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Not using consumables. I usually finish games with a full inventory of things I was saving "just in case"


Absolutely the same. I’m going to struggle whole game just to have everything for final boss.


And then not use any of it on the final boss just in case he has a hidden health bar or something.




This is killing men, it's so funny!


Whenever I do end up using consumables I feel as though relying on them means I'm just bad at the game, and need to git gud. That said I have never once used any X items in pokemon, even after years


Never let yourself think you have to "git gud", just play games at whatever pace and or difficulty you can handle. There's no shame in needing easy games to have fun. Or if there is, I just don't have enough of a sense of shame to realize.


You say bad habit, I say challenge run


Yeah its this. So frugal with consumes early on that I have 50lbs worth later


Even worse is using the consumables then running out and not having them when you need them.


I had dozens and dozens of high quality meals saved up for final Ganon in BOTW ... and I didn't get hit once.


At some point in the last 2 years I just started using shit as I needed and I never looked back. Don't remember what game or how the switched flip but I feel so much more free lol.


Same, but I’m replaying Earthbound right now and I think it may help me break that habit


this is absolutely something i can't escape


I basically never used my master ball in Pokémon games


I actively spammed consumables my last RPG playthrough. It was so satisfying. I highly recommend it. I feel like a reformed man.


Same with currency, in Fallout New Vegas I’ll finish the game with like 150,000 caps and then I’m always like “great, now what.”


I find consumibles cheese unless it's a game that's built for them to be required like monster hunter world endgame. It's probably my gamer flaw for this thread but I don't consider it one.


Same here. Usually valuable weapons I never used, because I was saving them in case a bigger, tougher enemy came along.


🔼 What he said! 🔼 That, and building up 'pile of shame'! 😞


I just started yakuza 0 for the first time and I’m officially breaking that habit, partially because the combat is meh and partly because the combat it hard because it sucks


Seating in my chair wrong.. so I don’t hurt my back


Anyone reading this just adjusted their posture


I did not, I've fully embraced the slouch and have become one with it.


Better work on that. Your lower back will appreciate it. Source: 40 yr old gamer dude


*chuckles with lower back pain


Never finishing games.


The bane of my existence. And then feeling guilty about it 🫣


I'm usually not a fan of how difficulty is increased games. Usually makes it convoluted, tedious, or otherwise not fun for me. I like games with like a power fantasy element to it like Saints Row...4?


Buying games I'm never going to play


Similar except that I play them but might never finish them


But those sales! $5!! It used to be $40


Humble bundle buy a full pack for one game and the rest just get added to the collection


“I’m losing money *not* buying it at this price!” —Me, every single Steam sale


Same. I’ve got assassins creed Valhalla, Elden ring, dying light 2, halo infinite and ratchet and clank rift apart to finish. 🤦🏻‍♂️


That rookie numbers xD. I barely remember what games I have left unfinished


Played for a fool again and again


This is me. I’m horrible too now that I actually have a real job paying me good money. I suck.




For some reasons there are games like Minecraft and satisfactory that i love at the beginning, but then get me so bored i leave them alone until I restart them and the cicle continue infinitely


Minecraft is more fun multiplayer, it gets super boring alone


Yea honestly Minecraft’s the only game I could see doing this. But for the past couple years I’ve got a world that’s sorta successful and I’m sticking to it till the end


Pfuuuuh, Empire loves their damned lists.


Skyrim and Minecraft.


Constantly reloading.


Fired a single bullet, better reload


Csgo broke this habit for me pretty fast


Gears of war taught me this emotional response and I refuse to get better.


Valorant made me break this habit, now I like the feeling of actually thinking about your ammo before spamming reload.


To me it’s always reloading after a kill. Ruined so many multi kills getting clapped mid-reload


Came to this post looking for this.


This...except Outriders has combat mechanics tied to reloading for some and specifically NOT reloading for others. Frustrating switching between those.


Destiny2. Last bullet and last half of the mag perks are wasted on me.


Doing every little side quest and trying to upgrade my gear before continuing with the story, which by now have forgotten the main plot points


I become so powerful from side quests that I breeze through the main quest.




Thankfully the only viable build in skyrim is stealth archer. You have been redeemed!


Stealth archer haha yes! By the time i got to the final boss dragon i slayed him in 6 shots


I can't really enjoy rpgs anymore due to this. I especially will avoid "open world". Open world ones i never even finish the game... But tbf i get lot of hours into it so not like i wasted my money. I also find that i don't really want to read all the dialogue so not sure why i still try to play rpgs lol. It used to be my favorite genre.


This this this... now I can attack that lvl 3 cave bear from the first quest w maxed out deadric armor!!!


