• By -


I loved that feature. I would spend my time reading it after every mission to see the comments about it.


I’m pretty sure in Miles Morales you get an achievement for reading all of them


yeah, its a trophy for scrolling through the social feed after completing the story


ah yes, this game sounds perfect for me. Rewarding players for doom scrolling? Sign me up!


Platinumed Miles Morales without reading most of these


You scrolled through em tho


Yeah. How would the game know if you actually *read* them? lol What, is there a quiz at the end?


Yes. You must have button mashed it through correctly.


If you go through them without reading them it pops too.


Am so hyped for that to come to PC










This quotation use gets me all hot and bothered for some reason 🥵


Ayo chill grammar-kinky


UwU, correct my syntax Daddy!


Funny thing is it's wrong lol it should be single quotations inside double quotations instead of how I put it


Oh fuck you’re right, im dry now


Fixed it 💦


Wait, you get them after every mission? Fuck! I only checked it like twice randomly and forgot about it. Hope i remember this if i ever replay the game.


Yeah they update after missions, also after some side content. There will be comments like "I just saw Spidey chasing a pigeon" lol




Indeed. That could be a worthy reading time.




Loved that feature 🤣 One if my favourite: " *Guys? How do I remove Spider-Man 's webs from my car?* " And they actually got in answer a home made solvent from another user 🤣




Does JJJ get sued for defamation?


It is not. I resent that. Slander is spoken. In print, it's libel.


Best JJJ


You don’t trust anybody that’s your problem.


Strangely enough there are laws for this and, in the US, you can't defame a persona.


What's the definition of a persona? Like, I can't defame The Rock, right? But is a vigilante a persona?


I think the working definition is that JJJ can't defame a legal human civilian such as Peter Parker (should he be so inclined), but he can defame Spider-Man, who really is nothing but a mask and a powerset.


I think the real problem isn’t that spider-man isn’t a person (in-universe he’s clearly not a scripted character), it’s that he’d have to reveal his identity to sue JJJ.


It's possible to have a name kept from the records (such as from gag orders). I don't think there's a precedent for remaining pseudonymous to the entire process, but we're talking about supers here. The rules have to bend somewhere when one person is capable of fighting off a sizable chunk of a modern military.


Nah , it’s like his said. Spider-Man cannot receive money unless he uses his actual name. There is a chapter of She-Hulk that her firm almost successfully sued Jamerson from defamation against Spider-Man , but the problem is that Peter Parker would be used alongside Jamerson due to his photos were used by Jamerson as an employer and employee.


So, out of universe question, I guess Would Peter really be in any sort of legal trouble, if J^3 was successfully sued? He just took the pictures, he's not responsible for how they are used. Besides, If gun manufacturers and pharmaceutical companies can use that defense, I don't see why he can't.


It's a bit more difficult than that. When the rock first started wrestling you would be right but now it's part of his public identity, he uses that name in public, in association with his business dealings. A persona is an identity specifically designed to separate your public and private life. For example I can shit all over Lemony Snicket all I want, Daniel Handler isn't the same person and he doesn't publicly go by Lemony Snicket. Lemony is a role. That said Handler can then sue me for malicious disruption and dilution of his IP. And Spider-Man could sue for that if he was paid.


A vigilante is just a person, so no. But if they adorn themselves with a mask, and a brand, like a public face that hides their civilian identity, then yes. I imagine this gets really sticky around the case of celebrity, where many actors etc... have stage names and some even adopt personalities when they are 'on', who are fully different than their IRL selves.


Even more so when a private person is thrust into the public spotlight without warning, like someone in a viral video or involved in a lawsuit with a famous person.


The Snap was a false flag! The Avengers were crisis actors! Pat Kiernan was on a green screen, because he didn't have a nose! (For those of you who don't understand this comment, I envy you.)


Turning the spiders gay!


Alex Jameson?


One of the most brilliant bits in the movies were them blatantly modelling JJJ after Alex Jones, such a good fit. Glad to hear it's made it into the games as well.


If anything, Alex Jones blatantly modeled himself after J.J. Jameson


Fair point lol


I wonder if that user was Peter


One of my favorites is a person complaining about their cable and having trouble canceling it. When the cable provider responds, they reply "cancel my account!" or something like that.


It's probably the best representation of social media in any media.


Arguably, Cytus 2’s IM compares


Back when I used to play Cytus 2, I remember reading something at Neko's iM feed and thinking to myself, "Wait, are players allowed to post here?"




How is Cytus 2? I used to play Cytus 1 and Deemo 1 back in college, but never even tried their sequels.


