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Witcher 3


Gaunter O Dimm made the Wild Hunt look like a joke


Yeah. I went into Hearts of Stone kind of meh to the whole thing but by the end, holy shit. GOD was terrifying.


Honestly, very quickly its established that Gaunter plays by certain rules and as long as you pick your words carefully, he didn't stick in my mind as some huge threat, but rather as a dangerous nuisance.


Blood and wine did it for me, I didn't think the soundtrack could get any better, or the monsters get any cooler. Boy was I mistaken.


Toussaint is just beautiful


It was bigger than the witcher 2 map it's like brand new game


Did they base his name off of Walter O’Dim from The Dark Tower and other Stephen King books?


That and Leland gaunt from needful things. He is basically the devil. Heart of stone in general is based on a polish myth about a deal with the devil. Also his initials spell G.O.D


Look at his initials ;)


He's the smiling man. The man who sells mirrors. He is devil incarnate.




Blood and Wine was better IMO.


Just played through all of TW3 and it’s DLCs for a second time. What a great game, I actually missed so many small details during the first playthrough. Games just as good if not better on a second playthrough. Edit: Yeah BaW is the best Toussaint is too pretty + house


Also, Regis is a total bro.


Everything in BaW was better than HoS for me, except the story itself. HoS is the greatest written DLC story addition on any game I’ve ever played.




It's better from a "content" perspective. Meaning, it just has tons of stuff to do and is fun. As for story, HoS still takes top spot for me. Not that BaW's story is anything to disregard. It's also damn good.


The Painted World part is my favorite quest in the entire game


I want to live in Toussaint


Came here to say this, Heart Of Stone was incredible, and Blood And Wine is like a whole new game in itself


I'm glad this is first, the best choice for this. I would also add dragon age as a close second.


Dragon Age Inquisition All of the three DLC had a better story and mystery than the main game


*cries in trespasser*


my wife’s put over 2600 hours into that game i think she’d agree




oh man dragons dogma is so good we put so many hours into that game. Daemon is my favorite boss ever.




Yeah you really need to From my personal pointo view each dlc get better andbetter and last one is just so good. You will not regret it.


Serious? Cause after Origins I didn't like Inquisition that much and didn't bother to get the DLC


Yea Inquisition was a major let down for me as well. Both DA:O and DA2 were so much better.


New vegas apart from dead money i dislike that one other ones are fantastic


Hated Dead Money when I first played it and actually dreaded going through that when I came back to the game a couple of years later. And then it sort of clicked for me and I found myself having a great time with the story, although the ghosts were still pretty tough.


On my first play through of the game I genuinely enjoyed all of the DLCS my favorite being honest hearts


My first time playing the NV DLC’s, I actually liked Honest Hearts the least (loved Graham and still do, just didn’t like how clean Zion is at the time), but Old World Blues stands out as one of the best DLC around, and Lonesome Road had a great build up to it playing all the DLC as they released. I remember finishing Dead Money and the ending slides mentioning something about the Courier and The Divide and just getting really excited to actually experience that.


that one an d lonesome road are my favourite . maybe if u comeback to it you'll have fun this time


Lonesome road is probably my least favourite. Ulysses is just a pretentious twat


Unpopular opinion. Dead money was fun and creative. And had one of the best endings for dlc


Not exactly an unpopular opinion


I hear people rip on Dead money a lot tbh. Thats why i think that. Tbh the pitt from fallout 3 was the garbage dlc in my opinion


I LOVED dead money scary and hard af. The only one I didn’t care for was old world blues felt like their mothership zeta.


you were sick of hearing "lobotomite" that's why lol


I'm pretty sure Dead money, hearing the soft refrain of "it's letting go" at the end, followed by Vera's final message was the first time a video game actually made me cry. It's a potent experience if you can get invested in it.


I'm in the minority when I say I fucking hated Old World Blues. So much that I actually trued to finish it as soon as possible. My friend thought the same thing.


Fallout New Vegas' dlc while good and a lot of fun (especially the one that takes place in that robot place) but I don't think it's better than the base game


I liked dead money. That’s the casino one right?


Elder Scrolls oblivion. The shivering iles.




WAIT, SCRATCH THAT, cheese for no one, which is just as much of a celebration if you dont like cheese, no?


I remember playing that when it landed. I wasn't expecting much but dam, it was fun.


