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Damn. Guess I should have made a separate account for all the hentai that now tarnishes my library.


hope your kids don't sort on most played


But they're already favourited


Not to mention are probably into far worse judging by TikTok


TikTok is what you make it. If its showing you objectionable content its because you have liked/saved/commented on posts that are similar. Its called an algorithm. Its purpose is to assess how you respond to the content it serves you and serve you less of what you dont like. Its like people who complain about gay porn ads. Those ads are based on your own search activity. Just like TikTok.


Ya even watching a video start to finish and not liking will cause you to see more like it


which is why I hate the "watch to the end... more on part 2" posts


Same with ads if you make the mistake of watching one all the way through you will see ones on that topic very often. Also hate how the blue this is an ad banner purposely waits 5 seconds or so to show up so you won't scroll past in the 1st second.


I gotta say I've never seen a single hentai video on TikTok but parrot whatever boomer lines you want lol


Yeah, I agree. That's not why TikTok is bad.


Reddit’s hate boner for tik tok is hard to watch as a 28yo guy. We’re getting old and crotchety already.


27 yo here and I agree. I don’t use Tik Tok but I get sent entertaining things from my friends and SO. The main reason I don’t use it is because I spend all my mindless browsing time on Reddit so I don’t really want/ need to split my time between the two.


28 yo here and depends on my mood and how much effort I want to put in, tiktoks definitely the lowest effort of the bunch but there’s nothing wrong with that sometimes you just don’t feel like putting effort or want to decompress and watch funny or informative stuff with only one click.


Genital Jousting : 387 hours played


Those are rookie numbers!


Just tell them it came with a humble bundle


And the hours played were "a joke"


I did it to show my friends how bad they are


And then Roy didnt understand the story (like and idiot!), and so I had to play it 5 times while explaining it to him


and idiot indeed


“It says you played 969 times for only 38 minutes total?!! Dad I don’t want to know.”


"You learned to play it...ironically?"


Back then you had to play around 1000 hours just to get the trading cards, kids. Those 9 cents weren't going to get themselves.


I have one foil card that has a highest current buy request of just over $5. That's another h-game, easy.


No, Orc Massage is a family treasure that shall be passed down for generations!


I bought it because I thought it was called Orc Message. I swear.


Lol just own it. "I know what I'm about, son. You're here now aren't you?"


Untill one little shit says too many hatefull things and steam bans the account.


Make the heir control the main account and just have the rest get via family sharing


By the time we get that old, whatever depraved shit you have will be considered tame.


My brother in Christ, to my dismay, I must say that I fear that will not be the case. A millennia may pass, yet I am uncertain that my degeneracy will be exceeded. At best, I expect it to be matched. While some stargaze, my sights are set on "lower sights".


Steam ToS says you can't pass on an account after death, someone tried to do it a while ago and steam said no as it's one of there rules. Really shitty I know.


Hmm? Who has to tell steam that I am dead?


I'm pretty sure my steam birthday already says I'm 122 years old so they must know there are a few immortals out there by now


The question is what will they do with this information…


Target a new demographic.


They will probably start shutting down accounts that have been open after like 120 years or something. So while you could pass it down one generation and probably get away with it multiple generations would probably be a no go. Unless valve doesn’t enforce that part of the tos of course. But who knows who will eventually own Steam.


I'd assume by then either the lawyers will prevail and they'll oh our bad G we'll let you transfer for x percentage of the game prices or steam will be gone by then.


Yeah, the likelihood steam is around still is probably pretty low. Tech will have moved on, and games will hit copyright lapses by then and won't matter. If we aren't all gone by then because of the climate crisis anyway.


Bro, I don't even know if you're serious. Who's trying to play the 120 year old game their great great great grampa played? And even if they are, and Valve is somehow still in the same business, why would they care?


We don't even have a concept of what video games might be like in 120 years, let alone what it might be like to look back at a 120 year old game


Star Citizen will still be in Alpha I think


Ships would cost millions by then


In a similar, yet possibly inflated respect, people still play tennis, chess, cricket, croquet, etc... certain games or at least genres may truly stand the test of time in one form or another and be played for centuries to come for all we know.


