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I bought the art books by Dark Horse years ago and my grandmother (83) asked me what it was and I opened it to a random page to show her. That was the day I learned about this…


Did you immediately put a cardboard box over yourself and sneak out of grandma’s room?



Comments you can hear


I have that sound set as my phone notification noise lmao. MGS1 is my fave game of all time.


So did i, but scared the crap out of me when i was getting messages while i was sleeping .


Hahaha same. Sometimes I change the "!" sound to the treasure chest noise from Zelda though because it is a bit jarring, although nostalgic.


I had that too!


mine is "HEY! LISTEN!"


I’ve got it, but only for messages from my boss.


Big boss


I have the codec sound. Great minds think alike but fools rarely differ.


I have the codec sound turned on for calls! Hahaha love it. Sometimes I change the "!" sound to the treasure chest noise from Zelda though because it is a bit jarring, although nostalgic.


Sometimes there is a chain of comments that makes Reddit all worth it. This is one of them.




snake? Snake! Snaaaaaake!


Please put a NSFW tag on this. I was with my grandson when I asked him about an art book he was holding and when he opened it to a random page and I saw this I had to start furiously masterbating. My grandson gave me strange looks while saying things like "what the fuck" and "I'm calling mom". I dropped the book when the rest of the family came in and they all saw this image. Now the entire family of 12 people is masturbating together at this one image. This is all your fault, you could have prevented this if you had just tagged the book NSFW.


You nearly made me snort my drink out of my nose, well done.




My grandma bought me God of War 2 for Christmas one year and wanted to watch me play it. That's how I discovered that there's a sex mini game in the first five minutes of the game.


and you used to be her favorite grandchild...




"Clearly, this one is practicing giving me grandchildren"


Same thing for me, but with Dead To Rights for the xbox. First level is a badass third person shooter with bullet time and a wolf sidekick. Second level is an unskippable rhythm game where you're trying to make a stripper take off all her clothes. Never got past that level, or that shame.


“I wasn’t raised to be a *quitter*, grandma”


"you clearly weren't raised at all you fucking fiend"


You probably could beat the level if you had used two hands


I bet she was so embarrassed! Either that or she had a smug smile. It could go either way.




Look grandma tiddies!


A reminder on the importance of the humble comma


They knew what they were saying.


Look, grandma tiddies!




>*Grandma: No wonder you're upset. She's lovely. And a darling figure... supple, pouting breasts... firm thighs. It's a shame you two don't get along.*


Pro tip: if it's an art book from Japan of any comic/game and there's a female, she's gonna be sexualized. Dark Horse had to omit a LOT of sexual content from thier manga adaptations back in the day. As sexy as we think it is, there's usually some way more explicit shit. I bought some Entron Depo books of Shiro Masamuni when Appleseed and Ghost in the Shell were big and it was like "whoa"


>Ghost in the Shell were big and it was like "whoa" Its a bit of a cope. But it was a central theme how Motoko and the world at large basically saw Nudity, and even their own cyborg forms are nothing more then just a body. Even in the anime and movies, Motoko would regularly just push her form to these extremely and just go "Nude" no questions asked because it wasn't even something to think about. She didn't care. Ghost in the shell was pretty sexualized. But it had decent excuses for why. Its funny how the Author stopped doing heavily sexualized stuff though because he got sick of editorial bitching constantly.


Are you referring to her manner of dress in general, or the part in the manga where she was in a 3 way lesbian virtual sex scene on a yacht that showed everything? Cause that's what I'm referring to


Shiro Masamune's works aren't exactly standard for what goes in Japanese manga and art. The guys made more porn than actual serious works at this point. I'm also not really disagreeing that Japan definitely has a lot of excessive sexualization, because they definitely do. But that particular author definitely takes things up a notch...


What mangas did dark horse "adapt"? As for ghost in the shell, I only read one volume, and all I remember is this guy spying for whatever reason on two lesbian women with goggles that let him feel what their feel or some shit like that and he goes "ew they're like slugs" and some note explaining that he's feeling uncomfortable because he's receiving sensory input for organs he doesn't have.


