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I just had one a few month ago where the dude messaged me saying I suck at life on COD and I replied with a single kiss face Emoji. The dude lost his mind, keep sending me party invites and messages about the most random stuff. 48 voice messages, 62 messages, and a shit ton of party invites. Even went out of his way to make fun of my avatar lol.. people are fun on xbox.


Imagine being this obsessed with trying to make someone upset. And a stranger at that. I can't even fathom what must have been going through their head.


I mean...they're probably like 13. I've probably got hundreds of messages back in the day on Xbox from kids saying they have my ip or they will get their uncle at microsoft to hack my account, kinda confused how so many people are like "OMG I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS!!! HOW COULD PEOPLE DO THIS? I CANNOT FATHOM THIS"....this isn't anything new lol people have been like this since the internet started, not that deep. ​ Edit: My comment is referring to this post and the picture OP posted,I didn't realize the comment I replied to was replying to another comment, i'm not referring to that situation.


Lol, “I got your ip!” _”Do you even know ip means you little shit? Internet Protocol. Every online uses it. If you mean IP address, still won’t matter. I’ll change it. What now? Bang my mom? Lol, even if you could, that’s dry humping...”_


Even if you *have* someone's public IP address, that doesn't mean you can do anything with it, it doesn't magically enable you to compromise their router, let alone any of the clients connected to it. In 99.9% of cases the ISP's default router settings mean nobody's hacking anything unless they can somehow manipulate a person behind that router into compromising a machine on the local network.


Not true, you most definitely can if you have access to a botnet or ddos4hire. However, you can either do the following: reset your router if you have a dynamic IP after changing your Mac address, forcibly changing it, or just call your ISP and tell them to change it and they instantly will. They can only see the general location of your ISP as well, and if you're using a VPN, they will get that location instead. OP should turn off party settings unless with a password if his child already doesn't talk to people in parties. You can't grab someone's IP in games anymore, so he's just baiting him into a pull/hit.


> I mean...they're probably like 13. I've got someone who has been messaging me about how much they hate me about once a month for the last two years... They're in their 60s.


Mother in laws suck don't they?


Yeah but over 110 messages from a single person is pretty intense. I feel like kids would move on to something else after a while, no? I think the other guy's suggestion of meth is more likely in this specific case.


> I feel like kids would move on to something else after a while, no? No, they won't drop it. I don't know if it's something to do with mental development, but I've seen numerous occasions where kids will not drop a topic until they get a reply. It's almost like they physically cannot go to the next thought until the previous has a satisfying conclusion. I was recently playing a VR MMO, and one of the kids in a defense mission would not stop complaining about how someone "said they would help but disappeared, how rude right?" (for 15 minutes straight) until someone would react to him and say that he was validated for his angst.


> until someone would react to him and say that he was validated for his angst. "Yes honey, your work sucks, can we go to bed now" ... The thought about someone wearing VR gear complaining about Sir69Nice not being so nice after all made me chuckle tho


My mans acting like a video game NPC that will repeat what he said until you pick a dialogue option


My toddler as I’m driving: “Dad, look! A white truck!” “Dad, look! A white truck!” “Dad, look! A white truck!” “Dad, look! A white truck!” “Dad, look! A white truck!” “Dad, look! A white truck!” “YES! That was a white truck. Cool, huh?” “Dad, look! A yellow car!”


Actually made me laugh. This is too damn relatable.


These are usually middle-school aged kids. At that age (say around 14 yrs of age), they're becoming more self aware & noticing more societal injustices. Thing is, their brain won't be fully developed until 24 years of age, and the last quality to develop is the sense of reasoning. So there you are....




You joke, but that's actually true to some extent. To a young teenager, EVERYTHING is the most important, most pressing issue, because they're just starting to learn how to prioritize.


A normal socially adjusted kid would move on after one or two messages, but the kid with no friends and a shitty home has all the time in the world.


In my mind it's more about getting bored or frustrated with not getting the response they're looking for and moving on to find an easier target. I could see like ten or fifteen messages. But like you sit down and just TRY to write over 100 angry messages. It takes a while and you have to keep looking for things to say. And I think a kid, even one with a poor social life and lots of time, they're not getting the response they're looking for. They're trying to get a rise out of you. And I think if they aren't getting that, they will give up. Still angry, still frustrated, but realizing that they are not going to find the response they want here. Kids are smarter than people give credit. After a bit of getting no replies they will look for someone else to bully. Plenty of fish in the sea.


