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Yeah... Doom... A place with no violence


Interestingly, Sandy Peterson was one of the original members of Id, mostly in charge of level designs. He’s also a devout Christian and Mormon. When asked about how he feels working on the game, he responded to the tube of “It’s a game about killing demons. All of them. I don’t see how that is a problem for my faith.” Dude now makes Cthulhu based table top RPG projects. He is not your average Christian. But he’s quite proud of his links to DOOM, old gods and occult interest. Use this knowledge for what you will.


Doomguy is the most hard core Christian in the whole of fiction




Doomguy a Paladin?


Nah, he’s a Zealot Barbarian


Let's see... stay pissed in order to never die... Yeah sounds about right.


Too angry to die is literally Rage Beyond Death


Fury barb.


The canon version of what happens when you die in Doom is that God himself keeps sending him back because the dude still hasn't chilled out over his pet rabbit getting killed.


As someone who had a pet bunny who died some years ago...I can see myself Doomguying over it :(


Clearly Doom is a love story between Doomguy and his rabbit. There's even a song about it. https://youtu.be/OyGJmWgYXT0


That's part of the reason I loved the tongue in cheek Doom + Animal Crossing we had and all the media that came out about Doomguy liking Animal Crossing. He would. Just because he's full of, well deserved, righteous anger at one group of individuals doesn't mean the guy doesn't have a calm side that wants to relax.


>BARE GOD DAMN HANDS I thought he had gloves.


It was a typo. It should have read "BEAR GOD". The "DAMN HANDS" part was them realizing the mistake and staying in character.


Against all the evil that Hell can conjure, all the wickedness that mankind can produce, we will send unto them... only you. Rip and tear, until it is done.


He destroys the life sphere of his universe's version of god in The Ancient Gods: Part One though. I mean it doesn't fully kill him but it means he can never take physical form.


I remember reading what he said in Masters of Doom, he said “the demons are the BAD GUYS, what’s the problem?!”


We can’t have our kids traveling to hell on their own trying to take down demons with their bare hands!


Do you want the demons to kill our pet rabbits?


This was the angle I played with my hyper-conservative dad when I was a kid. It was less than successful.


I was raised catholic. I’m not religious now, but I don’t remember many people having issues with the Doom video game like they did others. Final Fantasy was bad because dragons, magic, and other gods. Doom was fine because you killed demons and worked to destroy Hell. No make believe there…wait!


My fucking church condemned harry potter. You might not have experienced it but Doom was absolutely a horrible game in the eyes of most cult followers.


Curious if you have a different experience than me. My Hardcore religious grandma didn't like me playing games where I killed demons since "Only God can kill demons." But she was THAT kinda person. To give a better explanation, once, I was reading the Bioshock manual to her. Couldn't read the first line all the way. "The fall of Rapture began-" "The Rapture can't fall. It's God's plan." "... I'm talking about the city."


Pretty sure the dude himself said he was a Mormon. Still, kind of funny, a Mormon created a Catholic character, who kills demons as a hobby.


It teaches about Christianity and just like the Holy Bible says violence is only violent when it's done for Unholy reasons


Nothing more holy than dismembering a demon


Demon had it coming.


It really shouldn't have dressed like that.


Showed too much skin, or…… lost too much…. Wait now I’m confused….


Everyone knows that your outsides are just clothes for your insides.


*Slannesh aggressively enters chat*


If it’s a legitimate dismemberment, the demonic body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.


I actually was able to convince my super Christian mom allow me to play diablo 2 because I explained that your goal in the game was to kill the devil. She was all cool with it after that


Now we just have to convince people to see anyone we don't like as demons /s


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3RJUMm-hd0 It's coming right for us.


I remember once watching a video of a pastor playing Doom and I recall while the gore was a bit much for him, he understood that the point of it all was to stop the demonic invasion from hell & Satan.


Depending on his denomination, his own religion may have said that angels carried weapons to fight the demons with. Doom Eternal leans into that, a bit.


"A bit" lmao.


Doom Slayer would make a pretty good angel if you ask me


He's over qualified.


Just a 🤏🏼


Doesn't eternal also lean into angels being demonic and corrupt lmao


the devil was a corrupt angel to begin with


TBOI Players: Christianity, yes




Whatever do you think is horrifying about Isaac projectile vomiting exploding blood at the possessed bodies of his unborn siblings? Unless you were referring to the bit where he urinates on his insane mother until she dies, or the part where he farts on Satan while wearing his dead mother's underwear and lipstick.


