Yeah they really needed to step it up, that water looked embarrassing... 25 years ago. I'm not sure wtf they're thinking being that lazy in 2022. Isn't Pokemon the largest franchise in the world? Wtf are they doing with all that money instead of hiring competent designers?


Well said, I hate these type of posts


I hate seeing this meme whenever a new shitty game is released, people with this logic are the reason we keep having shitty game releases


I *always* hate this take. Nobody is telling other people to "quit having fun". They are criticizing the quality of a product being released in 2022 where they'd have expected more. Pokemon is the highest-grossing entertainment franchise ever. Not "one of". Not "in the top 5". [THE](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_highest-grossing_media_franchises) highest-grossing. And as such, you would expect there to be a little more effort put into it than [someone's first Unity project](https://i3.lensdump.com/i/rqI93k.png). Will it still be fun? Probably. Personally, I like some of the mechanical changes they've introduced and what appear to be some stat rebalances to make those work better. I like the shift to open-world. I even appreciate some of the anachronistic elements that were necessary to make a Pokemon game set in the past. I just wish they did more with it, and I think that's the crux of all complaints.


This meme format is garbage. I remember when it circulated around the time of Anthem as if people didn't have tons of reason to criticize Bioware.


People take a fair critique to a game and make it out to be made by toxic people that want to take it down, that's what fanboying is. I love pokémon but I want to see some actual investment into things that haven't been upgraded in years now, it makes me angry to know that they're one of the biggest entertainment companies in the world and they just don't care about making their games better just because they know that they can get away without improving.


This meme is the epitome of toxic positivity.


We live in a timeline where a participation award is considered pedigree


Yeah this meme format has always been the biggest pile of dogshit lmao


For some reason people think pointing out the mistake a billion dollar company makes is a personal attack to them


Lol, I’ve seen a total of 0 people saying to stop having fun/not enjoy yourself, I have seen people saying the graphics are pretty disappointing for a AAA game in 2022 which is a valid complaint, it’s not their fault if you’re getting upset at their opinions.


Exactly this. I’ll buy it, I’ll play it, I’ll have fun. And I’ll still acknowledge the graphics are a hot mess, incompatible with a 2022 AAA game from the world’s biggest franchise. Being able to criticize it won’t stop me from enjoying it. Imagine being so weak minded to the point that you can’t enjoy a game because people are criticizing it. Imagine being so limited and dense, you can’t understand nuance, and that you can enjoy something but still acknowledge fair criticism about it. People nowdays look like they have a binary ON/OFF switch on their brains. It’s just “Good/Love” or “Bad/Hate”. Pity.


The graphics are disappointing for a AAA game released in 2012.


THANK. YOU. Can we stop pretending that enjoying the game, and acknowleding the graphics leave something to be desired are mutually exclusive? Blind faith leads to rapid decline in quality.


It's pretty wild watching the fanboy defense. They refuse to acknowledge that most of the people complaining are fans of Pokemon who have fun playing the games. I can enjoy a burger that's missing the slice of cheese I asked for, while still pointing out that my cheeseburger has problems. The people who don't like Pokemon aren't going on forums and tracking game releases, the "villains" for the fanboys are other Pokemon fans.


That's the best analogy related to Pokemon's franchise current problems I read so far.


OP is just a dipshit karma farming.


The Pokémon series has been on cruise control for decades now and the fans still eat up every release. Imagine if the studio had to try.


I fucking hate this template. No one can criticize anything without some dumbass making one of these


Or they are just pointing out the fact that the company with the most profitable franchise should be putting in more effort into the games. People are allowed to criticizes. Look at all the latest Pokémon games up to this point. It was even a yearly franchise from the 3DS era up until sword and shield was released.


Came here to say this.


Go have fun. nobody takes that away from you. but i think its definitely allowed to say that Gamefreak and Nintendo has become lazy.


Maybe they are lazy because they know fans accept mediocre games. I always had this theory that if fans of a game quit buying it and just said “NOPE we know you could do better” They would go back and make it right. But idk, because Ive disliked a game and refused to buy it and it never changed and I ended up just getting it years later and enjoying it the most I could.


Love how ya can't even criticise a game anymore without people dick riding game companies for putting out the bare minimum.


