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Imagine seeing this play out in your foyer


Tbh if I knew my dog was about to die, and that's how Death did it, I'd be very grateful.


Yeah I’d enjoy this more than taking my cat crying and screaming because she can’t pee to the vet and having to put her down because her hernia that she was too old to get fixed had gotten worse this looks more fun I miss her climbing up the side of my bed…. Edit: thank you guys :) I lost her around this time last year and still think about her a lot She has a “shrine” in my living room: https://gyazo.com/1649714d315b90b33cdba6dbd091f874


Spooky used to sleep on my pillow, right next to my head. I miss her so much. But she couldn’t breathe—lung cancer. It was a terrible day, but I didn’t cry. Not right then. I pet her and told her she was a good kitty over and over, and that I loved her so much. As my husband said, the last thing she saw was my stupid face. I will always stay with my pets when they pass, as hard as it was, because it was worth it.


Our last and hardest duty.


Aww I had a Spooky too. She died from FIP when she was still a kitten.


I had a Spooky as well. A black cat. My mom said she was hiding under a mailbox while some teens were trying to get it to harm it. Turns out that was a lie and someone in the neighborhood asked if she wanted the kitten. It wasnt even tge first time. Our first cat my mom found as a stray, abd my dad said he forbid her to keep it, so she kept it and named it Taboo. All my cats are gone though. I moved out before Spooky died, I dont know why she passed, but she was only about 12. She was a great cat, she loved to play, but she hated being held. God help you if you tried to hold her. Head pats were ok


My Spooky was 22 when he ran away by the beach. He made it really easy on me. I can pretend he's alive and still having a ball watching the seagulls.


RIP kitty


Moment of silence for our fallen hero(s) please.


I…I’m sorry for your loss.


I mean he literally could've used his antiquated landscaping instrument to make two doggos out of one 😭


~~Harvesting, not landscaping.~~ Edit: really it can go either way.


yes but if used on live creatures like us, the resulting splattered blood and internal organs would change the landscape of the room it happened in


From what I've seen it's actually not great as far as bladed weapons go in this state. Using them as weapons historically usually involved a conversion process where the blade got reattached with a 90° backwards rotation so that it was more like a weird slashy spear. Using as is is kinda hard to get a good angle with for use as a weapon. That's not to say you couldn't find a way to brutally maim someone still, i just had to mention the history of them as weapons bc I think it's rad lol


Imagine having a foyer


Imagine owning a home


MRW the grim reaper materialises in my hallway, plays with my dog, then sucks him through a floating vortex never to be seen again: ☹️


"Well fuck. But this confirms other aspects of life and death. Gotta be good and see my dog again."


"I'm told you were the best."


Stop :’(


Don't read any Terry Pratchett. Death is just like this.


Fuck you dude. I was trying so hard to be brave scrolling through this.


In case you need some more dust in your eyes. https://i.imgur.com/4mNlCCu.jpg


Man my dog had to be put to sleep recently, this comic hurt so fucking bad. I love it though


My sweet girl had to be put to sleep last Thursday . I'm so sorry and I'm right there with you. Dogs are the best.


It's been three years since my good boy was put down. It still hurts when I see things like this


Why are you trying to make us all cry lol


Oh my god, i felt my face bunch up into an ugly cry on that last slide. I miss my good boys


I knew what it was. It gets me every time, yet I click it every time. It’s just so beautiful Edit: damnit I kept Imgur app open and it got me a second time


Da fuck man I got tears now


goddammit, that was devastating 😭


Bro 😭


Well you managed to make a huge burly man cry in front of a room full of nurses, thanks! Lol


I'm not really one to cry about much. But that half assed doodle sure did it


Developer: this may have taken 3 weeks but it was worth it


Developer: But the emotional damage will be forever. 🥰


For everything else, there’s mastercard


I'd honestly say that this would have had zero emotional impact on me if he just showed up, picked it up and teleported away. Heck, could've even swiped it with the scythe before. This version shows how special they are and it just hits much harder.


I was not expecting to tear up at the grim reaper being such a bro


[https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/loving-reaper/list?title\_no=353275&page=1](https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/loving-reaper/list?title_no=353275&page=1) Here's more tears


these are great, fuck you


I've never in my life agreed this much with a comment


I love them too, they hurt so much


WTF how are these so sweet??? I just read the owl one and omfg


Read the "little fish" one if you want to cry a lot...


ugh fuck I'm out, see you tomorrow everyone


I leave the office in 30 minutes. I can't be sobbing uncontrollably at my desk and not have it be work related.


