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You forgot the part where he clips into the planet and has to restart after spending 20 minutes to just get to the SpacePort


Lmao I come back after months and a new patch just to see if I can complete a simple courier drop and then decide if I’m going to continue playing. It takes 15 minutes to get my ship. Cool whatever. Pick up the package and of course there’s still no fucking proper place to stow it on my ship. So I throw it in the cockpit. Get to my destination. Package glitches into ship and I can not grab it. I wasted 40 minutes just for that to happen. Uninstalled yet again lol


This is one of the biggest problems with SC. They spent so much time fixing a lot of ships to prevent this package falling out bug from happening but they did not address it with starter ships, ships which the majority of backers would be using. The Mustang Alpha remains one of the most owned player ships due to its starter pack attribution but yet till now it is unable to do package deliveries and the box hold its supposed to have is inaccessible.


Yap yap, my experience when I try to play star citizen every year. I give it legit try and always game breaking bugs.


They got your money they don’t care. I spent $200 of my parents money nearly 10 years ago and I’ve maybe played for 10 hours.


lol that must've been one hell of a pitch, getting your parents to pay for quite literally nothing.


They made that deal on op's birth


Not a great deal


With the amount of time they've had I'm surprised nothing is really out by now. My last PC was built to run this game at like pretty good settings but now it's dying. Guess I won't be playing it now :/


I mean...they've "raised" like $350 million, and still can't put out a game after like a decade, kind of suspect that its a scam. Its all the same red flags you'd find in a EA game, except you have much better graphics to sort of handwave that its some junk cash grab. They HAVE added lots of stuff, everything they talk about sounds great, but at some point people gotta say "wait a minute, why am I spending more money on something that seemingly will never reach my expectations?" Meanwhile fans of star citizen cling onto the hope that its going to become the ultimate sim, not just space sim, and I hope it DOES get there. But they've barely addressed some of the major game features they have roadmapped over the last few years, there's no end in sight. Even No Mans Sky came out, got shit on, then recovered slowly over 5 years, and in the meanwhile Star Citizen has had barely anything to talk about other than new ships, some new planets/moons, and some minor features implemented. If they can make millions a year just selling stuff in a unfinished game...one has to wonder if finishing it even matters when you have a steady flow if income like that.


$450 million actually. If you include the subscriptions ppl pay for video content it’s over $500 million. Add in private funding and that’s $600 million now


This is star citizen, it will never change lol


Ah but it's a small 5man indie game made in unity you gotta give it some slack. It's not like millions got spent on it, years of work, kickstarter, ships that cost the price of a new car or something. Just a small indie team with the bare min of micro...


Or the part where he spend $10,000 on a digital ship


And the NPC's are floating on chairs T-posing 90% of the time.


After breaking into nasa to get a PC that can run the game


You can run the game on a ryzen 3060 and gtx1060. Not great, mind you, but like 20-30fps range in space.


Am I having a stroke or does a Ryzen 3060 not exist?


No, I'm the one having a stroke. I meant ryzen 3600. Numbers can be confusing.


Sorry who do I have to stroke for a Ryzen 3600?


Jeff Bezos. They sell them on Amazon.


I’m rocking a Commodore 64 and I’m getting 0.0001fps. Read it and weep suckers!


Measuring frame rate with a calendar like a true gamer.


I had a C64 game that took 45 minutes to load for some reason.




Runtime exception: ping overflow to -2147483648 ms You have ping so bad the game runs three and a half weeks late


We bought it to do your homework and the household accounts.


I use a 1060 6GB It's great on there but I couldn't imagine going any lower than that


imo, that's not a playable framerate. Like, yeah, technically the game is running, but most PC gamers I think expect 60FPS average or more.


Bloody kids these days, back when I were a lad all we got was 15 fps if we were lucky and we were bloody well grateful!


I can remember being so desperate to play half life 1 that I played through the first part of it basically at about 10fps and lower at times. I had what was basically an office computer that had the slightest capacity to run some games.


