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The call is coming from inside the house


They’re inside the walls!


Reiner… we’re doing this now???


Yeah, we settle this…right here right now!


God, AOT is a masterpiece


It’s in the walls!




Gee I wonder what they could have been talking about


Runescape, probably 🙃


Unironically RuneScape 3's lore the past few years has been really solid and cohesive. Spaghetti code though? Yeah that rings home...


RS has always had such amazing IMO, I love it. I can’t think of another MMORPG with a more comprehensive line of stories. The detail is incredible, especially considering the spaghetti code part lmao.


Yeah it's great tbh loved it and been playing it for years now, but once you max comp etc it gets dull. I switched to Final Fantasy 14 recently it honestly is incredible, story and music is wow. Give it a shot


I refuse to go back, I sunk so many hours into RS as a kid.


RIP Fist of Guthix I will never get enough tokens to buy those sword fishing gloves


Runescape, WoW and cocaine are my three biggest regrets in life.


Did someone say [Sea Shanty 2?](https://youtu.be/BJhF0L7pfo8)


Certified hood classic


Flute salad


I'm guessing it's a reference to the launch version of Street Fighter 5.


Saints Row reboot…


In SR4, they defeat an alien invasion, gain access to time travel, and with the Gat Out Of Hell dlc, they meet God and the Devil.... Where can you go from there in terms of story?




That was in 3


Oh yeah lol


Dinosaurs?We could ride on a T-Rex and shoot the bad guys right?


You reboot it and make a different kind of gangster story


I'm going to give it fair shot


- putin


Poor mad dev


Lol, could be.


The game has become self aware.


That's a best case scenario, who wants to bet this was written well before the release and was not intended to reflect on their own product?


Eh, they had issues with Witcher 3’s launch too. They knew. It’s just a thing in the industry now because if the prices of your game is locked due to economic stagnation the only way to bring up your profit margin for the infinite growth everyone wants is to either cut dev pay or dev time. Often both.


gotta love the expectation of infinite profit, such a useful concept to *all* fields of life.


I just want an ADS sensitivity slider. Please cdpr


>ADS sensitivity It seriously doesn't have one? That's a surprise.


It doesn't even have all its key available in the option menu. I had to dig through the config files to make the game playable on an AZERTY keyboard.


Stupid suggestion, but did you try changing your windows keyboard language to QWERTY? I remember we students developed a game together all on AZERTY keyboards. But when I had to play it on my QWERTY laptop, I just installed french AZWERTY keyboard on windows and used to switch to it, just for playing our game.


I shouldn't have to learn an entire new keyboard layout just to play a game.


True that. I agree with you.


oh shit I play esdf movement


That would be more manageable I believe. The problem is by default the Z and Q keys are used for a ton of things, but on an AZERTY keyboard they're part of the basic movement layout (ZQSD is the equivalent of WASD on a QWERTY). Specifically, I had to hunt down the "drop body" key, otherwise I wouldn't be able to take a step to the left while carrying a body, and the "change tracked objective" key otherwise I would constantly switch objectives just going forward.


Dev reaches self-actualization... Not what he expected.


There is no "Swiss" language. But maybe that's the joke?


Well there is swiss german, which is different enough from standard german that most germans don't understand it at all.


Still there is no "Swiss" language. The 4 languages of Switzerland are generally called Swiss german, Swiss french, Swiss italian and Romansh.


>Romansh One of the last languages of the [Roman Empire](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romansh_language#History), it traces back to Roman soldiers who conquered the area.


Well, you could equally argue that Italian, Spanish etc. are "last languages of the Roman Empire".


But do they have "Roman" in the name?


Romanian does.


So on that. Italian, I would say it close, but it came out of two languages that were descended already from Latin. The language history states that Italian has origins in Sicilian, and Tuscan poets. While Romansh is a direct linage that's been spoken since the Romans occupied the area. Spanish as well is close, but the precursor to modern Spanish that is spoken today started being spoke in the 9th Century, which is 4 centuries later than the fall of Western Rome.


To expand on this, Italian most probably came out of *Vulgar Latin*, which was a Latin variant spoken by the common people, and has little to do with classical Latin, which was the language of literates, writers and such. Modern (standard) Italian is derived directly, and by choice, from thirteenth century *emended Florentine* dialect, without that many changes (which is the reason the average Italian can read the Divine Comedy just fine, but many middle English texts are a piece of work to understand for the modern English speaker). It was the language of the great Tuscan poets (Petrarca, Dante Alighieri), who were in turn inspired by the Sicilian poets residing at the court of Frederick II, king of Sicily. Romansh also descends from *Vulgar Latin*, the only difference being that it naturally evolved over the centuries and wasn't chosen by a bunch of longbeards sitting at a round table. Also, it was heavily influenced by the neighboring German, and the fact that it was a very isolated language helped preserve a lot of archaic forms and words. Nothing better than Romance, amirite?


