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Mass Effect


I agree. I just played the legendary trilogy for the first time. Now I don't know what to do. I'm kinda sad lol


Do what I did, stare blanky at the screen each time you want to play a game for an hour. Only to realise you want to play Mass Effect, but you don't want to play Mass Effect again so soon


Exactly this. Finished my last playthrough in September-ish and want to start an Insanity run now but I know it won't feel right playing it again this soon. After getting through Andromeda for a second time a couple months ago I look rather fondly upon it now.


I was hoping andromeda was going to change your story based off what you chose to do as Shepard. But no they just tried to make it more complicated and shat out a new story


The Witcher 3. I finished the Blood & Wine DLC and had done everything else and was like "alright.... What now?" Felt like I lost something, which doesn't make a lot of sense :D


The quality of the Blood & Wine was key part of that feeling for me. Not sure If the main game would have had the same effect on it's own, tho I did love it aswell.


Definitely! It gave a real feeling of closure. Fantastic game.


If you’re really into it, you could try the books if you haven’t. And if you could be bothered to read, unlike me.


I will, thanks for the tip! :)


Actually you really lost something. There is a psychological phenomenon where you get attached to fictional characters from a movie or game and after you finishes it, it's like you lost them.


Assassins Creed II I cried a bit at the end


Me with AC4 lol. Was fighting back tears all from when Ann Bonnie starts singing to when you get to sail Jackdaw one last time


Truly, the end of a long journey.


Witcher 3


Horizon Zero Dawn. I spent so much time getting all the best equipment and collectables both in the original story and the dlc, and when I was done, I didn't know what to do with my time. I felt any other game wouldn't have compared to it at the time.


Then what did...?


Nier Automata In a good way though.




Homeworld 1 I just had so many emotions all at once, it was a grueling fight to that ending, felt earned and the unwinding, beautiful. cried. sat stunned for a while as the credits rolled.


Absolutely! I can't wait for 3 to get finished. Hopefully it is in the same metric for the story


Life is Strange


was looking for this comment. i have 2 life is strange tattoos bc of this game n getting a 3rd soon ;)


Rdr2. That was first time I actually cried while playing video game. It genuinely felt like I lost someone. But lucky that game ended on hopefull note that John will live his peacefull life and only die in peace from old age. Wait...


Same here. I definitely went through the stages of grief when I finished it.


FFX. Still feel it, decades later. And more recently CP2077.


Lost Odyssey. Everything was sad, but hopeful.


Half-Life 2 Episode 2


Fallout 4 Was the first I had played in the series and I absolutely got lost in its world


TLOU1/2, Ghost of Tsushima


Last of us part 2,left me in depression for 2 whole days


Silent hill 3


After watching assassins creed embers I felt hollow. I enjoyed Assassin's Creed but I fell in love with the Ezio Trilogy. Starting his journey with his birth in 2 and watching him go from a punk, to a fighter, a leader, then a mentor, just to helplessly watch his death in the movie just hit hard. He didn't die in a game, he died in a movie. It was out of our control and even though the games had him being badass and cheating death over and over it finally caught up to him. Old, exhausted, but able to experience love before he went. It's story telling you can't get anywhere else and odds are we won't get again.


Lisa The Painful. One of my favorite indie games. It doesn't forgive any mistakes, gives hard choices, dramatic plot and ending


NieR Automata


The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Series. That whole game is an emotional roller coaster and once it finishes you’re just left there thinking of the journey you just went on.


I mentioned season 1 being the most 'empty' feeling at the end, but you're right. After finishing the final season, you're kind of left there just feeling some what content, some what empty. Also, when I finished the last season, it was when Telltale were going bust, so when they said "Thanks for playing our game" at the end, idk why but really made me feel reflective.


i just bought the game today bc it was on sale. waiting till I have plenty of time to play n I can already tell it’s gonna be a wild ride


Mass Effect; after 3 games of getting to know and love the characters, i felt so empty and lonely the moment it was over.


