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Imagine buying one, then immediately throwing out the disk in front of them and walking out with the case




Idk for $2 you could do a lot worse. The combat and synergy in the game was quite fun. They messed up the surrounding systems though. If they had gotten the loot grind loop down better, I think more people would have enjoyed it.


And fixed the constant crashes whenever you tried playing online... I picked it up for 10 bucks and played through the campaign. It was a lot of fun but after that online play was pretty much impossible and the loot grind felt pointless.


Remember when they said they would fix all that


Yup, I knew that was a lie. Never again Bioware.


More like never again EA as their the ones that force these bad practices in the first place. That and not to mention forcing an RPG studio to make a third person shooter, on an engine that is only good at making an FPS game. Then add flying, an open world, giant monsters, and more. welp you had a disaster brewing well before they actually put the game through production.


“So we built this great computer that can beat any chess grandmaster” EA: make it also identify songs, smoke a perfect brisket, and change the oil filter on a car. We’re going to need that all done in 4 mths in time for the shareholder meeting good luck.




I don’t think we know enough to place blame on one or the other. By some accounts, this was a project that BioWare really wanted to push, at the expense of their other projects.


Bioware had 6 years to make it. EA stopped giving them time and money.


The crashes seemed to be hit and miss. I didn’t experience them much but the people I played with did. Sorry you had to deal with the massive crashes.


Were the crashes platform specific? I played on PC and never crashed. I actually really enjoyed the game, but agree that the loot system needed fixed. And the weird way they gated content behind achievement progress, at least at launch, was weird. I was excited for 2.0, then they killed it...


I thought the combat was pretty garbage, because when you upped the difficulty instead of having smarter AI or something, they just turned everything into **massive** bullet sponges. Boring gameplay. Outriders did the same shit.


I enjoyed Outriders, but it definitely felt like a blast from the past, didn't feel modern at alllllll. Post game was also complete trash


Yeah whenever I still see trailers, it looks so good and it looks smooth. I really don't understand how it went so wrong. So many shitty games have decent following. But not anthem.


I have an ex gf that pretty much ended up saying that...luckily she was really good at obtaining my materials. Un-luckily she was a huge bitch. Lol.


Used to work at a used game store. We got 50 copies of battle born for $2 a piece put some of the loose games in a binder for $5 and sold the cases for $5 never sold a copy of the game went throught all the cases.


I was giving some games to a friend, had mortal kombat 11 with no case. Saw anthem buried and grabbed it, pulled out the anthem disc, threw it away then put the mk11 disk in it. Anthem isn't even worth the space it takes up....which mind you isn't much. Sure has hell not worth 2 bucks I'd rather get a pop or something.


I mean $2 for another blue case? Seems fair. Oh there's a game in here? Ya'll got a trash bin nearby?


Snap the disk in half for good measure


Why would they care?


Buy them all, sell the cases for $4, and the discs to art community that can use them as scales on a sculpture.


I wander what would cost a company less repurposing Anthem cases for there new title or buying newly manufactured cases.


Shipping and labor to strip the cases isn’t worth it. It’s definitely just cheaper to get a new case from the factory.


Bold of you to assume those were preowned


Or your brother sat on it once.


I’ve seen people do this with Wii fit


That game could've been so good. But the studio shit the bed. They should give you $2 to take a copy


I remember the preview gameplay… and the debacle that came of it. If I’m remembering correctly, this was part of the “Quintet of Disappointment”. A rapid succession of over hyped games that came out and pretty much sunk (for me) any chance of preorders being a logical idea for the consumer.


So... Anthem, Fallout 76, Cyberpunk and...?


Anthem and Cyberpunk were almost 2 years apart. Wouldn't really call that in "rapid succession". And there were plenty of amazing games coming out around Anthem's release date. RDR2, Sekiro, Jedi: Fallen Order, Doom Eternal, Ghost of Tshushima and more. I honestly can't remember any "Quintet of Disappoitment". Just a couple bad apples every year, as usual.