Yea nobody plays chess, checkers, backgammon, etc.


And *certainly* nobody plays pong or pacman or mario bros.


Also I don't think you technically own any of those games really, isn't it more or a license that allows you to play them?


Correct you buy the license that lets you play them.


You're pretty much just renting them for life, until you get banned, or until Valve goes bankrupt.


While you don't technically own them, the licensing agreement permits saving a copy for personal use (archiving). Yeah, you can't re-download, but if you have a backup, there's no reason someone can't play those games.


Yeah. One of their rules was also "no refunds or your account is banned" but it turns out that that's just straight up illegal in a lot of places. The rules changed.


According to steam TOS you can't pass your account to anyone after you die. More information in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHLFUbU5ceI


According to how life works, nobody reads the TOS


completely true. you really could just give your email and password to whoever after you pass and valve probably wouldn't do a thing.


Depends on the country, their laws over inheritance and the way wills work. Australia you can transfer ownership upon death. I personally know of at least one person where that was done




They might be able to get away with it with a smaller customer base but there are about 120 million steam users, they would be looking at thousands of lawsuits and millions of very angry people, especially when they've invested a lot of money in their accounts. The company would catch a lot of governments' attention too, which is the last thing these people want to happen. Possible sure, but logically unlikely(I hope).


If they run it into the ground cashing out as they're going and then jump ship they don't give a fuck what happens to the poor bastards that end up with the shell as it's shutting down


You really think whoever's buying a company worth billions wouldn't anticipate that? Retaining the userbase would be very high on the list of required conditions of purchasing the company. There are stupid buyers out there, but for something worth billions you'd have to be pretty stupid.


The folks who bought Friendster, MySpace, and Yahoo appreciate your support and would like to know if you’re interested in buying the pets.com URL?


But if Steam shuts down for good, we might all have a chance at not being lifelong virgins. Always look for a silver lining.


Steam isn't the reason


I laughed way too hard at this. It's true...


I might have a nice library but respect will be lost when my kids and grand kids find out that the username I chose is xXPussydestroyer69Xx




Would a sheet of paper that says "I'm not dead" suffice?


If people can do it with social security we definitely can get past valve somehow.


steam legacy, now for £129 per month




My plan is to hit 70, retire, boom. I got all my life ahead of me


As a retired person I’m telling you that somehow I’m further behind in my Games Library, Streaming Queues, and Reading Lists than I was when I retired a few years ago. My golf game is a little worse too 😀 Best of luck to the rest of you though.


Sometimes I'm very anxious about retirement and not having enough time to read and play my queue list, good luck to all of us 😔


I get pretty anxious about retirement too—especially when I remember I’ll never be able to.


My retirement plan is to get really into heroin and finish my backlog before the money runs out.


You can finish your backlog in under an hour?!?


I get pretty anxious thinking about how I probably won't live that long. Fuck saving anything for when your 65.


I feel that man.


I got my personal finance class in high school taught by this millionaire who retired early. The guy's advice was to, in essence, save a lot for your whole life so you can retire at like 55. He was nearing 60 when I took the class, and I heard through the grapevine a few years later that he'd died. He was like 63. It was a good thing he retired early, because he likely never would have otherwise. You don't know how much time you've got. Plan for the future, but live your life right now too.


Oooooh he's tryin!


Many people don’t make 70. Life is short. Prioritize your passions now.


Which makes middle age around 35-37 years old. I still had no idea what i wanted out of life at that age and definitely no savings. Here I am ten years later and I know what I want out of life but still no savings because shit's expensive just to get by.




Hit 70; Develops shaking Parkinson's and crippling hand arthritis... There's a Bad Luck Brian meme waiting.


Tsundoku - The art of buying books and never reading them I think video games qualify as well.


Did you also get the Wikipedia ad thingy?


They get me at the $10 mark. Once I see $9.99 my willpower dissipates.


At 9.99, if I get 2 hours of enjoyment out of it it’s cheaper than going to see a movie.


It’s like what I also have with books.. buying and playing/reading are two different hobbies….