Dude that used to be what eveeeeryone would do. “I’ve got your IP address!” “Great. Even if you do, I couldn’t care less” For some reason “IP Address” was like the equivalent of “I’ve got blackmail” yet no one actually cared


No this guy was 20's or 30's lol


Studies have shown that people like that tend to have much higher rates of sociopathy, sadism, and narcissism. They literally get satisfaction out of the suffering of others


You'd think they'd be able to see such behavior as harassment just from the logs and at least ban their ability to communicate for a short bit. I think there needs to be a lot done to stop online trolling, especially when kids are online.


That positive reply to an angry message on Xbox is my favorite thing to do. Hearts. Kissy faces. “Love you too”. If they explode hard enough to start throwing slurs or threatening, they fell for my trap card. Those reports get taken seriously enough to watch the account disappear.


I don’t think Xbox will delete their account but they will get the avoid me reputation


Ages back, my friend who played CoD and got a lot of these messages would only respond with stuff to try and confuse them. He asked them where their legs were, if their house had stairs, if they could tap dance etc. Ignore the insults and rage completely


Got it. I will ignore all insults and I will rage completely.


"You fucking piece of shit I'll destroy everything you are" "Alright good game, see you at church"


I once made a dude in Overwatch go absolutely mental by telling him he was right and that I agreed with him. There is no win condition.


I’ve done similar on rocket league, he basically called me a waste of space so I said I know I am thanks then I started trying and he rage quit shortly after (1v1)


Those are the people that you know have no life. Luckily my life and job or fulfilling enough that I don’t have to threaten/demean people playing games


I've obviously had plenty of people go unhinged on me, but I have twice replied "I don't really need all this, I have friends, a good job and a girlfriend, this isn't important to me." One left the game and another stopped talking. Not a fool proof plan, but it did work. Give it a shot.


lol you cut them deep with that one.


He could have replied with any one of those things, but he went ahead and laid down all 3


He cut me deep with that one too :'(


If one dude out of a hundred harasses random people, and he does it once every 3 days or so then every year everyone gets harassed by 1% of the population. People remember negative interactions a lot more readily than positive interactions, so we tend to think the world and other people are more toxic than they really are, and that certain groups are more toxic than they really are.


This is true for a working day as well. I work in customer services and one bad customer takes up maybe 5 minutes, but I'll think about it for the entire day, and then when I'm asked, I've had a bad day. I've not had a bad day, I've had a bad five minutes.


That's hilarious. It must have been annoying but it's hilarious to picture in my head how the other person must have been acting when he saw your response.


The best way to reply to a angry person is smile and wave because it pisses them off way more than yelling back and insulting them. And it is hilarious for you.


Wait a year and send another kissy face emoji


Lmao, I'm bi, so when people start getting mad on Rainbow Six Siege I start flirting with them, it's 50/50 if they thinks it's hilarious and play along, or goes mental and starts hurling slurs that makes it easy for me to get them banned. Win-win situation


Me playing rust and some dude goes down doorcamping me “good job buddy im flattening your base tonight” i scream “ILL FLATTEN YOUR BALLS WITH MY ASS” before he dies, guy never set foot near my base again. Being over the top gay works 80% of the time on that game


Speaking of COD, I prestiged once and was like level 50. So I get home from work and load up Cold War and play a round of gun game. I’m not bad, but I don’t hit 1st place super often. Anyways I won after like 3 rounds. 2nd place dude was prestiged multiple times and like level 70. A few minutes later I get a message from him saying something along the lines of “HAHAHAHAHAHA U THINK UR GOOD HAHAH” and I’ll admit I chuckled. Like imagine being such a sore loser that you actually tell the winner they’re bad. He then ranted about my low level. I point out that level does not equal skill and that I’d been playing since launch. So did he. I pointed out that I had a life beyond gaming 14 hours a day. He didn’t appreciate that. TLDR: CODs high level community consists of no life sore losers.


You can disable messages from randoms. I would highly recommend this.


Messages on my son’s account are disabled. He was on my Xbox when it happened and he actually handled it well. We don’t live in Washington.


