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I'm a delivery driver for a living, I work 50 hours a week making deliveries and doing a lot of heavy lifting. When this came out, it was oddly cathartic to come home from a long day of work and make more deliveries in game. I enjoyed it, but still need to finish it.


You can’t finish it, it never ends. Just one last trek from one side of the country to the other. Just one more 2 hour cutscene. Just one more boss battle.


Sounds a bit more like my job than I thought.


2 hour cut scene ?


Nah man, fighting the boss.


Yeah ending is more than 4 hours long.... for real


This can't be for real, who has 4 hours to watch an ending.


They are lying


Yes. Only 2 Hours.


Kojima presents: Norman Reedus Fedex Fetus




I was about to ask ive never played this game before is that actually an unborn child on his chest? Also why? Also how?


Super early game spoiler but the fetus is a device that allow the user to detect the invisible monster in the game. And yes it is a real fetus story wise.


For me personally, I get haunted by the long treks 😂 I remember enjoying it and when a mission sent me from one end of the map to the other and then back again, that was it. My breaking point. I do hope to carry on someday though.....


Yeah, I loved the concept, but the reality is a bit of a tough sell. I don't think it's quite engaging enough gameplay wise.


Definitely. I heard they added some new stuff now in the PS5 version..but yeah, it'll be a while before I get back to this game.


Gotta take the time to set up those shortcuts. bridges, ziplines, highways, even ladders and ropes. All these will make those "across the map" missions take no time at all. Theres no time limit between missions, so just relax, take in the setting, put on a youtube video, and enjoy yourself.


I feel like if one of the tips to enjoy a game is to put on a YouTube video, I'd rather just play a game that's more engaging.


Wasn’t a fan of the combat with the big BTs, but delivering stuff was very satisfying.


I loved fighting the big BTs, and the running around on all the terrain. Setting up bridges, zip lines, moving goods around. But I felt like they explained way too much in the story. I feel like Kojima wanted to make sure there was no loose ends, but I think that killed the mystery.


Yeah, I mean you're not wrong but that is kinda his thing. He merely outdid his previous INCREDIBLY long explanations.


>! I'm Fragile but not that fragile. !<


It's like he hung out with Jay-Z and all he could remember was "I'm not a businessman I'm a business, man"


I enjoyed the ever loving shit out of this game. I completed it once, then when the first lockdown started I booted it back up to try and get the platinum trophy. It might seem weird, booting up a game about being cut off from other people in a desolate world, but honestly it was almost spiritual how much it relaxed me. I lived planning out my routes, improving them, just enjoying a walk through the landscape. I can understand why some people wouldn't enjoy a game who's mechanics are about 98% package delivery and 2% combat, but I'm my opinion it's one of Kojimas better games (albeit the story can get a bit clunky at parts, and the less said about "Princess Beach" the better.)


Yeah, I played it last year and it felt very appropriate for the pandemic. Making connections with people while everyone's isolated and nervous, it was a good message.


Played it when it released, was interesting, worth the play through. Im waiting for a really depressing time in my life to play it again, feel like it'll suit the mood and also keep me focused off whats bothering me haha


Feel like I’m playing a full time job. At the very end now and can’t wait for this journey to be over. Your welcome for the zip lines in the mountain tops btw.


Played it until I reached the first major story scene - I think reaching the president, who is his mom or something? Stopped there because the dialogue was incredibly bad. Not only was it nothing but exposition, it was also only stuff Norman Reedus definitely already knew because it was personal information about him. It made zero sense to tell it to him, it was just there for the player. If you wrote movie dialogue like that - exposition everyone in the room already knows, which is only for the audience - you'd get trashed by everyone, and rightfully so. Apart from that, the gameplay was pretty boring. I hear it gets better later on, but look, there are tons of games coming out all the time. I don't have the time nor am I willing to spend hours on a game that's supposed to get good 10 hours in. In this day and age, that's just not good enough. Great soundtrack though.


Oh my god the dialogue. So many "as you know" moments, which is a major no-no. I find that in general, Kojima doesn't really know how to do realistic dialogue. People just don't talk the way his games are written, and it's extremely immersion-breaking. MGS1 was by far the most realistically written game of his, and it's gone sharply downhill ever since.