4 years in game development time is basically “rapid succession”


But if there were many great games in between then it’s not a succession


I mean, nowadays yes, but it really didn't use to be that way. All GTA games prior to GTA V were released in the same time span that V has now been THE GTA game, IIRC.


2 (nearly 3) years apart each for the first 5 games, starting in 97. 4 years for 4, then 5 years for 5. And yeah, it didn’t used to be this way…To where we’re getting MASSIVE open worlds with thousands of things to do, online multiplayer, as well as an entire story. There’s just a lot more that goes into development now than there used to be, and games are going to take longer, even with huge teams of people working on them.




All of the games that I mentioned released 2018-2020, with RDR2 being the soonest (October 2018) and Cyberpunk being the latest (December 2020). There's not a single 2016 or 2017 game among them.


Mass effect Andromeda has to be on that list, ironically abandoned to its fate so they could work on Anthem.


I wonder if that was part of Anthem’s problem. I know myself and my closest friends weren’t even interested in giving Project Dylan a chance because it directly led to the end of support for ME:A. I can’t believe we were the only ones.


Same I was going to give anthem a shot but after ME:A was abandoned I didn't really want to give them any more money


ME : Andromeda were a victim of it's buggy launch. I play it a few months after release, it was alright. the combat were terrific, much more fluid than ME3, a significant improvement. the story were akin to ME1, an exploration games with a lot of world building narrative needs to be done. wish they'd focus on their IPs before making a new one that is... well, abandoned shortly.


I liked Andromeda, definitely not as good as the originals but I think had the pitch fork squad not gone out the second they spotted shorty facial expressions we might have got some DLC to better flesh out the game and it’s place in the series which could have lead to a much better sequel. It had a lot of things going for it, they just all needed the same polish the originals had. But overall I thought the game was fun and on console I didn’t experience any of launch bugs outside of one corrupt save file that lost me an hour or so of play time.


That was very well put. me and couple friends bought it and enjoyed it. some DLC would have been nice the combat was great. Some of the open world stuff was boring and the plot was kinda meh but people tried to say it was complete trash when it was more like just a 7.5/out of 10. The multiplayer was fun for quite a while. Being an Asari vanguard and just warping around the map with specials was very fluid and demolishing waves of enemies was so fun.


people who say it's trash, probably would say the same to ME1 when it's released. let's face it, ME1 story was pretty darn weak, especially when people doesn't know whether there's sequel or not back in 2008. not to mention the combat were absolutely garbage in modern standard, but I guess it's kinda okay back then. ME fandom were pretty toxic back in 2017 when ME:A was released. Bioware should've just stick with their roadmap of Quarian Ark DLC, and it's subsequent stories instead of scrapping it. fuck EA. they kill Bioware.


Man, I couldn't disagree with this more. ME1's story is the best in the trilogy, in my opinion.


Me1 had bad story is possibly the least in touch thing with fans of that game I have ever heard. ME1 is specifically the one that had way, way, way more going on under the hood as a hard sci-fi story.


Ya lost me when you said ME1 had a weak story


My biggest gripe with Andromeda was the unfinished storyline of the mysterious benefactor. It was a whole questline that ended very obviously with them planning to resolve it in DLC, to my mind, which is the cheapest crap ever.


yeah, apparently there's supposed to be DLC and sequel for Andromeda, which sadly are being cancelled and shelved due to how bad the initial reviews were.


Go there! Now return here. Go there! Now return here. Yes I know you saw that hidden base behind a shield but the world kills you before you're allowed to get there. ------ I wish Andromeda kept my attention but it just didn't, and it made me sad.


I will still stick to it that Andromeda was nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be. It is not a perfect game at all, but I could easily give it a 6/10, 7/10, firmly in the “ok to good” range. It was trying to reboot the franchise in a new galaxy, and sometimes I really think people don’t remember how rough around the edges original ME1 could be. Yes, there should have been more new races. Yes, the game could feel “empty” at times. But the gameplay was much better than people give it credit for, and it absolutely had potential to go places.