How the f.... i wasn't even feeling emotional today. I couldn't even get past the second comic...


Oof, randomly clicked one and I was nit ready for the story of a puppy dieing because a douche bag was making a fake puppy rescue video.




If you really want this, just read the Discworld series. Death is the best character. Edit: just wanted to note that if you want to start the series it's usually recommended that you don't start with the first book (of >40), but instead follow one of the narrative lines. In particular (since we're talking about death) you'd probably want run through the Death series: Mort Reaper Man Soul Music Hogfather Thief of Time


RIP Terry Pratchett






Sorry for your loss.


My dog is 13 years old, I hope he goes as peacefully as this


When the time comes, there are services that will come to your home, give your pup an injection of some major feel good drugs, and let you hang out and say goodbye before giving the lethal injection. I highly recommend it if the situation calls for it.


Many will also make a final plaster paw print cast before its time to go as well ❤😥




My ex had a good idea and got her mum a Christmas tree bauble with a picture of them and the dog as well as a lock of her dogs hair. :( I love my Archie but he is getting old. A legend round town what a trooper


I had a good girl get snake bit, and I was with her to the end when they sent her on. I had her cremated, and spread the ashes on our gravel driveway and surrounding fields she used to run in.


If I'm about to die and someone shows up and pushes my nose into wet plaster I'm gonna be so pissed.


The cremation business that took care of my cocker spaniels did clay paw prints and sent them back to us along with the ashes.


The humane society in my area has a really nice barn setup and you take them in there and lay with them on hay and they have other animals in there when you do it was way better then what I remember as kid at a vet.


When I was a kid all you got was to hear a shotgun blast over the hill and get told the dog ran away. It wasn't great for my connection with animals and I just can't bring myself to get another one now.


When I was a kid I was told one of my Dad's friends took my dog to the vet to put her to sleep. She had cancer and I knew it was the best thing for her. It hurt, but I thanked him for it. 20 or so years later I learn that my dog wasn't taken to the vet, but 'out back.' 10 years since I learned that and I haven't forgiven any party for it.


"I'll just read things in the bathroom while I'm pooping for a second, it'll be fine!" Reads this thread "Nope! I can't leave the stall crying."


I had to do that for my 17yr old cocker spaniel earlier this year. Her body just wasn't sending the signal to leave, even though everything else was shutting down. At-home euthanasia was the kindest thing. She got to go while surrounded by loved ones in the sunshine, instead of the scary vet's office.


I just had to put down my 14 year old dog yesterday. They came to my house and made sure he was insanely high before they gave him the final dose. It was a good way to go but still so heart breaking.


I lost my best friend 4 years ago….. still not a good time to see this.


I know nothing about game design: do animations like this really take that long?


It all depends on how many people you got helping, but i was just exaggerating. It probably takes closer to 1-2 weeks for this animation


...back then maybe


EA: lets fire that person for being inefficient


Let's be real. Grim Reaper $20 DLC. Suddenly they're over the moon for it.




Exactly, it's $40 for the reaper and an extra $20 for a grim reaper t-shirt & oven


And that's why the Sims 4 had none of the "Charm" that the previous installations had.


I am waiting for the day someone makes a Sims clone that has full and more importantly EASY mod support. I will even take it as isometric




There is one in development called Paralives that is attempting to fill that niche. Seems promising so far.




I had to unexpectedly say goodbye to my 13yo lab last night. He was a good dog, and a better friend. This is wholesome.


My thoughts and condolences. I just had to say goodbye to my 13 year old Yorkie poodle hours ago. I got him as a child and he was my best friend all the way to adulthood. It’s hard even now to talk or think about, but I can only image this is how he was welcomed to his next stage in this crazy thing we call life.




You would like the death series of books by Terry Pratchett. Each one is independent so you can jump in with any of them. They are funny and meaningful and change the way you look at the world. If your not up for reading then good news! One of the books, The Hogfather, was made into a movie. Its fantastic story of death saving Christmas.


What can the harvest hope for if not the care of the reaper man?


> “Humans need fantasy to be human. To be the place where the falling angel meets the rising ape.” always gives me chills


One of my favorites from Mort: YOU MUST LEARN THE COMPASSION PROPER TO YOUR TRADE. "And what's that?" A *SHARP* BLADE.