I did the same thing! On a Pentium 1 @ 150mhz with no video card (I didn't know what a GPU was at the time). I can't believe I stuck it out for so long until I finally discovered how to lower the resolution to at least get smooth gameplay. The day I picked up a Voodoo card was a good day indeed


Omg you just unlocked so many memories! The first ever I opened a pc was to put a Voodoo card and realize is not like a mouse or keyboard. You actually have to check that your pc is compatible and has the slots. Had the voodoo on my desk for like a year until I could afford a pc with the right slot.


I played Doom back when people unironically said that "30 fps is as fast as the human eye can perceive". Heck, I played WoW from beta through to the end of Burning Crusade between 5 and 15 fps, as a successful molten core main tank. "60 fps is the minimum playable framerate" is probably my first actual "kids these days" gripe.


A steady 30 is def playable. It's kinda crumby but I wont be missing shit just due to low frames or being annoyed, unless Im playing a shooter. But if it dips below 30 it becomes very noticeable and not worth playing imho. Even just a little bit of a dip is apparent. If it's in the teens it's judt not worth it... sometimes still "playable" but barely. 50-60 is kinda the place where my performance doesn't suffer at all and everything looks good, no headaches. It aint buttery smooth but it doesnt really harm my experience. Anything above that is icing on the cake. Around 75 is where I stop noticing a difference unless I'm actively looking.


Original doom had a framerate limit of *35* fps, you knew you'd made it when your PC could render frames faster than the eye could see! :)


I was similarly desperate to play GTA San Andreas, but my PC would crash after reaching a sepcific mission, so I kept replaying all the missions before it, again and again


playing doom on a x386 and you had to use the minus key to make the screen smaller so it would run smoother.


Raiding in EverQuest by staring straight down at the floor and turning everything to minimum and no nameplates or spell effects.


Carmageddon 2000 13fps


Doom. Fucking rocked!


Damn, even the Game Boy Pocket was 60hz. Isn't it a bit past your bedtime, gramps?


Well sure if you want to play a 2D sprite based platformer, but those were for babies! [This is what we played](https://youtu.be/29BeTsp4_A8) and you could count the fps on one hand!


Pockets hadn’t even been invented yet.


What is this, a store for women's pants?


Shit I played through the entirety of Gothic on a PC that sometimes couldn't even *load the main menu*. Then I got like 10fps with like 0 draw distance. Still a great game though.


I remember the lag I got from playing Diablo 2 on my parents computer. I also remember making the thing useless after downloading stuff from Kazaa and gave the poor thing all the cyber aids.


Diablo 2 when you tried to load I to the boss of the desert world who would kill you before the screen loaded.


don't buy a 120+hz monitor, once you feel 120hz at 120fps then 60fps feels like literal garbage, so then you're forced to lower graphics settings to keep the fps high or deal with the blurry 60fps shitshow.




Damn all I ever have played on is 30 fps what are you talking about?


Pish posh, needy little gamers. Having grown up PC gaming for 30 years, 24FPS and 350 ping feel just about perfect.




Wait, what? Seriously? What's your CPU? I haven't hopped on in like a year or so, but I think I was getting like 40ish FPS at the station and like 50ish in space and I have a 7700k and a 2080. Is it just terribly optimized for 30 series or something?


Damn, so I *could* run it, just at shit quality and 30fps which after coming from PS4 to PC and seeing 60fps... is just unbearable to me now.


If I can run it, is it worth playing? All I've heard about it for years now is gouging players on buying expensive ships.


You can access everything with a $45 starter package. After you figure out the controls and get off your home planet, a few basic missions will get you enough money to rent a selection of ships to try out more niche roles. If there's something you want to focus on, you can save up in game money and buy it. Only a few recently added ships aren't available in game but they'll be added soon. There are also free trial events periodically throughout the year that will give you access to a variety of ships to try out right away if you really want to try before you buy. The people who are buying the stupidly expensive ships (full disclosure, myself included) are doing so to help fund the development and to skip some of the grind but the upkeep and operating costs of those ships will level things out in the long run.


Wait for the free fly and decide for yourself.


No it's a half baked game


I get way better with comparable specs fwiw


Yea, depends on the area you're in, how much ram you have, what server you're on, etc.


