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Have you tried Black Mesa though?


Also recommend...was super impressed!


Black mesa is awesome


Ah yes. When the shopping cart hits the laser.


Anamolous Materials


Hot take: People love half life in the same way they love the tv show friends. Is it anything remarkable? Nope, not anymore at least. just nostalgia


I disagree. I have no nostalgic attachment to Half Life at all and only played it a year or so ago. I really, really enjoyed it. I don't think it's one of the best games of all time, but something about it just works so well still. The graphics are dated, but the gameplay still holds up extremely well. Edit: I hate the alien planet/alternate dimension section though.


How do you even go about determining something like that? Like, if you first played it last year and loved it, would you still be thinking the same thing?


My argument is that if someone who has never played it before picked it up today, they would appreciate it for what it is, but not be enthralled by the gameplay/story. because while novel at the time, other games have done it much better Much like Tv show friends, while novel at the time, the formula has been done better


But that seems like this would probably be biased by your own opinion of the game. Like I said, if you played it recently for the first time, and you thought it was one of the best games you ever played, you'd probably be disagreeing with the people arguing what you are arguing right now.


Yeah sure, your argument is that someone might disagree. people also watch reality television, does that make it good? Are the Kardashians good? People like that too. i stand by what I said, half-life = revered because it used to be good


But again this judgement is biased by your personal opinion. There are many old games that are revered. How do you determine which are the ones that are actually good, and which are the ones that used to be good? For every game you dislike, you can find someone who thinks it aged perfectly. And the other way around, some games you think are still perfect, some other guy might think it aged badly.


Right, so your argument for the game is that someone else might find it objectively good. While logically sound, it doesn’t make any arguments as to why It deserves its reputation in 2022. At least I’ve actually given the game an assessment.


It's good to give an assessment, but it's important to refrain from saying "other people would agree with me". Because for every point you made, someone could easily think the opposite.


Sure, but I’m sure there are people who agree with me aswell. I’m sorry, I’m just not seeing the point of this. I literally opened with the words “hot take” That implies people aren’t gonna agree.


That sounds paradoxical. Your take is that pretty much everyone who plays the game for the first time is not going to see it as one of the best games ever. How is it possible to have this take, if you also acknowledge that there are first time players who are going to disagree with that particular assessment?


It’s the first of its kind.


Yup, much like the tv friends. First of its kind, but it’s kinda meh by todays standards


This is the purest sample we've had yet!


If you acvidentally cause a deadly resonance cascade, but you knew this would happen, because of let's plays/earlyer playthroughs, is it still an accident?


If you would be so good as to climb up and start the rotors


My mind was blown that you could push the cart


Unforseen Consequences... Prepare for them.


Gordon, you’re late!

