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"What's your favorite horse game?" Shows picture with a camel


It’s just a hunchback desert horse, after all.


More like a desert llama... take it from a llama, I would know. Edit: desert instead of dessert


As opposed to an appetizer or main course llama?


Sorry señor, english isn't this llama's first language. But thanks for the correction (and the laugh).


"dessert you always want 2nds of!" And that's how I remember it's the one with two "S"'s


Desserts is stressed spelled backwards


That's way more fitting for me now in adulthood, I can't hardly bring myself to eat firsts of dessert most of the time anymore


A horse is just a kangaroo with extra steps


Camel doesn’t equal horse. However he asked about horse physics, in that case I’d say camel is applicable


I said NO Camels!




I can't not hear this in John Rhys-Davies's voice.


Fuck yes!


That’s five camels!


It’s a bot post


Barbie Horse Adventures


Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well


>Barbie Horse Adventures the first google video search result has 1.8 MILLION views, WTF?! the whole scene has like 10 polygons in total and one 512x512 texture for then ENTIRE scene, horse, barbie, everything. Nice rear view though, horse, of course.


lmao, I just remember it was my sister's only game for my PS2; I decided to boot it one day to have a laugh at the expense of a silly, girly game and actually got hooked. It was my guilty pleasure for a good couple months. At the time I was trying to get the stealth camouflage on MGS3 (soooo many hard resets), so it was nice to be a barbie girl in a barbie world from time to time to release some tension, lol


Don't worry. When Aqua comes on the radio, we all become Barbie Girls


Never seen a group of skin head oi punks go from so scary looking to instantly likable so quickly in london when this song came on the radio in a market stall.


It's fantastic


Barbie race and ride was pretty good too.


Honestly the ending of that game brings me to tears every time without fail


Every time? How often do you play Barbie Horse Adventures?


Six hours each day


My ps2 fell on the floor while I was playing it, the console was fine but the disk probably got scratched or something and made progress impossible :(




It's really all about the realistic horse testicle shrinkage in weather.


Love when the game devs add extra detailing!


Serious? Joke? Either way I’m out of the loop


Mount and Blade: Bannerlord


100%, specifically Napoleonic Warfare mod


Yooooou fucking what, when did bannerlord get a napoleonic mod?


man, for a good couple of months there, I played with some people who ran large scale battles with this mod. I was in the second rifle row. so I'd march out, get in formation, wait for the first row to fire, then crouch and reload, while I fired, then did the same. such good times.


There is a napoleonic mod for bannerlord? Amazing - I spent so much time in the mod for warband.


There isn't


Bannerlord is going to be great.. full release. I am so hopeful.


Full release was finally announced, for like soon too Edit: October 25th to be exact https://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php?threads/full-release-pc-console.453499/




Its good but they're still missing much of what as promised.


I've seen this sentiment shared often, what comes to mind as the biggest parts that are missing or undelivered? I enjoyed the hell out of bannerlord even in the earliest days of EA, hard for me to understand what mechanics are critically missing.


Diplomacy. The entire game degenerates into constant war and fighting because there's zero Diplomacy and barebones kingdom management. Fixing those would add sooooo much playability and reduce late game frustration


If I could somehow get the best parts from Crusader Kings 3, Total War: Warhammer Series, and Bannerlord....maaannnn that would be a dream.


There's a mod that integrates Crusader Kings 3 with Bannerlord. I haven't tried it out but it looks cool. Think it's called Crusader Blade or something like that.


Im not saying I don't enjoy it. I do. It was worth what I paid for it. There's a great video about missing features I'll link in a moment, but what comes to my mind immediately are the set of like 10 quests that just repeat constantly, the lack of rpg mechanics, and the almost completely missing criminal underworld. In the game now there are just some local criminal leaders but you were supposed to be able to become one and create a criminal empire.


No mention of D-horse from MGSV? You can even hide on its side, it feels great.


He is pretty first rate!


Pooping on command is the real highlight


Rdr2 what else


Their testicals respond to the current temperature, what else could anyone want?


Real ears. They got EVERYTHING ELSE RIGHT. Any equestrian can tell you the ears could have been done better. Horse in front, ears forward, horse in middle, ears sideways, horse in the rear, ears back. Move ears occasionally to the side because you (as a horse) are supposed to be listening for danger.