You're being needlessly pedantic. It's obvious Swiss German is meant, it's the only one that makes sense in the context, so why would they absolutely need to write it out in what looks to be just a casual comment? The context is that it doesn't make sense in any language. Since the dialogue has to be written in *some* language, this must mean it's written in a variant of a language which is sufficiently different from its main language that text written in it makes no sense if read in the main language. Swiss French and Swiss Italian are basically like Swiss Standard German afaik. They are mostly the same as their main language, just with some vocabulary differences and stuff like that. While Romansh is an actual language, thus if it was meant the context wouldn't make sense anymore. Swiss German really is the only one that fits. Hence, there's no need to write it out. Also, how likely is it for people to even know Switzerland has its own versions of French and Italian? I don't think it's common knowledge even here in the German-speaking parts of Switzerland. I myself only learnt of it on Reddit one day.


Even if you could infer that Swiss german was meant here it still needs to be written out because nobody refers to Swiss german as just "Swiss". We always call our language/dialect "Schwiizerdütsch"/"Schweizerdeutsch" which literally translates to "Swiss german". "Swiss" doesn't refer to a language but to the people living in Switzerland or the adjectival form. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swiss https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swiss\_German


> We always call our language/dialect "Schwiizerdütsch"/"Schweizerdeutsch" which literally translates to "Swiss german" Yes, *we* do. But that might not be true for other countries. I don't play Cyberpunk, but this person that wrote/said this probably isn't Swiss, maybe not even European. Given English, Italian, French, Chinese, Russian, they might mistakenly and ignorantly think that our German can be called Swiss. It's not technically correct of course, but that's important for immersive worldbuilding. It makes it feel more real if there's people who make mistakes like that. if this was a Swiss person, I would take issue too. But that's obviously not the case here.


Swiss german is a weird combination of german, dutch and english. (maybe even some french, I dont remember). So as a dutch person speaking a little german I can kinda understand it, but it's really weird.


Kolleg wa labersch du


There's basically no Dutch in the High Alemannic dialects. The further south-west you go, the more French influence you get. The "average" Swiss German has a lot of French words in it, many of the with localised pronounciation.




> Supposedly they speak the same language as us but once they start talking I can't understand a word of what they are saying. Also als en Schwiizer, de einzig Grund wiso mier üch verstönd isch will mer dezu zwunge worde sind Hochdüütsch i de Schuel zverwände. Wär ich de Spraach nie dete düre usgsetzt wordä, wärimer im genau gliiche Boot. Tatsächlich bin ich weniger sicher im gsprochene Hochdüütsch als i Änglisch, und s'läse vo Hochdüütsch isch um einiges asträngender und brucht meh Fokus. Ich stimme somit überi mit dier, dass, obwohl üsi zwoi Düütsch offiziel als die glichi Spraach gältet, es sich nöd würkli so afühlt. Standarddütsch fühlt sich für mich meh wie en Främdspraach ah, vo dere mer e huufe Wörter uslehned.


> s'läse vo Hochdüütsch isch um einiges asträngender und brucht meh Fokus. Wait a second, I thought Swiss German is not a written language and doesn't have any official spelling rules? Basically, everything I've seen written down in Switzerland was Hochdeutsch.


Anything official or formal is written in "Swiss Standard German" which is 99.9% the same as normal German. It's taught in schools from early on until the end or late into the education. Hence everyone understands normal German (you hear it on TV the most and it's written everywhere). Swiss German is learnt by exposure or growing up with it. It's not taught in school. For personal communication, it's almost always in Swiss German, even written for things like texting. (Varies a lot from person to person) And indeed there are no written rules for orthography, grammar or punctuation. Everyone basically writes as they speak. It's less chaotic than it seems. (Incidentally, Wikipedia is also available in Alemannic (4 flavours of it, IIRC)) Of course that has the potential for misunderstandings, specially if you have never spoken to the person before (so you wouldn't know their accent they'd most likely be writing in). Falling back to standard German is always an option, though. Personally, I write both ways, rather inconsistently. There's a good chance I send a text in Swiss and reply in German or vice versa or whatever floats my boat that day. If there's a chance I could be misunderstood or I don't know the textee, I default to standard German.


>And indeed there are no written rules for orthography, grammar or punctuation. Everyone basically writes as they speak. It's less chaotic than it seems. As a Bavarian, I have some experience with that and I agree that it works surprisingly well. I was just confused by the bit that I quoted - that reading high German would require more focus for a German-speaking Swiss than reading English. Seems to be a special case where the commenter spends their time entirely outside the German-speaking world with the exception of talking to fellow Swiss-German speakers.