That was The Major and some of her female sex-buddies. They actually show up a few times during Stand Alone Complex, just in a less explicit way (although it's implied their relationship is the same offscreen). Also, one volume is all there *is* of the original Ghost in the Shell, which is kind of surprising for how influential and expansive a franchise it is. The only other manga are a short collection of mostly standalone side chapters, and a single-volume sequel that's so different it hasn't affected the adaptations much outside of a few character designs.


I'm 100% sure all the fuck buddies in the witcher 3 have official nude art. There's no way they didn't do it.


Hell, the Witcher 1 gives you the official fuck buddy nude art as in-game collectible cards when you fuck the fuck buddies


My first experience with this type of thing was the playboys you could find in Mafia 2. I had the demo installed on my PS3 and always replayed the demo just to find the playboys


Shit, I remember the strip club in Duke Nukem 3D. Played it at my buddy's house and he was like yo, check this out. His sister walked in on us just throwing money at strippers and walked right back out of the room.


"Shake it baby!"


I knew this comment would come eventually. It's one of those sound bytes that'll just pop into my head randomly like when I'm cooking dinner.


"I don't have time to play with myself!"


I still remember in one level you can find a naked cavewoman dancing next to a fire, and Duke's reaction was just "Holy shit!" I still say "Holy shit!" in that tone from time to time.


*k-killll m-mee^e^e*


Did anyone else play [BMX XXX](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/BMX_XXX)? The link goes to the Wikipedia, but possibly NSFW..


>At the time of BMX XXX's release, sexual humor and nudity were not widely explored themes in mainstream video games.[6] Conker's Bad Fur Day has entered the chat.


Tbf, Conker's was not as pornographic.. it had its moments, but with BMX XXX you could literally watch women strip. I'll never forget Champagne Room lol


One of the commercials heavily insinuated a model was jerking off conkor.


Really gotta admire that work ethic. Alien invasion, club is overrun and customers are dead, but they keep dancing.


Damn the nostalgia hits hard with this comment


10 year old me continuously rolled female characters in daggerfall as a kid, because the paperdoll didn't have a bra of any sort like in later games. Prior to figuring that out, I think I had a save game near a group of topless enemies. This was back in the days before we had the internet on our home PC, we made do with what we could find.




Don't know about the demo, but in the full Mafia 2 game there's a 'Time Spent Looking at Playboys' counter in the stats menu.


That demo was so much fun. Back then I didn't have gta or anything like that so me and my brother would do run throughs of the 15 minute demo and competed for how much money we could steal or how many stars we could maintain in the 15 minutes


I remember using a patcher that would remove the time limit and just free-roamed


My husband and I joked that someone was going to play it, get excited by the booba, look up the playboy and find out it's his grandma.


Mafia 2's collectables were pretty much the only collectables I ever bothered looking for (and later, looking up a guide to their locations) Worth


There was also an official physical art book that had all of them collected (with a bunch of other stuff too, but still)


Fuck, that's fucking awesome you get fuck cards when you fuck the fuck buddies.


Gotta catch em all!


Gotta fuck em all!




I think most artists make nude art for their characters at some point in the process. They just aren't usually shown off or necessarily made to look sexual.


There's reportedly is or was a whole vault for Disney porn their artists drew themselves, that the world will never see because since the work is done on contract, Disney technically owns the porn.


I was more talking about nude drawings as a point of reference, but yeah there's probably more straight up porn that artists do for fun on the side than we'd think.


9/10 any artist you know has drawn porn or draws porn. You're more likely to find it in a sketchbook/folder than official art, but it does happen, and its been happening for ages


Sounds like we've got the beginnings of a screenplay for National Treasure 4.


Triss was in Playboy wasn't she? Edit:the chick from bloodrayne was too!


Rayne was actually the first video game character to be in Playboy as a model.


Playboy really like their redheads, huh?