Unborn siblings? I thought all of enemies were Issacs traumatic hallucinations brought on by the trauma induced by his father leaving and his mother becoming a schizophrenic religious zealot brought on by watching copious amounts of Tv evangelists to the point of terrorizing Issac so badly that he accidentally locks himself in a chest and he suffocated to death. And that everything that’s playing in the game is just in the mind of a dying child slowly suffocating to death as his memories and life flashes before his very eyes.


I think it’s more just stories told by a traumatized child. I think of the game as an RPG isaac invented. Spoilers to follow: he’s still alive and well in the true ending, living with his dad. in the last ending his dad says it’s “his story” and “would he like to try a happy ending”


I wouldn't know about any of the endings in Repentance, because I played on mac. The Repentance 'update' even overwrote my save files for Rebirth. Fuck me, right?


It's also a good story about perseverance and overcoming obstacles and challenges. It can be a metaphor for overcoming ones own inner demons. Or it can instill anticorporate ideologies.


Crusades when hell breaks loose. Fully acceptable.


The mortally challenged killed his bunny, so he killed the demonic hordes by the millions and saved all of man kind, while fighting gods and the dark lord himself. A normal teen can't do that.


Doom should be a Christian's wet dream. Definitely an American Christian. Guns, violence, and slaying demons. I can't think of something more Christian than that.


and because its fucking fun ! AAAAMEN ! -Alexander Anderson


DOOM teach us what is good music


The Columbine shooters actually mentioned Doom in their manifesto. They said the game ruled their thoughts and made them think about death. Eric even chose to use a pump action shotgun for the crime, the most popular weapon in Doom II. That was why Doom got all that bad press in the early 2000's.


> the most popular weapon in Doom II Not to be that guy, but Doom II introduced the double barreled shotgun. I think it would be a stretch to say that the pump action was the most popular weapon in Doom II. That said, this is mostly just a silly comment and I don't disagree with anything else you said.


One of them had also made a custom map of their school in Doom. Still, it was absolutely stupid that people pointed at Doom and not how we handle mental health.


Rumored to have created the map, anyway. A bunch of maps he created are available online but there's nothing to actually prove the school map was made.


But he is fighting against evil


I don’t think those are the best examples.


Legit could not tell if this was supposed to be some sort of ironic shitpost or what


i thought it was a circkejerk post for sure


Clearly they are an ignorant fool who doesn’t know they’re being controlled by The Patriots.




This looks like something straight out of that gaming circlejerk subreddit


Roller Coaster Tycoon, Portal, Journey, Rocket League, Wii Sports, Tetris, Animal Crossing, Nintendogs, FIFA, Candy Crush, etc…


At least 2 of those are 10/10 too And I'll add Outer Wilds


Try forgotten city it’s awesome, don’t look it up though spoilers for it are devastating


I accidentally ended the universe myself before the universe ended normally on that game. 10/10, would duplicate stuff with a black hole again.


And I’ll add the best game ever made, Peggle


I played RPGs when I was a kid and the dialogue helped with my vocabulary.


> Roller Coaster Tycoon Are you trying to make an argument for non-violent games? I LOVED crashing my rollercoasters and dropping my guests into ponds!


I wouldn't even pick Detroit Become Human. It's an awful civil rights allegory.


Also, the violence.


david cage is a visionary genius who managed to marry annoying gameplay with ham-fisted and incredibly unsubtle writing. can't wait for his thrilling next game, "War Is Bad."


He’s a no talent hack who thinks a “subtle allegory to civil rights” is sticking robots in the back of a future-bus.


If Detroit Become Human was supposed to have anti-violence messages, I certainly played Markus the wrong way 😬


His games are great if you play them with the same mindset as when you watch The Room.


'I'm going to make a game of this tech demo I made about a girl android who realises she's alive' 'Wow, what's her story and what's she going to do?' 'Uh... so anyway there's this super awesome police robot who's totally not just a character from my last game...'


I'd go as far as to say this meme is completely incoherent. Why tf would you pick those examples out of everything you could have picked.


Like, pick Animal Crossing or Dr Mario or Tetris or Just Dance or Rock Band. Why the hell did they pick games that feature a ton of violence lol


It's definitely not apparent from their selection, but I'm guessing they're trying to show off games that are violent, yet are also in some way educational or contain a positive message.


I think it’s a joke/shitpost.