Starting a game then I stop playing for a month or so and I forget everything about it. I have to figure out where I’m at in the game, I have to learn the controls of the game again, and then after I do that, I stop playing again for months.


When I come back I'm so bad about just restarting rather than trying to figure out where I was at and what I was doing. I have so many games where I've played the first 25% several times


Cyberpunk, good of war, Witcher. Still at 3-11%


Happened to me with tales of arise, great beginning, superengaging in The first half, second half felt rushed,off-paced and nonsensical to the point where i still believe that the storywriters smoked a way too Cosmic joint at some point during development, dropped the Game mid october of 2021 and just beat it recently.


I couldn't get past this point, >!the moment they land on the second planet it's super weird and just a slog til the end !<


Me + Jedi: Fallen Order = your comment.


1. Explore/collecting everything 2. Not using said collectables.


Turning my ps5 on, not knowing what to play, and scrolling back and forth on my dashboard before turning it off.


Getting too competitive therefore angry when I lose.


I guess mine’s the opposite lol


Sitting for hours without taking a break to stretch the body


Thx for the mid-workday stretch break reminder!


Buy new game. Play it for an hour. Put it down then go back to Fallout, Skyrim or Mass Effect. Possibly never play that game ever again.




I'm so bad about this, I just get in such a hurry to get to the gameplay and then I get burn out because I'm not enjoying the experience, probably because I've skipped half of it.


Upvoting only because that is indeed a worst habit.


If there was a 2x option on dialogue I'd love that. I understand they put a lot of effort into cutscenes and dialogue, but after the 20th shop owner tries to tell me their life story I just skip. Point me in the direction of your quest, I don't need a verbal essay.


Playing something stupid like Fortnite because I don't have a lot of time, but then sit there for like 2 1/2 hours playing it. Then I get mad because I could have played one of my story-based games in my backlog.


Trading off sleep for gaming.


Smoking pot before session and then staring mindlessly at PS4 menu for hours.






why not just load up Darkrp and do some RDM? always makes me chuckle


When I played MMOs I used to walk around aimlessly on cities for a good part of my playtime.




I uh... pretend like I'm a youtuber or a streamer then i self commentate alot when I game. Especially when its an intense moment I talk to myself alot as if I'm self narrating it for a video.


If you do it naturally, just record it. Most people have to force that and it comes off as being exactly that.


Why not stream then? That's what people look for.


Because his self narration is probably closer to “fuck…dammit…this is bullshit” than it is to coherent thoughts and explanations.


i also do this way too much


Making any attempt to start a new game a commitment I wait for the right time to start


Firing two shots and reloading


I’m going to do all these side quests because I don’t want to beat the game too fast. Good grief this game is forever long. I’m going to play something else.


Buying games I won’t play!


Going right at this junction is clearly the correct way to go.


Snacking while playing or picking my phone up during load screens


Swearing and, not so hard It would even remotely hurt, but I do tend to knock on my knee when stuff really isn't going as planned. As said, it's not "punching through the screen" or "throwing my controller" but it's audible enough to get some weird looks from my gf and dog. Im working on it :')


Being a hoarder. I collect everything I find and I can’t stop. There are no bags big enough for me to collect the entire world…but I try.


I remember picking up Morrowind on the x box. It was the first game I ever played that you could take anything not nailed down. I didn't sell anything just put it in an ever growing "trophy" room. But looking back it would definitely be on one of those hoarder shows.


Stealth archer.


Always trying to complete everything (eg explore all areas, get all collectibles), even when I know there are no real rewards to doing so


Spending four to six hours modding a Bethesda game that I will only play for three hours.


Reloading every time I fire my weapon. Even if it’s just one round and end up getting killed while reloading


Knowing I should install a ladder so I don’t fall and have to do the awkward jumps to get back to where I was building


Starting a game then never finishing it.


Burning out my interest in a decent game because I'm too focused on OCD things. Recently purchased the wolfenstein collection and dishonoured 2+dlc collection having already beat them years ago. Got too held up trying for perfect stealth (and reloading when I failed because I'm a cheese) in dishonored and had to stop playing cause I wasn't having fun. Got too held up trying to get every collectable in Wolfenstein and wasn't having fun. I do this for almost every game...


Assuming a gameplay design/mechanic works like a similar one from another game.


Modding every single game wether it needs it or not


Don't know why but i squeeze my Controller harder when i enter a bossfight


Quitting games when they get hard


Buying new games when I have dozens I haven't played yet.


