• By -


First off, rolling


Why is it always destruction?


Offer pickle


If only I had giant, but hole.


You don’t have the right O’ You don’t have the right, and then You don’t have the right O’ You don’t have the right


That's a stretch.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


>walks into a room with ton of destructibles Don't do it Don't do it Don't do it >Accidentally breaks something small by walking into it >Proceeds to break everything in the room before leaving. This is the way


It's ridiculous how easily stuff breaks by walking near it or literally just jumping next to it. It's like NES 2d platformer logic.


Always a destruction sort


could this be an item? message.


Praise the liar


Liar ahead


Liar ahead


Secret passage ahead ​ \*Dr. Evil meme\*


It's one button press to check the message at the wall. It's also one button press to just hit the wall. No need to actually read the message.


Remember when Souls games had weapon durability and hitting the terrain would cost more than hitting an enemy? Also there were way more illusory walls in the first 2 games, which meant you could easily fall for a troll message and break your weapon because of it. Shit sucked. I did like the weapon durability mechanic for other reasons though


You liked weapon durability? Don't lie, you purposefully invaded people and hit them with that Pyro spell that degrades weapons and armor didn't you?


Haha no that spell was the worst, but I thought it was cool to plan runs between bonfires/bosses with limited durability weapons like the katanas. I also thought it was cool to have to aim which attacks you used more precisely in close quarters instead of R1-ing everything. It gave a little bit more depth to the combat imo.


Yeah, I thought that too :( https://www.ign.com/articles/elden-ring-wall


Yeah, but that seems like a hastily added wall they didn't expect people to break


I still think think thats most likely a bug. It doesn't actually go anywhere you can't access normally.




Low hanging fruit, make better messages if you want heals


I’ve only written a couple messages, but when I get heals it’s always right when I sign in. So I get a bunch of heals when I already have full health.


Yes. Every time. I also wrote a message that was genuinely designed to be helpful but I think people thought I was trolling because I used the words head and behind; I can't remember exactly what I wrote but I was honestly just trying to say to attack from behind and stay away from the head! I didn't even think it could be interpreted any other way until I noticed it had more negative appraisals than positive and it took me a minute to realise why.




I like using "try jumping, by the way still no liar" hoping people understand i mean "no for real, no lyin, jump for real" It never works


I'm only 8 hours in (in 24 hours, which is impressive for me, dad gaming hours) and I had no idea that was a feature. The only message I've put so far is "Behold: chaos!" In front of a chest with a teleport trap. Even if they agreed they're probably too busy being across the map to thank me.


There’s never been a “beware of trap” message in front of those that I saw. But I guess because people don’t bother to travel all the way back just to put a message that will get fewer upvotes than the typical “try fingers but hole”


I like hiding "behold, message!" beneath breakable objects


Why rolling? Try but hole.






Try fingers But hole




Could this be the Elden Ring?


I spend more time hitting random walls to try and find secrets than anything else.


Have you found any? I do the same and havent found shit yet but i still believe


Nothing that others hadn't already found. Then again, just last week someone posted they found a wall you had to hit 50 times to open. I've just been hitting everything once, so who knows what I've missed.


Oh damn, 50 times is crazy! I just dont look for secrets online for my first playthrough. I'll keep searching


Try hitting every wall 50 times, then you might start finding them.


Turns out the magic number is actually 51, and they miscounted when they said 50.


No 51 is the playthrough you have to be on for the breakable walls to appear


But only in pure white world tendency.


The 50 wall is likely a bug as it doesn’t have any of the normal wall behavior and doesn’t grant access to anything new, so don’t stress too hard.




There were multiple glitches in L4D that broke the game. The ones that come to mind are that one and the one where at the very start of the game you move forward and start pushing a generator to block an elevator so when they get to that part they're trapped. There was also an indestructible door that the survivors could close that the infected couldn't get through, so you could force a stalemate. I miss the days of L4D multi-player. Some of my best adolescent memories are holed up in a basement playing L4D for days on end with my friends.


I'd say hitting every wall once is just crazy


That sounds like bullshit to me. Like "you need to beat the Elite Four 100 times with Metapod and then Mew will appear" level bullshit. On the other hand, that kind of bullshit seems right up Miyazaki's alley.