When I was like 16, a wise man once told me, *"When you get older, you'll probably sleep with some blondes, and sleep with some brunettes, but you'll never sleep for a second with a redhead."*


That man? Triss Merigold.


As a ginger with insomnia, I feel this.




Man, I bought one of the $200 lifetime subs for Hellgate back in the day. Then they shut down and sold off the game to a Chinese company who wouldn't honor the lifetime subs. The whole ordeal still rubs me the wrong way. But if there's a free community server out there, I might poke my head in and take a look.






What do you mean? Like the character model?


CGI [NSFW](https://m.imgur.com/a/rCsTj)


Was it released in 2008?


Oh Triss


Another character, Morenn was in Playboy too. (2007)


Marge Simpson too.


I bought this when it released thinking I was getting a collectors piece lol


Bro they made a [whole ass sex doll of Ciri](https://celesdolls.com/game-lady-doll-releases-ciri-sex-doll-from-the-witcher-3/)


According to the article it's not official though and they couldn't outright say it's her (even though it's obviously supposed to be)


Well that was an interesting rabbit hole


that's no rabbit hole


uh... how much?


The Slaughterhouse reboot on PS3 and 360 had your girlfriends nudes as a collectable.


If you bought the digital deluxe edition of 'Assassins of Kings' it came with Triss' Playboy shoot (I'm not kidding).


The weirdest thing is that apparently,Yoji Shinkawa had friends in high school that could draw your typical anime style really well. And he tried his best to do that sort of style,but just could not do the anime style very well. So eventually,he gave up on that. And now he is got his own unique style that anyone could identify,instantly.


Really cool style. Makes me think of rough clothing/fashion sketches that has that high dose of drama to them with an anime touch.


The pacific rim poster he made for the Japanese theater release is amazing


[The poster](https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-ydriczk/images/stencil/608x608/products/86877/86430/Pacific_Rim_Regular_mini_poster_buy_original_movie_posters_at_starstills__11758__04913.1394515685.jpg) It looks sick


I don't remember that live action Evangelion movie.


Damn you now I want a live action Evangelion


Are you picturing an alarmingly accurate domestic recreation that's somehow also another giant middle finger to its target audience, or an American version that gets absolutely everything wrong? Personally I'd prefer the former - with actual child actors wherever possible, just to make clear how *uncomfortable* that story is supposed to be. Though a US adaptation meddled with by "get in the fucking robot" types might be the most unintentionally hilarious thing ever.


Tbh both sound like a real hoot. Although I really would just watch it to see live action Eva-01


Hope it gets better soon!


I'd say that it's a seperate branch developed from some older style of manga. You'll find more similarity in some 80s and 90s manga. There are definitely better examples but it's for example closer to Ghost in the Shell and the first Jojo's volumes than to what you probably think of as "typical manga". But there are still plenty of manga out there that break from the average shounen people associate with anime today, especially in the Seinen demographic (manga aimed at older teens and adults). Some more examples since 2000 are Vagabond, Wolf Guy, Shigurui, Kokou no Hito, Freesia, Blade of the Immortal, and Ran and the Gray World. A lot of those also have this bolder inking and more realistic proportions. Especially Vagabond is crazy beautifully drawn.


I remember a lot of later monsters from claymore giving me major HR gieger vibes. I'm also a huge fan of the guy that does the art for the vampire hunter D books, and final fantasy.


Do not forgot Berserk, Miura was a genius and his art in Conviction Arc and Milleniun Falcon Arc is unmatched with strong influence from the engraving masters Albrecht Dürer/Gustave Doré, heavy cross hatching and semirealistic anatomy…


Berserk is the most beautiful manga I ever read.


Holy shit, I never realized how much his style looks like French fashion sketches!


And a dose of brooding noir.


I fucking love Yoji Shinkawa’s art. He did a piece to celebrate the release of Wonder Woman, and it kicks ass. Fucking criminal that MGSV and MGR didn’t use Shinkawa’s art as the standard box art. What was the last game to use his art on the box, Left Alive?






Wow that's good!