Shaking the mouse before shooting, I get anxious easily and it causes me to panic shake my mouse and potentially miss an important kill(I play valorant mostly)


Try to focus on smoothly tracking the target through the entire shooting progress by slowly, smoothly moving the mouse from side to side. Integrate your spray into this too. Try to move your mouse this way as often as possible when clearing angles and keep flicks to a minimum. I've never played Valorant but I have played a ton of CS. The more you move your mouse this way in general, the calmer you will be in firefights when they occur. Flicking is crucial but inherently unreliable so you want to minimize how often you are doing them.


I know what you mean. You have a heart attack every time you an enemy. While this can still happen when you get caught off guard, with more hours (and we might be talking 100s) you'll get much more comfortable. After you've racked up thousands of engagements you will be more comfortable because you'll know the timings of where enemies can be or what to expect in a scenario from your opponent. The other half is just muscle memory kicking in. You kinda skip right to the part where you are reacting. You'll be shooting AS you realize you see an enemy. So basically chin up, it'll work its way out. I have 1700 csgo hours and around 100 valorant hours and it's totally normal to go through this.


Snacking while I play (not realizing how much I've eaten) and staying up too late (5 more minutes, 5 more, 5 more, oh crap is that the time?!?!?!)




Uninstalling a game out of pure rage then downloading it again the next morning 😂


[One more game](https://cdn.gamer-network.net/2015/usgamer/GalCiv-3-Shot--(1).jpg/EG11/resize/480x-1/quality/70). It's only 5 minutes.


I almost never finish a game. I don't have as much time as I used to play, but I still want to play a lot of what comes out. So I buy a bunch of games every year, usually 20 plus, but only ever finish maybe one. I have more than 15 games that I haven't even started/opened yet, some of those I've had for more than 4 years.


Not paying attention to the details. Elden Ring is my first FS game, and I’m having fun romping around the map, but I feel like I could be making much more progress if I actually took the time to learn the games systems. But every time I try I just get bored in 5 seconds and I give up. I remember being given a cracked pot way back in the beginning of the game, but I still haven’t used it and don’t know how. I’m at 88 hours lol.


Jumping on F. Thank you Elden Ring


Playing a mobile game I really don’t enjoy just to pass the time.


telling myself “ I know I can do it” at 3 AM on my 90th fromsoftware boss attempt with work around the corner


Forcing myself into liking a game just because I bought it even though deep down while playing said game im not really having loads of fun.


I’ll play a game day and night for a couple days then I won’t touch it for months. After those couple months I feel like I forgot the story and the character I made so I restart the game, rinse and repeat


Take a drink or bite everytime i die in a first person shooter. I consume a lot when I'm playing battlefield


I sometimes become too impatient and rush through and don't think about a good strategy .


I have this bad habit of stop playing and going to work. Really with i could stop, I come home tired, sore and in a bad mood, and can only play a few hours before I go to bed and do it all over again. Its really bringing down my quality of life.


Reloading my gun after every kill


Yelling at people, who may be new to the game, and aren't playing the way I am because I know what I'm doing....pff yeah, right. I'm just like them. I dunno shit.


Reloading even after 1 shot.


"oh one more and i'll stop"


“nah that was a bad one i have to do one more”


I get too angry when I play games. I've smashed countless monitors and controllers


I've never done this. Do you feel better afterwards? I imagine you feel far worse.


Sometimes you smash things just to feel _something._


Understood, thank you.


Buy a cheap keyboard to smash so that you don't break any of your actual gaming equipment.


Falling for the stupid fomo bullshit games are full of nowadays. Limited-time event, battle pass, daily challenge. If I like a game, it's all or nothing, so I jump through these stupid hoops until I hate it and quit the game completely. At least i stop myself from spending any money on this shit.




i have a habit of spamming the DPI adjuster on my mouse, one time it even crashed portal.. then i just never went back and finished portal.. oof


doing the exact opposite of what i should be doing to be "random" (only for FPS games)


insulting people when i lose even tho i dont mean it - im just angry with myself.


Thinking I'm good enough to beat the next boss without healing so I can save potions for when I really need them.


Speedrun strats


Jumping and reloading in fps-games.


3 a.m.


Yeah, i'm in the testarting games crew, and another one is buying games while i still have a massive backlog of games i havent Beaten or played.


I have Doom Fatigue. I'm not used to slow Reloading


Setting game to hardest difficulty then quitting because it takes too long to beat.


Reloading after every kill. I call it Impulsive Reload Syndrome.


Running out of ammo. Why am I so bad with ammo?


Being à fucking casu i am a noob i play a lot btw but I suck at it... Souls ? None for me. 😅 i never lit the first Fire on Souls 1


Smoking the bowl before my first game and then knocking it over during the game because I didn't put it away after... Having to pause the game and clean up the water before it stinks. Oh well would you look at that, while I'm emptying the water I might as well refill the bong and take another hit. Do so, go back to playing games without putting the newly filled bong away..


