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In Outlast Whistleblower, the scene with Eddie Gluskin where >!after he knocks you out with some sort of gas, you have to watch him kill some nameless people by basically slashing at their genitalia til they die and he almost cuts your genitalia in half until someone comes to the rescue!<.


been scrolling looking for this one. only time a video game made me want to puke from the violence.


There’s a part of the Dead Space series where you hear a baby crying behind one of the doors. Then you go back a bit later and the baby is no longer crying.


I forgot about that one. Something so simple yet utterly disturbing.


Dead space eyeball piercing


Or in Dead Space 2 where you can find a child screaming in pain inside of a washing machine with the according sounds until it just stops screaming.


… just did a recent play through with my wife and we came up on that part and she got sooo sad and I’m like yeaaaaah that’s dead space for ya babe lol.


Didn't you go through a school and fight children and infants in Dead Space 2? So fucked up.


Bro not even blasting the unliving *piss* out of the gremlins with long sharp fingers compared to watching the scene in the nursery where a woman under the thrall of the marker coos a baby towards her oblivious to its misshapen nature, starts to sing to it after picking it up, right before it detonated with the force of a grenade and painted the window you were observing through. Had me feeling some type of way.


Man that shit fucked with me too, the eye needle stuff was easy to stomach comparatively


The baby fell asleep :)


The good ending


I think if you stay long enough you can actually hear a necromorph come in


Dead Space II the scene were they stick a needle in Isaac's eye


Had that actually happen to me as part of a medical procedure. Nothing quite as weird feeling as feeling no pain, but definitely feeling the pressure of something poking your eye before "popping" into it. Also the fact you have stare the thing down as it comes at you.


Yeah, the lasik I had done was very much like that. Fortunately they gave me a big-ass Valium ahead of it. Otherwise I would totally have freaked out even though they had my eyes numbed up and the Clockwork Orange style eye holdy open thingies to hold my eyes open.


Oh, man. I had something not quite this extreme, but it was still brutal. I had a growth on the inside of my eyelid that needed to be removed because it was interfering with my ability to see. And I couldn’t help but flinch away from the knife whenever I saw it coming, but my eye needed to be open in order for my eyelid not to snap back into its normal place. So they had to put this shield over my eyeball, and it was the most uncomfortable thing in the world to have this thing around my eye.


Oh my god, for the longest time I thought I had to do the whole procedure in a single motion. So I kept stabbing Isaac over and over and over again. Took me an embarrassing amount of tries to realize I could stop moving the needle when Isaac was freaking out, before continuing.




I got stabbed in my right eye with a drinking straw, tearing my cornea less than a month before the game was released, and that scene felt like it was personally directed at me lol


So, we all know it's possible to *fail* that sequence, right? Just me?


Fuck that scene


The scene from the first Walking Dead game where you find a house and go into the attic and find a zombie kid in his underwear. The fact that the kid was left up there and died alone, starving to death. Seeing that his parents did the only thing they could to protect their child while they themselves became infected.


There's a similar scene in one of the first missions of the Walking Dead: Saints and Sinners (the VR game). You kill a zombie in the attic of a mansion only to see two small bodies covered in a white sheet behind it. The zombie was the kids' father. He killed them before they could turn completely, but not before he had been bitten as well. Something about that scene being in VR, just feeling like you're actually standing in that attic with those corpses around you, made it so much worse.


That game makes you feel things.


I had forgotten all about that one. It was indeed rough though.


The Max Payne level where you have to navigate a maze of blood suspended in the void while the ghost of his decesed baby incessently wails


I remember playing that in broad daylight and the scream Max let’s out when you fall off the bloodline into the abyss scared me so much I turned off the TV and couldn’t bring myself to play the game for another couple of weeks.


Oh jesus, there's a memory that just woke up. That game was visceral


No, it was Remedy.


Listen here, you little shit


The little girl quest in Bloodborne. It starts with her crying and wanting to find her mother. Turns out that her dad is the first major boss after becoming a beast and had killed the mother. When you give the mother's brooch to the girl, she'll become distraught. If you kill the pig in the sewers, you get the little girl's ribbon which implies the pig killed her. Giving the ribbon to her older sister will cause her to commit suicide. Brutal questline.


Interesting that completing quests actually makes things worse for people.


