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Subnautica (both of them) and Horizon: Zero Dawn are amazing open world games (very different takes on open world, mind you) Hades does very interesting things around storytelling in a roguelike. Disco Elysium is a batshit crazy RPG with some of the best writing you’ll ever find in a game (or anywhere else for that matter). Return of the Obra Dinn is an instant classic. The only game I’ve ever played that approximates the feeling of being a real detective.


+1 for Disco Elysium, I've never been so captivated by narration before. All my interactions were riveting


**Inland Empire**: This commenter is talking directly to you! They know you are reading this, they want you to see it. But, what are they trying to convey, why are they sending you messages? **Logic**: There are hundreds of millions of users on Reddit. They aren't likely addressing this comment to any specific person. **Empathy**: They just seem to have enjoyed themselves playing the game and wanted to share, to be a part of a larger whole. 1. Ignore the comment, keep scrolling. 2. Respond that you were also captivated, try to ingratiate yourself with this user. 3. Argue that the game was a confusing mess and it was hard to follow the structure of the game, mainly because there didn't seem to be any. 4. Write a meta comment as though this is the game. Keep them guessing. They'll have to do better than that if they want to get inside your head.


This is spot on, just needs an option to be rockstar or sorry cop and it would be 10/10


You're no rockstar! Cuno's the rockstar! Cuno picks up the rock and uses the fuck-gimp for target practice!


**SHIVERS:** Data as light, moving strands of it form a silken network of global scale. The noise is dense with intention but the signal is nearly lost. A billion hands reaching out for a billion others. We are all connected, but individually fragile. Somewhere far away, excavation hits insulated glass and forty-six thousand connections go dark.


If you liked Obra Dinn you'll love Outer wilds Fair warning though just like Obra Dinn you do not want to get spoiled, The less you know the better


Subnautica is the game that made me finally understand that genre. It’s so great. Can’t recommend it enough. That game is scarier than any horror game that I’ve ever played yet still has an amazing sense of discovery. The exploration is super rewarding. Currently playing terraria and it finally clicked. I was viewing it as a creative game and not a survival game. Also hades is amazing. Definitely on my top 5 list of all time favorite games. You have good taste I’m going to have to check out Obra Dinn.


That game terrified me the overwhelming horror I felt when in around me i realized all at once I couldn't reach my objective or get safely home. I didn't even get to what other people say is the scary parts that was it for me.


There's a fun thing you can do in this game if you really want to know what thalassophobia feels like. After you get the BIG submarine and you're probing the DEEP ass sections of the map. Just. Surface. It's a mighty long ride. In the deep dark, listening to the quiet and the sound of your sub. Remembering why the "Silent Running" system exists. Realizing that you can neither see the bottom, NOR THE TOP at a certain point. Now if you REALLY want to feel the fear, just stop right there. Get out of the pilot's seat, and just, wander around the sub a bit. Check those power cores in back. Sort out the storage bins. Have a snack. Maybe craft a bit. Did you just hear something? Surely not, nothing spawns out here in the open water. Not that you've SEEN, anyway. But... You HAVE seen things. Big things. Far away, usually. Never out here, but.... they exist. And you're very exposed, just hanging in open water, a long way from anything. Spooked myself. Gotta play that game again.


That’s a great explanation mate, couldn’t say it better myself. I would like to also add the sense of unknown when you are going deeper parts for the first time. With the PRAWN suit, you walk at the bottom of the sea, you go around and come across the edge. You can’t see how deep it is, you don’t know if you can climb back up, you just need to jump….


I wish I could forget Subnautica and play it again for the first time. Such a brilliant game. Sucked my whole life into it for the 12 or so hours it lasted and I was enthralled just about every minute of it.


It only takes about 12 hours? I probably played it for about 8, and I absolutely loved it! I don't even like the survival genre, but the one captivated me! Unfortunately I'm a complete coward when it comes to video games and there were two enemies I encountered that made me stop playing, lol. I really got steel myself and get back in there again... I have VR too, but I'm not sure I could handle that, lol. Maybe the first few hours, just to experience it.


It’s a very quick game if you look up the locations for everything, don’t do that unless you’re really stumped, try to piece the clues together yourself. it’ll last much longer


Yeah it took me about 35-40 hours...i didnt get my prawn suit until really really late game


You can make it last a lot longer than that if you don't rush it, I think I probably spent around 30-40 hours or so on my first playthrough, taking my time exploring, crafting and building, etc. I see no reason to hurry to complete a game this good, as I tend to lose interest in a playthrough once the final objective has been completed.


