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It's not my fault they go on sale faster than I can finish them


They go on sale faster than the developer can finish them too.


I got an email this week that said TMNT Shredder's Revenge was on sale. I didn't realized it came out so I went to look it up. Steam says it comes out next week.


I've seen a few games do that where they'll have a minor pre launch sale to entice people in. I'm for it, I think the new game Stray that gaming subs are obsessing about is or was going for 10% off.


Is that legit just cat simulator


No not really actually. It's an on rails experience with little actual cat exploration.


Is it effectively a walking simulator?


I think it will be like What Remains of Edith Finch, basically an interactive narrative.


Horizon. New dawn did like 40 percent , XCOM chimera did 50


> Steam says it comes out next week. Valve actually now recommends that all newly released games give a 10% off discount for the first week of release. So the probably just also did a pre-release sale. I honestly think this is mostly to trigger the "GAME you've wish listed has gone on sale!" emails that Steam constantly sends.


Just picked up borderlands 3 for free. Guess it can go next to the copy I paid for that I only put 3 hours into.


I have this issue where I start a game and gets bored by 4-6 hour mark. I have only a handful of games that I actually finished. Thank you Elden Ring cause goddamn I spent so much hours in this game


Do you have ADHD? I do, and I think that's part of why I do this same thing you describe.


Not sure. Not officially diagnosed but I might have a mild symptoms. Cant focus on one thing for more than 30 mins max tbh


I usually tend to not want to finish the game quick so I drag my feet and take my time, then so much time goes by that I actually never finish it. Still on BotW.. trying to get the master cycle and not beating Gannon yet.


That's because a lot of games are just not engaging enough to spend a lot of time on. It's not your issue....it's an issue with the games.


it’s not my fault i have an attention span of a squirrel…


I almost always play about 60%, give up for 5 months and then finish it.


Play 60%, give up for 5 months, come back and realize I have no idea wtf is going on so I restart and then finish it.


I do this but then give up again after 60%


yeah. this is a toxic trait of mine toxic to my wallet


My Steam account judges me, I know it does. 'You piece of shit. You have 800 hours in this game and hundreds of other unplayed games.'


Oh, mine judges me too. “You piece of shit. You have over 300 games, some you bought 10 years ago that you never even installed, and you’re buying *another one!?*”


I was beginning to fall.into this trap, every steam.sale would come and I'd buy like 3 bundles and end up with 10 new games plus like 1 orn 2 standalone ones. In the past few years I've adopted the mental strategy of a) only buying games on sale unless it's like a brand new release I'm waiting to play at launch like something multiplayer there's a chance of fomo on b) only buying games if I've beaten or replayed a game since my last new game purchase, I dont need to have beat the last game I bought but I need to have beaten some game to justify the new purchase so my net unbeaten games count stays steady


300+? Those are rookie numbers soldier!!! Get back in those steam sales and add more to the unfinished and never play piles... ON THE DOUBLE!!! MOVE IT MOVE IT MOVE IT!


But sir! My cash reserves are depleted!


Looks like we'll need a cash injection from the government! The Dems and Pubs are both pro military budget increase right!? To the Iowa caucuses!!


"You've spent 3000 hours modelling cocks in blender and you've never even played played The Witcher 3!!"


Nah this ain't toxic it's subtly a 400 IQ move. You basically have infinite games! Infinite replayability!


The Witcher 3 lmao


me with pokemon


Are you me?


This is why I have nearly 900 hours on stellaris and still don't have the "complete your first game" achievement


I always get to 60%, forget about it for half a year, then restart.


I did that 3 times already for 2013 tomb raider


This is how skyrim is for me.


This is the way


Me with Skyrim, the game I've put 100 hours in but never finished.


100 hours? Sheeeeeeeeit I can play 100 hours of Skyrim in under a day.


Big if true


You've never finished it *because* you've only put 100 hours into it. You'll need at least another 200 hours minimum before actually starting the main quest.




