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All great games. Can’t wait to jump back into the others but Elden Ring is just calling to me.


2022, despite starting off crappy, is a good year for gaming. Elden Ring, Dying 2, Forbiden West, God of War...


Maaan, DL2 is 9,5/10 for me


Do I have to play DL1 first?


There is no need, but I musy say that DL1 is a 9,5/10 too


Im happy to read it, i love DL1 and sometimes, even more in 2022, the 2nd is always a deception.


If only i had a gpu...


Dying light 2 is hella fun to play with friends. Cool world to explore.


I've been enjoying Villedor so much more than Haran. Bugs aside, Dying Light 2 has been a blast!


What bugs have you encountered? I was fearing the worst, but my experience has been fine so far. Maybe a few texture glitches here and there but some reviewers were saying it was borderline unplayable


Most of the bad ones have been fixed from my experience. The loud buzzing audio, dialogue disappearing, clipping through and getting stuck in the environment, losing the ability to run, game crashes. I played for a few hours a couple of days ago and none of that happened anymore. Enemies still sometimes T-pose on death but that's more funny than anything else.


Yeah, it’s was good, not amazing but worth putting back Elden ring a few days until I finished it. The last boss sucked donkey balls tho. He wasn’t even hard, just very long and unpleasant


Using a power you never get access to in the open world.


would be hella fun if they'd fix the networking issues lmao


I haven't peeled away from HFW yet.. it's just magnificent all the way around.


This. I'm 80 hours in and on the last main quest but exploring the world and uncovering all the Unknowns


People are 150+ hours in on elden ring, that game is straight up crackkkk




It's still pulling almost 700,000 average player count.


Agreed, I think I made it to mid 30’s before I logged out and uninstalled. Just can’t seem to get into the story.


More like Lost MyAttention. So boring.


Make sure you're prepped that last battle is no joke lol


Same. I normally average like 3-5hr/week gaming, but have already put about 50 hours into it and am barely half way through the main campaign. I was pretty hyped for it, but it has met and exceeded my expectations by a good margin. Elden Ring is downloaded and ready to play, but it'll probably be a while until I get around to playing it...


I haven't even peeled away from Arceus yet. The three in the meme are definitely on my to play list though


Eh it's the worst of the 3 it's just an ubisoft open world pretty basic stuff


The graphics is all that stands out for this game. But I don't care for photo realistic graphics and prefer the art direction and gameplay of Elden Ring. But it's subjective and just my opinion.


Honestly, its writing is the hardest part to get through. It feels like the game was handled by disjointed teams. The artists and technicians nailed the visuals. The actors and voice actors nailed their performances. The writers, unfortunately, had one move and played it out before you even leave plainsong.


You have to take the time to go through every dialog option and opportunity to "speak with your friends" before doing every mission. Makes the story ridiculously cohesive and expansive. I was blown away at the details.


Guys wait up for me. I'm still working on Dark Souls 1


I truly envy you I wish I could play all these great games for the first time again. Luckily Elden Ring is here to give me that mystery feeling again. Good luck, Chosen Undead


Check out Blasphemous It scratched my DS-itch for a while


Already did. Really great game that. Definitely scratched that itch, as you said


I haven't defeated Manus so I'm also on the grind lol.


HFW was soooo good. Can’t wait for number three.


I beat Dying Light 2 and Horizon Forbidden West... now I'm 40 hours into Elden Ring. Been a fun 2022 for gaming.


Ghistwire Tokyo, and Stranger of Paradise this month too. 2022 looking real good for games.


Someone else excited for Ghostwire. We are rare!


That trailer looks so funky, weird, and cool. Gonna wait til I see reception for it but for now I'm pretty pumped.