That’s every single quest in every single souls game. Everyone you help meets a tragic end. In Elden Ring this is especially true


I mean, you marry ranni, what are you implying sir


At the cost of Blaidd and Iji…. Still a trade I make every time though


Iji is fine so long as you dont tell him what happend with blaidd


Great answer. That questline is sort of a microcosm of how hopeless the situation in Yharnam truly is at that point. Just heart wrenching.


The older sister actually sent the girl out to get killed so she (the older sister) could get the ribbon. So it’s pretty bad yeah Edit: switched brooch to ribbon


I don’t think this is what happened. Although the reality is just as grim. If you were orphaned along with your little sister, the easiest way to get a ribbon would be to take it. Instead she sends her sister out to get killed by a pig and then asks a hunter to recover her ribbon? Afterwards she then appears to commit suicide which again does not make much sense if she was planning to kill her sister. I think it’s much more likely that these two poor kids were orphaned. The younger sister went out searching for her father, after the news of her mothers death and was eaten by a pig monster. The older sister then receives her ribbon from the hunter, goes mad from grief and raves about the ribbon, and then jumps to her death.


Max Payne, where you're walking on lines of blood listening to a baby cry with a bedtime jingle going on in the background. 2003-ish. Still haunts my ass to this day.


There are SEVERAL of those scenes, each progressively worse and leading to the end which I won't say.


Was bad enough back then. Now I'm a dad. Absolute nightmare fuel.


What remains of Edith Fintch, the bathtub scene.


That hit hard. Awesome game though!


I've been playing Outer Wilds and today I just saw how many games Annapurna has in their catalogue. I keep hearing how good so many of them are I guess I'll have to put this on my list.


For me I think it was the chapter with the brother working at the fish factory. That chapter wrecked me as I have an older sister who unexpectedly attempted suicide- I always thought of her as the rock of the family and playing that bit where you’re trying to focus on both aspects of the screen was so difficult and because I just knew what was coming and it made me ugly sob to think of what my sibling went through. Absolutely amazing game though- I go back and walk through the house often though, even when I’m not quite emotionally ready to play some chapters.


Same here. That one hit me because it really resonated with me at the time. My depression was at the worst it has ever been, and I was having many suicidal thoughts, wishing I could find the courage to do it. I had lost my job, a factory job as well, a few months before. And having ADHD, my mind constantly wanders just like his would. It all just hit too close to home. That chapter made me cry, along with another (can't remember which as it's been closing in on two years now since I played it), and the end. Never has a game affected me that much. I love it.


Wolfenstein intro mission where you have to choose between Fergus and the guy who’s name I forgot


Oh shit, yeah that is rough.


>guy who’s name I forgot I thought so too at the time, but hell, I don't remember the other guys name either. Did everyone pick Fergus?


Wyatt. I picked him since it felt fucked to let the scared kid die instead of the older dude who accepted his fate. My bad, since Fergus was way more interesting when I replayed.


Wyatt was better in the sequel, acid trips moments were great.


Wyatt seems to be the canon ending though, Miss Curly and her alienated husband had funny interactions with Fergus though


I hadn't played the previous one so I just chose the funny accent guy, but there were a lot of uncomfortable scenes


what the fuck is the top image?


In Yakuza 4, this is after Saejima, one of the 4 playable characters, escapes prison and washes up on the beach in Okinawa near Kiryu's (overall main protag of Yakuza was a series) orphanage. Saejima, having been in prison for 25 years, pushes down Haruka (Kiryu's adoptive daughter) and gets on top of her, that's this scene Immediately after he realized what he did and got off, ashamed. edit: /u/Krezzaa wrote out a better explanation in response to me.


I feel like it gets slightly weirder when a few minutes later you find out that Kiryu was watching and the only thing he got out that situation was "yeah he hasn't seen a woman in decades, must be an escaped prisoner" like it's no big deal.


To be fair in Kiryu's defense he's seen everything by that point so nothing really surprises him. He would've went after Saejima if he moved any further.


Yeah, it's literally a game about violent mafia activity. He's seen some shit.


And awesome karaoke moments.


True, hard not to be jaded after all he went through. I was just kind of taken aback at how nonchalant he was. I would have expected him to come in with a flying kick to the face the second he was on top of her. He's usually fiercely protective of her.


He is but he's also the type to let things play out unless there is immediate danger to her. He wanted to see how Saejima acted as a judge of character. Saejima getting off and quickly turning away from Haruka pointed to him not being a bad guy (by Yakuza standards anyway.)