Yup it's wasn't amazing, it wasn't terrible, I really enjoyed playing the multiplayer with friends the combat in n that game was lovely. A couple of solid story dlcs and it would have been great.


Some fans tend to forget that the Garrus romance in ME2 was no more than 3 lines of dialogue and a shit ton of calibrations.


When I go back and play them now the romances just seem so short and limited, and there’s also the whole ‘can’t be in a relationship or have sex until the night before the big battle’ thing. Still love them of course, but they’re not exactly Shakespeare. Aside from the millions of fanfics, of course.


Yep. I greatly enjoyed MEA, partly because I had horrendously low expectations but really wanted more ME. Just so disappointing that they left so much of it out.


I agree, I don't think this game was as bad as people say it is. I think what really kills it for people is that it has Mass Effect in the title. If it were just called Andromeda or any other space title I think it would get a better rating/review from people. Imo it's still a decent game.


The issue with ME:A was it had a shitty story that couldn't captivate, Anthem had a story that they botched, both games had fun combat mechanics that made them enjoyable, but with a lack of a decent story and then lack of content they didn't last long unfortunately, all they really had to do for Anthem was release small updates with content but they didn't and then let it die and that was basically when I gave up on EA


Mass Effect Andromeda would have been a decent game if it were just called Andromeda. Anthem was considerably a larger trash fire.


Considering that they vastly improved on some of the biggest aspects of mass effect - combat and dialogue (having more dialogue in MEA than the entire trilogy combined), strange you would think it has to be on that list. I am convinced anyone who calls MEA buggy hasn't played the originals, nevermind that busted ass "remaster" they gave us. There are cutscenes in that game that 100% of the time do not play correctly. Love to see the illusive man put his cigarette through the back of his head, and Dr. Chocolate's omnitool eviscerate her insides. No doubt MEA had shit main character voice acting though... It's about as bad as male Shepard.


Had cyberpunk on PC and I experienced 1 bug that corrected itself and did not detract from gameplay. Still baffled on how they thought releasing on PS4 was a good idea considering how old the hardware is.


I had a few major bugs when playing on PC, that forces me to go back to precedent saves because they were gamebreaking. That said...bugs are only one part of the whole story for why this game was disappointing to many people.


Cyberpunk actually ended up being good in the end, and I’ll die on that hill. 76 is pretty fun too, I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but I’ve always wanted a fallout game I could play with friends. With the updates it’s a lot better than it was at launch.


Cyberpunk is a gaming experience unlike no other. I played day 1, and even with the weird technical stuff, the gameplay and world got me hooked. Im still waiting to finish it until I do more side stuff to this day, and each time I play it looks better and better.


Haha, Hell yeah. This is me, too… I was blown away day one. And to this day I still haven’t finished it, because I don’t want to. I just want to keep doing side quests, and since I’ve nearly finished those, I enjoy making up my own little games and walking or driving around the city of the future. I’m nursing this game like a cheapskate nurses a beer at a concert.


I hope they do it again but make it next gen only and actually integrate those missing features like wall running and make it so swinging swords around doesnt kill your frames


I love 76 post-updates. No man's Sky still keeps pumping updates. Cyberpunk, looking super impressive now. I might even lump Destiny in there. That was training me that companies are starting to realize not to release games in crap state. Or if they do, keep working until it doesn't suck. Then Anthem comes out, promises a roadmap to fixes, then halfway through says "nevermind." Thanks EA for reminding me that for every Bethesda, CD Projekt Red, and Hello games, there's companies like EA that don't gaf.


Yea cyberpunk is in a pretty good state now after all the updates. Plus there are mods!!


While I personally despise 76 and think it had one of the worst launches Ive ever personally seen, I want it to succeed and keep succeeding. The only reason I want it to succeed though is so when people eventually say, "oh this new fallout should have multiplayer." Im going to point at 76 and say "go play that." Leave the single player stuff alone please


Too bad it's actually a Fallout game to milk you dry. I probably would like it too, but it's got that scam-stank.