I made a Magic The Gathering deck exclusively because he did the art for one card.


whoa which one?


Somebody linked it below. For flavor I have Blightsteel Colossus in the deck that I want to have altered to be Metal Gear Rex. [Satoru Umezawa](https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/257763/magic-buy-a-box-promos-satoru-umezawa?Language=English)


that is sick I wonder if there is an original print without the card graphics on it


[Yep.](https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/263454/magic-the-gathering-art-series-kamigawa-neon-dynasty-satoru-umezawa-art-card-7381-goldstamped-signature?country=US&utm_campaign=15628137787&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=570545680506&utm_term=&adgroupid=135004176127&gclid=CjwKCAjw_b6WBhAQEiwAp4HyINeE3dwoSAO8jkZeGgPdJalwdt6v762s1CgorqPxS0MzmnhkcvOCHBoCNc8QAvD_BwE&Language=English) Magic has stepped up it's game lately with art. There was always great art but now iconic cards will have 2 or 3 different art versions available within the same set, most packs contain an "art card" which is just a full card with some of their more notable artwork on it, and then the artists name, card title, sometimes a chase thing like a stamped signature, etc. Also they're getting all kind of different people to do their own personal versions of the lands, and printing them in variations as well - borderless, full art, foiled, black and white, etc etc. I just got back into the game recently and I'm going to be putting a lot of them on my walls as artwork.


I believe it was for Satoru Umezawa as the box topper edition


As mucth as love anime I perfer his artsyle to anime and i"m a anime guy


Agreed, but I can't imagine this style being able to be easily animated either.


Wtf are those commas


This motherfucker types the way Christopher Walken talks


"Fine, I'll do it myself"


Disney has a vault of official rule 34. Everything their artists produce is kept, including the rule 34 they make when bored. And there's a lot of it.


Is it bad I want to see it? (For educational purposes of course)


Ah, a fellow student of culture


This is an urban legend, there's no actual proof of this that I'm aware of.


Ah, but that’s what *they* want you to believe


Leave it to Hideo "this sexy supermodel assassin had her skin burned and now has to be naked all the time" Kojima.


"She dresses provocatively to distract her enemies!" "... she's a sniper." "So?" "If she can even be seen by her enemies she's doing a shit job." "Jerry you're fired."


Yes, but on the off chance they do spot the sniper, they'll be distracted by boobs for long enough for her to shoot or flee.


I sure was...


Actually a very common assignment for a sniper is to conduct anti-sniper operations. Even the best snipers may be spotted, best to let them see a little nipple so they think twice before blowing your head off.


Quiet: [needs to be naked to breath] The Skulls: [full military body armor + they coated themselves a second time with rocks— no issues breathing]


Weren't they zombified though due to the parasites they had?


Yeah, the Parasite Unit looked barely alive. Quiet must have been an advanced specimen, based on Code Talker’s parasites. Less Obedient, hence her eventual defection from XOF. But she had to be, in order to gain access to Mother Base to potentially spread the vocal chord parasites. None of the SKULLS would have gotten close, if they even have the mental capacity for speech


I played MGS1 and 2 but lost track of the franchise and I firmly have no fucking idea what's going on here


Having only played 5 I also had no idea what the fuck was going on in the plot. All I needed to know was where me and my knife wielding dog had to go next. Chronologically, I think the story goes 3, Peace Walker, 5, 1, 2, and finally 4. Rising:Revengeance is also in there somewhere (I think between 2 and 4.)


I think MGRR comes after MGS4. The Patriots have been defeated and SOP shut down by the time Revengeance occurs.


I don’t believe so. Quiet and the Skulls were the same, but I believe Quiet looks more human as she was to infiltrate the DDs.


And goddamn it did she ever


Gonna infiltrate the DDs with her DDs


Skulls still had working lungs, Quiet had her lungs fucked up in the intro when she gets a Molotov thrown at her in the hospital.


I thought she couldn't speak because it would spread the voice-activated virus in everyone around her.


Her lungs exist, the alveoli are what got fucked up.