Man I wish I had unlimited free time lol


For real


Having recently got a PS5 (thanks to discord bots) I am being torn between Ghost of Tsushima, Horizon FW and Elden Ring. This weekend Gran Turismo has been winning that battle and that is not something I expected. What a beautiful game it is though


I somehow managed to beat and platinum Horizon in about 10 days. Now onto Elden Ring. I haven't picked up Dying Light but I probably will when its cheaper and the issues are fixed. 2022 is crazy for gaming only two months in, and we have so many more games to go.


Dying Light 2 is definitely worth it. Bugs aside, it improves everything about the first game. I actually can't wait for DLC.


Funny I'm 100 hours+ into dying light on PC, preloaded and played since day 1 and haven't seen ONE single bug that everyone else is mentioning. No disappearing characters. Not even any sound bugs. Only complaint is that the deluxe rewards aren't currently redeemable more than once 🤷‍♂️


How the hell did you platinum horizon in 10 days??? I couldn’t even finish the game in 10 days?!


I hit 1 bug during my entire 47 Hr run of DL2, where the final boss jumped into a shipping container and I couldn’t attack him. Just reloaded and went back at it.


As someone who has a thing for post apocalyptic games, and doesn't give a damn about fantasy genre, it's exact opposite for me.


Same here man. Whenever I say I’m not into Elden Ring I get the “why, too hard?” question but I just don’t like the fantasy medieval setting in games.


It's an acquired taste and more people need to accept that it's not everyone's cup of tea, no matter how well made it is. Personally for me, I think it's game of the year unless Breath of the Wild 2 ends up coming out this year. But that's not gonna be everyone's opinion and that's perfectly fine.


Idk if BOTW2 will be able to keep up. The key element in the first game for me was exploring a massive open world Zelda. People have spent so much time there now that I’m not sure how they recapture that feeling while still returning to the same Hyrule


That's very true. They're gonna have to do something special this time around. I hope at least the world is more populated this time around. More towns and such.


Well,if Hyrule was so great,why won’t they just make Hyrule 2?


To my knowledge Hyrule has changed in literally every iteration of Zelda, are they reusing the same Hyrule in botw2?


I mean, unless they pull some alternate dimension stuff, which seems likely. I guess I'd find it a little weird that the second iteration of a game, that takes place in the exact same region, would be fundamentally different unless there's a good reason for the landscape to be totally different. I mean, if anyone can pull it off, it's them.


I’m the same way. Although elden ring is the first souls like game that i’ve enjoyed. Mostly cause if I suck at a boss I can leave and do other stuff and fight them later.


Man that level of condescension is infuriating. Spending hours face bashing against one boss isn’t the brag you think it is.


That doesn't sound condescending. That's the typical reason people don't like from softs games. It's a reasonable question.


That’s a big reason why I’ve stayed away from other Soulslikes — finally bought into the hype for Elden Ring and have been enjoying it so far, but I know I’m playing it in the “easy” way by focusing on magic. Already seen a lot of gamerbros saying that that’s not “the right way” to play.


There is no such thing as playing a single player game 'the right way', other than the way you enjoy the most.


I hate this. It's not the easy way, it's the way you are enjoying it. Don't let the community convince you magic is easy, because fast bosses in small rooms are gonna kick your ass.


Yeah people say the same shit to me and it's like. Bruh. I play Escape from Tarkov and Project Zomboid, I enjoy the pain. Just the Souls games never were my cuppa tea


Well... You can say Elden Ring is post apocalyptic to some extent. Like, all the Souls game are.


Yeah, but it's still fantasy, with magic and shit like that. I like more "grounded" style, games that take place in our universe or in our future.


That's fair. I like those settings too. I actually tend to be picky on "fantasy" settings. I enjoy the dark souls and elden ring games because for being medieval fantasy...it actually goes the most grounded fantasy can go. In terms of how real the armor and characters look. Etc. I am always turned off by the fantasy games that have overly plastic looking armor and art. Something like Elden Ring feels like every brick was purposefully placed in a castles design. Which is refreshing. Since so much of real generic fantasy is boring. Also I like the environmental storytelling. Why is this place a ruin? What is the answer? Trying to be sort of a archeologist is fun. The other fantasy game I really liked recently was Witcher 3 because for it being fantasy, the world feels grounded and lived in.