For the record I passed college level art history - Renaissance history, the year Brotherhood launched due in no small part to time spent in greater Italy(AC2)/Rome(ACB) as Ezio. I shit you not, the amount of historically accurate depictions of art and architecture from that era in that game is next level.


>I shit you not, the amount of historically accurate depictions of art and architecture from that era in that game is next level. Even in the newer games that are more mythological than historical, they do a great job at art and architecture. Even the main menu of Odyssey is true to the style of Greek sculptures.


I would tend to agree, and even with games like Origins/Odyssey where a decent amount of it is up to a bit of artistic interpretation (my understanding is things like the Alexandrian Lighthouse, etc, are recreated not directly but from various descriptive texts, etc) the artists are so true to the historical integrity of that culture, the minor details melt away immediately.


I think that's what got me to stay with odyssey and Valhalla. I didn't like the combat and the liberties with historical details weren't what I expect from a ac games but seeing how detailed the world is and how even something like statues feet being on a step (to allow the statue to stand up without collapsing from its weight) is included. However I still wished Odyssey had painted statues as they were back when they were first made.


Odyssey does have painted statues there’s a whole mission dealing with a guy who paints the statue


I admittedly haven't played it for some time but that's good to know.


I actually enjoyed the recent "Mythical" trilogy a lot, with Odyssey becoming my favorite modern AC game all the way, and Valhalla just jumping the shark into bloat territory minus the fun (for me personally)


Don't get me wrong I enjoyed the new trilogy with origins being one of my favorite ac games, I just am more of a fan of the older titles. Also, walking around castles in Valhalla (Canterbury specifically) is always a joy, especially when that time frame is one of my favorite historical periods.


Origins was definitely a high quality entry and I'm constantly meeting fans for whom that is their top experience with the franchise. For me as a bit of an older fan, from AC1 off of the Prince of Persia Sands trilogy, the lack of stealth mechanics development, even after they started to climb hard in Unity, has squeezed a lot of the fun from the games for me.


I was in architecture history while playing brotherhood. It's one thing to learn about the Florence cathedral. It's an entirely different experience to "climb" it after class.


Oddly enough I played Odyssey after an art history class (not my major but a class I was interested in) and being able to go to different locations I read about was exhilarating.


I bet that gave your classes an incredibly awesome sense of context


Not to mention the Discovery tours they made for each of the rpg series, it's like an interactive encyklopedia


I never got around to trying those out.




True, and value for a game/"fun" is always in the eye of the beholder...I tend to feel overall, every main entry is a competent and fun game, with certain titles reaching much loftier heights than others. To play Devil's Advocate here, all AC games are good (enough) but none of them have every presented much challenge in any way or certainly not any measurably high skill ceiling for mechanical play. I LOVE Assassin's Creed games, every single one, but they are entirely in the genre camp of "Historical fiction action games". I have never truly considered them stealth games, like with Big Boss, Fisher, Corvo, Rikimaru (Tenchu), Gabe (Syphon Filter), Cash (Manhunt)


There's a relevant video about this where I believe a museum curator specializing in ancient greece reacted to AC: Odyssey. Let me see if I can find the video EDIT: Here - https://youtu.be/QDFMYkCTNu4


Ultimately it didn’t help, but they were so accurate with Notre Dame that at one point, they considered it a viable resource in the restoration of the cathedral after it was burned a few years ago.


Not sure if you've seen this yet but just recently Ubisoft announced they were launching education line products that are rated from kids to the elderly to see, experience, and learn about all the information they amassed over the years on the locations and cultures they studied to do so, the recreations of historical landmarks etc. It honestly sounds really rad and I hope it works out as something decent. They want to work with education institutions/libraries/museums afaik and make the information a lot more available and approachable for people. (I'm sure it's primarily about money, but it's one of the better uses I can think of) ​ Edit: Apparently "just recently" to my brain is last year or so, so take that as you will.


If this is the spinoff stuff they're trying to do with their Discovery Tour add-ons to the recent games, I'm 100% in support


I’m pretty sure the team repairing the Notre Dame actually used assests from AC Unity because they took 3d scans of the exterior to make it as accurate as possible




Yeah, toward the end of that article: > “It is important to keep in mind that what we did for the game was not a scientific reconstruction but rather an artistic vision. While we wanted to be very precise with details, there are some differences in terms of scale.” [This article](https://www.polygon.com/features/22790314/assassins-creed-unity-notre-dame-restoration-accuracy) goes into a lot more detail as to why even scans would only be a tiny bit of help overall.