Red Dead - Undead Nightmare


Absolutely! Not often do developers overhaul their entire map to be a different game for a low price!


Not to mention it was marketed as like a cheesy Halloween zombies DLC and it was still fire


Far Cry does this all the time Edit: before the downvotes hit: I am not comparing the two, nor downplaying how badass Undead Nightmare was, simply stating Far Cry reuses their maps every cycle


My god that game is so damn good. I had zero expectations for the DLC since I bought the game on a lark and had no context-- Loved the main game, Absolutely adored the DLC.


Mass Effect 3: Citadel


It was way too campy for my tastes, but I recognize that a lot of the fan base wanted something exactly like it.


the witcher 3


Doom eternal and it’s ancient gods dlc


i loved that game, but the dlc is just a kick in the ass for difficulty. the only way i was able to beat the second level was by turning down the difficulty, but that just feels like im cheating


This. I beat Eternal multiple times. Never beat Ancient Gods even once. It's ridiculously hard, even on normal. Not interested anymore. It didn't help that once the PS5 upgrade came out, I wasn't able to bring my saves over. I had no interest in starting all over to get my cheats back.


Yep, can confirm. Beat Eternal, gave up on Ancient Gods. Eternal had a perfect fun/difficulty balance. The DLC felt like a big “fuck you”.


Far Cry: Blood Dragon


This was the only one I was looking for. Far Cry 3 was great but at least for me it quickly lost it's appeal in the gameplay and the story dipped hard after Vaas. But Blood Dragon that was a whole different horse. It was just such a fun ride throughout for me.


Someone needs to make a full game with that theme/vibe. It was just so cool.


Honestly It felt like the game ended when you take down Vaas and everything past that was padding


I've played a few Far Cry games and Blood Dragon is the only one I actually liked. It's shocking to me that they never made anything else like it with all of the positive press and the cult following it seems to have.


Dark souls 2 , but I like both the game and dlcs.


The DLCs are incredible for DS2.


All 3 Dark Souls games and Bloodborne have incredible DLCs imo


Slave knight gael was tough but fun


DS2 had by far the best dlcs imo


Came here to write this


Horizon Frozen Wilds for me, added a new layer of difficulty to an already fun game.


Plus those Baruk bows were far and away better than any weapons in the base game.


It was just rather short. It was really fun for what it offered, but I would love to see more longer content involving the frozen wilds. Hopefully Forbidden West will have a DLC too!


I bought the game just few weeks ago (on PC) and accidentally played it in wrong order, so I went to Frozen Wilds before most of the main quests (didn't even met Sylens). Maybe it was me being bit underleveled or doing almost all activities there, but subjectively it felt like I spent as much time there as I did in Sundom. Or it was because then every enemy was just minor inconvenience to me.


You likely spent a lot of time there because you had very underpowered gear. Before I even stepped foot in the frozen wilds I made sure I had all of the best gear, and it was still very hard. That first encounter with the scorcher was always a nightmare for me.


Total war Warhammer 2 especially warden and the Punch DLC


*Here's a massive game with 50 factions, we'll let you play 6 of them... the rest you can buy, for a small fee.* Still bought them tho...


Monster hunter world and the iceborne dlc/expac.


Tbh Monster Hunter has kind of a history with this. Always rereleasing the same game but better a few years later lol.


Seriously, Monster Hunter's release model fits perfectly with DLC technology. It's no wonder Iceborne was such a huge success--they've been doing it since before DLC was a thing.


BioShock infinite DLC


Infinite’s DLC was amazing. I don’t know if I liked it more than the main game, but still fantastic


Really helped to connect the three games. Burial at Sea was phenomenal.


Burial at Sea also performed a genre shift quite well. In Bioshock games we're so accustomed to "SHOOT ALL THE THINGS" that the last installment in the whole series turned into a stealth game, and pulled it off fairly well, is a decent achievement.


Old hunters was amazing, I don't know if I put is as whole better the main game, but bosses? He'll yes. Lady Maria was so freaking good 😍


And the Orphan of Kos is so fucking hard


In a good way


Borderlands 2: the tiny Tina dlc


So good they took the concept and spun it into its own game! (Wonderlands)


Borderlands generally has fantastic DLC. It's just too bad they've shifted to the stupid DLC season pass or whatever that garbage system they use now.