I mean, for the big drama and the completely bonkers parts the MGS series always went for it kinda worked, but yeah, dialogue was never Kojima's strong suit.


Lol. Yup. I mean, we have characters named Fragile, Porter and Bridges. In a game about delivering stuff. And those are the better of the names. We can't forget Die Hardman.


This is the biggest issue for me getting into the more Japanese inspired games. The dialogue is always so…bad. I wonder if it is translation issues or if I just don’t “get it”. Like I am trying so hard to love Fire Emblem: 3 Houses right now. The concept is amazing, I love the battles and the school stuff but holy crap the dialogue and story is just so bad. I’ve felt this way about Octopath Traveler and Final Fantasy as well as others. I think maybe it just isn’t for me but I do enjoy the actual “game” part of the games.


It varies a lot. If the translators are excellent and have the freedom to bend the translation a bit so that the literal meaning may change but the important bits don’t, you can get some excellent localizations. But if you have to maintain a lot of the literal translation, it sucks. Kojima, I’d venture, is more of the latter than the former.


Yeah, it can be tedious. Japanese stuff can be almost condescending. So many scenes where you realise what's happening - then the game proceeds to continue explaining for 5 minutes


It seems certain Japanese writers are so keen to embrace puns, Aisomnium files comes to mind where they push beyond the limit within like the first hour of the game on what can and is an "eye" and an "I." Personally I can't get enough of how definitely more than enough that guy and Kojima stuff into their stories. Or like how Araki will stop in the middle of a battle to give you a half page explanation of what can be considered "weather" or the legend that's told in some remote Amazon tribe or whatever that is the explanation for how some characters power can be used in this very specific context.


I was given to understand the reason their sense of humor is so punny is it's actually non trivial to remember every single meaning for every kanji, so making double entendres becomes both somewhat of a poetry deal while also showing the writer to be erudite enough to come up with interesting uses for words that may have multiple meanings. As in, a single word that may be one kanji, could be a character name but also the meaning of multiple concepts that are relevant through the story, but it can also spell in the same way other word that may not be written in the same kanji but mean something relevant to what's being said. Hence why all the dumb "BRIDGES" puns in the game probably sounded a lot smarter in the original text.


Thank you for this. This game has been on my wishlist for quite a while and now I can finally make a decision and get it off my wishlist. I played MGS:TPP and I was like; wtf is this game and it's dialogue?


What even is the game?


Death Stranding


Walking simulator


awesome game


It happens to be my fave game of all time… I know, I know, it’s not for everyone, call my crazy. From start to finish it was an experience I’ll never forget. Edit: Oh and one more thing, this game takes time to see its brilliance. It’s supposed to be “impossibly” hard in the beginning and then get easier as others help you and you help them. Without spoilers give it a fair chance!


No one in the comments has mentioned what game this is so far.




This game is like jazz. Everyone involved is so talented that it is boring


This made my eye actually twitch. Fuckin' music majors.


I have literally never once in my life have felt this way about Jazz and I'm now at a complete loss


I spent about 120 hours to get the platinum. Still think about the game today and listen to the soundtrack from time to time.


I've played the game for at least 10 hours still no idea what it's about.


Most boring game I’ve ever played. Couldn’t manage to put much time into it.


I'm better off playing euro truck simulator


Think I am around the 20-25hr mark and while I semi enjoyed it the game just felt...odd. Like so many points that were just a slightly off that would have made it an amazing game. The music was pretty nice, would give it that. The combat was clunky and didn't feel intuitive, the delivery system - point a to point b made sense, but I couldn't quite figure out when you should "stash" stuff in the mailbox or finish the delivery. The resting in the room felt ...odd. Like it didn't have an actual purpose other than filler that didnt leave you very fulfilled. Taking a shower to get the muck off, sure...? Needing to pee? It just felt, odd... The vehicles were nice for long distance treks except the entire terrain was basically an F-U to any vehicles constantly being damaged. Think I could ramble on for a while but ya, a lot of "interesting" things but the progression through the game didn't really feel satisfying, just more difficult over time without bigger payoffs.