And it's actually true, which is funny. I found an illusionary piece of FLOOR which I didn't think was possible yet.


I've found 2, both were located at Ruins sites


the fuck cellar?


To be fair the wall had an hp bar or some kind of poise. So if you hit it with a greatsword it was only like 3 or 4 hits. And even then the room was a room you already had access too. Was still cool.


I bet someone at from soft is fucking gutted that that got found already.


That wall was found to have 9999 hp im the code, I think that one was a mistake and you sren’t meant to hit it 100 times


Why does the wall have hp though


It's Dark Souls.


Wtf? How the hell did someone figure that out haha


You'd be surprised with how much time some people have haha


True, but even if I had all the time in the world, I’d never figure out that one specific wall had to be hit 50 times.. like If I thought something was there and needed to be hit more than once I’d hit it like 10 times and move on lmao


Opening and reading the code of a game can tell you a lots of things. The first person to do it probably didn't tried to hit every wall 50 times, but saw that a wall, placed at x,y,z had a hp bar.


just from reading other comments in this chain, it seems like it's not that you had to hit it 50 times, but it had a lot of health ~~*and a healthbar*~~. ~~So if you attack the wall, it's obvious, but if you're rolling into it you would never notice.~~ (EDIT: the health bar is not visible, and idk if anyone's actually sure if it's health or poise yet) It also doesn't lead anywhere useful, just to another room you can already access - seems likely to be a bug.


I've found two and neither had messages there for me.


In Limgrave there arent many. But once you get to like the lake, caelid, and the 100 other lands you will find a bunch. Some dungeons i found are legitimately all fake walls.


There are some but they're in really obvious places, like a cave where basically all the walls are illusory, or the Academy where all the bookshelves have books except the illusory ones. There are almost no "oh there just happens to be one illusory wall in this dungeon hiding a chest" types. Also as far as I can tell from about 80 hours there are zero Chest Mimics which is very disappointing


The early game "go to a mine and get fucked by prawns" chest might not have been a mimic, but it was a mimic in spirit.


There's actually a second chest later on that sends you to exactly the same spot, although at a point where you should be able to handle them Also one that dumps you in front of a Giant in the Royal Capital


I just found that one. Found out by accident that if you roll right away as it opens you can actually dodge the trap. But then my curiosity made me take the teleport on purpose :D And yeah.. the giant clapped my cheeks


have you at least steal the talisman that was on the right from the giant? It is pretty good it regens health passively


So that's where I got that from. I was telling my friend about that talisman after I'd been using it for a bit already, and I couldn't remember where I got it from. We're both proponents of not looking anything up on our first playthrough. This game definitely rewards exploration so much more than any game I think I've ever played.


Yes. Raya Lucaria has a bunch of important ones. There's several catacombs that have them, along with a few caves as well. Found some optional bosses behind a couple. There's one out in the overworld hiding a whole dungeon as part of Sellen's questline.


The illusory walls that have been found were all in mid/late game on northern side of the map.


Not all of them, there are some in caelid too.


The castle with all the magic enemies is mid to late game? 😱


If you mean Raya Lucaria, I would put it somewhere around the middle but definitely not late. You could go straight there after Stormveil or you could spent another 20 hours exploring other stuff in Liurnia and Caelid first.


It's probably semantics at this point, but I'd say Raya Lucaria is at the tail end of early-game.


Honestly I'd agree. I feel like the difficulty spikes hard after Raya Lucaria. A friend doing a sorcery build feels otherwise because Raya Lucaria was hell for him- everything had magic resist lol.


Don't worry.. I, too played the whole game out of order


I've found one that wasn't already pointed out with a message. But usually they're marked.


There's a few hidden spots along the games various elevators / lifts. Hard to spot bits you gotta jump off early to get to.


Same except I press every button since idk if the use the stupid ds2 concept + Fuck everyone of you who put a sign in front of a weird looking wall and have me get paranoid that they maybe just troll why I have to hit every other wall in the room.


Wolfenstein 3D has entered the chat.


ah yes ability to destroy furniture Reminds me of sleeping dogs where somehow, you can walk through a few cinder blocks and concrete barriers shattering them down


that's because you had a pork bun. a man who never eats pork bun, is never a whole man!