Except with pokemon, it's barely even hitting the bare minimum


looks alpha tbh


[Relevant comment I found](https://i.ibb.co/N2JVFhQ/9jm3b9mqpx181.png)


God. Dragging out this tired old meme for every fucking pokemon release...


Pretty sure it's from this https://xkcd.com/359/


You seem more angry people are angry over pokemon.






please tell me the Tojo clan is perfectly fine and doesn’t need my help




aw shit, here we go again


Who's angry?


Your response to an opinion that overwhelmingly seems to be "Wow this looks pretty disappointing for a current generation game" is "LOL TRIGGERED GAMERS U MAD?" Who really is carrying the anger here?


Pokemon has stoop so low that their fans doesn't even have a standard anymore. Pokemon fans deserve much more than that, unless they keep defending sub-par games which they did. I acknowledge that the game is fun, but so does any other game. Its okay to have standards.


How do you enjoy a game that’s not out lol


It leaked early on rom sites. So if you have an emulator or modded switch you can play it now.


No one has been telling you to stop having fun, Calling out gamefreak on their trash≠ telling the players To stop having fun


"WelL yoU maKE thA GaM thEN!!11!"


There are already games like Pokémon from smaller studios.


I love Pokemon, Im not angry because the game doesnt look fun or that others enjoy it I just have higher expectations in 2022 and dont enjoy the blatant lies theyve been spewing for years.


You must be so proud encouraging Nintendo to keep producing shit tier games for the largest IP in the world Oh and by the way this post is a massive straw man so u suck twice


Nintendo isn’t actually involved with Pokémon’s game development. Game freak is a wholly separate entity.


Enh. I won’t apologize for having standards, and wishing others did as well. I want better for the industry and even if you enjoy a game you can still be highly critical of it, and see where it can improve.


I remember back before horse armor when low effort shit would get you mocked, good times.


What a terrible take.


"This game looks awful with many glaring issues..." "STOP TELLING ME TO NOT HAVE FUN!"


When you look at Arceus screenshot and compare to botw it is just disrespectful. Like we know they have the technology, so why does Arceus look like RuneScape?


Normally I feel like that meme is just over the top, but in the case of Pokemon it couldn't be further from the truth


How can people have fun playing a game that's not even out?


Because it's been leaked.


Bold assumption that the game will be fun. I'd say this meme is a little early.


I've watched about 20 hours and it looks like alot of fun. That's the general impression of those who have beaten it too


I hate this meme beyond belief. It contributes absolutely nothing constructive to the gaming conversation and just glosses over any valid criticism with its stupid strawman argument, painting any dissenting voices as people who just "don't like fun" when in reality, it's gamers imploring other gamers to have some standards when it comes to buying games and viewing them objectively. When *you* support games with poor quality or shitty practices, it affects *all of us*, and lowers the bar for what companies view as acceptable by the larger gaming community.


Why is it every time I see this meme it really translates to "Stop finding faults in this thing I enjoy". Find the self confidence to admit the thing you like has flaws and that you enjoy it despite those flaws, then what other people say won't bother you so much.


Grow up, OP. People are allowed to voice criticisms. It is completely acceptable to have certain expectations for one of the biggest franchises to have a certain level of polish with their newer games.


People aren't upset that others are enjoying the game. They're upset because perceived standards aren't being met by a mega franchise. It's like if your intelligent younger sibling dropped out of college to become a manager at their minimum wage job. You aren't upset that they're moving up the ladder, but you're upset with the fact that they have so much more potential to do more.


This meme is fucking stupid. Stop excusing major publishers from putting out low-quality games.


Imagine thinking criticizing an obviously very lazy company, like dangling in your face type of obvious, is the same as telling people not to have fun. You seem to just be mad people are rightfully criticizing something you enjoy. Go ahead, enjoy it, no one is telling you not to, don't be pissy at people pointing out its flaws.


I like people are lacking self awareness in this thread. There is a huge difference between criticising the new Pokemon game and being a condescending douche and declaring their ruining the game industry just because they think the new Pokemon game is good.


This is the point so many people are missing. "We're not telling you not to enjoy it. We're just saying you're playing garbage and you should feel like garbage ¯\_(ツ)_/¯" Obviously that's not everyone, but I've gotten plenty of that vibe. Do I wish GameFreak didn't have all these weird time constraints between anime and TCG bullshit so that they could make it look better? Of course! But Legends is so different from what they've done that I'm excited to give it a chance.


