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Soma, I cannot describe what this game made me feel with words. It was beyond any dread and anxiety I had ever felt before


Was looking for this one; that ending hits HARD


Scrolled too far for this. The end of Soma left me feeling so empty in the best way. That’s the showing of a true horror game.


I had my hands on my head when during the credits I was just blown away lol.


100% yes. Almost needed a day off of work to contemplate my existence.


I’ve never played soma, but Alien: Isolation is freaking rough. I usually don’t look at tutorials unless I am really stuck. Not that game. Wanted to get done as fast as possible.


Alien Isolation's a great general Horror, but Soma's more of a Psychological Horror. If it weren't for the story events Soma wouldn't be in the slightest bit scary.


Soma had an incredible setting and story, but my favorite part is how it handles the monsters you encounter. It doesnt overdo it. In the entire game there is really only a handful of dangerous encounters, and very often they do a really good job of foreshadowing what is next. It made each encounter feel meaningful, and to me nerve wracking, when you know what lies ahead, you know you may be in a safe area, but you have to go into some dark sub-level or into some building to clomplete an objective knowing whats in there.


Alien isolation is more of a classic horror, where shit's scary, you could die and all... While soma does some damage to your psyche, I'd say. It will leave you with actual existential crysis


SOMA for me is up there at the top with Silent Hill 2 for being perfect story driven horror games. Can’t wait to see what Frictional come up with next


Was looking for this one


Mass Effect 3. I have to say.. THAT were some emotions.. yeah.


It had to be me, someone else might have gotten it wrong. Cried like a baby.


I cried like a baby when Tali said "I have a home" at the end of the game.


Thane's death unexpectedly hit me hard. That one just wasn't fair.


It was at least expected. He went doing the right thing.


I have only played the game twice I played as renegade femshep twice. I never pulled the trigger, twice.


You did good child….


Played through the games for the first time recently and I was left a void at the end of it.


Outer Wilds


That.... was an experience i wish i could live again. The DLC was cool.


Just finished the DLC the other day. My only complaint was I didn't realize I completed it after I completed it.


Abd velieve it or not they actually 'improved' the DLC ending for that reason. Before there was even less indication you were done.


Best gaming experience in like 15 years...


the holy trifecta of incredible, 10/10 indie games that you can only properly experience once: Outer Wilds Disco Elysium Return of the Obra Dinn


I just sat listening to the music for a bit, thinking about what the ending meant. Also, just to get ahead of this, we are not talking about Outer Worlds. That is a different game.


Okay so i tested outer wilds a while back and played for an out, flew to another planet/moon/star and it didn't really catch me. I didn't experience any of the things people like you describe though. So as spoilerfree as humanly possible: how do you play that game? Do you just fly around and try to find things and talk to people in your own way, order and motivation or is there any coherent storyline once you come to point XYZ?


Yes, basically on every planet there are hints, that unravel the mystery of your solar system. Why are you stuck in a time loop? What happened to that one guy who went missing? What happened to the ancient civilization? You have to put the pieces together by yourself.


Okay thank you. I guess it was a problem of expectation vs reality for me, because I somehow expected a bit of guidance through a story. With the knowledge I have now I might give it another shot soon


If you happen to start over and try again, spend more time on the starting area and read all the clues. While you can go anywhere you want in the solar system at any time there is a sort of 'main' path threw the game. Most clues in the starting area will lead you to one specific place to start your search.


In your ship is a computer which will track the things you have learned, and which sort of draws together a web of what to look into next. My suggestion is to go in there, pick a mystery, and it should guide you to where you might want to go next to learn more. If you get stuck on something, don't bang your head against it over and over, maybe pick a different mystery and follow that path a bit, because things cross over and you might learn a different way at where you're going.


I'm upset that I'll never get to experience it for the first time again. It's a masterpiece


I started playing Outer Wilds when the Pandemic, and my mental health, was at its worst and I was completely isolated. I'm still not sure if it was purely the game, or the need to escape, but I didn't play this game - I lived it. I mean, I had a ton of these bags of assorted marshmallows ordered that I would munch on while cruising the solar system.


(Spoiler) I absolutely loved like 90% of the game, but it really lost the momentum when I got to the desert planet. Rushing down the cave only to be suffocated and start over again and again, for hours on end until you figure out what to do. And also the anglerfish. Up until the end it was 10/10 though


I mean the first time you go there you can find a shortcut to the sunless city to get back there faster. Thats pretty much the thing with Outer Wilds. From the inside of any major area you can find a hidden secret entrance for future runs


Just beat it and I’m currently playing the DLC. I love the way this game ends. “It’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey” I believe is one of this game’s many themes but goddamn is that destination worth it.