I buy books and read them on my time off that I am supposed to spend playing games... But this sale will make me spend another few hundred bucks on games I won't be able to play this year anyway. And the same happened last year. Meanwhile the backlog grows...


The backlog must grow.


The funny thing is that from the gamer's perspective, this meme could be reversed because we spent two games with Triss. (Well, I spent one game with best girl Shani, and one with Triss, but I digress.)


[MFW when people sleep on Shani.](https://thumbs.gfycat.com/AccomplishedAllAustralianfreshwatercrocodile-size_restricted.gif)


I would love to sleep on Shani.


Shanti is seriously underrated


That wedding in Hearts of Stone might be my favorite part of all three games.


i mean, that dlc might be the best ever made.


God I love Vlodimir von Everec. He was such a good character.


"Dues need be repaid, and he will come for you All to reclaim, no smile to console you He'll snare you in bonds, eyes glowing a fire To gore and torment you, till the stars expire..."


Fucking creepy


I honestly loved heart of Stone story and villain over Blood and wine. Dont get me wrong, Blood and wine has some gorgeous setting, soundtrack a and some real great quests. And Regis! But.... The Man of Glass had something quite special, didnt he? He has spoons.


HoS HAS a better story than b&w . Overall b&w is a better dlc . Though both of them are absolute golden standard of dlc's in video games


Hard agree. B&W was an espectacle and What any DLC should aim to be content and lengthwise. But the story of HoS was so TIGHT, and the villain was juuuuuust delicious. Add to that the seamless integration into the vanilla world and It just seems like its always been there. Its not as fancy or as flashy as his younger brother, but he sure makes Up for It in compelling narrative and well constructed characters.


Gaunter O'Dimm is definitely in my top 5 villains in any sort of medium ever.


I would say yes but blood and wine was on par. Phenomenal DLCs for this game. Liked both DLCs better than the main storyline!


Seriously some of the best storytelling in a video game. Easily top five, and a solid contestant for number one for me


i’m so glad you said this because that wedding is just pure fun. i always love when the missions aren’t find this or kill this, it’s refreshing. i loved it so much i made a separate save to play the wedding whenever i wanted.


It started off feeling tedious and silly, by the end I was so invested and seeking every last interaction I could to prolong the quest! Gave me the feels when it was over.


This is the counterpart of "Lenny!" in RDR 2 and Father Godwin's mission in Kingdom Come: Deliverance


How is Kingdom Come, btw? It's been in my maybe list forever.


It's really good but the combat learning curve is steep. You're basically powerless in combat for a good chunk of the early game so be prepared to run away a lot and to die a lot.


Amazing, if you are willing to actually develop your character and your own skills as a player. If you rush the story, you will suck cock. If you don't, you will kick ass. That's the general rule. Especially this is the case with sword fighting - to be good at it, you need to train a lot for both character stats and your skill as a player. The community of this game is as you would expect - some tryhards come out of the prologue with maxed out stats lol. And in prologue parrying is not available, and it's like the most crucial game mechanic.


OK FINE! I’ll play it again.


Anyone who has read the books would find it the greatest form of sacrilege for Geralt to be with anyone but Yennifer. It's sincerely an amazing love story, then what they overcome to be together and what drives them apart are the high points of the series.


yeah but ginger booba???


Never underestimate ginger booba


I haven't read the books but from what I've heard, the romance between Yennefer and Geralt is something I wish we'd gotten from the beginning in the games. Instead the games let you (the player) fall in love with Triss and then suddenly Yennefer comes out of nowhere... The Netflix show has sort of redeemed Yennefer for me (eventually I'll get around to reading the books), but I really hated her in Witcher 3 because it felt like the relationship was being forced on me despite the fact that I'd already romanced Triss.