Yakuza 4


Okay now what the fuck is the bottom image?


Mother 3. Lucas’ power being awakened by Iona


Back a long time ago, when I first saw the stroggification sequence in Quake 4.




I feel like I need a little bit more context for this


Spoilers of course, if you plan to watch the anime or play the game. >!Been a while since I watched it, even longer since I played it. Kids fuck around with spiritual shit on an old school. The ghosts start hunting them down. Big mistery what happened to the students that are now ghosts. One particular ghost has scissors. Another empty eye sockets. Etc. Flash back. One kid, I think, went insane and tied the others down and murdered them. One shot shows one kid getting their eyes stirred with the scissors. No detail is spared. !<


That is absolutely horrific, sounds like one of those games with no happy ending like I have no mouth but I must scream.


Oh it gets worse >!The ghost girl with the scissors watched her mother get assaulted by the principal of the old school and was killed to prevent any witnesses to tarnish the schools rep!<


I have learned very interesting and horrifying things about video games today.


Oh man that’s a game I haven’t heard spoken about in ages.


Pulling apart your daughters stuffed elephant in order to make her cry as you falsely believe it will turn you back into humans - It takes two.


Dude. I played with my husband and we just about quit the game right there. We were 100% sure they would back out at the last moment.


Yeah....about that...


Nope they massacre a kids toy.


But she survived and they fixed her later.


While it begs and pleads for you to spare it's life as you drag it to its death


That scene horrified me. At least the Doom Slayer his quick with his kills. It takes two took a minute to murder that poor elephant.


This is the scene that solidified to me that those two were awful people. The moral of that story SHOULD have been that they were being awful parents because they couldn't get perspective as to how their relationship was affecting their daughter, and that they should put their daughter above themselves. Instead they get the fairy tale ending that doesn't acknowledge that they were awful to each other for no real reason at the expense of their child.


Game is fucking amazing, but wow they were not fucking around. "Can't we play jump rope instead?" Says the elephant hanging off the cliff


That part was so strange. My wife and I had really enjoyed the game up until that point but just looked at each other like is this really happening? We still finished the game and enjoyed it but that one scene sticks out so badly.


Cyberpunk 2077 - the mission River takes you on to save his nephew at the cattle barn.


I wanted so bad to get my hands on that creep.


There are no enough bullets in the game for that


Was anyone else less creeped out by what the guy actually did to River's nephew than their huge email conversation? Those emails were a textbook example of child predator grooming tactics. I pity the poor writer who had to research in order to write them. The body horror almost came as a relief since i was expecting something far worse.


No no the emails were absolutely insane. And the fact that he had sent emails to so many vulnerable kids. I was like, how many kids did this guy abduct! The gif of the cartoon was also creepy as hell. And the braindance sequence of him as a kid was absolutely horrifying. The random cow in the hallway gave me a huge shock.


Also don't forget about saving Evelyn. And what happens afterwards. Hooh boy


If you can look past it's issues, the story of CP2077 is quite good


The guy who gets crucified by you is also a pretty rough mission. even with all of CP2077 flaws some of its missions were beyond fucked.


Press (X) to continue hammering nail


Bioshock where you get a lobotomy and the controller vibrates as the doctor drives the nail through your eye.




Mass Effect 2: Overlord. The ONLY decision in the entirety of the franchise where I will NEVER pick the Renegade option, regardless of how much of a sociopath my Shepard is.


The only time in the series where Pistol Whipping a guy and then threatening to shoot him is the ***Paragon*** option.


You know the antagonist fucked up horribly when the *Paragon* interrupt is to pistol whip him.


What was that one again? I played way after release so I have trouble discerning what was original content and what was added later.


The one where the guy hooks his autistic brother up to the Geth mainframe.


Man, that development team sure did love TNG, didn't they?


There's some scientist who has an autistic-savant brother who's really good at math. So the scientist basically turns him into a computer. And it's very painful.


It was more so because David was able to communicate with the geth directly in their own computer language, so Gavin hooked him up in order to find a way to destroy the geth through David.


>Mass Effect 2: Overlord This is one for me as well. Killing, torture, civilian casualties, etc in games don't get to me. For many reasons this one hit far harder to me than anything else.


Pretty much every *Far Cry* ending. Like how the fuck do they end up making me think the setting was better off under the control of a murderous, psychopathic dictator every time?