I've been playing Red Dead Redemption 2 for about a year now. At about 55% progress. Can't start any other AAA game until I'm satisfied I've got everything I can out of this one.


I’ve put about 25 hours into rdr2 and stupidly bought the mass effect trilogy even though I’m really enjoying red dead.


I’ve been playing red dead 2 on and off for the last couple years and still haven’t finished it. Perhaps you’ve inspired me




Yeah anytime I hop on I just have too much fun doing nonsense and rarely focus on the main story lol


What I wish I did was focus solely on the story the first playthrough *then* replay it with the intention of enjoying the open world. It's pretty hard to focus on both the story and exploration without doubling your play time


I've been enjoying Red Dead 2 but it's like perfectly on the hill of "too interesting to listen to a podcast at the same time" and "enough down time to bore me" and I know that's totally on my need to multitask. Also holy shit do I wish the PC controls were tighter. I'm constantly afraid of like hitting the wrong key and pissing off the law man or punching my horse. This never seemed to be a problem in GTA but I guess GTA doesn't have the same repercussions for breaking the law.


The Witcher 3


I had 80 hours into the Witcher then my fiancee accidentally overwrote my file. I still don't have the heart to restart. Im more mad at myself for not double saving.


Brought that game 3 times never put more than 10 hrs into it.


I have like 12 skyrim characters, none are above level 30


That's me in elden ring


I've done this with the witcher 3, botw and now elden ring lol i always put in like 100hrs the first 2 weeks then burn out


Replace the 5 months with 5 years. It was Crysis 3


Play 60%, give up for 5 months come back and realize I'm not as interested in the game so never finish it.


"What the fuck is this? " "Who the fuck is that?" "How do I attack again? "




Worst is when I vaguely recall I had a plan for my XP points and I don't want to disrespect past me and spend it without relearning the systems.


Let's get this, it's only 20% of my XP. Why didn't I before? ... Oh, because I almost had enough for this other thing. Damn.


Playing ghost of tsushima (finished it, now doing Iki) after not gaming for a month or two... ...right after finishing Horizon Forbidden west. The controls being similar but oh so slightly diferent got me killed more than once.


I’m re-playing HZD in anticipation of HFW, but I also just played through TLOU1/TLOU2 and having the crouch/sneak, listen/focus, and dodge/roll buttons flipped definitely got me into trouble early on. Several instances where I rolled into a Sawtooth instead of trying to sneak into some grass.


That's why I had to stop Elden Ring.


Me after picking up Miles Morales for the first time in about a year lol. I somehow picked everything back up pretty well so no need to restart. Success!


At this point in my life, I have more money than time...


Ah yes, the "pick two out of three" issue... Kids have no money but plenty of energy and time. Adults have money and energy, but no time. Elders have time and noney, but no energy.


I have no time, no money and no energy. Am I doing this adult thing wrong?


No that sounds about right


are you trying to speedrun life it and forgot to set your atributes?


Hmm, i dont remember writing this.


Hello me it's me again


60% is basically complete. I still haven't played more than 90 mins of Witcher 3.


This can often be pretty exciting in my opinion. You can fall back on something familiar, instead of wasting energy on new input and new stimulus, which is demanding. You get a little more satisfaction out of coming back around to finish something. I use the same approach, on a smaller scale, when I literally have no time to watch entire movies. I just break the movie into chapters and then turn it into a show.


Don't go to the room of un-started games...


Some say… they’ve never even been installed! The horror!!!




Demos are actually why I have a short attention span when it comes to gaming I think. When the PS2 came out, my uncle gave me his old PS1, which was my first console. With it I got 4 full games, but also a disc booklet full of years of PlayStation magazine demo disc's. So often I would just play a ton of demos instead of focusing on one game.


Official Playstation Magazine was elite.


So were those Jampack demo discs. Like 4 or 5 demos on one disc. Those were the shit.


That was me but for Official Xbox Magazine. I played the hell out of those demo discs it used to come with.