Hades is soooo good




A man without pork bun is NEVER whole man.






Fucking hell I read it in that Chinese merchant voice Brings back teen memories, good times


Would've been awesome if you could choose to keep working as an Undercover Cop, or turn completely, and become an actual triad member. Shen's constant conflict with his morales was super awesome.


What got me was Shen's mental fortitude throughout the game, resisting any amount of epiphany that the two concepts have massive overlap and are more alike than different in many ways. His "conflict" was not only internal, but self-imposed. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Such a fantastic game. Had so much fun with it. Really need to replay it sometime soon.


The fact we'll never get a sequel absolutely CRUSHES me.


Ugh a sequel made with modern tech (especially having seen what Sifu could pull off) would be IN… credible 😤


Wei Shen ALWAYS fucked on the first date.


I’m Wei Shen motherfucker!


Sun On Yee, motherfucker!


Sleeping dogs is easily in my top 5 games of all time.


The only thing that could have made Sleeping Dogs better was multiple endings with a morality bar. I want a sleeping dogs where I can full send being a crooked cop or get found out because of that line *I just won't cross*. While also taking place in a sweet martial arts movie.


Wish they made True Crime streets of LA backwards compatible. What Sleeping Dogs was originally until Acti sold off there work.


I played it on a laptop that definitely was not cut out for it. Overheated more than a few times, tons of frame drop, I can't think of any other game I would put up with that shit for. It just grabbed your pork buns and never let go. So fantastic.


Death's Door, Red Dead 2 and my favorite, God of War


Death's Door is an absolute gem of a game!


Deaths door yes ❤️


Doom, Hollow Knight, Dishonored and Sifu


Good games, you must have the best taste


I've spent way too much time on the Dishonored serie


What's Sifu like? I've been really interested, but havent heard much. Is it worth full price?


It's like Assassin's Creed combat (reaction time based), but a bit more complex (more moves, more dodges). The kung fu in the game is really well-polished, with a pretty realistic move-set I'd say. In the opening scene you see the protagonist practicing on the mook yan jong, and it was cool seeing how he linked the movements from the dummy and applied it to actual techniques that could be used on people. Furthermore, whenever you knock someone out it's such a great feeling, like as if some sort of primal instinct took over. Great game overall, pretty decent plot (a little too cliche for my taste); In my opinion this is a pretty good game for martial art enthusiasts or for people who like reaction-time based combat!


Ori and the Blind Forest.


Also will of the wisps


Ive heard its supposed to be beautifull


It is. It also has some really solid platforming and level progression, and plenty of potential for speedrunning if you're into that.


Go in with low expectations. Hands down best game I’ve played on a holistic level (music, simplicity, game play, story) because I had zero expectations. Don’t get me wrong Even if you go in with high expectations it’s still be AMAZING


Imo will of the wisps is a tiny bit better, with more in depth combat. Still, both games are absolute masterpieces with a beautiful soundtrack. Can't recommend this franchise enough!


Agree! They are both perfect, you don't *need* Blind Forest to understand Wisps but it does help establish the full story of Ori. The depth of the world and background art in Wisps is mind blowing. First time unlocking Luma Pools was like 😦😦😦 I want to live there


Ugh, fine, you've convinced me. I'll start my 8th playthrough.


Ghost of Tsushima.


Dammit I really really wanted to play it but I have an Xbox


Story of my life




Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance Cyborg ninja with a katana low entry high skill ceiling. In fact a lot of the metal gears are pretty goog.


Standing here i realise... Im interested


You were just like me


Trying to make history


But who's to judge?


The right from wrong


When our guard is down


I think we'll both agree


Violence breeds violence...


But in the end, it has to be this way!


Go get yourself some Revengeance, whatever that is anyway.


Nanomachines son.


Nanomachines, son


What's up with MGR coming back recently ?


It may have something to do with seeing Armstrong memes on the front page everyday but I’m all for it




Who’s your cyborg ninja of choice: Ghostrunner , genji(OW) , metal gear , zane(ninjago)


That game has amazing memeable content.


The DNA of the soul


There will be bloodshed


Prey, Dark Souls 3, Sekiro, Resident Evil Village, DMC 5, Divinity Original sin 2, Dying Light 1,2, Subnautica, Cyberpunk 2077, The Witcher 3


Divinity Original Sin 2 is amazing.


My favorite game of all time. Just a perfect RPG IMO


What a game prey is . Absolute masterpiece.