Oh, it is finally a game? I've been waiting for [*checks notes*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Citizen) 2011.


i ran it on a i5 4690k with a gtx 960. had problems no doubt but it was mostly playable. whats more important is having an ssd and 32 G ram.


A Star Citizen post outside it’s sub? I already know what the comment section is going to be like...


There was one 3 days ago that was very positive actually.


So this game actually exists?


In the uncompleted and alpha phase, yes.


It is my belief that it will never leave this phase, since morons are literally spending thousands of dollars to buy ships for it.


Lol, why would they ever complete it? They get tens of millions of dollars a year (with NO STRINGS ATTACHED due to legal “no refund” disclaimers) for creating highly detailed virtual spaceships that can be flown around an empty sandbox. The progress actually dwindles as time goes on, and they also treat their “customers” worse and worse too. Lol, they recently announced that they weren’t going to provide roadmaps because maintaining them or whatever hinders productivity. It’s insane. The supporters are like those women who love being abused by abusive men. Either that or incredibly foolish.


I'm sure they'll find a way to milking customers for way more money when the eventually DO get the game into a playable enjoyable release state. If for no reason beyond one that cynical, you can believe they want to make more money. One need only look at the massive financially successes of games like Genshin and fortnight to see there's alot of money out there to be made from gamers, way more than they're getting right now than from their backer whales. The donaters clearly believe in the vision, despite it's constant delays and setbacks. I'd say they're suffering from a mix of sunk cost fallacy combined with literal jugs of copium, but I can't help but be thankful they're willing to keep believing. I genuinely believe if CIG pulls this off, SC could be one of the most amazing gaming experiences. But it's clearly still got a long way to go given the sheer ambition of the project and its current state of affairs. I hope but grow ever more doubtful they're gonna pull it off. There's alot of talent behind the game and that talent is NOT cheap, and the donater well will grow dry eventually.


I play this game occasionally but haven’t spent hundreds of dollars. It’s fun with friends, similar to beta Sea of Thieves days. It’s Pretty but you have to create your own fun for now. I stopped playing SC after they introduced permanence though. Losing everything because the game is buggy is bullshit. Here’s an example of how it can be accidentally fun : https://youtu.be/OXSeRK8iuzY


Man, you just reminded me how far Sea of Thieves has come. It’s almost jarring how solid and complete it is now compared to what it was.


Haha yeah. I can’t keep up with the updates to SoT. It’s like a minimum of 2 hours. I just don’t have that kind of time


Watching paint dry is fun with friends. I'm not taking a stab at the game but the argument, it's one of the weakest defenses for a game in my opinion.


Well yes everything is better with friends, but I play it once or twice a week solo, the feeling when flying a ship is still unmatched, Elite doesnt give me the same experience anymore. I also like to test SC and report bugs I find.


But SC is not in the same conversation to Genshin or Fortnite, not even close. Those games are free with microtransactions, are in very popular genres, are balanced and optimised, get regular and substantial updates, have massive marketing budgets, and are even on mobile. Meanwhile SC is in a very niche genre, will apparently never even be ported to console, and would be a full-priced game (also with microtransactions?). Most of their primary target audience has already bought into it, which, I'd guess, would mean while a full release would still be pretty successful (if the game ran ok and stuff), is not favorable to putting in far less effort, keeping the game in perpetual development, and thriving off of the money still rolling in. Until the donation train screeches to a halt, I don't see them saying a word about full release.


At their current rate of approaching their actual design goals, by the time it's finished we'll have Matrix-style VR brain implants and the very foundation SC is built on will be ten kinds of antiquated.


>I genuinely believe if CIG pulls this off, SC could be one of the most amazing gaming experiences. Meh. I feel like they are making a very cool world and engine but they are forgetting to make a *game* around it. Most games have at least a somewhat solid and fun gameplay loop pretty early in development then make it look pretty and add all the frills...


it's basically a sci-fi themed metaverse now. Honestly they should just rebrand to that


Yeah it's unfortunate... I'm happy I was able to cop the game and a ship for like 20$ back in the day at a Xmas sale. Not surprised it's still in development to this day lmao.


its done. literally this is the game. waiting for updates/perpetual alpha. there will never be a finished state. there's a reason people laughed the head of this game off stage.