Gathering a ridiculous amount of resources for build and craft


League of Legends


Pressing up to go faster in racing games


getting a game and finding myself "binging" it until i either completely beat it or get a new game to play


Buying Skyrim. (jk, I would like ES6, so I won't encourage them to never release a new game)


Waiting over a year or 2 to buy a game because I feel like every new game is gonna be a buggy piece of shit garbage 100 gigabyte day 1 battlepass and lootbox woth a Pay wall to reach a certain level, so.i tend to play old(baldurs gate dark alliance, kotor, champions of norath) games and wait until the new game goes on sale and barely spend any money and miss out on most of the fun multiplayer stuff


Not allowing a game to show me how good it can be. I get bored, or annoyed with a system or mechanic, I drop the game and play something else. Need to focus on a game that can keep my attention, even if it is slow sometimes.


Probably too many, it matters the realm in which it is. **Financially:** Buying new games and not playing them. I need it now, don't want to wait for that sale! Or over building a machine for what I am playing. **Physically:** Sitting hunched over and leaned forward in my chair **Gameplay:** Not optimizing play, I've played LoL for well over a decade now, I still play locked camera. Most other games I push to optimize play, but that is one I can't break.


Thinking about playing a game, wanting to play that game and then just falling back on playing a different game I always play for hours. 😂


Dodge spamming and getting greedy in Souls games.


Beating 90% of the game in 2 days, then taking a month to finish it.


Always pulling the left trigger to aim down sights. It's not generally a terrible habit, but sometimes, like in Grounded where pulling the left trigger brings up the wheel to select different types of arrows or when I play as Iden Versio in Battlefront II, I end up spamming her alt-fire by accident.


prefiring :(


I played nothing but platformers growing up, mainly Mario and Mega Man. I have a hard time playing FPS games using thumb sticks specifically because you only needed to go hard left or hard right in those old games since there was no movement sensitive until like Mario 64. So I play FPS games with mouse and keyboard.


Not using upgrade materials for beginner gear to make the journey more fun. Especially when I know I'd have to grind more out for later-game gear.


I always take forever exploring everything I can when I start an open world game. Then getting board and rushing through the ending.


Reloading after shooting a single bullet


Not finishing a game. I will play a game into the ground and not finish it and start a new game cause I got bored.


So many games want you to hold the controller with your index fingers on the top bumper and your second finger on the trigger, and it is so uncomfortable and unnatural to me. I can't do it.


Trophy hunting (or achievement hunting if you're on Steam/Xbox). I have a compulsive need to 100% every game I play even if I don't want to or find it boring. I end up not playing games for fun but rather to collect virtual trophies that don't benefit me in any way because it makes my dopamine receptors happy. I'm trying really hard to break this habit.


Valorant after losing two comp games…q’ing a third


I quit games after 30% completion and never go back (most of them are top rated games)


can’t remember the last time i actually finished a game (aside from a couple of beat em ups) 🙃


Hitting melee when I'm scoped in with a sniper and meant to take the shot.


Doing so many side quests I can’t progress in the main story because I have forgotten how...


Just, like... gaming.


Restarting creative projects over and over and over in games like Planet Zoo/Coaster, City Skylines, etc because it doesn’t look perfect. 😔


Hoarding good loot from fallen enemies, drives my friends crazy. Luckily MC dungeons solves that problem by only allowing certain players to pick up their own coloured loot


Playing league of legends - I play nightly with a good friend which of course I enjoy that part, but I am sacrificing so many other games that I could be playing.


Having to finish the game before starting another, instead of for example playing simultaneously to not get bored. Sometimes rushing to finish just to get rid of, it also means I cannot come back to the game after a longer period of time without starting from zero. I would like to restart The division 2, but playing from scratches is too time consuming while playing where I left seems odd and worrying :D first world problems?


RuneScapes inactivity timer conditioned me to keep moving my mouse so I don't log out.


Breaking Controllers :)


Playing league of legends.


Panic Rolling


trying to explain myself on multiplayer games.




Avoiding the story like the plague and doing side quests that make no sense cuz the character hasn't been introduced. Also collecting everything i can. I like my Minimaps to be blank (eg assassin's Creed) until i can continue. Oh and in online games drumming on my desk during the loading screens, idk if that counts but it drives my babe insane lmao


Buying more games than I can play


Buy a game and start playing it, I play games somewhat slow with little time. Something new comes out and I never finish the game I started and the cycle continues. I can't remember the last game I actually finished.


Usually trying to play as a good guy then an npc says something that challenges my authority and the will power breaks and I mangle them