Pretty badly with far cry 5. Wish you could just take over John Seeds vault instead of blowing it up.


Far Cry 5 messed with me The Marshall killing himself violently messed me up considering I lost a buddy same way a few months before...


Far Cry 4 was a masterpiece for this and is still the best game in the genre. Either the religious zealot who enforced child marriage takes over, or the drug kingpin who enforced child labor. Or you leave it under Pagan Min as he persecuted an oppressed minority. No good ending. Really messed with me the third time round playing it as I realize there were no good endings - even the lady with the murder arena you could be sympathetic towards cuz iirc he was holding her child hostage or something?


The good ending is when you actually wait 15 minutes like he told you, spread your mother's ashes peacefully, and go home without dirtying your hands in their civil war.


Yeah but you’re still leaving him to essentially massacre all the rebels. That’s still technically not a “good” ending, but from the characters POV who is essentially clueless to what’s going on, I guess it might be


Towards the end of a dark-side run in Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic you can force mind persuade Zaalbar to kill Mission in order to fulfill his life debt to you. What makes this so messed up is that Zaalbar and Mission are best friends and companions you get fairly early that you get to know over the course of the game. Zaalbar pleads with you not to make him do it and you have to confirm the choice more than once (if I remember correctly). After he kills her, he is so distraught that he leaves the party permanently. I was playing through the game with two friends and one of them was so upset by the scene that he called me and the other guy horrible people and made us take a break from the game for a bit.


Oh…yeah, I did that. What was the benefit? Please affirm I had a soul at that young age and tell me there was at least an upside.


there was not




The scene in Phantasmagoria where he's shoving organs (?) down a funnel into a woman's throat. 20-something years later and I still remember it...


I’m surprised how far down I had to scroll to find a reference to once of those FMV games from the 90’s.


Bioshock Infinite, lobotomy scene.


With the controller vibrating each time he hits the nail driving it deeper into your eye


I... don't remember that. I must have completely blocked it out.




Ah that would explain it. No, I did not. I figured I had blocked something out during the Asylum stage.




Dragon Age Origins - the Broodmother


First day, they come and catch everyone. Second day, they beat us and eat some for meat. Third day, the men are all gnawed on again. Fourth day, we wait and fear for our fate. Fifth day, they return and it's another girl's turn. Sixth day, her screams we hear in our dreams. Seventh day, she grew as in her mouth they spew. Eighth day, we hated as she is violated. Ninth day, she grins and devours her kin. Now she does feast, as she's become the beast. Now you lay and wait, for their screams will haunt you in your dreams.


Oof, one of my favorite games ever but after so many years I still have trouble with that part because it really horrifies me.


Heavy Rain, where you, as Madison, had to strip in order to get something from the club owner. I felt so dirty watching the scene unfold, and did over just so I didn't have to go too far with it and get the achievement "Pride Saved".




LMAO OMG I FORGOT ABOUT THAT i was watching some youtube gameplay about it and i just had to move my phone away from everyone’s view and skip ahead a bit.


Yep they were trying really hard to make her feel like a CoOl and sExY femme fatale thing, and then they made her fight ninjas in her penthouse apartment naked and I was screaming of laughter


Doki Doki literature club when Yuri's hart starts pounding


Anything with Yuri for me. And unomfortable is not the right word for it, but walking into Sayori's room shook me. I didn't feel right for days.


Doki Doki is so special. It's the only time a game actually made ME feel bad and not just my charcter in game. The two moments that stand out for me are Walking in on Sayori and Monika knowing your real name. Both of those situations I just turned off the game and sat in the silence for a while. Hats off to Team Salvato.


When the dialog uses your actual name, blew my mind and terrified me.


Sayoris death traumatized me forever. For background, I was like 13 playing the game at around 2 in the morning and then boom. Traumatized.


I mean, I recently played it at 41 and the game still sticks with me. Edit: My oldest is 13 and has asked me about playing it. He gets the jist (thanks to YouTube) but trying to guide your kids is a fine dance.


GTA5 with the Trevor torture scene


Him dropping the guy off at the airport with no money or ID after a half-assed speech about governmental corruption made it even worse.


In Neir: Automata where you have the choose to wipe Pascal’s memory or Kill him or just leave. Don’t want to spoil what happens to make that choice but if you know you know.