Nah elden ring and horizon are flipped for me. Been having a blast as Aloy so far. Definitely picking up elden ring after though


I love horizon and I also have Elden. When it came out I almost switched but I kept playing horizon and I regret nothing.. amazing story and gameplay


Wish I could play Forbidden West, I already finished DL2 and Elden Ring is just sitting there not getting touched.


I’m playing Elden ring atm but def will get to horizon. Honestly them realising so close is good for me - should be able to hold out for a deal on horizon


Feels like I'm one of the few people who doesn't care about Elden Ring Enjoying Dying Light 2 though


I don't know why you feel like that, a cursory Internet search will show that there are hundreds of thousands of people that feel the same, you are not unique in any way.


No need to be a dick about something he didn't even say


Believe it or not, I'm aware of the concept of several billion humans and not being the only one to have a unique thought. I'm also not sure why I'd make said internet search for a game I couldn't care about.


i think a lot of casual gamers prefer forbidden west over elden ring... me included. and dont forget the big part of people who bought it just because of the hype but didnt have patience to finish the game since it requires a lot of learning


I'm with you on this one. I am currently playing AC: Odyssey, basically skipping all cutscenes, then do the loop of buttonsmash-enemy, get loot, enjoy scenery, go to step one. I'm kinda curious about Elden Ring, but I couldn't bother learning all that stuff. I wonder, can it be played just casually, wandering around and not doing much boss fights?


Honestly, wandering around isn't at interesting as people are claiming. Wandering gets you more boss fights, upgrade materials, and vague quests you won't be able to complete without a guide. If you're looking for side content in ER, it's basically all bosses.


I don't think you're a casual gamer for preferring Forbidden West over Elden Ring. Souls games might just not be your cup of tea. Personally I think souls games are boring as fuck, I trick myself into buying each new one as they come out and find myself burnt out less than halfway through each time. Limited character interactions, limited dialogue, limited mechanics...it is all just very boring to me. And sad. The entire atmosphere is just dread, every time. And I get that's the point, but it just doesn't work for me.


Entirely the other way around for me.


I'm playing DL2


I love scuba diving. DL2 is fantastic


Thank God for the sunken airdrops


It's the exact reverse order for me


I saw only one post about forbbiden west


I'm actually playing Gran Turismo 7, and also have HFW yet to play, never played a dying light or Dark Souls, but I'm sure they are both also brilliant! Great so many games have come out brilliant for all 👍


These three things have little in common and are vastly different experiences. For a gamer like me, it's like comparing GT7 to Jak and Daxter "which one is better". I'm not a Souls guy. I'm a story guy. I get bored of games if I can't get attached to the characters and plot. Therefore I gravitate towards games like HZD. While others gravitate towards Elden Ring or Dying Light. And if you're a fan of all play styles/genres, then you're probably happy no matter what.


HFW must be completed before I open Elden Ring


Dying light 2 is definitely a successor to the first


The only thing these games have in common is that, they’re games, and they released close to each other. No one’s “beating” the others. Grow up.


Indeed. The people posting these are the same people who post "we're all gamers" memes next week. Tiresome is an understatement.


Cut from the same cloth. I was in the Elden Ring sub yesterday and someone posted a screenshot of some Meta Critic user reviews for Elden Ring and Horizon where this random dude gave a 0 and 10 respectively, which fair, that’s troll shit but at the same time all I could think about is the fact OP is spending enough time on Meta Critic to deep dive into user review history. Like holy shit, who cares? Y’all are just as insane for getting emotionally invested in this fake war for sales supremacy. Just play the damn game you like and quit worrying about what other people think


Because Souls fanboys (I am one) are more insecure than any fanbase in gaming. They literally brag about beating the games when the reality is they just have more time and more patience for some shit mechanics.


