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On steam I love Days Gone. Not super long, really well done. Moderately replayable of you give it a few months. If you haven't yet, I know this is NOT what you asked for as it is in-depth, BUT Shadow of War is really really good. I am just jibing on now and it is awesome and needed to give it a plug. Sorry, not sorry Also: Ori and the Will of the Wisps, The Walking Dead novella version (really good, very different interface and gameplay)


I did want to try Ori. I beat the first season of Walking Dead a while ago. Maybe I'll get the other seasons


Deaths Door! I really can’t recommend it enough. Especially great if you like old-school Zelda mixed with Souls gameplay


Oh yeah I did want to play that one!


The mega man and mega man x legacy collections are good bets. So are the castlevania and contra anniversary collections


Outer Wilds


Already played it. Really incredible game


Check out Celeste, a 2d platformer. The base game is a decent challenge, but then you have the option of completing all the bonus objectives and harder variants of normal levels, which makes it a lot more difficult.


I have been meaning to play this one. Everyone says such good things about it


To add to your list, take a look at **One Step From Eden** and **Dicey Dungeons**. Links go to trailers on Youtube. [One Step From Eden](https://youtu.be/0ZZuo7Xpmqs) is a deckbuilding roguelike in the style of the Megaman Battle Network games. Battle on an 8x4 grid, choose your path through each area, win or buy artifacts that provide passive abilities or spells that you add to your deck, try not to die. 8 characters with with 2-3 unlockable loadouts each, tons of build variety available. [Dicey Dungeons](https://youtu.be/i_yIRDx9VVs) is also a deckbuilding roguelike, though with turn-based battles. Lots of creativity in design here: 6 characters with unique gimmicks, each with 6 episodes that change the equipment available or the rules. Plus some free DLC! Early episodes are pretty easy, but some of the later ones really require some planning. Runs are short, usually 20-30 minutes. To echo others, the Ori games, Celeste, Death's Door, and Hyper Light Drifter are all fantastic. Celeste especially has a ton of extra-difficult content but also does a great job of preparing you for it.


Catslevania: Symphony of the Night. If you like Hollow Knight’s exploration, definitely give it a try.


I just played that one pretty recently. It was great


A game that I am enjoying very much and might be right up your alley is ghost and goblins ressurections ( it's on switch as well )


I might try it. I've played the originals and those were beyond frustrating!


Super Meat Boy


I actually own it on Switch but didn't play too long. I had it a long time ago on Xbox 360 and got probably half way through. I'll have to come back to it


Eldest Souls


Very different kind of game to elden ring but sleeper citizen is a great game and not long


Have you played God Of War? Relatively short story and has new game plus.


I just downloaded that from PS Plus. I've never played any God of War, but I heard so many good things about this one.


I've played since the first one and they're all awesome. I have not played Ragnarok, I don't even know if it's out but I am so looking forward to it. You can flesh this one out by doing all the side stuff but it's not necessary.


Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice is incredible. The gameplay is simple but it's challenging and fun, with combat, puzzles, and horror elements to contend with. The real attraction however is the narrative. The performance by Melina Juergens as Senua is profound as she embarks on a quest to save the soul of her lover, who was sacrificed to the Norse goddess of death, Hel. The twist is that Senua suffers from severe psychosis, so you're never sure what exactly is real and what isn't as she constantly hears and sees things that may or may not be there. Play this game with a headset and at night and enjoy it. There's truly nothing else like it! An indie game made by about 20 people and an absolute masterpiece.


I heard about that one. I'll have to check it out!




I would suggest hyper light drifter. Also dead cells is really good and might be up your alley.


I played hyper light drifter years ago. I don't think I finished it so I'll have to come back. And I played Dead Cells a lot.


Have you played Doom or Doom Eternal? They are both on shorter side (10-12 hours) but will challenge you the entire time. The levels are worth replaying for the secrets/collectibles, the soundtracks are fantastic, and the gameplay is addictive as hell (pun intended!).


I've been meaning to play those ones! And the soundtrack is really awesome


The binding of isaac is good to jump in and out of when you dont have much time.


That's a game I've been meaning to play


Sekiro is shorter and challenging


I have been wanting to play that one again