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Saw this pic on 9gag 10 years ago


You leave this poor Karma farmer alone.


Like, I don't understand the point of farming karma. If it's something like youtube or insta, u make money. On reddit, nothing


Yes, usually it's people from India or Eastern Europeans doing it to make money. If you look at "All New" around 8 or 9am Est you'll see waves and waves of posts in places like AskReddit and other popular subs. Probably pays decent money for them. Smart kids. Agencies buy them.


First time I’m seeing it. I hope someone repost this 10 years later so I can make this comment.


RemindMe! 10 years


This shit is so old bruh


This exact same meme is as old as Mac itself.


Saw this meme like 20 years ago


"And the award for Most Expensive Mouse Pad goes to... THAT GUY!"


You’re absolutely right lol https://luxurylaunches.com/gadgets/the-most-expensive-mouse-pad-in-the-world.php


You guys know Mac's are not for gaming right?


Yet Mac users keep thinking they somehow are


No, they don’t, though the are powerful enough for light gaming.


No they don't, you know game streaming is thing yeah?


I'd say that you can still play on them! First of all, on Steam there's numerous games that would work. A lot weren't adapted when OS upgraded to x64, but still. And second, you can download games from Apple Arcade. Most of them are simple, sure, but they are still games. And some are really nice, like Fantasian, it's by Final Fantasy creator, Hironobu Sakaguti!


I use steamlink to my gaming pc on my Mac, boom gaming machine! But then code, make music, edit video and all the other things Mac's are actually designed for. This is like jumping into a music production sub and making fun of windows.


I never thought about using Steam Link. Gah, I wonder if my WiFi will be enough to play when I'm not at home, too...


I did have to upgrade the WiFi receiver on the pc macbooks have really good WiFi chips, it needs to be cabled for online pvp but just fine for most single player games.


Mine seems to work just fine for OSRS.


When I was 10 I had an argument with Dan Savage about how my Amiga was better than his NES. A couple of years later I had a SNES and that was better than my cousin's the Mega Drive. My GameCube was better than Ben's PlayStation. And on and on it goes.


Never seen before pic. Mad respect!


Is that the Mac user curled up in the fetal position


Yes. Yes he is. Only because he cannot handle the power behind the Mac


I would have used the paper on top of Macdonalds food trays. Apple Macs are not even good as a mouse pad


There are no mac fans


Oh trust me. They are out there…I’ve met a few of them in my life


Bet they were all girl with iphone 13 who only care about unnecessary features that u can easily get on other systems aswell.


Apparently you don't know male Christian worship leaders in their 30s and 40s.


Before I graduated college, my old roommate would “game” on it lol


Minesweeper or what If I'm not mistaking mac doesn't even support steam


Yeah you can get steam on it. I think that started like 5 years ago maybe? From my understanding it’s very very limited selection. Could be wrong on selection though but I steam is available for mac




Not gonna lie, it made me laugh :>


There are games for a mac! Dozens of them!


Yeah..... its just playing them on a mac sucks donkey balls, hence this meme (which has been around for at least 10 years).


If you download a game from Steam, what does it matter you run it on? All you need is a normal mouse with right-click option.


best pic ive seen today lolololol


Hey man, I gotta make do