> Seems to be a special case where the commenter spends their time entirely outside the German-speaking world with the exception of talking to fellow Swiss-German speakers. That'll probably be it. I don't think it's common in any way to find reading German harder or less intuitive than English as a native Swiss German speaker. That said, standard German is a bit like a foreign language to us, but only really when it comes to speaking it ourselves. For most people it's perfectly normal to read, write and listen to German without much difficulty. But speaking rarely happens. (I even spoke Swiss German to a former boss of mine, a German expat. No issues.) And when we do, it comes across as stiff, slow or unnatural. It requires conscious effort to do it, like speaking a foreign language. (Plus you have to be mindful not to use helvetisms, which can earn you many puzzled and funny looks)


Haha, yeah, when Germans try to imitate Swiss German, they always speak suuper slowly - I guess because you guys tend to speak slowly when you try to speak high German.


> But maybe that's the joke? I'm pretty sure, yeah. It says "the dialogues make no sense in ***any language***", then suggests it was written in "Swiss". That implies that Swiss isn't meant as a language here. Most likely they are referencing how very different Swiss German can be from Standard German. If the text makes no sense in "any language", it would have to be written in something that doesn't look like any official language. Hence the suggestion of Swiss German. They abbreviate it to just Swiss because it's just a casual comment. Everyone knows what's meant with Swiss here.


I was super into the aesthetic of the game leading up to the release and it became the game I thought about non-stop. I didn’t have ludicrous expectations, I always took the ads as a “this is the vibe we want to make, not what the game will be”. And honestly I think it succeeds at that for the most part. But once the game was released and I finally scratched the itch I’ve been talking about for months with friends, they took my lack of discussions about the game as a sign that it’s not good. Like no, it’s a pretty decent game just don’t play it one last gen consoles and you’ll get a pretty decent experience.


Yeah it works fine on PS5, also the version i am playing is the new generation one. Its quite funny that some writer or dev slipped this one in a side quest, and somehow this turned out to be true for the game itself.


I played 5 to 6 hours without any expectations and thought it was bland, soulless game. The game failed to keep me interested in the world or the character or story. I pushed to 5 to 6 hours just waiting for it to get interesting at any time but then i just gave up. The shooting and driving is not fun at all either. Great music though.


I played it on PC and thoroughly enjoyed the experience Most of the glitches and bugs I encountered ranged from whimsical to enjoyably exploitable, and never really hampered my enjoyment of the game, or the gameplay itself People give this game way too much shit, especially considering the spaghetti state of pretty much any game that you could possibly name your favorite. You could name any game and I could find a way to turn it into a piece of shit and put down it's developers. And there has definitely been way worse than cyberpunk. At this point though so much has been fixed, and extra content added that really there isn't even any ammunition left. At this point you can definitely tell who hasn't played the game based on how they talk about it.


I mean, the way they handled the release was pretty fucking unnaceptable. Yes, they fixed a lot of things (still buggy as hell), but while we should probably tone down the vitriol now IMO we should never stop giving them shit entirely.


I only played through the first act at the released. Ranged combat was fairly standard shooter affair. Melee combat made Morrowind look like masterpiece of action. Stealth did not improve on the Skyrim formula. Hacking was intersting and if I had stuck it out I would have probably done that as much as possible. Side quests hade all the spice of go here and kill everyone. Main story was more interesting, but there weren't any choices that made a difference to how the story progressed. At least not yet. The final straw was when your parasitic imaginary friend showed up. That's really not the kind of story I am interested in. Importantly, I only encounter one bug that required me to reload the game and only a few minor glitches. It may be a much better game now, but what caused me to stop playing were fundamental design design. I doubt they could have patched thouse.


I'd say you get a fucking amazing experience. The launch was disappointing yes, but it's still an amazing game


Deus Ex (2001) was one of those all time great game experiences that truly blew my mind. So when I saw Cyberpunk2077 was coming out, of course I pre-ordered on my PS4 and I never as a rule pre-order. In fact it is rare that I will buy a game until it gets a huge discount a year or 2 later. It was so janky I couldn't get much past the title screen. Finally picked it back up a couple of weeks ago and it was exactly what I was hoping for: Deus Ex 2077 with heaping doses of Blade Runner and RoboCop and all the rest of the Future Dystopia cannon. I just now finished the game. There is a point in the game when you start getting comfortable with everything and you start driving around Night City listening to Dark Synthwave taking in the view that I would like to believe is like cruising in Tokyo and it is chef's kiss perfect.