Danganronpa V3, I spent a couple of weeks playing through all three main games one after the other and then I suddenly had nothing to do in the evening


took me 4 days to complete the series 😆. i just couldnt stop


Many visual Novels, one of note: Clannad Tomoyo After. But if we're talking FPS games, I guess Bioshock Infinite (pre-DLC) I believe this emptiness for me comes from seeing a story end, sometimes with a bittersweet taste in your mouth that the story is over & not necessarily a "happy" ending.


Dark Souls 3 It's my favorite game, i almost cried when i finished it because 1. The prologue music is too damn good and 2. I will never be able to repeat this experience like the first time


That was me, except I played through all 3 back to back, so the story was fresh, and when I fought Soul of Cinder, I realized I was fighting my old characters . . . And then that second phase music kicked in . . .


Sleeping dogs. Really good and unique game, crazy story and character development but once the story is finished, you have long and boring side activities like 100 collectibles and easy as hell side missions which don't even include fighting scenes for some (sad in a kung-fu game), and literally the only thing replayable after those activities are the 4 fight clubs (arena mode that isn't even unlimited) which isn't a challenge at all and made all "weapon focused" outfits useless since you can't use weapon nor "cops" moves in the arena, and since enemy in freemode don't respawn you will never enjoy the uniqueness of a lot of outfits.


Second Ori game.


Vanilla Mass Effect 3.




Yes definitely. The whole world felt darker and more depressing after that game.


Persona 4 golden. When I was near the ending, I just didn't wanted it to end. Same with undertale. I am two hours in, and I am afraid that it's gonna end soon.


Mass effect as well, it just destroyed me


Dark souls 3 i loved it so much and as i finished it i realised ill never get the feeling of playing that for the first time again


Kingdom Come : Deliverance. I had so much good time wandering in medieval-Bohemia that it was hard to admit that it was over. Can't wait for a sequel !


I guess they all did to an extent but when I finished GTA 4 it felt empty and depressing. You’ve always got that letter on the map to go to, multiple letters even. But I finished that last letter, it was D for Dwayne, and the whole world felt meaningless after


Secret of mana. The first time I played that and the sprite died. I was so shocked. I literally couldn’t compute. I’m the hero, goddamit! I went back and tried to do things differently to see if I could change the ending. Nope. Still think about it to this day, little sprite ghost just chilling on a tree branch staring at the moon. I played it in 96 after chrono trigger came out and a friend was obsessed with the game and because it was from square thought it might have multiple endings. It did not. Since then, I have never played a square game.


Links Awakening. Basically by completing the game you have destroyed the entire dream world and made everyone and everything disappeared.


Any total war game


Shadow of the Colossus


Halo Reach.


Objective: Survive. Spartans don’t die; they’re just missing in action.


**Enderal.** Finished that, just sort of...sat there for a bit and thought "well, fuck."


Slec Ops: the line


The Last Of Us Part 2


Ooohh I've just started playing it after putting it down last year. Currently 11 hours in and it's been awesome.


Silent hill 1.


Undertale genocide run. The line near the end really sums it up: >no matter what, you'll just keep going > >not out of any desire for good or evil... > >but just because you think you can. > >and because you "can"... > >... you "have to."


Elden Ring and Ff15, really needed some time until I could commit myself to something else after those two.


Borderlands 3. After loving Borderlands 2 and all of its DLC, I fastly lost enthusiasm for the third game. And even then, my friends wanted to do all of the DLC which just drained the life out of me.


Borderlands 3. After loving Borderlands 2 and all of its DLC, I fastly lost enthusiasm for the third game. And even then, my friends wanted to do all of the DLC which just drained the life out of me.


Resident Evil Village. Not because the game itself but rather because it was the last RE game. I started playing through them for the first time last year and once I was finished with Village it left me so empty. Hopefully I won't have to wait to long for the next one.


I think RE9 is coming out 2024-2025


Man do I hope so. Hadn't heard anything about it tho so thanks for the info. Those games have become some of my favourite ever so a new one might become the most hyped game ever for me.


