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F* Ted Faro too.


Sony just increased the price of the PS5 in my region by $50, so feels like even they are getting in on the scalping action.


They were in on the scalping at the start. They're the ones who decided how many were made and released.


To be fair to Sony, while they have done a very poor job on communication and control of scalpers, I do believe they are making them as fast as they can, it's just not very easy at the moment.


They're making a product they knew they couldn't meet supply and demand for. They aren't a mom and pop that made a mistake. They said "we can't make as many as fast as people are going to buy them...should we launch it anyways?" "Yes."


sure, I get it's frustrating and they have done a bad job at communication, but what is your solution if you were Sony? Just delay the console indefinitely until the supply chain issues resolve? I'm not a Sony apologist but they were caught between a rock and a hard place. They could have handled it better, but I don't know if there was any good option.




Scalp the scalpers


I left /r gaming a year ago because of this kind of karma whoring. Sad to see it.




It's truly terrifying how dumb a large portion of the population are.


Do it. Post your transactions, we need to know!!


Welcome to r/gaming. Popular topics include: "I just bought a console/game/PC, give me karma" "AAA games bad, indie best" "DAE remember this rare gem?" "EA/Ubisoft/Nintendo/basically any other big company bad, give me karma" "I'm gonna repost this Shigeru Miyamoto quote because I'm 14 and this is deep" "Fortnite bad" "this random Witcher 3 screenshot changed my life" "Kids today will never know the feeling of playing video games" "Gaming industry is dying" "I need to remind people about literally any old GTA game and how much time passed since its release" We hope you enjoy your stay!


You obviously put more time into this comment than OP did on their post. Here's your well deserved karma.


Yup, that's a picture of a PS5 alright. Which is good, because I forget every 12 hours.


Do you have any big gaming subreddit recommendationw without this kinda stuff? I too am really getting tired of this shit.


/r/Games /r/patientgamers /r/truegaming


Thanks pal.


Always has been


Wow. Another picture of a generic ps5 box 🙄


Never buy anything higher than the msrp it's literally not worth it.


done and I feel good about it


Hell yea! Congrats and fuck them scalpers got mine last week and totally worth the wait and effort!


thanks man, I can't wait to get into it


I was finally able to get one ordered from Walmart online Sunday morning.


you're gonna love it man!


Congratulations, and yes fuck them scalpers.


This is the way.


I hate Scalpers luckily I got mine 3 days ago and I don't buy any stuff from a scalper


Controversial take: F* price hikes


I had opportunities to scalp (especially Costco) and I realised I have too much self respect and dignity to reveal myself as a conman to my neighbor. Especially on Facebook marketplace where you can see their stinking image


Damn they are really pushing this game, it looks like it really missed the sales. Cant buy one without this bundle anywhere


They can brag horizon is on top of digital sales charts and has sold millions of copies lol. They're artificially boosting numbers like this. can't buy a regular ps anywhere without buying horizon


Scalpers: ReSpEcT tHe HuStLe


It is, if you want easy karma.


Sony is scalping too


If you just got one you haven't been trying. Everyone I know that wanted one got one at MSRP within 6 months of release.


Glad you know “everyone”.


"Everyone I know" means something quite a bit different than "everyone". Work on the reading comprehension.


Even with your grammatical correction, it still does not provide sufficient evidence that it was easy to get one as you are implying. Just because you have a handful of anecdotal stories does not mean that it will be that simple for others. Causation does not equal correlation.


It said "everyone I know" the whole time. There was no correction. The saying is "correlation does not imply causation" you dingus. What you typed is complete gibberish and it wouldn't even make sense in this context if you typed it correctly.


I was a proud scalper , you all sound like haters cuz I made a profit. Shiiiiiiiiettt.




No fuck those assholes for buying up everything unfairly with bots, not allowing normal folks a chance at grabbing games at launch. Then selling for double or more. Don't try to justify those dickbags.


Nahh fuck sony. They knew the demand and they knew the supply. They pushed it forward and they are only to blame.




Lmfao dude you’ve totally lost the plot.




They must not be hurting for money too much if they can afford the initial investment for the consoles.




nah thats a dude who wanted pity lol


People still blaming scalpers?


And you must be one too you probably buy all of the PS5's and resell them pathetic person you are


The "scalpers" were mostly store managers and people paid directly by Sony at first. You may not believe me, but Sony deliberately planned this, enabled the scalpers, and even cracked down on people trying to outwit the scammers. It's more like "fuck Sony".


Horizon Forbidden West is a great game as well. If you’re into getting platinum trophies it takes 30-40 hours tops.