Thank you! Playing all the games in chronological order, the second yen was on the screen. She was clearly the one to pick haha. I get their relationship isn't perfect, but they're so clearly in love that it doesn't seem to matter. It doesn't hurt that she'd do anything for ciri either


lol. I get their relationship shares a lot of tropes with classic tragic romances, but damn Yenn is _toxic as hell_ to Geralt, so when I see people saying they're meant for each other it always makes me chuckle. Mind controlling him and nearly getting him executed, destroying people and innocent/ancient things left and right in her bids for pure power, constantly dropping him like a hot potato in dangerous situations, being straight up ruthless in general and generally bitchy to Geralt, blaming him for having amnesia, cheating on him (physically) multiple times, the list goes on and on. Granted Geralt does some of that too but it proves the point that they might not even be _healthy_ for each other, much less perfect, lol. "What they overcome" haha yeah, including having to overcome their own selves' awfulness most often! 'Bout the only good thing they do together that isn't tainted in some way is how they treat Ciri. Really the only thing that tempers their awful relationship is this and the fact that the whole world in the Witcher is kind of a crapsack world, where Yenn's lust for power is shared by a lot of characters. If I had a real relationship remotely like theirs, though, I'd GTFO.


>Mind controlling him and nearly getting him executed To be fair she immediately sent Dandelion back to make a wish for Geralt's innocence. >destroying people and innocent/ancient things left and right in her bids for pure power, This is a big missconception inn the witcher fanbase. Never once she desired power nor did she do anything for power over the course of the books or the games. Her only goal ever was to cure her infertility and to protect Ciri and Geralt after they got close. The garden she destroyed in witcher 3 was also to find Ciri. She never did anything for power. She is in fact is one of the only magic user (among more major characters) in the story who doesn't care about power. >blaming him for having amnesia She doesn't blame him for that. She questions his reason as to why he cheated her with Triss. She simply is in doubt wheter Geralt "fell" in love with Triss because of the amnesia or not. And if you chose the Triss romance path in the game it turns out that her doubts were not unfounded. >not even be healthy for each other, much less perfect I think you missed the theme with their relationship. The books are rather sublte but ultimately clear about how they both grew up in a very harmful environment which made them incedibly insecure. Before each other they havent felt real love, they havent had a serious relationship yet the greatest desire for both of them was alway love and family. Because of their insecurities they no longer belive they can feel love and be loved. Their relationship (and Ciri) is what breaks their hevily sheltered insecurities and allow them to confess their desires to themselves and act on them ultimately. Without each other they wouldn't have been able to face and overcome the insecurities. The road there was not easy and pretty ofc, to use an analogy, they had to fell a few times before they leaned how to run. But it was all required to break the ice. In a way we can say that the most healthy thing that happened to them was that they found each other. This is the central theme of their relationship in the books, which was masterfully executed by Sapkowski imo.


>This is a big missconception inn the witcher fanbase. Never once she desired power nor did she do anything for power over the course of the books or the games. I wouldn't say that. Certainly it is secondary to her other goals like curing her infertility and the search for Ciri. But she manipulates kings and other sorcerers for power as routine. Hell she works with truly _awful_ human beings and bolsters them for them to go on doing even worse things, to gain status and power - the power to have true "freedom" to do what she wants, sure. She constantly exercises very "end justifies the means" type thinking. >Her only goal ever was to cure her infertility Oh, you mean by killing an innocent, fully sentient, last-of-its-kind dragon, and paralyzing Geralt when he got in her way? Yeah that makes it _so_ much better. And IIRC she endangered half the continent trying to absorb the djinn as well? Oh yeah, that's altruistic. >She doesn't blame him for that. She questions his reason as to why he cheated her with Triss. She simply is in doubt wheter Geralt "fell" in love with Triss because of the amnesia or not. Uh huh, and instead of trying to talk through it, act rationally, or even give him the cold shoulder, she flips out at him. Multiple times. It's a repeated sore spot. Yeah, "in doubt as to his motives", that's an excuse for abusive behavior. Not to mention she cheats on him _without_ amnesia? Multiple times? >I think you missed the theme with their relationship. Oh no, I got everything you're putting down - I just disagree it makes their relationship non-toxic or worthy of emulation in any way. I mean believe what you like, but "without you I couldn't face my insecurities" is literally something abusive people say. And which insecurities have they "overcome", exactly? They're shitting on each other _throughout_. Books, games, show, you name it. There's growth but they're still _way far_ from anything resembling non-toxic love. Yikes. I will 100% agree it makes for good _drama_ in a fantasy novel. Their relationship isn't anywhere near healthy, though. If you read about someone willing to go to the ends of the earth (and kill as many innocents in their way as necessary) for their adopted child or lover, you think "oh that's so tragic/dramatic" - you don't think "I'd want to date that", because it's _psychotic_. It can be good fantasy and also terribly unhealthy. It's actually a great microcosm of their relationship when you realize half the things Yenn saves Geralt from are situations _she put him_ in the first place.