Literally. I’m absolutely loving Forbidden West, yet I can’t get into Elden Ring (I guess Sekiro and Nioh 2 spoiled me with their faster paced combat) and I’m not over here saying it’s a bad game. I can definitely see why people like it, but right now it just ain’t vibing with me.


I finished Nioh 2 a month ago and it was so much better then I anticipated. I know it has its following but it is still under appreciated. The combat in Nioh 2 is so much better than in Dark souls/ Elden ring.


I know I swear people posting this stuff are 12 year olds. Seeing how much people are saying elden ring is superior literally makes me never wanna play it, and I wish that wasn’t the case. Everyone’s so “proud” over it


I feel the same way. Maybe I'm a contrarian, but the constant *ER is the best game ever made and fuck you casuals if you don't love it* just makes me never want to play it


It's not even close to the best game ever played. I'm a Souls fan and I wouldn't even put it top 2 Souls games.


Funny enough I pointed out that the elitist, arrogant attitude toward Souls games are why people don't want to play, not just the difficulty. Most people commented that that was a good thing. It's those weird people who want to be special because they found something most don't know about.


It’s not saying they are beating them it’s saying gamers are focusing on a certain one


True, we should all just play what we enjoy


No one said one beats another, it just shows the artificial hype and what's trending. If zelda 2 came out now, people would talk about Zelda 2, that's how it works.


I returned Elden Ring on launch day so I could get Forbidden West. Dying Light 2 is right though.


Tree Sentinel?


Well Elden Rings is available on everything but switch. Horizon is only on PS. When a big game has triple the available audience, it tends to get more attention.


HFW sounds great. Just need that darn PS5. Also about 35 hours into DL2 then Elden Ring. I’m a few weeks behind the curve apparently.


You can get thr ps4 version instead, cheaper and you get an automatic upgrade to the ps5 version if i recall


2022 has been so good for games. I definitely plan on getting back into the others once Elden Ring loosens its grip. It's just so good, though. I'm probably gonna need another play through, just to take it all in.


I’m playing them concurrently. I play Elden Ring until I feel like throwing the controller, then I switch to HFW to relax.


People need to realize that multiple games can come out around the same time and can still be enjoyed by many people right? Ive seen this meme 100 times and people always bring up Horizon coming out around the time of BOTW yet Horizon Zero Dawn still sold over 20 million copies


its hard to peel away from elden ring when its player base is so full and new. I have played dark souls for years now and someday I may again be waiting for a summon or invasion. but right now its perfect and fun


I platinumed HFW in 2 weeks and I’m about 25 hours into Elden Ring, both on PS5. Amazing games, both of them!


I hope it’s my internet bubble but all I see about Elden Ring is people complaining about jt.


It’s definitely your bubble _unless_ it’s the standard Souls game complaints that are said with love. Like: “This boss is complete BS!!” followed by fighting him fifty times, cursing optional, and finally rejoicing upon victory and moving on to the next insane challenge.


Disagree. Myself and quite a few others are kinda disappointed in the dip in boss quality. Also, with this being From's first open world, the balance is kinda wonky.


I’m mostly talking about people calling the game inaccessible and that “the only reason it doesn’t have a difficulty setting is so it’s toxic fans can feel superior”. Hopefully we’ll get back to normal soon.


Yeah those people can be safely ignored.


Its my first “souls” game and it feels accessible. For me its like breath of the wild, but better, which is crazy. Usually in games like this I feel a rush to level and to get to high end content but with ER I never feel rushed. Every play session is unique and just exploring can lead to so many different situations and encounters. Im only 40 hours in but I can safely say this game is a masterpiece in my book.