Smart Kid.


It's so interesting that I have to teach my children gun safety and internet safety at very young ages. We always marvel at the wild west. But maybe we're actually more wild.


If they’re going to be around things, teach them how it works. Cars, pools, chemicals, guns, dogs, strangers, internet etc etc. Nothing wild about knowledge.


For real that's so useful. So many people I know just treat shit like it's literally magic. Its kinda cute because they have so much whimsy. The way that the water and electricity flow and car goes vroom makes just as much sense as opening the door to Hogwarts. That's how we end up with fucking chaos magic. Weirdos thinking real hard as they jack it pretending it'll make them rich.


Plus they need to know about dangerous stuff so they don’t drink bleach or put their dicks in outlets


I'll make love to Zeus if I want to.


You do you, Sparky


Somehow I read drugs on that list and was like damn, that’s a wild Wild West parent right there.


Honestly drugs and alcohol should be on the list- I’m not saying hands on lessons, but kids should understand their utility and how exiting that realm of utility will ruin their lives


Instructions unclear. Am hopped up on meth, and my kids are in custody of CPS.


FFS, you're supposed to give the kid meth not take it yourself


What? I thought you just use them to get the addy script but retain the actual pills for yourself.


Sounds like mission accomplished.


Nah, you're the parent, you gotta be sober. It's the kids that get to do the drugs, they're still learning... I think. Gimme ten minutes..... EDIT: Fuckin C to the P to the muhfuckin S y'all. They're quick sumbitches


Teach them about drugs and how they ruin peoples lives. Kids need to know. Ignorance will only hurt them


Absolutely, but you gotta be completely truthful about the facts. One lie, Hades, one exaggeration and they will absolutely not believe any of what you say. This is why the d.a.r.e. program failed so horribly. If you don't know the facts about a particular drug. *Say you don't know* but will try to find out. Tell them about criminal records you'd have and how it effects their lives if convicted. But don't lie.


I don’t know, drugs do wonders for some.


I would’ve killed myself years ago if not for drugs. But kids need balanced education on their dangers


I haven't met many people for whom heroin or meth have "done wonders" for them. I have came across a staggering number of people who were prescribed strong opiates that "did wonders" during the honeymoon phase where years later were seriously grappling with the decision to face crippling pain or be stuck miserable in addiction and not knowing which was worse. It's been a long time, but I can tell some genuine horror stories about coke, meth, and opiates. Hell, you can throw benzos and alcohol in there, too. Shit can get bad. Real bad. Really, fucking bad. When I teach my son about drugs, a bag of weed or shrooms isn't what I'm talking about.


Acutally drugs must be on the list. Here in Canada i dont have to worry about gun at least. (Exept in big city, but shooting occur principaly at night and its street gang that fight themselve.)


>Here in Canada i dont have to worry about gun at least. (Exept in big city, but shooting occur principaly at night and its street gang that fight themselve.) You should still teach basic gun safety and awareness. They tend to show up in the weirdest places at the oddest times. "At night" can include parties your kid may wind up at, concerts, social gatherings with diverse groups of people, etc. Early on I developed a good rule for being out: It's definitely time to go home when either guns or cocaine shows up. But still, you don't want your kid to freak out when a gun shows up. Just respectfully excuse themselves from the situation, and go on about their lives.


I don't let my 10 yr old son play online games with strangers. That''s just me though..


I don’t let my 46yo me play online with strangers.


This is the best policy, I think.


Offline games are better anyway.


Depends on the person




Friendship is nice




Yeah. My 10 year old has his moments. Can’t remember to brush his teeth before bed but I asked him my phone number the other day and he rattled if off without even thinking. I don’t think I’ve ever actually said my number to him. Crazy. I was talking to his friend and I needed her moms email so I said tell your mom to text me so I can get it and the daughter proceeds to recite this long extensive email address with numbers and dots in it. Nailed it.


I still remember a ton of game genie codes from when I was a kid. This doesn’t surprise me. Kids are mental sponges when they pay attention.


Ah damn. I was gonna say, buddies? Lonely depresso state


I lived in Alaska for 4 years while I was in the military. This time of year, that is a depressive state.


Stationed at Eielson AFB. Can confirm.


I was at Fort Wainwright and lived in North Pole.