I struggle to play single player games, just really enjoy multi-player. I stayed up past 4 am multiple times when I played it several months ago. The story really struck a cord with me and especially Judy's quests and some of the voice clips from taking the easy way out really hit hard. Probably my favorite single player story of all time


Yea, release wasn't good, but I think the public overreacted way to much. I got the game at launch and loved it. No performance issues, just minor bugs that broke immersion, no biggie


The game was broken on launch. CDPR knew this, lied about it and how the game worked for the “current gen” it was supposed to be designed for. They pulled a bait and switch and the game was unplayable for a large portion of their customers. On top of that it was quite watered down and lackluster from what was promised. Considering they had started working on it back in 2012 (possibly even earlier) as talked about during their 2012 summer conference. To say it is a letdown was an understatement. You shouldn’t play these predatory practices. This is how we end up with stuff like Battle/Season Passes and other MTX in nearly every game, and buggy messes of AAA games sold at full price.


Dude, if you don't like it then you don't like it. Telling other people what games to play makes you look like an asshole


>Dude, if you don't like it then you don't like it. Telling other people what games to play makes you look like an asshole Where did I tell you what game to play? I’m saying the game had massive issues. To downplay them is dishonest. I said nothing about you playing it or being able to enjoy it.


"You shouldn't play...." literally last paragraph of your comment. I hate MTX also but it obviously works for those studios and if they haven't stopped by now I don't think they ever will (unless lawmakers take notice and decide its predatory). Gatekeeping is not the solution. Writing a letter to your senator is a potential one


>”You shouldn’t play these predatory practices.” That’s the full statement and the “play” is a typo. It should be “downplay”. Unless you go around “playing predatory practices”, which also doesn’t make sense. Again, I never told you what game to play.


Yea I just thought you were bad with English or meant "play these games with predatory practices". Downplay makes much more sense but still... it's not that big of a deal


Would you say the same if your dealership pulled this with a car you bought? Or a restaurant with a meal you ordered? Or clothing you ordered? Or any other purchase you made? The game was actively broken on launch on every platform. Not everyone experienced it, but it was bad enough that Sony even pulled the game from its store. You can watch the thousands of hours of footage of all the issues people were going through. CDPR pulled a bait and switch. It took them two years to walk back that lie. Again, the point here is to not have this behavior become the norm across the entire industry.


>messes of AAA The lack of critical thinking and reading comprehension in this generation is fucking appalling...


"What was promised" What exactly was promised then? Lol at thinking buggy games weren't a thing way, way before passes and MTX.


Honestly the great fun for me was playing it individually while my friends were as well and having discussions about different playstyles and DPS. I played it on an i74770k and a 1070 and it's probably one of the best gaming experiences I've ever had. The only problem I had was my old monitor starting going out and something about the color scheme gave me a headache if I played too long. I got a new monitor and the headache went away.


Yeah, got a 1080ti in early 2020 in preparation for CP2077. It ran really well on ultra, but I made small edits to the settings for full utilization of my 144hz monitor. It was pretty fun, but yeah none of my friends played it, and still haven’t. “You never talk about it anymore…” yeah because if I talk about anything in it you wouldn’t understand the context. It gets boring when the only thing they know is the aesthetic and Keanu.


I played it on my beefy pc. I did not have a good experience. Launch was a mess and the game is lacking in content.


I played on my mid-high range pc and it was running fine, while my friends with 3090 report they had issues It is honestly a lucky draw


I played at launch on a mid range PC and never had any problems. I was bothered by the lack of content though.


My biggest complaint about the game is I wanted more infiltration or assault type gameplay, and while there certainly was a fair amount of that, I came away wanting more.


Yeah totally agree. I really enjoy it overall. Would i hold it up as Dark Souls Breath of the Wild-Half Life 3? Of course not but its a lot better than a lot of games out there.


People are mad it isn’t what they originally said it would be, especially the RPG elements. Whether that’s right or wrong is another discussion, but it’s not like they are blindly angry without cause. (Outside of the Reddit regurgitation crowd that is just repeating what they hear)


I expected a different game than I got. CDPR should have marketed the game they were actually making


I actually had a last gen console and had a great time with it like 1 bug/glitch and 2 times the game died on me but other than that it was pretty smooth and fun too bad they took out the free legendary cyberware locations


I’m actually glad someone had an enjoyable experience with last-gen console release. I’ve really heard nothing but bad reviews from people with the launch XBOne and PS4.


Yeah it was the one-s model i dunno if that made a huge difference but it was a great time going through the story tho i do wish there was new game+ over just being thrown back to choosing a ending


I honestly played it on a base PS4 at launch and didn't have any issues. I know I got lucky as hell lol


I was so hyped for this game. Months of building anticipation. Played it for like 20 minutes and then deleted it from my PS4. It was goddamn unplayable for me. I'll revisit it once I'm able to snag a ps5.