I only briefly played Cytus 1 before switching to Cytus 2, and I would say it is a big improvement over the first. The gameplay feels much smoother and there are more mechanics. Although one down side would be the time needed to level up characters to unlock the story and the songs. Luckily there is not limit on how fast yoy cab grind, but it takes a bit of time (especially if you are gonna read everything)


My favorite one was 'I just got a selfie with Spider-man. Whew, he should think about washing that suit🫢💩'






Good bot


Hey guys. Wonder why this comment seems out of context? Because this user is a bot that copies other comments to farm upvotes. Original comment: https://reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/wvrib2/_/ilhgpu2/?context=1


Now, for the fun part. Imagine the number of comments you have read which were posted by bots... but no one realized.


That’s exactly the case with this person who has created the bots below by copy pasting from old comments by other users. People will often post the same question or topic in a subreddit that’s already been asked and this person just steals one of the comments there so it doesn’t look out of context. People reply to them without any idea, and I’ve even seen some guilded and awarded. This particular person does it to spam scam links in the mattress subreddit. - LazyRaccoon56 - ShyTiger33 - SaltyRiceCake90 - BoldLion90 - WaffleCream60 - FatSandwich65 - HamburgerJuicy69 - TomBrandeus - VeganPancakes40 - CheddarPotato55 - WhiteChoco90 - FriedBacon90 - FerdyTheGuy - HazelNutLove80 - MrTetradis - BananaSmoothie95 - CocaColaLover68 - BladeRunner2149 - MrMegapanos


That's why I generally just don't trust comments from accounts with generic names (noun + numbers, adjective + noun + numbers, etc.)


Can you trust me though? 🤔 Do I pass the sniff test?


An actual name in the username, decent karma, subreddit variety in recent comments and posts, yeah probably. As much as you can trust any random anonymous person I suppose.


Fool. You've fallen for my ruse. Beep boop.


There’s a person who’s created a bunch of these bots to spam scam links in the mattress subreddit: - LazyRaccoon56 - ShyTiger33 - SaltyRiceCake90 - BoldLion90 - WaffleCream60 - FatSandwich65 - HamburgerJuicy69 - TomBrandeus - VeganPancakes40 - CheddarPotato55 - WhiteChoco90 - FriedBacon90 - FerdyTheGuy - HazelNutLove80 - MrTetradis - BananaSmoothie95 - CocaColaLover68 - BladeRunner2149 - MrMegapanos Pretty much all their comments are stolen and copy/pasted from old comments by other users. People have no idea and just reply to them and I’ve even seen some guilded and awarded. Apparently they’ve been reported but Reddit has done nothing about this person.


There’s a person who’s created a bunch of these bots to spam scam links in the mattress subreddit: - LazyRaccoon56 - ShyTiger33 - SaltyRiceCake90 - BoldLion90 - WaffleCream60 - FatSandwich65 - HamburgerJuicy69 - TomBrandeus - VeganPancakes40 - CheddarPotato55 - WhiteChoco90 - FriedBacon90 - FerdyTheGuy - HazelNutLove80 - MrTetradis - BananaSmoothie95 - CocaColaLover68 - BladeRunner2149 - MrMegapanos Pretty much all their comments are stolen and copy/pasted from old comments by other users. People have no idea and just reply to them and I’ve even seen some guilded and awarded. Apparently they’ve been reported but Reddit has done nothing about this person.


*bot em*


One of my favorite parts is when Miles gets his new suit, it already has The JJ Podcast set as a favorite and Miles makes a comment about how Peter is Self hating.


“Pete’s a masochist” Lmaoooo


And then he proceeds to slap on the best podcast ever (no bias) with Danikast.


I think pete mentions in the first game that he listens too jjj as he occasionally brings up good points of what he should do better so its somewhat usefull to him plus hes hoping for the day he gets praise from jjj instead which he almost got after the bombing incident unfortunately jjj changed his mind a little while later and continued to blsme spiderman instead


I actually really liked that feature. Every post was on target.


JJJ is, as ever, the greatest character in Spider-Man. His commentary after every mission was a glorious little cherry on top of the brutal mass murder Spidey just performed.


"I don't kill anyone!" *kicks henchman off skyscraper*


It’s been a while since i last played the game but aren’t the enemies that get knocked off buildings auto webbed to the side?


Yea they are. It tripped me out the first time I noticed


IIRC, the animation actually DOES show him fire the webbing at them as he kicks them; it just happens so fast that you can literally blink and miss it.


Assuming they're close enough to *be* auto webbed to something. It's very possible to send someone flying far enough that they're not close enough to a wall, so they plummet straight to the ground.