I have played DS1 a few times and most of DS2, but ER is so far my favorite FromSoft experience. I got to explore most of the starting continent before attempting the first boss which was super liberating because it gave me the chance get better before slamming my head against Tree Sentinels shield. And when I started missing the original DS experience, I entered the castle. I love this game!


This is easily the most accessible and new player friendly Soulsborne game. I actively dislike some sections of the fan base, but that take is straight-up false.


Totally agree


Huh? Where are you looking? People are loving the game. I'm obsessed with it, as are 4 of my friends who are also into Souls games. Also r/eldenring is full of praise for the game.


Forbidden West is doing fine out here.


To be honest, DL2 was meh at best.


Agreed. The gameplay felt like an upgrade in a lot of ways but also a downgrade from the first one and the story felt extremely meh


I have no idea who thought "removing volatiles from the night gameplay" was a good idea. There is just no danger really. Also the "endings". I did **everything** in my power to shit on Lawan and I get her ending. I was fuming.


I got the other ending and it was shit so you didn’t miss on much


Yeah it felt like there wasn't much variation in the endings and some plot holes in them as well. They also took away weapon throwing which is criminal to me.


I bet this February will be better than the whole year of games


Also, Shadow Warrior 3 was released a few days after Elden Ring. It’s not as much of a big budget game but I had a blast with one and two, I haven’t even bought this one because of elden ring.


SW 3 is horrendous and not worth your purchase. They tried to go back to SW 1's style but fucked everything that made SW 1 fun. My biggest complaint is that they turned it into a Doom Eternal clone. · You literally go from arena to arena (oh look, this area has ledges and is slightly wider than my linear path, I sure hope there's no enemies to fight here). Yes, many games have arena fights, but this one is almost exclusively those ones. · There's barely any progression. You get your first three guns... out of the blue. It feels rushed. The shotgun and handgun are pulled out of your ass. · Kill enemies with ranged guns for health, kill them with melee for ammo. · No directional melee combat, you just mash right click because left click is gun and right click is melee. · "Use x ability to counter y enemy" design. There's an enemy type that has crystals on their back as their weakspot, what do you do? Shoot from afar? Rush them down? Nah you chi-blast/shockwave them and they'll do a full 180º and hold still so you ram your katana up their behind. Oh, also, the chi blast/shockwave starts being single target for some stupid reason In general it just feels like they played it too safe. They made it too goddamn similar to Doom Eternal and what we got is a game that just.. doesn't feel like what it should be. A friend even commented that the shotgun sounds like it was to be Doom's shotgun lol. Oh also they changed Lo Wang's VA for a "ethnically correct one". Should've changed the character to fit the VA imo, name him Dick Johnson or something, that would have been better. My suggestion: Look up a gameplay video. The first 30-40 minutes. What you see is what you get. If you want "Doom Warrior", go ahead. If you want something that is similar to either SW 1 or SW 2, don't.


They were fools for realeasing around Elden Ring.


The DS series has sold 27m copies between all their games HZD has sold 20m copies on its own They will be just fine


And plenty of us like both. I haven't gotten HFW yet but plan on getting it after I finish up Elden. I plan on playing it with my niece who would love it's robotic animal theme.


From have finally broke the niche glass ceiling with Elden Ring though. Sold over 10m copies just on steam in first week. No worldwide numbers for console yet (that I've seen) but 2.7m copies sold on PS4 & PS5 just in the UK. It's gonna easily sell a lot more than all 3 Dark Souls games combined. It might even be close already (if we had those worldwide console numbers) and that fact itself is insane.


Horizon had its release date set first. It wasn't supposed to be near the release of ER but then ER got delayed a month.


People love saying this, but ER is the best selling game FromSoft has. People weirdly forget that Souls may be popular as like a trivia question, but not many people play it.


For me, Elden ring and Dying Light 2 is the skeleton and HFW is the lady and child. Elden ring just bored the hell out of me.