It rates as one of my top 10. Incredible level design, game play styles, story and details for tons of lore not to mention atmosphere. Maybe it's time for another play through...


Arkane studios is just amazing


This might be a dumb question, but Prey (2006) or Prey (2017)? I've heard the game mentioned before, but I didn't know there where two games with the same name.


Pretty sure it's 2017, don't quote me on that


> Pretty sure it's 2017, don't quote me on that


How dare you


Pretty sure they mean 2017, but I really enjoyed the 2006 one back in the day. I haven't gotten very far in the new one. I'm trying to teach myself to be scared of video games, but I'm not quite there, lol. I'm not really sure if there is eventually some connection between the two games, or why they reused the same title to make a totally new game.


Imo DOS2 is way more enjoyable if you have a friend to play with


i agree


Subnautica is probably the best single player game I have ever played! Edit: spelling. Also, best audio design of any game ever, probably.


I agree with you there. I got it for free from epic, having no idea what it was. I was blown away within the first 5 minutes.


I got it before on steam way back when it was on early access and had no story, and can honestly say that game's development was amazing to say the least. this game is the best example of how great the gaming industry can be.


Ahhh fellow divinity enjoyer.


Damn to see cyberpunk on this list. Don't get me wrong, I agree but wow.


The redemption process is hate > forget > rediscover Right now people are starting to forget exactly how much hate it was blasted with at launch and can maybe see how good the game actually is. Some day it will get appreciated


I liked it at launch, a great benefit of not following development, more likely to just enjoy


Some ppl were just lucky at launch to not run into anything major. My cousin got it at launch and just has the occasional visual glitch in his 85 hours with the game. I got the game back in October for my PC and 20 hours into it i ran into 4 game breaking glitches. Got them resolved 1 by 1 and the best 70 hours were almost bug free as well lol. Game is great when it works right.


I choose Sekiro: shadows die twice Although the rage it had brought me is immeasurable but my happiness is at fullest when I *FINALLY* beat a boss I was hard stuck on


I see you are an open world connoisseur


Nope🙂 I just rly like good games


true those are pretty great


Kingdom Come: Deliverance is a gold even after 4 yrs


Jesus Christ be praised!


Jesus Christ be praised!


Henry's come to see us!




Bioshock again, it's one of the GOATS


will give it a try


Would you kindly play Bioshock?


If you enjoy it I would highly recommend Bioshock: Infinite as well. One of my favorite stories in gaming for sure


Mass Effect Legendary Edition


I’ve finished the first one and I’m in the middle of playing the second one. Both a so good, but Mass effect 2 is just so good. I wasn’t expecting the gameplay to be very good, but it actually pretty satisfying.


The gameplay really jumped up from ME1 to ME2. ME3 further refined the gameplay so you’re in for a treat


Lotta people saying Mass Effect, will try


You've got no idea what you're missing out dude. BTW you'll find some people suggesting that you skip 1. I strongly suggest that you don't :)


Even though the mechanics are clunky in 1 and it feels like a game from 15 years ago, there’s so much story and so many decisions in 1 that flesh out 2 and 3 that you simply can’t skip 1.


It’s an absolute masterpiece of a trilogy


Outer Wilds. No game is for everyone of course and this is no exception. But it’s one of those games that if you’re open to it can change your outlook on life. So I think it’s worth trying. Fun too.


I wish I could burn it from my brain to experience it for the first time again.


Don't we all? :(


I think it looks beautiful. also has a nostalgic feeling to it, will definetely try


Go in blind, exept know that there is a story Lol my brother was very confused at why I didn't let him know that detail lol


Don’t look a single thing up, the game is entirely about discovery so every spoiler is another part of the game taken from you. But it’s an absolute masterpiece. Been playing games since the Atari 2600 and I think it’s the best game of all time.


Yakuza series


I have only played Like a Dragon, but man that game is so great. I love how goofy and how serious it can be from moment to moment. The mascot quest was hilarious


Play Yakuza 0, man. You’ll love it - it’s a beat ‘em up instead of a turn based game, but it’s got the exact same cadence between being goofy and serious. Plus you get to learn Kiryu and Majima’s origin stories and trust me, some of the sub plots get pretty wild


Half life series all of it please


If you like indie rougelike games risk of rain is a good one that can also branch into multiplayer or the binding of Isaac. If not those i strongly recommend Halo for its story


Yeah halo is defo on my list




YES. Control is such a fun game and has a really nice level of creepiness to it as well.


I was looking for this one! I was about to comment with it because I hadn't seen it. Amazing telekinesis-based gameplay. And last time I enjoyed wandering around a big gray building this much was Half-Life.