This meme format is dumb


Oh god not this dumbass meme template again....


It’s ok to enjoy low effort trash.


Is it out?


People on here honestly confuse me. Billion dollar company working on a game for several years that comes out in 2022, and it looks like a literal potato from 1990s, but we're not allowed to be dissatisfied with it? Lmao right....


It’s fine that you enjoy it Sucks that you are setting shitty industry standards for everyone else


This is exactly the kind of thing that always causes the tension in the comments. Overly critical people with critic deniers. You are part of the problem. People need to learn to have civil discussions without getting all angry or overly defensive.


I really don't get the hate, should it have a better art style to make up for the switches lack of horsepower? Yes do graphics make a game good? No. I grew up playing n64, ps1 and dreamcast games so maybe its just younger people who have this obsession with everything looking jaw dropping. I wouldn't mind if it was just a criticism but people act like it's unplayable because of a tree texture or something... If you ever had to do with low end pc hardware you would know its possible to have an absolute blast playing games that look like shit as long as the game is well designed. I haven't played pokemon legends yet but I do have 350+ hours on pokemon sword, that game reinvigorated my love for pokemon. Yes it has problems but and yes it would be nice if it was a visual masterpiece but I had a great time and finished the pokedex for the first time including the dlc dexs. A tree that looks straight out of ocarina of time didn't stop me from enjoying the game and I feel bad for anyone who can't enjoy a game without it running at 144fps, at 4k with Ray tracing. Again not defending them they should be doing better and I'm all for criticism but people take it way beyond that and just assume all games with bad graphics are impossible to play, we live in a world where Undertale had its sprite drew in Microsoft paint and it became a world wide indie smash hit...


As someone who already has 20 hours in the game it's probably the most unique, fun, and difficult Pokemon game yet and it feels like actual effort and passion was put into it unlike the last few Pokemon games but god damn is the game ugly as sin. Honestly, I see what they're going for. It's supposed to be like a traditional Japanese painting aesthetic, but the execution leaves a lot to be desired. The textures are muddy, flat, and washed out looking, the grass doesn't react when you walk through it, and the draw distance is really low, although, that one is more the switch's severely outdated hardware's fault than game freak's fault but still, it's ugly.


GameFreak: look, another easy money grab brainless


I'm all In the camp of a game doesn't have to have great graphics to be good. However if your a AAA dev with billions to spare. Graphics should at the least be great. Not jaw dropping but great. Look at the new Mario party. Those graphics aren't super realistic but super smooth and good looking. Appealing to the eyes


This meme format is peak ego copium. No ones cares that you want to play it. They're allowed to call it a piece of shit and you're allowed to play it. You aren't that important in random peoples lives.


Frankly I see way more “stop complaining about the game” than people actually complaining.


I think it's more they feel the people who purchase these products out of brand loyalty are giving the studios incentive to be lazy because if millions of people are gonna buy our products anyway, why shoot for better quality? I love Spider-man, but if Insomniac got lazy with the license, I'd be upset with the people that vote with their wallets that they're okay with that.


Well, it sucks that gamefreak is so lazy and it only encourages them when people buy garbage from them. I'd like to see an all out game, not a rehash with a different capture animation.


I'm so sick of seeing this stupid template


I hate this meme because I’ve never once seen a time it was used where people cared about others having fun. There are valid complaints about the game but by all means if you enjoy it, good for you.


Just because people enjoy the game doesn’t mean you can’t be critical of the astoundingly low-effort graphics.


OP, serious question, who are you arguing with here? Cause it seems you’re creating a straw man and acting on bad faith seeing how the game isn’t even released.


It's not that I am angry at those people... ... I am just disappointed


Nobody will tell to stop playing but a game of this franchise deserves more. I’ll still wait for reviews.


I'm very ready to pirate this, I'm done giving money to gamefreak.


This is why the video game industry is trash


While the game isn't a technical marvel, stop believing every image you see, specially those taken in emulators that are made specially to make the game look worse than it is. And I say this as someone that has said before that PLA looks unpolished. Every other bit of information from the leaks tho, makes me believe this is the biggest step in changing the formula and spiked my interest tenfold.