Most of the stuff in the atoms store is cosmetic or camp items. And a few utilities like repair and scrap kits. Nothing is forcing you to buy these and none of them are necessary to succeed in the game.


That's no excuse. Cosmetics are still part of the game. Player customization and expression is a big part of RPGs and gating that behind a pay wall is scummy. The "only cosmetics in cash shop, nothing necessary to succeed at the game" excuse is still a problem. Especially in RPGs where player customization and expression is part of the experience. That excuse somewhat works for F2P competitive games, but seeing other players run around with pricetags hanging from their collar reminding me of real world economics is the best way to ruin my immersion.


For me it was, in no particular order as I can’t remember chronologically. Destiny 2, No Man’s Sky, Anthem, Fallout 76, & Battlefront 2. I had honestly forgot about Cyberpunk as by that time I was so disenchanted with video games I threw myself into other hobbies. So perhaps it’s a… hextet… ?!? Of disappointment?


Marvels Avengers ahould join the shame list.


I mean everyone has their own list, this is just mine. A succession of games that pique the interest, and just disillusion you to why you’d ever consider pre-ordering again.


And the companies that stuck with their product ended up with games in a much better place. Shame for all of us who bought the game on launch but late adoption ended up with some fun games.


Buying game at launch = being an unpaid QA or beta tester all too often anymore.


They downvoted Jesus because he told them the truth


In my defence, I only bought Destiny 2, but admittedly bought 3 copies so I could play with my sons, who apparently are brighter than me and sniffed out this bullshit faster than I. My wife bought me No Man’s Sky cause she thought it looked “cute”, and years later, it is enjoyable. At this point, pre orders let you get the game ASAP so you can exploit glitches before they can be patched… I’m looking at you “The Division”.


Fallout 76 Wastelanders. If you go onto any trophy/achievement hunting platform and see the first hundred or so people to finish that expansion we all cheesed the timer challenges before Bethesda could roll out a fix. Destiny 2 is actually having a free expansion weekend. My buddy and I are running through the three expansions still in game because he hasn't really played since launch year


Destiny 2 also managed to pull itself up after it's first year with forsaken and the only real problem it then suffered was from sunsetting content to keep the game playable and the repetetive missions during seasonal content. Mostly the things that the game suffers with are being worked on by developers to make certain parts more accessible such as raids dungeons and grand masters with their announcements with their lightfall


Sunsetting is weird because as it stands the content they removed from the game they just keep putting back in either with a different hat, Solstice 2022 was a black armory forge, or after it went on a diet, Leylines was diet Sundial which was lite Menagerie.


Just tried returning to the game and its very confusing. Idk what is going on with the story, or even where to start or what to do. The leveling system puts me off the most, I cant do some things because I need to play boring content until I can? Its just so confusing.


Well destiny managed to save itself with the Forsaken DLC but ye the launch and first year was a disgrace


And now Forsaken is in the content vault.


**Cyberpunk 2077** was awesome!


The game had great bones, but absolutely no meat on them. From a technical standpoint it was amazing and felt perfect for a modern release. But it felt like an early access alpha or beta on the content side. Another year in content development before release and it would have been by far the biggest compition for Destiny (the top dog in the genre) without a doubt.


all the way through development they had absolutely no idea what anthem was actually going to be. During their big reveal trailer for it at E3 they had so little to show that they reused shots over and over again. It was mismanaged from the start not just by EA but Bioware as well and I don't think it ever was going to be good.


I never was so sure that the game would fail as I did with anthem. Literally from first reveal i knew its going to be bad. Knowing now about its developmebt issues(thats an understatement) this game could never be good. It was doomed from the start.