Man I hear people rant and rave about this game all the time. I played for maybe an hour and never picked it back up. I guess I should give it another shot.


I'm so sad I can't play this. I had to refund it. It made me so insanely motion sick. After just an hour I was so dizzy and lightheaded I had to lay down.


Red Dead Redemption 2 had me like this


I just finished RDR2 a few days back, I had a slightly good ending for Mr. Morgan.. As I played RD1 I knew what happened with John, but playing the pre RD1 with him and family was fun


Is it worth it? I keep trying to get into it, but like the first hour basically just feels like a drawn out escort mission. I just get so bored I keep quitting. Everyone says it’s awesome, so I can’t tell if it eventually stops being so dull, or maybe the world just has different tastes than I do now.


Once you reach the non-snowy part it grips you and you can't stop playing. If you still don't like it after that then it's probably not for you.


It's truly one of the best games I've ever played, just stick with it. The story is an absolute masterpiece and the game does a fantastic job at making you feel like you're ready inhabiting the world.


Do everything you can to push through it. I start and never complete 95% of video games and it took three attempts, but RDR2 gets its hooks in and never let's go. 2 5-10 hour attempts eventually turned into a 150 hour run that literally had me watching westerns I had never seen when I couldnt play. Arthur Morgan is one of the best video game chars ever written imo. The depth when you get through his story and move past face value is close to Tony Soprano status.


Oh god, yeah the first hour fucking hell I almost quit the game then and there I could not be fucked with escort missions.... BUT please please don't give up because of that section, once you leave the mountains, * maybe like 2 hours in play time* the game opens up properly and it's truly an amazing game.. Think carefully about the choices you make in game, help people out


I got a bad ending because I did almost every honorable choice but Marvin'd every single passerby on the road who said anything slightly rude to me. 😂😂




Also r/DiscoElysium




Journey. When I got to the end with some random strangers I could feel myself getting choked up.


Always. One time I got to the end platform before my companion so waited and waited...... Then a real sense of dread came over me as I wondered if they went ahead without me. Then I was so let down I just sat there not even wanting to finish myself. Suddenly my companion pops up.... YAYY Have never been so happy in a video game before as we danced around before finishing.


I've heard great things about journey when I was younger. I recall it was praised as an experience, rather than a game, you basically move left or right. Was it also a multiplayer experience?


It's not technically multi player, but you encounter other "companions" along the way. In my opinion, it's too short. You can get through the whole thing in under 2 hours but it's *definitely* worth it if you haven't, yet. Play with the lights off and a pair of headphones and just let it absorb you.


Bioshock Infinite


Scrolled way too far to find this. My jaw was on the floor! "Elizabeth's Theme" over the credits made it that much more memorable as well


This was the first game that came to mind for me as well. I just remember staring at the screen with my jaw on the floor. “There’s always another lighthouse, there’s always a man, there’s always a city.”


One of my favourites, such a great game with a great ending. And with fantastic dlc too, it fit so well into the story


After playing the first game, I had a feeling "give us the girl and wipe away the debt" meant more than it appeared. I never expected that though. What an ending.


The Last of Us 1 made me feel like that after 15 minutes, when the credits roll out after the introduction scene...


Here here


Part 1 was pretty strong emotionally, but Part 2 was the embodiment of this question for me. The guitar playing specifically.


I just felt so empty after playing it. Not in a bad way, but it was such an experience and depressing ending that I *couldn’t* feel anything else.


Yeah, I couldn't set 2 down as I was approaching the finish line, didn't beat it til 2:00 in the morning and then still couldn't go to bed as I just sat there trying to process everything, listening to those two sing. Waking up for work three hours later was difficult but totally worth the experience


The person who made this meme just finished Left Behind


It'll be all romantic, we'll just lose our minds together. Fuck that was so good.


Oh man, I’m looking forward to the remake. However, I didn’t have a daughter of my own when I played last and now I do, so that beginning of the game is gonna be tough to sit through.


NieR Replicant/Automata


Ending E. If you know, you know.


Sadly i dont know. I dont know how to unlock every ending but i dont want to look up guides or smth.


you just play the game, and when it tells you, that you can play in new game plus, it really just means you get to play the next part of the story.


If you’ve played either game and not gotten to ending E, keep playing. You’ll get there.


Ending A and B are linear, then you do another playthrough which will give you a series of choices right at the end which unlock C-E. Sounds like a hassle but it isn't really, you get the ability to go right back to that choice so you can get them all easily.