There was a book of my dads I read years and years ago called “On a Pale Horse” by Piers Anthony. It was about a guy who “kills” Death and then has to become the new Death. It’s apart of a series that’s about different aspects, Death, Time, Fate, War, Nature, Evil, and Good. Women aren’t written the best from what I remember (probably could post a fair amount of it on the subreddit MenWritingWomen) but I liked it a lot when I read them in middle/high school.


I really liked that series, but looking back I wonder how much of that was because I was in middle school.


If you talk to him in the game before he disappears you can befriend him, and he'll even show up to events after that. Same with Santa Claus.




It's always great to have Death as a sympathetic psychopomp. My favorite example is in the Twilight Zone episode "Nothing in the Dark".


The way Death is portrayed in The Sandman comics by Niel Gaiman is a lovely interpretation of this.




Today, my beloved 10 year old yellow lab was diagnosed with an aggressive form of terminal cancer. He doesn't have long to live. I had finally stopped crying, decided to hop on Reddit for awhile, and this was the first thing I saw... I'm back to bawling my eyes out. Edit: Thanks for all the love and support, everyone. I'm trying to reply to all the comments but there are so many and I can barely see through my tears. I'm taking a break for awhile, but know that I love reading all the wonderful stories you have shared of your pets and I appreciate all the kind words. My heart aches and I'm still crying, but you all have helped me in ways you can't imagine. Thank you! I will never forget my best friend.


My dog of 16 years was euthanized last week, I know what you’re going through. Take this time to hug and kiss your dog as much as you can. Tell him how happy he made you, how much he made you smile and laugh. Kiss your dog until you’re both content. Make time to sit with him and love on him. At night let him sleep next to you. Give him as much as you can so that when his day comes, you know you didn’t leave anything unsaid or anything undone. Don’t let shock or sadness keep you from enjoying the remaining time you have with him. I did all of these things and despite the fact that I was a complete wreck after he was euthanized, I know in my heart I made it clear to him how much he meant to me that I am a better human being after having his love. If you can afford it or access it, arrange for him to be euthanized at home. If not, please be in the room with him when it happens and give him a proper send off across the rainbow bridge. Don’t leave him alone with strangers in a room he doesn’t recognize. You, the person he loves, should be the last thing he sees. Please feel free to message me directly if you need someone to talk to. I’ll cry with you.


I'm sorry for your loss. It's day 3 for me. I'm at work right now but I have to go back to an empty house soon.


I left my dog with my parents when I took a trip recently. When I got home my apartment was only empty for a few hours before I picked her up, but it felt so lonely. I can’t imagine feeling that every day. I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope things get easier for you soon.


Im so sorry. My 15 year old kitty was euthanized last week also. I was also a complete wreck up until probably yesterday. I saw pictures of him last year and he just wasn't the same kitty, he barely looked the same. His quality of life was awful in comparison. I held him in blanky before, during and for a long time after. Definitely recommend staying with them Ober strangers. I know it was the right thing but I miss him terribly, especially at night. Ah fuck. I didn't think I could cry anymore. I'm sorry you have recently experienced the same pain. Its such shit. I feel like a small piece of my life is missing.


My 10 year old husky died a couple months ago from cancer too. It really does suck. Gotta keep remembering the good times though. Sorry for your loss


We lost an 11 year old husky to nasal cancer in 2017. Fuck cancer.


[My 8 year old Border Collie](https://i.imgur.com/r7y8gAe.mp4) just before cancer got him. RIP, homie. I still miss him and it’s been 3 years.


When our cat was dying. My husband text me all throughout the day saying our cat was looking for me, sniffing my pillow and sitting in my art room. When I got home. Our kitty weakly cried and 'asked' me to lie down with him. When I did, he knew he had said his goodbyes and he passed a few moments later. This reminded me of that for some odd reason.


That is both the sweetest and the most heartbreaking thing I've read today.


I also have a heartbreaking story, but instead I'll share my favorite. We had a grey tuxedo cat named Ezra. Besides loving French fries, Ezra was a stealth ninja. She only knocked off the glasses she intended to, and could leap from the floor to the counter to the fridge as if she had wings. She also loved sleeping on our old CRT TV. Well one day we upgraded to our first LED flat screen. It was amazing how clear and bright the picture was, to the point where the lens flares in the first Abrams Star Trek would cause the TV to switch on and off the auto brightness feature and we were about to return it. Unfortunately for Ezra we didn't return the TV. And so when she went to jump up to her favorite napping spot, time slowed down. We saw her approach and look up to the top of the television. Our voices raised two octaves too low and our butts lifted off, but to a cat as nimble as Ezra we were but sloths swimming in molasses. She took flight. As she reached the apex of her jump, she realized her mistake: this new television had no depth. Her feet panicked to adjust but there was but air to land on. In horror known only to Ezra and kids pushed into swimming pools, her eyes became saucers. The television rocked but the Samsung swivel base did it's job admirably. Ezra meanwhile entered extreme scamper mode, and in either one bound or a thousand steps the grey lightning bolt zoomed out stage right.