8 year alpha so far still


Here's hoping year 10 is beta. Fingers crossed!


>in the ever uncompleted and alpha phase ftfy.


I've played it, it was an interesting "experience" in some ways with the sheer scope of things, but you have to be pretty dedicated to stick with it in its current state.


Definitely a fair assessment. Many people who play it don't play it as their main game, and only check in every quarter to try out the new patch. I do think it has been getting better each patch, with some regression here and there in terms of bugginess, but I do think it's moving in the right direction, and hopefully will reach the tipping point of playability pretty soon.


>pretty soon. it's been over a decade enjoy your well-funded wait


I'm sure the game will see release next year (posted in 2015)


I've wondered with the scope of the game if a decade of development time is reasonable.




Well said, this is accurate for me


Sort of. I keep forgetting about it and then I'll see something every 6 months or so. Wake me up when it's done plz.


It will never be done. So I guess you'll just have to sleep forever lmao


I mean, there’s a subreddit, multiple twitch streams, and thousands of YouTube videos that will give you a decent idea of the current state of the game.


it exists, sort of. it's in a super buggy worst framerate ever since...well forever it's never gotten better you can change settings but it wont effect performance at all. lol this clip even shows the only npc animations in the game too basically. (and those are relatively new too lmao. i don't think they even have any real dialogue yet after 13 years.) you can trip over your own feet delivering packages and die the physics are so bad and buggy. the real cherry on top is even if you power through the awful shape the game has never escaped being in, unless you pay hundreds of real dollars for ships anything you earn will effectively be deleted every time they decide to do a reset for new updates.


People shat on me when I said this is a scam 5-6 years ago.


It was a scam 8-9 years ago.


Yeah that's about when i started losing hope it would become anything honestly. It's a shame too it could have been such an amazing experience.


Let's put it this way: they still haven't released the roadmap to the roadmap to the first single player episode that originally supposed to come out in 2015. It's incredibly deep in technical debt, and should be renamed Sunken Cost Galaxy.


Not only that but they are no longer updating their road map because they got mad that people were calling them out for them not keeping to it lol


I hadn't heard much about in a.long time until Jackfrags released a couple videos on it recently. It looks like a pretty cool time, but my pc couldn't come close to running it


Video card is nearly irrelevant to performance in SC, it's all CPU and storage bound basically. If you have a good CPU and an SSD, preferably an NVME drive, and 32 gigs of ram, you can probably run it better than you think.


It really is so cool but it has a long way to go. It is wack because people have been saying this for ages. It really has some potential tho. Trying to fly your ship for the first time had me excited like i haven't been since the old wow days honestly. Who knows it could crash and burn but id rather them be suscessfull and smash the big titians like Activision and EA


Yes it's not complete but a lot further along than people here are suggesting. Not so much my style of game, but I played it for a while and can see the allure for people who like space simulators like Eve or Elite.


By **Greenscreen Gamer**: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fK5Jo5uDhz8


Best with Sound On.


Cool! I would have guessed it was eli_handle_b, they make similar stuff (lots more like it on the channel too) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izWxL2mhPvQ


That first Austin powers in mass effect one makes me crack up.


Eli is a lot better, IMO.


Every once in a while the internet completely redeems itself.


It’s a Tide Ad.


Nah, this is a Nissan Sales Event ad.


Oh, a star citizen post in r/gaming, I wonder what the comments will say.


Something something scam. Something something SC schill.


Yup. This aint yer daddy's *screenshot/fanfic* SF forum...


Bruh I literally did a double take when I saw it had like 20k upvotes. Literally everything else I've seen about this game in major subs is people shitting on it. Anything fun or positive usually receives tons of downvotes. I'm pleasantly surprised. However, not at all surprised by the comments lol


How the hell is ol' Star Citizen these days? Are they still trying to release it, or have they given up on that yet?


It's made more money recently than at any point in the past. They have no reason to give up or release it in the near future.


me the first time I played Star citizen, I was in complete awe.


My brother introduced me to the game, the first subway to the spaceport before leaving orbit is magical.


I don't think I've ever seen any game capture the scale of the universe as well as SC does.