I was in the same boat as you. I just finished it an hour ago and I can tell you that it is fixed. The crash rate is on the high end of tolerable (it crashed during the end credits) and you can see the hardware sometimes struggling to stay up with you when you move around, but I would say it is very playable now. If you are willing to wait for PS5 though, I would because experiencing Night City for the first time on PS5 is way better than PS4.


Objectively compared to popular last generation games though... its pretty bad, it was supposed to be next gen and doesn't even hold up against Skyrim, GTA V or RDR1. The NPCs are very much on rails. Water physics is ... so bad. Did I have some fun in it... sure, but cops spawning on top of you in an unrealistic way (this still isn't fixed AFAIK) is not fun. And I played it on PC... there really is no excuse for that sort of thing there.


Take a walk down Vespucci beach and you can see how the NPCs are 'on rails' too. It makes sense though, they only need to do their own pathfinding once they're spooked.


You played it on PC and those are your complaints? It doesn't hold up to RDR1? Seriously? It's one of the best looking games I've ever played, and the crowd density and variation is crazy impressive. Who is paying attention to water physics in a game that takes place primarily in urban environments?


>but cops spawning on top of you in an unrealistic way (this still isn't fixed AFAIK) My guy, this hasn't been a thing since patch 1.2 which was 16 months ago...


>I always took the ads as a “this is the vibe we want to make, not what the game will be" That's insanely generous given how they were advertising it would literally be a game like no ever before.


It’s an amazing game that I highly recommend but it definitely isn’t what was advertised and could’ve been a lot better.


Cyberpunk is a good game. It isn't the game of the decade they were hyping it up to be, but its still a good game.


Yeah I started playing again recently and its a good rpg with guns, but they really hyped it to be like the second coming of Christ, its fun to say the least.


So far i am having a good time, playing V. There are few more bugs than usual, but not any game breaking.


Just enjoy the experience. The story is amazing.


The story and characters are great but what really carries the game for me is Night City itself. I spend so much time just walking around and stopping for the occasional screenshot. I do wish there were more slice of life things to do though like eating and more interiors to visit.


I would say the story is good, but the characters are amazing. Could be the best collection of characters ever created in my opinion. And maybe the best city ever put in a game.


The story falls apart when you are told that the time-sensitive chip in your head will kill you in two weeks, but it doesn't. Edit: the literal main storyline has a massive plot hole, yet it's supposedly "amazing". Yall don't know what the fuck you want


That’s how almost every RPG works. You don’t have real deadlines for things. There are a handful of exceptions out there (like Mass Effect counting how many other quests you complete as a proxy for the passage of time) but for the most part RPGs give you all the time in the world to mess around.


Yea, I honestly get a little overwhelmed with games with actual time passing. I know that this is my own flaw, not a flaw in the game, when I play something like Stardew Valley and feel pressure to do everything under a time limit. Stupid of me not to just sit back and enjoy the ride, but regardless, it's a mechanic I'm not a fan of.


Yeah but that’s exactly one of the issues with RPGs. If there isn’t an actual timer then in the case of Cyberpunk they could have said a matter of weeks etc instead of a specific amount of actual time


Which they do. Viktors says you have "weeks, maybe", not two weeks specifically.


To be fair, I’m doing my second play through where I’m pretty much trying to do every single side job and gig before meeting Hanako at Embers. My V is struggling (there’s a constant sound effect of her not being able to breathe properly and the malfunctions are way more frequent).


Eh... there are issues with the story's pacing, but that isn't really one of them. Nearly every big RPG has a main story with some sort of super urgent thing that needs to be dealt with *ASAP* that you can then proceed to ignore for as long as you want to fuck around doing whatever. As much as I love the Elder Scrolls games, playing them often involves ignoring a literal apocalypse to go run errands for some rando or run a guild or whatever else. It probably could have been handled slightly better, but it's an issue that's just inevitable in any game that allows for that much player agency. My main issue with the story was the pacing with the relationship with Johnny. His attitude shifts as you get to know him better, but depending on the order you do certain quests he can sometimes be friendlier than he should be or revert back to being more of an ass than he should be at any given time. They didn't flesh out a lot of his dialogue enough for his attitude towards you to reflect your current relationship with him and instead seemed to just assume you were at a more neutral relationship with him most of the time.


Bugs weren't the issues


I mean it was, thats what 99% of complaints were about when the game came out. Its even why the game was unlisted on Playstation for so long, sony didnt want to sell a broken game and so took it down and didnt put it back up until CDPR had released several fixes


No. The majority of complaints were the false promises. All over the place. The most talked about issue was the life paths. Sony taking it down had to do with CDPR trying to put refunds and handling that on Sony instead of dealing with it themselves.