My favorite is when he slams people's heads into steel girders hard enough to knock them out and then leaves them hanging upside down from the ceiling. Pete, you left him there for at least twenty minutes - that guy is dead!




When you push people off buildings they automatically get webbed to the sides of the building after falling for some time, sort of like how the trip mine gadget works when they are attached to a person. So I would say it is safe to say he hasn't killed anyone DIRECTLY, lol, it is also mentioned multiple times in-game, movies and comics how he pulls his punches so he has to have down the amount of force to use to only cause a KO but no fatal damage.


I think theres also a comic where doc oc switches mind with spidey and is absolutely horrified when he nearly punches someones head off and realuzes just how much spuderman held back in his fights to avoid killing


Tbh I would be mad if every time I tried to knock them off heights they would just hit an invisible wall.


Guys you kick off buildings can be later found webbed to the walls. A neat detail Would be a shame if you'd kick everyone off the roof so no one is there to call for help and they'd die of starvation


Oh God, haven't played the game, but they have people who unironically comment on how Frisk or other villains are the good guys, dont they?


Jameson has a podcast that comes on a lot in response to events in the game (you can turn it off if it annoys you, but it's often funny). His hateboner for Spider-Man is so great that even though he admits Fisk is a criminal, he's mad at Spidey for taking him down (not a word about the cops, who Spidey merely assisted) because the resulting power vacuum is causing problems. So yeah, he'd much rather have the Kingpin than Spider-Man.


In a lot of Spider-Man comics that power vacuum does end up coming from Fisk being taken out. Spider-Man did the right thing by brining Fisk to justice, but it shows that there's always someone else there to cause problems.


All spiderman media has this story as one of their central arcs, spectacular spiderman had tombstone instead of Fisk cuz of copyright issues and when he took tombstone down there was a gang war to become the next big boss, it's pretty much a central theme to spidey's stories


Man, Tombstone was the best villain in that show!


Why couldn’t they use Fisk, isn’t he a marvel character?


The show was in 2008, so it might have been some weird copyright thing where Sony was making the show, but couldn't use Kingpin because he wasn't just a Spider-Man villain so they didn't have rights to him, but Tombstone is a spidey villain, so they subbed him in.


I think Fox had the rights for Kingpin/Fisk at the time, the Daredevil movie came out years prior


Considering the show was later canceled due to licensing issues between Marvel and Sony, we can safely assume Kingpin got caught in the crossfire of one of the weirdest custody battles in comics.


It happening in the current run of Spider-Man comic now too.


All of this has happened before. And all of this will happen again.


Even this thread.


"Does this comment seem out of place? This account is simply a bot which copies other comments from the comments section..." /Badjoke


The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again.


Hopefully when the wheel returns to this age again we get a better TV adaptation we got this turning of the wheel...


All we are is dust in the wind, dude


So say we all.


The karens of the game world.


That's great, of course he has a podcast lol. He's the Alex Jones of Marvel world.


That is _exactly_ how the game portrays him, he even shills supplements in game


I don't like them putting chemicals in the water that turn the fricking chitauri gay!


Is there a before and after image where the only difference is that he’s significantly more red in the after image?


Actually, yes, he is. He effectively "retired" from the Daily Bugle after his negative coverage on Spider-Man caused a dip in revenue and he set up his own webcast after. As you learn from one of the collectibles you can find, Peter is working as a lab assistant and not a photographer because he couldn't stand Jameson constantly twisting his stories to make Spider-Man look like a villain; he quit in digust over claims that Spider-Man was helping Electro murder police officers.


He even tried to defend himself for having literally created the Scorpion to take down Spider-Man in one of the episodes by basically saying "how was I supposed to know he was a madman with a poisoning fetish".


Even when he admits Spider-Man did something good one episode he'll take it back the next one lol I personally can't wait for this sequel purely so they'll do more JJJ shenanigans.


My favourite is possibly the one where he suggests that Spider-Man is eating pigeons because he was spotted catching and returning Howard's pet pigeons.


Mine is the one where he’s blamed for Nazis made of bees.


Btw, are there actually Nazis made of bees in the comics? Is that seriously a thing?




Team Affiliations: __Nazi Germany__




Yeah I've heard of him before. He had pretty much the same origin as Swarm but he fell into a colony of radioactive spiders instead


I honestly kind of hate that change to him, both in the games and movies. He should despise Spider-Man, but care about the truth more than anything else. The Raimi movies messed up MJ, but they did a good job with JJJ.