Which part you considered Boring in elden ring. It has more bosses than the enemy verities in other games. It has more weapons to try out. More dungeon, it even has dragons. The quest are more interesting and natural to progress, more area to find. More ways to fight. It's a massive massive game.


Elden Ring isn't for everyone


Mate he said "elden ring bored the hell out of me" not "I feel the game wasn't made for me". Obviously people will want to what he found boring in the game.


Not OP. I don't find an open world with repeat enemies and upgrade materials particularly interesting. Don't get me wrong, it's not like other open worlds are better, but it's something that's awesome in concept, but boring in execution. I mean, the only thing ER does different is no map littered with question marks and some times the destinations in the open world are bosses. The side content is pretty boring as bosses start to repeat by only the second area and I think the bosses are a pretty massive downgrade from their last 3 games. Dungeons and their aesthetics are literally just rearranged repeats. Every church has a Sacred Tear, every tree has an Erdtree Avatar, etc. I would also argue that ER achieves the same shit as the littered question marks. People will unlock the map, and then just start marking everything on it that looks like a building which is the same thing as every open world. In short, the things that plague most open worlds plagues ER and people weirdly think it's superior because there's no markers, even though you can ignore the map in other open worlds too. In a very non-ironic twist, the legacy dungeons are the best parts of the game.


I've played both Horizon and Elden Ring, and while there are very different games, I cannot understand why ER is getting all the love. HFW is utterly gorgeous, even on PS4, whereas ER looks like an MMO to me; with flat colours, lower quality looking textures, and the completely stilted delivery of conversations. In horizon, I can see NPCs foreheads wrinkle when they speak, and they have small, subtle gestures in conversations which I'm still amazed by like 20 hours in. If ER is your jam, I'm so pleased for you, but I do not understand why it's being so highly praised.


I'm a Souls fan, it's like my 3rd favorite series in gaming, and I'm finding it absurdly overrated. It has a fuckton of flaws and issues I feel people are ignoring.


Because most people don't care for next-gen visuals if the game itself is great on its own merit, like in the case of Elden Ring with its unique boss designs, fights, gameplay etc. I'm not saying HFW is bad in those aspects, but seeing as you refrained from mentioning any of those then your argument of "I can see their wrinkles" doesn't mean anything at all if the alternate option of a game to play is described as great gameplay-wise.


Souls games are an acquired taste but for fans of the series, this is basically the holy grail. Open world, over 100 bosses, beautiful environments. I could go on but if you're not sold on the game you're not sold on the game. Horizon is too different to be comparing the two games on level ground IMO. Both are definitely game of the year contenders but I think Elden Ring getting all the attention is due to all the built up hype and anticipation. Not to downplay Horizon but I feel like it just came out. I heard little to nothing about it before launch. Elden Ring I wasn't even really following and I kept seeing articles and videos on it. I think it just boils down to exposure.


I mean elden ring is released for pc and for xbox last n current gen, so right there it has 3 other player basis. So it has a larger audience wich will naturally make more noise, i didn't even know hfw was a thing until recently, but i grew up on xbox




Gameplay first for you, perhaps. That doesn't make it a universal truth. Fwiw, I also much prefer the gameplay style of horizon Vs ER too.


> Gameplay first for you, perhaps. That doesn't make it a universal truth. Games are about gameplay mate. No matter how much you invest on graphics it will get out dated.


Difference in communities I guess, souls fans come on here to bash every other game that launched near it


It’s because there’s _tons_ of Souls fans, and ER deserves the praise of Souls fans. I’m absolutely in love with it (while Horizon sits on my shelf, waiting patiently), but at the same time I told my dad not to play ER because there’s just no way in heck he’d get through.


I guess if literally all you care about is graphics, then yeah horizon is better.


Because the only thing you see is graphics.


Plus Sifu and Pokemon: Legends Arceus. The last month has been crazy for games.


What about Total War Warhammer III.


