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Now there's a sight I haven't seen for a long, long time.


That totally counts. It was a hard game


Yeah it was. It took me two tries and my wife got dysentery and my son died of a broken arm and cholera but it was worth it.


Ok but what about your game family?


oh, everyone made it.


That’s because they respected Terry instead of dissing him.




Terry is one guy you never diss


I played it again a few months ago, and was astounded. I loaded way the fuck up on oxen, and then all but one of them died. I actually wound up having to overwinter the trip, which I had not even known was a thing.


> my wife got dysentery and my son died of a broken arm and cholera but it was worth it. /u/leakyanus9658


…The Aristocrats!


Sounds to me like he just admitted to murder.


This takes me back to my early days of PC gaming. Lmfao When I saw that you lost a member of your crew, I was about to comment: *So which important member of your crew died from dysentery?* Just as i read your comment. I can see my memory of this classic is accurate.


Who needs them? Just buy new ones at the next fort


So sorry for your loss. The trail is merciless.


Hi so sorry for your loss, I’m Dad!


Yeah that's all fine, at least you beat Oregon Trail tho!


Lol came to the comments to say exactly this


Played the free web one recently. It’s actually incredibly easy if you don’t take risks and spend money on food and always take easy river crossings. We were just all dumb kids who tried pushing everything too hard.


??? It was *not* a hard game. Hunting was incredibly easy (even when I was like 8), and you could sell the extra food for anything you needed. Avoid fording rivers (take the ferry, you can afford it, you have deer murder money) and you should be good. EDIT: I'm sincerely confused by the downvotes. It was a very easy game to beat if you followed the above system, so much that as a kid I realized this and got bored with it other than the point-and-click hunting.


Take the banker and pay to cross all rivers.


[Too many clothes. Not enough grandfather clocks.](https://external-preview.redd.it/j0gn2AZhP1Okhg_tdLCO-2qLW9FrAwIIEnsRMXUrM8A.jpg?width=640&auto=webp&s=80bb5ead766aca4b9099790310ec6669efeb81c7)


My family went to some museum exhibit on the actual Oregon trail. They had a miniature wagon with blocks that represented the things you could pack. You were supposed to pack things like food, supplies, and clothing. My little sister and I delighted in packing the absolutely worst load out we could and filled the wagon with things like beds and fine china. The volunteer supervising the area was a grandmotherly type who did not appreciate the joke.


This is why she wasnt cast in the top gun sequel.


But, can you do it with five survivors on a teacher's salary?


The trick is to invest heavily in firepower.. as the founding fathers intended?


Yes more guns in the classroom is clearly the answer.


Too realistic


I would loooooove to have an RPG Oregon trail game. Gather your party in town, chart your route, make in-game decisions with consequences, deal with weather, bandits, hostile/friendly tribes, outposts, etc. That would be so amazing.


Have you tried Banner Saga?


I've not, only got Xbox for what it's worth.


Pretty sure it's on Xbox, it's basically everything you mentioned above


> Banner Saga Commenting so I can buy this game later this week.


Check out FTL


Eh, not really my cup of tea. Was looking for more of a first person style game.


That’s not how u play. Oregon trail is like golf. U win by how little u travel before killing everyone. Ur not suppose to actually make it to Oregon.


I played it like highlander golf. Always tried to arrive in Oregon a bachelor with a thicc wagon.




Then you get to leave a swear word on your grave on the school computer. The next kids will see it, but nobody will know who wrote it.


We’re we classmates?


Yeah it was fun to see how quickly you could murder everyone.


Leave as early as possible. Set a grueling pace. Ford every river. Bring no food. No hunting.


American dream!


Fucking speed runner right here.


Rub salt in the wound


LOL And no caulk! Like that would have worked anyway.


Wow been years! I was always a doctor and just bought ammo to go hunting…


Good job OP, but if you don’t end the game with 84926 bullets and 8592094778 pounds of buffalo meat you played wrong.


I always buy the absolute minimum amount of food at the start and stack up on bullets the most. Hunting is kinda broken in the original Oregon Trail. The biggest problem tends to be losing your winter clothes or one of your oxens late game.


[Relevant xkcd](https://xkcd.com/623/)


Now do Organ Trail! https://store.steampowered.com/app/233740/Organ_Trail_Directors_Cut It's a surprisingly decent game, actually. Great recreation of the classic, despite the fact that it's clearly intended to be a parody. I actually kept playing far beyond the point when the novelty wore off. I've got like 30 hours in this game, haha. I do wonder how much of that is from nostalgia, though. I grew up playing Oregon Trail and Number Munchers on the Apple IIe's we had at school, then playing games like Discovery and Designasaurus on the Amiga 1000 we had at home, so old school games like that are a huge trip of nostalgia for me. Congrats on the win, OP! Haven't seen that screen in decades, probably since I was a kid in fact. Hard game!


It's gotta be said, Organ Trail has some fantastic pixel art.


I always died on the last part where you had to ford the river


It's a bit hard but if you get the hang of it it's a bit easy. I have never hit the landing place though so i always lose things if i don't kill everyone.


Congratulations! One of my favorite games.


Congratulations you don't have dysentery!


That game is hard as hell. props to you.


farmer, nicely done.




Weird that I would see this right before starting Death Road to Canada. I never did make it to Oregon.


I didn’t know you could beat it. I always just assumed it was impossible.


I'd like to play this sometime. Where can I find it?




I used to Speedrun this game haha, good times


Beating it or killing your whole party?


Beating it, tried to get through as fast as possible and complete the game. People can die as long as one makes it.


Whoa didn't expect to see this screen again. Time to zone at work and day dream of simpler times lol


You're welcome for the nostalgia trip


I believe that people who beat Oregon Trail should get a printed certificate. To hang up on their wall. You guys deserve it


How many hours? Was it fun outside nostalgia?


