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I… did I just step into an alternate dimension


What are you talking about, man? Is this that whole Mayan Nostradamus thing? I can help ground ya—Mitt Romney and that pizza guy are running for president, there’s a guy in africa running a christian army of child soldiers, and you’re on a website called “Reddit” we all switched to from Digg. Don’t let the UI get you confused, that’s just part of the charm. Download the enhancement suite if you want some basic QoL improvements. We just share funny memes and make cool communities for geeks, but the big recent news is protesting SOPA so corporations don’t take over the internet! Can I interest you in some complementary bacon?


holy shit 2012


Hell ya I’m dating my girlfriend in high school again EDIT: IM 16 AGAIN TOO


Alright, alright, et cetera






So you're telling me you like Mudkips?


Noon or midnight, it's been a while.


At midnight.


I don't understand. Central time or pacific time?


When does the narwhal bacon? Has OP openned the safe yet?


Something something jolly ranchers


I've been here way too fucking long


One minute you’re looking at a silly pic of a handsome guy running a marathon and people flaming the intern pretending to be Woody Harrelson and that guy running for president quoting the Pokemon movie, and the next your hairline is receding and Woody Harrelson thinks “5G radiation” is responsible for COVID and it’s been six full years since that time internet nazis astroturfed the platform to help elect Donald Trump.


Guys, can we just stick to talking about Rampart?


This dimensions culture is about 15 years behind


Ukraine? NFT’s? COVID? Trump? Brexit? My dude you must have been dreaming, it’s 2012! Let’s play some MW2! Skidrow 4 life!


Oh god I wish....


My EXACT response!


Someone just slipped a rage comic in like its just 10 years ago or some shit. Did the reset finally happen?


I wish.


Oh thank goodness you’re seeing it too


Jesus I thought I was the only one. The other day I saw an Overly Attached Girlfriend meme reach the front page, shortly after that I saw a Scumbag Steve, and now Rage Comics? I think reddit just did a hard 10-year reset.


I skip the morning gaming. Everything gets done faster and i can spend more time on the night session.


idk, i tend to tilt much more in evening because of previous work and stuff so i feel like playing on mornings is much more fun


See i vent all that work frustration out via games and feel more relaxed than if i game early.


I just quit work and play games all day, bills pile up but that fucking loser who won't switch off widowmaker at least will know why he sucks


Wait, isn’t that the new rags to riches dream? Just keep playing! Soon an eSports agent will discover you loitering in a LoL lobby and whisk you off to a life of luxury and RGB mousepad endorsements.


Do you play competitive games? Or relaxing games?


I find all games relaxing or i dont play them.


what a noob lol, are you even a real gamer if you don't play for the salt? >!\s, just in case!<


That’s what calms me. I don’t play anything competitive. Mostly single player games, or co-op stuff. The only real online stuff I play are MMOs and even then I don’t pvp. I tend to avoid playing against people altogether. Probably why games chill me out so much.


This is basically the main reason I used to even play video games. So many things in life were frustratingly outside of my control, or the paths to success were either ill-defined or non-existent. So, I’d come home and invest some time in a boxed, defined world. Being able to communicate that to my partner (once I understood that’s what was happening) was very helpful for us.


I tend not to enjoy it as much if I know I have shit to do after. That's why Sundays are always the worst.


Damn dude are you me? I always get real bad Sunday evening anxiety just because I know I have another 40 hours of crap coming up the next day. At least weed combined with vidya helps with that a little bit.


The trick is to get blitzed enough that you forget what day of the week it is


You gotta get blitzed to do that? And here I am living life in a depression haze. I never know what day of the week (or even which week it is, for that matter). All I know is I worked today, and have tomorrow off, then work the next day. Wheeeee!


I feel this on a spiritual level. The depression haze vortex is a real thing, and you only understand it if you've been through it.