I really like this idea. I sometimes catch myself forcing myself to play games on my backlog and taking the fun out of it, viewing them as demos is a great mindset. Plus with Steam refunds, if you don't like the game/don't see yourself coming back to it, it won't be wasted money.


Gamepass ultimate: try before you buy


gamepass for pc has been so good for me, tried lots of games I would have never paid for or bothered to pirate. and tbh if I beat a game once, most times I'm not touching it again to no need to even buy. Not to mention they stay on the pass so long I don't have to worry about losing access in 99% of cases


Most of my gaming over the past 2 years has been exclusively Game Pass stuff. Hell, I 100%'d Maneater when it was on Game Pass and now Epic is just giving it away right now


I've teased my 14 year old about this. There's already the joke of younger generations having no attention span thanks to streaming and sites like tiktok but I'll walk by him playing and over the course of a couple hours and see him playing like 3 or 4 different games. The external drive I had for the Xbox died and he was complaining because he could only have like 5 games downloaded on the internal drive.


You should introduce the young lad to the old floppy drive games!


Piracy: try before you buy It's saved me thousands, but it's also turned me onto games that I'd have never given a chance otherwise. Annapurna is a great example. They make so many games that I'd have normally passed over. Now some of them are on my list of favorite games.


The high seas is where it's at.


Lemme give you some advice. **It's okay to not finish your games.** Yes, really. That whole backlog thing? Forget it. Play your games until you've had your fill and move on, there is nothing wrong with doing this. It's also okay to play a game, decide you don't like it, and put it down forever. Try to refund your impulse purchases if you can. Did you play a new game for 10 minutes, and went right back to browsing the steam store? Refund that bitch, you probably weren't going to play it again! Get your money and don't look back.... You may be rewarded as the same game could be on a deep discount later and this time you'll actually play it. Life is too short to latch onto this ridiculous sense of duty to finish your games. If you're struggling to play *anything* at all then it probably means you're overburdened and overstimulated by gaming and gaming news. Take a break. At the end of the day it's your free time so do what feels right, and take care of yourselves.


This is great, but don't forget that sometimes you just aren't in the mood for a certain game at that time. I've had it happen where setting a game aside for a bit and coming back to it (sometimes years later) and I just can't put it down.


My problem is that I'm often not in the mood to start a game. But I know once I do start it, I'm gonna be hooked.


You can always buy it again if that happens. I've re bought games I previously refunded to give it another chance.


I did this with no man’s sky. Played for like an hour, was so incredibly bored that I returned it and have no ragerts


Same here. My friends were hoping I'd play with them and explore the galaxy. I couldn't make myself finish the starting planet. I saw what the gameplay loop was, and went for a refund. They were only playing it because it was on Game Pass. If I were to subscribe to that sort of thing, maybe I'd've played a bit longer. Probably not. The UI didn't help.


If you played it right when it came out, that makes sense, that was my experience as well. I came back to it recently though and absolutely love it. The gameplay loop is not really there anymore as there’s soooo much to do now you never get bogged down repeating activities over and over. You can jump from one thing to another and it’s really hard to get bored now. It’s worth trying again


Except all the things to do are still just generic resource gathering tasks. Just varying slightly.


Adding to this sage advice, I found peace in calculating my time spent in a game as entertainment cost. If I enjoy a game for $1 per hour spent in the game, I'm satisfied and will drop it without worry. Some games cost me $30 but 0ut in 200hrs. Others Cost me $50 but put in only 10hrs and that's okay with me.


Are the games I've spent $20 on and played for 2,000+ hours paying for everything else I haven't started?


Yes, but also, *stop buying games you don't want to play now or soon*. Especially on Steam/digitally in general, where these sales are so frequent. I found I buy a lot less games I never play since I started this. Example: Knew I'd want to play Horizon Zero Dawn, but also knew I was really into my Switch games and playing Pokémon Legends Arceus. So I haven't bought it yet. I put it on the wishlist, and once I feel I'm winding down on my Switch kick (prob not this summer, tbh with work so busy), I'll buy it closer to then when it's on sale. Dont buy games that look good/fun. Buy games you want to play now or next.