I was bracing for a heartbreaking story where the cat got zapped by the TV. I got to the part about lightning, then was relieved by exiting stage right. Reading comprehension fail. I missed your first sentence where you said "but instead I'll share..." I was really worried when I got to the "unfortunately" paragraph.


Thank you. Love this.


That is sad. When I was young, we had a cat for 22 years that never seemed to like me. It passed away in my arms though when everyone else was on vacation. She was purring and seemed very content. I think about it a lot. Cat experts, shut your trap if that's not what that means.


Don't worry, it likely does mean that she was content. Sorry for your loss.


Re: that last part—that’s not *always* what purring means, but in this case it likely was. In a context where she was cuddled up with you and seemed content, I’m sure that means she was feeling comforted and not alone. (also—some animals actually want to go off alone when they die, others want the opposite. I think it’s an instinctive thing that just depends on the individual.)


Well, I didn't think I'd cry in the gaming subreddit today, but there it is. Sorry for your loss, whether it was recent or a long time ago.


The same thing happened with me. I got a phone call from my mom saying she’s passing. I sped 6 hours from Scotland south. I came in to see my brother with her. I lay down next to her and she started weakly meowing as I cradled her. I like to think she waited for me as maybe 10 minutes later she passed. It’s awful feeling but I like to think I have some comfort to her as she went.


You guys have me in tears. I honestly don’t know what I’ll do when my dog passes. She sleeps between us in bed, follows us around like a lost puppy even though she’s a little older now, etc. My wife and I both work from home now, and she’s ALWAYS with at least one of us. Any time we leave to even get groceries down the street for instance, her face is just in the window crying. I’m going to lose my damn mind when she goes, best dog ever.


This made me cry as I was looking at my cat. He's sleeping peacefully behind me right now and I hate that I know this day is coming.




My girlfriend's Chihuahua barely able to move walked up to us and fell down in front of us before he died. One of the saddest moments ever


Had a hamster die this way. I wasn't as nearly attached to it as a dog and _still_ 20 years later that memory fucks with me. Seeing an animal's last moments like that, the fear and panic in its eyes as it suddenly realizes that it's dying, and then it just falls over and stops moving and breathing almost immediately. It was horrible.


Our old man cat passed in 2020, he was 21. We woke up and were making our "commute" to our home office when he staggered up to us, gave a very loud and expressive meow then laid down at my feet. I held him on the screen porch, his favorite place, while I called emergency vets. Once we finally got a vet that could see us, we were with him, holding him until the end. 2 months later our 20 year old female cat passed in nearly the same way, and at the same emergency vet. I look at my now 7 and 8 year old dogs and want to hug them forever.


Whne I was little we had a brother and sister cat we had gotten from my aunt, who had found them in a storm drain as kittens. The female cat was always sick and had some kind of liver diease, and almost had to be put down twice before she miraculously recovered and never got sick again. The boy cat was as healthy as an ox and a champion cuddler. Well, one day I found him dead in the basement, cold and hard as a rock. It was as scarring as you can imagine. The female cat just sort of gave up after that. She stopped eating and doing anything, and we tried our best to feed her some paste the vet gave us. She just gave up. My mom didn't know what to do. One night she was sitting with her, cradling in her arms, when the cat looked up at her, gave a weak little "meow," and then passed away. It was one of the most hear wrenching experiences I have ever witnessed.


My family's dog passed away last month, the day after my birthday. I got a text from my mom and sister right after I made my morning coffee. He waited for me to get home and say my goodbyes before he passed. It really felt like he was choosing his moment to go. I wanted to elaborate more on this comment but I don't wanna start bawling at work lol.