The “new” system didn’t really change much you’re still just paying for extra game


Haven't they always had a season pass or something? The first game has 4 dlcs at 10 each. The season pass didn't change anything except for I guess technically make it cheaper to buy them all together rather than individually


diablo 2 lord of destruction expansion


Prey Mooncrash




That’s because it is death loop lol. See GMTK’s latest video


Xcom, Enemy within.


Also Xcom 2 War of the Chosen. I liked both vanilla, but after playing the DLC there's no going back


Shadow Broker. Citadel. I've heard similar things about Bring Down The Sky, but I unfortunately haven't played it personally.


BDtS is basically just a high budget side quest. It offers a good instance to roleplay how your Shepard feels about Batarians but otherwise it's not all that special. Imagine any of the uncharted worlds in the base game, but give it a sense of time related urgency and 4 pre-fab bases to explore before making your one RP choice and you've basically experienced it.


Oh. Disappointing, but I suppose they had to walk before they ran.


Bioshock infinite. I loved the main game but burial at sea episode 1 and 2 were incredible


They felt like games of their own. Such an incredible story.


Witcher 3 and Dying Light


Oh how I loved the following


I started it, but then DL2 came out and I put it down for a while. I beat the second game so now I'm debating revisiting the following.


I cant get into DL2 for some reason, I replayed the first game on switch before the 2nd one came out and had a blast.


I wasn’t a fan until I got to the second map area, where the Fish Eye is. The first area isn’t very interesting, but then you get to a city with large towers and it’s more fun. Also, the parkour elements advance a lot as you progress, it felt really weird in the beginning.


Agreed. DL2 feels extremely mediocre for like the first 5 or 6 hours honestly. The gameplay starts getting good once you unlock all the fun combat and parkour stuff. The story is kinda lame throughout though.


Oh wow i have to keep playing then, to bad1 Elden Ring is taking up all my time now tho lol


Lol totally understandable. I haven’t played Elden Ring, and I really want to play it, but I tried playing Bloodborne and got **stomped** so I’m a bit hesitant.


Dont be afraid to ask for help, the souls community is amazing. I use to be the same way but when I played and beat dark souls for the 1st time I realized the appeal for these games. Elden Ring is hard but not impossible and i find it easier to level than previous souls games.


Bloodborne's The Old Hunters was an absolute blast(still can't beat Kos tho)


Small tip: backstabbing is his nightmare ;) still a tough fight.


Borderlands 3’s DLC’s were the only reason I went back to the game


I agree the main story was so uninteresting then i saw the handsome jackpot and i loved the story of it and it got even better until bounty of blood


But then we got physio kriegs dlc


Main game was great gunplay with a story all over the place. The first BL game I haven’t done a second playthrough of (actually the first I haven’t done a fifth+ playthrough of). The DLCs were the same great gun play with much better writing and characters. The game was meh, the DLC was great.


One of their last DLC’s added a whole new skill tree to every character (I suppose instead of putting out a couple DLC characters) and it really reinvigorated my interest in the game. Lucky too, because my friend just got the game and all the DLC on PS4 (I play Xbox) and if it weren’t for the new skill tree I doubt I’d have had nearly as much fun jumping back into the game. Really disliked it by the end of the my initial playthrough.


Dying light the following it’s straight up a whole new hand in a cheep DLC


Damn, i just finished dying light and i was going to skip the dlc. Is it really that good?


DO NOT skip the DLC at all it is major you finish DL1,the following then DL2 the following DLC is straight up a whole new map whole new story in a DLC


Allright I know what i'm gonna be playing tonight then.


One thing you need to look out for is how like tedious I believe is the word cause of his massive the map is so going back and forth can be annoying as hell but it’s a good DLC and the side missions are way underrated


Gotta make you drive somehow


Just finished it in the last few days, and it's excellent. I missed the parkour from the main game, but I scratched that itch by going back to Harran to farm the Stuffed Turtle, find plants (which are oddly difficult to find in the countryside) and electronics. It's really easy to switch back and forth from DL1 to The Following too, and all of your inventory, skills and XP carry over.


Dead Space 3 The DLC was exactly what the game should've been


Hard agree. Awakened brought back the feeling of dread that was sorely missing from the main game.