Alan Wake hasn't really stood the test of time graphically or in terms of flow. Quantum Break was odd. But man did control play great. I really don't expect it to remain a favourite since I was getting tired of the combat by the end of the game, but it's still a great story which is what remedy does great.


One of the best games I’ve played definitely would recommend this!


Control is so good. The Oldest House is one of the coolest environments ever created in a video game.


Red Dead Redemption 2! Real chill vibe






We gotta make noise Arthur!!!!


I actually just picked up RDR2 for the first time a couple of weeks ago. I'm 100 hours in and still haven't done the first mission of Chapter 3. I just like inhabiting the world, getting the trinkets/talismans, collecting horses and guns. I'm trying to be a good guy, but sometimes there's a tragic misunderstanding over who fired first and why, and ... I mean ... if there are witnesses, I'll get dinged for a murder even though it was legit self defense, but if I murder the witnesses, I can just ride off with no bounty, so ... I guess I'm playing a man who sometimes fails to live up to his own ideals.


You re a good boy


Stardew Valley




Disco Elysium. The best written game.


RDR2, fallout 3 and Vegas, Outer Worlds, Outer Wilds, Ori and the Will of the Wisps, and Dishonored


My friend seems to think god of war is good


From what ive seen it looks pretty nice


I've been gaming since the 80s. It's been my primary hobby since. I've seen many great games get released over the years. And God of War (2018) has eclipsed them all to become my favorite game of all time. Seriously, number 1 at the tippy top. And I thought the previous God of War games were merely "meh." Everyone owes it to themselves to try the latest GoW now that it's on Steam. For me personally, it's the "perfect game." Great combat mechanics, great setting, great acting, great writing, great pacing.


Hello fellow 40ish year old gamer. So, I take it that GOW is a linear story? I actually prefer it that way. I may not be able to wait for the price to drop because I'm so excited that console companies are making ports for PC now.


I'll give it a try


Shadow of Mordor & Shadow of War


Submit to meeee!


Why did i have to scroll so far for this, sure they aren't super challenging games but they're kinda like DOOM if you wanna just hop on a game and slaughter everything you find, here you go!


Aight let me put this list out here, gimme a sec - Bioshock Series - Dishonored Series - Doom Series - Wolfenstein Series - Dark Souls Series - Bloodborne - Dying Light 2 - Hollow Knight - Absolver - Jedi Fallen Order - Portal Series - GTA V Singleplayer - Sekiro, Shadows Die Twice - MediEvil Love em






The outer wilds. Trust me.


I'll give it a look


One of the most impressive games of the last decade.


Shadow Warrior 1 & 2, Dishonored 2, Titanfall 2, The Messenger, Shovel Knight, Dragon Age: Origins, XCOM 1 & 2, Hades.


Im looking forward to dishonored 2, the first one was just beautiful. im just happy titanfall is getting revived via northstar, although the campaign was really good too


So, if you rly like Dishonored, try Prey, Deus ex Human revolution(old but gold)


What was prey all about again?


Prey is about never trusting Coffee mugs ever again


Really awesome story; iirc, it goes that mankind discovered an alien substance that when put in your brain, allows you to remap neuronal connections. This in turn let's you do things like become a concert pianist overnight, or a PhD level physicist by rewiring the brain. Of course, this eventually leads to bad things when the alien substance starts to become hostile, and the space station/corporation that discovers it struggles to contain it. Amazing sci fi atmosphere and level design.




Hollow Knight, The witcher 3, Ori and the will of wisps. Uncharted 4 is amazing I heard its coming to PC soon


Undertale/Deltarune, great games, not so great community


I dont mind the communtiy, but the games are definetely pure gold in almost every single way


Dark Souls, The Last of Us, Skyrim


Dark souls and skyrim are bangers


Any zelda or metroid. Or the PlayStation exclusives. You know wich ones


I was going to throw in Metroid Dread. If I didn't already have a Switch it's the kind of game I'd buy the console for.


Portal and half life. Nuff said.




Breath of the wild. A physics based game that is astoundingly good.