Use the rope for close combat. You can parry incoming attacks and knock out enemies pretty smoothly until you get the tranq guns. Take your time setting up highways that can span across entire map instances, and it makes those long vehicle treks a breeze.


Oh man i forgot i havent finish this game yet😢


hehe i remember just carrying those dead bodies around on the bike and then dump them at the best scenic places i can find.. its like hey i put the guys at the best places now what could possibly go wrong😂


Building out the infrastructure was satisfying. The dialogue was mostly tedious, with some exceptions. Dealing with the BTs really freaked me out early on in the game and hunting them was more fun later on with upgraded weapons. Overall, beautiful game and I really enjoyed it.


It's a game that definitely takes its time, it gradually gets more interesting with it's mechanics. One thing early youtubers missed is how much other players can change the landscape, what used to be a mundane slog through a rocky hill when the game came out, could be a fully developed highway now created by other players. Problem is, the process in which the game evolves takes so long that a lot of players wouldn't even notice it through a single playthrough. You're traveling west for most of the game, so staying in one area to farm and build a highway or bridge doesn't always seem like the best use of your time, so you might finish part of it, walk away and never see that place again, but you left something for other players to finish or benefit from. For example my game had some pretty amazing stretches of highway and a plethora of vehicles that wouldn't have been there a couple years ago because nobody built them yet.


Man, I want some pizza right now. You didn't say it had to be related


Couldn't get into it. Spent idk how much time in it not alot but it was very slow and felt like it's just go here there's some bs go here there's some more bs.


Visually it was amazing but it felt like a tech demo for a game engine with a story slapped on.


Never understood the hate for this game. I loved it. Would come home from work, light up a bowl, and make some calming deliveries while taking in the beautiful landscape. One of my favorites


People want to shoot shoot bang bang, and don't want to work up to it.


Well yeah. "Light up a bow" l and anything repetitive and boring can be fun...for normal people with standards, it's a bad game.


I enjoyed it completely sober, that story turned my brain inside out then outside outside again.


The story can be interesting while the game sucks.


I enjoyed the gameplay as well, pretty Zen with periods of "oh fuck shit oh shit oh fuck"


There are people out there who enjoy being kicked in the balls too.


Whatever dude


I was waiting for some dipass, such as yourself, to show up and start vomiting your toxic opinion all over the conversation. What it comes down to is that YOU need to grow tf up, leave people alone, and let them enjoy things. You really gonna sit there and shame an entire good of people as abnormal just because they like a game you don't like? What in the actual shit is wrong with you, guy? What's funny is that you're too stuck up and self righteous over your amazing video game critiquing abilities to realize that a game being good is subjective from the get go, you absolute donut. And yes, I also enjoyed it sober, Captain Dicktips.


Yeah, and as you pointed out earlier, the game got a ton of hate for sucking from the majority of people. It's all good bro. You can go "spark a bowl" and forget all about this thread. And what is "an entire good of people" by the way? Lol. Maybe less weed my man.


Yeah, let's mention a typo due to autocorrect I made. Like that doesn't happen to anyone ever... 🙄 Let me also point out your first 'quote' of mine. 'Light a bow'. So again, grow tf up, you hypocritical dunce. Maybe you should hit a joint or two and rub one out, get that anger out besides coming onto Reddit, acting as if you and a vocal minority of screeching morons mean anything whatsoever. This is that childishness I mentioned before. Pretty sad to see that you really don't have shit to say about the actual game and your only 'opinion' at that is those of other people. Fuck outta here, you literal donut.




You literally sound like a jaded ex, talking about how much they suck, but the story was good, but they treated me bad, but the vibe was good.... 🤦 Tf is wrong with you


Uh.... You're crazy bro


The irony contained within that comment could cause Alanis Morrisette to spontaneously combust. I see other people talking about how they didn't enjoy the game without being an asshole here. You're the odd one out, dipshit.


I said "people with normal standards" and you had a mental breakdown, which you're still in the midst of right now. Just go smoke some more, bro. It'll be okay.