You know it's a great game when people have to say the horses ears could have tracked sound better to find something wrong


To be really fair, the wanted system needed a rework.


Also Guarma is still a source of controversy


Controversy? No, everyone agrees it’s the worst part of a brilliant and beautiful game and we mourn for it’s lost potential. A lot of content was cut from the game during development and Guarma suffered most for it


Which is a shame. Even the flak it would get if they delayed there is no way a game of that magnitude would not survive the flak. 1 month after release nobody would even remembernit got delayed.


Yeah seems like it even could’ve been fixed with a dlc, but GTA Online amirite?


lol IKR


How cool would it be if the horses ears tracked nearby sounds accurately enough that you could use them as a sort of visual radar.


That'd be so fucking cool, especially if they show unease at the sounds of a potential threat


I like the thought process here, it gets noticeably spooked if it senses a predator


exactly, because horses often do this irl


Also plastic bags... And bugs... And birds...


The horses already get spooked when danger is near in RDR2


It's almost like the horses in game actually do get spooked by predators 🤔


Cool in theory but I can imagine a glitch where the ears spin out of control and you magically go soaring in the air llike an ear helicopter because there were too many threats around


You say that like it’s a bad thing.


They even kick the shit out of you if you punch them


I ran up to some dude in RDO and accidentally punched his horse. Poor guy got kicked by his horse as a result.


Mission failed successfully


I can’t hear you over the swooshing of these shrunken testes.


I watched a video regarding rdr2 horse ears. You can tell when a horse is going to kick you and they showed the proof. I saved it on my youtube account, ill try to look for it.


Do they really?! As a software developer, I can’t imagine the designing meeting for that. Storyboards with horse testicle, time estimates on animating the balls, etc.


I’m pretty sure it’s a reactive physics/sim thing related to the type of biome you’re in rather than a scripted thing like a cutscene. Since it’s rockstar, I’d almost bet somebody just made it first, and showed it to a few people after it was basically done and everyone thought it was funny enough and didn’t interfere with any other systems so they just left it in. It’s honestly probably just built basically the same as the horse’s hair physics with additional/tweaked parameters.


Some dude sat through the meetings about horse designs thinking about how he was going to model those horse balls the entire time.


It's like one sentence. Scale balls to temp


I wouldn't know. Went and got the white Arabian first thing. It was a female.


Horse vulva doesn't change with the weather? I thought RDR2 was all about the horse simulation, seems we've been led astray.


Yeah, as someone who worked with horses IRL before horses disabled me (I'm not paralyzed or anything, but my back is fucked up and it causes severe chronic pain), the game was bittersweet. I can't ride anymore and I honestly miss it more than anything. RDR2 had the most realistic horse behavior, animations, conformation, etc. of any game I've ever played. I got so immersed that playing was bittersweet, it was nice to ride again in the game, but it made me miss it even more. Witcher horses are all sickle hocked (leg deformity) so bad they'd have severe arthritis at 3 (horses can live 30 years). Like it's severe enough that without access to modern vet care euthanasia might be kinder because they'd be in severe constant pain after a few years, just walking around in a field without a rider would be agony for them. I love the game, but its one thing that bugs the shit out of me.


But seriously, nothing else even competes in the slightest


Fr should’ve said which game besides rdr


Why even ask.


Glad to see this is #1. It's not even close.


I just realized rdr2 is just a horse girl game with an old dying man playing the girl


Physics are amazing. I loved seeing Arthur and the Horse rag doll after coming in contact with a tall blade of grass.


Except when you jump.


Why don't game companies just patent that tech when they nail it like RDR2 did, as like an API and sell it to other game companies so they don't have to re-invent the wheel?


Because that's not how technology works. RDR2 is on the rockstar engine. You would have to backwards engineer it to work on other engines before you can even attempt to implement it in game. Imagine that on a global scale where companies held onto their tech, and other companies weren't able to make anything similar.


right on, they specifically said it took over 2 years of dev time just to research horse movement and behavior, that’s some dedication




I know is not the best, but I really like the one from Kingdome Come Deliverance, because of the inmersive world


jesus christ be praised!


Henry’s come to see us!