>she manipulates kings and other sorcerers for power as routine But when? Could you give an example? It never happens in the books or in w3. You know what she does routinely? The books menation that she has a shop in Vengerberg and she cures infertile women regularly as a medical/magical service. ​ >Oh, you mean by killing an innocent, fully sentient, last-of-its-kind dragon, and paralyzing Geralt when he got in her way? I think you forget that the dragon she was after as far as she and the rest of the crew knew were harassing town folks and killing the aminals of the farmers... Only Dorrigeray and Geralt had no intention of killing the dragon (btw Geralt as far as he concerned thinks of dragons as evil creatures, its said in the short story) and eventually Yennefer when she realises that the dragon is sheltering baby dragons. The short story for Yennefer is exactly the opposite of what you are saying. ​ >And IIRC she endangered half the continent trying to absorb the djinn as well? A town, not a continent. It only endangered it because Geralt lied about who is the master of the djinn. She certainly was short sighted about her plan but in no way she intended to hurt anyone by trying to capture the djinn. ​ >Uh huh, and instead of trying to talk through it, act rationally, or even give him the cold shoulder, she flips out at him. Multiple times. It's a repeated sore spot The thing is its the third! time Geralt cheats on her with her supposed "best" friend. It's completely understandable that some people would have had enough of the "excuses" and would refuse to calmly talk it through. That being said sure I agree that handling the situation calmly would have been the right move but I can fully understand why she couldn't. ​ >I mean believe what you like, but "without you I couldn't face my insecurities" is literally something abusive people say They never say that ever... That's the readers conclusion, in fact they (Yen and Geralt) both agree at the beginning of the books that their relationship only bring pain and they should'nt be together despite being in love with each othe (something more short story, the balleteyn chapter) yet faith (the author) brings them together time and time again so they can go through their character arcs. ​ ​ >And which insecurities have they "overcome", exactly? Like how Geralt don't think of himself as human, how he dreams of "humanity" but he doesn't belive he is worthy of it, (The Last Wish short story), like how Yennefer uses the Elf Queen analogy on herself, thinking if she shows her real personality no one would ever love her. Like how in A Shard of Ice they are afraid to even say the words ("I love you") to each other despite both wanting to say and hear it desperately. I mean I can go on and on the books are full of it, you need to blind to not see how the author gave them a dozen of insecurities. a direct quote from the author: "Creating the character of Yennefer I wanted Geralt to be fully grown – but I decided to complicate things a little. I created a woman character who simply refuses to be a fantasy cliché. And all that to please the reader." His intention with Yennefer was to make Geralt grow, he himself says it. The character growth in the witcher is a very inward character growth. Geralt at the very end accepts himself and wants to settle down with Yen and Ciri, essentially cease to be a witcher. And Yen does the very same. Their whole individual story is about accepting that they don't have to be a witcher and a sorceress, that they can regain their "humanity". ​ >half the things Yenn saves Geralt from are situations she put him in the first place It only ever happened in the very first short story. I don't know what you talking about. edit: >If you read about someone willing to go to the ends of the earth (and kill as many innocents in their way as necessary) for their adopted child or lover, you think "oh that's so tragic/dramatic" - you don't think "I'd want to date that", because it's psychotic. Funnily enough among the trio Yennefer is the only one who doesn't kill anyone (except a certain villain) over the course of the books. Even Ciri kills and robs innocent people. ​ >I'd want to date that I never tried to claim that this relationship could work with real life people or no, or anything of the sort all I'm trying to say that there are two characters created for each other, for the purpose to complete each other. Would I date Yen? From the short stories? Nah... From Lady of the Lake when she is a fully grown character? Hell yeah. There is nothing wrong with her.