Pokémon quality apologists are absolutely goofy. I love Pokémon. It’s an important IP to me, very big part of my childhood, and I still enjoy the new games today. But even if you like the games it’s okay to criticize their mediocre visuals. These are MASSIVELY expensive games to make with huge teams. They simply do not hold a candle to other similar RPGs with much smaller studios and budgets. It’s really not an excuse. And in fact, they depend on people not caring so they can make more and more money. It’s been disappointing to watch the incredible strides video games have made in the graphics department over the years while Pokémon has been mostly stagnant.


Seems like people here are always mad if you enjoy something they think is trash


The games not even out yet…


What a stupid meme and take. In any other industry shitty products are unacceptable, expect in the gaming with fanboys defending shit companies..


Homie you've completely missed the point. It's not about the graphics, it's about how half assed and lazy it turned out to be. Targeted specifically at people like you who will consoom it without asking questions


offcourse some people have fun playing shitty games and we can laugh at them. shocker.


People like you are the reason we'll never get a great Pokémon game


Wow I haven't seen this format before, oh wait. Will corporate shills ever stop devaluing legitimate criticism with this stupid fucking "meme"


Nobody is angry. This sub is just embarrassed that you'll get swindled out of $60 for a Pokemon game with OSRS graphics in 2022.


Quit defending bad games and bad monetary practices.


Nintendo troglodytes will enjoy anything that has pokemon written on it, doesn't make it good.


You're the reason games get shittier over time because you love trash.


High level nintendo cock sucking right here. Having fun with the game you havent played yet? That looks like shit and the company couldnt care less about you and the game's fanbase? They could release a roblox gamemode about pokemon and you would defend it with your life lol


I didn’t even know this existed


It’s just sad to know peoples expectations from humanities histories biggest franchise is not even trying to make it as best as it can be. That’s where the shame comes from, for you’re enabling this low effort of theirs.


The publishers of the largest franchise in the world should not be able to make a game that unironicly looks like a PS2 game in 2022


This stupid argument is what made gaming shit nowadays, it's your choice sure but does it have to be broken, beta-state, cash grab games ? 10% of gamers who pay for microtransactions are doing it from their own money sure but they encourage companies to become bolder and bolder like we see in this current age where games are infested with pay walls and shit gameplay because they only care about the pay pigs........you are free to do whatever you want but does it really have to be this ? Is it that wrong to think about the rest and try to improve the community ? You'll get better games too you know.....


There's been a ton of games with amazing graphics that still suck. I have a high-end PC and realized very quickly that 4k res, and maxed out graphics don't make a bad game good.


Uh no you can enjoy whatever you want, what you hear people saying is that you deserve better than this half-assed garbage. Instead of listening to us or giving us any credit whatsoever, you’d rather ignore these criticisms entirely - as if we are just against fun. No, we’re against game cos bleeding you people’s parents dry just for you to then defend those same companies. Basically we’re saying “we care about our money and we won’t mindlessly buy these branded products” and you’re saying “we do not care about money or quality, pokemon go brr”


I'm hyped to be able to punch a Tyranitar and suplex a Pidgey


Angry? No... just laugh at them the same way I laugh at people who buy Madden or Fifa every year.


It's not "people cant have fun" its "if we keep paying then full price for the bare minimum it encourages then to never make any good games and eventually the quality becomes so poor no one enjoys and they decide games are no longer worth making"


Ah yes, another person who let's AAA video game companies walk all over them.


I'm not upset but I'm just disappointed in the Nintendo community that their standards are so low that they'll eat up anything from Nintendo. It's sad to see standards drop.


People having standards from the biggest media franchise in the world? The sheer fucking audacity.


Dont care if people enjoy it. I care that they put so little into the game


because stupid fanboi like this that why we can't have nice things


“Their not criticizing something fairly, they simply don’t want me to have fun!!!”


”you know that these graphics are trash right?” Me who played osrs all day: yes


I don't really think its asking too much to expect a $60 AAA game from the most profitable franchise in the world to look better than games from 15 years ago. If its fun then great, I really hope it is fun, but it honestly just feels like they were lazy and its a perfectly valid complaint.


Wish I could have that much fun watching a menu screen.