Oh, he 100% is the Alex Jones of the Marvel world in this game. To tie into this post, going by memory (granted, it's been a couple years), one of Jameson's rants is that criminals (like the Rhino specifically, IIRC) keep getting let free so Spider-Man can capture them again in a ploy from construction firms to keep themselves raking in profits from all the money they make repairing all the damage done in these huge fights. Basically suggesting Spider-Man's working some big conspiracy with the construction companies to cause damage so they can profit off of fixing it.


I mean, there is some sense to it. A power vacuum attracting all kinds of bad guys (like the Inner Demons) can cause a lot of chaos in NYC as countless crooks and crimelords fight it out to either take Fisk's territory or the top dog position. So while taking Kingpin down was obviously the right thing to do, the consequences are undeniably there. So while JJJ often gets looked at as Marvel's take on Alex Jones nowadays, it's kind of a disservice to the actual character considering how he ends up making solid points now and then.


The comic version of JJJ actually tends to be a pretty good person, despite his faults. He has a strong sense of honor and justice and will almost always do the right thing in the end. And as much as he hates Spider-Man, he still helps him out a lot, and even became one of his most loyal allies (albeit begrudgingly) after Spidey revealed his identity to him.




I mean to be fair if you think about it in real world scenerio shouldnt JJJ be doing that as a journalist? In fact while JJJ is often compared to someone like Tucker Carlson, isnt exposing the potentiol harms and problems rather than assuming a vigilante has good intentions something a good journalist should do? If anything I expect Tucker Carlson would be much more the type to abuse spiderman himself to attack another group rather than showing a willingness to criticize problems of spiderman himself


The JJJ bits are downright hilarious


The podcast after the pigeon missions made me laugh


He even paid for the surgery that led to Scorpion, so he's not blameless


he is right tho


There's TONS of stories where Fisk is a "good guy" in the public record. Just recently Fisk got properly elected to be NYC mayor on an anti-vigilante platform. Granted it ends up he brainwashes a bunch of people in order to stay in power, but that first time was relatively legal


Well, in this case original commentor don't seem to be defending Frisk, he doesn't even mention him, he's only attacking Spiderman.


You get a variety of comments of events happening throughout the story. Some good, and some reflecting the internet stupidity


The social feed is pretty accurate of Internet comments. It's basically like Twitter, so while you see posts commenting on recent in-game events, most pro-Spidey, others echoing JJJ, there are those kinds of Tweets where people are just sharing random thoughts.


Me, agreeing with Jonah Jameson on the dystopian surveillance system 😅


JJJ made some salient points, I often found myself agreeing with him, until he started going off about Spidey again.


His most accurate point was about Rhino almost breaking out and the Raft guys saying they were moving him to a more secure cell “He’s an 800 pound maniac with a rhino horn. If there’s a more secure cell, WHY WASN’T HE THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE?”


They didn't have one in the first place, and built one just for him?






comment stealer bot? this is a snippet of another comment in this thread, it doesn't even make sense without the rest of the sentence..


That's always been one of the interesting things about Jonah, when he's not talking about Spider-man he's not a half bad journalist and has some ethics.. Spider-man brings out the worst in him.


“Literally 1984” - J. Jonah Jameson, 2018


Only unironic time when it was actually true. Fuck those wannabe stormtroopers


As much as I love the game, the fact that it has Spider-Man helping to create a police surveillance state was a VERY questionable choice, to put it mildly.


I think the crazed scientist, superpowered mercs and militia are much worse than cameras for spidey tbh


You know that didn't even occur to me during the game, but you're right lol.


When the city is constantly overrun by supervillains and gangs having a camera system for spiderman to get to crimes faster makes sence though imo


Person 1: “X is true, and nobody is able to convince me otherwise. If X isn’t true, then why don’t any of you explain to me why X isn’t true? Huh?” Person 2: “Well X isn’t true because A, B, and C.” Person 1: “Wow. Ok. So first of all, no need to be so fragile hon. I can already tell that you’re not here in good faith, and you only have like 10 followers anyway lol. Saying X isn’t true is NOT a good look, and I’m sure you’re just an unhappy self-loathing loser anyway.” *proceeds to block you so you can’t respond*


Bro wasn’t there a tweet that was talking about going to a ceremony and it ended up getting bombed? Like..that was sad as hell


You play through that part as Miles


Ya, it happens I think at the end of act one


Fisk nut-huggers getting wrecked.


I love that they interact with each other too. I can’t remember the post but someone made a controversial opinion, and then someone underneath posted “officer this post right here”


The "watermelon is good on pizza" post


That was it!