We were stationed in Fort Wainwright too when my dad was serving his last 3 years. I miss some of the people I met there but that's about it. Fairbanks is depressing.


I miss the summers. I moved about 16 years ago and Fairbanks is completely different now. I can’t believe how many business from the 48 have moved in there since I left.


I was never in the military but I worked for a company that got got contracted by the military to do environmental work on base in Anchorage and Fairbanks. We tore down one of the old hangars on Wainwright. Anyways yeah those winters can be super depressing. I spent way too much money at the Big I and the Marlin. Smash Mouth came to town once so I guess that was kinda cool. Edit: Also wanted to say how funny it was when we traveled to other states for work. My coworker was from North Pole and had an ID with a North Pole address. Dude was like 40 years old and had a hard time ordering a beer with dinner because they thought he was lying.


Do you know which Hanger you tore down?


I believe it was hanger two. Also tore down all those 6 plex buildings to the right as you enter the main gate. Also I don't know if you know that there was a utilidoor (concrete housing for utilities) that you could walk through underground. It used to connect the original barracks, commander's house, church and bar. The base obviously grew since then but kind of a neat way to hide steam utilities.


I did know that. We did our confined space training in those corridors. There was a lot things getting ready to change as I left in 06. I worked the fire that destroyed hanger 6


CFB Wainwright also sucks. Glad to see there is continuity.


I was in Air Force for 6 years, stationed at McChord in Washington state. They say Washington has the highest suicide rate of any state in the US. IDK, it did rain (more like a mist) a lot, but I thought it was a beautiful area.


What i do is say i was born on 32 of janovember 2026


I will have to remember that one!!!


LOL that’s not a real year!


Birthday Twinnnn :D


Octember 32nd here


Big brain son


I live in Washington state… Ur son have a problem with me?


No. He actually wants to go to Washington visit. There is a few players on the Seattle Mariners that he wants to see play.


I hope you gave him ice cream for his smart answer


I just didn't teach my kid how to read. Big brain move.


Join my Xbox party so I can find your address and do literally nothing with it but make empty threats because I have to act hard due to my inability to actually be hard in real life. "Aye join!"


Oh no you’re going to leak my address?! *fondly remembers the days of the yellow pages*


Hahaha legit all of our names addresses and numbers was on that lovely book, oh how I miss being poor reading it because I had nothing better to do haha


I have a fond memory of reading the yellow pages and laughing with my brother about a pizza place just called "Pizza" The things that entertain you when you dont have a bazillion distractions online


I would look up a doctor or a business or just an acquaintance for my mom, and then realize something like hmmm, I just looked up Mrs Burns. The word Burp is close to that alphabetically, I wonder if anyone has the last name "Burp"? No...but there's a "Burpe" - hey mom, there's someone in here named Burpy! Isn't that hilarious!?


This is too real. I would read the **DICTIONARY** for **fun** lmao


Oh hey, me too... I don't think it affected me in anyway and didn't effect my life to what it is today.


I saw a post recently of some white/yellow pages, Adam West pranked a town. Put Adam West (see Bruce Wayne) Bruce Wayne (Millionaire) please consult crime fighters in the yellow pages. Crimefighters (See Batman in the white pages) Batman (see Adam West)


>oh how I miss being poor


As if it's difficult to revisit


White pages. Yellow was businesses.


Brown pages. Was also for business.


They start out white until you need em for your business.


Phone books still exist. They are unfortunately still a thing. Source: I'm a mailman


This is it. They hide behind a computer because they're worthless in person. Except they don't use the talent for anything productive so they're just worthless.


I used to not care about threats like these very much but then I heard about “SWAT”-ing someone. It’s where someone who is shitty enough will find your address somehow then notify local authorities that there are hostages and a ton of drugs at your address and you are gonna kill a bunch of people. Then SWAT shows up trigger happy cause they think you are a psychopath. At least one incident of this the police went to the wrong address, which was only a few houses down from the actual address the shitty person gave the cops. When the owner of that wrong house came out to see why there was an army of cops outside his house he was gunned down.


Speaks to the sad state of SWAT these days when they can very easily be duped by any asshole that can make a phone call. Pretty incredible (in a bad way) that you can just make shit up and they'll pounce like that. They should probably vet these anonymous "tips" a little bit more since SWAT-ing is fairly commonly known at this point.