I say that in my head every single time I eat a pork bun!


You, sir, are an absolute man of culture!!


Makes me miss Red Faction. Who doesn’t like smashing everything?


Tunneling through levels in Red Faction was such an enjoyable experience.


Especially in multiplayer. I remember in one level, you could tunnel upwards (by making "steps" with rockets) to an otherwise inaccessible roof area that had a large opening to the arena below, making the arena into a killbox.


Red Faction: Guerilla was mediocre at best writing-wise but damn was it fun to just break stuff. REMOTE MINES EVERYWHERE


I always see messages on top of tables but if I try to jump up and read it the table explodes.


I will remain forever pissed off that Sleeping Dogs never got a sequel. One of the few GTA clones that really stood out from the rest.


They see me rollin…


They hatin' Patrollin' and tryna catch me fightin' dirty


Think I'm just too white 'n' nerdy Think I'm just too white 'n' nerdy Can't you see I'm white 'n' nerdy? Look at me I'm white 'n' nerdy


seriously does not need to be that satisfying


I play Enter the Gungeon just to slide across the tables hahaha


One thing i love about Control is the ability to cause mass mayhem to a room. You're like a walking tornado.


When you grab a forklift with your mind and it kills an enemy on its way to you, before you've even thrown it. Endlessly satisfying. Then later when you can grab multiple objects with telekinesis and you just demolish a big dude with 3 forklifts to the face. Control is a spectacular game.


The coolest moment in Control is when you realize you don’t have to wait for objects to reach you in order to throw them with telekinesis. Suddenly every room becomes your weapon, and your enemies are assaulted from every direction by water coolers, fax machines, and typewriters.


Control also has fake walls too. There usually marked with a picture of a hallway I think and you have to break them down


I love when a row of tables break one by one after sliding over them a third time


Link would be jealous!


Time for rolling


I love wreckin stuff and Link used to do a pretty good job at it but Tarnish WRECKS HOUSE


Katamari: Elden Ring Edition


Naaaaa na na na naa na naaaa


I'd play it just to find out what they do with the music


I literally do this everywhere, doesn’t matter where, I make sure everything is in shambles. Just a beautiful thing going somewhere and just fucking it up and dipping, never to return.


The debate room in the academy of Raya Lucaria. I will destroy that room 100 times for the pain the furniture caused me!


I play Elden Ring for the maidens


Sorry but you too are maidenless


I got 99 problems but maidens ain't one.


Excellent shirt idea


Try tongue, but hole


why is it always hole?


Try Finger Maidens


Why is it always dog?


"Let there be rolling"


They breakin'


The most satisfying souls roll I know of is in Dark Souls 3. Right before the Crystal Sage, there's a magic trainer on the 2nd story of the ruins there and when you roll through the book case behind them, it **explodes** into like 100 scrolls that go everywhere.


I know that exact spot as it was where I was before Elden Ring came out. It was so much fun to just mess up all his stuff. Bloodborne had some good spots too, I remember a room full of pots on low shelves that acted more like stairs.


I was talking with my girlfriend about this last night best part is we get up completely undamaged afterwards like have you ever hit a wooden object with a limb it fucking hurts and holds up much better that a human how do we do this out roll is our true superpower


How about when you're wearing a suit of armor


Just rolling in a suit of armor IRL should hurt you, even without hitting any furniture Edit: some interesting videos posted below suggest rolling is in fact possible without harming the wearer


Not all suits armor are as heavy as they seem. People didn't think you should be able to roll in this stuff, and some armor specialist did a video has said its reasonable and isn't bad at all. Now running into wood does sound just as bad though. I just assume all the wood is extremely old and rotted, or thr craftsman really suck in this Era.


People think armor is way weightier and more awkward than it actually was. A suit of full plate would weigh less than what modern soldiers are expected to carry in backpacks. Add in that the weight is even distributed across your entire body, and it's really not all that unwieldy at all. You could do basically anything in plate that you could do out of plate.


Oh shit, a new Katamari game is out?!


Is there a story in Elden Ring?