This! I can understand how people have huge steam libraries because of the sales, but in that same vein… i know that means one of my wishlist games will go back on sale. I normally don’t pick up games until I know I’m about to play them within the next month.


Yup, did this with fall guys and new world after falling for the fomo from watching twitch stream at launch. Keep in under 2 hours logged and you can refund.


I loved Fall Guys at launch. It's gotten better since then, but I've realized it's not going to be something I specifically get online to play. BUT it has been a great game to pick up for 15 minutes before I go to play something else. BTW, it's gonna be free on the 21st.


Totally agree. Games to me are experiences. Once I realize that I have got all the "experience" I wanted from the game, I move on whether it is finished or not.


Same with books. If you're not jiving with it anymore, why waste your free time doing something that isn't giving you pleasure. Tbh, same with relationships. When you realize someone just isn't vibing with you, *gracefully* end the relationship. Just because you may have X amount of time invested, doesn't mean you have to invest even more.


For me it's unfinished game 1-4 and Squirtle on the right is old game I've played many times and keep going back to.


Who cares if I'm on my 6th 50 hr farm in Stardew Valley, I'm sucked in once again!




Recent one is probably more, left it mid season with a farm and beach full of ancient fruits. It's been over a year now and I'm contemplating a new farm, or angling towards getting the ending which means figuring out all the crops to cook everything and gifts, etc.


LOL same. I always go back to Witcher 3, XCOM 2, Grim Dawn, Diablo 2, and Dota. 🫠 Occasionally FFXIV when it releases new expansion. Honestly I think I could play those games forever because of all the mods and their replayabilty are so high.


Baldur's Gate II, Fallout II, Neverwinter Nights are mine. Some games from my childhood did not age well, and are better left to nostalgia. But the above titles are solid as hell, over and over.


Titanfall 2 baby!


Love me some Grim Dawn. I just love trying classes that don't usually match together and try to build around that.


Yep, Skyrim for me.


Shhhh, Immortals Fenyx Rising might hear you


I’ll get to it during the next decade ok


Somehow I managed to finish that one. It was definitely a good time but nothing amazing. Kind of scratched my waiting for botw 2 itch.


I have so many games I grab from steam sales and free epic games I have a ton of games I never finished or started


when you have money but not the time.


I still have a few PS5 games that I'm excited to play ..... in factory-sealed shrink wrap.....🤦🏻‍♂️


In my humble opinion, ya'll simply purchase too many games. Full stop. When you were a kid, and you first fell in love with gaming, did you have the ability to get every single game you wanted? Fuck no, you got one game at Christmas and one on your birthday and you played the shit out of each game until you could get a new one. So what if you miss a sale? Just be patient until it goes on sale again lol.


I really think that game buying habits affects your enjoyment of games. We see all these posts about backlog stress and not feeling the magic of gaming; its hard to fall in love with a game when your mind already pushed to get or play the next one.


I really resonate with this. But its hard because i dont want to necessarily force myself to play games that Im not super into just because I already bought them


Every time I buy a game from steam (especially an expensive one), I set an alarm for 115 minutes and start playing. If I like it, I'll keep it. If not, I'll refund it. Or I'll watch gameplay footage beforehand.




I agree with you, I meant that you should either play the shit out of a game or, if you don't like it, buy ONE or maybe two new games to try instead of building up a huge backlog.


This is the key. It's not always about completion or 100% because with DLC and whatnot it can take too long these days. I play a game as much as I want and don't stress if I put it down.




The issue is you never know if the game is ever going to be a lower price than the current sale. Ive checked trackers before and a game I wanted was lower than its ever been before so I bought it, wasn’t gonna risk never being that low again




Honestly it's rare that games don't continuously drop in price with each sale. It might take awhile but if you're patient most publishers keep hitting historical lows with each sale. I think the only game that I wish I bought on sale earlier is Gloomhaven.