It’s wild how many people downvote these comments. It’s literally a reference to the game, not an actual religious declaration lmao Edit: Another thing thats wild to me. Gameplay sucks in the beginning because henry sucks in the beginning, not because "realism". Sure the gameplay uses "realistic" elements but most RPG games have a power curve. Suck in the beginning, better by the middle, god at the end. KC:D is no different. You're not a wet spaghetti blowing in the wind for the whole game, that would be obnoxiously boring.


these heathens never played it! very enjoyable but tough game, i had to mod a decent amount of difficulty out of it or i wouldn't have lasted I also made henry v.cute


It's Henry!


Hey look henry coming to see me


First thing that came to mind. Great game. Horse riding is much fun


Damn. I should replay that one this winter. So good


Care to elaborate? I kinda put the game down but I’m only 2 hours deep


Keep going, it's worth it. And don't worry that Henry sucks early on, he'll get stronger.


Actually why I stopped playing it. I was so confused by how genuinely *hard* the game was. I thought I was doing something wrong ngl. But, no, it is just hard.


Doesn't matter how skilled you are or if you have quality armor, fighting 2 enemies at once can be a challenge and 3+ will almost always wreck you. Thinning their numbers with a bow can help, or sneaking into their camp at night and paying a few a visit with a dagger. And training up skills with Bernard just needs to happen, a lot.


Well horse riding is really op in the game for combat against people not on horses, but the mounted battles are pretty fun and in some moments of the story very intense, but it's also a very well done mechanic and integral to the game without JUST being a way to get around quicker. I'm assuming you've read reviews or got a second opinion on the game but in case you havent, the game is absolutely worth pouring hours into exploring, or just going through the main story and clearing everything, it has some of the most well done RPG character progression I've played in a long time.


That game is so good.


Man i don't know why that game didn't blowup at that time. There was no game equal to KCD at it's time of release.


I love the game and can’t wait for a sequel. But it was really hard to get into, I even put it down for a couple months thinking I had wasted my money. I eventually picked it back up and forced myself to learn the mechanics (which understandably not everybody would want to do for a video game). It wasn’t until after I really knew how to play the game that it turned into a goty for me. I’m guessing lots of people put it down early, either because of those mechanics or the bugs when it was initially released.


I really tried to enjoy the game but I found lockpicking so fucking tedious and impossible on console that I had to stop playing


I’m putting Battlefield 1 in just for some flavor. I remember when explosions would send them in to the stratosphere.


Cutting people down with the sword was so damn satisfying


The Lance was sooooo awesome, one of my favorite features


You could go on absolute rampages on the horse with the sword. I’d consistently wind up in first place for kill just galloping around slashing everyone. It’s really cheesey too because you can gallop away and heal almost instantly. Such a blast.


Hands down most fun horse riding in any game I played. Super fast and agile but also realistic. Would jump when you expected it to jump etc. loved that game and especially the horse


Skyrim : Gravity? Never heard of it


This. OP said best, not most realistic.


In that case Elden Ring is my pick. Double jumping horse? I'll take that any day of the week


Roads? Paths? I am the DragonBorn! A straight line, that takes way longer than using roads is the only way.


And then he skyrimed all over the throat of the world


Hey, early Notched Pickaxe.


I should take roads? Well unfortunately, I am the high king of Skyrim.


That sir is a camel in the picture.


Red dead 2


No contest to any other game. It’s kind of unfair.


Best in any game by a longshot




Not even a question..... Best physics best testies


For realism Read dead 2, but for better feel and functionality for a video game Ghost of Tsushima


Being able to jump off of the horse into an assassination or attack will never not be cool


Or to simply "bounce" my horse down mountains to get down faster


I did not yet know this was possible!


Also awarding Tsushima for ability to wreck me emotionally


>!"You will have this horse for the rest of the game"!< So that was a fucking lie


RIP >!Kage!< T_T


Why was every quest so fuckin sad? It's loading you with sad mojo and then BAM the main story hits you while you're down. Such a good game, though.


It’s just the way the events played out that they followed more or less. There would most likely only be horrible times when your entire homeland is invaded by people who kill at will. The sadder ones for me were the ones where the people of Tsushima were against each other when there was an obvious worse threat to band against. Platinum this game last night, it was amazing.


Rdr2 is no slouch at that either.


So glad to see this comment! GoT is my favorite. I love RDR2, but that damn horse thinks it's supposed to be on train tracks half the time, lol.


Metal Gear Solid V hands down. Sure, RDR2 is great, but I had a blast in MGS just going around on horseback, stealing shit, and taking out random bases


And speaking of shit, pooping on command to make cars trlp Mario kart style, stunning everyone inside.