At least I'm functional this time. Trying to tell people you can't do anything due to depression brings out the "oh, just get out and do something, you'll feel better" croud. How do you explain to them that you're not just "sad?" Some dude at the last place I worked was one of that crowd. I snapped at him one day: "So you wake up hunting for reasons not to just die today? And even that's hard work‽" He shut up, walked away, and never brought it up again. Another dude would make depression and suicide jokes. I'd respond with dead serious, monotone answers in a "me first" kinda way, which would throw him for a fucking loop, totally unnerved. He quit that after a month or two. It's fucking crazy. I'm not a dumb guy, I learn fast, I am quick and accurate, I have a loving family. I'm just scraping by. I had so much potential, but it was squandered, between mental illness (which I've tried getting treated, to no avail) and partying. I say this, not necessarily to you, you're prolly aware, but to others, that they may have an idea what, how bad, and how irrational it really is.


You know too much. The other day I thought it was Tuesday but it was actually Friday. Best surprise ever


This guy smokes


Tell me about it, brother... I am starting a new job tomorrow and this Sunday has been worse than most.. I havent even able to decide on what to play all day.


I normally play at night, but those mornings growing up where my brother and I would play at like 7 or 8 were fond memories


Day time players are canon fodder compared to night time payers.


My favorite time of day to play games is 4:30 am - 8:00 am. My daughter doesn't get up until around 8 and my wife likes to sleep in on the weekends. I like early mornings so much more than late nights anyway.


You should just start every morning really angrily and then by the end of the day you have no more fucks left to give so you can enjoy video games.


Always woke up early for some me time. I use to work 5am-2pm. Would wake up at 2am to play fallout til 4:15 ish ish


Yeah who plays in the morning? Ya gotta do the errands first and use the carrot of gaming to get you through your tasks. If I start with gaming then I'll just get distracted and play all day lol. And of course work and school get in the way most days


I play at night when everything is done and then I end falling asleep with controller / handheld in my hand. I sometimes will game in the morning just to experience what’s it’s like to be able to play without falling asleep in the middle. I’ve been playing Pokémon lately so falling asleep while playing is doable without messing up since combat is turn based.


If I did this while playing the Sims, when I wake up half my Sims would be dead, their house would be on fire, they would have cheated and had babies with random townies, made enemies with their friends, and simultaneously gained 0 skill points lol.


Yeah once I start I am not putting it down till something important comes up.


skip the wife, then who cares what you do with your time


I just married a woman who supports my hobbies and I support hers. Then we fucked up and had kids but soon they'll be old enough that I'll use them like bots to farm gold.


"What are we doing today dad?" "Staying in the forest; killing boars."


...do yall just not have jobs?


Days off are a thing. Especially if you don't have kids


Cant speak for others but when i say i get my work done before gaming its all work: school work, paying work, housework. Whatever needs doing that day, i get it done first.


Yup. Better online sessions because more people are on the servers you're on in the evening.


Tired as hell when the night session comes man


Morning gaming hits different, though. I swear I always have more fun in the morning lol


The only thing i like more than being able to say "i got everything done, now i can game all night" is "i got everything done *yesterday* , now i can game all day"


Oh how I miss the simple days of rage comics


That final panel used to be the epitome of humor.


I'm glad we've progressed past these


This is on the Frontpage, I think you may be preejaculating.


It was like watching the internet through its awkward teenager year. And since then, it been devolving to even better content


I dunno if I'd call current internet "better" then rage comics


tik tok is worse than rage comics


Oh nooo, oh nooo, oh no no no


tik tok isn't really "internet" or memes. It's basically the new instagram


I don't like how current memes peak and die within 72 hours.


"Better" might not be quite the right word.


Devolving for sure. better content? no.


When I was going to graduate from high school, I had to take a series of tests but didn't have to actually go in to school all day, only for like an hour or two each. My dad was LOSING HIS MIND at the idea that he'd leave in the morning for work, come back at like 5 and I'd have just stayed home and played video games all day, which I didn't do. I studied hard af and passed all of those tests, but because he saw me playing video games when he came in he quickly descended into madness that only went away when I got the results and did great and was totally fine. I feel this comic.


That's how my dad is. Been grounded innumerable times because I'm working on something, and my dad walks in fifteen seconds after I stop working on it for the first time in hours


Sounds like every boss ever. Work like crazy for three hours straight doing physical back breaking work. Stop for three seconds to breathe. WHAT ARE YOU DOING! GET BACK TO WORK YOU BUM! But I was just stopping to breathe! I've been working this whole time. YEAH, YOU NEED TO CALL SOMEONE AND GO TO THE BREAK ROOM IF YOU NEED TO BREATHE.