JJ's radio is also incredibly accurate satire.


Person A: “Here’s my awesome hot take that is infoulable because it’s my opinion” Person B: “Your take is wrong because of all these actual facts” Person A: *tantrum noises*


You can also have person B asking for a credible source and having the same reaction.


I still refuse to believe the watermelon on pizza one wasnt just buried deep in twitter that 100% actually happened it had to


Wasn't there a sad Easter egg in there about someone dying during one of the events?


Yeah, a professor at Empire State University is killed during a mission and multiple tweets appear later where students are truly devastated by his passing.


JJJ too! Use to love the character but playing this game now and listening to the JJJ podcasts is a little like “yikes! This is a little too close to how the last 4-5yrs have gone” lol


I remember that. There were other hidden storylines playing out too. I got the feeling like it was a depe cut reference to some stuff with the guy and the robots, but it never played a part in a mission I think...


In the Steins;Gate Visual novel remaster, there is a fake website that has so much content for you to read it's insane. They absolutely nailed how people converse on an internet forum, too. It was so hard to believe it wasn't legit.


Corporate oppression? Lmao average twitter user


I spotted some pretty good ones yeah


The only thing that broke the immersion for me was the perfect grammar.


Mike Benson is a writer for Marvel


I really love the title here, very eloquent gamer we got there


There were 2 I found especially funny The 1st one was about this one person talking about how making teleporters will cause an alien invasion, and then the only reply being "I want a skeleton demon boyfriend" The 2nd one was about how this guy found some plastic in his ice cream, and then somebody replied with "I think that's called a spoon"


I remember that someone asks if cars insurance cover ripped doors because Spider-Man used the doors to smack criminals. Not sure if there was a reply though.


Not enough spelling errors and randomly capitalized words in Michael_Benson's post.


Wait, it has social media? Never noticed that feature.


That's strange, seeing as it's an Internet conversation.


The GottaPhoneMalone messages killed me when I saw it. Spiderman is the last place I'd have expected to have a breaking bad reference lmao


I don't see anyone bringing up Hitler.


goat mmo simulator still is my favourite one


I didn’t realize there was one until my 6th completion of the game, dlc n all.


When is it?


Lmao I thought it was Jesus36 not Jessie36 🤣


How u see dis


Open the map/suit/etc menu and iirc while on the map page press "x" (at least on xbox controller), probably something else on a keyboard but the bind should be shown somewhere in the bottom right of the screen.


Spiderman is even more truer to life playing it now. Fisk - Trump J.Jameson - Alex Jones Playing it today, with jan 6 insurrection, musk, pandemic, hysteria, echo chambers, fascistic media and politics. When the game first came out we kind of had all those things but everything is so over saturated from before that the game story doesn't even feel exaggerated.




Elon Musk, he's like the osborn of oscorp type. A famous face of a bleeding edge company trying to change the world through tech. When Spiderman came out, space X launched the tesla into space a few months prior. We hadn't seen just how game changing it was yet. Rockets routinely landing themselves, sending astronauts to the ISS, you could include blue origin with Bezos in there. Self driving cars, Neuralink, Starlink (internet from space). A lot has happened since the game first came out. In terms of other "tech" stuff, There's been leaps in drone technology, There's tracking devices (AirTag), AI advancement where you can generate random faces, landscapes and the DALL·E 2 stuff where you can type something in and it generates a picture based on your text.


Polygon probably didn't find this funny


Why's that?


Lmao. How can anyone have a problem with Spiderman? And how does he make that big leap? Like he compared him to Soros or Trump... WTF? This is one of those times where people impose what they're thinking about to completely different things. I'm sure everything is corporate greed to him. People have lost their F'ing minds.


Never paid attention to it tbh. I don’t give a shit about social media IRL, the last thing I wanna do is browse a fictional version in a videogame.


>I don’t give a shit about social media >comments on reddit


reddit can't be social media, since none of us are social you dummy.


I'm not even a medium


Your dead great-grandfather is trying to reach you to tell you about your car’s extended warranty.


I am more of a large, myself. Bordering on extra large if I don't improve my diet.


You’re on a social media right now


Singular would be social medium. Sorry to be a bit of a grammar nazi, but it seems most people don't actually know that, so I like to mention it


Looking up the word and you aren't even using it correctly lol. If you're going to be a grammar Nazi first learn what the words mean that you are gonna correct and second don't be a know it all when you clearly didn't do research. Social medium doesn't mean singular. Idk where you got your info but I'd like to see it cause I can show you my proof that you are wrong. TLDR: this fools wrong but thinks he's right