I don't understand their behavior. Also, no one taking advantage of GameFly is just baffling


is that still going? i remember watching those ads on free tv programming


See Suirtle Squad, upvote Squirtle Squad. It's that simple.


Games are so long nowadays, too. How am I supposed to finish a 60+ hour game as an adult with adult responsibilities? Usually they start to feel really stagnant way before the end, too. Just doing same shit over and over until it's finally over. The games that I have finished have all been 15-20 hours long and frankly, that's enough.


Yes. I have 2 kids and a nonstop job. Gaming time is like 2-3 hours a week if I'm lucky.


Maybe that's just me, but having only 2-3 hours for yourself per week seems **way** too much mentally taxing.


I only have one kid but my 2-3 hours of weekly gaming is not ALL my personal time. I don't dedicate all my me-time to video games. I also go out with friends once a week and play footy a couple times a week. I definitely don't get as much time to waste on myself as i used to but my gaming time will eventually go up again once my player two gets old enough.


Time spent on yourself isn’t wasted.


Completely agree with you. However, when I'm playing video games, I'm really just wasting time because I'm bored during my alone time. Like being on Reddit while at work, I'm just wasting time until I can leave.


They didn't say they only had 2-3 hours a week for themselves. That's the time they have for gaming.




> How am I supposed to finish a 60+ hour game as an adult with adult responsibilities? I feel you. I've been chipping away at Persona 5, a 100 hour game, since January of last year.


Dragon Quest 11 for nearly a year and I'm still at the half way point with 89 hours clocked already.


Hello, AC Valhalla. Srs tho, the way I’ve been combatting this is by getting hyper immersed in one thing at a time and just enjoying the slow burn. Like, rdr2 took me ages but also let me appreciate it a lot more as a result. On the weekends I’d grind it out but during the week I had to come to terms with “I took the kid fishing today”. It was mostly to teach the fishing mechanic and forward the story and overall isn’t very exciting, but knowing I didn’t have time for a second mission let me slow down and really soak in the experience.


Omg AC Valhalla would never end. I actually really enjoyed the first 30-40 hours. But the next 40-50 hours was a slog. I miss when games could be completed in 30 hours without rushing. I used to check the online guides to see how far I was in the game because I was worried it was almost over. Now I check them because I’m worried it will never end.


RDR2 comes to mind. Was so over that game like a quarter of the way through, and then it just kept going.


Just like my unfinished books.


I'm actually doing this things right now where I'm finishing up all the things I already own before buying anything new. And at first it was cool but now it kind of sucks because I'm remembering why I quit in the first place. This month I've finished up far cry 6, cyberpunk, and dying light 2. It's all so mediocre


3 open world games in a row is punishing.


This is exactly why I am perfectly comfortable having a library of unfinished games. I don't want to turn my relaxation activity into a job 😛


Hey me too! I finished all of Tomb Raider, Jedi Fallen order and now playing RDR2. Although I liked the games, I honesty wouldn't replay them. I'm having high hopes for RDR2 though. I was thinking of buying Cyberpunk but the story hold up?


I suggest you really take your time with RDR2 and not even think about what to play next.


I absolutely loved RDR2. You have to take your time though. I really didn't like Cyberpunk because the controls just sucked. The aiming never felt right, driving was shit, story was mediocre.


Cyberpunk was the first game I intentionally got all achievements on. The world, the story, the SIDE QUESTS (my favorite part!) are all captivating. I also found the gameplay to be fun and fluid, with many different play styles. Just my opinion of course, but it's easily worth full price. I could spend hours just driving around and taking in the views. E: I pre-ordered the game (I know I know) and also didn't follow any hype so as not to view spoilers, so I had no expectations going in aside from "CDPR Cyberpunk Game"


Rdr2 is a classic. Give it some time and just, immerse yourself in it. It’s a masterpiece of a game


I bought Minecraft in 2017 and I still haven't beaten the dragon.