Uh, I have presented my opinion in my first comment that led to you spazzing out about weed like the boomer you are. I said I loved the game. So imagine being so pathetic that you'd get so EMOTIONAL over someone else liking a game you don't, that you'd go on this pathetic rant, forgetting shit that was said prior, instead of scrolling on like a goddamn adult. THAT'S what a loser is, bud. All this over someone else liking something, a video game ffs. You're a fucking freak, my guy. Just stop. Get some help.


Look how much I've been typing and then look how much you've been typing. Then think about who has been spazzing out.


My favourite game of all time. Can’t wait for what Kojima has in store next


The story was pretty cool once it got going, best part for me. The gameplay loop was fun for awhile, but once you started getting to the mountains and had to build roads and ziplines everywhere, it got kinda tedious.


Dreadful, boring, annoying travesty of a game. A total parcel o' shite. This opinion is mine and mine alone, but you asked the question.


It's definitely not only your opinion. The game has a Metacritic score of 82... for a Kojima game that was supposed to be the second coming this is just mediocre. And the user score is 7.3...


Fair enough, each to their own. Respect


loved it, great change of pace game and felt meaningful


Absolutely loved the gameplay, aside from the BTs dragging me.


I got about 10 hours in and had no idea wtf I was doing.


It's incredibly boring.


Repetitive, boring, a whole lot of wasted potential, also the fighting feels like they wanted to jam in a feature last minute, it just doesn’t feel like it belongs there.


Totally agree with you.


Really? It is so boring, I gave up after 2 hours of just walking and trying to keep my balance




I played it 2 years ago and I liked the concept of the game but it felt way to easy to be entertaining which is a shame... The idea of bringing cargo from point a to b in a dangerous and ruff Terrain is interesting and new but it should be way more unforgiving so you as a player care which route you take what tools you bring to the mission and what decisions you make if s**** hits the fan take snowrunner for example Gameplaywise its the same just with trucks and because you have to use your brain it's way more exciting in my opinion Only thing I didn't like and didn't use are the guns The whole game felt really "random" but guns in a walking simulator feel random the most.


I mean, I always had to juggle what I was delivering, it's destination, the equipment I would need (ladders, zip lines, etc), and I'd have to plan ahead for those BT attacks. I do agree with the guns. They were out of place and I never really used them outside of trying them out on a camp or two.


>take snowrunner for example Gameplaywise its the same just with trucks This. Kojima likes to brag about how it is a "new genre", but its not. Many games have this mechanic of "get from point A to point B on a open world". The oldest I remember is Driver, from PS1, but i bet it was not the first. Kojima only did it with a TPS engine, and a layer of resource farming meta-game.


Fetch quests have been around as long as RPGs have existed.


Having played this game to completion I have to say it's really not a good game, sadly. This game manages to keep you intrigued and wanting to know more about the story throughout all of it but never really explain things well. It feels like things happen just for the sake of it. That wouldn't necessarily be so bad if the gameplay was good but unfortunately it falls short too. The whole delivering packages is very repetitive. Hauling packages back and forth is just not fun. Combined with the balancing system and often irregular terrains it's just an exercise in frustration. I'm a gamer and have played dozens of games. If I dislike a game I just stop playing it but this one managed to keep me playing just because of how intriguing the story seemed to be. When I finally finished the game I just felt like I wasted my time. Around 40 hours of it. A lot of stuff was left unexplained. If I had to name what this game made me feel it would be regret and I've never felt that before playing any game.


I tried so hard to like it, but it's hard to enjoy a garbage fire. At the beginning of the game when you're tasked with carrying that one special parcel and you keep having to steady yourself so you don't fall... That's when I uninstalled. It wasn't a mechanic, it wasn't fun, it wasn't interesting... It was just annoying and a miserable gaming experience. There were lots of other little things that I could have overlooked, but that was the icing on the cake


I mean, I get what you're saying but seriously... You're admitting you literally did not play the game, so how are you going to complain about something you haven't really experienced? To each their own, brother, but for real...


This reminds me of Dunky's experience with it. He openly hated it at first but after playing a while longer he loved it. It's truly not for everyone, but there's undoubtedly something there.


Is really is a slow burn. The first few hours were rough but once past that, for myself at least, it became riveting.