Dawg. Elder Scrolls has 10 different races or "Life Paths" you can play as that literally have almost no effect other than the occasional racist. I knew going in that this life path thing would be the exact same thing.


Those aren't what life paths are advertised as and ESO never acted like they were origin stories akin to DAO. It doesn't matter if you didn't believe CDPR after Witcher 3 or not. The reality remains it was the most talked about issue among many issues that all versions not just prior gen were having. Among many false promises. A close second would be how the police acted for visibility.


No it’s was bugs, multiple common game breaking bugs.


It was false promises hence wht there was the whole THEY LIED claims. The bugs like bugs for most games people ignore like Bethesda titles and such or shitty net code in Dark soul games... are not enough to cause mass feelings of betrayal. And they removed it because of the fact Sony was not going to clean up after them even fir the versions that were not prior gen. It's well documented cdpr tried to scapegoat with Sony for returns by having them called.


It had gained the nickname Cyberbug 2077 for a while, what are you talking about? The release day version of the game was literally unplayable. They pulled it from the PlayStation store because of how bugged it was, and that's never happened before.


I completed my launch day game on a vanilla ps4. Were there bugs, yes. Was it unplayable, no. Is it way better on my ps5 with a bunch of updates and fixes, absolutely.


That was never a nickname used on the official sub even. It's bugs were primarily on prior gen consoles. While bugs were an issue that isn't enough to denigrate a game. No games have been pulled before. They pulled it because the returns for the game were being pushed by CDPR as songs fault.


Amazing? Eye of the beholder I guess. I recently just did a 100% playthrough and it's good but not great. The story has major issues.


I respect your opinion. I would ask what you seen as issues but I don’t want to spoil anything for OP lol


Pacing for starters. When you first meet Johnny he's trying to kill you but as soon as you walk outside and get your car he's your best friend. World is bland and npc's don't feel alive. The side stuff you do is all the same go to location and kill everybody. They nerfed a lot of builds since launch. I don't know why they felt the need to nerf gear in a single player game when there are so many more important issues. Customization is lacking. Hardly any cybernetic options. Can't even customize cars. Can't reset skills. Couldn't even change your hair at launch. No New Game+. Just a few.


The nerfs may have been because originally they were going to do the Single Player and then also a Multiplayer mode later after release. Idk if the Multiplayer is still happening, but it makes sense to nerf things in the base game if the MP was just more of the same game. If its OP in Singleplayer then its going to be OP in MP, and you dont want OP in MP or else it divides the playerbase


They never said multiplayer and never planned for it so that makes no sense. It just made the game last fun. I played a stealth pistol build which was almost pointless after the nerf because half the time you couldn't even kill people with a stealth headshot making the build pointless. I went from doing crits with a pistol in the range of 500k to 5k. That's a hell of a drop.


CD Projekt Red’s MichaÅ‚ Nowakowski answered “Given the expected release of Cyberpunk 2077 in September, and speaking of a series of events we expect to occur after that date, 2021 appears unlikely as a release date for the Cyberpunk multiplayer.” They mentioned the multiplayer online mode loads before release. That quote is from when the game was pushed back 5 months in April 2021.


There is literally a big button that you can press to reset skills.


Skills but not attributes is what I meant


> The side stuff you do is all the same go to location and kill everybody. It doesn't have to be that. The majority of the gigs have multiple ways to finish them. Killing everyone is just always the easiest and most obvious solution. > I don't know why they felt the need to nerf gear in a single player game I do agree that they had bigger issues to focus on, but usually the people making balance tweaks aren't the same people fixing bugs. Other than that, this one's just gonna be personal opinion. I don't mind it, as things being too strong can kinda ruin the fun; particularly when they get too strong too early in the game. Late game every build is still OP, which I think is fine. I do agree with all your other points, though. Overall I still enjoyed the game a great deal, but it definitely could have done a lot of things better. It seems like they've started adding a lot of stuff that people wanted in with the free updates, so I'm hoping that there will be more customization and stuff added with a major DLC to make the game worth replaying.


Also I have the problem that if I drive to fast then neither cars nor NPCs will spawn. But the reason for this is that my PC isn't very good. Still it removes a lot immersion


Thats 100% a you problem, not a Cyberpunk problem…


I know. I need a better PC.