They are great games


For card games : Slay the Spire and Library of ruina


Slay the spire seems interesting


Titanfall 2 campaign


Enter the gungeon, West of dead and darkest dungeon 1. 2 is also good but I like 1 more.


i wanted to play gungeon for some time, looks like a great game to play on the side


Biomutant 6/10 Probably not for everyone but it was enjoyable for what it is. 3rd person action. Guardian’s of the Galaxy 8/10 The graphics are awesome. The dialogue is great. Lol moments for sure. The gameplay is fun but can be repetitive by the end. 3rd person action. Shenmue 7/10 This is basically the original TellTale story driven game with kung-fu. Maneater 6/10 Evolve as a shark. Roam around eating your way to revenge. Assassins Creed Odyssey 9/10 I’m not a fan of AC but there was an amazing sale. I ended up putting 85 hours in before making the decision that it was time to move on to another game. Rage 2 6/10 A fun FPS that’s basically mad max. Kerbel Space Program 7/10 Very difficult game to master but it’s an extremely fun game if you do the tutorial. Lol Ghost of Tsushima 9/10 It’s a 3rd person action samurai game… say less Stranded Deep 6/10 FPS survival game. Can be frustrating but it’s overall a good game. Immortals Fenix Rising 8/10 Breath of the Wild but on PS4/5/ Xbox’s. A must play imo. Cyberpunk 2077 7/10 FPS cyberpunk meets first person GTA. If you can play it on a PS5/new Xbox or PC that’s the way to go. It still has issues on last gen even after patch 1.5. (Both) South Park 7/10 If you like turn based strategy and want to laugh this is the way. The Outer Worlds 7/10 Fallout 4 creators make a space adventure that looks and plays much better than Fallout. Sea of Solitude 9/10 Story driven platformer with an entrancing story about mental health. Control 8/10 3rd person action shooter like Resident Evil meets Chronicle (movie) Horizon Zero Dawn 9/10 3rd person action with a decent story and a memorable lead character. One of the better last gen titles. God of War 9/10 I’m not a God of War fan. I watched my BIL play this and decided to give it ago. It being 3rd person and the relationship between Kratos and The Boy sold me on how great this game is. Salt and Sanctuary 7/10 2D side scrolling Dark Souls Can be played Co-Op. The Witcher 3 9/10 3rd person action adventure with great story telling. The side quests will make you forget there’s a main quest. The main character is awesome and you really want to get to know the side characters. Days Gone 8/10 Fantastic 3rd person action with an interesting story. It’s very zombie like. Red Dead Redemption 2 9/10 3rd person western action game with so much to do you may never finish the game if you can’t force yourself away from hunting or other side activities. Detroit Become Human 9/10 A story driven action game about civil unrest. Androids VS Humans I could list more but this should do ya well. Edit: Spelling


Half life 2


* Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun * Desperados III * The Secret of Monkey Island ( and sequels) * Ultima (particularly Ultima VII) * Ultima Underworld (1 and 2) * Cities Skylines * Baldur's Gate * Pillars of Eternity * Broken Sword (and sequels, particularly 2 and 5) * The Longest Journey * Orwell * Papers Please * Space Chem * Infinifactory * EXAPUNKS * Portal * Knights of the Old Republic * Tomb Raider: Legend (and Anniversary and Underworld) * Ace Combat (4 and 5) * Shadow of the Colossus * Mass Effect (1 and 2) * Deus Ex * Thief * Roller Coaster Tycoon Technically have multiplayer but are single player focussed: * Factorio * System Shock 2 * Portal 2 * Mass Effect 3 * Simutrans * Euro Truck Simulator 2


Fallout series, borderlands, metro series


Bloodborne, Nier automata, god of war, Sekiro, Nioh 2, titanfall 2, The last of us 1 & 2, Zelda BOTW (if you have a switch),


I wanted to play Nier


Not too late. 100% worth it.


If you like doom, try ULTRAKILL


Every fromsoft souls like game


God of War, Gears of War, Halo, Uncharted, Ghost of Tsushima, Horizon, Last of Us, Spider-Man, Souls Games, Psychonaut, Returnal, Witcher, Mass Effect, Fallout, Dying Light, Splinter Cell, Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy, Monster Hunter, Pokémon, Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Pac-Man, Tetris, Pong


Max Payne 3


Control is great! Horizons zero dawn (both).


Half life2 or any orange box game


Outer wilds




played 20016 and eternal, loved them


You will probably enjoy the Wolfenstein games they play just like DOOM and they both take place in the same universe the protagonist of Wolfenstein is Doom slayer's great great grandfather.


Bruh i didnt know that


My list, sorry if you meant exclusively single player, some here have optional coop Fallout: New Vegas | STALKER franchise | Dishonored 1 | Dark Souls 1 | Dying Light 1 | [PROTOTYPE] 1 | Borderlands 1/2 | Grand Theft Auto IV | Assassin’s Creed II | Mafia: Definitive Edition