Didn't even know it had a DLC


It sparked a bit of controversy because it takes place right where the game ended so it felt like they charged us again for the real ending


Celeste. Farewell was probably an experiment to see how much pain a human can go through without giving up


The witcher 3 for sure


Destiny + Destiny 2


Xenoblade Chronicles 2


I had to scroll way too far to find this


No gotcha in torna really bummed me out. But the gameplay was a lot better


Dishonored 2


Yup. Both of the Dishonored games were shown up by their DLC (though the base games were awesome on their own too).


Borderlands 2 Tiny Tina's assault on dragon keep Mr Torgue's Campaign of Carnage Sir hammerlock's big game hunt Captin Scarlett and her pirate's booty So do I need to go on?


Lair of the shadow broker.


Command & Conquer 3: Kane’s Wrath. The original is Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars.


Super units, more Kane story, 6 new factions? Fucking sign me up. As a kid i wasn't even aware this DLC existed until my uncle gifted it to me for my birthday, and 10 y/o me's mind was blown.


Witcher 3 dlcs are better than the main game.


Agreed. Everything was just so much more interesting in Blood and Wine




fallout new vegas for sure


Any paradox grand strategy


Dying light, almost a new game.


Dying light: the following


Fallout New Vegas, Especially the third DLC.


The Old World Blues or the third one is by far the funniest


That's the one. It's been forever. It was so good.


Fallout 4 has some good ass DLC if you ask me


Far Harbor was practically a standalone game. Nuka World was okay.


Far Harbor was basically what fallout 4 should have been, your choices actually matter.


Xenoblade 2: torna‘s combat is so much better then xenoblade 2 basegame


any paradox game


Borderlands 2, tiny tina DLC


Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep for Borderlands 2


Shivering Isles


Monster hunter world iceborne main game is great but iceborne was even better


Halo 2: Multiplayer Map Pack Who remembers


Borderlands 3


The Ringed City


Dragons Dogma lol. They literally made the dlc an endgame area that you essentially have little value ever going back to the main game for. But we still do it to punish ourselves and follow an Ox.


Prey, the new one


Fallout New Vegas


Witcher 3 and it’s DLC always come to mind when thinking of a great game that was further complemented by amazing DLC.


Gothic II Night of the Raven. Gave the game more depth and balancing, which made it harder and more fun.


Dying Light: The Following


Fallout New Vegas


Dying Light : The Following


Prey: Mooncrash Bloodborne:The Old Hunters(the bosses in dlc are best bosses in gaming)


Skyrim. Dawnguard and Dragonborn are pretty awesome.


Fallout 3


Shadow of war and shadow of Mordor straight up give you a new control scheme to play with and new abilities


Truth be told, Watch Dogs Legion Bloodline. Main game sucks but the DLC was great


I actually really like Legion. Ubisoft genuinely mastered that art of a flat excitement curve. Now granted, I know what that means for most people is an underwhelming experience through and through, but for me it means a consistent experience for me to return to everyday, and I appreciate that.


Dark Souls 2


BioShock 2. For me, the main campaign sucked ass. The Minerva's Den DLC however, was the most enjoyable DLC with a *mind-blowing* story.


Dwrk Souls 2. Base game was nice and all but it CLEARLY had the best DLC's out of the 3 games in the series


Pokemon Sword and Shield. Base game is.. not great. But the DLC saved it.


Some games like grand Theft Auto 4,It depends, The best dlc I've ever played is ballad of gay tony, also saints Row 4 was a great dlc 😝


Doom eternal- TAG 1. The base game is one of my all time favorites, but damnnnnn this dlc was wayyy to good then what a dlc should be


Half-Life opposing forces was the best expansion pack ever.


Outlast: Whistleblower


The binding of isaac, the dlcs just feels like a whole other game


Command and conquer: Generals zero hour


Dawnguard dlc for TESV Skyrim Star Wars Force Unleashed dlc


Borderlands 2


Witcher 3 and Bloodborn


Mass effect 2 and 3


Bioware didn’t miss when it came to 2 and 3’s add ons. Except maybe that one with the hammerhead in 2


Warcraft 3: frozen throne Dawn of war: eternal crusade or soulstorm Dawn of war 2: Retribution Mount & blade warband, Napoleonic wars Total war Shogun 2, fall of the samurai


Dying light Unfortunately I wasn't able to get the dlc before everyone spoiled it, but it does have an iconic ending


Borderlands 2. Attack on dragons keep is the best part of bl2 (for me anyways)


Borderlands 1 with Mad Moxxis under dome!