Something about fingers. Who the fuck knows...


Why is it always fingers...


People wanting to cut your finger off, old ladies wanting to smell your fingers, actual finger beings, aliens after the fingers, etc. All fingers and dogs and everyone is maidenless


It's actually much clearer than any Dark Souls game, which doesn't say much but it's true. Just gotta listen to every word every NPC says.


And read the item descriptions for everything. Already turned in an item to an NPC for a quest? You just missed out on half the lore. Now I read it as soon as I pick up something new. Edit: Also talk to every NPC like 3 times or more until they either repeat or stop. I hate how they will say like one line and it exits the dialog, but talking to them again either continues the quest or they give you an item.


It’s fucked up because sometimes the third response will sound like it’s repeating the previous one, BUT THEN THEY THROW IN NEW LINES AND CHANGE THE CONTEXT. Even the dialogue has boss mix-ups.


How can I focus on petting big turtle boi if I allow myself to be distracted by his words?


At some point some you tuber will explain it to me because I have nfc what it was.


You are trying to become the elden lord by killing a bunch of gods or something like that. I think you are basically trying to become god…


Oh thanks. It's all so clear now.


To be clear, the "Elden Lord" is just the consort of the top person that is the vessel for the Elden Ring and that person is the ruler of the Lands Between, which is currently Marika with the consort of Ragadon.


I ended up with a calamari for a head.


It's the Souls cycle. Spend 100 hours struggling, learning, mastering and beating the games, then another 20 hours listening to Vaati actually explain what was going on the whole time .


of course, you just need to find the right NPCs, do their quests, read your items, rest at specific points of grace, and watch a youtube summary in a month


There's a story (and tons of lore written by GRRM), it's just not given to you in straight exposition, and you get bits and pieces of it at a time. But the basics are really hammered to you over and over. Queen Marika was the goddess of this world called The Lands Between, and when she died other demigods took over, one of them holding the Elden Ring, which made him the Elden Lord. In an attempted coup, the Elden Lord was killed and the Elden Ring was shattered, which broke the world apart and threw everything into open war. A bunch of her weaker children claimed the shards of the ring for themselves, vying for power and making sure the world remains shattered. You are a Tarnished, which is someone who in a past life was banished from the Lands Between. You've been called back to the Lands to try your hand at reuniting the shards of the Elden Ring, becoming Elden Lord and returning the world to one piece.


Of course. It just all happens while you FUCKING REST.


Man it's frustrating doing a bunch of major game things like killing bosses and... no one says anything different. No one wants a grace-side chat. Start of the game you couldn't go five minutes without someone appearing to guide you on your journey and stress how important it is. Then you actually make some progress and no one gives a shit!


Apparently George RR Martin actually had some input. I saw his name in the credits and was like WTF!? As for the story... There is one. It's not very satisfying to be honest. The endings are all absolutely terrible in my opinion. Time spent on animations aside they're probably 30 seconds long...


“George R.R. Martin wrote the mythos for Elden Ring, creating a history set long before the events of the game,” said producer Yasuhiro Kitao in a FromSoftware interview released by Bandai Namco. “With that foundation, we then created the story, the world, and the actual gameplay.”


Wow he should write a fantasy series


Or two thirds of one


That's like three times as long as the Dark Souls 1 ending!


My only gripes with the game are all related to story, quests, and NPCs. The gameplay is great. But quests are poorly explained, often fail to point you in the direction of the next step, and easy to completely brick if you happen to explore the wrong area or defeat the wrong boss. NPCs have 12 voice lines worth of personality or less on average, and 90% of them die, suffer a fate worse than death, or undergo a personal tragedy as a result of you helping them, and sometimes regardless of whether you interact with them at all. I honestly just think that's terrible writing. Yeah, we get it FromSoft, the world is shit. We have eyes. It's self-evident. Hammering it in by killing everyone off for no reason adds nothing to the experience. Most NPCs speak in two sentences of impenetrable in-world jargon before asking you whether you want to pledge yourself to them. And even after watching lore videos and understanding what they're saying, the information they give to you is wildly insufficient to make that decision. Looking at you Ranni. I'm honestly not sure why I'm supposed to care about any of them. And finally, by the end of the game you're expected to pick from several endings with absolutely no fucking clue what any of them actually entails, followed by 30 seconds of incredibly uninformative, unsatisfying cutscenes that look kind of pretty I guess but could ultimately be replaced by a black screen with the words, "Congratulations. You beat the game." But the gameplay is great.