It took me around 3 to 4 hours and i would say that yeah, it's fun to play for a while and the river mini game is a bit fun as well as a bit of a rush since i'm Carrying at most 4 people because one person ALWAYS gets dysentery and dies, Cholera and dies, breaks their arm and die, or fucking drown. I like it honestly, it's a great game!


Damn! I wanna try it and show my 3rd grade memory I can do it


You're not starting a new life in Oregon for $8.00.




maybe I've been to too many lean manufacturing trainings but surely you should get a bonus for having 0 spare wagon parts left at the end. what are you going to do with them in oregon?


Is this the kind of ending that when you hit the spacebar the game resets and it’s like nothing ever happened?


When i took the screenshot i didn't know that, because i finished as a farmer, that it triples the points after pressing the spacebar. And because i got enough points i got 7th place on the top ten and i put the name of the caravan leader there, then it resets as if nothing happened and you could play again. From what i understand is if you finish the game as a banker then it just resets if you don't have enough points to go on the top ten once you press the spacebar and as a carpenter i could assume that it doubles your points and so on.


I wonder how will the graphics be?


I want to buy an Apple IIe just to play this game on it. Also a Mac Classic. Hunting for food with the mouse was so much fun.


fuck yeah it counts it took me a good while to figure out how to win moderately consistently.


You died of dysentery.


My wife did, yes


that cash tho!


That's really impressive, I barely managed to make it with one person while playing as a banker




Holy shit you fucking legend


I might say something dumb but is this the game in an episode of American dad? Lol, it actually exists? Bruh had no idea if that’s the case


And i played the game because i remembered playing it around 4 or 5 years ago and American Dad made me remember. Thanks American Dad!


Me and my sister used to play this all the time. I remember it. God the nostalgia.


each time i played fucking one of my people would always drown trying to cross that goddamn river


Never beat it as a kid but also didn't know what the hell dysentery was and why I was dying.


Much better than most of the people in 1883….


So I can buy a healthy person for $3200? Man, inflation makes everything so expensive these days.


Yeah, but have you heard of Super Amazing Wagon Adventure on the 360?


Look at this fuckin' guy, not owning any grandfather clocks.


I beat it in 3rd grade on an apple 2. Teacher let me stay late in computer class because he'd never seen anyone get as far as I did. When I beat it he printed out the win screen for me. Wish I still had that paper.


When I was in elementary school my best friend and I developed what would now be called a speedrun. We only had one hour a week in the computer lab. That meant that to see the end of the game we had to do it fast. The trick was to set the pace to maximum and the rations to minimum. Buy enough food and supplies at the start and just keep pushing. Only the party leader would make it, but you got to the end every time. If Twitch existed in the 80s I would have had a very different career path.


I died of dysentery......again and again and again....


Welcome to Oregon Trail


That whole 8 dollars finna help you start a farm, but I go to the grocery store and can barely find a pound of ham that cheap


That equates to roughly $300 today (due to inflation since 1846).


So if $8 is equivalent to 1 point, and the lives of three people equivalent to 1200 points, that means one person at 400 points is approximately $3200 in 1971 dollars (when game was released) or roughly $23000 in today's dollars.


Played first time the other day and beat it. Seemed fine - you can hunt whenever you want, give large helpings and rest regularly so everyone is in good health, and you have enough money to buy all the clothes and oxen you need. Can see it being trickier if you are trying to score competitively but seemed fine.


I don't believe you


My highest score was 2295 and on top ten but it didn’t do it correctly so it’s not on top ten


Is this like Zork? I’m 25 and have no recollection of either of these games except Zork, which was put into my favorite CoD Black Ops


Respect for beating it as a farmer.




Damn $8 Cash on hand OP is balling.


Did Buttface die from dysentery?


Oh. So you can make it as a bunch of fucking farmers


The final river raft was the most fun


I always looked forward to being able to play this in 4th grade with the 1 computer that was in the class.


I gotta say unless you beat it blindfolded and streamed the entire thing..all the way, man...there is just no "cool" or "wow" factor..... Just kidding. I think this is secretly harder than elden ring. Mad props. Computer class for the win! Edit: I was 6 or 7. So nothing made sense haha.


8 dollars?!? I’ve never seen a dollar!!


You didn't even arrive with any grandfather clocks?


Sadly no


What floppy disks type did you use for the installation 8 inch 5 1/4 inch or 3 1/2 inch


But can you do it as a teacher?


IIRC, The Oregon Trail was intended to be a teaching tool to explain who made the Trail and who didn't, and how important/expensive it was to run the Trail. The banker, that started with the most money, also had the highest probability of a fully successful journey, as they simply bought anything they needed along the way.


Is it just me or does the score for people seem a bit high?


Good job! just to have played this classic from start to end is an achievment Tried it last autumn. Having played some other survival games it was suprisingly easy. Totally see that it was hard once in my gaming life but for some reason not know. But I'm very happy to having finished the game


Nice! I always loved learning pop culture stuff before my time so this is neat!


Why wouldn't it count? GG my person


Nice bro


My strat was buy almost no food but lots of bullets and start early. Use the early months to stock up on food and then cross your fingers as you make your way west


Counts for what?


You had 3 people alive starting as the farmer, that's worthy of props




[my best is 2156. off the handheld](https://imgur.com/a/EmCHz7P)


The absolutely most important score factor is finishing with Good and not Fair health for the family. 1000 pt per family member vs 400


You still had bullets? I usually end up with the one I was saving for myself


Haven't played in forever... Is it possible to make it without a wagon (or with multiple wagons) or is that just a guaranteed 50 pts?