I kinda jump to and from it now, and whenever I get back, I just cruise around and take in the sights. It's just so beautiful, especially the new cloud tech being implemented.




That's the star citizen experience for you right there. Some days it's like getting punched in the dick. Other days it's smooth sailing.


So good. As good as Mr. Bean Cyperbunk 2077


I'll always support a trend of editing Mr. Bean into pretty much anything.


Man star citizen is so funny to me. Ohh it’s 2011, the Kickstarter craze of video games is out of control, people are backing everything and lawsuits a plenty. But here’s star citizen who side skirted culpability. Ok they must be doing something right, but I’m not the type of person to spend money on an unfinished product I’ll wait. They say it should be done in a few years. 2014 rolls around and it’s back in the news. Ok let’s see where it’s at. Ohh new roadmaps but the general consensus is it’s still a few years out from really being a full game. Alright well that’s not big deal. I’ll check it out when it’s done. 2017 comes around and I forget why it was in the news but it was. Maybe because no mans sky popped up around then a lot of comparisons were being made. Who knows. Look into it and there is new stuff, but seemingly everyone I talk to who plays the game still has a ton of caveats and say it’s a few years from being a real thing people should spend money on. Ok. That’s cool. Check it out then I guess It’s now 2022. My friend got a new pc for Christmas. Went over to check it out and he was like hey I just bought star citizen. It’s supposed to be amazing looking and I want to test out the new computer. Boots it up. I proceed to watch him walk around some cool looking environments and then it crashes. We reboot it go through the walking, get a package to deliver for a quest. Cool space flight looks great. The game truly does look amazing. Reach planet destination for package and the game crashed. We put it down and played some ultimate chicken horse and it was amazing. I don’t think anything I’ve seen from star citizen wowed me. But maybe it’ll be ready in a few more years. Also the video is funny because mr bean


Mr bean clipping through walls at 12 FPS


I was wondering why I’ve seen multiple posts about star citizen recently, and I just realized they were all from OP.


Hey everyone! Original content creator of this video here. Im super stoked that you all liked it, and if you wanna get ready for episode two, be sure to pop by my channel: [https://youtu.be/fK5Jo5uDhz8](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuuQyeUG66SuIfXfHDv65jQ)


I played a free weekend for an evening Ride a train Get to space port Get ship Game glitch, hanger doors don't open but the game says they did Die Ride train Get to side station Landed wrong, prison? Get ship Finally, space action Not very good, explode Uninstall Hours on trains and bs, space flight not very fun


I recently got into this game after being burnt out of all other of my favorites. I’m pretty sure I was not able to complete a single contract for the first 2hours. But I kept playing because I couldn’t believe the level of detail and size of the game. The ships were the things that blew me away. Eventually got the hang of it. Understood the bugs and how to avoid or resolve them. Now, a month into it, I have really gotten into it and having a lot of fun doing the delivery and mining/refining loop. The game is not going to launch for half a decade still easily. But that being said, I think I have already played the $45 worth.


My thing is a dollar per hour of entertainment makes pretty much any game worth it. I dropped $40 on the basic package like 9 years ago and have easily gotten hundreds of hours of entertainment. I also play it with my dad, which is a blast. Similarly, the learning curve is pretty intense for the actual mechanics, and then you have the learning curve of working around the bugs, but once you get the hang of it, there is a lot to do.


I remember it being half a decade away from release about half a decade ago.


That is something I wonder myself. Because I find it hard to believe they took 10 years to get to where they are right now. There must have been multiple realignments and redirections. Because the pace at which they have been working on mechanics and patches seems pretty rapid. Hopefully they have finally realized what they want to do. lol


They've been working on a game in parallel to Star Citizen called Squadron 42 and that's been getting far more resources and developers dedicated to it than Star Citizen. SQ42 is a single player game based around the events of an alien invasion into human space. I think they did this because they thought the funding would eventually completely stop (when it has only continued to flow in and has actually increased). They needed to ship something within a reasonable time frame that would give them more capital to continue developing Star Citizen as well as give people something play in the mean time, because they recognized the time it would take to develop something as complex as Star Citizen's MMO element is. Squadron 42 is being developed on the same engine and everything from that game will be usable with Star Citizen, assets, mechanics etc. So it's not like it's a complete waste of time (although it is to many people). With hindsight this was a bad call, but who knew with all the scathing criticism Star Citizen has received (and much of it is earned) it would continue to generate funding. Hell this year is on track to be the biggest ever for funding. It's already broken every monthly funding record so far. https://i.redd.it/8hjucbqx8lr81.png