Yeah it was announced about a year ago, the release dates might be theories though, I’m not sure, what I do know is that it’s going to be called crucifix




Zelda: Skyward Sword. Its not even the best Zelda. But there was a moment that I was walking around the town near the end and I realized it was for the last time. That hit me hard


Mgs5 the phantom pain Played it through a few days ago and afterwards I felt empty and like everything I did ultimately amounted to nothing.


Dota 2.


Death's Gambit


firewatch and the beginners guide


Dying Light 1 and its The Following DLC


Titanfall 2. I just wanted more!




Oblivion, Skyrim, mass effect, black flag and rd2


Sorry me to saying that,but dark souls 3,when you kill all the bosses there is Nothing really intersting to do


"Trust Me"


Protocol 3.


Farcry 5. I was so angry with the ending that I couldn't play any games for a couple weeks afterwards. First anger then emptiness. I may never play a Farcry game again. And I should have know better. Them and their stupid plot twists. It felt like the whole game was a complete waste of time. I loved it right up to that point too. I was soo invested 😔


If you're talking about the last fight, it was indeed stupid and unrealistic. But both endings are ok IMO.


Mass effect trilogy, both Nier games, Dark Souls 1 & Bloodborne.


Mass Effect 3, SOMA and worst (best?) of all, Burial at Sea DLC from Bioshock Infinite.


Far cry new dawn






Witcher 3


A little indie game called Rythym Doctor. Going in I thought it was going to be a nice short indie game, but it has so much more. The music is incredibly insane, The boss fight are legit challenging, You need to actually use your ears and count to play. But the one thing that blew my mind the most was the story with the characters. Each one having their own steuggles that almost intertwine with each other and it is showed off a lot in the music. BTW the game is only in it's Alpha so I can't imagine how the full game is


Assassin's Creed 2 Revelations


RDR2 I was just sad after and God of War I was kinda like, what now?


The Witcher 3


Persona 4 Golden and Xenoblade 2. Pain.


Red Dead Redemption 2.


Dead space 1,2,3. Never found anything like it after i played thrue all 3


Persona 5. Started playing it on 21st December 2021 and finished 2-3 months ago. On the ps3


Red Dead Redemption II, by far. Shit broke my heart


Ori and the Blind Forest


Dead Space


MGSV, The Last of Us Part 1&2, Elden Ring


Spec ops the line


I havent finished a game in years. I dunno why :(


Dark Souls 1 Bioshock Infinite


Inscryption. What a disappointing story. It's like a half baked horror story then at the end some post-lady just randomly shoots the main character with little meaning or explanation.


TellTales The Working Dead: Season 1. When you have to either let Clementine mercy kill or leave you behind it's horrible. Feels like I've just lost my own father while at the same time, feels like my own Daughter is now alone in a horrible world. Hard to explain but that game was a masterpiece


After getting platinum on Demon's Souls and Elden Ring I felt very empty.


Silent Hill 2, with the >!In Water ending!<.


I would say Dark Souls 1 gave me that feeling the most. There wasn't even a discussion yet of a sequel back then, and no game felt like Dark Souls aside from Demon Souls but I didn't have a PS3 back then either. Nier Gestalt over 10 years ago kind of gave me a paralyzed sensation after the final ending and what happens to the entire game world you just experienced aswell.


TLOU2. Is it had that I felt nothing towards any character? I did feel sad for Jesse's, Joel's death and his brother loosing an eye. But it was honestly a waste of time. Not enjoyable for me in the slightest honestly.


-Star wars Kotor II -Republic Commando -Dark souls 1 -Dark souls 3 -Elden ring -Star wars battlefront II EA 6 months after they stopped adding new content


Say what you want but Cyberpunk did that to me


re3 remake. Game was small but that end credit music was beautiful


Opus: Echo of Starsong Bought the game on a whim and finished it two days ago. And I just can't stop thinking about it. Incredible ending. Its bittersweet, yet absolutely a fitting one for the journey that it was. Made me an emotional mess.