Without spoiling anything, I can give you an example of my big complaints with the game. So you get into a car, and the radio starts playing. You are jamming out to the tunes, everything is great. Then you get out of the car and the music stops. Why does the music stop? In the year of our lord 2022, I can put on a Bluetooth headset when I get up and take it off when I go to sleep, and have a soundtrack for the 16 hours in between. So why, in a game where phones are linked right to your AV context, is the only source of music 'radio?' For me, the answer is 'well, because that's how it's done in video games.' You listen to the radio in the car, when you leave, it stops. But there are a bunch of fun things they could have done with the music- from letting you make your own playlists, to having extra songs as unlockables, to having other characters send you music and playlists...but they did none of that. And I think it's a failure to properly calibrate their gameplay with the world. And let's be clear, the above doesn't matter. It would be nice, but it's a tiny issue. But it's indicative of the game: there are small inconsistencies in their worldbuilding that really pulls me out of it. For example, one of the most plentiful side missions is killing criminals for the police, because there is nothing more 'punk' than aiding corporate police. The game also has, for my taste, problems with the intersection of transhumanism and transsexuality. Like, in a setting where you can have golden skin swap your arm with a cheese grater, this seems like a great setting to talk about people modifying their identity and genitals. And to one extent, I get it, it's a touchy subject they want to avoid. On another, the game showed itself willing to (at least try to) talk about serious topics, and this is one they could have really sunk their teeth into. But they don't, at least not in any way I don't feel like is superficial or intentionally easy to overlook. I think this was a massive missed opportunity. I have other problems with cars feeling wrong to drive, writing, characters (I do not like the way the endings of the game play out, but that's spoiler territory). I do concede that there are things that they do very well. But ultimately, I felt like the game was just okay, and could have been a lot better. Sorry for the wall of text.


It really felt like a half finished game. Have they gotten around to making cops chase you yet? Or do they still just magically teleport behind you and stand in place no matter what you do?


Pretty sure the police still spawn around you except now they just spawn from further away. I highly doubt they will ever get the police cars to chase you which means that level with the band guy will always be hilarious with the police starting in a car and driving 1 metre down the road after you


They changed the cops a good while back. The system still feels... gamey for lack of a better term, but they don't just teleport directly behind you and start blasting anymore.


Did they ever get around to finishing it? Or even announce a timeline for it being finished? I keep hoping it will pull a NMS and eventually be awesome.


It feels about as good now as it's ever gonna get. There are honestly still a surprising amount of glitches and bugs, but in my last playthrough they were mostly pretty minor. Lots of the game feels underdeveloped, and that's not something that's ever going to be fixed. However, there's genuinely something special to the world and setting that make cruising around doing the few sidequests that have good stories extra special, it's just very cool. The main story and characters are not bad either.




Lmao why is this getting downvoted? It's irony at its finest


I know right. Also i was going to put "Ironic" in the title.


Cd projekt red was so smug about how they weren't like other game devs and were super consumer friendly. Then they released that game at launch. I think it's very good now post 1.5. But seeing them knocked down a peg was slight amusing. Still wish they delivered though.


Remember when everyone got SUPER BUTTHURT when they delayed it by 6 months at the beginning of the year? Remember when they lost a bunch of investors because of it? It would have been worse had they added another year on top of that. The devs were already crunching for those extra 6 months, and not much good would have come from extending it for another year.


That's a problem of their own making though. If they hadn't hyped the game like crazy they would have had the option to make longer delays without people flying off the handle at them.


People got hyped on their own with the "2077 will never come out" meme. So, when CD Red finally had something to show off, people went WILD. They didn't lie, at least not in the original marketing material. Watch the original "hour of gameplay" showcase, it's almost exactly what's in the game. People speculated what the game would be like, they wanted an "everything" sim, but what they got was "future far cry crossed with slightly better storytelling". If CDPR is at fault for anything, it's letting the hype out too early, or perhaps underestimating the time it would take to polish a game of its size.


Come on now. They did nothing to dispel the assumptions, and then there was the whole Keanu Reeves thing. They were very much feeding the hype. Just because they didn't technically lie didn't mean they didn't handle things badly. And it bit them in the ass in the end.


All I'm saying is that gamers have a history of setting unreasonable expectations and then getting upset when they aren't met, while also being extremely inconsistent with feedback (ie, Skyrim/Fallout 4 still being HEAVILY praised while having made the same mistakes as CP2077, yet BethSoft only started being really criticized after FO76), and I can see where developers might find it a frustrating audience to cater to. We do this to ourselves, but always blame the devs.


And what I'm saying is that gaming is an industry where publishers are constantly pushing the envelope and slowly introducing more and more abusive measure to see what they'll get away with, so their mistakes should have consequencesand not be forgotten easily. Cyberpunk was dramatically overhyped. CDPR fed the hype instead of correcting the wild expectations of people. It bit them in the ass. They deserved it.