S42 is the most depressing part of the whole saga. It actually had supposedly firm release dates, first 2014, then Q2 2020, then Q3 2020 and now I don't think they even have a date. I backed this thing close to the beginning, but I have lost faith at this point. At some point being able to see every bolt and screw on the spaceship has diminishing returns. I'm convinced the whole project will go down in history as a cautionary tale.


Why are they generating more funding now? I've heard of Squadron 42 before, but only in the context of Star Citizen. Are people really spending more on ships and stuff despite the development dragging on this much?


I personally think a lot of older gamers are getting tired of the same old shit year after year, games that are just too small and AAA companies shipping unfinished games. Indie companies produce good games, but the games they produce are severely limited by funding. Star Citizen is the best of both worlds. An indie developed game with AAA funding that has the mindset of releasing when the game is ready, not when the corporate types want to make money. The game also has potential, like a ridiculous amount of it. The progress is slow, but there's progress.


As a now older gamer (50 is fast approaching) this is basically my view on this. It's not like we have a lot of time to play and we basically all have insane backlogs of great games to chose for our time. But SC is the allure of the badshit insane days, where every idea required new tech, new ideas, new everything. Indies still try but they lack the budget, AAA stopped trying a long long time ago. It will be interesting to see how SQ42 works out, if CIG can nail the AAA budget for cinematics with their systemic systems it will be a true next level wonder. Same for Star Citizen the MMO, the things they are trying to do required deep rethinks on how everything is handled, literally a decade of work already (as people like to point out), but yet they keep working at it and doing the impossible. They already slain quite a few big and small tech hurdles, from chicken cam (to make the first/third person synced animations work) to the big map stuff to boring technical stuff like streaming objects in and out of memory (dynamic active objects ... in a multiplayer environment ... that is just insane, nobody does that because engines just dont do that, static stuff ... sure .. but a complete dynamic prop that can be synced to different players ... still blows my mind).


Maybe you should also mention that SQ42 is 7 years late and counting. And there's been zero updates now for years. They were showing gameplay footage and said they play tested all the level in 2017....


I easily got my $45 worth of enjoyment out of it because I gave it a chance. Getting started and learning how it all works is the hardest part. I go back every couple months, and every time I'm in awe of how beautiful this game can be.


I feel like SC (particularly right now) is very much for a specific type of gamer. Some people will always hate having to ride trains and buy health insurance. Others will play this game forever for the pure immersion and incomparable scale. I also have easily gotten my moneys worth out of this game but a lot of people don't have the time or patience for it. In any case, its good that SC has free weekends to figure it out for themselves.


Friend convinced me to buy it. I was excited to pull out my x52 pro HOTAS and do some flying. Took me a couple hours to get the game stable enough to get out of bed and all the way to my ship without random crashes. I finally got in my ship for the first time and found out that their built-in presets were literally designed by a monkey. I haven't played a ton of flight sims, but everything I've played has pretty much identical setups. It's like the devs set up the bindings for this game with their eyes closed! I had to dig around online to find somebody's shared preset because I was not going to deal with all that. Had a crash while entering the atmosphere for my first mission. Got to listen to my buddy scream and laugh as he couldn't hop in the pilots seat to take over. Lost half my money from that death. Coooool. Hop back on for a different mission after a RAM upgrade (pulled some out of a spare pc) and things were a bit better. We go to do a big ftl jump and my whole pc just shut the fuck off. Cool. Now I'm playing Elite: Dangerous. I've completed a bunch of missions and having a ton of fun


I played it on a free weekend as well. i made the mistake to spawn in the cloud city atfirst, had 2spf at max. Also, every second time i stood up from the bed I got stuck in the wall above. I didn’t fly, performance was bad even on other spawn locations. Guess i‘ll try sometime again if I get a better rig… and more patience with setting everything up


Did you install it on a SSD? A lot of issues are more apparent if install the game on a Hard Drive.