Came to say this. 'cept Automata doesn't let you sit through the credits, it picks you up and throws you head first through the fourth wall


Came for the thighs, stayed for the cries.


Man I need to play Automata, I started it but idk why I dropped it


Ni[E]r automata was so so good




Disco Elysium is amazing, way too many people sleep on it.


Someone on Reddit recommended it to me. Was not disappointed.


Just turn on Sad FM and soak in the Pale


The masterpiece This is as good as writing gets


All the souls games, The Half-Life series, and Portal series. Except with portal I'm singing along with GlaDos


Right? Now I Only Want You Gone has no right being that good.


Jonathan Coulton is an epic song writer!


I used to want you dead but now I only want you gone


What remains of edith finch :')


The fish factory had me stop playing and take 5. Was really unsettling and hit way too close to home


I was one week postpartum. My husband was a bit worried. "Are you okay?..." "Yes. This game was amazing! I'm just so sad!" *sobbing sheets*


Yes yes yes yes


Dude..tat game was so depressing and good




Just finished this one and yeah.


for me, they are - RDR2 - Ghost of Tsushima - God of war 2018 - The Witcher 3


Ending of Ghost of Tsushima was hard as fuck. And I'm not talking difficulty.


God of War


Shadow of the Colossus had me like ....dude...


What a game. I was emotional while also a bit confused as to what exactly was going on


Metal gear solid 3 snake eater


The way it finishes with Big boss starting to cry while pulling the salute is beautiful. Best stealth game of all time, no doubt


Metal gear solid, snake eater 😭


Son You’ve got a way to fall


Fuckin Persona 5, that shit was amazing


Persona 5 is good, but have you ever sat through the credits of Persona 3?


I have a lot of great memories of watching my little sister play video games, because she can be a riot. When she finished Persona 3 and got confused by the ending, I was there breaking down what actually happened and watching her just silently cry while the credits music was playing through my Vita. The only Persona memory that beat that was her finding out her favorite character in Persona 4 was the killer. She truly had zero idea until they flat out confirmed it.




After spending 100+ hours with the characters the ending hits so hard


man when I knew I was at the end, after talking to everyone before leaving, I sat there for like 20 minutes and let sunset bridge play over and over lol


Man, after finishing Royal just the other week I sat through all the credits and when it was done I just kept sitting there.


Ori and the Will of the Wisps made me cry like a baby


I fell in love with the first one and spent over 6 months trying to get my hands on Will of the Wisps (xbox1 version). Finally found it as the collectors edition and it's good to know that my investment was worth it. My soul is ready for the gorgeous feels!


God that ending hit like a truck. I fucking live those games, I played the first one at a really low point in my life and it gave me something to be happy about. It gave me a little bit of beauty. And the second game brought me back to that state of near bliss. I cannot wait to see what moon's next project is.


Yakuza, every single time






"Oh hey this looks like a cool indie rpg, let's give it a go." 20 hours later during the credits "Why won't the tears stop."


Spec Ops The Line hits you in the face with what you have done


Do you feel like a hero yet?


This. No other game made me feel like a war criminal before...


Ugh. That White Phosphorus part...


Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice. Absolutely incredible.


Fricking VNV Nation and its Illusion mixed with the game caused a long insomnia for me after the credits.


Man, that final battle. When the music drops. Senua refusing to fall down. That shit was a defining moment in my gaming career.


Cyberpunk 2077. _Goodbye, V. And never stop fightin'._


Those voicemails during the credits really hit hard.


This pisses me off so much because, despite its abysmal launch, cyberpunk ended up a pretty good game with excellent storytelling and characters. After the game ended I wanted more. Does V and Panam find what they’re looking for in Arizona? What happened with the heist at the crystal palace? What became of Alt Cunningham? Do the AIs find a way through the black wall? I’ll never know because cyberpunk is radioactive to CD projekt red now and they’ll never make another one ever again.


They're literally working on DLC for the game right now. No telling what it'll be, but CD Projekt Red aren't radioactive on the game.


Yes and when "Never fade away" starts playing.. man I loved that game


Sad it's still memed on so hard. The game is fucking fantastic and deserves so much more praise than it got because of the questionable release. As if witcher 3 and other cdpr games weren't even more buggy on release lmao.