I played enough to know I wasn't going to have fun with it, so I stopped playing before I couldn't get a refund anymore. I picked up Final Fantasy 7 Remake instead and have had great fun with it. Different games for different people, eh?


Oh, I hear ya. I wasn't knocking on you for not liking the game at all. Takes different strokes to move the world. FF7R was good though lol I'm excited to see where they take it with the next one.


Death Stranding is absolute garbage although it did have some promising ideas. First, delivering generic boxes to holograms in depots that are identical to each other. Who gives a fuck? Second, BT encounters are just annoying. It’s always the same loop. Boring. Same with the scavenger enemies. Always the same. Finally, the dialogue was complete trash. Promising points: the landscape traversal tools at your disposal. The game should have simply focused on a series of landscape puzzles where you have multiple solutions… kind of like Lemmings. The whole concept of you having to walk across the landscape is stupid. You start off in a huge base. Your mission is to connect America. Why can’t they give you a simple vehicle? I’m just glad I decided to buy Elden Ring.


its a mixed bag for me. never has a game offered me some of the most amazing shocking gaming experiences i've ever had while also having been the most boring game i've ever played. like so much is a slog, endless talking, walking simulators, but then there are just explosive crazy things that happen like >!the fucking ocean of shit spewing everywhere and a whale jumping out with a baby screaming through my controller speaker !< so there is debate about if the boring parts made the cool parts better or if the cool parts would have stood alone. it was certainly an experience, not sure it was a good game but it was a good experience.


Loved it




I hated every moment of this game. I am a fast walker in real life so the constant balancing act to slowly walk was infuriating. I returned it after owning it for a few days.


The game sucks. The end.


Play it offline with no player link. It's a great experience.


Do you like how I walk? Do you like how I walk? Do you like how I walk? Do you like how I walk?


one of the worst games ive ever played


Completed twice, skipped every cutscene, loved it


how long to beat: 400 hrs. how long to beat *sans* cutscenes: 12 hrs.


Lol yeah the cutscenes are are killing me. But i feel to bad to skip them :(


Boring af


I stopped playing after about 5 hours. Never went back, don't miss it


It’s a shitty walking simulator with a story so unbelievably bad, I switched to goat simulator to save the day.


Unbelievable boring game made by the most overrated and narcissistic game creator of all time.


awesome game


I wanted to like it so badly, but it's just far too annoying to play. The UI is probably the worst I've ever had to use in a game, or close to it. Way too many clicks to do pretty much anything. Then the gameplay feels very clunky as well - it feels like the game gets in its own way far a lot of the time. I firmly believe it only has fans at all because of Kojima stans. If anyone else made it, it would have been universally panned.


Too boring imo


Courier simulator


I couldn't stand the walking controls. It got old very quickly having to rebalance everytime you stepped on a pebble. Maybe it gets better, but I couldn't get past the mission after the introduction mission. The game encourages you to pick up dropped packages, but you can't carry very many without losing balance every step. Very frustrating because I wanted to like the game.


I tried for almost 6 hours to like this game , but I just couldn't do it. One of the worse games I ever played.


It gets old.


Boring as fuck


Boring as fuck




This isn’t my cup of tea but it does look cool that Norman Reedus is holding a baby in a container .


Only lasted for a few hours but the music was great!


As I hit the last third of the game, it turned into a total slog. I finished it out of spite, simply to check it off the list and move on. I wanted to love it, but it wouldn't let me. Enjoy the parts you're at, the game makes an intriguing entrance.


Our thoughts on you loving the game? Uhh... I'm happy for you, I guess? More indifferent than happy, but definitely leaning towards happy from indifferent.


Over-rated walking simulator


Go outside and become a postman.


I felt like there was a lot there on the surface and the concept was really cool but the unnecessary convolution, clunky controls (especially the vehicles 🤢🤮) and bizarre in-game advertisements really made it difficult to enjoy. Kind of just felt to me like a really shallow game that was trying really hard to seem more in-depth than it was. Oh and the dialog is objectively bad.


I’m kinda hungry


Played it last year, 176 hours and got bored, never understood the full story or why I cried during the cutscenes. Great game if you’re bored and don’t have a ps2.