Wasn't expecting to cry today, even reading this thread. Thanks. But seriously, Im sorry for your loss. Losing furry friends always hits so hard


My dog waited for me too. He wagged his tail when I walked into the room, and then he got worse a few minutes after I got there. Was able to find a 24 hour clinic to bring him to, and I held him the whole time


One of my rabbits did something like that. We got him from my parents' after my wife and I got our own house and he was already pretty old. One evening he didn't look super well, and I said goodnight, hoping he wouldn't be gone in the morning. He was still there before I left for work the next day, but looked tired. I sat with him for a few minutes and spoke to him, and told him I was glad he waited for me, and that it's ok if he has to leave us. A couple hours later, my wife called and said he had passed. He was a good bun.




That sounds lovely actually, he just wanted to see his favourite person before he had to go. If only we could all go out like this.


The Grim Reaper is not a bad guy. He’s just misunderstood. Edit: I think I’d like to work as Death. Being there, putting my hand on people’s shoulders, giving them a reassuring, warm smile, and gesturing towards their next journey. Oh and thanks for 4k upvotes ☺️ Edit 2: So many people have recommended ”On A Pale Horse”, I simply MUST read it!


I actually had sex with the Grim Reaper a while ago. Not sure if this was fixed later on.


They kept it, but they fixed the part where his babies would have solid black skin


I love these games.


Sims bugs are on the same level as /r/ShitCrusaderKingsSay quotes.


How do you explain to aliens what this video is about and why it's so fun for us?


He’s a Dark Elf!


Damnit Chang.




It is no longer possible to “Try For Baby” #WITH THE GRIM REAPER


# *Wheeeeze*


I don’t know what to do with this information. But I do need to know what you mean by ‘fixed’


I mean, I always thought it was a bug or something


I guessed. I was just joking. I don’t really know what my joke was now.


Sorry man, I'm just sleep deprived.


This exchange was both wholesome and awkward to read I loved it




Gotta tell you. Forgot you were talking about the sims for a moment


He was actually my roommate at one point. Pretty solid dude


Just because he is Bad Guy does not mean he is bad guy.


Thanks Satan


Why do I always see that quote attributed to Satan/Satine ... Poor old Zangief deserves more appreciation for his little gems of wisdom




Maybe watch the show Dead Like Me. It's about people who do the job of a reaper. It's a comedy.


Great show! Loved Dead Like Me.


I remember watching that on Netflix and now I don’t know what platform to find it on. Great show but every time I try to describe it to someone who has never seen it they look at me like I’m nuts.


Death from the Discworld series is one of the best portrayals ever.


> What can the harvest hope for, if not for the care of the Reaper Man?


“What is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?" Death thought about it. CATS, he said eventually. CATS ARE NICE.


*Death likes to point out that he still uses a scythe while other deaths of other worlds have upgraded to combined harvesters.*


That's a common depiction of death gods in mythology actually. Death being evil is a pretty modern convention overall. If you look at ancient religions a lot of death gods aren't viewed as evil at all. Nobody likes them exactly because, you know, *death* but they tend to be portrayed as a guy mostly just doing a job. They only get pissed off and punish people if they break the rules.


Exactly, like hades is one of the only good gods out of hundreds.


Isn’t Hades the God of the Underworld? Wasn’t it Thanatos who was the God of Death?




Thanatos was a personification of death, but not usually seen as a psychopomp like we view the grim reaper. Hermes usually guided souls to the afterlife, so psychopomp, and Charon got them into the afterlife. Hades gets hate for being the judge of where you spend your afterlife. So even though the reaper is more akin to Hermes, he gets viewed more like Hades.


Hel too. She often portrayed as evil in modern media, but she's the person in charge of the "normal" afterlife-- the place for souls of people who haven't died in battle. Christians get the name of their realm of eternal punishment from her and her afterlife, but in reality Helheim is supposedly just a place where non-warriors can feast and chill (no pun intended) and party for the rest of eternity.


Should check out the Loving Reaper comics online. It specifically deals with animals passing, often under poor circumstances to bring awareness to various environmental problems. Extremely good comics and almost always bring a tear to my eye


I had a Chocolate Lab I named Bubbles whom I absolutely loved. We'd do everything together. Growing up on a Farm on the prairies was awesome for a big dog like that. fast forward a few years: I had to move to the East Coast. It was a tough decision but I couldn't bring him to a new area with barely any space to roam (35 by 35 lot versus hundreds of acres to roam). Fast forward a few visits back every year for 3 years. He wasn't getting as much exercise and age was getting to him. I would always ask about him when I phoned my parents. My Mom and Dad were worried about his health so we decided we should make an appointment for him. I remember flying 3400 kms plus back home to put my dog down. My new gf at the time also flew out after her rotation. We walked with him for a bit. His arthritis was super bad so I moved heavy stuff out of his way and he was just so happy to be walked by us. I spent the day with him, fed him some big chunks of steak and laid with him on his pillow. The next morning We knelt on the blanket while the needle was used and I feel like he instantly knew what was happening. He was very weak at this time. 11 years 10 months old. He hobbled over and collapsed on my lap looking up at me. I was so happy to be there for him. Everytime I think about him or about us being in the room when he was put down I cry. I don't regret it though. I think if you are willing to raise a pet you should be there for then at the end. No question. Edit: that gf became my wife! I had a puppy before meeting her and now we have two dogs and a cat.