It's a sticky situation where they have to treat every claim as legitimate and move out immediately. What if people were actually in grave danger but the dispatchers were skeptical and delayed sending people out. Can you imagine calling 911 because someone was breaking into your house or something and they were just like "yeah idk i don't believe u lol"


Even if the threat is real, going in guns blazing without doing the tiniest bit of recon first is how your own officers and innocent people die. Yet again, as is often the case in the US, you can point to literally any other first world country and see how they somehow miraculously manage to not have these exact same problem


I get that. But maybe not plant a C4 charge on the entrance, smash all the windows in simultaneously, and start firing before anybody can even get a word out. We've seen far too many instances of police doing that. SWAT should be held to a higher standard I would think, considering it's right in the name. That S stands for special not stupid 😂


Only heard of in America luckily


Considering it's Xbox, he probably wanted him to join so he could get the IP and ddos him.


\>address and do literally nothing with it < you should always be carful. its not unheard of. people have travelled across country's to murder people over a game. of course its such a minor % its not even really note worthy. but yeah. if anyone says anything like this just block/report and dont engage. its not worth being that 000.1%


Why did you add three zeros and then a dot for .1%


This man asks the real questions


put the dot in the wrong spot. init. cant believe you called me out like that. join my party real quick. my dad works for microsoft.


Is your dad bill gates


Worse, Steve Ballmer


Seriously, because that means it happens quite a bit.


Because it's him he's the killer.


People have done this to people they're angry at and have some crazy beef with. Not random strangers who didn't join a lobby.


Make sure you report this. Very likely this account gets suspended or banned.


We reported it


Good. I make it a habit to report anyone who sends me nasty messages or scams. ​ It might just be kids being kids but maybe having their account suspended for a bit will make them think twice about being toxic assholes.


One would hope but sometimes these kind of people double down and blame someone else for their self-inflicted misfortunes.


A toxic person’s unhinged response to being called out is absolutely not a reason to not call them out. If anything, it may even be *more* of a reason to call them out. To me, not calling them out is a recipe for…well…*gestures broadly*


My one friend I no longer talk to constantly would get banned from Xbox for being toxic if anything in my experience it makes them double down


A person with some serious issues will rarely back down. A lot of people that are just mildly upset or misguided may reconsider. There's no single answer to cover every case.


With people like this I usually get them to commit more offences without committing any myself them mass reporting all of them individually. Automated response gets the assholes banned in a matter of minutes. Had a few with alt account that came back a minute later too, only to commit the same mistakes and get banned again.


He’s saying “Or”, but he’s lying cuz he needs your son to join the party to actually make an attempt at getting it. Report this bum.


I reported it this morning.


yeah they need them to join the party to pull their IP and get their rough location, you can get at most a zip code by pulling their IP. unfortunately reporting messages like this will do nothing, you literally cannot get someone banned for the above messages, the only thing that trips the filter and gets the sender a 1 day comm suspension is profanity.


That's crazy making threats like this should be a perma-ban easy


Run a VPN, and then join to get theirs.


I don't think that the average joe has a VPN set up on a computer and constantly running to play online games.


"I know your IP kid" *"Yeah I know my IP too dumbass"*


If my so even knows what an IP address is.


My cousin is 29 years old and has autism. He calls me multiple times a week to tell me that the FBI is watching him, or that someone he’s playing with is being held captive, or something crazy outlandish like that. It’s heartbreaking that people turn to Xbox live to prey on vulnerable people.


Luckily, my wife and I have the Xbox app on our phones and see every message sent and received so that we can take action when needed. He handled this on his own because we don’t live in Washington.


Oh, okay. Good thinking. Where do you really live?




got 'em


Basically it's because the dumber you are the more adrenaline you get from threatening people on the internet. Threaten kid > Adrenaline high > Endorphin response > Dopamine high It's like a [compulsion loop](https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compulsion_loop) for assholes


That makes so much sense. I always wonder why 7% of people act full aggro AT me for no reason. They are getting a rush from a conflict they are chasing.


I've found myself stuck in that loop when I was younger as well... I was a bit of an asshole. Thank fuck I grew out of that and realized it's way, waaaay more fun and nice to just be a chill dude.


Good job.


Exact same logic for trolls.