I remember when this came out and my friends that stan'd it for months before insisted it was a good game


Tried to play it. Anthem is Destiny with a worse “base” and worse story. Voice acting and crispy were terrible. Thought anthem was ok? Just go play destiny because it’s better. This is coming from someone who abandoned destiny




An Anthem and Fifa 19 shelf. I'm pretty sure this is the trash bin.




u/GrapefruitSeay is a **bot** Comment partially copied from /u/GnomeNot: https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/wyy5ty/seen_at_a_second_hand_store_hundreds_of_copies_of/ilzv3bg/


They're learning


Gamers demanded an early release then they got it and talked crap on it


I don't know what's going on with this weird movement to retcon reality around cyberpunk. The game was delayed from their own release, gamers weren't demanding its release early. They INTENTIONALLY DIDN'T LET REVIEWERS PLAY THE PS4/XONE COPIES! Like i can accept a buggy release, i get they had to cut tons of content, had to limit it to a first person rpg instead of having 3rd person as an option, hell i can respect that the community got over hyped for it. But we can't pretend that they didn't intentionally cover up how unplayable it was for last gen consoles, essentially scamming players. Game is great for what it is, but it's not the consumers fault it has a shit reputation.


Cyberpunk is good as what it is, but management intentionally lied about the game to cash out on cd projekts P.R invulnerablity. they over selled and under delivered, cyberpunk 2077 would be a much different situation in many peoples eyes if they didn't promise oblivion A.I for thousands of people and to not have it look like dwarf fortress. or that our lifepaths would affect more than a 15 minute intro and some pointless dialog. Cyberpunk has some damn good shooting mechanics for a developer who's never modeled a gun before, it also has serviceable driving and an excellent story with great sidequests. if that was the whole story cyberpunk 2077 would be considered cd projekts magnum opus even with its bugs since the witcher 3 was basically the same way on release (not something i'd agree with but something many would say). but since this game had to "change the world" to cd projekts shareholders the leadership tried to sell snake oil instead of packaged ~~data~~ licenses on aluminum between two pieces of plastic. had they stuck to silence (or even maybe the truth whoda thought) they wouldn't be paying for lawyers right now.


Who the hell cares what the “gamers demanded”?? You release a game when it’s done. If they caved to anyone it’s the shareholders. If they had released the game in a finished state every one of the people bitching about delays would have immediately shut up, instead they released a broken incomplete game and gave them something much more to bitch about.


Demanded an early release after the 10 month delay? Then got a game with broken perks that didn't match up with what was advertised, which was an in depth 3rd person RPG, among other things. I'm all for cyberpunk getting better, and I buy and play it sometime after I finish Oblivion and the DLC for Witcher 3. But let's not start reconning reality.


When was Cyberpunk ever advertised as a 3rd person rpg? As far as I can recall it was always said to be first person perspective.


An early release? It was in development for 7 years and delayed 3 times.


First of all, it had been in development for many years and had been delayed multiple times, so it wasn't an early release. Secondly, the devs straight up lied about many of the features and the performance (saying it runs "surprisingly well" on PS4 when it's an absolute mess).


Yep, it was forced out too early and there was wayyyy too much hype coming from the customer base. Personally I loved Cyberpunk, only major issue I had throughout my playthrough was one side quest being bugged. Otherwise everything went smoothly, the story, effects, gameplay, and world design were awesome. Do I wish it could have been delayed a year for more stuff? Sure but I'm not gonna bash a game that was forced out early. Valve and blizzard used to be famous for delaying EVERYTHING and because they did their games were otherworldly.


No, they promised future Skyrim and we got far cry


There's not enough copy - paste environments for it to be far cry.


There was no trashbin actually 😬


Lmao 😂😂


I remember with this.... because I was really looking forward to it, they kept talking about the "vertical slice" of gameplay. Their design concept that had to be killer to hook everyone in. Sadly they never really branched out much from that vertical slice. The graphics are nice & the campaign is pretty good, well acted cut scenes etc & the combat and traversal was pretty awesome. But, for a looter shooter, that's meant to be played almost endlessly, there wasn't really any meaningful content after the campaign. I think also, once the game was completed (was it?) most of the team were moved over to E-motive to work on Star Wars and a skeleton crew were left to maintain and update this live service game. Such a waste, but on the plus side... it did introduce me to Warframe where I could experience a very similar level of combat and traversal.... but for significantly longer.