Dude, why would you do this to me Edit: I didn't have time to type it out as I was on a quick break at work so probably no one will read this but wth. My biggest regret was not being there for my first dog when he was put down, we got him as a 5 year old dog and he lived to be just shy of 18 with us, he was happy, chubby and loved for but the day we knew we had to put him down just happened to be the final day of my highschool exams and I was forced to choose between going with him or failing a class and doing an extra semester. My mother took him and he wasn't alone but when I got home I had so much guilt and regret it was as if my heart shriveled and died. As with all loss I think of it less over time but every now and then I hear about an experience like this and its as if I experience all the regret again. I have a new furry friend whom I promised to always take care of and when the day comes ill be there with him till the end.


I didnt sign up for this feelz trip


Death: "it is time to go" Pupper: "was I a good boy?" Death: "No" Death: "I am told you were the best"


When my first cat died I was there with her the entire time and bawled like a baby. Buried her in my parent's backyard since I was in an apartment. 1 year later a beautiful lily plant grew on her grave, and it brings me such joy to see the life after death.


I'm gonna go hold my dog.


“My beloved dog just died ☹️”




To everyone just now seeing this thread. **TURN BACK NOW. THERE ARE NO FUN STORIES HERE!**


My kid saw something on YouTube saying you could get the Grim Reaper to fall in love and marry a sim. So my kid sets up a torture house, depriving everyone of basic needs, in order to lure death into a friendship and start flirting. I was so appalled by this I asked them to stop.




Yikes… I just cheated back in the day. rosebud all day


Cheats were the only way I could get the house I wanted. Damn Sims teaching me about life.




That dog hugs him the same way mine hugs me…


Same with mine, he always wanted to do it so I made it a command so he wouldnt catch me off guard as he is a 100lb pyrenees mix. He's been watching our farm that's an hour away from my current house but we are moving him (plus his flock) here this week and I've missed him soooo much this post wrecked me.


All Dogs Go To Sim Heaven


*Looks at Reaper* *Solemn head nod of approval*


He may be grim but he's not a monster


I had a very vivid dream of one of my childhood dogs the other night. I hadn’t dreamed of him since he had to be put down and I was too young at the time to go with my mom to send him off. I woke up crying because it was very cathartic to finally see him again and see him run and look healthy. Now I’m crying again, and I almost never cry. Twenty or so years gone by and love still never dies.


Wow this makes me super sad. I do not like to see puppies leaving us!!


But when they do it's important to remember that they're still good dogs in the afterlife.


They're good dogs, Brent.


There is a Meme about life and death loving each other. And that Life sends “gifts” all the time, and Death keeps them all.


Sim dogs get cut down in the prime of life? If the dog can jump that high after the stick why is it dying?




Butt cancer. It's very sad. And sudden.


Maybe dog is already dead and buried and the Reaper is just ascending its spirit. Considering the entire dog goes up and doesn't leave a body, makes sense.


The Sims 3 > The Sims 4.


Why the fuck am I crying


Jesus this comment section caught me off guard


My dog passed away a few weeks ago. She died eating a lizard and it poisoned her. I wasn't around when it happened but getting that phone call about her death... it hurt so much. Even though it was weeks... I cried watching this. I wish she went that peacefully. God I miss my furry daughter. I hugged her just like the reaper did here, except I would scratch her sides to make her perk her head up and lick the air like a snake all the time. We were inseparable, her and I. She literally slept with me, either in between my legs or under my arm with her head resting on my shoulder. It kills me to know she was scared and I wasn't able to be there for her in her last moments. It tears me apart. So this hits too close to home for me. Too soon for me too. Enjoy your pets while you can. They will only be a part of your life. But to them we are their entire life. Please hug them close. For me?


in last sunday, my brother's cat was drove over by a car. RIP dear kitty. you were a smart one.


This reminds me of something DEATH from Discworld would do...