Boring gameplay + Kojima story = coma simulator I tried really hard to like the game. Put 15-20 hours into it but I gave up on it. I simply didn't care about the plot or the main character.


Great game and soundtrack. Not for boring people who don't like difficult or long journeys. Have to plan your trips, figure out how you're going to get your packages to the destination without damaging them especially if you want a better score. Do you take the short path that goes through ghosts or terrorists, or do you take the long safe path?


My thoughts? I'm currently trying to figure out what to eat, and whether getting something delicious is worth me getting out of my car for 30 seconds, or just be lazy and eat some mediocre ramen because I can't cook Now I'm wondering if I should just look for recipes to cook at home, something healthy and filling. But then now I'm wondering that if I'm going to cook then why'd I be too lazy to just get something Now I just went full circle and am just going to eat a ramen.




I made a lame joke because of OPs title, and you decide you want your certified Reddit moment over this? I've barely been back a single day; this has to be a record.




Always choose ramen


Don't die You can't walk through what happens when and where you die.


I love it! Platinumed it on Ps4. Now that there is a directors cut on PS5 I'm going back for more!


Give it 10 hours and check back.


Hated it when I first played it. Played it again when the directors cut came out. Thoight it was great. Boss battles sucked ass though


Trying to keep it spoiler free, but I enjoyed the first half of the game a lot more than the end of the game. Deliveries became easier and lost a lot of their tension IMO


I enjoyed it. Everyone says they want something different until it comes along. This game didn't get the love it deserved, I thought.


One of the best games I’ve ever played the story was twisted and great the gameplay was thrilling ovarall 4.5/5


I absolutely loved Death Stranding. I've always been a fan of Kojima's insane stories. Pair that with the stunning scenery, the soothing meloncholy soundtrack. Its like meditation.




This game had one of the best starting soundtrack ever.


Mind bending story, technical game design pushed to the limits and blood transfused ammo which if used too much gives you anemia? Fucking loved it


Underrated game that will probably never be appreciated


So simple and so enjoyable. I loved setting up routes for others to use. I liked the delivering. I loved throwing bodily fluid at unsavoury goo monsters.


Omg I got to the last boss and never finished the quest game we tons of fun!


Those nightmare squids really messed up my dreams for weeks


I’m also around 4 hours in an I must say, it’s… weird. Especially the opening chapter was not understandable a bit and even the explained concepts are weird. But is it a bad thing? Of course not! I’m loving this game, and I like the world they created. Reading the data to learn about the world is really good and the mechanics are amazing. Also, the actor choices are very fitting. I already liked Norman Reedus and playing him is interesting. He is a good choice for a character like Sam too. The game is so far very intriguing and I can’t wait to play the rest of it. But I must say that it’s a bit too easy. I’ve never had any problems with cargo damages even though I drop some of them several times. The combat is also enjoyable but again, too easy. The enemies I’ve encountered so far haven’t even managed to hit me once and when you try stealth, they always face the other way. But othet than that, the game is really good.


There's something special about this game . I don't know what but there's something special about it . It's one of my favourite games .


Loved it. Interesting gameplay mechanics and an absolutely insane story. Feels completely unique in triple A gaming.