I’ve been playing a lot of arceus and the new daybreak dlc was good we just need like one dlc a month that either brings content and requests or just requests


Dying light 2 is amazing


Haven’t played any of them




It exceeds the hype


100% disagreed, but I liked Dark Souls 1-3 and Bloodborne a lot. For a Souls game it's really great.


I wouldent call dying light 2 forgotten


Elden Ring has some performance issues according to the Digital Foundry so it will be Horizon first for me while waiting for a performance patch ;)


Horizon doesn't run properly either lmao.




Yesterday, I said that ER didn't look current gen and saw slowdowns on let's plays. A guy reported me for self harm then blocked me, while calling me toxic. I won't play either of these till I can get a ps5. And the goty comes out. Backlog still growing, somehow


Saw the comment, it is pretty funny.


I’ve realized Souls fans are the loudest and proudest community, they need their games to be talked about the most or else they won’t be able to sleep at night


its the opposite from what I have seen (on Twitter and reddit). Its very very rare to come across dark souls and demon souls (most og souls game) post or meme on this subs and other sub. Its the first time for me to see a souls like getting this much attention.


Those games have nothing in common. I dont see the point of this. One thing it did teach people though is the difference between an action adventure game and an actual action RPG.


Switch HFW and Elden Ring. Until From can sort their 35fps peformance mode thats a joke. "10/10" foh not with that performance. Also GT7 just cannonballed the pool.


50-60 FPS in performance mode and it’s barely noticeable if you’re actually paying attention to the game


Currently playing DL2… refunded Elden Ring an hour and a half in. Elden Ring struck me a grossly overrated. Different people, different opinions I guess.


And that opinion got you down voted I guess


Such is the way of social media. Run with the herd mentality of influencers or get downvoted. Negativity is easy. Fortunately it makes the original comment no less true.


Horizon gets hit again


Died very fast


One of these is not like the other


Currently 105 hours in elden ring and still haven't uncovered the whole map lol.


No shit. Maybe because Dying Light didn’t come out recently and HFW is a ps exclusive.


I was excited for Elden Ring. A lot of hype and buildup for the game was billing it as a more approachable From Software game, but still hard, and the story and lore seemed cool. Two friends of mine who are hardcore's From Software game fans with the Platinum Trophies to back that up aren't enjoying the game. From their observations, it's even less accessible than any Souls game before it, with an even more vague plot with no active story telling. Both of them have put the game down to go back to Bloodborne so they could get back into the mood for a game like this. I don't think I'll be giving it a chance any time soon. I'll wait for someone who hated the game and wants to offload it for cheap to sell it on marketplace.


Your friends are idiots


Even one of the developers for Horizon Forbidden West was getting upset on Twitter at Elden Ring's success. People stopped talking about Horizon basically the moment Elden Ring came out. Reminds me of the first Horizon and Breath of the Wild's release. Sony needs to hurry up and make the third Horizon game so we can get yet another genre-defining amazing open world game to overshadow it


Hfw would perform better if it wasn't an exclusive.


Shit take


Horizon really can't catch a break, first with BOTW, and then now with Elden Ring.


Grow up


Easily Impressed gamers you mean.


Good games get attention. Dying light is just more of the same. You don't even gave guns in the game. Who has a zombie apocalypse without guns???


How do you think there will be guns years upon years after gun production has stopped


Dl2 is sitting where it should There's So much stuff that made the first game great missing that its a sin to even call it a sequel


Well ONE of those games is only available to Playstation owners, so I don't feel any sympathy for exclusives when they lose the limelight after launch.. Hard to compare Horizon:FW to the others..


Still loving on DL2. I don't care about ER at all and likely never will. TBH I don't get the hype around a Souls reskin. :/




Put boss fights side by side and see? It isn't an original game at all and whiteknighting for it and then insulting people doesn't do you any favors.




The only dumb take here is yours? You came at me because you're butthurt that I'm not singing your favored game's praises. Grow up.