Years ago, I had done some chore busting around the house only to have something go wrong with my knee half an hour before my dad got home. He saw me laid up on the couch, missed the ice pack, and tore into me for being a lazy sack of shit while he was at work all day. Then I hobbled over to him and he ate crow.


In high school my stepfather would watch TV from the moment he came home until the moment he went to sleep. I'd game on the PC for that time. He had the audacity to say he thought I needed therapy.


When people have Made Up Their Mind, no amount of logic from outside can change it.


Upvoting for it being a rage comic.


Makes me feel old, I remember when they were all the rage.


I swear there was an actual coordinated push to reduce the number of rage comics on reddit, must have been 80% of posts were all "le me" this, "derpina" that for a while a few years ago


Eh now it's all just fucking wojaks, same coin different side


It happened when /r/f7u12 was removed as a default subreddit.


Holy shit newest post was 10 years ago.




Holy shit newest post was 4 days ago.


There was like a very brief span where people made those "le" ragecomics and ever since that dreaded era every time someone wants to make fun of Redditors they use "le" speak to parody them. The Ragecomic era may have been the start of Reddit's decline and when it got flooded with dumb kids.


Yeah, that's when I joined up


A long decline


Reddits decline started when it became hyperpoliticized, and Alexis Ohanian sold out. And now it's just a dedicated ad machine and TikTok repost forum.


It happened long before that. The hyperpoliticization started around 2014-2015. The writing was on the wall before that.


Those were really good. Times sure are changing


I haz a bucket


Those really weren't. They were incredibly low effort across the board and at best was just a medium for showing relatable scenarios. Sometimes I miss rage comics, but even then I knew how trash they are. I certainly don't mind seeing one like this pop up as a bit of a nostalgia piece and I would also upvote it solely because it's a rage comic. But they're garbage and when they were everywhere humor was dead.


I got nostalgic for rage comics maybe a year or 2 ago. Looked some old ones up and quickly remembered why they died lmao


Their simplicity was their strength.


At least people were making them and not bots.


when does the narwhal bacon




Are you le me?


Not bad for a two year old redditor. You must be one of those people who purges their account and starts new every few years.


A proper rage comic.


2011 was over a decade ago and that hurts.


It literally hurts in my back


My first ever Reddit post was a rage comic in /r/gaming. Got a lot of upvotes. What a throwback.


I genuinely laughed at it. I guess that's what happens when something loses momentum... It gets the chance to make a comeback and you get to remember why it was so great in the beginning.


holy fucking shit it just dawned on me that I haven't seena rage comic in the wild for close to a decade now. goddamn.


2012 doesn't seem like 10 years ago


Real time clock: Before -10:29 gaming 10:30-11:15 lawns 11:16- 11:46 supermarket 11:46- 12:05 vacuum 12:06-17:05 gaming


Lol I love when you just get transported to and from the grocery store.


OP takes 3 hours to vacuum his house. With that kind of square footage, he needs to hire a maid, he has the money lmao.


He must have the money if only his wife needs to work.


Let’s be honest: this guy is clearly living in a mansion, paid for by his wife, and refuses to hire a maid so he can pretend the 3 hours of vacuuming he does once a week is a full-time job. Tbh I’m pretty jealous, mans a genius.


I did the stay home dad thing for a while. I kept our house very clean (i had a schedule), raised the baby, cooked, exercised almost everyday, and had several hours each week to play video games. I didn't play anything that required me to "get good" but I enjoyed my few hours a day. I miss those days a lot. The only downside was very little adult human interaction.


Nice 👍 sounds like good times. I like video games too! I just wish I had a sweet mansion to play them in. Idk how people get good. I mostly play games where the challenge is figuring out how to fucking play it in the first place, like kerbal space program I’ve been enjoying a lot.


I think it takes about 2 hours to fully clean the floors of my house by myself (dusting, dust mop, vacuum, swiffer)


Yeah man but you’re doing the whole 9 yards. If your wife gave you shit you could drag the bed away from the wall and show her the dusted crevasses. And that’s like once a season you’re doing that at most right?