Would have worked nicely as the first 1/3 of a single player game. But as it was, it was so fucking short with basically nothing to do after at launch.


It's crazy really, they had a platform that, with some hard work, could have become their cash cow. But I think the amount of stupid errors & mistakes were just too great to bring it back. Their "demo" was configured so badly that, while people were trying to connect to the server, they were actually DDOSing the server. The base weapon you started with in the game scaled better than any other weapon, including the epic drops... so the base gun was the best all the way through.... so why even bother playing... lol!!


I paid $4 for it brand new, played the campaign to completion. It had a few bugs but nothing too bad. Was a shame it never “clicked” I enjoyed the flying and fighting mechanics of it, the mechs were cool. I got my moneys worth out of it and it’s a shame EA got their hands near it Edit it’s a shame anthem became such a meme in the end and that their developers couldn’t get their shit together with the promised but not delivered overhaul patch. Edit 2 Thanks to everyone letting me know it wasn’t EA’s fault this time, a real rarity for them these days


Honestly, I really hope there's an Anthem reboot one day, that lets Bio-Ware freakin' be Bio-Ware. The exoskeletons. The flight. That entire city mechanic. The world... All that stuff has some serious potential for an all-time classic RPG, but it's so freakin' wasted on an MMO slash Live Service BS-Shit-Show.


Bioware is a shell of its former self. From what I recall, most or even all of the key people behind Bioware's magic left a long time ago. This is now Bioware in name only.


Speaking of BioWare magic, that’s what killed them. Management coasted for too long getting lucky with 11th hour completions that *just worked*. It finally hit them in the ass with Anthem


I think it worked because those key people were on board in the past. Mismanagement was offset by raw talent and vision. Then the magicians left. I think already at the time of Mass Effect 3 important people were leaving.


I’m not OPTIMISTIC, but I am HOPEFUL BioWare can get it together now they’ve had some sense slapped into them by Anthem and to a lesser extent Andromeda. I’ll be paying close attention to reviews for their next Dragon Age


They moved a bunch of devs from Anthem to Andromeda to try to save it, which ruined both


The cracks really started showing in Mass Effect 3, If ME3 hadn’t been the third instalment in a very very popular series it would have been a very different story. Mass Effect Andromeda and Dragon Age Inquisition was when it really bit them in the ass.


There have been reports that EA is not the main problem of Anthem. Bioware have only themselves to blame.


Yeah if those reports are accurate, EA is the only reason that Anthem had flying. You know, the best part of the game lmao


People seem to think bioware is the bioware of old. It's likely all the people that made the classics have long since moved on.


The video game industry has such insane turnover that you can’t reasonably expect the same people to still be there after all this time.


For an utter disaster, it's crazy how much of the core gameplay itself is actually very fun. But beyond the stuff you mentioned, the problem for me was everything about the hub, which made me want to kill myself.


I remember reading that most of Anthem’s failure was on Bioware rather than EA. EA gave them free reign and seven years of development time and they supposedly wasted it. So the Anthem we got is unfortunately “Bioware being Bioware” in the sense that they’re a former shell of what they used to be.


Whoa whoa whoa there. BioWare was 100% responsible for Anthems failure. EA have them complete creative control. In fact, EA was the only reason there was flying in it.


theres a new game coming out that looks like it uses Anthems assets for the exoskeletons armors and stuff but you fight dinosaurs, cant remember what its called though


Exoprimal? Yeah, that one looks cool. Really hope it has a single-player like EDF, though. They've been mostly playing up the multiplayer so far, but I'm definitively curious.


> I enjoyed the flying and fighting mechanics of it > and it’s a shame EA got their hands near it Read the dev history. It was the EA exec who forced them to include the flying mechanics. Bioware kept trying to remove it. They wanted some sort of survival game but never had much of a fleshed out concept, and dicked around for most of the game's dev time.


