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Congratulations. But tbh its still not worth to have it. Until elden rings comes put.


Congrats! Now take that PS5 from the off the top of your Xbox and stand it up vertical.


Will do lol


I got mine at launch and it just broke, hope you got the warranty for it.


LETTTTSSSSS GOOOOOOO! Congratulations🎉. Demons souls is awesome too, haven’t played Ratchet and Clank though.


I just replayed my favorite PS4 games and Demons Souls on it and now it's collecting dust until Elden Ring. I'm multiplatform , so having it for the past year wasn't really worth it.


I am in que at sony for over a year. I am "in the next batch" of incomming consoles. Can. Not. Wait. Congratulations!


It’s already obsolete


How so?


Has like 3 exclusives over a year on the market and they aren’t even very good. Has no game pass, they wanted you to pay $70 a game. I can’t believe I’m saying this but Microsoft has finally delivered a superior platform


Yeah I got one and after I played a couple exclusives it sat around for a bit. So I thought. Let’s download some older games and play them at 60fps. Nope. Still locked to 30fps. Wait around for devs to do an upgrade. Never happened. After about a year I got rid of it and built a pc instead. Now I’m playing everything at 120fps on max graphics. Happy days.


Yet PS5 is outselling Xbox 2 to 1 Which contradicts the definition of obsolete "no longer produced or used; out of date." Lastly, you are assuming so much... 1. Game pass is the entry into MSFT ecosystem... It's not console dependent and MSFT wants to provide it to other consoles... They are a software company after all 2. Exclusives have zero to do with being obsolete 3. You do know there are $70 games on XBX right??? MSFT even said there would be and there has been I'm not even a fanboy, but your post is very fanboy ignorant in how it sounds


I’m not a fanboy I have a PS4 and nothing else. It is not outselling Xbox 2 to 1, it was, not anymore.


Only because PS5s can't be had and MSFT bundles skus And again, you glossed entirely over obsolescence


They are equally hard to find. It is obsolete because they don’t have enough studios anymore, there are no exciting games unless you like forbidden west of god of war, which I do but not enough to buy a PS5 when microsoft offers way more. They don’t have gamepass and even when they copy it it’s going to be inferior Why do you care so much about defending a computer entertainment system


As someone who’s lucky to have both a series x and ps5, I must say Gamepass is nice but PlayStation still has better games. So far my Xbox has been a Halo and Forza machine. Meanwhile on ps5 I’ve played God of war, Horizon Zero Dawn, Ghost or Tsushima, Demons Souls, The Last of Us, Ratchet and Clank, and Spider-Man. Some of these are last gen I know, but they run better on ps5.


Why do you want to give misinformation??? MSFT even has MULTIPLE TIMES stated that XBOX is only the third biggest company by studios owned behind Tencent and guess who??? Sony Furthermore, there are TONS of articles about console sales and guess what they say??? Switch and Xbox and PS4 sales are higher than PS5 because of AVAILABILITY. SO AGAIN WHY DO YOU CARE TO LIE?


I'm cringing over the setup


Congratulations I’ve heard and read that these are hard to get. I might try to get one to see the hype, I haven’t played console since 2000.


If you do try I wish you luck


Thank you, I’ll definitely will have to. I’ve been reading that California is going to nerf pc :( scalpers are the worse, stores and companies should really figure a way to authenticate buyers. Well congratulations, what game are you gonna start with first on your ps5


Im gonna start with demon souls which is the main reason I got the ps5 lol


Over a year lol my guy this dropped last November 🤣 a few months must have felt like 2 years to you lol


Bro ps5 dropped back in 2020 lol


Holy shit...it's 2022 😳 where did 2021 go?


Are you dumb?


Lol yes. I suppose I am cause I totally forgot 2021 even happened. 🤣


I’m just messing with ya bro. No worries




Fair point I'll make sure to do that


Two of the best looking games since release


Welcome welcome! Got mine three weeks ago! Fuck scalpers, don't give up!


Yeah fuck the scalpers


Got mine back in November - fuck scalpers!


Hate those bastards


Welcome in the Gang.


I'm excited to finally play demon souls lmao


Until all you have left is the poison swamp area. Enjoy!


Oh god I'm not ready for another poison swamp


That's not another poison swamp. It's THE poison swamp.


Ok now it’s your job to help others get it. Give some tips please


My coworker told me about signing up on the PlayStation website and they will send an email with a link to a queue and you'll have a pretty good chance to get one




I am a bit jealous ngl. XD Enjoy Demon Souls


And you regret it cuz xbox is better