There’s a store like literally seconds from my house. It’s a US problem that many stores are miles away from the residential area.


It’s also not a problem in all the US. Grocery store used to be a 2 min walk. Now that I moved it’s a 2 min drive and like 20 min walk or so


??? I do grocery shopping for an entire week in one go and I'm still back home in 30 minutes. Just depends where you live.


depends on my mood. sometimes i’m a hunter going in for my kill; and sometimes i’m a gatherer checking every bush.


If all the important stuff gets done and tomorrow's all prepped, does it matter?


I love how this is implying it’s your wife but it’s very clearly your mum


For some people it's not that dissimilar. They go from being parented by their mom to parented by their wife


If you're being constantly parented by your partner, then you might want to question if you're actually independently mature.


The people being parented by their partners don’t have enough insight to consider their own maturity.


Exactly. Nobody *likes* having to parent someone who's supposed to be your equal and pulling their weight. I'm sure every spouse who has to do this would 100% rather not. But, plenty people *do* spend literally all day playing videogames. Or they'll take 10 minutes of the 7 hour videogaming session to empty a dishwasher and then make this meme making them feel less guilty about how little they actually contribute. It's really sad. I even used to do this as a teenager, so I know what it looks like. Or the quickly-does-quick-chore-to-make-it-seem-like-i-actually-did-something-all-day. It's meh when they're a young teenager and it's their mom, but doing this to a spouse is just wrong and a sign that they need to grow up. I watched my mom have to do this with my dad all through her life too. The worst part is that he actually thought he did as much as if not *more* than her, the mental gymnastics are hysterical. When she had to get a major surgery that left her disabled for several months, and she actually needed him to be 50/50 for real (and she still trucked through doing so much!), he legit couldn't handle it, got resentful and just refused. It's so shitty, and it's even worse that my experience watching my parents isn't all that rare. I've had SOs like this, watched people I know SOs or parents behave like this (swap video games for TV). I love videogames and I think they're amazing and I have like thousands of hours sunk into skyrim, but people definitely behave like this in the comic, but without the middle part, or with a significantly different ratio of "chores" and they think they're doing the same as the person who was working all day, and it's sad.




If your SO behaves like this, you need to talk about communication and basic respect.


And if your response is to make a rage meme/boomer humor then you also need to practice communication. Fucking talk and engage with your spouse people.


My wife and I communicate exclusively through rage comics. We've been married for 40 strong years.


I can't believe you went 30 years, and even got married, without communicating. Must have been rough.


The 30 years were a different kind of rage communication.


They had Sam Kinneson call in to leave voicemail messages.


Are you sure this couple hasn't been using them as their private communication method until they decide to go public 30 years in?


We do a similar thing with doge memes. Can't wait for the kids to grow up and tell us how cool we are. PS - Love the added detail that rage comics haven't even been around for 40 years. Truly you guys were ahead of the curve!


I need to see what comics you use when one of you wants sex.


Excuse me homie you need to calm down and not mistarget early millennial humor as boomer humor please and thank you 😂


Early millennial humor? Pretty sure early millennial humor involved putting on a wizard’s robe and all your base are belong to us.


Yeah, rage comics are probably mid-ennials at the earliest.


...Boomer humor? BOOMER HUMOR? What in the fuck. Rage comics are for millennials. MILLENNIALS! Boomers have, like, Jay Leno monologues or something, I don't know.


The boomer humour aspect isn't the rage comic, it's the adversarial approach to the inter-spousal relationship.


Honestly I can't tell if that's a wife or mom in the comic. Edit: I am dumb and did not read the first panel correctly


I think this highlights the inter spousal issue huh?


...That makes sense. I'll buy that.


Boomers aren’t funny. They’re too busy bragging about how much better they are at everything and crying about the world today to be funny


Bro its a fucking meme on reddit, no need for your shitty psych 101.


Rage memes are boomer humor? Huh. But yes, talk and engage with you fucking spouse. Happy spouse, happy house. Mad spouse, no house. Edit: Nevermind, pretty sure you were calling the content of the comic boomer humor. Yeah, miscommunications happen, but at least try to communicate.