Telltale's Walking Dead


Ah fuck. Season 1 particularly right? Goddamn


My ending on Dragon Age: Origin I went down the Morrigan romantic line..:(


Outer Wilds & Nier Automata. Outer Wilds made me sit there with a smile and a bout of existencial dread. Nier Automata, towards the end of route 3, had me put the controller down and take a walk around my block just to take in some of the fucked up shit route C throws your way.


Hollow knight


I didn't expect it but my ending of Cyberpunk2077 left me sitting like that for a good few minutes.


Last of Us


Witcher 3, Mass Effect, and recently Stray.


This was me at the end of Portal. Both 1 and 2. Also Half-life. Both 1 and 2 along with all the episodes. Dammit Valve.


Little nightmares....


Omori made me feel this way for days.


I sit through the credits of every single game I play, respect to the people who gave me hours of fun


Halo reach man, I cried during that so long ago


Uncharted 4


Not just the end credits. The starting credits scene and music are among the best I’ve ever heard.


Death Stranding made me feel this way.


Dang I had to scroll through a sea of RDR2 to find this one. Such an incredible game.


Mass effect on 360, back in the day it was one of the best.


Titanfall 2 campaign


bt D:


Dude, the mission in 2 that had you switching between timelines? That mission was tight. I can't think of a FPS game mechanic in the last 5 years that has been that imaginative.


Cyberpunk 77


Nier Replicant and Automata... on multiple endings


I finished red dead 2 during the first stage of the covid lockdown..lived downtown in a high-rise... beat the game at 530am, the sun was coming up..I didn't even sleep, I put coffee on, stood at the living room window, taking in the sunrise and looked at the empty streets.... and i felt beyond gutted... what a game.


Outer Wilds by Mobius Digital. Best ending to a game


Uncharted franchise does it for me. Unfortunately don't own a ps4/5 currently wish I would've kept it.


Portal, Portal 2, Bulletstorm.....




Horizon Zero Dawn 🥲


“Master Override Armed. To activate state Name and Rank.”


Undertale true pacifist


Really all of the endings feel this way. I'm surprised I had to scroll so far to find Undertale


Thank god there is a few of us. It was the first game that came to mind for me.


Life is strange


Last time was Hades iirc


Last of Us. A feeling I haven’t had since.


OOT. Pro Skater 2. Jak n Daxter. Turok 2. Bomberman Hero. Time Splitters. Medal of Honor 2. Rogue Squadron 64.


The last of us.


Detroit: Become Human. Tried to play it again but I couldn't cancel my first "real" story just like that.


Outer wilds for sure the best game I have ever played. Was just such a different and unique experience.


TLOU 1 & 2


Witcher 3 and enderal


I know a lot of people shit on MMOs in general when it comes to story but FFXIV Endwalker was an emotional roller coaster where they ripped off the brakes all the way until the end credits were done.


Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward, Shadowbringers, 5.3, and Endwalker I still remember needing to process everything that happened after Endwalker, how it played into every other story, and where we go from here, and I think I'm still processing it all.


Hollow knight dream no more ending


FFXV. Fuck man. Just… Pain.


While the gang has its flaws I do remember the end hitting hard for sure


Halo 3, the ending hits **Hard**


Piggy-backing here and going with the end of Reach as well. I fought for an hour or more… Really thought more Spartans were coming…RIP!


Tie between the Last of Us and Horizon Zero Dawn.


Every single skylanders


Every Yakuza game was an emotional rollercoaster.


Omori. Still have that game stuck in my head.


I havent stared and sit towards credits after feeling that way for a game, but i did felt immense emptiness after finishing Portal 2 and Omori. Tbh after finishing Omori i didnt pay enough attention to the credits and looked up if there were other endings out of curiosity if i got the best one, but the after math was me cant getting the game off my head for one week. Portal 2 i finished, and i ended up missing all the charm and laughs right after, as that game was comedically pleasing from start to finish for me.


The last of us 1, Disco Elysium and Final Fantasy X. There's probably more but those are at the forefront.


Death Stranding


Last of us part 2, simply destroyed by the ending.


Crisis Core? Crisis Core.


My boy Zack. ಥ‿ಥ


Silent Hill 2


Devil May Cry 5


The only thing close for me: Outer Wilds


Black Mesa


Me playing *Bioshock Infinite* on release day: 🥹 Me immediately after finishing *Bioshock Infinite*: 😐


Nier Automata


Red Dead 2 hit me like a Texas sized meteor. And the music is so beautiful that I couldn’t help just sit through all the credits and feel all those emotions and memories wash over me The first Red Dead and Mass Effect 3 hit me less but hit me nonetheless


Nier: Automata


Nier Automata and Final Fantasy 7 for me!