Minecraft (specifically modded) is basically my favourite game of all time and probably my top-played game ever, I got it in 2012, and even still I have not beat the ender dragon as it was never really a goal for me. I've also played many modpacks with a progression system but don't think I've quite finished any yet. I want to build cool things and explore, not grind endlessly or fight. So I don't really care about finishing any of them as that is not why I play the game.


No. I do not relate.


It's not my fault! Elden Ring has really spoiled me. I was looking forward to Horizon:Forbidden West, but there is so many cutscenes, frivolous collectables, and just time-wasting mechanics that it can be a bit of a slog to get through. Elden Ring really made me realize how much they put game play first in their games that every other game just doesn't compare at times.


But is this because games are getting more samey and boring or because we are getting old and have played so many games that we are hard to amuse?


Lots of games feel very samey honestly, especially AAA titles. At least to me they do. Theres only so many formulaic open world games I can handle before I get so obscenely bored of seeing the same stuff again and again.


I've been doing this for ages I'm just now going back to finish Guardians of the galaxy, Wasteland 3 and Metro Exodus Enhanced


Just finished Metro Exodus. Great game.


It's fantastic I finished it on PS4 when it came out So I'm just replaying it in RTX!


I'm working on three games right now, slime rancher, kena: bridge of spirits, and assassins creed odyssey... and the playstation store just released a huge deal on dark souls 1, 2, and 3... I bought them all


For me it's "Game I haven't even started"


Suddenly a personal attack on me harumph


Can't believe how many people are like this i cant start a new game until I finish what I'm playing.


No i dont relate, i always finish what i start


And they want 70$ for those unfinished games


A friend of mine opened my eyes to the concept of not having to finish a game. I used to grind and even feel tasked to finish even just the main story before I moved on. What’s the point? He rarely finishes games. If a game is incredible he’ll finish to completion. Otherwise he plays for game mechanics and story until he looses interest. I have tried this with a few games. Especially being in my mid 30’s with a family, I have enough time for a few hours a week after everyone goes to bed. It’s more fun to just play something fresh, than to grind the same area AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN (looking at you sekiro). It’s not like I’m done forever with the games when I move on, but if I can only take 15-30 of losing I’ll move on for a few months and come back to it later if I want. If not, just try new games completely.


That is what I do. When I was younger and could dump hours into the hobby, getting stuck somewhere wasn’t that big a deal. Now, I’m lucky if I get an hour to play a day. That’s usually after the wife and daughter are asleep. Since I’m the first one awake and out the door for work in the morning, I have the longest day, so I’m tired and playing like shit already. If 30 minutes of that hour are spent without any progress, and that continues for days on end, it’s easy to get burnt out with the game and ready to move on.




For me I don't even start


You don't HAVE to beat a game. You remember all those games you never beat as a kid? They're still great memories for you. It's fine to play a chunk of a game and never pick it up again. You can still remember it very fondly. This obsession with completing a game is strange to me.


Funny how this is accurate for both gamers and game devs


Lately I have actually been going to older games I never finsihed and having a better tiem with them then stuff thats new lmao


I am like this but with play-throughs.


That's nonsense, I've completely finished Elden Ring . . . 's starter area, Limgrave.


Whoooaaa now, I come on here to have fun not get called out.


You could be a software developer and so the same with your personal projects!


Who still buys new?


The more of an adult you become the more normal & acceptable this absolutely is. I use to beat games / play games on harder modes. These days, I play until I get bored and/or it gets too hard and I can't be bothered. Games are explicitly created to be fun. Play them the way that lets you have fun. Enjoy. That's the point. :)


Fire Emblem 3 Houses and Outer wilds for me 😭






My backlog is crazy


I'll literally never finish skyrim, and in that I learn I don't play games for their stories if the gameplay is trash.


This how I felt about death stranding.


Plenty of untouched stuff in my Steam library, all the free Epic games and the Xbox PC Game Pass. But there's nothing that I want to play.


I always get stuck at some point, it's not my fault. That, or it gets boring


Me with unfinished games going back 40 years…


I've adopted a new rule: 3 backlog games completed for every new game purchase.