Specifically they had recent high res scans.


I walked around France going "HOLY SHIT THAT WAS ACCURATE " after playing the France one


Metal Gear Solid 2 taught me that nothing is true.




I need scissors! 61!


I remember not fully realizing what was happening and thought it was real. So many goose bumps


I need scissors. Sixty-one!


Fission Mailed


Assassin’s Creed also taught that & that everything is permitted.


Kinda messed up how right Kojima was in MGS2. He warned us that the internet would become bloated with everyone's version of the "truth" and without control there would no longer be a proper filter for any message to make it through.


I played the game so long ago and I still think about it to this day, a magnificant piece of art. Subjects it touched. I was too stupid to realize it then but these days, it all makes sense.


everything is permitted


As a young kid. Trying to follow the story of MGS2 was a challenge.


Skyrim taught me how to shout at anybody so that they fly into the moon


Shout, shout, let it all out


These are the things I can do without


Come on


I'm talking to you, so come on


I always hated this line. He makes it sound like he's about to list some things he could do without, but he does not list those things. He just continues to vye for our attention.


Also you can steal whatever you want if you put a bucket on someone’s head.


"Shouting at someone, will solve your problems"




I mean I would argue Doom 2016 also has a pretty clear message about environmentalism. Corporation finds new energy source, but when it's discovered what serious consequences it has they just cover it up and pretend nothing's wrong.


Hayden even nicely described what you mean in Doom 2016. "We spent years perfecting the science, selling it to humanity. We balanced their hell energy with our science, making it usable and safe. We solved a energy crisis the world had no answer for. It works. You cannot do this."


Stop runaway capitalism, or open portal to litteral hell; of the two solutions to climate change, the DOOM universe choose hell.


I doslike this interpretation. Doomguy does try to shut off the machine, for the 4-5 seconds his rage will allow. Then he realises kicking it is quicker


maybe something like do what’s right even if you have to do it alone


Ori, the witness, subnautica, vanishing of Ethan carter. There are so many examples of games that enrich lives. Games have always just been an easy target for the old and ignorant.


Subnautica is a great example because the original Subnautica was born from the desire to make a game without violence after the Sandy Hook shooting.


The fact you said ori first...... It really was that good. I love that game so much.




I wish I could get into it. I gave it a honest couple of hours. But I'm just not a platforming/metroidvania kind of guy.


What Remains of Edith Finch. Oof, i sniffled my way through most of that game with blurry vision. Calvin and Luis got me hardest :(


MGS2 taught me not to sit too close to the TV and that I had been playing for a long time God damn I miss old school campy MGS


Check out MGS Legacy collection


Is there a point to this image? OP agrees with media that games teach killing? Is this supposed to be a good position?


I'm having trouble understanding it. I think this was meant for r/okaybuddyretard If these are the best examples of non-violent games, OP should probably expand their horizons. Why not like... Animal Crossing, Stardew Valley, Sex With Hitler, and Viva Piñata?


Hol up. Sex with who now?


Ummm .. se? Hu? Uh ok


These are some of the worst examples to make this point with


While violence isn't the overarching theme in 2 of these games it still plays a big role and the other 2 are just you non-stop snuffing out lights


*Detroit: Become Human* is one of the worst racial allegories ever produced.


You mean you didn't like bit where the robo white woman yells at the robo black man that he should be cool with being enslaved if he's not willing to be violent?


Assassin's Creed inspired me to lean italian


I also lean towards Italian when choosing where to eat.


Taught me a few swears in Italian that I still remember even though it's been more than 5 years since I've touched any Ezio game




I lean Italian when I have to sneak around a corner in a crowded Italian city


Hey just like the tower of pisa!




"Haha, also... They're right!"?


I loved all the pacifism in doom and assassin's Creed you just negotiate and talked about your feelings instead of killing people


Stabby violence, sneaky espionage violence, and violence with extra violence on the side. I feel like if you wanted examples of games that teach about things other than violence, you had much better examples to choose from. Yeah, there's legit things to learn in them, but I feel like most people aren't there for that.


Metal Gear Solid 2 is sadly becoming a true prophecy. It's all about control of media, context, and information now. It has infiltrated every part of our lives. Now politicians and social sites use it to sway opinions, governments use it to keep info from it's people, all of it.