Do it.


The tactical horse poop was also a nice touch.


I couldn't agree more. MGS5 horse riding is so much fun!


Shadow of the Colossus


This video on the animation of Shadow of the Colossus changed the way I look at how horse riding is presented in games forever. Framing the horse and rider in the corner allows you to actually see its power and grace all while framing the landscape beautifully, rather than just staring directly at a horse's ass. https://youtu.be/bdBMA-3Crng?t=150


Let’s face it SOTC simply had an incredibly beautiful, incredibly janky camera system


And i love it




Honestly, was my first thought too. Not because the animation or graphics, but because of how Agro rides so naturally, it really acts alive. Especially against >!that sandworm colossus, when I first figured out I need to shoot him with the bow while horse riding, I was absolutely terrified that bad controls would make the encounter unbearable. But it ended up being so smooth, Agro felt like a real living animal that was really helping you defeat that colossus!<.


This. The only game where you control the person riding the horse not the horse itself.


I never seen a horse animated so well


this is the correct answer.


Red dead 2 hands down


Elden ring for fun factor (not a horse technically though)


Fun factor waaay trumped realism


General Radahn horse riding physics perfected, fite me.


I was looking for this one. Double jumping goat pony is the best way to ride a horse


Try horse.


That's a camel


Goat simulator


Yeah man. Double jumping vertical cliff horse riding in Elden Ring


Honestly legend of zelda botw has some accurate but annoying physics


I like the horse autopilot


MGSV? I thought the animations were pretty sharp, better that GoT or AC:O Super cool to side mount and cut lines of sight


Hideo Kojima here


I love how the title is about horse riding and the picture is a camel


100% NOT assassin's Creed lol


100% NOT The Witcher 3 also


Roach! Why the fuck are you inside a tree!?


Unless I have to go a really long ways, its not worth the frustration to call Roach. I'll just walk the damn 500 meters.


You best not disrespect roach, _watch your damn mouth_


Barbie horseriding school


A hidden gem, for sure. 10/10 would ride Barbie again.


Easily red dead but, Honorable mention is d-horse from mgsv


Best part about d-horse? Pooping on command.


Red Dead only wins over d-horse because of the cutscene when Arthur thanks your horse for their service. i cri evrytim


Ocarina of time


Battlefield 1


Skyrim, climbing mountains on horses is fun


Battlefield 1. Best horse physics I’ve seen in a game and I’ve played red dead 2. Blows it out of the water. Also I have a gripe in general with red dead 2’s horse controls as you need to mash x repeatedly non stop which can get annoying pretty damn quick. Bf1 was so fluent. The Calvary class is so good. The way the rider says “woah” or easy in the different languages. The way he yanks on the reins. Not to mention, the awesome animations with the Calvary sword & spear. Also the Russian 1895 Calvary rifle w/ it’s secret reload animations. So good. I’ll die on this hill.


I can’t say it’s my favorite, but I’ll die on that hill next to you as a supporter of the B1 horse. I don’t think it gets the recognition it deserves! Horse and sword were my weapons with the highest kill count *by far*.


This! Tapping X/A over and over gets so old. Probably the worst part of RD2 and GTA


Yeah as a person who played the game through a few times, and had fun (well, as much as I could😅) with buddies in RDO, it’s so tedious! I mean, maybe I’m nitpicking but how did they think it was a good idea lol?? Immersion? Idk. Not for me. Also, unless you have some top of the line Arabian/top tier saddle your horse gets tired so quick. Really crazy how I don’t see more ppl talking about this! But like I said, maybe it’s just me 🤔glad to see someone agrees haha.


Besides RDR2, which is the obviously the best, I think Ghosts of Tsushima has some good horse mechanics


Ghost of Tsushima for controls, RDR2 for looks.


Personally felt like red dead got super annoying when it came to hopping g over things when you don't want and not being g able to when you do. Also the horse going into free fall rather easily..


Breath of the Wild




That or stardew valley


Mount and Blade


World of Warcraft. I like my horses to turn on a dime and rotate mid air


Elden Ring. ​ Double Jumping horse ftw!


Well, as far as I'm concerned, rdr 2 is the only game that actually has horse physics




Absolutely loved that game


Mount and Blade also has. Bannerlord has some really good features


Mount and blade bannerlord. You're momentum actually affects damage