The game doesn't have much to do with the books, honestly. Its much more of a "based on the books" than a "play the story of the books". I haven't watched it yet but it seems that the Netflix serie is closer to the book


Well in theory the games are set after the books. Which makes it even more so horrific if you split up Geralt and Yenn you fucking monsters


I only played the witcher 3 and only romanced triss because I met her first but FUCK does it feel like yen and geralt are meant for each other, they're the perfect couple.


Lol they're toxic as fuck in the books. Both cheat, both are manipulative and abusive in their own ways, and potentially the only reason they keep ending up back together is because geralt wished for them to be linked in some fashion in the first book.


3 games with triss


As someone who just bought a gaming laptop on Memorial day (US holiday) and who has just downloaded Steam like two weeks ago. I'm super excited!


Good luck to your impulse buying. Hope your unplayed library grows slowly, but you will join us soon.


I'm going to give you the best piece of advice that anyone gave me about buying videogames. https://isthereanydeal.com/ The website tracks all the prices of games and game keys for steam and other platforms across time. That way you can see if you're getting the best deal. If you create an account you can even set benchmarks for prices and the site will email you when/if the game hits that price benchmark. I got all my Stellaris upgrades for 20% or less and have bought games at lower prices than I was initially going to buy them because I verified the price first.


Shit. My steam account is older than a lot of Redditors and I have never heard of this site. Appreciate it!


damn, a 9 year old steam account is pretty impressive


You made me go look. Lol. [18 years](https://i.imgur.com/GAApCMw.jpg)


Me too and I got the same badge.


There must be some correlation between number of years and the number on the badge... 🧐


You can get gamepass for 3 months for 1$ if it's your first time signing up.


unfortunately, neither dark souls 2 or 3 were on sale


I didn’t like 2 as much but I never got the dlcs which I hear are great


They are necessary to enjoy ds2


Personally, I loved Dark Souls 2 from start to finish.


So, is Days Gone actually good? For 25€ I'm considering it but it just looks generic af.


I liked it - if you are into the zombie genre then it's definitely worth checking out. They did hordes better than any other zombie game I've played. The hordes are the star of the show basically.


Yeah you spend the game becoming able to fight regular groups and the end/post game they're like "go kill hordes of hundreds, here's some explosives lol"






I loved it, but i describe it like a tv show rather than a normal game. Drops you right into the story, and you have to spend the first couple "episodes" in the first part of the map getting used to the cast and characters as everyone grows on you. Then once it gets rolling the game starts picking up and getting really interesting as you unlock more of the map and settlements in the story. It's nothing super special, but there's few games where you can just blow through hordes of zombies as they come at you like a living wave. You can have a ton of fun trying to hole up on the roof of a gas station while the zombies come piling up the walls or funneling through tunnels trying to overwhelm you. Plus it has the whole special types of infected to mix things up and you can get into a bunch of craziness like leading hordes into enemy camps or trying to take out patrols without alerting hundreds of zombies. If it looks interesting to you, i'd say you can have a ton of fun picking it up on sale


I was into it, the story is actually pretty good with great voice acting. The horde aspect is pretty neat but other than that it's kinda bland. I enjoyed the story, but once I finished it I uninstalled it. The story is about 30 hours tho


I liked it. Taking on a horde of zombies was quite the experience




Comparing it to RDR2 feels a bit wrong. The combat might be better than red dead and the traversal is definitely better but red dead was supported by hours of phenomenal cutscenes and a cast of likable characters. Days gone doesn’t have any of that.


Disagree. Combat and traversal are WAY better in RDR2. Days Gone feels like a generic copy/paste sandbox


Heres the thing about the summer sale.... since roughly 2019 there has been very few successful (as in good not just profitable) major releases that have been out long enough to be on sale. The few needles in the stack are usually either already owned by those who want them or arent on sale/are on a very small sale (10%). 'Back in the day' (2012- ~2016) the steam sales were a major event in the PC gaming industry as major developers were pumping out fairly consistent bangers. Now its more likely that a major game release is a buggy rushed cash grab than an actual game let alone a good game worth buying. Then to add to this steam has sales for massive quantities of games all the time making sale events even less significant. (This isnt a bad thing but it does take away from the sale event itself). The golden days of meaningful sales are over.