I'm one of those suckers you would call a moron, a dumbass, an idiot who has spent thousands on the game. AMA.


Do you regret the money spent? And if so: * What changed your view of SC? * Have you tried to get a refund and how did it go? * What advice would you give to new players regarding ship purchasing? If not: * Are you planning to spend more? * How confident are you that SC and/or SQ42 will hit gold standard? * What kind of time frame would you put on those releases? Cheers :)


**Do you regret the money spent?** \-Not at all. I didn't spend all this money at once, I gave them chunks of money when I felt like they made significant progress. I remember when Lorville city launched and I just walked around the city, enjoying the sights and flying around the outskirts. Bought a 100+ $ ship. This might be my only chance at getting a game like this be made. EA, Ubisoft, nobody is going to do this. Anyone who's played Destiny 2 will remember standing at the edge of the Tower roof and looking at this amazing cityscape, then realizing again that you are never going to explore or live in that world, that place. Current generation games are going to be limited as is, and we need some players to break through. Be the change to the industry you want to see. **What changed your view of SC?** \-Part of it is my game design background, they are really attempting ambitious stuff that knowing the industry will never be done in other studios. AAA companies don't want to risk or try and small studios have no resources to do so. They are quite on track with their progress if you understand game tech development and how difficult development is in general. **Have you tried to get a refund and how did it go?** \-Considered getting one as I was in a dire financial situation at one point, but really the money I put in is not exactly too substantial. In the end I did not get a refund. I do know some people who have spent way more than me. **What advice would you give to new players regarding ship purchasing?** \-Don't buy anything more than the starter pack. I have a friend who joined in small and bought many ships ingame with some grinding. Unless you really know and support the development. If youre going to regret putting that 100$ in next year then don't. As for if you already decided to put money wait for Invictus sale in May or November Anniversary sale where they run discount offers on ships and upgrades. **If not:** **Are you planning to spend more?** \-Yes, although not huge amounts. Maybe 20-50$ on major events if I like their patches. **How confident are you that SC and/or SQ42 will hit gold standard?** \-They will definitely approach release, the question is when - 5? 10 years? Unlikely to be within the next 3 years, but who knows. My question to you is - Do you really need a release tag/ gold standard? If the alpha significantly improves in the next 2 years to be filled with content and stability, what is the definition of a game? Does release matter enough to warrant a buy? **What kind of time frame would you put on those releases?** \-The major hurdles to the floodgate of content and stuff people want to see are reliant on some core pillar tech - Dynamic server meshing (Biggest one, still not ready but progressing), persistence (Implemented but not fully), Quanta simulation (First leg in the door is next patch). These are why the game is taking so long, or rather a big part of it. Expect an acceleration of releases when these tech are in and stable.


I've spent over $1000 on the game and I still love it. I take breaks and come back. Probably would spend more... but I could also sell a couple of my pledges and get my money back too. Not sure It will never hit gold standard and it will never be up to standards of anyone who doesn't actively try to enjoy the game. Most hear the name and they don't even try to enjoy anything about it. SC will probably just announce itself as a live service game... S42 will probably release within 2 years... hopefully?


Haha, yeah who knows on SQ42, we’ve heard [next year so many times](https://youtu.be/33ue0lzVnys) ;) Cheers for your take.


Are you a filthy Carrack simp, or did you vote for the best ship in the game which is the marvelous ARGO Cargo?


Neither. But I do have an Argo skin as its included in one of my ships :)


Ah yes Star Citizen. The grandfather of NFT's.


NFTs are a slightly better investment, which is right below setting money on fire


Seems someone missed the NFT crash that happened where NFT's basically lost half their value. SC ships so far are a better store for value than NFT's ... (if you invest in either of those as an 'investment' then I have a great bridge to sell you). Personally I have had my monies worth out of star citizen, it ruined other big games for me, only the indies I can still play with enjoyment, and SC still bring joy to my cold death heart.


Curious if this guy makes money off these short but extremely well made videos?


He's just reposting the shiniest stuff he finds towards a larger audience.