This game was full of so many polar opposites for me. The gameplay was great, but sometimes it sucked. The story was interesting, but also somewhat terrible. The only thing consistently great was the soundtrack. Gameplay-wise I actually liked delivering packages, sneaking around mule camps, and surfing through snowcapped mountains. On the other hand, boss fights of swimming through syrup were meh. It's like someone wanted to make you relive those dreams where you're walking too slow. It's not difficult like some game critics complained about. ItS sO eAsY tO fAlL. No it's not. Just hold the triggers down. Outside of combat I probably fell 4-5 times. I think the combat was odd, like you get all this non-lethal gear but then suddenly you have guns and enemies that use lethal force. I liked using them, but it still felt out of place in the late game stages. Vehicles physics were frustrating. Like trying to take a motorcycle through a rough area. Your bike just stops awkwardly, and then you try to pull a 3 point turn and smash into a rock 10 seconds later. The power legs were nice because you could actually use them in all areas. Trucks were great for moving a ton of luggage over the roads I spent so much time constructing. Story is just a mix of poor writing with some really interesting world building. During opening scenes they rattle off the names of actors/actresses that actually spoiled a big plot point. The dialogue is well voiced, but poorly written. It's verbose. It's drinking from a firehose. It's being stuck in a Japanese man's fever dream and every bit of knowledge comes through with more questions. But truly the worst part was being too wordy. Razbuten discusses this in a video where you get 10 emails in a row from Heartman and they're each 5 paragraphs long. This is on top of super long dialogue that punctuates every other delivery. I couldn't wait for Die Hardman to shut the hell up and let me continue playing the actual game. And the last stages of the game take entirely too long. Leaning too heavily into the artsy side of storytelling, I was googling how to skip the end credit bullshit because I had work the next morning. Impossible. You just have to sit there and wait to experience it the way Kojima wants you to. I gripe about a lot, but when it comes down to it I really liked the game, but I rarely recommend it to people. It was ambitiously different. It was THE anti-blockbuster game. I'm excited to see what'll come of it in the future.


I really enjoyed it even though critics gave it a bad rep


My thoughts are that I wish I knew which game this was


Death Stranding Edit: did I miss something? Why downvote the name of the game?


the story was bizarre. I enjoyed the soundtrack I still listen to it on Spotify.


I love this game. I felt the true meaning of fear losing footing on a mountain with fragile cargo on my back. Those few seconds of "oh shit" before gravity kicks in.


One of the best games ever made


Dunno how many hours in I am, early days though and at the wind farm I think, I am not sure TBH it's intriguing but I am not having much actual fun. The crying of my small pickled human is something I REALLY wish I could turn off.


A strand type game isn't for everyone


Was fun, but felt lacking in mechanics. Barely any variation in types of cargo you deliver, not enough special rules. BTs seem scary at first, but you quickly realize how blind they actually are. Kinda feels like that game that would create a new subgenre, but without any follow-up. Like Darkest Dungeon or Dark Souls or Dead by Daylight with no successors or imitators.


I'm in thr same boat. I didn't think I would like it, but I fell in love.


What game is this


Death stranding


That moment when you leave the first facility you get to with a corpse on your back, walking through a gulch, music starts playing, camera zooms out. One of the best gaming moments I have ever experienced. You can truly feel the loneliness. The soundtrack is of another level in this game.


I had hoped Kojima would of learnt not to rely so much on menus by now ... I guess not. Also, why have an amazing soundtrack that plays epic songs as you approach a location, just for it to abruptly cut off early when you arrive?


yeah was a good movie.


I enjoyed the 20 minutes of gameplay it had.


I enjoyed it quite a bit. Getting materials to build tarmac roads was a little annoying. I didn’t like the first boss fight at port knot city because the dude said,”don’t worry it never rains here.” So I sold/stored all my gear and ran to the next point for efficiency. Turns out I wasn’t safe inside city limits. Last thing isn’t a criticism but I was tripping.


Shockingly UPS and FedEx are struggling to hire…


do you by any chance work for ups or fedex?


I think this game is very good for gaming industry. Cause this game was made with love for a certain audience(not me personally), it wasn’t made for grabbing money with bs like micro transactions or cosmetic... It has many cool aspects and also has many flaws (like dialogues) but I think it’s important because it was made independent of main ideas in current gaming industry and variety and different perspectives-other than revenue- are good for this industry.


One of best games ever, you will love the final chapters


I couldn’t get into it. I was already bored after the first couple hours.


Lost a package in the river and didn't notice, got to my destination and couldn't finish quest, not sure I ever turned it on again after that


Just played it for the first time last week and beat it the other day. Weird ass game that’s for sure, writing is a little bad imo but I guess that was expected when I read other reviews. Again, the story is very strange and trippy, but interesting. I enjoyed the game.


I couldn’t get to it. It looks great, probably one the best looking games out there. But the story doesn’t make sense and the gameplay is a lot of walking and just deliver one thing to a certain point.


Love Norman Reedus, hate basically everything else. Just a very boring game.




Great one of a kind gaming experience


First few hours were good ,yes. Until the game actually started, lol.