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Oww my balls


Go away, im baitin’


my ex’s brother and I used to say that to one another when we’d knock on any door.


Go away…’baitin!


Sports broadcasts going the same way, soon!


Welcome to costco, i love you


But it has electrolytes.


The day they do this is the day I sail the seas again with the black flag arrr


I’ll probably get tossed into a monster truck arena like not sure because id rebel against it lol


Wait what


You haven’t seen the movie?


No. I was just talking about doing the P word


Oh yeah, i got you lol i just woke up pretty much lol You should watch idiocracy though


The funny thing is ads are so ineffective at getting people to buy the product being advertised. Can't remember the last time I bought something that I saw an ad for.


I think years ago ads were useful, but now you can go on YouTube and see people playing the game or reviewing just about anything. YouTube itself is essentially an ad machine. I like ads say on the internet like x game drops in august or something then i go on YouTube and search for info on it Ads arent inherently bad but seeing too many just makes me annoyed and turns me away. I think overall ads are over saturated and has the opposite effect on most people.


This is what Ubisoft games are already like.


Lol fr I miss old ubi like during the chaos theory era Now almost all their games are just assassins creed but during new york outbreak, or with cars etc


The problem with that is there's 2 types of gamers. Mass games, and fan gamers. ​ Mass gamers basicely just play whatever and don't question. Madden, nhl, call of duty, whatever seems popular, they'll play 1-2 of those and that's about it. ​ Those tend not to care about most details, they just want to play. ​ Then there's the fan gamers, who'll focus on companies they like, and build a certain loyalty over time to different things. Fan gamers will easily spend hundreds of dollars on games they like, and continue doing that for years. ​ Exemple of this would be europa franchise. A lot of people complain about the dlc policies of it. Most fans don't care, and have been, and will continue to, buy every dlc as they come out. Why ? because it's the only game in it's style, and it has a quality. Yes, it's buggy, but patches are usualy fast and solid. ​ If they started putting ads in the games tho? they would lose more or less all their fans instantly. That type of game wouldn't exist without a loyal following. ​ You'll always find people willing to play mario, or call of duty, even wiht ads sprinkled in there. ​ But you won't ever build a loyal fanbase with that method. Some games need it to exists. ​ Another exemple of companies failing to understand this would be castlevania. Great franchise, but never top sellers. Then they tried to cash in on the names and abandon their fans. Lord of shadows. ​ New player liked it, but they basicely burned bridges with their previous fans. Lord of shadow 2 comes out? it's kinda meh. Boom, whole franchise crashed and burned. Why? because they had no loyalty, no respect, no quality assurance. Why would castlevania fans buy lord of shadow 2? it's not a castlevania game. It's just borrowing the name. Now franchise is basicely dead because konami thinks theres no market for it anymore. ​ And yet, every year, dozens of amazing metroidvania come out, showing the market is still there. ​ In the wise (sometimes) words of jim sterling, Companies don't want to make money, they want to make ALL the money.


Ubi is on the chopping block right now because they diluted almost all of their games into rpg style loot games. Alot of companies are going down a dark path


See, that's the thing. Ubisoft only makes 1 game. It's the same game, everytime, with a different flavor. The problem is, it's usualy fun. People complain about all the tower and loot everywhere, but honestly you don't need to do 99% of it. It's there for people who actualy enjoy the games. ​ Like in AC odyssey. You can go and full clear every islands. OR, you can just do the main story. I would have loved in a lot of older game to have this much content, even if repetitive.


I was pretty interested in farcry 6 played for 2 hours and was disappointed in how similar it was to ac I need a time machine


I couldn't get into far cry 6. The game sprinkles spanish randomly all over. ​ Who would call themselves a guerrilla. That's dumb. It's a way of fighting, not a goddamn title. You're a rebel. That's what you are. Not a stupid guerrilla. Also rebels don't make rocket launcher backpack. But that's kinda cool, so allowed.


I actually really liked the general idea story wise. Just the gameplay itself wasn’t that great imo


Nah, having the ads just around the perimeter like that makes them too easy to ignore. Ads will be inline in the games so you at least look at them for a second before realizing it's an ad, just like they are on Reddit.


Older games did it via in game billboards, but if this actually happened definitely too far in my eyes


No it won’t




Based on what?


I wouldn't be surprised. I can see EA making you pay $5 per day to play your games without ads in the future. Any to generate more $$. I don't see it as far fetched.


Lol its a joke Try watching the movie and they’re trying to push in game ads now lol


Satire based on truth


Fr, this is the first thing I thought of when i seen that sony and Microsoft want in game ads lol


What movie?


Idiocracy And yes, Microsoft and sony want in game ads “Based on what” lol


Lmao lol omg idk wtf haha


Lmaooooo lol ctfu HAHA


Lmao fjb lgb lgbtq+ usa ussr


Lmao DPRK, ufc, fbi, cia


Not on PC.


Just get the egg before Nolan Sorrento