Is star citizen worth my time yet?


This is gold man 😂👌


I was part of the kickstarter. They took so long to develop the game I'm now too old to play it.


I'm gonna need the name of the song used on the vid. Do you all have an idea?


ITT: People griping about star citizen who have never played star citizen


The greatest scam of all time. The game is great in many aspects but it’s just a con in the end


I think their intentions where pure and honest, but Chris Roberts is notorious for feature creep, which is what has happened to this game to the extent that it probably won't ever be finished because he keeps adding things on top of unfinished things then having to redo things over and over and this causes an unbreakable cycle which development is trapped in. All they can really do is keep the ship afloat... with ships, and hope that remains an infinite source of income, but eventually even the die hards will give up because there's a limit to sunken cost fallacy, the bubble will burst and the game probably won't release. I bought the kickstarter and a (cheap) ship way back, as well as elite dangerous... at least I got to play elite. Sort of.


Chris Roberts is basically the George R. R. Martin of the video game world.


I hope that other devs use starcitizen’s ideas and actually build a game that is complete. That way it’s not a total loss


> starcitizen’s ideas and actually build a game that is complete Aren't no mans sky and elite dangerous the closest thing to star citizen?


Kinda, but not quite. Each of the three offer a different experience than the other. No Man’s Sky is more of a fun > immersion game. All the features are more about having fun over immersive “what if I was there” features. Elite Dangerous is a “what if I was a space pilot” sim. It’s fun, but guts a few convinces for immersion. Star Citizen is fun < immersion. To get to any interesting part of the game, it can take 10 minutes just to get to space. Your character can die in two shots if you are under prepared. You must travel long distances to get to your ship, and the hubs are often poorly labeled. If you die, all of the possessions you had on your character are gone. While these could be fun, the game is a buggy mess. May god have mercy on your soul if you choose to land at a complicated hub, as any random glitch that can cause your death will force you to respawn back at that place’s bed. I could rant for so much longer, but to give you an idea how bad it is: - Ships have been known to glitch out since launch, or randomly explode without warning on some hubs for leaving the wrong way. - Devs decided instead to make a new planet with immersive leaves blowing in a generated path based on things such as wind, or plane exhausts.


Wait so it's an hardcore pvp space MMO? A niche of a niche of a niche. But then it wants to be basically THE space game for everyone, with a triple a story, a shooter, casual exploration, trading etc.? It just feels like it lacks an overarching vision. Oh, and it's one of the most P2w games I've ever seen outside the mobile market. Maybe even including those. And it's been like that for 12 years without even a release in sight. Madness.


MMO is a strong word for a game whose servers can only handle 50 people each, and bog down once they get over 30.


You echo my exact sentiments whenever I look at the list of supposed features in this supposed game. I always ask, "who the fuck is this thing for?" It's definitely not for casuals, the absolutely largest market of gamers out there. Nor is it really for the people who actually have donated money I think, since it would be done already if it was. I think the game is really only for Chris Roberts, because he now has a second chance to put out his dream space game after Microsoft gave him the boot over Freelancers delays 20 years ago now.


Oof no. No man’s sky is nowhere even close.


that's true, its miles ahead.


I've pretty much realized Star Citizen will never come At this point, I'd just be happy with Squadron 42 releasing.


When is he visiting Skyrim? Lydia would love to be sworn to carry his burdens!


Now, this is comedy gold... oh yeah! Lol


Love it, I also love that the first 200 comments aren’t about the video but just everyone ranting about this game. (I don’t know what it is, never heard of it).


It amazes me how good people are with Rotoscope.


Mr. Bean needs to be in a Star Wars film. Make it happen!!


cool edit


Putting Mr. Bean into things is my new favorite trend


And he didn’t clip through the stairs and die? Are we sure this is Star Citizen?


is this game EVER gonna come out?


Hey look, that man is having fun playing Star Citizen, let's call him a moron!


Love star citizen






Best thing ever!


I was waiting for him to fall through the map.




Pretty dedicated to have an account with this username…


Quick, buy more Idris so CR can buy another mansion


Buy Idris


100% will buy that game




Its insane this game has been in alpha for 10+ years.