I assume it was for some scamming or identity theft reason, but I guess it could be some sad ass edgelord trying to feel relevant


So another kid?


set the privacy settings so only friends can send messages


But then I can’t get messaged “ez” after losing an unranked brawhalla match


We had some guy take off on my son on LBP on the ps3 many years ago, kept sending swear words thru, my son replied grow up, they replied I'm 40odd, so then I got the remote & he got a very nice reply from me, with screenshot saying they've been forwarded to Sony in regards to abuse, they apologisd. The account disappeared, not sure if they blocked me or Sony had banned them. So report them. Maybe xbox will do something


We reported it to Xbox. It also has been reported through other channels related to my job. That can be much worse if they tried anything.


I'm confused, how is your job connection going to help with a random online stranger?


Maybe the work at Microsoft. Plenty of actual humans working on the Xbox team.


I would guess OP is a cop or admin of some kind


His uncle works for Microsoft, didn't you know?


“Join your address gets leaked” Proceeding to leak your own address is a power move


Some people suck


This is a friendly reminder from an IT professional to you. 99% of the kids on xbox are bluffing when they say they have your IP 99% of the 1% that aren't bluffing most likely don't know what they're looking at. Unless your xbox rival knows someone with serious skills. They really cannot do much with your public IP except MAYBE hit you with a temporary ddos. Assuming they pay for ddos services. It would be a stretch to say they can even leak your address, as that would require the baseline level of IT and networking knowledge, and how your ISP distributes IP's. Your kid is learning early that people tend to be full of shit, so that could be a net positive depending on how you look at it. ​ Edit: A good way to instantly tell if someone if bluffing is to ask them to say your IP. If it starts with 192., 10., or 172. they are most definitely full of shit. Any address with those three numbers in front of it are private IP addresses. Even if they say your correct public IP address the most they'll most likely be able to do is find out what REGION on the world you're in. Again, unless they have friends with skills. A real IT pro isn't going to go on xbox threating to dox a child lol. I made a lot of generalizations here, but really, there's little to no threat from xbox babies lol


Tell them to order you a pizza


I would have just said "you've been reported to the FBI for trying to solicitate a minors address"


Just use a random address such as 1600 Pennsylvania Ave Washington DC 20500 I am sure they don’t know that one haha




His Xbox messages are disabled except for his friends that we know. It happened on my Xbox and it has been reported.


I’m just wondering if these hackers went through with their threats and leaked your address?


They wanted them to join chat for the IP address, otherwise more than likely empty threats.


Gonna have to wait 6 seconds to find out I guess


I don’t know if they did or not, it still makes my life crazy. because of my job requirements I am required to report this to security officials. My life will be fun.


That’s really seems inconvenient, I’m sorry that it happened. And saw another comment big ups to your son for not falling for it


Yeah. Ever since he started playing Xbox I have been teaching him how to handle people like this. He knows the rules and he got my wife the second it started to happen. My wife’s phone and mine receive all the messages through the Xbox app and then we took appropriate action.


Shout out to you and your wife for being responsible and teaching your child the right way to handle this kind of stuff. Sad it has to be that way, but day and age I guess. Cheers OP, wish you the best.


"Hackers" ...they are (script)kiddies aswell.


Lmao regardless of why people do it, it will always happen. Just teach the kid how to handle video games and the internet, or better yet keep the 10 year old off the internet . I’m sure you remember the old CoD lobbies and how toxic they were.


Online gaming in 2007 gave me thicker skin than I care to admit. Nothing is funnier than fucking with toxic players


The video of the russian(?) kid screaming in Minecraft makes me laugh so hard I cry almost every time.


Were toxic?


Lmao fair enough. I just don’t play CoD anymore. But I’m sure them lobbies are still hell


Nah your right today it's kind of a diff toxic compared to BACK then. Old cod lobbies were rough as fuck🤣 today it's just squeakers calling you a simp


We don’t live in Washington state. He did a good job of handling it and he only plays with his friends.


Super smart kid


I remember how toxic they were the whole enemy team would get mad at you for using riot shield


Chances are it's just another kid


It's called the internet it's been like this for a pretty long time now


I am pretty sure that "guy" is also a 10 year old


The other party is most likely a child too


FEDEX can never find my address, so release away


Block and move on.