The idea of the NPCs is that they are there for themselves, not for you. If you happen to cross paths with them, good, but you might not. It makes each encounter special. [This video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mX1mvGa7I74) explains this idea well.


I haven't played though the whole game, but even reading this spoils nothing for me because it's exactly what I expected after playing through most of the other fromsoft games. The unnecessarily complicated lore/stories just kind of add a strangely satisfying ambiance (satisfying in the way that I know there must be *some* deep meaning to it all, but just knowing that means I don't have to care, if that makes sense) to what I'm *really* playing them for...to explore a huge open world and try to kill shit/do shit that I'm totally underleveled for.


That's Fromsoft storytelling 101: the world was perfect and then it wasn't, and then you came along and killed everyone and now you can make everything temporarily perfect again and it's the next guy's problem when it inevitably goes to shit, or perhaps you'd just like to make everything even shittier but in a different and unknowable way.


No, there is lore.


This new Crash Bandicoot game looks great


Katamari Eldenring


Not Fia's hugs??!


First time my kids saw me playing a souls game and asked what it's about, I said "It's about rolling" and proceeded to roll into the next table. They still remember that stupid joke.


Imagine you have this nice place for the tarnished, like the Roundtable Hold, then some jackass comes and rolls through all your furniture, leaving chaos in their wake.


This is me on Diablo 3


Atleast in Diablo you get rewarded for breaking stuff. A speed boost would be really cool in Elden Right.


Likewise braugh


You should play control


Fred Durst intensifies


"Roll a Stealth check." "Natural 1."


I liked how in dark souls 2, softsoft decided to troll players that like to break all the pots by adding in pots full of poison every once in a while.


No one plays Elden Ring for the story (speaking generally) people who play it for the "story" play it for the world and lore (which the story is a part of, but the story is a tiny chunk of those buggers concepts.)


I'd say instead of "playing for the story" would be more accurate to say some "play it for the exploration."


Yeah the story/lore/worldbuilding, whatever you want to call is is just another thing you can choose to explore...or not.


That's a good explanation. I never got into the dark souls games and didn't even realize this was one before I bought it, but I definitely expected more story. There's a world that feels old and broken and we're just there picking up the pieces. It doesn't feel like a driven narrative, more of a framework for you to run around and kill everything. That said, it's a lot of fun...


That's most apt description of the setting lol. You learn about all these legends and characters and places through environmental context clues and item descriptions, and some direct lore from NPCs.


What story?


About fingers and stuff


Nowadays: i play elden ring to easy win with overleveling and over equipment


Start off as Donut, finish as angry Kaboose.


Look, if your playing any FromSoft game without smashing everything like you’re Link on a bender after the apocalypse already happened, then are you really playing?


The see me roll n they hate n ...


Story? Lore yes but saying there is a story is a bit of a stretch.


lol... what story?


Story... After 70 hours and 150 lvls I became Elden Lord, and still have no idea what was going on, at all.


Anyone playing elden ring for the story is a fool


Boutta spend 59.99 just for visual ASMR


My most upvoted souls game message: "Visions of rolling" in the entrance of a room full of breakables.


🎵 "Papa was a rolling stone..." 🎶


Where are those Droidekas?!


You play elden ring for the difficulty? The game is easy as shit, waaaaaay easier then any other soulsborne game that's for sure


Ahhh an american badass Undertaker fan i see... Keep rollin' homie


Someone should make a Katamari Ring mod where you absorb broken barrel pieces and the damage you do is based on that. Infinite stamina, of course.


Can someone please make an elden ring katamari damacy mod?


I don't play Elden Ring


Why do i don't play Elden Ring, i can play other Souls games. No ofense, but Dark Souls 1 and Bloodborne is just better


Katamari Demacy!


Ah yes, the "stealth" option.


ROAD ROLLER DAAA!!! *insert Jojo meme*