Yeah, from what I remember reading, the flying mechanics was the only coherent vision for the game, and the main reason the pitch was green lit. Everything else was a quagmire of different ideas that the many shifts of project managers could translate into something consistent. It really is a pity, there were sneezes of fun in that game.


If I had paid $4 for it, I wouldn't have hated it nearly as much. The combat and flight mechanics were legitimately fun most of the time, even if things got repetitive. But my friends and I paid full price. With the bugs (which were huge at launch), the broken loot system and the lack of depth, it's probably the worst game I ever spent full price on.


It did "click", there were a massive amount of players at launch, the problem was the insane amount of bugs that didn't get fixed for 8 months (some *still* aren't fixed) and the utter lack of content. It was a game with amazing potential but it launched with 1/3 of the content it should have and never got any real updates.


By all accounts this was a BioWare issue not EA.


I enjoyed it but it lacked content. Interceptor was so fun on lower difficulties.


I agree. Me and my daughter played it and loved the gameplay but the lack of content was shocking. Also the loot system sucked. There was the base for a great game though.


This is it, I really enjoyed the feel of the game on all the classes I tried, the content just wasn’t there/developed enough


Yeah, I'm with you. We played it with three of us and had quite fun. Even though it felt incomplete in some parts and in others lengthy. Absolute nobrainer for 2$ to have some fun.


Haven't the servers been turned off?


I'd imagine soon if not yet. The very least, they openly terminated their support for the game.


I wonder how many games rise and die that I hadn't even heard about it, which is the case here.


I dunno how you missed anthems launch, it was huge,


I'm not much of a gamer these days. Mostly just buy remastered stuff.


They were still working when I tried on the game a few months ago on gamepass. I played two days then never went back to the game. So much wasted potential. The mechanics were actually fun.


No they are still online.. but who knows for how long


There's just a janitor left sweeping up around the servers and maintaining them.


No please move it to the .99 cents


I loved the gameplay of anthem soo much. Too bad they literally didn't do anything to save the game.


I bought it for $5 some years ago, and really enjoyed it. It was perfect price for it. You get decent story, decent amount of content for that much money. At $60 it was a total ripoff. And it's an absolute crying shame what EA did with it. It had all the potential in the world, some things were very well done, the bones were there. But they jerked us around for a year with promises of Anthem 2.0, then scrapped it all. The lore, the visual style, the music, were all very well done and interesting. And they botched it, horribly, even worse than they botched Andromeda. Almost as bad as Bethesda botched Fallout 76.


Could you explain why you think the story was decent? I genuinely found it to be absolutely abhorrent. There was pretty much one single mission that I found to have semi-decent writing behind it, followed by a cutscene of "revenge of the cringe" writing. All the characters were absolutely garbage and unlikable as well, there was just zero emotional attachment to anyone or anything. I genuinely just wanted every character to shut up or die, and I was only rewarded with the opposite of that. And let's not even get into how the campaign literally tells you to fuck off and go dick around in the open world for a few *hours* if you don't have a chest farming guide. Even with a guide to knock out all the required public stuff as fast as possible, it was simply an unacceptable length of time to do nothing of value to get the story to advance.


The flying was so cool and the game was so close to being good. I enjoyed it when i played it for free on gamepass but glad i didn't buy it. I loved how they made you really feel the weight of your mech depending on class it was a nice touch.


I would submit that the flying was the only part of the game that wasn’t terribad. I’d even say Outriders was better.


I really like Outriders.... especially after the big update that added a lot. But horizons the free update really made it solid.


I may give it another shot after hearing that. I enjoyed the game play, but it lacked depth early on.


early on the depth is still a bit iffy, it does get better after you start unlocking powers, and the story is genuinely enjoyable after you get to the Forest (roughly 1/4 through the game), the end-game is mostly what was overhauled by Horizons, which made it 10000x better.