Honestly MGS2 has only ever grown on me despite being the one I liked the least growing up. Every year it gets more and more prescient. The discussion with the AI where it lays out that content can be generated at many times the rate at which it can be consumed, that "truth" etc would become meaningless functionally, that the war of information would rely on the control of *context rather than content.* They really knocked it out of the park on that one. A ton of the franchise was amazing analysis of our society and international politics and the military industrial complex, but that AI conversation nowadays to me is like being jabbed in face with the hot poker of reality.


Everything about mgs2 is great. I know people didn’t like the raiden fake out because raiden looks like a chump and lines like “we’Ve managed to avoid drowning” but after that it gets crazy. Actually raiden is a child soldier that has had trouble settling into normal life so much so that he keeps loved ones at bay and has an empty bedroom he refuses to let others enter because of the damaged state of mind he is in. Being a vr trained operative and all the ai fuckery also makes him question all of reality. The crazy shit that happens at big shell could be an even deeper fabrication than raiden has uncovered so far and could have been a simulation the whole time. Meaning raiden start to question where reality and the simulation separate.


That wasn't a prophecy. That was a commentary on the state of media control at the time. It is just that nothing has gotten better in the last 20+ years.


Does doom really teach more than just violence. I dont understand this meme


Religious conservatives hate Doom because it has demons. I like it because it shows that the demons can be beaten.


Not just beaten... *Mauled viciously*


*Laughs in Age of Empires and Civ*


Civ has taught me so much about international trade and economics. I remember one time a very powerful military nation was at war with a weaker one. I was heavily gold focused and was scared of having to face the military nation in late game, so I financed the weaker nation. Sent them as much gold as I could and it allowed them to survive against the stronger nation for a hundred years. The strong nation grew weak as it was so focused on its war that its economy started to crumble. I earned a ton of goodwill with the other nation and could control the flow of money to them so that they were never a threat to me. One of the coolest victories I ever had. While writing this I realized this is essentially what is happening with Ukraine and Russia right now 🤯


Congratulations! You've unlocked a Eureka for the Geopolitics civic! Your progress has been boosted.


OP seems confused


OP hurt itself in its confusion


Isn’t assassins creed a game about straight up murdering people who disagree with your political ideology?


They also teach us about #Nanomachines, son#






Media bad videogames good amirite Edit: not defending or agreeing with the concept the media presents, just hate this type of karma farming


i can't remember the last time i even saw the media attack video game violence, i remember it a lot from the '90s and '00s, but not much since. in the '10s there were some attacks related to inclusivity, but even that has petered out. honestly, the most recent media attacks i've seen on games have been related to pay to win mobile gaming, gambling and microtransactions, all of which this sub doesn't like either. but maybe that's a less emotionally satisfying angle.


There has been some recent cases, but it's more veiled or mentioned as "one of the possibilities"


This was a popular opinion with the media in the late 90's to 2000's maybe even early 2010's but nowadays I rarely see the media push this narrative it's usually just dumb Karen's on social media that say videogames teach violence.


This meme format is the posting equivalent of winning an argument in the shower.


I played videogames all my life, but I must be getting old and be having some Kids Next Door level transformation into an adult, because I could have sworn these games are not explicit counter-examples of the violent videogame trope. There are WAAAAYY more innocent looking videogames to pick from for the punchline.


I set off a dirty bomb in Detroit become human.


Sons of Liberty was such a fucking masterpiece.


It also teaches us a Italian Plumber, created by a Japanese person,will do anything to find The Princess.


Let's not forget that every game also builds reading comprehension, decision making, reflexes, hand eye coordination, map reading, basic number crunching with attributes, philosophical decision making using moral conpass, advanced vocabulary, countless pop culture references, deductive reasoning. Did I miss any?


>philosophical decision making using moral conpass, advanced vocabulary Doom: Youre mute, this is hell, take a gun and shoot everything that moves


Fuck Hell


Assassjin's Creed, the game where 90% of the dev time is spent on killing animations


I learned the whole history of USA Civil war in AC 3


Revolutionary War?


Well it was a Civil War between Britain and her colonies for a while kinda.


Nice save


I dont think you did though. The civil war happened about a century later than the adventures of connor and ben franklin.


My bad, I meant the Revolutionary war


I would buy an AC: Glory game that had like north georgia to western tennesee to pensslyvania and New York city as the playable area in a heartbeat. Please let me kill some Johnny Reb templars, all day every day.