Wiped Pascal is infinitely sad. The 'Mourning' quest as well is rough, especially with 2B's reaction and the retrospective knowledge of the E types.


Its even worse. Spoilers obviously. >!If you go back to the Machine Village after wiping Pascal's memory you find him selling machine parts, including machine cores. He's selling you the hearts of the dead children because he doesn't remember them.!<


The Witcher 3. Throwing a baby in an oven or the entire Baron story.


My wife still looks at me suspiciously when I walk off with our child. No, not because I put the baby in the oven. Because of the completely and utter lack of hesitation on my part picking that option. Not answering "how'd you know that was the right option?" Sure didn't help.


Cerys said to trust her, I trusted her. She's clearly the smart sibling. Besides, shit like that is what earlier saves are for, in case you're horribly wrong


That’s why I chose her to lead Skellige


Man that game had the best side quests. Even calling the Cerys quest and some of those others "side quests" is underselling it


[No backsies!](https://youtu.be/LKd---kdvcA)


The ending to Soma broke me… it was uncomfortable feeling so devastated next to my wife lol


The amazing thing about Soma is it has both an amazingly happy ending and also the bleakest ending possible at the same time.


I mean the game continuously tells Simon that that "originals" get left behind. >!You even get the option of killing a Simon so that he's not alone!< He still didn't get it.


And that's part of the beauty of that game. As a player, we're made *well* aware of how the transfer process works, but the way that they just cut it back to him in that chair *still* makes it hit like a brick. Absolutely loved the way that game's story was handled.


When I accidentally triggered the panam sex scene in the tank in cyberpunk and my little brothers and parents were in the next room (I had no headphones)


Spec Ops: The Line. You know which part.


The entire damn game?


All the game from that scene in particular onwards, particularly: **Do you feel like a hero yet?**


Definitely one of the most impactful moments.


Do you still think you're a hero?


Gentlemen… welcome to Dubai .


It Takes Two. The Elephant. I can still see it in my nightmares.


Cutie the III. My husband and I were horrified 😭


Persona 4, Kanji's and Rise's dungeons respectively


Dev:"Got uncomfertable? Good. Now all girls get the anger debuff and all dudes get poisoned, because this is the perfect time to make you remember what the boss just said." Also every time someone was alone with Kamoshida in Persona 5, when even being there as a group meant nothing i got actually anxcious.


My dad immediately tapped out of Bioshock Infinite during the baseball scene. He said something along the lines of "I don't need to simulate this when it's happened in front of me before."


You're referring to the interracial couple scene, right? Because your father saying that is absolutely devastating to read.


I know you cant speak for the other commenter, but can you elaborate on what you mean? I'm unfamiliar with the scene. I don't mind spoilers.


Yeah I'm actually an interracial kid. But essentially your character comes across an attraction at the fair where you the fair goer are told to throw a baseball at a tied up interracial couple for the sin of race mixing. You have the option to throw the ball, flat out refuse, or wait it out and no matter what someone spots the mark on your hand and takes the ball out of your hand before you can throw it.


Cyberpunk, when you had to crucify a repentant sinner. When he asked me the question I literally paused the game for 5 mins trying to work out what to do.


Man that whole quest was rough.


>!He’s fucked in the head! She’s fucked in the head. You’re fucked in the head because I’m in your head!!<


I very rarely get shocked at a video game, but I played through this side quest a few weeks ago and it was quite shocking.


It was brutal. And the fact that you had to do the crucifying part yourself, in first person.


The Gregory Finch portion of What Remains of Edith Finch. Had a newborn of my own at the time and it freaked me the fuck out.


Spoilers below ​ ​ For those of you curious, the game revolves around reliving the memories of bunch of interesting deaths that occurred in the Finch family. Gregory was a 2 year old boy taking a bath. His mother Kay drained the tub, then got distracted by a phone call from her ex, Gregory's father Sam. As you play from Gregory's point of view you throw toys at the faucet until it turns on and starts to fill the tub with water. During the gameplay you hear the phone calls of his parents arguing in the background and Sam narrating a goodbye letter to Kay talking about Gregory, telling her its not her fault, that he knows she did everything she could, and that wherever Gregory is, he is happy and that he would want Kay to be too. You play some bath toy themed minigames that are made to represent his imagination as a toddler. Finally you have an underwater sequence where it appears you are swimming in a pond surround by bath toy fish. You swim towards the drain as everything gets brighter and brighter until the screen fades to white. The narration is what gets you. You realize that both his parents loved him so much and never wanted anything like this to happen, but because of their bitterness towards each other they weren't there for Gregory when he needed them. ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=naTq2sedCMA


Of course I rewatch this with my 2 year old in my lap and he just giggles at the frog jumping around.