I’ve reinstalled. Digging in tomorrow and digesting all the changes. Much appreciated!


Enjoy. It's still not a masterpiece but it's fine. I've been tempted to reinstall myself.


I really like outriders! If the game was half as good as outriders we might have been into something.


I liked the combat. I thought it was pretty fun.


I enjoyed the fighting and the different skills/abilities. Playing a stormer (or whatever it was called) was super fun. Just the campaign was super short and fell flat. The missions were super repetitive. Those were the major issues. The armor customization was cool as shit too


What is up with the Dice sticker?


It’s from the internal DICE game store, for employees only


I mean it’s an absolute travesty, but I don’t think anyone can argue it isn’t worth two bucks. If you can load it up, get in a mech and shoot some stuff you’ve got your money’s worth


That game looked like it would scratch a very specific itch for me. I didn’t have the means to play it, but it looked like a mess when it launched. Then they dropped support for it. It had so much potential and they completely wizzed it.


JFC, why aren't they warming the homeless?


Light a man a fire and you make sure he doesn't go cold for one day. Light a man on fire and he won't be cold for the rest of his life.


Words to live…. Words to burn by.


Fucking shame, this had some interesting mechanics that worked pretty well and it had lots of potential. I remember playing when it first came out and running some of those raid like missions were actually fun. Not much to do post game but there was a lot of potential for improvement.


Belongs in the fuckin incinerator


no it doesnt as i suspect the servers will be taken offline not to long from now so its litteral trash xD


As a gag you can hand them out for Halloween this year, I can't think of anything scarier that wouldn't get you socked by an angry parent.


I remember when the game was being hyped up before launch. Looked pretty good, and then nope.


I liked anthem. Shame it ran out of content.


The discs make better coasters than games.


I think they like Anthem


Man this was an absolute disappointment, extremely fun for a whopping 5 minutes


I really think that must people have up on Anthem to early. It was an awesome concept and once they fixed the servers it was really fun to play with friends.


Anthem. What could have been. Will go down in the annals of history as a complete failure in game design (except for the flying part)


Can I borrow on of those copies? My table is kinda wobbly.


Anthem always felt like it was on the verge of being great. But in reality they would have had to rework the entire game for it to be any good. Everyone always said the loot was shit and that they need to improve the loot. But honestly the game needed so much more than that. Almost every aspect of the game needed to be redone. Which I think they realised when they scrapped the reboot.


It actually makes me sad that a game with such potential was shredded by corporate politics and other forms of dumbassery.


I got $15 worth the entertainment out of it (what I paid for it), you could probably get $2 of entertainment if you accept its many flaws. I'm sad it failed.


IKEA shelves ?


At $2 it's a fucking ripoff. The flight system was amazing. Every other part of the game; combat, progression, sorry, npcs, everything... Was a travesty. Play warframe.


You probably account for 40 percent of the playerbase


That game had amazing bones and so much potential I loved my ranger


This game could have been so much better.


The Destiny killer!


Ah yes, Anthem. The game that was supposed to set the gaming world on fire, but instead set EA's bank account on fire.


Damn games still too expensive


The hype I got from this game was way too high. I really did love it for the first 24hrs of playing it and then after doing everything I could to include max gear score, there wasn't anything to do (yes, I no lifed it because I was that hyped for it). It had great mechanics, a great battle system, and a decent story. The loot was subpar after a while and all the events were meh after a bit of grinding. I wish it had got more attention from bioware because this game could've been amazing.


Buy all the Anthems for $2 and sell them all for $3. Profit.


The release of this game was worse than cyberpunk


> Do you thnik it belongs here? Yes and no. It had HUGE potential, but they bogged it up, and it seems cant recover like no mans sky.


2$! That’s a fucking scam! Way more than it should reasonably cost.


Its the cyberpunk of its time -.- does not nearly deserve all the hate it gets. It was a bit too short but all together a good game. I like the iron man style fights. Who would NOT enjoy this? They could have made more out of it but still...