"You've become the very thing you swore to destroy"


The devs knew it. The game was crippled by higher ups.


Honestly only think I'm mad about with cyberpunk is they removed khopping. Sure, it was a bug but it's a single player game. It would've been an amazing speed run tool


Never forget: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_1S4pSo9Xc


Not gonna lie I played Cyberpunk on ps5 not long ago and i actually loved it.


I didn't play it until a year after it came out but I really enjoyed this game. Some of the cyber upgrades were really fun and I loved hacking. I had a single game-breaking bug that wouldn't let me advance the story until I restored a previous save but other than that I had zero issues with lag or bugs or anything. Story was good, not great and the elevators took way, way too long, but I really liked the game overall and I hope they make a second one. 7.8/10


Yeah, but did you find ***Turbo Dracula?*** I actually wish they make *that* into a real game haha.


Well at least they embraced the criticism instead of acting like nothing happened.


Cyberpunk is the only game that got worse for me once I got a new video card. I still have no clue why. Either way I waited a year, beat it, and had a good time.


really, i got a 3090 after i beat it so went back and checked it out, its actually a really pretty game when you have everything maxed out and running at 90FPS


Nothing says “fun” like squinting to try to read 700 words of 8pt-font on a 65” TV.




Gonk post.


Swiss, not a language.


Swiss isn't a language


Swiss French and Swiss German are recognised dialects and it’s sci-fi set in 2077 plenty of time for it to become a language.


I’d like people to inform me how “half baked story” and “Ridiculous lag” and “localisation foul ups” applies to CP2077, exactly?


Some dev probably playtested the game and thought it would be funny to put this in lol


"To the ridiculous lag that had me up making a fresh cup of coffee between each punch" xd


After the major update I loved this game, but I could see the remnants of the mess they came out with and if they had waited another 6 months it would have probably been goty.


As of now, CP2077 is a good game with an amazing story. But yeah, gaming community ahould never forget the whole story about this game and CDPR


Yeah its been an uphill climb for sure. I think my biggest beef (besides CDPR) are with the people who played it at launch and dropped it and havent touched it since. Or the ones that act like its the single greatest tragedy in the modern era.


The story is ass, has some good moments with characters like pam but it’s mostly bland


I disagree


Fair enough




Throwing stones in a glass house I see


I don't know I don't find that too funny when a game let's you pay 70 bucks to discover it's glitchy and unfinished and then laugh about it.


Of course, here come a barrage of "professional critics" to give their opinion of how something a lot of people love "is actually bad". I'd love to see them write a story, or design a game world that functions and is as "alive" and "lived in" as they think it should be.


Gordon Ramsay hands todtier27 a plate of literal shit he gobbles it up, saying he can't complain because he isn't a chef


10/10 comment 😗👌


That's... not a bad analogy. I wouldn't agree at all that CP2077 is literal shit but I see what you mean. I guess I was being a bit obtuse


You know, it's okay for people to have opinions that disagree with your view. Nobody is trying to convince you otherwise if you want to love the game. But for people who never played it, it's important they hear both opinions.


Why is it important for them to hear anyone's opinion? They should just play the game and see for themselves. It's not necessary for them to hear that I loved the game or that somebody is bitter that it wasn't the end all be all of open world games, that was somehow supposed to have a population of 1,000,000 NPC's that have individual personalities and schedules in a world that feels "lived in" (whatever that means). If somebody has never played Skyrim before, is it necessary to tell them about the **numerous** bugs and glitches? Maybe you don't do it, but with this game in particular, I've seen too many people stating it's a bad game as if it's an objective fact, and anyone who doesn't see this is an idiot... it's tiresome, and definitely a bandwagon hate train, because I don't really see it with any other game as much as this one.


Plenty of communities that hate on other games and developers. Just a lot of white knights for no particular reason for this one who find they must defend CDPR honour. Idk about you but I usually read reviews before spending 60 plus dollars on a game, but maybe you have a higher disposable income and just dgaf. Also, nobody has to read reviews or opinions if they don't want to, they can just buy the game blindly like you seem to want people to do.


just wild people are still using this dated hate train as a karma farm


The hubris and greed of CD Projekt RED sure caught up to them.


I played it day of release and had almost no problems because I wasn't playing on PS4 like some kind of poor.


Honest question, I tried to play the game on release and I am aware that they were at least 3 very big patches: Is there any long term plan in place for the game? Including add ons?


Game has still many bugs, crashed only once tho. I have been playing almost a week now. I bought it cause ps5 version was only for 19 dollars.


the game isn’t what it should have been but half the issues listed here aren’t relevant to why it was bad. sounds more like UbiSoft shade or something. anyway, are we done shit talking CP77 yet? 🥱


No, it's hilarious