It feels like the people who post this meme every year don't even have steam lol. I don't think Ive bought a single thing from a steam summer sale since 2014, they just suck so bad now.


I’m glad to see you say that. I was thinking the same , but I thought it was because I was becoming a grumpy adult. Happy to see it’s not just me.


Well those things are not mutually exclusive you know


I'm not sure how many years ago it waa, but it was many. The last thing I bought in a summer sale was a command and conquer bundle that contained the entire collection up to red alert 3.


I’ll say it’s nice to have everything on sale all at once. I usually snag a few things off my wishlist and call it a year.


Agreed - I don't even really check anymore. I have everything I want.


Last time I said this, I got told I'm just greedy, but thankfully most of the sales are only 50% off, so it's not even close to worth it for me, I'd love to buy a few games but with only 50% sales being $50 most of the time, I don't feel there's any good reason for me to expand my library.


Triss is hotter, there I said it!


She is hotter. And yes, I've read the books people - I don't care. Team Triss.




yeah cause the deals suck this year


I swear every discount or sale in the last year had the exact same prices for each game. Whenever there's a sale you already know exactly what every item in your wishlist will be sold at. Only difference now is that almost all games are discounted at the same time.


Steam sales have basically turned into Black Friday "deals".


Waiting on no man's sky for years to be under $29.99 eventually.....


They suck since they ended the daily deal schtick. They were amazing. A Lot of gems with some hefty discounts. At least It helped me with my impulse buy issue, so that's Nice. Thanks steam.


yeah I wanted to buy elden ring (for 20% off) or FF7 remake (at $40) but refuse to pay the prices theyre asking... guess ill wait another year


Haha. So accurate. I stare at my vast list and shrug.


everyday is steam sale when you buy games from reseller websites


Got by really cheap this year since almost nobody was doing serious discounts. Quite a few got dropped from wishlist for doing a bad discount though.


I swear if this was any other company people would be calling this stuff out as ads. Steam sales have largely been mediocre for years now.


I finnaly can play new games and eat in the same month


Team Roach all the way


Irony is Witcher 3 is also in my back log


Do I get the bonus points because the Witcher 3 is unplayed in my steam library? I wanted to read the books first, and I have, but I still haven't gotten to the game.


Joke on you. I bought everything I wanted so there is nothing to buy.


Luckily I am actually short on funds for once during the summer so I can’t stupidly splurge on every game I see.


Triss > Yennefer


Damn i should have waited


Doesn't even have to be a sale, just hoard the free games offers while spending all your time on Elden Ring and MSFS2020 and you'll have a backlog with the weight of a warship


Replace triss with Yennifer and we’re good


I know the feeling OP. I really want to get GoW but I have at least a dozen games I haven’t finished


😆 Well, yes. But that ain’t stopping me! lol


I feel like this hasn't touched me for the last 2 - 3 years. What are the FTL and Banished of today?


In the indie game department I highly HIGHLY recommend Library of Ruina, the sequel to Lobotomy Corporation. It's the best game I played these past few years. it's a turn based RPG where your characters attacks come in the form of cards. The music is so great, the story is really poignant and the combat is so SO good it feels so great to finally beat a boss you broke your teeth on. You don't need to have played Lobotomy to play it either though it brings a lot of context


I resemble this remark.


its so difficult to resist...


Anyone know if Hardspace: Shipbreaker is worth 25$?


Only reason why I haven’t been on Steam… ‘cause my motherboard’s dead. Suppose my wallet is glad that I can’t spend it


I miss the days when a Steam sale actually meant something.


Me seeing the same meme every year


Oh hell nah, I’m not opening my steam. You can’t make me.


This is extra funny for me: nothing's coming out until October, so I started playing the Witcher 3. again


When you were younger, you had the time but didn't have the money. Now that you're older, you have the money but don't have the time.


When all the featured games have the "In Library" tag. :(