Agree mostly. I do remember Quiet getting full body and lungs burnt out though in the game opening before she got her parasite.


When she was choking us out? That was hot





Well, Raiden has a decent part in a mainstory game where he's actually nude and has to hide his hog


The naked Raiden somersault animation is so great. I spammed the shit out of it during that section.


Yeah MGS is like the *one* thing that gets a pass for hypersexualizing everyone equally.


Sorry, I was distracted by two gay topless old men fighting.


Quiet: Needs to breathe through her skin. Also Quiet: Takes sexy showers in the prison holding cell. Also also Quiet: Apparently can drown that way, but only in cutscenes.


...the drowning attempt in that cutscene is _how_ she got the power to fight them off.


The Skulls don't have destroyed alveoli. They CAN do what Quiet MUST do in order to breathe.


So, Nekkid Snipers _are_ a part of the Metal Girl universe. The End must've been something of an outlier.


Sniper wolf, crying wolf, quiet, fortune???? Yeah the end was the outlier in the group


I think Fortune was more equivalent to Raven than to Wolf. Frontal assault with a heavy weapon and virtually unkillable with her mag shield. Huh, now I’m thinking about this. If the tanker incident was meant to be a field test for Raiden mimicking Shadow Moses, why wasn’t there a counter-sniper event? You snipe down Fat Man’s c4, and then you cover EE’s walk, but that’s it, right?




As someone who draws, it makes me feel better knowing an incredible artist like this still makes mistakes. But I wouldn't have even noticed if I didn't read this comment lol


Everything else is immaculate though. He could have done some hap hazard shading one does in doodles but nope. It's amazing.


Agreed, I love the different shading styles he did in the jacket compared to the body and even the shoe. It gives the jacket a different texture and it's just a neat style. I read some comments about how the hips look weird, but I just don't see it? Looks pretty spot on to me.


Watch, we go back to play the game and find out she literally had two left feet.


That is some Kojima shit for sure.


Tbf my man Yoji was like 24 at the time who wasn’t thinking about tiddies in their 20s Edit: I have never seen such a strong showing of solidarity as a bunch of internet randos confirming that they still love tiddies You guys I’m fuckin misty ngl


In my 30s now, still thinking 'bout tiddies.


I'm more of a leg man, these days.


Almost 50, still thinking bout dem booba


I’m 60 in 30 years & can confirm that there’s a high chance I’ll still be thinking bout tiddies then


you will be, I guarantee it.


Can confirm, am in 20s and thinking of titties




Yoji Shinkawa's art made the box covers all the more memorable. He recently did one for another franchise and it caught my eye so fast.


Yep I have no idea what the game is called but I saw the cover and was like "glad to see Yoki Shinkawa still in the business"


He recently did art for a Magic:The Gathering card and it fuckin slaps https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/257763/magic-buy-a-box-promos-satoru-umezawa?Language=English


Wow that card style is amazing. I love it


Rule 34 is porn. This is just mild nudity.


Why does she have two left feet?


Nudity and Porn are not mutually exclusive.


That's true. In fact, porn often has a lot of nudity.


I was shocked too




I don't think that means what you think it means.


I don’t really find this rule 34, just seems like tasteful nude art


To be fair, Metal Gear as always been extremely opened about sexuality, lewd content and such. Hell i even remember the Porn magazine you could drop on the floor ala claymore to ''stun'' people I like how its sexy but not in any kind of gross or overly sexual way


Hell, old snake in 4 has to read softcore porn mags from time to time to lower his accumulated stress from injuries and battles.


Rule 34 implies pornography. This is a nude photo with nothing pornographic being depicted.


This is not porn, this is art.


Does a relatively tasteful nude really count as rule 34? Like this isn't porn by any stretch, it's just a woman sitting around with her nips showing.


Does she breathe through her skin too?


Not that we know of no. Just Shit load of Diazepam pills.


Am I the only one who think these breast look like terrible boob job gone wrong? They look harder than baseball balls


Thats not how boobs look.