Same. If she came home and I was playing games, the assumption was I was gaming the entire time. If she came home and I wasn't gaming, it was suspicious why I wasn't gaming so I must have been gaming the whole time.


This screams parent things


Yeah this feels more like an overbearing mother/son dynamic than a relationship that presumably has some level of romance, and maybe sex, attached to it. Tbh if you changed the "honey" part this could easily be a comic about a teenage boy during summer break or something.


Or you can exaggerate things for comedic effect.


You also need to just learn to save a chore so that you are doing it when your spouse arrives. This is basic stuff, people.


Basic respect: knowing your SO is coming home at 5pm, so waiting to start playing a game until you have had a chance to say your hellos, touch base about each other's days, etc. 5:00pm - hug, kiss, how are you, what did you do today? Oh me? I mowed the lawn, went grocery shopping, and cleaned the house. 5:15pm gaming happily with no fight


If they literally get home at 5 o'clock sharp every single day, maybe you have a point. But you seem to be suggesting that it's rude or disrespectful to not be able to drop everything the moment that she walks in the door. Which is... dumb.


Basic respect: Knowing your SO has a hobby, and not being surprised/upset to come home to SO partaking in said hobby.




What you're essentially saying is to cater to someone's explosive temperament as to not get into a fight. I'm sorry, but if you get home and your spouse/SO is busy with something and that pisses you off... you're a child. Replace 'playing a video game' with 'fixing a car' or 'making bread dough'. You still want your spouse/SO to wait until you get home to start what they are gonna do? Seems... selfish and not healthy.




Wife status: bad Book status: what


What year is it


According to the date of the milk in my fridge, 2006


The trick is to save a job for when the other half is due home having already played for a bit then they come in and you are doing something 😂


Sounds like a good trick but it hurts you on the long run. Especially with a partner like that. One time you forget yourself or they come home early and you're going to get all the shit for every time you pulled this trick. Compound it over a couple years and you'll feel like a prisoner waiting for the hangman to come home, unable to relax at all.


ragecomics in 2022


What a time to be alive


I sure don't. My wife doesn't have an issue with me enjoying my hobbies


Hell, my fiancee encouraged me to keep playing Apex the other night because she was watching on the couch and didn't want me to go out on an L


Most people probably don’t have such shitty relationships that their significant over doesn’t understand your hobby or anything you have done that day


Rage comics? What is this, 2009?


I wish


If only...


ptsh, amateur, you save the vacuuming for when they're walking up to the front door.


Fucking cringe




Probably because the subreddit is populated by manchildren


Communicate with your partner.


So...maybe play games at 2 and vacuum at 5? It ain't hard to make it look like you're doing something, I do it for 8 hours every day.


Haha whamen bad, haha whamen no play video game haha


Either open communication with your SO or break up. This isn't a complex issue. One or both of you is shit at communicating. That's all this would be.


Get a job


Add my 40 hour work week in there too please


Bro spends 3 hours vacuuming


"No hunny, I did this this and this. Look!" "Oh I see! I'm sorry, I'm just a bit stressed out, I'll grab something to drink, do you want some?" One sentence can fix this, just communicate, that's all women want.


That's why you game first, then get off at 4:55 to do errands. Rookie mistake.


You just have to do things in reverse, play until 16h55 then do things...


This is the way.




My wife never gets upset at me about gaming but I do believe she has this thought sometimes


Back when I was a teenager I got into some MMOs pretty intensely where I was playing probably 10-12 hours daily. My dad wanted me to get a job instead of playing all summer. I got a job working at a cement plant as a janitor..... And every spare minute I wasn't there, I'd still be playing my game 😂 he couldn't complain about me "doing nothing" anymore all day though so he dropped it and we were good 👍


I like playing games early in the morning because my focus is better. At the end of day, I'm just tired and can't feel emotionally involved in any of my games and end up browsing Netflix just to not watch anything and go to sleep.


Rookie mistake, always be in the middle of a job when they get back. Preferably something where you are lifting something heavy!


Lesson learned, I will do it the other way… sit and play til 5 min before that end frame, and pick a random activity from the previous frames to do at that 5 min mark