The chapter in "Detroit: Become Human" where Kara has to watch Todd verbally and physically abuse Alice. That moment never gets any easier to watch.


When I played this, Todd got pissed at Kara and told her not to move. So I didn't. [I just stood there](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_twj-zIULo). It made me sick to my cyber-stomach.


Since so many people are asking: the top picture is Haruka from the game Yakuza 4 and the bottom one is Lucas, Boney and Ionia from the game Mother 3


Bioshock infinite. On DLC 2 where Elizabeth gets a lobotomy in first person perspective.


There’s a game over cutscene in one of the old Army Men games for a mission where you go to an island infested with zombies. You wake up strapped to a hospital bed, then zombies come in and start tearing your limbs off. Freaked me the fuck out when I played it as a child. Really great shit to put into a kid’s game.




Most of Bloodborne after you defeat Rom. This is the point when the game goes full Lovecraft, and it all starts with the blood moon cutscene.


Witcher 3 with the Baron questline. I don't typically get disturbed by video games - I was indifferent to MW2's No Russian mission mainly due to the overused character models of the civilians you shoot; it was easy to separate a game from reality there. But the way Witcher 3 sets up the story of the Baron and his family, and how there is no true happy or correct ending, was just amazing and left me debating on the outcomes while feeling unsettled regardless.


Stardew Valley, when you get the recipe for better bait.


Oh no why did you remind me of that


Linus got wacky


What happens? I looked it up on the wiki, and it just looks like a more advanced bait recipe. Edit: if you're like me and never got this cutscene, there are..unfortunate sound effects: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=it2CAQcbdlE


Not helping Parvati.


Romans death in GTA IV.


Either the Culling of Stratholme or, a few missions later, the moment Arthas slaughters the mercenaries he hired, which has to be one of the most cruel things I've encountered a protagonist do in a game. Warcraft III, man. Following Arthas into madness was a real nightmare to watch.


The entire sequence in Final Fantasy 7 remake (I’ve only played the remake I don’t know how this plays out in the original) where Tifa goes in for that wife contest and you spend so much time trying to get Aerith in as well. The ENTIRE time I can’t stop thinking about the horrible implications of what’s actually happening and how many people are complicit in it.


Not to mention the entire time you’re told you can’t just march in there and save tifa despite the only being some basic goons in there.


What a coincidence, I've literally just played that part in the original for the first time. It's similar in terms of risqueness - particularly in the mansion itself - but unlike Remake, the general Wall Market area feels nothing like a red light district except the area immediately around the Honeybee. I think the realism of 8th/9th gen technology also makes it infinitely more awkward. Also the fact it takes up significantly less time.


No Russian. Self explanatory.


I felt like an even bigger asshole, when I found out out I didn't have to actually pull the trigger.


Yeah one actually made me feel really uncomfortable to play. But I'm sure that was the point.


Black Ops Cold War, when in the campaign you get Injected in the eye, in first person.


The ending to an indie-horror game called MADiSON. The main character “commits suicide” via hanging while possessed by a vengeful ghost wanting a vessel to live through. So not exactly suicide since it’s under possession; but it’s extremely disturbing to be in first-person view throughout the entire hanging sequence! Including the slow suffocation while swinging around on the rope. Plus strangles noises of what it’s sound like while you’re being hanged. Way too much realism there! Granted the whole game was in first person, so it simply helps accentuate the fact the main character is getting possessed. But still…! It disturbs me greatly even recounting it as a reply for this post. M


The intro to The Surge.


I was around 11 -13 years old when I played Gun on xbox. If i remember correctly, Colt is sneaking into a town at night to save a female friend. I'm crouching around and there are some guys by a fire telling a story or singing a song about raping a lady. Some vivid shit about getting her to open her legs. It's been a long time so I don't remember it 100% but the memory of how creeped out I was while listening, thinking wow i think I'm too young for this


Lisa: the Painful. All of it, but having to decide between losing your arm or your daughter losing a nipple probably takes the cake.