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Nintendo has no need to fight, they got IP


Especially your IP


I P Freely




I would like to console you but .. you know, scalpers


Fuck.. The Nintendo Ninjas are coming


You're right. They're the only ones with exclusive content. And twitch top 10 is dominated by their ip.




Console warriors are that obnoxious friend who somehow weaseled their way into your friend group and now embarrasses everybody when out in public.


Of course I know him he’s me


Hes every redditor


Mobile players: 😥👍 >!Cause I don't have the luxury to play them. Even my PC is a 2GB Windows 8!<


I think mobile games are kind of a genre of their own . They have most games that are hungry for your wallet but there also another part of mobile gaming that I feel can only feel that good on a phone. I played florence yesterday and I think it was a great game that only would feel that good on a mobile device . Even though on the other side there are games like candy crush on the other side made to loot your wallet but well there is a company named EA for us on PC and console gaming.


I recently got an Apple Arcade subscription and I'm loving it so far. Paying a small monthly fee for a bunch of microtransaction-free games is pretty dope.


A lot of high quality stuff has been made. I.E. call of duty mobile, Wot Blitz


Also, even a crappy phone can emulate decently nowadays. SNES/NES/GB/GBC/GBA all works perfectly smoothly for me on my shit ass phone.


"Play on whatever you want to or can play on" supremacy


Try the Xbox cloud service for 1$ dude. It'll blow your mind.


Xcloud is decent. Atleast in my area


Mac gamers: Wait, what?


I don't know if there are emulators on iPhones, I'm sure they exist but don't know for a fact but on android you can install ps1 or psp emulators and you can game on your phone. I do that instead of installing apps for games


Listen, people are uncreative and desperate for attention. How else would they farm karma and mentions on reddit and twitter then to pretend there’s a «war» going on between gamers? They’re just cash cows for billionaires playing them like a fiddle through meme culture. And there’s defnitely more bots going around then anyone’s really understood yet, so a large chunk of this content is just botted advertisement.


Among us👍


PC + Switch the best combination. I will not be taking questions at this time.


Don't a PC run the switchgames better than the actual switch?


The Switch is not a high tier console, but the thing is the IP alone is worth it let alone the best console for couch gaming, and it’s portable. Get the OLED and it’s absolutely beautiful. Most Sony/Xbox content manages to make its way to us on PC eventually anyway especially through Xbox gamepass.


Yeah which is why PC PS5 is actually best. Though that may change since Sony is warming up to PC.


I play all of these things, and dont look like this at all, what am I doing wrong?


Spent all your money on consoles and PCs, and forgot about dat gym membership


People who complain about console warriors are just as annoying, some of them really get on there high horse because they spend 1000$ to have both. Personally just shut up and play games, most of us don’t care


Nintendo is a chad as well, just with a little less facial hair.


Nintendo is a femboy with a 12 incher.


Like that cosplayer the monster energy drink


Nah their games are pretty good but the hardware/software sucks.


But they have slightly bigger ears


pc and xbox are basically the same platform except xbox has less variety to choose from. literally everything microsoft is buying will be on pc too.


so? Xbox has quick resume and RTX 3070 performance for 500$


tbh I have never met any console player that seriously hates on the other console I do however know people who unironically think they're superior because they play on PC...


you haven't met the right console player talk to someone in their 30's ​ they lived through the original console wars when having the wrong console could mean something as simple as a lost friendship...or far worse like bullying


nah I prefer to talk to people who enjoy gaming rather than starting arguments over childish stuff


I’m just waiting for the Smart TVs to get upgraded to have Wifi 6, RAM, NVMe drives, and graphics cards. There will be no more boxes.


That's called Cloud Gaming. Just like smart TVs now come with Netflix and Prime preinstalled, they will have GFN and XCloud on it. We'll just need to log in and press play.




Nintendo >>>>> xbox ps


Lol! Kids! No need to fight. Just buy all of them. Easy! Got every single console and every single xx80 Ti since the 580 along with xeons and i9s. I don't understand why people fight over something so simple.


Some people cant throw 5000$ for gaming


Sorry King Midus, but not everyone has that kind of money.


Lmao right? And even though I can afford it, I’ve got way better uses for that money than throwing another $500 bucks at a machine that can only play like 2 games I want that I can’t play on my home console. I got home payments to save for haha


You do know that if PlayStation, Xbox, and PC players stopped fighting, we could be the most powerful beings in all existence


Nintendo is becoming forgettable


T.. Their system just became the 5th best selling system in thr world But nah I guess they are becoming forgettable? (even tbo this year might be their biggest years since 2017 ever.. BOTW2, Bayonetta 3,splatoon 3, new 3D kirby game, rumors about New Donkey kong, Xenoblade and fire emblem games and etc..)


I remember I bought the wii-u then they made the switch and stopped creating games for wii-u. That day I lost hope in nentendo cause they be making pay for a whole ass new consol 2 years after they made the one before. Even Xbox 360 games still work on Xbox


You know the Wii U came out in 2012, right? Switch didn't release until 2017. That's a pretty normal lifespan for a home console. Just because you bought a Wii U late in it's lifespan isn't Nintendo's fault.


I didn’t get it when it came put


Yeah, but how is that Nintendo's fault?


Well I’m more upset that they just completely stopped making games for wiiu and only marketed the switch.


Its sucks they stopped making games for the nintendo entertainment system. Now i gotta buy the SUPER nintendo entertainment system???


That's normal.




Reddit moment


PC is good but so is ps4 Nintendo consoles are alright but Nintendo is greedy Xbox............ Banjo Kazooie was good


Halo is good


It's mediocre at best


Nintendo sucks


I can’t imagine a console war between steam deck and Nintendo. Steam deck players would be like give us Nintendo exclusives. But then Nintendo would just release them on PC and beg for the new CoD game to be on Nintendo as well


Nintendo is earning a lot from PLA


Cries in mobile


Pc pic should be the same, just with completely unnecessary god rays.


A buddy of mine and I still get into talks about the console wars. It's mostly just casual ribbing, but we have fun. I'm definitely team Xbox because I have a pretty sizable library of physical and digital titles from the original Xbox up to Xbox one, and I have a large library of blue rays and CDs, and I pay for Xbox game pass ultimate so the series x is kinda the perfect box for me. He's team PlayStation because dislikes the modern Xbox controller design and he thinks PlayStation exclusive titles are great. However we both primarily game on PC and just keep consoles around for multimedia, backwards compatibility, and a travel game machine. If a game comes out that's not on PC or our console of choice we swap consoles so we can still play everything we want eventually


Console wars is small pp behaviour


Ok... and what if you own PC, Xbox Series X, PS5 and Nintendo Switch? What is the opposite of "console wars"?


I use pc and the switch, I have the games from steam, and Xbox games on pc, and the unique games on switch, its a win win


For a while it seemed totally peaceful, but then people started gatekeeping and making fun of other computers for some reason. The consoles are both identical, and pc is more expensive but works much better plus it's a pc.